As women, we’re constantly asked to do more and be more. And yet, there's incredible strength and wisdom in just "being."
Being present. Being Mama. Simply being you.
This is Leaning into Being. A show brought to you by the Founders and Leaders of Hello Mamas and HeyMama. Erika Hanafin, mom, stepmom, CEO, and co-parent hosts alongside Amri Kibbler, mother, founder, and cancer survivor.
Each episode focuses on relatable situations, resources, and experiences to help you balance the beautiful chaos of motherhood and ambition. This show is designed for all mamas seeking community and connection in her definition of success.
Allowing you to simply be…be your all so you can give your all, for all you care about.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:00:00]:
What I've learned so much in these past two years are the boundaries with everything. Family, children, work, friends. We can't be everything. Every day we maybe have three that we can really be good at, and then we have to figure out kind of what to like, release.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:00:21]:
I'm Erika.
Amri Kibbler [00:00:22]:
And I'm Amri.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:00:23]:
This is Leaning into Being, the show that allows you to be your all so you can give your all.
Amri Kibbler [00:00:28]:
Brought to you by Hello Mamas and HeyMama. Erika, today I'm so excited to introduce you to my dear friend, Pamelyn Rocco. She's going to be our guest on the podcast. She is an OG HeyMama member and she has two girls. She lives in Nashville and she recently had an incredible career pivot and started the House of Health.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:00:54]:
I'm so excited to talk to Pam today. Not only did she have a recent career pivot, but she had a big life change. I'm sure we're going to talk more about that for her personally and with her family and her daughters, but I'm so excited to hear what she has to say. And also, Amri, she's joining us at Strong Like A Mama on October 24.
Amri Kibbler [00:01:19]:
She definitely is. She's going to be there on October 24. She's going to share some of the secrets and tips that she uses in her training and coaching program. And Pam has been through this incredible evolution and she's got these great teaching methods for, especially for women that are entering in that time when your body maybe isn't as receptive to the ways that you've been working out for your whole entire life. In your twenties, when you get into your forties and all of a sudden it's like, bam, 1000%.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:01:53]:
I'm sure we're also going to hear some funny stories because, you know, every mom brings a really interesting story when they're going through raising their littles. And so I'm sure we're going to have some good laughs as well.
Amri Kibbler [00:02:07]:
Of course, we always have some good laughs.
Why don't we start and just have you share, how do you like to introduce yourself?
Pamelyn Rocco [00:02:22]:
Well, I'm Pamelyn Rocco. I am a mom to two little girls and I am a health and wellness coach. Really passionate about flipping the switch on how to live optimally as we age so that we can not only look amazing, but feel amazing, too.
Amri Kibbler [00:02:44]:
Okay, so the health industry is kind of a new endeavor for you. I know you've always had a big interest in it, but can you share with us a little bit about House of Health and how you made this career pivot.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:02:59]:
I would love to. So House of Health by Pamelyn was created based on a transformation and aha moment that I had about three years ago. You know, I had always been fit and athletic and worked out, you know, like crazy my whole life. And I kind of had it figured out where I could dial it back in if I needed to. Even after both of my kids, I was able to, to get back to where I felt comfortable. And then 42, 43 hit, and nothing worked like it used to. None of the things that I did in my twenties and even early thirties they just were not working.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:03:54]:
And I felt like I was even going backwards. And I would see all of these women my age, not all, but I would see some of these women on Instagram where they were seemingly figuring it out. And I thought, I need to just throw my hands up in the air and just trust somebody to actually tell me what to do, because everything that I thought was right was wrong. And so I hired a coach, and she changed my life, and that's what I want to do now for women. And I actually hired my coach. She's now my head trainer for my company. So thats the really quick version. But going back to how I transformed my body was really focusing on weight training, fueling your body properly and resting it, none of which any of us are really doing, were over cardioing, were not eating enough protein, and were not resting.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:05:02]:
It was doing the opposite of what I thought was right. And once I figured that out and I saw my body change, my mind change, my energy change, I was so passionate to just scream it to any woman that would listen. And because I'm the kind of person where if I figure something out, I want to tell everybody right away, I'm running to all my friends and I'm like, oh, my gosh, you guys, you have to know this will change your life. And so I went back to school at 42 years old, and I got my health and wellness coaching, and I started to dabble in it a little bit, and I went full blown because I just saw such a need for women our age, you know, early forties and beyond, even, like, late thirties, where we're really doing things that aren't going to be good for our bodies now and for the future. You know, I'm all about, like, longevity. How can we be optimal? It's so much more, you guys like, at this stage than the aesthetics. Like, of course we want to look good, right? I mean, that's, that's part of it, and that's totally fine, but it's more about how are we going to feel great and live longer and live in abundance. We'd be able to travel well into our seventies and eighties.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:06:23]:
So that was my whole passion behind everything that I do.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:06:28]:
So true. And while you're going through this and your fitness journey, if you will, how did you manage the initial challenges of starting your business while balancing motherhood, mom to two, and going through, you know, all of the things with starting a new business and raising a family?
