Neothink Today

In this thought-provoking episode of Neothink Today, hosts Alicia Rose and Joshua Seymour dive deep into a variety of fascinating topics that will leave you inspired and motivated to take action in your own life. You'll discover the transformative power of Mark Hamilton's "power of calm" concept and learn how to apply it to enhance your personal and professional life, from managing relationships and parenting to making smart investments and achieving success in business.
As Alicia and Joshua navigate the complexities of the 2024 super-election year and the globalist agenda, you'll gain valuable insights on approaching these challenging issues with a calm, rational mindset. Through captivating video clips featuring Mark Hamilton and Kevin Trudeau, you'll explore the root causes of the world's most pressing problems, the crucial importance of safeguarding individual rights, and the profound meaning of life itself.
Get ready to have your perspective shifted as the hosts introduce you to the groundbreaking concepts of the Prime Law and the Neothink mentality – a revolutionary path to creating a better future not just for yourself, but for society as a whole. By the end of this episode, you'll be empowered to focus on personal growth, create value in your life, and contribute to building a new world filled with limitless potential.
Join Alicia and Joshua on this enlightening journey as they guide you through the transformative power of Neothink Today. Embrace the opportunity to unlock your full potential and create the life you've always dreamed of living.

What is Neothink Today?

Discover new ideas for a new way of living and thinking in a new world of wealth, health, and peace!

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Hey, Mark Hamilton here.

Hey, I thought I'd just stop in

and let you know something

that's been very effective in my life.

I wanted to share it with you. I call it the power of calm.

The power of calm.

I first learned about the power

of calm when I was a young man.

There was a small print shop that I would visit frequently,

uh, back in the day when we had light tables,

that we would lay up our manuscripts, my books,

uh, old technology.

But I spent a quite a bit of time in that little print shop.

And I remember to this day, a fellow named Dennis.

He was the owner of the print shop, running around,

a productive guy, working long hours,

work late into the evening, get there early in the morning,

but he was always in

a panic mode.

He was always stressed out, overwhelmed.

I realized as I was watching Dennis, one, one evening,

one late evening, that he will never, ever be more

than his little print shop,

because he reached his limit

because he didn't understand

or know about the power of calm.

He was overwhelmed, panicking, stressed out, anxious,

and therefore, he never would have more than

that little print shop.

Admirable, providing a nice value.

I appreciated him in his services, but he was at his limit.

So I was a young man,

and one of my, uh, TV shows that I liked

to watch was called Dynasty.

And on the show was a fellow named Blake Carrington.

He was an oil tycoon, very successful,

and he always was just

so calm in the most stressful situations.

Now, I know it's all fiction and all that,

but I remember looking at him

and then thinking about Dennis Blake.

Dennis Blake,

and I thought, I need to be Blake

Carrington at work.

I worked a very stressful job at the time.

My desk was piling up, sort of like Dennis's print shop,

piling up with jobs, and he would get confused and lost

and, uh, panicking over that

my desk was piling up faster than I could get through it.

This before I had figured out, discovered,

invented the mini day system.

Um, and I was getting like Dennis,

but then overnight it was just a decision in my head.

It was that simple. I said, no,

I'm not gonna be Dennis anymore.

I'm gonna be Blake. I'm gonna be Blake Carrington.

I changed my demeanor.

I interacted with people at a completely different level,

very calm, collected, very sincere,

and a major change happened with my business,

with my personnel.

Everything changed just from discovering the power

of calm.

It's something very powerful in my life,

and I've lived my life that way ever since.

And I've had other major benefits as a result.

So that was in business. That was when I was a young man.

Just getting started now, power calm.

It also, I found

was very beneficial in raising my four

children and parenting.

So being a writer, I spent a lot of time in coffee shops,

just a good atmosphere for writers.

Back in the day before there were coffee shops,

I would write, I would spend time in fast food

restaurants such as Carl's Jr.

Are McDonald's.

And I remember sitting in McDonald's,

and that's where a lot of families come in and over

and over again, I would see stressed out parents

that would say, throw a tantrum with their children.

Of course, the reaction of their children is fear.

A child recognizes irrationality when a child

sees it, and a child recognizes

and is drawn toward rationality when he or she sees it.

I would see when these parents stressed out,

parents would go into one of these tantrumy fits

where they're yelling at their child

or perhaps even giving them a spanking, um,

losing it, so to speak.

I mean, it didn't happen a lot,

but it happened in McDonald's.

I'd see that from time to time,

and I could see the child just recoil, learn nothing,

no lesson learned whatsoever.

Just shrivel away from irrationality.

And I remember thinking, boy, if they could just be calm

and collected and deal with their child on a calm level,

the power of calm, well, that's how I raise my children.

And children will respond to, will be drawn to

the calm, rational person.

I could teach my children any lesson,

and they would learn the lesson just through the calm

message from my voice.

That was, it didn't need to throw a tantrum

or, or lose control.

So in parenting, the power of calm,

very powerful and effective.

There's something to think about.

Another place, the power of calm has been very beneficial

to my life, is in the world of investing.

Uh, I am the major investor

in the Grand Canyon skywalk

with my partner at the time, David, Jen.

Uh, David did not plan to have

a major, uh, partner.

He planned to have several small time partners,

but he didn't plan to have a major partner as I became.

