Effekt AP

McGuin offers Freeman and Harlesden a "favour" that feels more like a threat. The three friends try and lay the groundwork for dealing with the impact of the forthcoming revelation and the possibility that the whole town might turn against them,

We are sharing one of our playtests for Tales of the Old West, the game we are creating. As is the nature of the beast, the rules are ever changing and the current iteration (available exclusively to Stationary and Privileged Patrons) has a number of differences from what you hear in this episode. This session was recorded in November 2023.
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What is Effekt AP?

Dave and Matthew from Effekt share recordings of their home games. If you seek a polished improvised adventure, with professional actors, music and sound effects, look elsewhere. We seek to share the authentic experience, with rules discussions, asides and digressions just as they happened around the dining table. We also try to play RAW so you can learn with us as we try out new games.

Dave (GM):

But he he reaches over and says takes the badge off you and says, well, welcome. And he's pins it onto you. Welcome, sheriff Hawcock.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

And, you can see Rayburn has got kind of tears coming down his face. So he goes, Chisholm Chisholm. Every man that Chisholm's here I work with, I'm gonna kill them all.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Toby, is this, Chisholm's man must be, caught and brought to justice. And, obviously, mister Chisholm himself, there's any evidence that he was actually involved in instigating this action.

Marion Freeman:

Mister Picker was ready to pull his firearms while outnumbered around our campfire.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Marion Freeman:

4 to 1. He was ready to shoot all 4 of us down

Nathaniel Horcock:


Marion Freeman:

In a draw. So he's that confident.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. That lethal then fair enough.

Marion Freeman:

He's not gonna you know, there is no indication that he might cut our throats at night while we slept.

Marion Freeman:

I am the other co designer of Tales of the Old West, and my name is Matthew. I'm also playing in this actual play, Marion Freeman.

Nathaniel Horcock:

My name is Andrew. I play Nathaniel Hawcock.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I'm Tony. I'm playing Jimmy Harston.

Dave (GM):

And you wanna have galloping into that. So can I have an animal handling role, please, to avoid basically charging straight into the herd?

Jimmy Harlesden:

One success.

Marion Freeman:

Two successes.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Okay. You both quite expertly. Yeah. Pull your horses off.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I go, woah. Shoot straight.

Dave (GM):

And, you know, the so there you go. There are there are 5 or 6 men who are sitting on their horses, kinda waiting for you.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Do we recognize them? Any of them?

Dave (GM):

They are wearing like handkerchiefs over their over their mouths. But make a make a make a hawk. I roll. The one at the front who you kind of, like, takes a couple of steps towards is you're, like, reining your horse in.

Marion Freeman:

No. No. I I did roll 2 successes.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. But, I mean, it's it's quite it's it's it's impressive for

Marion Freeman:

Impressive. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

You can tell that's Stono McGinn. And, he says, he pulls this thing down and he says,

Marion Freeman:

there's a crime Apologies. Of horse theft in this land. Punishable by death.

Dave (GM):

Apologies for the theatrics, gentlemen, but I knew you wouldn't have responded to an invite. I'm not stealing your horses. They're here.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I'd say you wouldn't respond to an invite?

Dave (GM):

Well, you don't like me, do you?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Just maybe I like you just being good.

Dave (GM):

Look. Your herd is unarmed. They are entirely yours. I just wanted to gain your attention and have a quiet opportunity for a conversation.

Nathaniel Horcock:

This isn't like I'm planning into it. Stop. I can't

Dave (GM):

hear you. Yeah. Make you out of mind me, Rob.

Nathaniel Horcock:

This is where I roll 9 ones, isn't it? Give me a fucking Yeah. I've got a couple

Marion Freeman:

of 6.

Dave (GM):

You got

Nathaniel Horcock:

2 6 again. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Okay. You yeah. I think the dust is really settled. You come over the top, and you can see what's happening, and you're able to pull up pretty

Nathaniel Horcock:

quickly. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Not unimpressively. Mhmm. I need to see

Jimmy Harlesden:

that Sherif, thanks for joining us. You wear our Sherif's badge.

Dave (GM):

I wear

Nathaniel Horcock:

that Sherif's badge. Put it grabbed

Dave (GM):

it. Is it I think make it make it insight role, Andy. If you succeed, you can choose whether you're wearing it or not. If not, you're not wearing it because you've just grabbed your

Nathaniel Horcock:

Coramid clothes. Yes. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

You don't have to be wearing it, but if you've made the in the inside roll, then you can choose whether you're wearing it or not.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So 5 what's it? What what do you call these dice? 5 Trouble. Trouble dice and one normal dice. Right.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. Oh, it's a 6. 2 sixes.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So are you wearing it? Does it tie up to you whether you're wearing the sheriff's badge or not?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, it must be would have been on my coat when I when I grab the coat.

Dave (GM):

It's up to you.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. No. No. I mean, it must be pinned on my jacket, so it's I haven't taken it off. So yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I would be wearing it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not gonna stop girl. I'm gonna wear this now.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Yeah. So you can see that, you know, McGinnis here with he's got 5 men with him.

Marion Freeman:

Welcome, sheriff. These these people are assure me they're not horse thieves.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Millie politicians, apparently.

Dave (GM):

McGinn says, look. I've I've I've I've tried to be your friend,

Nathaniel Horcock:

but you Really?

Dave (GM):

You keep rejecting my my open hand.

Marion Freeman:

Because because your open hand is an open handed slap.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

See? I come here to be reasonable, and you you you know

Jimmy Harlesden:

The diesel van doesn't mess up another man's head to get his attention. He comes and speaks courteous like at their house.

Marion Freeman:

But then, mister mister McGinn, I have spoken courteous to you, your wife, and your daughter.

Dave (GM):

Oh, I suppose.

Marion Freeman:

You have given me short strips. So don't you talk about me being friendly. I

Dave (GM):

have reached out the hand of friendship.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Many occasions.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I've seen your hand of friendship.

Marion Freeman:

Name me one time that you've reached out hand of

Dave (GM):

You gentlemen might wanna hear what I was gonna say before you start

Nathaniel Horcock:

Go on then speak. Go on. Accusation Go

Dave (GM):

on, Vincent.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Speak. Go on then.

Dave (GM):

In the direction of a man. He

Jimmy Harlesden:

was a man who's just waking us up by disturbing our herd.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's not

Jimmy Harlesden:

that's not the actions of of a man with good intentions.

Dave (GM):

To try and make your lives a little bit easier.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Speak then. Go on then.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. Let's get get to the point, mister. Because we're you have our attention. We're listening.

Dave (GM):

Do you recognize, you know, I'm I'm not a powerless man. I'm not a foolish man. I have my own sources of information. And I know that you are Chisholm's men. Paid up, paid good.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That'd be these 2. What made you?

Marion Freeman:

Got you there. Murder. Well, he's

Nathaniel Horcock:

right. He's

Dave (GM):

right there. Yeah. Well, I am right. And, just on them. Ain't quite so popular in town right now.

Nathaniel Horcock:

We I know. I know.

Marion Freeman:

You got us out of banter. Yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. This is information I'm aware of.