Pamelyn Rocco [00:06:49]:
It was definitely challenging, and I think that's important, you know, to talk about. You know, I had been doing interior design prior to starting this company, and I've pivoted a number of times in my life. I kind of enjoy doing that. So I feel like I might have had a, you know, a leg up in the situation because I have done that before, but just put my head down and I had a goal of, and I really had more space than I ever had because my littlest was starting kindergarten. So for the first time, I didn't have a kid at home. So that really did free me up, you know, both, like, right. I mean, my energy, you know, my mental state, it was all just kind of a little bit more balanced to where I could really wrap my head around, okay, how can I build this successful business? I just didn't want to dabble in it. I had really big goals, and I could see the future, and I knew where I wanted to go.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:07:57]:
And I think what stops a lot of people is how to get to that place. There is so much fear and overwhelm and anxiety over all the things we have to do to get to that end result that you become frozen and you don't know, you know, even where to start or where to go. And so I just did it day by day. I kept telling myself, ham, Rome was not built in a day. Like, you don't have to have everything figured out from the beginning. And Julie Solomon, who is, you know, also a hey, mama member, and she is just one of my greatest friends and a mentor around this. She said, pam, just start. If people want to buy things from you, just start selling.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:08:43]:
You don't have to have anything figured out. You just have to start. And so that's what I did.
Amri Kibbler [00:08:51]:
I love it. And I want to hear more about your business. I want to hear about sort of like, the nitty gritty of how you got it set up. I remember when we were talking, gosh, it feels like it was just yesterday, but maybe it was six months ago. You shared some incredible success stories with me. And I know that what you're doing is probably the dream of a lot of women that you've been able to set up partially, like, passive income as a part of your business so that it's affording you time to be able to manage your family and all the busy things in your life. Can you talk to us a little bit about that?
Pamelyn Rocco [00:09:25]:
Right. That was that big future goal, you know, that I was talking about. I knew that I had to grind it out for a while to get to this place of time, freedom. I think that's what we're all yearning for is, you know, how can we, you know, make enough money to do all these things we want to do, but then also have the time to do them? Like, that's. That's the key. And so I hired a coach to guide me because we can't just, like, how I coach women on how to get everything doubted for them because they can't figure it. Why do we have to figure out everything out, everything on our own? We shouldn't have to, you know, we're, like, expected to know everything about everything. And so I hired a coach to guide me to kind of understand how to, you know, put this whole platform together.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:10:23]:
There's so many back end pieces of it that are really overwhelming. And so I again, like, threw my hands up in the air, realized, like, I can only do so much. How can somebody else help me to get to my end result? And so I built up this platform where I first started with just one on one clients and group clients. But everything lived through my app, everything lived through this education platform that I can have women all over the world be a part of my program, but that requires my time, my presence, all of me. There wasn't anything that was really hands off. And so the goal is to, okay, once you develop yourself as, let's say, like, an expert in the field and you're starting to get your name out there, how can you basically make money while you sleep? And that was always my goal. So on my vision board was make money while you sleep. That was it.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:11:24]:
And so how you do that with these types of coaching and courses is you develop evergreen products where you build it all out. It takes a while. You're building out a course, you're putting a ton of education and resources in there, and you're filming workshops, and you are building it out one time so that it's out there for the future, and then you really don't have to touch it again. You can update things, and then people just buy into these courses and they're customer led, and it really is minimal time on your hands. And that was my goal. We're like, okay, I can only make x amount of money a month with these one on one or group clients. How can I then double, triple, quadruple my income by having these types of passive income? So it's the evergreen approach. I do nutrition guides.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:12:20]:
You can do a low ticket offer. You sell, you know, hundreds, thousands of them. That money just comes in, you develop it one time, I build it out one time, and then you just sell it on repeat. So I'm officially making money while I sleep.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:12:36]:
We love that amazing and really incredible and wonderful feedback and little.
