The Oren Cohen Podcast

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Today we're discussing how to avoid extra work when publishing content online.


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What is The Oren Cohen Podcast?

I'm just a dude who likes to talk about nerd stuff and entrepreneurship.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome back to the Oren Cohen podcast.

This is day 17 of my 30 day
challenge, where I'll be making

one podcast episode every day.

Today's episode is about maintainance.

And I want to talk to you about what
happens when you have a lot of content

that you need to distribute around.

So let's get right into it.

So if you've been listening to the other
episodes in the series, You know that in

2020, I started my YouTube channel and
soon after I started my podcast Geek Peek.

That podcast currently
has about 48 episodes.

But the funny thing is that all
of the episodes exist on YouTube.

But on my.

Podcast host.

I have about 28 episodes.

Which means that at some point
along the way, I did not manage to

distribute the episodes correctly.

And managed to get to a point.


I have now missed publishing
some of the episodes.

To actual podcast hosts, but all
of the episodes are on YouTube.

Now that's something that you
don't want to happen to you.

So here's what I learned from the
experience and how I'm going forward.

And again, this is just what I do.

You can draw inspiration from this and,
it won't necessarily work for you as well.

So, what I started doing is
actually using a Trello board.

Which means that now every time I
want to publish a new episode, It

has to go through these stages.

And some of the stages is
publishing to YouTube publishing to.

Podcast host.



Publishing subtitles.

Creating a thumbnail.

All of those are steps along the way.

It does mean that I have some
maintenance work to do now.

Where I will have to take
all of the missing episodes.

And publish them on the podcast.


And make sure that their description
is updated, that they have a link

at the bottom to subscribe and
also that their episode number is

also updated across the series.

But that's some backend work that.

Work is finite.

It will end after I finish it.

And for a long time,
I was procrastinating.

Sitting down and actually checking
what I have on my podcast host list

and what I have on my YouTube playlist.

And yesterday night, I actually did it.

And now I know.

Which ones are missing
on my podcast, host.

So that's already an improvement
because now I can actually go and move.

One by one and publish them.

Over there.

And I can always change The
order and the seasoning and like,

This is season one, season two.

I can always change that.

But what I wasn't able to
wrap my head around was this.

Unknown work.

But it's not really unknown because it's
only 47 episodes here and 28 episodes

here, but still my mind wouldn't let me
dive into it until I did it yesterday.

That's something that you should consider.

Avoid doing work that is not
part of a larger process.

Once you do work in a larger process.

It's always easier to manage.

Because you have the process
and you can trust the process.

And you don't move your Trello
ticket from one stage to the next,

unless you did what that says.

When you publish a
podcast on a weekly basis.

Or even bi-weekly or monthly, it's pretty
easy to go through all of these episodes.

And especially for me now that I'm working
on season three, I'm going to be able to

do all of the work before the episode,
even air, because my intention for

season three, Is to make sure that all
of the episodes are already scheduled

to publish on all of the platforms
whenever we want to publish an episode

before I even aired the season, which
means that I'll have all of the episodes

edited and ready to go, but won't
publish them until we aired the season.

So I think that's it for me today.

I just wanted to share a little
bit about how maintenance and doing

some backend work is so important
going forward because otherwise you

create that extra work for yourself.

That you could have prevented
if you were just working within

a frame and within a process.

So I hope that's helpful for you.

Thank you so much for
watching or listening.

Join my newsletter if you want to see
more in-depth content creation advice.

Comment below.

If you have any questions or feedback.

And thank you again so much for watching
and I'll see you in the next one.

Bye for now.