The Man Warrior King Podcast

In this episode, explore the possible explanations for why prayers for healing may not be answered. Matt challenges the belief that God controls all things, and that he's up in heaven arbitrarily decided who will get healing and who won't. We look at the importance of faith in receiving healing, and Matt shares his personal experience of battling a physical disease. It's time that we all take responsibility for growing in faith and not giving up in the battle for healing. Matt offers to pray for anyone in need of healing.

If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.


00:00 - 09:48
Kingdom living, Physical healing, Miracles, Prayer, Health battles, God's control, Salvation, Authority, Sickness eradication

09:54 - 19:49
God's will, faith, prayer, growth, responsibility

19:53 - 22:01
Healing, Personal development, Belief, Rest, Faith, Self-improvement

Creators & Guests

Matt Hallock
Founder of Man Warrior King and author of The DNA of a Man

What is The Man Warrior King Podcast?

You want to live a life on fire and on mission.

You want to be filled with such conviction and drive that you stop caring about what ANYone thinks.

You want to face each day alive, authentic, and fully present in every moment: with your wife, kids, on the street, at the gym, at work.

You want to bring yourSELF to the table, and to stop bringing the watered-down, nice, what everyone wants version of you.

You want that self to be a man who is burning in passion for Jesus, unafraid to bring his kingdom to anyone in your path, no matter the cost.

You want to love the one in front of you without fear, without needing love back, and without reserve.

You want to experience God for real, to not just believe, but to KNOW that he’s got you and that he’ll show up on your behalf. That he’ll show up THROUGH you.

You want to get to the end of your race and say, “Yep…I gave it everything. Jesus, you know I’m all in.”

...And you want to know just how to get there.

Welcome to Man Warrior King. Congratulations. You are among the violent taking the kingdom by force. You are among the chosen, answering the call to rise above your self. You are in the forge being stripped down and strengthened—and you WILL rise stronger, solid, unshakeable.

You are a man. You are a warrior. You are a king.

Good afternoon, welcome to another episode of the Man-Warrior-King podcast. I'm your host, Matt Halleck, the author of The DNA of a Man and the founder of the Man-Warrior-King movement. I am happy to have you with us today. We're going to be talking about Why did I not get healed? And this might seem a little off-topic from the norm of how to live a masculine Christian kingdom life, but it's not. It's really, really not because as a Kingdom man, central to your existence, central to your life is the Kingdom. Is how do you do Kingdom living? And

how do you participate in the works of God in the earth? And how do you pray? What happens when prayers don't get answered? What are your what are your Where do your thoughts go? What is the deal with physical healing and miracles and all of that? And if you've been around me for any length of time, you know that I believe 1000% in healing miracles. Not do I just believe that God can do them. I believe God wants everybody well. I don't believe that God authors sickness and I don't believe he chooses some people to be

sick so that they can learn their lesson or so that they can bring him glory in ways that other healthy people don't. I don't believe any of that. That's not in the Bible. So this message is for you who are dealing with a health battle. Maybe it's in your own body, maybe it's in your wife, maybe your kids, your parents, whatever. And you want to believe that Jesus is a healer, but you didn't see it or you're not seeing it or you haven't seen it yet. Where do you land? See, we spend a good deal of

energy and maybe even time wrestling with the question, why? God, why did I not get healed? God, why have I not been healed yet? Why, why, why, why? And a lot of teachers, preachers out there, spend a good deal of time answering that question as to why. Some of them answer it I think better than others. I kind of I kind of don't even know if it's a question worth asking. At least you might benefit from asking it initially, but to stay there and to keep on asking and wrestling that question out until you come to

a to an answer that that satisfies the the the angst inside of you that's desiring for healing I don't know that that's the right way to go that that's a productive fruitful way to live Always focused on why is what I want not happening and trying to come up with a theological explanation that makes sense and that puts your discomfort at ease. I believe at ease. I believe for myself that I have not yet been fully healed. And not that I believe that, that's just apparent. As to why, I believe that the answer is multifaceted, but

it begins with an understanding that God does not control all things that happen. That is, I believe, the faulty starting premise for most Christians asking the question, why am I not healed? They're asking it, standing on a foundation of, God is in utter control and has for a certain reason chosen to not heal me or not heal me yet. I think we need an entirely different paradigm to be asking the question. Not that God controls all things and authors every detail of your life, but that he is the supreme ruler over all creation and yet has

