Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice

Unlock the secrets of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy with Eniko Wagner, a CPHT-trained expert revolutionizing therapy in Nottingham! This eye-opening interview reveals how award-winning hypnotherapy training can skyrocket your career in evidence-based mental health support.
  • Game-changing benefits of CPHT's accredited hypnotherapy courses
  • Mind-blowing client transformations using the PATH model
  • Insider tips on building a thriving therapy practice
  • Myth-busting facts about hypnotherapy that'll surprise you
See why Eniko chose CPHT's Level 4 diploma and how it catapulted her success. Get the scoop on GHSC-accredited and BPS-approved hypnotherapy training that's changing the game.
Ready for a career that changes lives – including yours? This video is your gateway to the exciting world of hypnotherapy!
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Connect with Eniko: Website: alteredmindhypnotherapy.com Social: @alteredmindhypnotherapy
Explore CPD Certified courses and the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy: [CPHT website link]
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What is Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice?

Welcome to "Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice!" Join us as we dive into inspiring stories of individuals who chose to train with CPHT as solution-focused hypnotherapists and transformed their lives. Discover how their specialised training empowered them to become successful practitioners, profoundly impacting their clients and communities. Each episode features candid interviews, valuable insights, and practical tips from seasoned hypnotherapists who share their journey, challenges, and triumphs. Whether considering this rewarding career or seeking motivation to elevate your practice, "Hypnotherapy Reflections" offers the inspiration and knowledge you need. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of transformation and success in the world of solution-focused hypnotherapy!

Gary Johannes: Hello and welcome again to Eniko Reflections and Training to Practice. Today we have the lovely Eniko with us and Eniko qualified as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and trained at our school in Nottingham, but we're going to explore her journey, her unique insights, both personal and those gained through CPHT and the powerful impact of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy.

Gary Johannes: ~So get ready for an inspiring conversation to, I'm going to cut that bit out, get ready, ~ So get ready for an inspiring conversation highlighting the transformative power of solution focused hypnotherapy. So, welcome Eniko. Hello.

Eniko Wagner: Hello everyone. I'm Eniko. Hi.

Gary Johannes: So, Eniko, where do you practice from? What do you do?

Eniko Wagner: So, I've studied in Nottingham and I finished, oh, and I want to say I finished in 2022, but I can't even remember now. Am I correct there?

Gary Johannes: Probably. Yeah, it's a couple of years. So where, where are you based? What's your practice name called? Things like that.

Eniko Wagner: So Altered Mind hypnotherapy and I'm still based in Nottingham, uh, mainly online, but nowadays I'm, uh, offering face to face if it's needed, but I try to build the practice around mainly online.

Gary Johannes: Excellent. So one of the questions I want to know is what motivated you to train as a ~therapist?~ a solution focus hypnotherapist, because I know you'd already studied at university, you're fully qualified in psychology and counseling. So what motivated you then to train again or add to your training as a solution focus hypnotherapist?

Eniko Wagner: Well, those methodologies are great. ~Um,~ however, I found it was something still missing, ~um,~ because I've had hypnotherapy in my early twenties to dealing with some issues. And I knew that approach was really, really helpful. ~Um,~ so I thought I just wanted to work with people and directly help them. And I feel like that was the best way to do that.

Eniko Wagner: So, so give something back if I could.

Gary Johannes: Did you find that the training you did at university gave you that underpinning knowledge? I

Eniko Wagner: feel like it gave me a lot of understanding. So I've always had an interest in the brain and how it works and and I find it fascinating. in overall. Um, so you gave me a lot of understanding, but some of the methodologies I feel like there, they are a bit, ~um,~ focusing on, on the issues.

Eniko Wagner: The learning with the CPHT showed me still an extra set of learning about the brain and how it works and what happens if you focus on the negatives. And then if what happens if you focus on the positives and the

Gary Johannes: Yeah, absolutely. So what did you do before you? Become a therapist, whether that's within counselling world or within a solution focused world.

Gary Johannes: What did you used to do?

Eniko Wagner: ~Uh,~ so that, well, beforehand ~I've, uh, ~I've worked in a beauty world. I've had a beauty business for over 10 years and that's where I've kind of also always, always worked with people. Yeah, very, very people oriented. That was, yes.

Gary Johannes: That's excellent. So what, you know, what did you do to discover or to choose CPHT?

Gary Johannes: How did you find CPHT? What helped you decide?

Eniko Wagner: Well, I think the reason I found, well, picked CPHT because, well, I found CPHT online, just on Google, I've searched, obviously, hypnotherapy training, and, ~uh,~ they seem to be top tier, and then seemed like they've had a lot of positive feedback from previous students.

