Daily Boost - 29 Kislev
29 Kislev: The Quick and Easy Way
The Daily Boost is a podcast, created by Tut Altz, to help inspire your day with a daily Moshiach-related Torah thought.
A 2-minute daily Geulah lesson to inspire your day.
It's short: it's quick, its insightful, and it's bringing Moshiach!
The purpose of exile is to refine and elevate the sparks of G-dliness hidden in the world. When we finish this refinement, Moshiach will come. (Torah Or, Vayeishev 27d)
We can refine the G-dly sparks in creation by wrestling with the physical world’s darkness and concealment until we nullify them, but this requires much effort and time.
The quick and easy way to change the world is by spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus. This way is peaceful because, once the inner dimension of the Torah is revealed, the opposition recognizes the truth and is transformed automatically.
Hisvaaduyos 5745, vol. 2, pg. 805