The reason that he allowed me

and wanted me to become a major financial partner

was, and he expresses to me over and over

and over again that he liked having me around

because I was such a calm person.

There was a lot of stress in building the Grand

Canyon skywalk.

A lot of people we had to deal with a lot of, um, personnel

issues that we had to deal with.

And he just liked having me around

because I was such a calm person

who could handle these stressful situations

with calm and sincerity.

I didn't get riled up, so he just liked having me around,

but I didn't have time to just be around

unless I could become a major partner

investor with him.

So that opened up that opportunity for me

would've never opened up, if not far, the power of calm.

So the power of calm can benefit you in many ways,

in business, in parenting, in investing.

And let me just tell you, in relationships,

everything in life, um,

everything in life can benefit from this power of calm.

So what's the contrary to the power of calm?

Well, that would be like Dennis, where you're limited

and you, you, you've kept yourself out.

You can only go so far. That's it.

Wherever you're at in your routine rut, perhaps that's it.

You're, you're stuck. That's it.

Uh, in parenting, uh, you get greater

and greater conflicts with your children.

They don't really learn the lessons you want them

to learn simply with a simple attitude, change

to the calm, collected, sincere

person of power.

You know what comes with with calm comes power.

When you're calm, you carry power. You carry clout.

People listen, when you are the opposite of calm,

when you're anxious and, and bothered

and panicky, overwhelmed, well,

people withdraw just like the child would at McDonald's.

They withdraw. They recoil. They don't want to be with you.

They don't want to interact with you.

They don't want what you have to offer.

So they're shut off to the values you can bring them.

And what about in investing?

If you don't have a calm, collected mentality, well,

you're not making rational decisions.

And not only that, but people around you know that.

So you lose your power, you lose your clout,

you lose your rationality.

You, you lose your ability to do well.

So keep that in mind, the power of calm.

It's very attractive. People are drawn to it.

You will make friends. You will perhaps make a romantic

relationship through the power of calm.

You'll get respect from your children.

You'll get respect from the world, the power of calm.

Um, everyone to neo think today, your gateway

to the forefront of innovation and knowledge.

I'm Alicia Rose, an avid reader,

and with me is the in incredibly insightful Joshua Seymour.

Together we'll embark on a journey

where value creation meets entrepreneurial spirit,

where intellect booms, and where innovation reigns supreme.

In today's episode, we will be spotlighting the 2024

election season, and Joshua

and I, your host, will also be examining the globalist

agenda and share some amazing new need

to know insights.

We'll also, and this is also going

to be a very thought provoking discussion that promises

to expand your horizons.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding innovator,

or simply someone with an insatiable thirst for knowledge,

we are here to feed your curiosity

and ignite your passion for discovery.

Joshua, let's get started.

All right, thank you all for, uh, being here.

Thank you, Alicia, for that wonderful opening.

This is Neo thing today.

We're in season one, and we are on episode two here.

If you are, uh, just tuning in,

you might wanna check out the previous one.

That video that we played in the beginning,

that was The Power of Calm by Mark Hamilton.

You can find that on YouTube.

And we always like to give a big shout out to Mark Hamilton.

Many thanks, um, for the impact

that he's had on the lives of many of us.

And if you're not familiar with him, of course,

you can check him out on again, YouTube and social media.

But he's most known as the creator and inventor

and founder of something called Neo Think.

Uh, and this program is Neo Think today.

So obviously it has a lot to do with the idea of Neo think.

And so if you don't know what that is, you'll find out

as time goes on in this program, we are trying

to have a balance of tuning in on current events

and current situations in our lives and around the world,

and making sure that we grab the energy from the current

situation and focus on what we want the desired situation.

And then we always have some kind of actions you can take.

So it doesn't always follow that, like a clean format

of segments, per se.

We do sort of have a flow here, uh,

but we may kind of go back and forth a little bit,

but you will get basically a mixture of all of that.

And the other aspect of what we're doing here is we want you

to always get something to improve yourself for the better,

including your loved ones, as well as

to improve society for the better.

And that can take shape in a, in a variety

of different ways as individuals.

And collectively, we pretty much all want the same things.

We all want greater wealth, health and peace in our lives.

I don't think any of you, uh, would have a, a, uh,

a hard time with having a little more dynamically vibrant

health and longevity.

I think we all want that, right, Alicia?

Most definitely. And, uh,

and so that's obviously connected to health there,

and we can all use even more and,

and our loved ones as well.

Greater financial independence and wealth creation.

We'll talk about how that relates to the concept

of value creation today and emotional wellbeing, inner joy

and peace, especially in our

relationships with other people.

Uh, we're definitely going

to be going right into that today.

So you'll probably get a mixture of these kinds of things

as time goes on, because these are, you know,

the big eternal desires that everyone has.

So let's get into our format here.

Starting off with current events.

Last week, last episode, we talked about the solar eclipse.

And, uh, that turned out to be a big nothing burger, kind

of, it was pretty cool.

Um, but leading up to the eclipse, there was all

of this, uh, panic.

And, uh, I saw so many different, different things.

I I was seeing a lot of relationships

to a biblical prophecy.

Um, and I also saw, if you can see on the visual here,

if you're listening, you'll just have to imagine.