Dave (GM):

It would be a pity if if the town all found out that you boys are being, you're on Chisholm's payroll and you do what Chisholm says and, because Chisholm, you know, ain't so ain't so popular. You're friends of mister Picker. The man who

Nathaniel Horcock:

says h Christ.

Dave (GM):

Murdered all these people who are high and important people in town. Everyone's very upset about their deaths.

Marion Freeman:

It should be the same mister Chisholm. You tried to blackmail with $1,000 of It's

Dave (GM):

a drive,

Jimmy Harlesden:

I think, on the blackmail.

Marion Freeman:

You tried. Sorry. I think it's Yeah. Yeah. Is that This is the same, mister Cherry.

Marion Freeman:

Rather than background noise. You tried to grab with $1,000 of stolen money?

Dave (GM):

That money wasn't stolen. I earned all that money with the the sweat off off my back. And then you get

Jimmy Harlesden:

get money by selling

Marion Freeman:

Mister Chisholm's

Jimmy Harlesden:

capital. Mister Chisholm's capital that

Nathaniel Horcock:

It was stolen. Knows.

Dave (GM):

Was that?

Nathaniel Horcock:

It was a big so it was stolen. Yes.

Marion Freeman:

I think.

Nathaniel Horcock:

If you come here and start trying to blackmail, I think you should make sure that you're

Dave (GM):

If everyone hates me, I think you're both you're too funny. You can say what you like because I

Marion Freeman:

hates me. So

Dave (GM):

Yeah. But everyone hates me more than they hate you. I'm I am hated. And that is fine. I'm happy with that.

Dave (GM):

I'm comfortable with that.

Marion Freeman:

The, so how much time are they gonna spend? You're spreading rumors about somebody people know or person they hate. You're spreading rumors about people know about people who people know he does not like. It's very easy

Dave (GM):

to spread rumors. Not for you, clearly. Yeah. Like, I've got a I'm not here to have an argument with you, gentlemen. I'm here to here to here to here to make a make a make a deal that will be, you know, keep everyone happy.

Nathaniel Horcock:

What is the deal then before I lose my temper?

Dave (GM):

Well, all I need is your quiet word and mister Crosby's ear and, to see my range extended to Coyote's gap. And, I'll even happily take the shit land on the west side of the river as well. But if you talked across me today and send them to me to confirm the, acceptance of my applications, I'll,

Jimmy Harlesden:

give them a call. Overestimating our influence, mister Chris mister Chisholm, mister Crosby.

Dave (GM):

Well, I know that Chisholm has sent you know, told you guys to you're the man here who's gonna look after Crosby and do everything he wants, but that's difficult for you now being that might out you as chosen men.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'll tell you what, you were as you can see, what you must have heard from Trevor, mister Rayburn has been kind to offer him in the office That's. He was also grant

Dave (GM):

see that that his eyes, like, narrow a little bit with that. And he said, well,

Nathaniel Horcock:

congratulations for your

Dave (GM):

current post.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Thank you. Thank you. But he's also granted me to appoint deputies for help if I so needed.

Dave (GM):

Me speak. I'm still on your land and that your horse is a

Nathaniel Horcock:

Let me fuck. Oh, Jesus Christ. Let me speak. I don't we've heard you speak. Let me speak.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You give me a power to my death, but I'm so therefore, I'm gonna be a good neighbor and allow you and your 5 fellows, who's your 4? Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Him and 5. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

To leave, and therefore, I will not appoint these to a deputies, and I will not take you in his horse rustlers.

Dave (GM):

Well, we're not horse rustlers.

Nathaniel Horcock:

My word against yours. You got that fucking horse rustlers to me.

Dave (GM):

They're worried of, guys who've been sheriff for less than a day. I

Marion Freeman:

mean, so horse lift is a crown where we don't need to take you in. We could hang you right here while they're a tree high enough.

Dave (GM):

Wow. There's yours. There's 3 of you, and I've come here in peace.

Marion Freeman:


Nathaniel Horcock:

Doesn't go well with me.

Marion Freeman:

Agents in the in front of an officer of the law, well, that ain't a crime that's punishable by death, but that is a crime. And this sheriff here has witnessed it.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. No one's gonna believe a word you say. I sure know the ghost mind. Everyone hates me anyway. Doesn't matter.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, you make my heart bleed.

Marion Freeman:

So they're gonna believe you.

Dave (GM):

So you are you saying that that my my my reasonable and generous offer is being rebutted.

Marion Freeman:

Resoundly rejected,

Nathaniel Horcock:

young man. As Wellington told the courtesan, be published and be done. Publish and be

Dave (GM):

done. That's a real pity because, you gentlemen have opportunity of a bright and prosperous future in this town, but clearly, you you don't want that and you rejected it. Come on, boys. Let's No.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I can't say come on there. I can ask him to say stop. They're right really close.

Dave (GM):

Make a performing role to stop him because he's now turn you told him to,

Marion Freeman:

you know,

Nathaniel Horcock:

do a pitch

Marion Freeman:

role or a brick role.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I'm making performance.

Marion Freeman:

Presents, I mean. Sorry.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I don't wanna be a Yeah.

Dave (GM):

You can do press presence or performing. It's either actually, yeah. No. It should be present.

Marion Freeman:

Should be present.

Dave (GM):

Exactly. This is this is using the power of your personality to stop him.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Follows our girl there. Before

Dave (GM):

Now this should be present.

Marion Freeman:

I would I should correct.

Dave (GM):

You are right. Couldn't I correct?

Marion Freeman:

Maybe if you get Okay. Because you're really good at performing. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's what I am here.

Dave (GM):

So I do love it in these games where all of us players make sure that our fellow players get as many good as possible

Nathaniel Horcock:

here. 4 dice.

Marion Freeman:

4 dice. Shit.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I've got 7 performing, so I've got 6 anyway.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Well, this is gonna be an opposed test.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So resilience, I think.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

So he got success as well. So he's not stopping stopping.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Stopping. Yeah. But he's

Dave (GM):

if you wanted to ride up next to him, you can probably say something as he's

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

As he's riding off.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. I would say, one day, me and you are gonna have a real personal fucking argument, Wanda.

Dave (GM):

So this this is this is the the law of threatening an innocent member of You're

Nathaniel Horcock:

an innocent? No. Let's turn a horse and leave this time of back then.

Dave (GM):

Says that. I look forward to that day, sheriff. May it may it be soon.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Soon. Yeah. I just like to stop ahead in agreement.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. I think they ride off. They've done nothing bad to your horses other than hurt them away to cause cause a cause a rocket. Scooch my horses. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

And they ride off into the early dawn light towards their own towards their own range.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

At pace. They run. They get away with the Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. Before they've done it, so they've done it.

Marion Freeman:

Nothing for we're gonna have to play guitar and violin to suit these horses.

Nathaniel Horcock:

We are. I think we should do that. I'm not sure.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I'm not sure that would help.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Luckily, your horses can't cut their own throats. Yeah. They kinda, like, just ride off a

Jimmy Harlesden:

cliff somewhere.

