EPD's AM Drive-In

In this Episode:
Mother Marian and MM 2.0 recap their week spent at Window Film Revolution Family Reunion in Athens, Georgia. 
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EPD's Morning Drive-In features Mother Marian (Marian Giorgakis) and MM 2.0 (Chrissy Forbes). Listen in during your morning commute as they discuss all things industry related.

What is EPD's AM Drive-In ?

EPD's AM Drive-In features Mother Marian (Marian Giorgakis) and MM 2.0 (Chrissy Forbes). Listen in during your morning commute as they discuss all things industry related.


Good morning everyone.

I'm Mother and I'm, oh, everyone.



So we were a little late on this
episode because where were we last week?

So last week we had the pleasure
of being in Athens, Georgia

at the W F R Family reunion.

What a week it was.

Oh my God.

It was fantastic.

What an event.

And this was only their second show?




The first show was last year.

It's insane to watch, um, how much
the show grew in just a short year.

Oh, yeah.

From, from, uh, attendees
to vendors, to competitors.


So all around, I, I tell you, we
have to recognize some of the people

behind the scenes because my gosh, I
mean, if you're on Facebook, You're

gonna see all of the pictures, all of
the comments, everything is amazing.

But so much went into
it behind the scenes.

Oh yeah.

So you had a whole team that
kind of worked behind the teams.

It was the radar team, right?

They had the radar team.


So first and foremost, we have to
thank Rick and Elizabeth Toman, guys.


You did fantastic.

The event was a hit and we
can't wait till next year.

You could totally see all
their hard work paid off.

Oh yeah.

It all came together.


And a shout out to Cash.

Kate is our good friend, cash, and
of course Mike and Leanne Watson.

Yes, Mike and Leanne actually hosted
everyone that was in town, uh,

the night before the show started.


Um, so that was really fun to
meet everyone mingle before the

madness of the show started.


Also, a big shout out to Ryan Wilcox.

Jeremy Davis.

Garrett Wilson.

Our friend Jody Knight, who actually
was the mc the entire week of the show.


So he actually lost his voice.

He was on that mic with the
competitions and just MCing the show.

He did a wonderful job.

Great job, Jody.


And um, a special shout out to
our friends from the land down

under who we finally got to meet.

Thank you Boyd Hunter with tinted tools.

Actually donated, uh, the giveaway
car, which was a Toyota Cross.

And of course we wanna thank.

Great to finally meet you.

It's so funny.

I felt like I knew, speaking up like
Graham, I felt like I knew him just from

interacting with him on social media
and then to finally meet him in person.

He was just as cool as I thought he was.

Oh yeah.

And I'm sure there were so many
others, you know, from the, the people

behind the scenes that put this show
together to the vendors, to those

who attended, to all the competitors.

It, it was just, it was mind blowing.


I wanna say it was over 50 competitors.


So they ended up doing a singles
competition, which they had a ton.

I'm not sure the exact numbers,
but there were a few heats, um,

just for the first round, and then
they had the teams competition.


Which was really cool too.


I love.

I love watching them and just,
um, observing everyone's different

way of going about installation,
which is really, the, was insane.

It's really, really cool.

I mean, it was crazy.

So, um, we like to recognize the
first place winner for the singles.

Uh, Danny Muna, I believe it is.

Yeah, I think he's outta California.


$10,000 in cash along with the trophy man.

I watched him during the first
heat of the singles, and I saw

that score and I was like, wow.

He almost had a, a, literally
a perfect installation.


It was really, really cool.

Watching him, scores were ridiculously
high and by Oh, and the margins.

The margins were so tight.

Yeah, it was crazy.


But, um, let's talk a little bit
about what we did at the show.

Yeah, so we had a booth at the show.

We did.

We were down, uh, down
there with our e p D team.

Um, we had a great competition
going on in our booth.

We did.

So we were showing the windshield
skin, uh, super stretch, and we

decided to do a blindfold challenge.

And this all stemmed from, um, somebody
actually . Um, challenging Dustin?


So I think, I think of
how this came about.

So we got this new film.

It, um, It's a urethane based material,
which compared to a lot of the other,

uh, windshield skins on the market,
it's so much easier to install.


Because the other ones are p e t.

Right, right.

So, Manny goes to, uh, our new
installation trainer, Dustin,

who's based out of Charleston.

Dustin, I think this stuff
is so easy, easy to install.

Why don't you make a
video on installing it?

Blindfold yourself.

Oh, so it was Manny, I
think it was Manny's idea.

Oh, wow.

So Dustin did it.

The the video was awesome.

People couldn't believe it.