But there was this strip of where it started

in North America, and, and then when it would end,

and I even, I even saw theories on social media about

the earth cracking in a new river,

being created like the Mississippi River type of type

of thing in the path of the eclipse.

Um, and this is just the latest, the latest one.

This one was sort of unique, uh, in different ways,

but, um, eclipses happen all the time.

And here's a photo that Alicia found.

I don't know Alicia, if you wanna comment on this,

but there's some really amazing footage from the eclipses.

This one was pretty profound.

This one was from the Getty,

and they took it in New York,

in the state of New York.

And I also heard that while they were taking it,

the photographers found out that a couple that had never met

before met at the solar eclipse while they were taking this

photo, that couple decided that they found true love.

But isn't that interesting? Yeah.

How something like

that would happen on a total solar eclipse.

Yeah. Eclipsing your life with some true love.

That sounds pretty exciting.

That's definitely worth talking about.

And I, now I'm wondering how many, you know,

relationships maybe got sparked, um, you know, or,

or maybe toxic relationships ended.

So I wanna tie this in with

what we were just watching with Mark Hamilton.

We'll come back to the eclipse a little bit here,

but to tie it in with Mark Hamilton, there was a lot

of frenzy regarding that.

And so, if, if you've ever seen these memes on social media

or merchandise, like we're looking at a mouse pad

and a shirt here,

and I'm sure you've seen things like this,

the keep calm meme.

So keep calm and relax is kind of the learning experience.

Um, whenever things like that are happening, you don't have

to go along with what other people are doing,

getting all caught up in the frenzy, in the panic or,

or whatever kind of, uh, emotions

that are basically not being calm and relaxed.

And these are the kind of memes

that I've seen over the years on social media.

Uh, keep calm and carry on, keep calm

and be cool, keep calm and just dance.

There's so many of them and all different kinds of products

and stuff, aside from just the memes.

But for us, I think adopting this moniker, keep calm

and relax is a really good way

to go about living our, our lives.

And I think Mark Hamilton, in that video

that we played in the beginning, he really drove home

that point for us.

Um, wouldn't you say Alicia?

Oh, yes. And I highly agree with him.

As a matter of fact, being a parent, I have

remained calm under numerous interesting circumstances

and did my best to parent

as Mark Hamilton outlined in staying calm,

because I found out if I didn't stay calm,

neither did the child

and boy, then we're both not calm, we're both stressed out,

and boy, that just doesn't work out.

Yeah, and the, and Mark gave us a lot

of different examples, you know, in business and, and, uh,

otherwise, so keep calm and relaxed.

Like it sound, it sounds good,

it sounds like it's beneficial.

But now we're gonna play a video clip from Uncle Kevin about

how this is related to the secret of living longer.

And Kevin's gonna tell a story about a date

that he had one time.

So we're gonna switch into another, uh, video here.

And I always, we, I don't this,

we haven't put Uncle Kevin on the show yet,

but, uh, this, this one's really gonna build on

what Mark Hamilton said in drive that point Home.

I hope you guys are excited and ready,

and you might have to adjust your volume up

or down as we play these clips here.

Alicia, if you can give me a thumbs up

that you're seeing the video

and that you're hearing the audio,

I can't believe It.

I wanna be, I'm gonna,

And she's turning beet red.

I don't put anything in my body that's not healthy.

This is, is the Kevin Trudeau show.

I am exposing the corruption in government

and in major multinational corporations.

We're telling you the things that they don't want you

to know that will make your life


So if you're fanatical, which is what you just said,

that means you care too much.

And that fanaticism is gonna lead to illness in anything.

I was on a date years ago with this gal,

and I really liked her.

We got along well. She really liked me, I thought, anyways,

we, you know, she asked me out.

So we went out and she said, I'm a vegan.

And I said, look, I, you know, this is

before veganism was popular.

I knew what a vegetarian was.

I knew what a lact of vegetarian was.

A vegetarian, somebody who didn't eat meat, they ate

vegetables, anything that wasn't like a living

organism was a vegetarian.

And then there was a lacto vegetarian, which meant,

meant they could all, they, they, they could eat milk,

but they couldn't eat anything that was a living thing.

So they didn't eat crickets or, uh, cockroaches or lobster

or fish or deer

or lamb, anything that was alive, right?

But they could e the, the, the, the living spinach, okay?

But any, any animal sentient animal that was the vegetarian

vegan is even like worse or, uh, not worse,

but more strict, uh, against anything animal, right?

No animal product at all. Veganism.

And that's like the new thing, by the way.

I've got to meet a hundred year old vegan, just say, know

they don't exist anyway.

But I haven't met a people who are a hundred years old

that eat pork every day

and smoke non-filtered camels and drink vodka.

Now they don't have any teeth,

but they're a hundred years old.

And guess what? They're happy.

So I went out with this vegan,

I didn't know she was a Nazi vegan.

You will get what I mean in a minute.

So we sat there and a guy comes over to,

and I, I picked a particular restaurant

that I knew had a lot of vegetables,

and you know, you, you could get vegetarian.

They didn't have anything vegan back then,

but I'm thinking she should be able

to find something she can eat other than, you know,

gimme some celery sticks and carrots.

So we sat down, and by the way,

I have no judgment if you're a vegan.

I have friends of mine who are vegan.

We go out, it's like, I'm a vegan.

