Flip the Script with Vic

Guided by an instinctive nudge, I paused the podcast last week to recalibrate during a particularly intense eclipse season, allowing myself to ground and recharge. As I return, energized and ready to share with you, I'm eager to provide a much-needed life update, highlighting the exciting and transformative changes unfolding in my world.

Get the Kundalini Yoga for Eclipse Season meditation bundle for $22 now.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Victoria [00:00:00]:
Hello, loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. It's your host, Victoria Nielsen. I am so excited to be back with you guys. I took a little break last week, which in and of itself, I'm really proud of myself for listening to that just internal nudge of taking a break, taking a pause. The energy of eclipse season and of all the things that I'm moving through really called for it. And so listening allowed me to ground in, and I feel like a life update episode is needed because there is so much happening and changing and shifting in my world in a really beautiful way. And first and foremost, I should say, the podcast is not going away at all by any means.

Victoria [00:00:46]:
If filming a podcast every single week for 67 weeks, I'll say that again, for 67 weeks has taught me anything, it's that I love having this outlet. I love having these conversations with you guys. I love hearing from you all that the things that I am thinking or the, you know, modalities that I'm interested in or the conversations that I'm just like, having with myself that I then have out loud with you all are really inspiring to you guys and invigorating and are really helping you learn new sides of yourself. And so that's not going away anytime soon because I love this beautiful community so much, but I have realized that there's probably better ways to serve you. So what we're going to start doing moving forward is at the beginning of every month, I'm going to open the Akashic records and do an energy reading and kind of an energy forecast for the month. You guys have been really loving those. And so I think that's what we're going to do every month at the beginning of the month moving forward. So next week's episode is going to be all about the energy of October and moving into that and getting guidance from the Akashic records.

Victoria [00:01:55]:
And then I also really want to start having some conversations with my girlfriends in the spiritual space, but also just other spiritual entrepreneurs, other moms, other women out there that are moving through things in the collective. And again, so far, I have never had a guest on this podcast. It's just been solo casts the entire time. And that's been really good for my schedule, which means I can film these, like, anytime I have a spare pocket of time, like right now, for example. But what I really want is to not just interview, you know, my friends or experts or things like that, but I really, you know, this idea came from a good friend of mine, Kelly Bramlett, who is a shadow work priestess, and she was really inspired just by having open and honest, candid conversations. And so we're going to have a couple of us come on, maybe once a quarter to have conversations about things that are important to us. So whether it's something that we're moving through in the collective or we're hopefully going to have one here in the coming weeks on the changing of the seasons and just sharing knowledge, right, that tribal knowledge that all of us women have that sometimes gets lost in translation or that just doesn't get spoken about in larger spaces, right? It's talked about maybe behind closed doors because some of the topics are taboo or, you know, you have questions that you're like, I'm not going to ask that in a larger space, but you can bring it to these podcast episodes and have various women just give their point of view. So more to come there.

Victoria [00:03:40]:
But I'm really excited about it because I do think that there is a space and a place on the podcast for more voices than just my own, especially as I lean deeper into sisterhood and especially as, you know, I come into community with so many beautiful women across the world. Like, I really want to use this platform to share their knowledge and their voices, too, because I, as I've said many times before, I'm not a guru. I'm not the only person that you should be listening to. You know, I love hearing from different people, different opinions, and that really spiritual growth is about change and is about allowing yourself to perhaps change your opinion when new information is given to you or when you dive deeper and you go into another layer where you have more knowledge available to you than you did previously. So that's going to be really fun. And, you know, I also just, I'm really feeling called to lean into all parts of my multidimensionality. And so that's something that I feel like I do really well on the podcast. You guys would, you know, hear me talk about a wide variety of topics.

Victoria [00:04:51]:
But, you know, my portal collective membership that I have that has solely been Kundalini based, it's basically an on demand, you know, breathwork and Kundalini yoga membership. I'm really feeling the call as the seasons change, as we're in eclipse season, where, you know, sudden aha moments and shifts in consciousness can really happen. You know, I'm seeing a path forward that has a different version of the portal collective out in the world. So what do I mean by that? I'm going to backtrack a little bit and say, last week I was at a retreat in Mount Shasta, and as I've been integrating this energy, I am really being called deeper into my purpose as a priestess, as a guide, as an intuitive, as a healer, and really coming back to all things feminine embodiment and ways to bring that feminine energy back into balance on earth and to continue to revere mother Gaia and to really be a living vessel of the divine mother on earth and be the permission slip, right? Perhaps that other women need to live in their fullness, to live in their expansiveness. And so because of this, I'm going to take a pause on the portal collective as it is today, because Kundalini yoga is just one facet of the so many different energetic practices that I do on a daily basis to really hold that feminine energy in balance in my life. And I really feel like my offerings should reflect that so more to come on what that actually is. But, you know, I will still have Kundalini yoga be a part of everything that I do. I'm actually going to be creating some kundalini bundles.