Dave (GM):

The rear band isn't that far away. You know, they'll just chuck themselves in.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, dear.

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

So the meeting for the Grandland branches in the afternoon, isn't it?

Dave (GM):

12 o'clock.

Nathaniel Horcock:

12 o'clock.

Dave (GM):

At sundown Saline.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So if I wanted to go to, Rayburn and what's the best in families? Oh. Pequito. Pequito. And try and use my performance.

Nathaniel Horcock:

She's asked them to keep it to be calm. You know, so there's no outburst to tempos in there.

Dave (GM):

To be calm when they find out that you're all Chisholm's men. He's not Chisholm's.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm not Chisholm's man. Fucking hell.

Dave (GM):

Really clear

Marion Freeman:

here. The letter is addressed to us. He wasn't there.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. He

Marion Freeman:

really isn't Chisholm's man.

Dave (GM):

Oh, you can write in to tell before the meeting of calls. Yeah. Yeah. What what are the what are you doing, Tony, Matt?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Should we get to tell Katie and Rayburn about our associates before McGinn does? And say, look, obviously,

Dave (GM):

you know

Marion Freeman:

Well, we gotta get these horses back. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

I'm not gonna make

Jimmy Harlesden:

a make a

Dave (GM):

roll for that. Yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

But should we just fess up now and say, like, obviously, we

Dave (GM):

although we find it hard

Jimmy Harlesden:

to believe that Chisholm is behind this, but if it turns out they are, obviously, we'll end our association with him. We want no part of such things.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Are you gonna do this before or after I ask them to keep it keep it calm at the lands grounds meeting?

Marion Freeman:

Well, I

Jimmy Harlesden:

guess, well, let's

Marion Freeman:

keep it calm at the lands grounds meeting.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Would that be a performance role or a presence role?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Would that be

Marion Freeman:

a performance role? Because you're talking.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Because it's gonna come out. Yeah. It's probably better if we just fess up at at at the start about it. So, obviously, you know, we

Marion Freeman:

the sheriff did say that we had Tim say that he wanted to kill everybody associated with Chisholm, So we just sort of, you know, make them aware that we're associated with Chisholm.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Well, we've actually done nothing wrong. Yeah. We've been a legitimate arrangement. Argue that

Dave (GM):

knowing full well that Cody Picker killed Eugene Raeburn, you might have

Jimmy Harlesden:

not Yeah. What's the recipe say that?

Dave (GM):

Not hidden that. In fact, I I'm not sure you've entirely done nothing wrong.

Marion Freeman:

No. We we've done

Nathaniel Horcock:

their eyes.

Dave (GM):

We've looked at it from their point.

Marion Freeman:

By omission of truth. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

But by knowing full well that Pickett murdered these men, even if it wasn't self defense in your opinion,

Marion Freeman:

therefore not murder, killed.

Nathaniel Horcock:

It's not what looks like I'll be resigning the best.

Marion Freeman:

But we may we may not tell him that bit.

Jimmy Harlesden:

No. I think we probably don't

Marion Freeman:

tell him that bit. No.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Because I'm not sure what's happening.

Marion Freeman:

And also, we will just remind him that this is a felon.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Mhmm. He's lying.

Marion Freeman:

I hope it's a felon, and I will well, let's play it out.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Anyway, I'll get I'll go to,

Dave (GM):

So all 3 of you riding into town as soon as you got the herd back?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, should I be there? So You

Marion Freeman:

live a bit over.

Dave (GM):

I mean, this

Nathaniel Horcock:

is not big.

Dave (GM):

You can all go together because you you're going back anyway. You can just ride the bike and the back. I'm not gonna make you make rolls for that.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, I'm just thinking of the fact is I go into the family and then the yeah. And then a few minutes later they walk and say, we're actually with Chisholm's. Maybe we wouldn't

Marion Freeman:

And make sure the man and actually Be calm.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Be calm. When my friends

Dave (GM):

tell you

Nathaniel Horcock:

the day of the associates of

Dave (GM):

the many of your jobs. Yeah. So okay. What are you doing?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm I'm just going this to say, I know it's going I'm gonna know. I know the land grants meeting is coming up. I know it's all I'm asking. I'm gonna say to both Rayburn and Allan. Just keep I'm just asking you to calm me.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You asked me to be sheriff and therefore I am therefore asking you to keep it calm. You want me to try and keep this town peaceful. I'm therefore asking for you to, respect that. To remain calm. To remain calm.

Dave (GM):

Despite provocation.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Despite provocation. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Whatever that provocation might be.

Nathaniel Horcock:

It might be. And also, I will point out as well, you gotta remember the proof is coming from a woman who's actually I wouldn't call her reliable witness.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. You can do that. So make make a role for each of them.

Dave (GM):

Well, you make a role for the ketays.

Nathaniel Horcock:

We got bonuses to get off the roof.

Dave (GM):

Not in this second. No? That they are they have their their their temper is up. Oh, for fuck's

Nathaniel Horcock:

sake. Mate, I hate my dice. I'm gonna burn them front of the fire. Like, go in the fire.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Is that

Dave (GM):

is that a fail?

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's a failure.

Dave (GM):

Are you gonna push?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I can't push that one, can I? It's a fail.

Dave (GM):

No. No. You get one.

Marion Freeman:

Mhmm. What do you mean?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I've got one there.

Dave (GM):

No. You can't push it.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. You can't reroll that dice

Dave (GM):

there unless you buy off of the point of faith.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That would push me down to no faith points left then. You gotta have

Marion Freeman:

this conversation 3 times. At

Dave (GM):

least once more. Are you pushing it?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm pushing it. Yeah. Are you

Dave (GM):

burning it off?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. I got 2.

Dave (GM):

It takes it down to 0 face.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So I can't do anymore. Come on. Be kind. Yes. I've got yeah.

Dave (GM):

Anyone's on on trouble?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. None on trouble.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So

Nathaniel Horcock:

got 2 successes there, actually.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Okay. So you can see that Paquito is is a very thoughtful woman

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

And she is calculating stuff.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. The head. It has been sinister. She had to use

Dave (GM):

and, yeah, you you made a strong case and you think, you know, you're pretty pretty convinced that with your persuasion, she's calculated that kicking off Yeah. Isn't helping their cause particularly. Okay. And she agrees. Yes.

Dave (GM):

You're absolutely right. For the good of the town, those of us who set the example for other people in the town need to

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Remain calm and reasonable and peaceful as far as we're able.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. This is where it goes. And then, Gregor. Yes. It goes horribly wrong here.

Dave (GM):

So you have no faith left?

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

So that means that any trouble dice you roll cause trouble. Joy. Even on the first roll? Even on the first roll. You obviously can't push

Nathaniel Horcock:

because you got no face. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

But any trouble that come up.

Nathaniel Horcock:

This is James Bonden, isn't it? It's about revenge.

Dave (GM):

This is exactly 24 hours since you saw him to be awarded the job as

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. I'm gonna quit.

Dave (GM):

Well, he might be fired.

Nathaniel Horcock:

He might be fired. Give me 6. Be kind. You son of a bitch.