Hey, no problem. Everything's fine. Everything's beautiful.

Alright. So we, we, we sit down and the waiter comes over

and he said, the specialty of the house is the men,

the vegetable, the vegetable meroni soup.

There's no meat, it's vegetables only,

it's the specialty of the house.

It is spectacular. I said, fine. It's vegetables only.

No meat. No meat. Okay, we'll have two of those.

She orders like a salad

and a pasta primavera or whatever it is.

Of course, I order something

that I know she will really p**s her off.

Veal, no, a calf, a little baby cow.

I, 'cause if that p****s her off,

then I'm, I'm out the door.

I order like veal parmesan.

So the men soup comes and we both have the men soup.

And we're both going, oh man, fantastic.

Wow, this is amazing.

Oh, this is like, the best I've ever had in my life.

And she's like, this is the best I've ever had in

my, it's so delicious.

Oh, I feel so good eating it, knowing it's vegetarian.

I feel so good. You know, it's so different

because you know, when it's vegetarian,

it just makes you feel so different.

And I can taste the love and the vegetables.

It's just so wonderful.

I go, yeah, all I know is it tastes good.

And I'm, and I put a little Romano cheese on it.

She didn't because she's vegan.

I thought that helped, but it was delicious.

So the guy comes over and he goes, how's the soup?

I go, you were right. It's spectacular. What's the secret?

I'm thinking he's gonna say, well,

we roast the vegetables first and get a nice char on 'em

before we blend them.

Uh, who knows what he's gonna say?

He says, oh, the secret is we make our own homemade

chicken stock here from the bones of chicken.

It's like 18 hours. And that's what we use as the base.

So it's not vegan, right?

She goes, ballistic,

I can't believe it.

I wanted vegan.

I'm gonna, you didn't tell me this had meat in it. I can't

Believe she's yelling.

And people are around the restaurant looking at her,

and she's turning beet red.

I don't put anything in my body that's not healthy.

And I said, look darling, it doesn't matter what you eat

or donate the fact

that you're an a*****e means you're gonna die really soon.

And she looks at me, I go, look, you're so uptight.

Don't you think all this stress

and anxiety is taking years off your life?

Obviously that was the end of the date for her.

I stayed and had the veal Parmesan, just so you know.

Thanks for walking.

So Uncle Kevin was making the point there,

if you picked up on it, that basically the, the secret

of living longer is to just not take things so serious.

You have to, you have to kind of relax

and not care so much about stuff.

And it's, it's not healthy to be fanatical about things

that a lot of people have become fanatical about.

It doesn't mean that you shouldn't be, uh, vegan or,

or there's anything wrong with that lifestyle choice.

That wasn't the point of the video.

The point is, that's just an example of how someone

was creating more problems for themselves

and for everyone else in the environment.

Uh, basically because they were clinging to a idea

or belief system to the point where they were, whatever

the food was, could not have been more harmful than

that emotional reaction.

What do you think, Alicia?

I agree that soup did not hurt that lady one bit.

It pro uh, the worst

that gave her was probably more antioxidants

and from the chicken, a natural variety

of penicillin, which she obviously probably needed

after eating that, I guess.

But it was hilarious. 'cause here, um, Mr.

Trudeau took this lady to a very nice,

very classic high end restaurant at the time.

'cause I hear that's what he did when he dated

somebody way back when.

And so she had this great atmosphere

and it was probably top of the line, very organically made.

So she was fine.

Her reaction, um,

however, is typical of when the vegan movement started.

There were a lot of what he calls Nazi vegans running around

in the mid 1980s.

However, I've never met any, the vegan

and vegetarian friends I have, they're really cool

about things like that.

They would not have reacted that way

because eating something

that you don't know the entire in ingredients of,

they themselves would tell you you're taking a risk.

And that she should have asked more depthly exactly

what was in the soup before even trying it.

Yeah. So it's, it's a classic example.

And I guess, you know, the veganism has made a resurgence,

um, in recent years in the last couple of decades.

And, and I've seen it on social media.

I've seen some very interesting stuff.

We'll have to get on onto it.

Again, I don't, I don't have an issue

with the vegan diet myself, uh, or any kind of diet,

but I, I don't think it's good to be dogmatic about it.

So let's, um, let's now talk about the following mode

mentality, and that is related to

what happened in the solar eclipse.

We have a, a little clip here from

Mark Hamilton that we're gonna play.

And then I think Alicia has a few things to mention.

And, uh, this clip from Mark is on the root causes

of, of pretty much all problems, uh,

that we have today in the, in the world.

And it's, it's not a very long clip.

Uh, it's only about three minutes.

And I'm loving these, uh, Mr. Hamilton clips

that we're starting to see on, on his, uh,

social media account.

So listen here to, uh, Mark Hamilton,

and then we'll come back for some commentary from

Alicia and myself.

And then we'll move on to the next topic in terms

of current events and what's happening in the, in the world.

Mr. Hamilton, what is the biggest

problem in the world today?

Well, I can give you the root cause of all problems today.

Would you like to hear that? Yeah.

Two to 3000 years ago, man lived

with a different mentality than we have today.

It was called the bicameral mentality.

And man, uh, heard the voices of the gods.

It's an audio hallucination,

or the pharaohs, for example, heard the higher gods.