So we thought, hey, let's, let's bring
this com competition with a little more

jazz and blindfold the competitors.


So we had a great turnout.

Um, you know, people were
installing this film blindfolded.

Under three minutes.



Three, four minutes.

It was crazy.

So what we decided to do, because we
had so many, um, people, times that

were, the times that were tight.


The margins zero were tight.

So we decided to have a
super stretch, stretch off.

So, dunk.

Dunk, right.

So the top four, um, competitors.

Did the stretch off.

So they ended up doing the
installation again blindfolded.


And the person with the best
installation and the best time won a

free 50 foot roll of the super stretch.


So in the final four, we
had some really cool guys.

Oh yeah.

Uh, there was Tony South.

He is such a great guy.

He has an amazing story.

Tony, it was great catching up with you.

What a sweetheart.


Um, who else was in there?

We had Brody Matthews from Audubon.


Brody did a great job too.

Um, then we had Sean Gill.


And Sean.

Sean was competing, so we were trying
to get him in the schedule because I

know he had pre-registered sign up.

Um, We got Sean over there and then
was, he was hopping from the, the main

competition to ours to DJing for M Magic.

Right, right.

L Magic.

He was the fourth top then he
ended up being the champion.



You remember what his time was?

Oh my gosh.

It was three minutes, wasn't it?

38 seconds.

Something along those lines.

It was insane.

It was, I mean, he laid
that down and he seg.

Like he was on Fast forward.


It was really cool.


Um, and his performance, he performed
right before he actually installed it.



That's when he, uh, had his performance
when him and when Sean was DJing for him.


So, congratulations al magic.

We are so excited, uh, to
see all your future installs.

We also had the opportunity
to talk to a lot of people

about, uh, 3M Vinyl Wrap 2080.


So we ended up debuting our new swatch
that were made specifically for the show.


Um, so that was fun.

A lot of people loved them.

Three M Tin, p p f.


It was, it was all around a, a
fantastic show, but boy, long hours.

We were running on adrenaline.

You might have been running on adrenaline.

I think I was running
on caffeine and Advil.

Well, that too.

Kills it at these shows and, and goes
to bed late and wakes up early and

is in it to win it the following day.

I said, my mom keeps telling
me I'll get used to it.

So the clocks are ticking because
we have another big show coming up

and we do just a few short weeks.

We do.

I'm definitely investing
in a new pair of sneakers.

Um, I'm going to stock up on my Advil and.

Make sure I increase my coffee intake.

There you go.

. And I have to stay away
from the karaoke bars.

Oh my gosh.

That was so much fun.

We had a blast.

Um, the other thing that we
did at our booth too is that,

uh, we raised some money.

For T F A C Tinter score calls.


Uh, we had put together a giveaway.

Um, oh, there were some really
cool things in that giveaway.


So there was the Yeti cooler,
there was a bunch of tools.

Um, we had the McGuire's
polisher and its accessories.




We had three M hats.

We had e P D hats.

We had the wfr.



And in addition to that, uh, I
decided to do temporary tattoos.

So I was started, you know, by.

The, uh, T F A C logo.


Um, and then the, whoever got a
tattoo made a donation to for a call.



That's where, how we were able
to raise money on that end.


Um, but thank you to everyone
that bought a raffle ticket.

Congratulations to our winner, Heidi.

It was great to finally meet you.

Meet, um, and thank you.

A big shout out to Dean
Mitchell with T F A C.

Um, and really everyone at this
show who donated, um, y'all raised

a good amount of money, over 12,000.


I think the final number was $12,555.

So, gosh, thanks to everyone,
uh, everybody's a huge part of,

uh, this, this charity group.

I know I got my new tenors for calls hat
I have a displayed up here in the office.

Um, Dean just has a way of bringing.

Our whole industry together and
everybody has one thing in common.

They wanna help others.

And Dean just facilitates that so well.

So Dean, it was awesome
spending the week with you.

Um, I feel like you're like
one of our industry besties.

Yeah, absolutely.

But anyway, guys, we're gonna wrap it up.

Uh, we gotta get to work.

So, uh, when you get a chance, get
on our Facebook page, uh, energy

Products distribution, um, E P D,
and check out all of the posts.

Um, also go to the W F r, uh,
family reunion page, right?


You can see everybody.

Everybody's posting the recap and.

I mean, someone posted, it was Ryan,
Ryan Wilcox, uh, put up a post yesterday

that really brought tears to my eyes.

Uh, it just, I love seeing what's
happening with this industry and learning.


Yeah, absolutely.

But anyway, guys, we
wish you a great weekend.

Thanks for tuning in.

We'll talk to you in two weeks.

Have a great day guys.