Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda

What is Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda?

Leaha Crawford and Rhonda Nolen are business consultants that discuss the current struggles of small business owners and entrepreneurs. Each episode covers steps necessary for smaller businesses and business owners to grow and prosper.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear did not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz anymore, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford.

Unknown Speaker 0:36
And I'm Rhonda Nolan.

Unknown Speaker 0:37
And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show

Unknown Speaker 0:41
for all the beautiful entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Good morning, Las Vegas. Leah. How are you doing this morning?

Unknown Speaker 0:50
You want to know what Rhonda? You know, the weather has changed the weather has she

Unknown Speaker 0:55
very true.

Unknown Speaker 0:55
You want to I don't know. But last week, I guess after our show, I actually, you know, went out of town real quick did a quick turn around. Came back in the Vegas that evening, I had on a light jacket. And I was like, oh, oh, yeah. Hey, you know, this is this is good. This is good. I love this weather.

Unknown Speaker 1:15
After I saw you last week. It turned for the worse. I didn't feel well. And I didn't go in my out of town trip. I stayed at home was sick as a dog the whole weekend. But I'm feeling much better today. Glad you're ready to rock and see. But I'm glad

Unknown Speaker 1:29
that you work from that you work from home. So you really can do everything over the phone and over the internet. So if you are ill,

Unknown Speaker 1:36
you still can go to work. Yeah, can still work if the medicine don't take you out? Well, you can take a

Unknown Speaker 1:40
nap. And when you wake up, you just say I missed a call. Exactly. That's exactly what about being an entrepreneur and working from home in Las

Unknown Speaker 1:46
Vegas. Have you exercise this morning is a beautiful morning. You have no excuse not to go out and go for your walk. You need to get up and start your day with some exercise in Las Vegas. Leah, have you started your hot yoga? Yeah, here we

Unknown Speaker 2:00
go. There we go. She always do this. No, no. Okay, I have to figure out something else because the yoga studios that I was going to are all now closed. Okay, so I have to find another studio. In and around town. If you know of a studio please contact me. 70238257377023825737 I love hot yoga. Yes, you Dan. Preferably in the Henderson area. Because I know there aren't any east. Henderson is a lot closer for me than Samoan. Okay, so I'm looking for something. Henderson going in that direction. Eastern area. Kind of but I love no hot yoga. I love hot yoga, and I want to go at five o'clock in the morning. Okay, you know, I like to go for Rhonda tell you I am first thing in the morning. Yes, I am done by seven o'clock. And I'm ready to start my day. Now I go to bed at nine o'clock again. But I like I like hot yoga. I love

Unknown Speaker 3:10
a full day in there.

Unknown Speaker 3:11
But it's hot yoga. It's a different type of workout though. It's just it's different. It's different for me. But yeah, hot yoga. 702-382-5737. If you know of a studio, please contact me and let me know. But today, Rhonda, you know how long it took me to get this woman in here?

Unknown Speaker 3:28
We've been talking about this for almost two years. Almost two years.

Unknown Speaker 3:32
It's been two years. Yes. And then we will see you're out at different events. Yes. And then up into the shoot. She was. I think I've seen you before. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. I you know, I want to bring you on the show. She can all excited. And then another year go by. Another year go by. But today we have the pleasure, the pleasure of having judge angel on the show with us. Good morning, Judge Angel.

Unknown Speaker 3:59
Welcome to the show. Judge Angel.

Unknown Speaker 4:01
Good morning. Lovely ladies. Lovely spirits. Lovely energy. I love you guys. Thank you for this honor.

Unknown Speaker 4:11
You want to know what thank you because I know what your schedule how busy you are. It's a huge commitment for you to come in here with us. And just talk about you with the with the TV show you have going on. It's a lot. And you are I mean people want people want to talk to you. And I'm glad you're here with us. I'm glad you are here with us. I

Unknown Speaker 4:30
am so honored. This is such a pleasure. And ladies and gentlemen, those of you that hear our voice I want you to know this positive energy has me pumped up this morning. I am so excited. But not quite enough to try hot yoga. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 4:46
Try yoga. Yeah, but I'm telling you once you try it. It's like one of those things once you try it, it's gonna be like wow, it is I love it just the after effects because you have after effect. Yeah, everything's good. But Judge angel who are you? I mean Introduce yourself to our listeners.

Unknown Speaker 5:01
Oh, thank you so much. I am one of those souls that was reared in a poor environment. They said we didn't have anything. The kids laughed at the clothes I wore to school. But you know what I had? We had good neighbors and the neighbors as I walked home from school, they would say, are you behaving in school? Are you getting good grades, and education was everything. My mother who had a sixth grade, I'm sorry, a high school education. My father, who had maybe even less, she became pregnant, ran away from Birmingham, Alabama, with me. In the winter. My birthday is New Year's Day, while she's in Detroit, Michigan, walking down the street in the snow. And the pastor of the largest black church, the historical church in Michigan, that had transported slaves from Detroit, Michigan, under the tunnel to Windsor, Canada, saw my mother in the snow walking with this infant in her arms. He and his wife stopped, picked up my mother and I, they reared my mother who's 15 and they put me with the pastor's mom, hallelujah. I was grandma.

Unknown Speaker 6:27
People don't understand you want to know what I'm gonna grandma's baby to grandma 100 Grandma, that's a real love. That's some real love because there is a difference even to the year that grandma's everything Miranda, you know, their grandma's everything.