Eniko Wagner: And they seem to have, obviously, because it's nationwide. And they seem to have a lot of, ~um,~ just like experience. So I thought, why not?

Gary Johannes: It's interesting because you, you've worked as a beauty therapist, Nail technician. ~Um,~ you've then gone on to training in psychology and, ~uh,~ counselling. So, how has what you learned at CPHT then shaped how you work with clients?

Gary Johannes: Because you obviously are used to being around people and working with people.

Eniko Wagner: So, I think what differs, ~uh,~ with the, with the CPHT training and hypnotherapy and solution focused hypnotherapy is the way that it explains beforehand, before even starting therapy with anyone, the way we explain what we're going to do, how the brain works, and it makes it really easy ~to,~ for everyone to understand.

Eniko Wagner: I almost feel, almost feel like one quarter of a job is already done once you understand what's happening in your brain and then you just have to do the work, but it's much easier to do when you do what's the goal you're working for.

Gary Johannes: So has that helped that, that understanding of the brain and I call it neuro training.

Gary Johannes: We train our clients continually on how their brain works and how they respond to situations. Do you think that, you know, from that solution perspective, do you think that's changed the way you work with people? The way you,

Eniko Wagner: yeah, 100 percent because, ~um,~ I would say that I still make sure, so I've learned obviously beforehand as well to make people feel heard and supported.

Eniko Wagner: But at the same time, now I know how to stay solution focused and amplify their strengths and resources rather than focusing on their issues.

Gary Johannes: So again, You seem to be a bit of a lifelong learner. You've done quite a lot of knowledge based training. How do you keep up with, you know, the world of neuroscience particularly is quite a fast paced world.

Gary Johannes: There's lots of changes, new discoveries. How do you keep abreast of that?

Eniko Wagner: I mean, obviously I always attend on supervisions and I really enjoy the group supervision. So whereas I think one to one has got its place as well, but when the group supervisions with you, it helps that we always see different scenarios, which we don't necessarily bumped into yet, but we, we can ask questions and it's a lot, it's almost like everyone has got an answer for everyone's question.

Eniko Wagner: Just, and obviously I really like to read about latest researches and Whatever comes up and workshops. So it's just kind of

Gary Johannes: always ongoing sort of thing.

Eniko Wagner: Yeah.

Gary Johannes: So one of the things I know about you is that you're a mother.

Eniko Wagner: Yes.

Gary Johannes: You've got a youngster.

Eniko Wagner: Yes.

Gary Johannes: How old? Four. Four. I thought he was older. He's four.

Gary Johannes: So, how do you balance that work life balance? How do you manage to be a great mum, as I understand you are, and a great therapist? And how do you do that?

Eniko Wagner: ~Um,~ I feel like it's, it's all about boundaries. And setting me time. And when I say me time, it can be just for me or just for my family, but making sure that, ~that, um,~ that is separated.

Eniko Wagner: Otherwise, ~uh,~ I feel like when it's, it gets a bit overwhelming and I don't think you can be a hundred percent and give your full attention to either of them. If you don't set a

Gary Johannes: certain time. So when you set your time. Yes. What self care stuff do you do? How do you?

Eniko Wagner: I love exercising. I

Gary Johannes: love grounding.

Eniko Wagner: I love, I love exercising, but also like sleeping.

Eniko Wagner: I, I, I do love sleeping. Sleep,

Gary Johannes: sleep is such a vital part of well being.

Eniko Wagner: It's almost like our superpower, isn't

Gary Johannes: it?

Eniko Wagner: But, ~uh,~ also, ~uh,~ like to spend a lot of time with my friends. And yeah, I just, ~um,~ I got, I'm just trying to pick up new hobbies nowadays. Yeah. I want to do some new painting. And I started back on reading because now I find the time for it as well.

Gary Johannes: What's the one thing you're doing right now? ~ ~I'm

Eniko Wagner: going on a painting, a painting experience on Friday night, actually. So that's the, that's the newest.

Gary Johannes: Okay. That's, I'm not sure if that's good. I can just imagine you were big pots of paint thrown about the wall.

Eniko Wagner: I mean, I hope they give me at least a brush.

Gary Johannes: So going back to being in that as well of hypnotherapy, how have you seen, you know, what have you seen when you're working with your clients or even in yourself what's really been like wow factor where you've just seen amazing outcomes for people?

Eniko Wagner: Oh,~ I've~ had quite a few of nice outcomes. Most of my clients get better, but I've had quite a few that where they are like, When you just like stop for a minute and it's like, wow, that is big.