And whatever the pharaohs said, said,

man would follow the man God, the Pharaoh

or the Oracles would hear the gods.

And whatever the Oracles told man, man would follow

or man would hear voices in his head, his own God is Ka.

And he would hear that and he would just follow.

It was nature's guidance system of the animal man.

Now, about two to 3000 years ago,

we made a leap into human consciousness where we began

to be able to guide ourselves, make our own decisions.

And there's a big history around that, the metaphor

and opening the inner mind space and so on and so forth.

But the thing is, today, we are still plagued

with a residual from the bicameral mentality.

I call it the following mode.

And everyone absorbed the following mode

from the world around them, starting

with their parents when they were little babies,

before they even knew, before they even became conscious.

They absorbed through mimicked learned reactions

the following mode.

And that's what holds us back today.

Each person is individually held back in their

careers at life in general.

They never tap into the real powerful

creativity every human being has up here.

They don't tap into that great creativity.

A few do, you know, you have these Elon Musk

and these, you know, these, these people

with this incredible creativity.

But most of us don't have that.

And it's because we're handicapped mentally

from the following mode is the residual

of the bicameral mentality.

Also, society as a whole is suppressed.

Our standard of living is suppressed

because society as a whole is,

is caught in this following mode.

And there's an opposite in equal reaction to that.

And it's called our leaders, our political leaders.

And they suppress us and they take advantage.

They take full advantage of our following mode,

and their policies are pushing us down

and suppressing our standard of living.

So if you want to know more about this, go

to the neo think mentality playlist on my YouTube channel.

I give you the actual turnkey tools

and techniques to break free of the following mode,

both individually in your life so you can soar

with creativity on your path to success.

And I also provide civilization society as a whole to

the tools and techniques to break free

of our harmful leaders who are suppressing us.

See you there.

So that is a, uh, great thing to do.

Go to YouTube and search Mark Hamilton Neo Think,

and you'll be able to find that his channel

and be able to find that playlist.

And, uh, before I segue to Alicia here, just to kind

of set you up for some talking points here, Alicia, there,

the big thing that's going on right now,

besides the solar eclipse, that was just kind

of a momentary, momentary thing.

But the bigger thing that's,

and we talked a lot about it in our last episode,

the bigger thing that's going on this year is the 2024,

uh, presidential election in the case of the United States.

But also, if you look around the world, it's a, uh,

super election year.

This is, these are some stats

that we have on the screen from, uh, Statista.

And these are the countries in blue here

where a national election is or was held in 2024.

Uh, and you can see there's a lot going on.

Um, and the reason why people get all excited,

uh, in different ways, uh, for better

or worse about elections is basically it's still the vestige

of this following mode mentality that Mark Hamilton

was uh, talking about.

And we're gonna hear a little bit more

from Mark here in a moment.

We have some very short clips regarding, uh, politics

and elections and that kind of thing.

But before we get into it, let's see what Alicia wants

to add to the conversation here.

And then, and then we'll come back

and hear a little bit from Mark as well.

Well, what I thought was interesting

for the super election year, looks like all

of Asia was having an election year

and India had the biggest election.

Wow. Well, they are having a high population there.

Uh, they're running neck to neck

with China in the population according to the statistics.

And so they probably had

to count a whole lot of ballots.

And speaking of counting a whole lot of ballots,

segueing back to the United States,

this is the 60th presidential election

for the election season of 2024.

And Americans, according to the chatter,

are worried about the no in November,

the presidential election.

When they go to vote, they're wondering will it be rigged?

They're also wondering what candidate is good to vote for,

and they many claim that they're not going to vote.

Wow. Why? Because they're still upset from 2020 election.

Some of them even heard

that not all the ballots were counted

and that some states just finished

counting their ballots from 2020.

And this has created a lot of negative chatter

regarding the election season 2024.

But I think there's ways

of looking at this a little bit better.

How about you, Josh?

Absolutely. And we're gonna, we're gonna talk about it.

So we're real quickly here.

We're gonna play a couple clips from Mark

and then we will come back with,

with some more of our perspective.

The first clip is gonna talk about

how we are united contrary to what people think.

The political class basically fears that we're going

to realize that as many of us here kind of already have,

and each political party has a main focus, um,

we'll hear from Mark on that.

Doesn't really matter, Democrats

or Republicans, you've probably heard that before,

but you maybe haven't heard what, uh, you're about to hear.

And even how can we end racism,

which has strong roots in the political party, racism,

classism, that whole political party systems.

And then we have a surprise solution for you.

Alicia's gonna present something

and I'll just, uh, keep that here for a moment.

So let's now switch to some videos here from,

uh, Mark Hamilton.

Just some short clips starting with,

we are United,

and you might have to turn your volume up or down.

I noticed that my player wasn't turned up all the way.

The lack of unity in America is a massive illusion.

Americans as a whole, minus the very few

with the criminal mind, all want the same thing.

Prosperity for themselves and their loved ones.

We are all united in that reality.

But the horrors of our political class

pit us against each other for political power and glory.

George Washington, the father of our country,

implored the nation to never form political parties

because all the energy will eventually go toward winning

power for your party.

The people will become less and less a consideration.

And today we see he was 100% correct.

Yep, that is the case.

Which side is right.

Republicans or Democrats, if we give the Democrats power,

they lead us towards socialism.