Victoria [00:06:38]:
So as of today, the bundle Kundalini yoga for eclipse season is available. It is some of my favorite Kundalini meditations, all put together so that you can really regulate your nervous system, this eclipses, and you can support yourself in expanding into the person that you're meant to be. And you can stay really connected to the ethers and your guides and your angels and all of those that are really, you know, your spiritual helpers that are moving you path, moving you on the path forward. So check that out if you're interested. It is available in the show notes. And you know, every month through the rest of the year, I'm going to be releasing a bundle like that to help support you with whatever collective energy that we're moving through. And then before you know it, I'm sure I will be sharing what the next version of the portal collective is, what that looks like. I can already feel it bubbling up.

Victoria [00:07:29]:
There are so many signs and so many things that are coming through really strongly. And you know, I just want to share that as a spiritual entrepreneur, as a spiritual person, as just a human on this earth, our evolution and our growth and change is the only constant. And so the more that we can allow the things to go that need to go, the more space you're going to have for the visions and for the dreams and for the things that you really want to manifest in your life, you need that energetic exchange, things need to die for things to be reborn again and it doesn't make you a failure, and it doesn't make you any type of label that you can think of. I think we place a lot of value on these outside entities, on maybe an outside business or an outside idea. And then when it doesn't come all the way to fruition, or it doesn't have staying power, it's looked at as a bad thing, or again, like a failure, or, you know, it didn't work. Well, what if you take the idea that it did work, that actually that idea, that thing needed to be birthed in order for you to birth the next thing, the portal collective. If that had not come along, if I had not created that, if I had not nurtured and loved it for more than a year now, I would never be able to birth what this next iteration is. It never would have come into my field of consciousness.

Victoria [00:08:58]:
And so I just want to remind you of that, that all of the serial entrepreneurs or those that feel like maybe you have some ideas or a lot of ideas that you've discarded along the way and that you're always trying on new identities and new ways of being. Like new hats. That's beautiful. That's what the human experience is about. So I want you, please, to release any shame that you may be feeling because you don't stick to one thing, right? You're most likely neurodivergent. You're most likely potentially have some Gemini in your chart, right, like I do my Gemini, rising and flitting from idea to idea and thing to thing is, how is your process? It's like how you work through the energy to get to the next thing. And honestly, that's how most people work, because you need to move the energy and follow the breadcrumbs for the next breadcrumb to emerge. The path is nothing laid before you.

Victoria [00:09:49]:
Each pebble on the path comes one at a time. From you paying attention, from you doing the work, from you listening to the intuitive nudges that you're getting, and then trusting that the next pebble will come, the next step in the path will come. And it always does. It always does. And, you know, if this podcast has taught me anything, it's that just sharing from my heart is enough and that, you know, having perhaps conflicting emotions or a change in identity, if you will. As long as it's bringing you back to more love, that's all that matters. And so every choice you make, I hope that you make over this next week is one that brings you back to more love and brings you back to yourself and back to your own divinity. And I.

Victoria [00:10:40]:
That, more than anything, is really what I'm learning, is my life's work is to bring back that frequency of love, to be of love. I've been thinking a lot about that lately, what it means to be of love. And being of love for me, means being of service. And being of service means shining my full light, every single facet of it. And that means that just kundalini yoga on its own no longer speaks to me. It has to be combined with other things. I've talked about this before, but I truly believe the way forward in the spiritual healing space is a combination of modalities that are all sort of based in Reiki, honestly, with the moving, loving energy of the universe with your hands, and then it's built upon. Right? So maybe you're using Reiki and the Akashic records and kundalini yoga.

Victoria [00:11:26]:
Maybe you're using sound healing and mushrooms. Maybe you're using quantum field healing and somatic work. You know, this combination is what's unlocking this next level of consciousness and what's unlocking this next level of expansion. Because the beings that are here on earth now are being called to this earth are multidimensional beings. And so, as they continue to show themselves and show the way forward, the light comes on in each of us. Right? So, just reminding you to be the way. Shower that. I know you are in your own life, because there are far, far, far more people watching you than you may realize.

Victoria [00:12:05]:
And you are influencing far more than you may realize just by being your whole and complete self. So with that, I will bid you adieu. I cannot wait to share more of what's happening in my world. If you want the latest and greatest updates, please make sure to join my mailing list@victoriamargo.com. that's Victoria margaux.com. i have retreats coming up in 2025, and things are shifting and changing. So keep your eyes peeled for what's next. I love you guys so much.

Victoria [00:12:40]:
Be good to one another. See you next week. Bye.