chosen, as the scripture says, to give the earth into the hands of men. So, he is supreme, but he legally gave jurisdiction of the earth to people. And so, everything that happens to you and I is not because he is tinkering like a clockmaker putting all the different pieces of the gears together and you don't see how the gears are gonna work, but if you stepped back and could see from his perspective, then you'd see. That's not exactly it. Maybe there is some of that. Maybe. I get it. Maybe God, I know, not maybe, I know

that There is some element of God writing a story. But it doesn't mean that every detail that happens has been planned by Him. Was it known by Him? Yes. Was it planned? Not necessarily. God has plans and he has a will and sometimes his plans and his will don't happen. And to some that sounds heretical but it's just it's just truth. Scripture says that he desires that none perish but that all would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. And we know that does not happen. Some still perish and many do not get saved. So if

we follow the logic of the normal thinking of the day, that would mean that it is God's will that people die without knowing Jesus because of the fact that it happens. But then screw that's in direct contradiction to scripture that says no God's will is that nobody perish. So that 1 instance it it drills a hole in the entire argument of everything is in God's control. And it's all according to his plan. It's just not the case. He gave the earth to men and women to rule over. If he were to step in and over tinker

he would likely be breaking his own principles, his own laws. He would be violating the jurisdiction that he himself set up. This is why in order to work salvation he had to come as a man because a man carries authority in the earth. So he had to be a man to save it and to rightfully take back the authority before handing it back over to his church. This is the paradigm we need to be standing in when we ask the question, why am I not healed? Because it opens up the possibility for many more explanations than

just either God chooses to or He doesn't, then your question becomes about, well, why did God choose not to? What was He thinking? What was in His heart to make Him not heal me? And it's a limited question. It's a limited scope to be considering. But if it's not all about what God chooses or doesn't choose and there are other factors at play, now it might be a beneficial discussion. If he's not in complete control and then he expresses, I want sickness to be eradicated. Then it opens up the idea that you and I can do

something about it when things don't line up with his will. And now we don't start violating scripture by saying that things that are going on in our lives are God's will when they clearly go against what he has told us his will is. Such as sickness. Psalm 103 says, you heal all of my diseases, not just some and not just sometimes. All of them. Every 1 of them. Exodus calls him Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our healer. He says he will not visit the diseases upon his people. Isaiah 53 says that Jesus bore our sicknesses and carried

our infirmities. He says if you lay hands on the sick they're gonna recover. It says that the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead also gives life to your mortal body, not your resurrected body, your mortal body. It's all over Scripture, His promise for healing. So when you don't get healed, are you going to say, well it must, he must have some other reason. Are you going to question what he's already told you and say, well, God doesn't want me well because blah blah blah. Then you're going against what he has already said. So be

careful. But I believe we can ask this question without impugning God's character and his faithfulness to his word. And we can learn some things. Why am I not healed? Well, The answer that a lot of people don't want to visit is a lack of faith. And hear me out. This is coming from somebody who is currently dealing with a physical disease that has been attacking my body severely for 16 years. So don't turn this off because you're about to get offended. I'm speaking from somebody in the trenches and no, it's not a small little ailment. I

believe if I didn't have faith, I would be dead by now. I was bedridden multiple times over the course of the last 16 years. In a lot of pain, more pain than I want anybody to have to go through, whether I like that person or not. So I've been in these trenches, I've earned, I have earned the right To speak on this thing, even if it makes some uncomfortable Why am I not healed I'll tell you from my own in my own self right now. I believe I can grow in more faith. I do not believe