Dave (GM):

Any ones on trouble dice?

Nathaniel Horcock:

2. 2.

Dave (GM):

2 ones on trouble

Jimmy Harlesden:

dice. Okay. So this composition is going well

Nathaniel Horcock:

then. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Right. So roll That

Nathaniel Horcock:

would be 5. Oh, that makes things easy.

Dave (GM):

Roll a d 6 to see what your trouble is.

Marion Freeman:

And don't get a 6.

Dave (GM):

6 makes it much worse.

Nathaniel Horcock:

3. 3.

Dave (GM):

K. Either directly or through the grapevine, people get to know if you're bad showing. Your reputation moves one point in a negative direction. Oh. So so we'll bear that in mind for the end of the scenario.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

I'll get you out of that.

Dave (GM):

Rayburn yeah. Rayburn doesn't take kindly to to what he said. He's still in a sense

Jimmy Harlesden:

and in

Dave (GM):

in in a set in a in a place where he's not thinking clearly.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Okay.

Dave (GM):

But you've kind of fluffed your words.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. I know.

Dave (GM):

You've said it really badly. Yeah. And he's, you know, and he's, get out of my house. Go and do your job. You've been sheriff for a day.

Dave (GM):

Go and be the sheriff. Leave me to make my own decisions about what I do with

Nathaniel Horcock:

with No. Yeah. I feel that.

Dave (GM):

To those who might have killed my son. Get out. We will leave it till later.

Marion Freeman:

I don't know we're gonna go in. Maybe not quite quite straight off either.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. That's the advice that I say. Don't go in straight off.

Marion Freeman:

It's gotta be Raven first anyway.

Dave (GM):

Is it?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Probably Raven. Even more so than the Pequito's, I think.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Maybe a couple of hours at night.

Marion Freeman:

Because Raven Raven was the one where he heard him say I want to kill everybody associated

Nathaniel Horcock:

with the chase.

Marion Freeman:

So I think we go in and we say.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. Like, because, you know, obviously, we respect the friend of the union family and

Dave (GM):

k. So you're knocking on the door, Ravey. Yes. How long after he's come out? It's like Oh, believe it.

Marion Freeman:

Couple of minutes. Yeah. Is

Dave (GM):

that is that cute? Okay. And if you're in the in the square, everyone around can hear Rayburn shouting at Really? Which is why your reputation is good. Drop.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. I don't care.

Marion Freeman:

How's your performing? My performing is a massive four. What's your performing?

Jimmy Harlesden:

It's an equally massive 4.

Dave (GM):

But she's quick. Come out with your tail between your legs a little bit unless you wanted to argue with him. No. It's entirely up to you. Obviously, as a player, you can do what you like.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm not gonna do that. And, actually, I'm gonna be obsessed when I go to a bar. I'm gonna have a coffee.

Dave (GM):

With lots of whiskey in it?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. He

Marion Freeman:

needs his wits about him.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay.

Marion Freeman:

So I go humble, hack in hand when I open it. When when

Dave (GM):

as they do like like Yeah. Turning around on the rim

Jimmy Harlesden:

and staring.

Dave (GM):

Kind of nervous.

Marion Freeman:

And we we can do this actually one of us rolls and rolls a 5.

Dave (GM):

You can't you can't you can 1 of you can roll and one

Marion Freeman:

can resist.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So you

Dave (GM):

knock on the door and, Nola answers the door, missus Rayburn.

Marion Freeman:

Miss Rayburn?

Dave (GM):

And she says, oh, good good good morning. Good morning, boys. If you're here, mister Garland, he's he's in a foul mood. You you might have just heard. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

We did.

Jimmy Harlesden:

We heard. We did.

Marion Freeman:

And you know you know the sheriff lives with us, so he's told us the whole the whole thing that happened. We're terribly sorry, but I think we we have to come and we we have to speak to mister Aban because he needs to know, what we know about the matter.

Dave (GM):

Do you need to speak to him now, or you might be better to give him half an hour to cool down? I I I honesty Half probably fine.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So what how long is it till the public meeting?

Dave (GM):

Oh, you got a couple of hours?

Jimmy Harlesden:

I mean, half an hour is probably fine.

Dave (GM):

Well, I say half an hour, you know, I mean, a week. Yeah. You know,

Marion Freeman:

but it it's a thing that he needs to hear from us.

Jimmy Harlesden:

It may not be in a used conversation, but it is one we we have to have.

Dave (GM):

He's he's very he's very upset about the news.

Marion Freeman:

You know, it was us that discovered the body of your son and

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. I'm very grateful for for your services to us,

Marion Freeman:

over over Paul Eugene. We haven't told him everything that's going on in Albuquerque, and I think he needs to know.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Who are you talking to?

Dave (GM):

K. She she looks slightly I don't know. I can make a performing role

Jimmy Harlesden:

for that, but you

Dave (GM):

can get a point of help from time. Yeah?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Oh, dear.

Dave (GM):

Okay. She she twigs on you saying we didn't tell you everything before. And she's like, well, I'm not sure that's the

Jimmy Harlesden:

best thing to do.

Nathaniel Horcock:

She's like,

Dave (GM):

you've you've been holding things back from us?

Marion Freeman:

Well, I'm really You know how it was that, mister McGinn sent a bribe to mister Chisholm in hope that he would, be looked on favorably.

Dave (GM):

So so you told us. Yes. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Well, had had mister McGinn's bribe work then there's every chance that mister Chisholm would have made him an agent of interest, down here in this town. And one of the conditions of not accepting mister McGinn's bribe was that we had to hold that position for mister Chisholm. Now, mister Hawker, he told us that mister Chisholm, mister Rayburn wants to kill everybody associated with that man in Albuquerque and and we were associated.

Jimmy Harlesden:

And then we felt we should

Marion Freeman:

I don't want him to find out from any from anyone else except Perfect.

Jimmy Harlesden:

We're afraid to let you know before you hear from somewhere else.

Dave (GM):

And they before me. She's looking quite shocked and betrayed.

Marion Freeman:

5. 3 fives. Would you wanna push it? Oh, I could. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Probably should. I've got no ones. How much faith have you got? I've got 3 faith, sir. That's worth a push.

Marion Freeman:

One success, one trouble. Okay. Roll no trouble.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Just wanna bite off.

Dave (GM):

Or I let you wanna bite

Jimmy Harlesden:

off. I'll be

Marion Freeman:

down to 2. I'll be down to 1. I'll bite that one off, I reckon. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So she also got one success, and she kind of like looks a bit mournful and and sad and says, oh, boys. Why did it why why was it you that you just closes the door?

Marion Freeman:

On on us, as

Dave (GM):

you are. Leaving you outside.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. No. No. I think I I speak loudly enough through the door. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

You're right. Perhaps it's better that you tell him in the right way at the right time.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, yeah. Hawcott wasn't isn't chooses man. Oh, well.

Marion Freeman:

I should have said, you and I, and she may she may think it. I see. But never mind. Anyway, what's done is done. That's when the bell is well, we could expect it to go.

Marion Freeman:

But we could've expected to get a few more down.