If we give the Republicans power, religion starts

to tie into government as we head to towards a church state.

No side is right,

because at the end of the day, they are fighting

for more power and control over the individual

over your life.

I am fighting to free it.

Go ahead and follow if you want to discover the golden world

hidden from us for thousands of years by those who want

to control you.

And now we're gonna tie it into the essence of things here

with one more clip from Mark.

Mr. Hamilton, how do we end racism?

Well, that's actually quite simple.

Look, the way people look at, uh, racism today is,

are these groups, these minority groups?

And let me tell you, the politicians use

that for voting leverage.

Alright? Now, what is the smallest minority

of all the minority groups?

What is the, who is the smallest minority, the individual

minority of one that is the smallest minority?

And we learn to protect the individual

through something I call the prime law.

We protect the individual.

Racism is gone because everyone is equally protected.

If you wanna know more about the prime law, go

to neo, sign up for the newsletter.

And that's a good thing to do if

you haven't done it already.

Now, let's, uh, segue back to Alicia here.

Yes, I just love what Mark Hamilton shared

and also I learned from him in this book

here The New World.

Yes, I'm showing it the New World book that,

um, the ideal candidate, the type

that we all should be voting for.

And I'm agreeing here, is someone that is all

for a protection only government.

Also pro the individual

and will definitely lead this country into

a way in that

the individual matters the most.

And it is very exciting.

And also I learned about the prime law from this book,

which is really so thrilling.

It's so thrilling. I have to share it to you.

I'm going to read it right out of this book for you

because the ideal candidate should be the one pushing this,

the prime law, the fundamental law protect

protection preamble.

The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.

The function of government is to provide the conditions

that let individuals fulfill that purpose.

The prime law guarantees those conditions

by forbidding the use of fraud.

I mean, initiative force, my apologies for misreading,

initiative force fraud or coercion by any person

or group against any individual property or contract.

Article one, no person, group of persons

or government shall initiate force, threat of force

or fraud against any individual self, property or contract.

Article two Force is morally

and legally justified only for protection from those

who violate Article one.

Article three, no exceptions shall exist

for articles one and two.

And there's a adorable, wonderful character in this book,

the New World by Mark Hamilton named Daniel Ward.

And he is a pol, he's, I wouldn't call him a politician,

but in this book, he is known for running for president

and winning an election.

And he was the kind of candidate that said,

Hey, we need to do this.

We need to implement the prime law as the 28th Amendment.

And this book explains a little bit about how

that is possible

and how that the government can change

to protection only and pro the individual.

And it has a great message towards the end about,

um, all, a lot

that could be changed for the better

for everyone here in the United States.

And it's called Danny's Message

and it's from Daniel Ward.

And if you're curious now as to

what Daniel Ward's message is in this book,

because he's the ideal candidate type

that we all should be voting for, in my opinion,

please go ahead and read this.

Great, read The New World by Mark Hamilton

And that prime law that Alicia was reading.

If you wanna learn more about that and

and deeper, deeper into, uh, the thought process behind it,

you can go to cure to

Mark has an open letter here.

Mark Hamilton has an open letter

here to the Billionaire Club.

It's very short and uh, he's basically appealing

to longevity enthusiasts

and he is got this new idea that he's presenting

and there's lots of articles on here.

And even in the first article, uh, if you scroll down,

he's basically proposing creating a new country, um,

based on the prime law.

So you can find that there if you're looking for it.

And also you'll get the rationale behind all of this.

And you'll also get other ideas

besides just creating a new country, such as

what Daniel Ward did,

as Alicia was talking about the process of depoliticizing.

So it's not just a, uh, a fluffy idea.

There's a lot of a lot to back that up.

It's quite a breakthrough.

And many of us here, uh, listening, viewing, um,

we're, we're drinking the Kool-Aid, as I like to say,

and subscribing to it

because we wanna see things like the end of, uh, of racism

and all these different problems,

as Mark Hamilton was, was saying.

And it has to do with the individual.

The individual, as Mark said, is the minority of one.

If we cannot protect the individual,

we cannot protect anyone, any,

any minority group or other or otherwise.

Um, so make sure that you get that book, the New World

that Alicia was talking about,

and if you already have it, make sure you dig into it.

And if you haven't, if you have, you know, uh, loved ones,

maybe pass it along to them as well.

Let them read it and maybe talk about it together.

It could be some good conversation for, uh,

for your loved ones and family members. Um, yes,

It's an excellent read.

I'm agreeing with you, Joshua.

However, read the book for yourself

and make up your own mind

because that's what we all have the freedom to do,

is make up our own minds as to which way we want to go,

as well as which candidate we wish to vote for.

Oh, I thought you were gonna say, if you're not

with us, you're against us.

Hey, I'm not one of them.

Dare I say it, people that actually say that.

My goodness. No, no, no, we, we don't roll like that.

However, we hope you will want to join us

when into a new world concept.

Yeah, and the new world, it does basically kind

of paint the picture of more of the desired reality, which,

which we will, uh, kind

of segue into here in a, in a moment.

But before we do that, we need

to talk about the current situation

and the, the globalist agenda

to eliminate the useless eaters as many of you are aware of.

But maybe there's some kind of a unique perspective here

that you don't have, which could again, help you kind

of keep calm and relax so you can extend your, uh,

your life and just kind of enjoy the process

as we basically move through the evolution

that we spoke about last week and head into this new world.

