Modeling Success

"Quality Representation: Vet Your Activation Agencies"
Discover the pivotal process of selecting activation agencies for your brand's success. In this episode, Connections Consulting & Marketing Solutions (CCMS) guides you through the essential questions to ask when evaluating agencies. From recruitment strategies to ambassador training and accountability, learn how to ensure top-tier brand representation. Elevate your brand activations with CCMS – where quality meets excellence.

What is Modeling Success?

Modeling Success is created to bridge the gap between talent and brand. Putting everything out on the table, addressing current situations and hot unspoken topics that are happening in the industry that need to change. We will address topics such as the models and brand's point of view on industry topics. As well as discussing success in the industry, what it is to be a model and what agencies and brands are looking for when seeking talent. Just because you get paid for pictures does not make you a model. A model is "a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate". A model is someone or something one aspires to become, someone who works their butt off and is someone people can look up to. This podcast is here to assist Talent in learning pride and true tactics for success in the industry.

I, Rian Donatelli, will use my 25+ years experience within this industry to discuss all these topics and more through conversions and panels with other people in the industry from talent to brand executives to the venues and establishments that we are operating in. We are going to find some hard truths that need to be heard on all fronts.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to modeling success. I am your host, Ryan Donatelli. And today, we are diving into vetting your agencies. So brands, this goes out to you. And brand ambassadors, this goes out to you as well because you should be making sure in your applications that you are signing up for agencies that you align with, their values, their, you know, mission, their vision, and look for those agencies that are in more alignment.

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So if you're into natural products, look for agencies that represent national natural products, heavily because that's a perfect space for you. I see, often that brand ambassadors are in these groups. They're checking out to see if agencies pay, and that's the main concern. But it should go deeper than that, and it should be agencies that you want to work for because they're growing and going in a space that you are in alignment with. So brand ambassadors, this goes out to you as well that your agencies care more than if they pay on time, care more about their pay schedule.

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Yes. Those things are valuable to you, of course, but all agencies should be doing that. So I would find it hard to believe that there would be an agency out there that, you know, is reputable, that does have a website and have a nice application process and screening processes, etcetera, that is not paying their people on time because us agency owners know how important that is in keeping and retaining good talent. But brands, this goes out to you and why vetting your agencies is so important. But ensuring quality representation for your brand is beyond valuable, and there are a lot of agencies out there that are not meeting their talent, not screening their talent, not training their talent.

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I hear every day that brand ambassadors have never had to interview, and I interview every single candidate that is assigned to Talent Booking Experts. So I take the time to get to know my individuals that are on my team so I can support their goals. And in return, they learn about my goals and the agency goals so they can support us in the same. So unless you know what your team members are all about, you cannot properly align them with brands, and that is important to you. So when next time you show up at your activation and you look at the brand team and you see that there is not an alignment with your brand and the brand ambassadors representing you, take a look at your vetting process and what agency you just signed with that did not match up accordingly.

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So, you know, in this fast paced world of marketing activations and choosing the right agency to represent your brand can make all the difference in achieving success. So with the rise of experiential marketing, it's crucial to know exactly how the people representing your brand are selected, trained, and equipped to engage with your target audience. At connections, we understand the significance of the selection process and offer insights of the top 10 questions you should ask when vetting activation agencies. So number 1, how do you recruit your brand ambassadors? Understanding an agency's approach to recruiting brand ambassadors gives you a glimpse, into their commitment of finding the best talent.

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Inquire about the different channels that they use to source BAs, such as social media, industry events, referral programs that they have with higher talent, and what online platforms they do look and background on their people. So that leads us to number 2. What background checks are they doing and conducting? So trying to maintain the integrity of your brand and the agency's brand, they should conduct somewhat thorough background check on brand ambassadors. I'm not saying run a criminal background check, but you can do so many things with social media and with Google, you know, to do some due diligence of looking into how brand ambassadors represent themselves on and off the clock.

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So ask about the types of checks they perform, including their social media accounts, any criminal background is, you know, something you could totally ask. Reference checks, if they ever look at their resume and call any of their references, and, you know, verification of their work history and certifications. Are they do they have a brand ambassador certification? Do they have their tips or alcohol awareness certification, CPR certified? Are these certifications active, or is this just something on their resume?

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You want to check on these items because most states have a state law for sampling liquor. And if we are in alcohol business, each BA needs to be certified, under their alcohol awareness program. And there's several out there and some represent several states with one card. So ask about the process in every state and qualifications and maybe have your own qualifications that your team has to meet to represent your brand. Number 3 has got to be, what is the interview process like?

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1st and foremost, is there 1? Are we meeting these people on Zoom? Are we meeting them in person? Is there any interview at all? Because the interview process is a crucial step in selecting qualified BAs.

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Agencies should have a structured interview process that assesses both skills and cultural fit and inquire about their interview formats, their questionnaires, and criteria of selecting BAs that are onboarded. How many get through the application process? You know, do they hire everyone that they interview because there's, you know, a place for everyone, or do they have qualifications to meet their agency standards? So ask certain things about their interview process like that. Number 4, how do you onboard and train your BAs?