Eniko Wagner: One of my, one of my favorite one was probably, it was, ~uh,~ a gentleman who was in late thirties and went back to university, ~um,~ and he just came for exam stress, which we know. It's a thing. ~ ~And, um, helped him through that. And then fifth session around the fifth session, he just comes out, it comes, it just comes out of the blue that says, Oh, that, ~um,~ I've just stopped experiencing, ~ Flashbacks or ~

Eniko Wagner: flashbacks. ~Yeah, exactly.~ So, yeah. And, um, when the, and he's, and he's PTSD seems to. ~Yeah.~ Right. So I thought, wow, that's, I didn't know he had PTSD in the first place

Gary Johannes: because that's a good

Eniko Wagner: way.

Gary Johannes: ~Yeah.~ And that's the massive difference when you can see that. So, ~From, uh, ~we see those outcomes all the time that, you know, we see amazing stuff, but then, you know, I know you do your networking and you're interactive and very community led.

Gary Johannes: How do you deal with those skepticism, what people thought you're the misconceptions of the world?

Eniko Wagner: Well, I'd always try to approach it, to approach these conversations with, well, you have to say open minded. And even though you don't always want to listen to it, but I think if you listen and you just hear what's the consonants, because often I feel like these misconceptions come from, I've got an interest in this, but somehow I don't believe in it.

Eniko Wagner: So that's a consonant. So I always listen and then I always, Try and, ~uh,~ give evidence based answers and explanations and obviously the biggest one I always say that you lose control and then you can be made to do everything or anything. And ~um,~ I try and explain it that what, what, what kind of real life scenarios when we, when we are doing it.

Eniko Wagner: And so for example, what we use as well, the driving. When you drive, you don't lose control. Otherwise you would be crashing to the first wall you commented, but you don't. And it's just, it makes them understand it much easier.

Gary Johannes: So that that's a massive thing. ~So ~have you found since you trained a couple of years ago that it's made any difference to you as a person or a parent or a friend or anything like that?

Eniko Wagner: I think what I've learned that as well, I've already said before is setting boundaries. And also what I've learned, that putting yourself first as a person, it doesn't make you selfish. It's just the way you use it, putting yourself first, because when you're prioritizing yourself, you can actually help people or be around people effectively.

Eniko Wagner: Otherwise, you just lose yourself in the process.

Gary Johannes: So it's really helped you be stronger in yourself, those boundaries, which is lovely to hear. ~So,~ I mean, some of the questions asked is about, you know, when you was training, did you feel that the course, you've been to university, you've done other workshops, how did you find the way you were supported and worked?

Gary Johannes: ~Um,~ you know, whether it was from the lecturers or from a group, ~um,~ but also. Was there a sort of support of how to then step to the next level, how to set up your business, things like that. And I know some of that usually we're doing.

Eniko Wagner: Yeah. So, well, first of all, I've had a huge help from you because I've had a phobia of buttons and, ~uh,~ you cured me.

Eniko Wagner: I don't have a phobia of buttons anymore and I don't feel like I've got any other phobia. So that was life changing. I

Gary Johannes: forgot I did that.

Eniko Wagner: Yeah, you did. Yeah. And that was life changing. I really, I'm really happy with that one. So, but, ~um,~ You know, on the, on the training side, it was, uh, I found it really good that it was, ~uh,~ obviously very much so academically and personally, we were supported from our peers and yourselves as well.

Eniko Wagner: And it was just like all of our lecturers were always available when we needed help. We've, we could get in touch, whether it was between the Obviously the lectures and it was just it, it helped you be more confident in your skills, because if someone you bumped into during the week and then you will forget it by the weekend, but you could just send a message.

Eniko Wagner: And we always, I mean, I always personally got quick response. So I was happy with that.

Gary Johannes: Did you find that That was always available, but actually you then went on to be able to know what happens next.

Eniko Wagner: Yeah, but obviously in the beginning it kind of like you use it as an anchor and then later on you just.

Eniko Wagner: Oh, I remember what was being said last time. So it helps you build in the confidence and then just being able to do the practice. I always feel like if you have got a safety net, you're always going to feel much more secure. Capable of doing things, because then you know that there's something to fall back on.

Gary Johannes: Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Eniko Wagner: Trying it more, really.

Gary Johannes: So, you, you sound like you love being a hypnotherapist, but what do you find most rewarding about your work?

Eniko Wagner: ~Um,~ it's, it's just seeing people change and, and being able to help them. And then it's, it's just overall one. And also I really do like the fact that we get really calm in the end when we put them in hypnosis, we calm down.