So I got another clip here from Uncle Kevin.

This one's a little bit shorter.

We need to eliminate a billion

worthless eaters on the planet.

This is why China now is the

manufacturing capital of the world.

You can kill 'em off.

But realistically, if there was a mass die off of people

via some, uh, epidemic

or something like that, people

would be scratching their head.

I'm gonna reveal something that you've never heard before,

but this is what has gone on when I was in

the, the Bilderberg group.

We're telling you the things that they don't want you

to know that will make your life

Better eliminate from the planet.

So depopulation has always been touted as something

that the privileged elite want to do.

They wanna depopulate.

And when Covid came out, they said, see, see, see,

they're gonna wipe out a billion people.

Well, it didn't happen for 50 years

and longer, by the way, this goes back to the twenties.

There have been conspiracy theorists who have been saying

that the global elite want to depopulate the planet

every single year that we've been keeping records.

Every single year, let's just say since 1900,

every single year the population has increased in numbered.

So if the globalists want

to depopulate the planet, when is it gonna start?

Every single year

the population on planet earth has gone up.

So when is the depopulation start?

And so I'm gonna reveal something that you've never heard

before, but this is

what has gone on when I was in the the Bilderberg group.

The plan is not

to eliminate a billion people from the planet

and depopulate the planet.

The plan is to eliminate useless eaters.

In other words, when that privilege delete made

that statement, which is on tape, we need

to eliminate a billion worthless eaters on the planet.

That's true because a useless eater

is not earning money, and they're not a consumer.

The key is not depopulating the planet.

The key is eliminating the useless eaters

and actually increasing the number

of consumers.

In other words, take people out of poverty,

raise their level, raise their economic standard so

that they're earning enough money,

they no longer become a useless eater.

That's how you eliminate useless eaters.

You don't kill them off.

Clearly, that's one option, but it's never been done.

But you don't kill them off.

What you do is you raise their economic standards

so they become consumers.

The globalist plan is to eliminate useless eaters.

Yes, either by killing 'em off, but that doesn't help.

It does in one respect,

because you get rid of the useless eaters

according to the globalists.

And this is not me,

but more importantly than eliminating that group is

to increase the number of consumers.

This is why China now is the manufacturing

capital of the world.

And this is why the standard of living in England

and all throughout Europe and Canada, Australia,

New Zealand, America has been declining

since the second World War.

It peaked in the sixties and early seventies

after the second World War for America, for example,

because we were the dominant manufacturer

before the Second World War, actually

before the first World War,

the dominant manufacturer in the world was England.

That's why the sun never sat on the British Empire.

They were the most powerful nation in the, in the world

because they were the number one

manufacturing nation in the world.

Manufacturing is the key.

The globalist moved manufacturing to China.

I remember when Ross Perot was running for president

as an independent third party against Bill Clinton and Bush.

They were talking about nafta,

the North American Free Trade Agreement.

And Ross Perot, who's a business man who was a billionaire,

said, if you pass nafta,

there's gonna be a great sucking sound.

Jobs and manufacturing are gonna leave America

and go to Canada and Mexico

and every e economic, uh, economist and all

and all the egghead on CNN and NBC and A B, C and CBS

and the BBC and all the news organizations around the world,

you know, they went to Columbia, they went to Yale,

they went to Harvard, they live in a bubble in New York

or Washington, DC or la

and they look at you through the camera and you can see it.

They're thinking, you know, you are so dumb.

I'm so much smarter than you.

That's what they're saying to you.

And they go, this is a good thing.

nafta. Well, well, Ross Barro is exactly right.

There's, there was a great sucking sound.

Jobs in manufacturing moved outta the US into Canada

and Mexico, and they're moving out mostly to China

and they're gonna move out to India and Brazil

and other third world countries, Malaysia,

Philippines, et cetera, et cetera.

So the plan is to move manufacturing into

these third world nations.

And Africa is gonna be on the plan down the road.

And you take these useless eaters

and you put 'em in factories.

Now they're earning a good living

and now they become consumers.

So the globalist plan is

to increase the number of consumers.

And if you can't do that, yeah, you can kill 'em off.

But realistically, if there was a mass die off of people

via some, uh, epidemic

or something like that, people

would be scratching their head.

So that's not the ideal scene.

The ideal scene,

and I I'll show you here in a minute, is to get people

to die off naturally, to reduce for the population,

the average lifespan, which is happening.

And we've got one, we're kind of running out of time,

so we have to skip a couple things

that we wanted to show you.

But we've got a clip here from Mark Hamilton on the meaning

of life, which is gonna kind of segue us into some

of the actions we can be taking.

And here's a short clip again from Mark.

This is so short and simple,

but it is, it is really powerful.

Mr. Hamilton, what's the meaning of life?

Well, the meaning of life is quite simple actually.

It's not confusing. The meaning

of life is achieving happiness.

That is the meaning of life.

Now, do you want to know how to achieve happiness? Yeah.

Alright then we are human beings.

We have the only mind on the planet that can create values.

Therefore, that is our essence.

Our essence is to create values.

So when we create values, we are achieving our essence.

We are in harmony with our essence

and we will experience happiness.