Amri Kibbler [00:12:44]:
Can I ask her a quick follow up question?
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:12:47]:
Amri Kibbler [00:12:48]:
Okay, so you said you're making money while you sleep. Is there a moment when you logged in and you're like, oh, my gosh. Wow, this is really working. I really am making money while I sleep. What was that like?
Pamelyn Rocco [00:12:59]:
Yeah. So the beginning of this year, 2024, I told myself, pam, you are doing everything that makes you uncomfortable because that is the only way that you're going to grow. So I didn't want to say safe and cozy in my little, you know, bubble anymore. Like, I needed to get so freaking uncomfortable because I wanted to grow so much. And so part of that was putting in all of the behind the scenes work to build off these programs. It was a lot, you know, so I'm not going to sit here and act like, you know, any of this was easy, but it was so worth it. So all of January, if I wasn't with my kids, I was sitting in my office just doing this. I didn't do anything remotely fun.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:13:47]:
I mean, I just put my head down and I got it done. And so I think February 9 was when I launched this Macros Mindset Academy. And, yeah, I woke up to, I opened up my strength account on my phone and I saw the numbers just coming in and it was glorious. And I was like, yeah, you did it. Like, you're doing it, you know?
Amri Kibbler [00:14:16]:
Pamelyn Rocco [00:14:17]:
Yeah, it was a really good. I think it's important to be proud of yourself and tell yourself that you're proud of yourself. And I don't need anybody else to tell me as long as I am proud of myself, you know, that's what drives me for sure.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:14:36]:
And on that, it's a perfect piece of thoughtfulness for us and empowerment for us to continue to share with one another and particularly for ourselves. I want to switch gears a little bit and kind of go into the balance of personal life and also a business. You know, how do you manage the demands of running a business and being a mom?
Pamelyn Rocco [00:15:07]:
I think as time goes on, I am getting better at it. I think it's an, you know, forever evolving process. I think when I was a young mom, I didn't balance it properly. And so nobody else struggled. But my nervous system struggled. I struggled. Everybody else would not even know the behind the scenes, but were the ones that suffer. And I don't even think we know that those things are happening to us.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:15:43]:
You know, we're new to everything, right? Like, where we have these, you know, new babies. We're still trying to have purpose, and we're just going at it. It all ends and eventually catches up to you if you're not, you know, aware of it. And so, you know, it definitely happened to me where I was just every fool is exhausted. My body, my brain. And this time around, I told myself, like, pam, you're going to do it differently. Just like I approached the nutrition and fitness differently. Just like I was approaching being uncomfortable.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:16:28]:
I was literally flipping the switch on how I had done everything in my life to try and do it in a way that was more, you know, healthy for my brain, in my body. And I think so many times we were an afterthought. And as long as everybody else is fine and everybody else looks great and the house looks perfect, that's what matters. And, you know, I mean, it just doesn't. And so for this go around, I know that nothing is life or death about my business. If I don't get to something, nobody's dying. I can, like, compartmentalize that now as I get, I guess, mature and just, like, learn how, you know, my brain and my body works. And I think it's the people pleasing thing, too.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:17:29]:
I think it's like, you know, you want to get back to everybody so quick, and you want to have, you know, do this in its boundaries. I think it's boundaries in life. And that should also carry over, like, to your business and to your kids. I mean, I think that's what I've learned so much in these past two years are the boundaries with everything, you know, family, children, work, friends. We can't be everything every day, and we have to, like, acknowledge that we can't be the best friend every day. The mom every best mom every day, the best wife every day, the best CEO every day. Like, we maybe have three that we can really be good at. And then we have to figure out kind of what to, like, release and just having those boundaries, being nice about it, saying no and not explaining all of these things just kind of hit me at once where I'm like, whoa, I was doing everything that was not benefiting, you know, me at the end of the day, so I can go off about that forever.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:18:39]:
But that's my little take on it.