I have grown as much as I can into as much faith as I can possibly have. And Jesus said, according to your faith, be it unto you. And so I'm like, well, Lord, I wanna be well, and I'm not yet. So there must be room for my faith to get bigger, for my faith to grow. There must be room for me to grow into such a faith that I lay a hold of the promises of God that are in the spiritual realm and pull them in to the natural. Hebrews 11 says that faith, it substantiates, it

gives substance to the things that we do not see. My healing is a spiritual reality, but faith gives substance, physicality to it. So if I'm going around praying for people to be healed, am I telling them, oh, well, you didn't see anything happen. That's because you don't believe. No, I'm not saying that. This is a delicate subject and I'm not out shaming everybody into saying, well, if you didn't get healed, it's not my fault. I've got the faith. You must not. That's an abuse. It's wrong. And it's stupid. If I'm praying for someone to be healed

and they don't get healed, I put nothing on them. That's for them. If they want to go deeper in this and they want to hear my thoughts on it and they're open to it without, without being plummeting into a depression and discouragement because they don't have enough faith, I'm happy to discuss and I'm not going to be judging or throwing stones at anybody. I'm just gonna be telling them for myself, I know that healing is waiting for me. I know that it's mine. Jesus says it is. And so I will continue the path of growing in

faith until my time is up at a hundred and 20 years old. But until then I will not stop seeking to increase in my faith and to lay hold of my healing. When I'm praying for others to be healed and it doesn't happen. I do the same thing. I consider it a sign that I need to grow more because if I mature, because Jesus says it's good for a servant to be like his master, he said you're gonna do greater works than me. So I need to become like Jesus. If I grew more and became like

Jesus and I prayed for someone to be healed, I would have success. And it wouldn't matter what the ailment is, it would be done. I would be like Jesus. And so if someone doesn't get healed when I pray for them, I take it on myself. Okay, Lord, I want more. Give me more. I need to grow more. I'm not gonna give up. I'm gonna pray for the next person with that thing and believe they're gonna get better, and if they don't, I'm gonna keep growing and keep at it and keep trying. I take responsibility, I take

ownership. I don't put it on someone else. And I believe why people don't get healed, I do believe if we all had 2,000 years of great track record history of being raised in a heritage of physical healing, I think we would have a lot more people getting physically healed a lot of the time and a lot less people ever getting sick because we would be mature as a congregational church, as a corporate body, we would be mature in this thing. And I think we're a little bit infants. And so we've got some growing to do corporately.

Another answer to why? We're in a battle. The world is resisting, at least Satan is resisting the sons of God taking it back. The world, well, the earth itself wants the sons of God, it says in Romans 8. And so we're in a war. And Unfortunately, there are casualties. Does it mean that that is God's desire? No. Does it mean it should be that way? No, we need to learn how to win against sickness once and for all, against all of it. Big, little, it doesn't matter. But we are in a wrestling time where some of

us are going after healing and some of us aren't. And there's just a battle plain and simple. And so if you're not healed yet, that doesn't actually sentence you to never be healed. It tells you, oh, if there's a battle going on, that means I can win it. So rather than resign myself to whatever the outcome of the battle might be, why don't I take up a weapon and get fighting? Don't give up. Some people don't get healed because of giving up. It can even be as simple as, well, maybe it's just not gonna happen. And

some people don't get healed for a reason, I don't know why. Maybe they never gave up, Maybe they were always growing in faith and they knew it was linked to their faith. Maybe they knew they were in a war, they were fighting. I don't know. I'm not gonna try to answer. I'm giving you some of my thoughts, but I don't believe that they're necessarily the answer for everything. Again, if we go too far with this, I think we'll start asking the wrong question instead of asking, okay, So how can I bring about healing, both in myself

and the people around me who I pray for? Not why am I not getting healed? How can I get healed? It's like a lot of personal development teachers say don't say you can't do something instead ask the question how could you how can you do that thing same thing don't say I'm I'm not gonna be healed or why am I not getting healed just say okay well let's flip it around. How can I get healed? What can I do? What more, where can I go, Lord? Holy Spirit, lead me. And he might lead you into resting

about it. He might lead you into stop trying so hard. Maybe. I don't know. But I think resting and not trying so hard is different than stopping the fight. This is a tough subject to talk about because it's tricky. It gets on people's nerves easily. But here it is, guys. I'm sharing it like I see it. And if I'm wrong, I will be wrong. But I know that I never saw anybody get healed until I started believing the way I do right now. And If there's a better way to believe that can take me from this

level to the next, I would like it. I want everyone who comes into contact with me healed. If you have something that you need healed, would you send me a message? You can message me on Instagram, at manwarriorking. You can head to my website, fill out the contact form. I will get it. I wanna pray for you to be healed. Love you brothers. Peace.