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Onboarding and training, you know, is a pivotal role in ensuring brand ambassadors are aligned with brand values and objectives. So ask about the agency's onboarding process, including orientations, trainings, introductions, brand guidelines, protocols, and representing the brand accurately. Number 5, I would have to say is what trainings and tests are required prior to brand representation. Now know this. This is not common.

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Talent booking experts and connections, we do train and test our BAs on products, but not industry standard. It's just something I'm particular about. So do find out what trainings they provide. Is the model or brand ambassador just on their own to do their own Google research, and that's expected of brand ambassadors because they should care? You know, what trainings are they providing their team and requiring of their team prior to representing their brands.

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So should the BA undergo specific trainings and tests to ensure their readiness? Is this on the BA? Again, ask them. Inquire about the topics covered in these trainings if they do exist and such as product knowledge, consumer engagement techniques, and any ethical guidelines. All very valuable.

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Again, some brands might think that agencies should already know this and do this, and that's why you hire agencies. Some agencies might say that this is the brand ambassador's, you know, due diligence because they are 10 99 contractors, and this is what they should do as a brand ambassador role. So some people consider, you know, when you hire a plumber that a plumber should know and that you shouldn't have to train a plumber, to be on Angie's list. So ask these questions in advance prior to hiring your agencies because it's super valuable. Number 6, know how to address liability for agencies that neglect these steps.

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So the liability of agencies that failed to execute proper recruitment, training, onboarding can have significant repercussions for your brand's reputation. So discuss how the agency, you know, can handle these risks and your brand can handle these risks and who's taking responsibility for the actions of their BAs. Hopefully, you can prevent these items before they, become a risk. And by, you know, addressing these 10 items and these 10 bullet points, hopefully, you can get there. But what happens if things fall through the cracks and there is an issue on-site?

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So make sure you cover that as well. Alright. Number 7, can you provide examples of successful activations? Find out their stats. Find out what people say about working with them.

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Look into any testimonials that they have that they could provide, but request case studies and examples of successful activations that an agency has executed, who some of their clients are. This will help you gauge the creativity in the successful piece, that they provide. You know, you can ask specific questions about how they would handle x, y, and z or maybe give them a project concept and ask how they would handle that. But attention to detail and the ability to align activations with brands and brand goals is is key out in experiential marketing, so pay attention to that. Number 8, I would have to say is how do you match BAs with brands?

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Effective brand representation requires the require the right fit between BAs and brands. So inquire about the agency's process for matching brand ambassadors to brands based off of demographics, interest, skills, and your target avatars. You know? It's so great when that conversation can happen between 2 people that are in alignment with the same lifestyle. So if you have a protein shake and you're targeting an older demographic, having an older BA with the same interest in mind of the brand is great for brand alignment.

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So pay attention to these details and how they match their BAs with the bookings. Number 9, how do you ensure BAs stay updated on brand information? What is the ongoing training and relationship that they have with their BAs when they represent brands, and what trainings are 247 accessible to BAs in case it there's been a lapse of time since they last had the training or represented the brand. What brand trainings exist 20 47, and how are they accessible by the brand ambassadors that are working for that agency? How can BAs stay up to date with the latest information, and how often are they providing updates and current information to the brand ambassadors.

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So ask how the agency keeps the BAs informed and changes in product services, brand messaging, and additional SKUs that come out, throughout the seasons. And then, obviously, training them on how long will that flavor or skew be available if it is a seasonal product. All super important. So everyone is 247 up to date on your products and brands. And number 10 is how do you measure a brand ambassador's performance and consumer feedback?

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This feedback and live data from the streets is so essential for improvement. So are they paying attention to competitive brands in the market? Are they providing information of how the event activation could have been better? What would have made it better? Were we there at the right time?

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Is there a better date and time that maybe the brand ambassador can give back to you? Yes. You may have had a goal of going in on the time frame that you did go in on. However, is there another time that would be equally as great or maybe better for foot traffic or target consumer? You know, what is the strategy?

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And if the brand ambassador understands this or knows what feedback you're looking for, they can give you real time accurate data, not purchase channel data, but complementary data that can go into the data you are already pulling and analyzing that might identify a new avatar, a new opportunity, a new holiday, you know, something that maybe you're not noticing or thinking about that will open up the opportunities for the brand to increase sales. So ask about the agency's methods for collecting feedback from the brand ambassadors, what the time frame is in getting that, as well as customers, and how they use this feedback to enhance brand ambassador performance. Also super, super valuable. So vetting your activation agencies is essential step in safeguarding pride in a comprehensive approach in selecting, training, and supporting brand ambassadors who reflect your brand values and resonate with your target audience. So if you are seeking an agency that prioritizes quality representation, contact me directly, send me a DM, email me, contact me on ryan

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Everything is there at your disposal to get ahold of me, the company, TalentBook Experts, or connections. But at bare minimum, TalentBook Masterclass exists to certify brand ambassadors in the alcohol industry of how to execute promotions effectively, gather proper data, provide great recaps, and all of the essentials that brands want out there. So whatever you're doing for your promotions and selecting your brand ambassadors, consider TalentBook Masterclass to get them certified and ask every agency you work with these 10 questions so you can select the right agency for your brand and your in market activations. That is it for today. Thank you so much for listening in.

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I am Ryan, and we will see you on the other side.