Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Thursday the 15th August 2024.

A letter has been delivered to the Prime Minister today, calling for him make support for unpaid carers one of the government’s top priorities.
Signed by more than 10 thousands people, the open letter was arranged by Carers UK and outlined the ways that the government can ensure that unpaid carers are recognised and supported over the course of the next five years.
This comes with a call for the government to make an early commitment to delivering a new, ambitious, and fully funded carers strategy, 16 years on from when the last Labour Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, support the last National Carers Strategy.

His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services has outlined that it has concerns around how the Metropolitan Police is investigating crime, as well as how it is managing offenders and suspects.
Coming as part of its PEEL report into the Metropolitan Police, the inspectorate has stated that the force has improved its public response, however this wasn’t enough to stop the inspectorate from grading the ‘Met’ as adequate in only one area. Two areas of the force’s policing were found to be inadequate, whilst a further five required improvement.
One of the main areas of concern for the inspectorate was the standard of investigations, as well as its care for victims of crime. This mainly comes down to offences that are being allocated to local teams, with the quality and supervision of investigations needing to be improved to ensure that victims get better outcomes.

A report from the Local Government Association has outlined how the Household Support Fund must be extended for at least a further six months to ensure that councils are able to continue supporting vulnerable residents.
The fund is set to expire at the end of September, and the call to extend it comes as more than four out of five councils that participated in an LGA survey are expecting the demand for welfare support to increase over the winter months.
In the survey, 94% of the councils that responded said that the fund should continue, with 60% stating that they would not be able to provide additional funding for welfare assistance if the fund was to end. Only 1% of respondents claimed that they would be able to match the funding that would be lost.

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