Dave (GM):

I was

Jimmy Harlesden:

only we would get

Dave (GM):

a little better than that,

Jimmy Harlesden:

to be honest. Alright. Okay. So but again,

Dave (GM):

this is Are you standing on the suit for any length of time?

Marion Freeman:

Or No. No. No. No. Okay.

Marion Freeman:

But we're we're looking, assuming, I'm I'm assuming that she's looking out the window at us somewhere and designed some deck curtains, and I I am most definitely not walking away cocky going, job done. And I am still happy as I walk out.

Dave (GM):

And when

Marion Freeman:

I get past their picket face, then maybe I will sheepishly put my hat.

Dave (GM):

Right. Okay.

Marion Freeman:

There's so much to do then.

Dave (GM):

Are you going to go and tell a Pekito?

Marion Freeman:

Yep. Maybe you do this as well.

Dave (GM):

Well, since I got 4 faith, I probably should. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

I don't know.

Dave (GM):

I think

Nathaniel Horcock:

you could one fight over there, boss.

Dave (GM):

Were you doing? Did you were you observing them? Do you then you've seen the fact that

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, I've gone and see it from the hospital. Yeah. The yeah. The coffee and hand watching us.

Dave (GM):

Oh, yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So you're

Dave (GM):

on the trails.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. But not the trail. The other one. What's the other bar we used to drink in? Blessings.

Nathaniel Horcock:

The best blessings. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. And you can be the blessing. You can still see that. It's not so close.

Nathaniel Horcock:

It's not so close.

Dave (GM):

Close enough. Close enough to see from a distance. You're probably 50 50 meters away.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. And if if I see him, he's the way he's acting, I think, oh.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. You can see the work in that end.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. On the doors. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

What's what's slamming in the face, but gently closing their face.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I think I turned to the old one, the bomb said, well, let's start. I won't be keeping this much longer.

Dave (GM):

So the blessings are there. They're like, so, oh, mister Hawker, what's what's the problem? What's going on? What's happening? Things are things are bad in town

Nathaniel Horcock:

at the minute. Well, very bad. Yes. Yeah. I'm afraid.

Marion Freeman:

This far, I mean, the whole town sewn up.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm afraid it's politics, boy. I it's, I'm afraid.

Jimmy Harlesden:

You can

Dave (GM):

call him boy. No.

Nathaniel Horcock:

It was gonna be boss, but not all of it.

Dave (GM):

Luckily, the Blessings are great guys. Yeah. They are. No

Nathaniel Horcock:

one's no

Dave (GM):

one's seen a bad bone in either of their bodies. I mean, they might be hidden the secrets in there somewhere, but

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I've always put

Jimmy Harlesden:

Everyone loves

Dave (GM):

them in this town. Well, but mostly everyone.

Nathaniel Horcock:

All about land, I'm afraid.

Jimmy Harlesden:


Dave (GM):

Okay. You see guys going up to? Yep. And you're knocking on the door?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yep. Okay.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

say this a bit differently.

Nathaniel Horcock:

What? Kicked the door down?

Marion Freeman:

One of the

Jimmy Harlesden:

one of the hands Yeah. That's what I'd say. We didn't change everything. 1 of one of the hands is is is is

Marion Freeman:

also say that we were approached by, McGinn to support his claim on Kyoto.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That will be similar because she does think she hates McGinn, so he mentioned McGinn's. Yeah. Not that I I tried I

Marion Freeman:

tried I tried to get McGinn's involved in the other conversation, but

Dave (GM):

that didn't work.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. Now

Dave (GM):

I think I think your error was saying we didn't tell you everything

Nathaniel Horcock:

at that point.

Dave (GM):

That was the the

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yes. The

Dave (GM):

key moment that sound of things.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. A bit of mitigating. I must admit to the fact she thinks Wiggins are out. Let me ask. I've mentioned

Jimmy Harlesden:

The begins

Nathaniel Horcock:

are? Out for the key. It does. Yeah. He doesn't love them at

Dave (GM):

all. Anyway, yeah. So one of the servants opens the door and says, hey. Good good morning.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Morning. I would like to have a word with Augustine, if you may. We appreciate this is a difficult time, but it's a very important murder that we need to discuss.

Dave (GM):

Make it for me wrong.

Jimmy Harlesden:

You can

Dave (GM):

add plus 1 dice for Matthew's help. Yep. Yeah. 2 successes. Bloody hell.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yeah. They they seem convinced, and they say, yeah, please come in and and wait here in the lobby, and I'll I'll go and see if she's, she's available, she's free. And he totters off into one of the back rooms. You've probably been in this house before, so you're probably aware of the layout.

Dave (GM):

And, yeah, a few literally 30 seconds later, it comes like, just please, gentlemen, come. I'm sure, you know, miss Paquito is is is delighted to to welcome you. They take you through to this, like, the back room. It's got a nice fire going. It's, you know, very nicely laid out.

Dave (GM):

Now, she's there with, with her son Roberto and her grandson Pancho. A couple of other people like servants and that. And she says, ah, mister Hart Halston, mister Freeman, please come come come in. Share share some get some coffee with me.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Thank you. That's most

Dave (GM):

And there's coffee for people.

Jimmy Harlesden:

What's a

Dave (GM):

what can I So there is a What

Jimmy Harlesden:

can I do? No matter we need to tell you about? We feel we need to be honest with you as

Marion Freeman:

a as friends Neighbors?

Jimmy Harlesden:

The neighbors. Robin, that's obviously about the rumors that mister Chisholm's men were responsible for the murder of your son. You can see

Dave (GM):

she her her friendly bizarre fades into a steely look of ice when you're talking about that. But she's trying not to she's trying to remain courteous and friendly. But and

Jimmy Harlesden:

I'm sure this is terrible news, but we just felt we need to let you know before, before you hear from anyone else that we You're very good. No.

Marion Freeman:

You got a man in the car.

Dave (GM):

Still in the car.

Jimmy Harlesden:

We have

Marion Freeman:

This is the last We

Nathaniel Horcock:

have been

Jimmy Harlesden:

working with mister Chisholm, as his agents in the area from

Dave (GM):

the land grounds. Obviously, you've been working with Chisholm? Yes. And, obviously, if you are Chisholm's men.

Jimmy Harlesden:

We are nobody's men. We are our own men.

Dave (GM):

We You you are you well, you're paid by Chisholm.

Jimmy Harlesden:

We are paid retained by miss Chisholm.

Dave (GM):

And Paul Cock, the sheriff?

Jimmy Harlesden:

No. But he's not. I've always managed. Just us 2. So, obviously, if these this accusation turns out to be true, that sort of association that we would immediately Although I would say that to our mind, it seems doesn't seem likely from what we know that it it these things are true, that it's Chisholm was involved in any way with your son's murder.

Dave (GM):

How well do you know Chisholm? How many years have you been there?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Not at all. Not at all. We've we've met him once, basically.

Dave (GM):

I fear your naivete and inexperience may have maybe the the most positive interpretation I can put on these events.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. Maybe so.