Gary Johannes: We benefit too, every time.

Eniko Wagner: Yeah. But, ~uh,~ but helping them and witnessing a huge changes and then they are achieving their goals. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever that goes on, most of the, most of the clients are getting there eventually. And then it's just,

Gary Johannes: yeah, ~ ~it's interesting because we get people contact us from all walks of life, whether they are working on a building site, whether they're nurses or police officers or teachers, all sorts of people come to consider changing accountants for actual managers.

Gary Johannes: So. It appears that one shoe doesn't fit all, but how would you advise if somebody said to you, wow, what you do when you network, ~um,~ you said earlier that you network and later. So you're there and I go, Oh, I want to do what you do. ~ ~What advice would you give someone?

Eniko Wagner: I would always say, and then that's kind of my key.

Eniko Wagner: I always just stay open minded. Show empathy, but not too much. And be curious.

Gary Johannes: Be curious. If they wanted to go, yeah, but I want to now train as a hypnotherapist. What would you say? Don't do it? Run for the hills? Oh, no, I

Eniko Wagner: would absolutely say do it. Because it's It's, it's, it's not just helping others. It's going to help yourself and, and your people surround you as well.

Eniko Wagner: It is, it is absolutely what's, it's a life changer. It's a game changer because you're going to see things from, from the positive aspects of life. And then it's, it kind of like crawls into your life without, you know, without you realizing it. If you are a little bit. Letting it, just letting it happen. It will, it will just happen.

Gary Johannes: And of course you're then talking about training with CPHT. That's that positive, the solution focus. And you've done training. And I also

Eniko Wagner: found with CPHT what was, ~uh,~ What I found it was the best way to train is that it was a theoretical and practical training at the same time. So it was a blend approach.

Eniko Wagner: And then I think that's, ~um,~ that helps you to be the, to most confident in ~ ~straight away, transferring your skills to running your own practice from. From training that I think that helps the most. And I think the CPHT has that.

Gary Johannes: Experience you get all the way through. Which builds that skill set. Yes. And just the knowledge set.

Gary Johannes: That's fantastic. So, I know you asked me what questions we have and I told you, but there's one I've kept back.

Eniko Wagner: Oh God,

Gary Johannes: ask you and so I don't know you're not British by birth and so this might be given me a completely different answer to what I'm used to.

Eniko Wagner: Okay,

Gary Johannes: but if you could have a hypnotherapy session, you could have a client.

Eniko Wagner: Okay.

Gary Johannes: Of any historic figure, who would it be and why?

Eniko Wagner: Oh, I don't know. I don't know about, the answer might be, might be sort of Hitler.

Gary Johannes: Wow, tell me why.

Eniko Wagner: I just feel like I've, I've done some, in my past I've done some reading about him and obviously what kind of we know and why, the way he approached life. I wonder if that could have been changed.

Eniko Wagner: If.

Gary Johannes: Yeah.

Eniko Wagner: If he was in therapy with the right therapist.

Gary Johannes: Yeah, yeah. So you'd put all your skill set trying to change what is perceived. I mean,

Eniko Wagner: I wouldn't want to change him afterwards, but beforehand, before that. You'd like

Gary Johannes: to get in 1930s Hitler, 1920s Hitler. Wow. That's the first one. I'm sure a couple of people, but we've had a couple of people going, Oh, you know, when they've asked this question of a few people, and it's not always who I think it is.

Gary Johannes: And sometimes, and it's interesting because when you're thinking about doing therapy, there's no point working with someone who's already amazing. You want to work, you could change the course of everything if you could help someone. So, you know.

Eniko Wagner: Yeah,

Gary Johannes: fantastic. So to finish off, this is your turn to tell us all about where you work from, who you are, how they can get a hold of you, social media, website, whatever.

Gary Johannes: So do a very quick advert.

Eniko Wagner: So, yeah, so I'm running, as I said, altered mind hypnotherapy, uh, in Nottingham and you can find me on, on, on Google as alteredmindhypnotherapy. com or, ~uh,~ on the same name on all the socials, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram. So please just check me out. Click on it and a wonder through.

Eniko Wagner: So

Gary Johannes: Fantastic. So thank you so much for giving me a little bit of your time. I don't know. You're a very busy lady and good luck with everything and I'll get this out on YouTube and I'll put links in to all the stuff and social medias as people can find you just by clicking on it. So thank you very much.

Gary Johannes: Thank you

Eniko Wagner: so much. Thank you. Thanks everyone. Bye.