Amri Kibbler [00:18:43]:
Oh, my gosh. And you're so right from the out, like, you look so together. Everyone would like to look at your Instagram from the outside and be like, wow, Pam really is doing everything and has it all together, and she's just, like, in this place. And it just always feels so different from the other side of the lens. Like, we're always working on ourselves. There's always more ways that we can be compassionate with ourselves, more ways that we can give each other and give ourselves some space and time and set boundaries and all of those things. So I want to ask you about self care. What does self care actually mean to you, and how do you implement that in your life? To take care of yourself and nurture yourself, yourself, especially being that you're now in the health and wellness space.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:19:35]:
Oh, my. I mean, you know, self-care, there are so many different angles. You can look at it, and I think everybody's, you know, I hope definition of it is different. And I think when we say self care, we think, you know, massages or you're going to the spa. And I think that's kind of how it was, like, first almost, you know, market it or whatever. And to me, that's not even at all any of it. I think self care is acknowledging what it takes, and again, everybody's is different. But what it takes for me to be the best version of me that I can be, how can I show up the best way? And for me, that is, you know, allowing myself the time and the space to move my body and fuel it properly and know when to turn off.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:20:40]:
And so that means, you know, making sure that I am, like, working out every day. You know, the kids know that, like, they know mommy's, you know, what mommy needs, and it changes, honestly, like, every day. And I wake up and I, like, tune into my body, like, tonight. I haven't seen friends in a while because I am just in full blown scaling mode right now with all of these behind the scenes things for my company. And I'm like, I really need to sit and talk with friends. Did I feel like that at all for the past two weeks? No. I had no desire because I wanted to take care of this company, and I enjoy it. And then my time with kids.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:21:30]:
So I think it's ever evolving answer. And it doesn't have to be this one thing or two things. And I think some women don't like massages, right? They don't like massages or like, somebody cooked me dinner or, like, it's. Sometimes it's so hard to really tap in and we're doing things because maybe we're supposed to, because it's like, the cool thing that everybody's doing. And this is how self care is supposed to be without really sitting there, you know, and thinking, like, what does my body or my brain need right now? And maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's, you know, binging the new, you know, Mormon housewives show, which I've been doing every night. And I really go in there and I'm like, pam, what do you need tonight? Do you need to read your book or do you need to watch that show? And I just kind of, like, hone in and I give that to myself because at the end of the day, self care is really regulating our nervous system. That's all that it is.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:22:36]:
Yeah, it's so true. And it's fascinating that you're talking about this, like, philosophy of, we all think that we have to be in this box, right? Like, you go to school, you go to work, you get married, then you have a family. We're constantly in this box battle. And what you're describing is kind of breaking out of that box and finding who you are as you've been evolving. And on that, I know for me personally, I felt like I was in this box. And then I went through a divorce. And I want to also hear from you. I believe you also navigated that in your life and how that expression of yourself was really part.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:23:26]:
How did you deal with that? As you were navigating a divorce and learning how to co parent? What would you share with those that might currently be going through the same situation?