Dave (GM):

The less positive interpretation of these events is you are colluding with Chisholm, who is always was my enemy, but now has drawn blood.

Jimmy Harlesden:

And as I said, this is a

Marion Freeman:

It's not

Dave (GM):

the best. You're the worst. At the worst, you are colluding, deceiving, evil men who are still now trying to

Marion Freeman:

Deceiving deceivers.

Dave (GM):

Well, I trust it. The fact that we've come to to

Jimmy Harlesden:

have this conversation with you should make it clear that we're we're not deceiving anyone. Our relationship with miss Chisholm was entirely legitimate business relationship. If it turns out he's a an evil murderer, then clearly that is a relationship that we will not continue.

Dave (GM):

So what do you think?

Jimmy Harlesden:

What do I think

Dave (GM):

about you found Eugene's body and Audrey Deelgrist's body.

Marion Freeman:

I think there's every chance that somebody like Picker may have killed them. Then

Dave (GM):

So you're saying

Marion Freeman:

in self defense

Dave (GM):

This man, Chisholm's man murdered those men.

Marion Freeman:

May have done, but he was very handy with a gun, but I do not think he killed your boys. They were killed with a knife and from an argument we had with him on the trail, I got the impression that he was very confident with his gun. Could've taken this down. There was a time when your boys were still with us, and I felt at that moment that he would have shot all 4 of us down with his gun and felt confident enough to do it if we we didn't let him go, which we did. Your boys chased off him, but I don't think they found him.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So we think what we think is we don't think Chisholm is a man responsible for your son's murder. The evidence for this seems to be the testimony of a the testimony of a a lone bandit. Mhmm. His testimony seems unlikely to be

Dave (GM):

reliable. But if,

Jimmy Harlesden:

obviously, once justice runs its course, if it turns out that Chisholm and his men were responsible, of course, that's not an association.

Marion Freeman:

And that gang were

Jimmy Harlesden:

We would. We would consider

Marion Freeman:

That's that's why I thought they might have killed Eugene as well.

Jimmy Harlesden:

And this may not be the time to discuss it, but our associate association with mister Chisholm could have advantages for ourselves and

Dave (GM):

and you that the

Jimmy Harlesden:

matter that we were hoping to discuss before this all came up was related to the the land grants and some information that has come into our sphere of knowledge.

Dave (GM):

So you are Chisholm's men. We are. And you are making claims about whether my son was was or was not killed by Chisholm's men, and you are now dangling No. A bates? No.

Dave (GM):

A bribe?

Marion Freeman:

No. Let's be clear.

Dave (GM):

I think they need to make a performing role, You got an exercise from Matthew? Yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Okay. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna buy

Dave (GM):

off that one and repush the ear. My occasion.

Nathaniel Horcock:

What do you want? You want my

Dave (GM):

rubber around somewhere?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Where's it going?

Jimmy Harlesden:

I've got

Dave (GM):

rubber here if you want it.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. I had one away. But but it's

Dave (GM):

it's never by me. You didn't

Marion Freeman:

start with begin.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Was that it?

Marion Freeman:

You didn't start with begin. We start the story as begin tried us to get us to support his claim. Man, come in here saying Chisholm's willing

Dave (GM):

to Well, he can't sack him off off your report.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Wasn't fair.

Dave (GM):

He just said the wrong thing about we've been lying to you.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I didn't like

Marion Freeman:

And we didn't. I said we haven't told you everything that happened in Albuquerque.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Okay. So that's my successes and a trouble.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So I'll just probably

Jimmy Harlesden:

just take the trouble.

Dave (GM):

Roll the trouble then, Taylor.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Shit. What? Okay.

Dave (GM):

Alright. You upset someone by your words

Nathaniel Horcock:

or actions. No. You don't.

Dave (GM):

They react badly towards you. Okay. Laugh at you will show you no respect. So she then she reacts badly. Suffer minus 1 die to your next role when dealing with it.

Dave (GM):

So any more performance roles are at minus 1 die.

Jimmy Harlesden:

It's yeah. Because because of our She's

Dave (GM):

she's bringing up the set. So it seems to her that you've come in and said, we're Chisholm's men. We don't think Chisholm's men killed your boy.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, by

Dave (GM):

the way, here. Have a deal to make it okay. So that's how she's kinda taken what you said. And it feels, but she's she's angry now. It's not the angry of Rayburn.

Dave (GM):

It's the white hot she could cut your throats right now kind of angry.

Marion Freeman:

We are naive. We're new to this town. We're new to the machinations of mister Chisholm. We felt at the time, McGinn was fixing to be mister Chisholm's agent. When McGinn, when we proved to mister Chisholm that McGinn wasn't as honest as his $1,000 bribe, we would purport then mister Chisholm only chose not to support him if we would become his agent.

Marion Freeman:

We felt, didn't we? Forced into a position of becoming his agents down here. We've done nothing for him since that time. But we have taken him a detainer.

Jimmy Harlesden:

He's met. We are. We have done some we

Dave (GM):

we are.

Marion Freeman:

What brings us here today is this morning, mister McGinn came around Raj startled our cow startled our horses and told us to use our influence with mister Chisholm to make sure that he got the claim all the way to devil to Coyote's gap and beyond which we had thought that you would be wanting. It was McGinn trying to cut you out of that that made us think we gotta be honest about this.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Maybe we're gonna be honest about this because we're honest people and who are their friends.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. We're

Jimmy Harlesden:

not we're not saying, yeah, we were forced into coming to being honest.

Marion Freeman:

What I'm saying is, you know, you

Dave (GM):

know, this is a conversation. You guys

Marion Freeman:

just I'll

Jimmy Harlesden:

be having the conversation, but I just to have a look.

Dave (GM):

By telepathy. Okay.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. You you you are right, missus Paquito. I think we have been foolish to to have offered our services, but at the time that we felt there was very little we could do for the for the sake of the town, other than agree to be mister Chisholm's eyes on the town. And it's better if it's our eyes, isn't it? Does mister McGinn

Dave (GM):

make it perform a role at 4?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Well, no. I got the ones as well, not you,

Dave (GM):

so you can't get

Jimmy Harlesden:

help. I

Dave (GM):

think you can't get help.

Marion Freeman:

I can't get this help. So it's

Dave (GM):

a 4.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'll do it.

Dave (GM):

Are the dice being equally helpful as they were yesterday?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Have you got any face lift?

Marion Freeman:

I've got one face lift.

Dave (GM):

Is that no successes?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Absolute success.

Marion Freeman:

No successes.

Dave (GM):

Any ones?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. No.

Marion Freeman:

No faith.

Dave (GM):

2 successes. Okay. She rolled 1. So your mentioning of the of McGinn and your explanation of of what was going on behind it has softened us somewhat.

Marion Freeman:

We would take your guidance in all our negotiations. You you've been here a lot longer.

Dave (GM):

And she says, look.

Marion Freeman:

We have to do anything but Chisholm would come and talk to you about it first. It's what we were gonna do. We were invited you to see. We would have had this conversation yesterday had you been able to, come to do yesterday because

Dave (GM):

nice try. It's a good bit of work, actually. Yeah. What are you saying?