The more we create values,

the more happiness we will experience

and feel, the more pride we'll feel,

and the more reflection, positively reflection

that we will get from society, from our loved ones

and from the world at large.

Wow, that's pretty powerful

and really packs a, uh, a punch there.

The meaning of life is happiness

and you create happiness by creating values.

With that said, um, Alicia,

I think we're gonna segue into our more

of our closing segment here so we can stay on schedule

with our program today.

Let's, uh, let's talk about some of the actions we can take.

And I think we got a hint at a few of them today.

One of them is keep calm and relax

and don't be worried about eclipses.

And we didn't even talk about climate change today.

Um, don't worry about the elections

and all that hysteria, don't worry about

the globalist agenda, uh, to the point

where you're being like the vegan person

that is causing more harm to themself

by doing what's called negative goal setting with worry

and doubt and that kind of stuff.

But in addition to that, what other

things could we be thinking about?

Alicia, you did talk about the new world.

Yes. And Mark Hamilton mentioned, be happy.

Yeah, that sounds like a lot of excellent songs.

You know, be happy kind of thing.

I'm all for being happy 24 7.

It's a choice and I choose happiness.

Also, we have a treasure trove of knowledge we would like

to share with you, including make your life better

by learning Mark Hamilton's quality

of life improvement techniques and business secrets.

Also new techniques for becoming a superior self leader.

Value creation secrets.

Yes, there's all sorts of ways you can learn

to be a value creator even better than

what you currently are.

And it these secrets also help one,

break away from the ordinary and be extraordinary.

I'm all for being extraordinary.

And we also wanna invite you to Joshua,

take it away.

Yeah. So regarding the meaning of life being happiness

and value creation being the way

that you can create that happiness.

Um, let's talk about some of the actions you can take.

Last week we talked about pure love.

You'll probably hear us talking about

that more as time goes on.

Um, neo think is a mentality as opposed to

that following mode mentality that you can a adopt

and go deeper into

and embody that code of living and thinking.

You'll hear more about that as time goes on.

You can also focus on not just learning about the new world,

but focus on building it in terms

of the values that you're creating.

A lot of that action for many

of us here is

You can go there to learn more.

And one of the things that we're doing in that environment

is we're playing what we call a value creation game.

So value creation, um, can happen in a few different ways.

And we've designed a game to make the process

of becoming the greatest value creator you can be a lot

easier and more fun.

And we have two elements

to our game based on the two fundamental movements of life

where you have the virtuously selfish movement

where you always have to be improving yourself

for the better and helping your loved

ones those close to you.

And then you have the virtuously selfless movement

of improving society for the better, which is normally done

through some source of value creation.

And ideally, these things would go together.

So in our game, you can enjoy the pure entertainment of

learning something new that may help you.

Continuously learning is very important for your quality

of life, but just learning it

and not doing it, you know, to know

and not to do is not to know.

So you can enjoy true enlightenment by applying something

new that you've been learning so that it is helping you.

And then, uh, that's where a lot of people stop

to really empower yourself and others, you have to share

or teach something that is or has helped you.

And that's exactly what we do in our game.

On Tuesdays, we, we come together on Zoom

and go into breakout rooms

focusing on improving yourself for the better.

On Thursdays, our theme is improving society for the better.

And we basically go into our breakout rooms

of five to six people.

Each person gives a five minute

or less presentation

where they are sharing or teaching something.

If it's Tuesday, it's about improving yourself.

If it's Thursday, it's about improving society.

And then after everyone presents, your breakout group

will begin to assign value to all of what was presented,

what was the most valuable thing,

the second most valuable thing.

And we're, we have points

and tokens that we're assigning to.

And that's basically what the game is.

It's very well integrated

and we're continuously evolving and improving it.

So you can get that, you can learn more about that if you go

to neo and join us there.

And once again, we want to give a great thank you

and round of applause to Mark Hamilton for everything

he's done to bring us solutions to improve ourselves

and society for the better.

And to everyone here who's moving forward with

that base of knowledge.

So that is Neo think today I'm gonna hand it back to Alicia

to close us out for this segment

and we'll join you on the next one.

Thank you so much Joshua.

And thank you to each

and every one of you for being here with us today

as our neo think today journey ends.

Let's take a moment to reflect on the enlightening

discussion we've shared.

We have learned about, about, um, we have shared from less

stressful ways to view the 2024 election season

to the globalist agenda.

And we revisited about the total solar eclipse and energies

and who met who and fell in love.

And we also learned about the power of calm

and that happiness is very important.

We've also delved into all sorts

of other illuminating topics

that illuminated the intersection of innovation

and knowledge right here on Neo Think today.

Throughout our exploration, Joshua

and I have been immensely grateful for your

stalwarts viewership.

Thank you so much. Your dedication

to expanding your understanding

and embracing new ideas fuels our passion

for bringing you thought provoking content to today.

And each week, let's remember that the pursuit

of knowledge is an infinite adventure.

Let's continue to push boundaries, challenge conventions,

and nurture our curiosity Together we are architects

of the future, shaping a world defined by innovation

and unlimited potential.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Be sure to join us next week for another

insight filled episode of Neo Think today.

Until then, stay inspired, stay curious,

and keep seeking the extraordinary in the ordinary.

With knowledge as our compass, we can navigate any frontier.

Have a great week.