Pamelyn Rocco [00:23:38]:
Yeah. And, you know, I think that it's all related for sure. I just happen to do it all at the same time, so I don't recommend that. But, hey, you know, I mean, I think I'm doing fine. You know, going through a divorce while simultaneously starting a company, having, you know, two little kids at the same time was a lot. You know, I mean, it still is. But I think that it also gave me this space to. Yes.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:24:12]:
Like, figure out who I truly was outside of trying to fit into that whole curated box. And I started my business a month before I started going through a divorce, and to me, it was probably my outlet, honestly. Like, it was my therapy. It was something that I knew that I could focus on so that I had something to look forward to, so that I had something to work towards, so that I just wasn't going to be, you know, sad all the time. And that I knew that there was, like, a really great future. And it got me excited. Like, I knew that I was going to be okay. I knew that this was, you know, my path.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:25:10]:
Even though I never in a million years would have thought that I would be going down that road. I trusted that this is where I was supposed to be. And so whenever I get past something that's really sad or hard in my life, I almost get this fire just, like, lit inside of me where I am, like, okay, Pam, here we go. You're going to crush this next. This next phase. Because, honestly, I really didn't have a choice. And I saw myself, this version of myself emerging that was kind of turned off for ten years, and not by anything, you know, bad or anything like that. It was just like, I got married.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:26:03]:
I had these kids. My ex husband traveled every week. So it was. I was limited in what I could do. But prior to getting married, you know, I had my MBA at 21 years old. I was running companies. By 25, I was the vice president of marketing, all of these things. And then all of a sudden, I was married and a mom, and I didn't really.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:26:28]:
I didn't have the space to be that version as well. And I know that some people can do that. I mean, I know that it's really, really hard. It just wasn't the case for me. But there was just this, like, part of me that was, you know, dying inside. And I would, you know, try to develop companies, and I still work during the whole time, so going through that, like, that version of me was able to come back out again. And she's here, and she is just like, I am woman, hear me roar. I am going to the freaking top.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:27:07]:
Like, there is nothing stopping me. And so there's nothing, like, telling a woman she can't do something or limiting her. Like, there is nothing like that to just get her going even more. And so, yes, it's like, the hardest thing that I ever had to do in my life. But my kids see their mommy crushing it, and they tell me, and they are so proud of me. And I think doing it in this way where you're also. You're empowering yourself and your children and everybody's growing together. There's a beautiful piece to that that's coming out of maybe a sad thing.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:27:54]:
That occurred 1000% and that is so powerful because you are a woman and we are here supporting you.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:28:05]:
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:28:06]:
And, like, we just love all of that. Thank you for sharing.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:28:12]:
Of course. Thank you.
Amri Kibbler [00:28:13]:
And there is nothing better than hearing your kids say that they're proud of you. It's like a thousand hugs and a thousand awards that you could win or magazine articles that you could be in. It's like, my babies are proud of me. And that is so incredible. And you really have. You've been through so much, but you've achieved so much on the personal side, emotional growth, and all of these things. How are you bringing that into your coaching practice? Because I feel like you have so much fire and passion and you've learned so much that you're, you know, how are you passing that along?
Pamelyn Rocco [00:28:53]:
Oh, my goodness. Mindset is everything. So that is just, you know, a huge part of my coaching where, you know, not only am I giving these women a new approach to working out, a new approach to looking at nutrition, but I am teaching them a new way to wrap their minds around how to look at all of it. And through that accountability and that support, that's the true success of my coaching, is that we're there for them. It's a whole encompassing of everything. And that's why, you know, my program is built the way that it is. Like, I don't just do workouts for people. I don't just coach on nutrition.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:29:48]:
Like, I have to do the big picture because it's so intertwined. All of it is intertwined.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:29:57]:
What is bringing you joy right now?
Pamelyn Rocco [00:30:01]:
Oh, my gosh, you guys, I am just so happy. Like, I mean, I'm just freaking happy. I am so joyful on just life in general. I have the best clients in the world. Like, just hearing that I'm changing their lives and just, I always knew so all, like, my different careers, I liked them, I thought they were amazing, but there was always a piece missing where, and I would say this since I was in my twenties, I would say I just don't feel like I'm helping people enough. Like, okay, I was the vice president of marketing for, ok, I did cool events, ok, but, like, all right, I mean, I'm bringing happiness to people, but I just always wanted to give more, always. So then I got involved in charity and things like that to kind of balance out. And so now I finally, like, I just turned 46 years old and I'm here, it's like I have this beautiful company.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:31:04]:
I'm so passionate about it, and I'm helping people. I am so joyful about that. I can't even tell you my kids are happy. Like, I just don't know any other way. Like, I don't stay in a place of doom and gloom no matter what. I just think without hope, we have nothing. And so no matter what that has happened to anybody or, you know, myself, like, throughout, I've never given up hope on just life and future. And so, yeah, joyful about just present day and also hope for the future.