Jimmy Harlesden:

I'd say, yeah. And, obviously, if it turns out that mister Chisholm was behind this, but then clearly, we would immediately sever any Yeah. Connection with him.

Dave (GM):

She says, I know that McGinn is the cancer eating away at you know, in Olive Springs. I know he's done bad things. I know he is an evil, evil man. But You know what Chisholm's name? Oh, dear.

Dave (GM):

God. 2 successes.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I know.

Dave (GM):

This is the outcome of 2 successes. I am still I haven't even buried my boy yet. I I you know, McGinn did not kill Dimas. It seems likely that Chisholm's men, whether on Chisholm's order or not, killed him. I accept that you are inexperienced and naive, and have perhaps been hoodwinked by others who are better than you.

Dave (GM):

But still I have to bear the grief of the loss of my son. I've heard what you said. I would like you to leave now.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Of course. Thank you for listening to us.

Marion Freeman:

We thought you should hear it from us, though.

Dave (GM):

I appreciate that.

Marion Freeman:

Was a good boy.

Dave (GM):

I think it's time that you leave, mister Ken.

Marion Freeman:

I'm gonna take it as we go.

Dave (GM):

I know that Dimas was a good

Marion Freeman:

boy. King.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So how does a good boys put a pints of favor other than going for a ride and polishing your weapon?

Marion Freeman:

There's a there's

Dave (GM):

a variety of ways. Variety. You know, a good night's sleep in at home.

Marion Freeman:

Don't get it for shagging your hall?

Dave (GM):

You don't get it for shagging your hall or your horse. A good meal with friends, maybe, you know, a last lunch.

Nathaniel Horcock:

From set?

Dave (GM):

I think so. Are you guys meeting up then to

Jimmy Harlesden:

Just so.

Dave (GM):

Because you Okay.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Blessings. Don't do food.

Dave (GM):

They do do food. He's in the blessings.

Nathaniel Horcock:

He's in the blessing. Yeah. Drink coffee.

Marion Freeman:

If you

Dave (GM):

have a slap up breakfast in blessings, you can all have a point of faith. Woo hoo. Yee mee. Hey. Because you might need it.

Dave (GM):

As you're in the blessings and you're eating, you know, eating a hearty meal

Marion Freeman:

Hey, mister Blessing. You can't eat gun oil? They don't

Dave (GM):

appreciate people cleaning that.

Marion Freeman:

Had a grooming brush for a horse.

Dave (GM):

You do see about, I guess, 15 minutes after you leave the Paquito's, Augustine, a Paquito dressed up Mhmm. Walking out with a few couple of her family, a few attendants, and they go down, knock on Rayburn's door, and go into Rayburn's house.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I don't think I'm gonna be keeping this much longer.

Dave (GM):

You're you're having breakfast. You

Nathaniel Horcock:

Wait wait wait wait wait for our doom.

Dave (GM):

About 40 minutes after you see Paquito go in Mhmm. And about a quarter to 12 now, you see Paquito come out of Rayburn's house with Garland, Raeburn, a few men. And they walk down the road in the direction of the sundown.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Is it due time for the

Dave (GM):

It's about a

Jimmy Harlesden:

quarter to 12. Meeting.

Dave (GM):

Resign, take the horse, and

Nathaniel Horcock:

just ride from next time. No. Okay. I suppose

Marion Freeman:

we should

Jimmy Harlesden:

go to the meeting. We can

Nathaniel Horcock:

go to the meeting.

Marion Freeman:

To the meeting. Mhmm. It's time for the back.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. But my head held up. I don't think we've done that much wrong.

Dave (GM):

So I'm not I'm not

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. You haven't done much wrong. I'm not really

Jimmy Harlesden:

Respectful, but not

Marion Freeman:

We've done everything right.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You've been honest. Yes.

Marion Freeman:

Probably fingering. What?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Fingering chism?

Marion Freeman:

Fingering chism's man Bicker for the, for the murder of the boys.

Dave (GM):

That's what

Jimmy Harlesden:

But it probably was self tested because we felt they were going after him to stop him.

Marion Freeman:

And it was a sheriff who said, he's what's it. I mean, what's a man to do? At

Dave (GM):

this point, I wouldn't say any more about

Jimmy Harlesden:

that. I think we've said we've made our case, and I

Dave (GM):

But the scene in the movie where you're, like, chuntering away at the back of the Mhmm. Thing and then if we'll turn it back. Jimmy turns over and says, look. Just just just for now. Just don't say anymore about it.

Dave (GM):

Just shut up.

Nathaniel Horcock:

But it was shiny while we were for a bit. I walked down to the

Dave (GM):

Are you still wearing it? I think

Nathaniel Horcock:

it gets ripped off me as well. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm not I'm not a Chisholm's man, am I? So as far as I'm concerned. No. No. No.

Dave (GM):

Unless you wanna be.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. No. You're not

Dave (GM):

you're not implicated in this. I guess you're implicated by association.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, yes. So you

Dave (GM):

might think because Euro Chisholm's meant

Nathaniel Horcock:

that Yeah. Yeah. I know. Yes. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

They have made try to make it quite clear that you're not

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Part of this, and, you know, they're they're they're the traitors, not you. I mean, they're Okay. So Julie. It's quite busy in the Sun Down. As you as you come in, you know, there's no sign of Bruiser Goodish.

Dave (GM):

He and he's told that everyone thinks he's still on death's door. Obviously, he's in his in his in his rooms. Grainne is behind a bar with a couple of couple of men, women sort of serving. Great for them because it's really busy. Busy.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. There's a there's kind of the big main room and then there's a room at the back which is it's not quite so big, but you can see in that back room Mhmm. Crosby has sat down at a table and there's a few people gathering in there. Rayburn and Paquito have sat at a table together.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's why I get very friendly looks.

Dave (GM):

They haven't seen you yet. No. You can see, McGinn is there with a couple of other couple of friends and family.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I mean, today, been quite successful and that we have managed to piss off every single major family in town.

Nathaniel Horcock:

We've done well. Yes. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Talented. And yesterday Probably should've taken

Marion Freeman:

this distance of owning this town.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Hell yeah. Should've taken

Dave (GM):

Wiggins off. If we'd had if we'd

Jimmy Harlesden:

had those conversations first and then met McGinn required, but made a different decision.

Dave (GM):

It would have been interesting if you had taken McGinn's offer because that would have been the first time where you didn't do the right thing. You were doing the

Marion Freeman:

right thing? You are

Jimmy Harlesden:

doing the right thing. The right thing is, yes, really paying off, I say, as always. Life experiences.

Dave (GM):

Okay. If

Nathaniel Horcock:

you get The wagon to the front and the wagon to the back. Barricade the exits. Anytime in my turn.

Marion Freeman:

Move up to steaming rock. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

I've heard

Jimmy Harlesden:

it's nice up there.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. You're really friendly. You love them. No fucking hope in Steven Rock. They would eat you for breakfast.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, thank you.