Amri Kibbler [00:31:47]:
I love it. And it's like, when you're going through all these hard things, it just feels like you're never gonna get over the hump. But it's true. You have to go through it really, to really get that.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:31:59]:
You have to go shrink through it so hard. Happens if people, they try to prolong things, they try to go around and around, like, no, no, we are going straight through this storm. Cause the straightest line is the quickest way out.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:32:17]:
Amri Kibbler [00:32:19]:
Yeah. And you just really evolve into this different place. Yeah. Speaking of that, our last question that we like to ask everyone is, what's one time or a moment that you can't believe that you made it through, or you might even have been laughing about today.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:32:38]:
Oh, my goodness. I have ones that are just sad. And then I have this really funny one that I thought that I would share. Both kids were babies. My ex husband was traveling, and everybody was sick. So I have a two year old literally, like, pooping on me with diarrhea. I have, like, a six month old. I'm not kidding you.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:33:07]:
I'm holding both of them. Poop on me from this one. And then the baby is projectile vomiting, and it hits the wall, you guys. And it ricochet's back hits me in the face so that I'm growing up. The other one pooping on me, and I'm like, how is that even real? And how did we get to that place?
Amri Kibbler [00:33:32]:
Oh, my gosh.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:33:33]:
That's a funny story.
Amri Kibbler [00:33:34]:
That is a very funny story. And it's like, yeah, these motherhood moments.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:33:38]:
How can you do that?
Amri Kibbler [00:33:41]:
I have literally have almost the same exact story of being stuck on an airplane next to an influencer. She's, like, funny, and she's, like, taking selfies, and I, like, there's diarrhea on my lap.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:33:55]:
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:33:56]:
I mean, those are the things that you, like, only feel like you only see in movies or tv shows. And then you're like, nope, this is my real life.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:34:04]:
If you're a mom, you have kids.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:34:06]:
They say, yes, let me. It's really funny.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:34:12]:
I want to tell my airplane story to you because it's so good. So we're in first class, okay. Moorea is sitting on her dad's lap. She gets motion sickness. He has white jeans on. I'll never forget it. I have the baby. She throws up all over him in the seat.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:34:35]:
You guys, the guy next to them, his biggest fear in life. We find out it's like people throwing up. So he too, she's throwing up. There's a pool he has to get up. And he goes and throws up. Oh, no. Oh, my God. I mean, you can't even make it up.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:34:55]:
It's just too good.
Amri Kibbler [00:34:57]:
Yeah, it's so good. Yeah. Those mothers have a war of throw up stories.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:35:05]:
But this is what beholding us, we're laughing about it now, you know? And that's, I think, the point, right? Everything seems so heavy or crazy in the moment, but it's just not going to in the future. When you look back at it, regardless of what it is, like, we can do hard things, figure it out and just. Yeah, keep growing, I guess. Right?
Amri Kibbler [00:35:32]:
You got to just keep moving.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:35:33]:
Amri Kibbler [00:35:33]:
It's like, okay, wow, this is really bad. I'm just going to keep going and tomorrow's going to be better and just going to keep on going 1ft in front of the other.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:35:44]:
So true. But I also think that there's this beauty in sometimes taking those pauses and realizing that it's all progress.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:35:52]:
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:35:53]:
You don't realize it at the time because you're so stuck. But if you take a step back and you're like, oh my gosh, this is progress. We're moving forward, it's moving. And soon I'm gonna be out of this season. It just does change your mindset, like you said.
Pamelyn Rocco [00:36:10]:
Well, and that you actually had to go through those things. Exactly. Get to that next place. And I think that's what I was saying before about the overwhelm of getting to the next step or getting to where you want to be. Don't worry about that. Let's just keep focusing on our goals and then like, you know, slowly it just starts to happen. If you keep focusing on that day over day, you're not going to be able to like, see it all happen immediately.
Amri Kibbler [00:36:44]:
Thank you for listening to Leaning into Being.
Erika Hanafin Feldhus [00:36:46]:
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Amri Kibbler [00:36:51]:
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