Dave (GM):

It would be quite funny to if

Marion Freeman:

you did leave and then

Dave (GM):

have Steve and Robert have Anaheim and Carmody all as MPC. Yeah. That would be quite entertaining.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You mean if we die, is that which one is the

Dave (GM):

Not necessarily, but it would be quite funny. Just as an experiment or as

Nathaniel Horcock:

a thing

Dave (GM):

to do with me, as a GM.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Drove from the spare gatling gun town. No.

Marion Freeman:

Shooting doesn't solve problems. Witness. Sure. This whole thing started with a shooting of 2 lads by mister Picker.

Dave (GM):

You say that loudly, you know. Yeah. As he as he come in, Matt, do you wanna make a hawk eye

Marion Freeman:

roll? Yeah. I don't do not make it a hawk eye.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Is there a raised area where the agent is sitting or is he must be sitting.

Dave (GM):

No. It's just the back room with a few tables

Marion Freeman:

in it. Oh, 2 successive thing. How about that?

Dave (GM):

Okay. Do you see Grainne Begin sees you as you come in and gives you a smile a bit like that? A kind of like

Marion Freeman:

a I should smile.

Dave (GM):

I shouldn't really be smiling at you kind of smile, but

Marion Freeman:

I will return that smile with the with the sort of recognition that Yeah. We both know we're in the dog house or I'm in the dog house. Make a performing model.

Dave (GM):

Presents or performing either.

Marion Freeman:

Alright. Presents. Presents it is. Success.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yeah. You seem to have a little a little moment of Show a moment. Show a moment. Show a moment in that.

Dave (GM):

Place kind of understanding the situation and she's now busy serving. So, there's a few people in that room.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

You've got, who else is

Marion Freeman:

here? You've

Dave (GM):

got the, a couple of other people you recognize. It's a guy called Sanders Beckman. He's got a man with him. He's another small time cattle rancher.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's right.

Dave (GM):

He's got ranch to the North and Chuck Tate. Chuck Tate is is sitting with on the McGinn table. There's been plenty of kind of discussion around, you know, Tate has been cozying up to the McGinns a bit.

Marion Freeman:

But the McGinns told us that everybody in this town hated him, and now He's got friends. He's a liar.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You're just Jess because he's got friends,

Marion Freeman:

and we And we have.

Dave (GM):

And there's a few other He's got a friend.

Nathaniel Horcock:

He's a friend.

Dave (GM):

There's a few other people there, but it's it's not that busy. It's not that it's not that it's not packed because obviously not everyone in this town is is worried about Mhmm.

Jimmy Harlesden:

The land grants.

Dave (GM):

About the land grants. Yeah. So are you standing back, sitting down, sitting at the dinner table, sitting at somebody else's table? Well, what's got

Jimmy Harlesden:

seats available? Is there, like, an empty because

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm staying, of course, so I can need to be sitting my presence. No.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Okay.

Dave (GM):

There's there's there's a table where you could sit if you wanted. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Is it? Mama, show up.

Dave (GM):

Oh, you can stand. Stand. I think

Jimmy Harlesden:

I should stand.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I might as well try it.

Marion Freeman:

I think I'm standing at the back. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I suppose I'm standing at the front, so in the corner of

Dave (GM):

the front. You're gonna go and stand next to Crosby?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yes. But yes. Okay. Yeah. Cool.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Try and do the job for the last few minutes.

Dave (GM):

Like, Crosby, you know, gives you gives you both a little sort of a half hearted wave.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. That's not really good, my brother.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. I'm sorry. Don't don't don't

Nathaniel Horcock:

don't do that. Don't do that. He gives a little So just

Dave (GM):

sheriff. Yeah. He he doesn't realize you already been sheriff it for 5 minutes.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Not now. I don't think it's been one day. It's been, what, 24 hours and 5 minutes.

Dave (GM):

It's been it's been more than a day.

Nathaniel Horcock:

More than a day.

Dave (GM):

It's nearly it's nearly a day in 2 or 3 hours.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Really? Yeah. Oh,

Dave (GM):

Yeah. And so about 5 past 12, Crosby stands up and bangs the table and says, so hello, citizens of United Springs. Thank you for for coming to my little little meeting. I just like to say, I am Samuel Crosby. I'm a territorial, surveyor.

Dave (GM):

I work for the New Mexico Attorney, Mister Thomas B. Cateron, Esquire. His offices are down in Las Cruces to the south. And, I just wanted to get you together and tell you what what's what I'm doing here and what you should expect. So the Spanish land grants will be decided in the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Dave (GM):

I'm here to survey the land prior to making final rec recommendations to the attorney. I'm grateful to the support of the community and for for everyone who is here. He brings out a map Mhmm. And of the of the area, and says, yes. So, I will start surveying on this side of the, the eastern side of the the Rio Grande.

Dave (GM):

But I will then be surveying the west side which is part of the part of the land grants which were were not originally part of the land grants. And there's a few like 1 or 2 little intakes of breath. You know, a couple of, like, McGinn doesn't

Marion Freeman:

make it because of that special relationship and this is just McCain doesn't

Dave (GM):

make any reaction to it.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Don't whisper that way. Overheard. You may be I will,

Dave (GM):

my survey will start tomorrow and will will take me probably a couple of weeks. I've got the applications. Once I've done my survey, I shall report back to attorney Ketron. And, you will all be informed, by by the new year of, of his decisions. Does anybody have have any any questions?

Dave (GM):

Can I

Nathaniel Horcock:

have a Hawkeye role? You see this Can I fail the Hawkeye roll?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Just see

Nathaniel Horcock:

if you can start the trouble for that. You can make

Dave (GM):

Hawkeye roll if you like?

Nathaniel Horcock:

See if I can fail it, because I'm not gonna do any new rolls. We've only one fake one. So I see that's the whole bit here. That's fine. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

yeah, the atmosphere in the room is is reasonably calm.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Is it? No. Right. Okay. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. Maybe, she's calmed Rayburn down. So I did I did see the roles with her.

Dave (GM):

I mean, Rayburn is exceeding, but the atmosphere generally in the room is is quite calm.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, for for now, I'm not pushing that. No. I see if I could.

Dave (GM):

No. Okay. You did You can't really tell Mhmm. Tell anything. The the first time you said it is there's there's not a couple of questions about why the the western side of the Rio Grande suddenly included when it wasn't before and possibly doesn't really know.

Dave (GM):

And then after a little while, of of questions, McGinn stands up and says, I would like to know why, why you, mister Crosby, and your your Chisholm cronies, Harlston and Freeman over there, aren't being honest with us about the fact that Chisholm is behind all of this and these 2 men are behind Chisholm down here and, and this is entirely unfair and corrupt proceedings. And I don't understand why you even have the have the, you know, the the the bare faced cheek to stand there and make this kind of speech. That's a that's quite a

Nathaniel Horcock:

lot of, like,

Dave (GM):

sucking your teeth and, you know, obviously, there's a lot of people there who hadn't been told that you're a chiseled man, and It's quite a lot of, like, moving on.

Marion Freeman:

Tales of the old west is brought to you by Effect. The music is old west game by Stu Venable. Used with kind permission of the angry folk media empire.