Unknown Speaker 6:42
And it's so beautiful because this lady just loved on me like I was her child, there was no difference. And they sent my mother to school. She became a nurse, then a registered nurse under the banks. That's who is Reverend and Mrs. Banks. And then she went on with her career. And of course, I grew up the started living with my mom. And it was so wonderful because I have seen both sides of the fence. I have seen the wealthy, the pastor, his mom and wife, and then I knew where I live. We would sit on the porch in the summer. And I remember seeing rodents run across their yard, it was no grass or anything was just dirt. In the daytime, you've seen him run. So to see both sides, I knew where I wanted to be. And my mother's model was always show appreciation for when someone is nice to you. No one has to be nice to you. They choose that's a choice they make to be nice to you. Show appreciation. So where'd you go to undergrad? Oh, undergrad, I was blessed. I went to U of M University of Michigan. I'm one of those people I could read all day. Everybody else has stopped skipping rope. running races chasing the boys going to the parties. Give me a book. I'm just as happy turned on metal music. So I've always been a bookworm, you know, for better for worse. And I love it. But I went to school I was reared in Detroit, Michigan went to school in Detroit, Michigan, ended up because of someone choosing to be kind to me. Dr. Ed Wingate, told me at a party he had, it was a brunch, and he had black judges. He had black lawyers, I had never seen such. And I was an educator at that time for special education. And he said as much as you like to talk, you need to be a lawyer and ask for well, he said, Yes. That was on a Sunday on the Monday I was calling around. Wow. Okay, what do I need to do to be a lawyer? Where do I need to go? And that's how I started out. So I want for our listeners. It's never too late. Amen. It's never too late. Amen. You know, you don't know when that call is coming and whose life you're going to impact right all the time. And I think that's why it's so critical that we speak positive messages into everyone's life that crosses our path. That's my criteria. If I meet you, my job is to inspire you. And that's what our television show us about. It's called judge angels, all stars. I believe we're all stars. Some of us are just in the pathway of developing our star to shine. But we're stars in there. We just gotta bring it out to the fullest degree. But judge angels All Stars is on every Saturday morning at 7:30am I know that's early, but you have a DVR. It's 730 on the seat lbu, channel 33 is on Cox, Channel Six is on Dish CenturyLink. What's that the Dish Network, all those, it's on all the channels, but it's on early. So just like some of us really, discipline can get up early at five and go to Hot Yoga, rest of us to lay in bed and turn on the TVs at 730 in the morning at 730 in the morning, just lay there, open your eyes, listen to the show, I guarantee you, there's going to be something someone says to inspire you. And my audience, you know who I want all of you to be those people that had dreams, you thought about doing this, then you had started your family, or you had to take care of a parent, or you had a son that needed your full time, attention. All of you with those beautiful dreams that you put on the show. We want you to bring them on out girl bring a lot outside, bring them out, we want to put them in action. And you know how we do that? Baby steps, baby step, how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time they only got one, Judge Angel all stars. So I expect to hear from all of you. All of you. I want to hear about your dreams. I want to hear how you turned it around. One lady wrote to us and said that she had always wanted to be in the nursing field. But her family said you can't be a nurse. You're too impatient. You were the everything they had to say was negative. She said just watching the show, she decided to give it another try. And now she's with a group that's very positive. She's feeling just the opposite, feeling just

Unknown Speaker 11:45
the opposite. And then understand what that dream. You need to be around those positive people. Right? And we were just having a conversation about self talk. Yes, your self talk. You know, because what people say to you is one thing, but what are you telling yourself? Because I can push you and say, you know, pull the dream off? Do this, do that. But what are you telling yourself? Because that's the one person that you're with all the time, right? You're with this person not

Unknown Speaker 12:11
with the people when you're not by yourself and you're with your your your circle of friends, it starts with your circle of friends. Yes. And I really try to have a great circle of friends around me that are very positive. That can give you back all that positive energy you need. And then you give it to and I love it. Now don't get me wrong, negative things do happen and have those discussions we speak

Unknown Speaker 12:34
to turn that around. No, you do because the negative is like you don't know what it got to be a silver lining here because I happen for a reason. Right? Had to happen for a reason. And say thank you, right? Is that a negative things? Everything might not be going right money might not be there. But thank you God because guess what? I got some breathing. Right. I got another chance. Oh, right. So maybe I woke up this morning. So I looked at the bank, okay, it might be negative, but that's okay. I guess I'm here.

Unknown Speaker 12:59
So you have to surround yourself with like minded people and positive people. We tell entrepreneurs that all the time, especially as entrepreneur, you have to your mentors, we know will give you the tough love, and they'll give you the good love, but you got to have positive people around you. They like to do the things that you'd like to do that can help you get to the next level. For the people who you know, are very negative, you know, like the people told that young lady, she shouldn't be a nurse and they gave her 20 reasons why I'm glad she listened to your show and went ahead and move forward to become a registered nurse because now she's doing something she loved because she always wanted to do it.

Unknown Speaker 13:32
But you know, it also gives me though, when people get into the negative thing, and we get into this revenge day, and we get into, Oh, I gotta get this person back. And I remember my mother saying to me, she was like, you know, success is the best revenge. Yes. She said, You know, when you ignore people, that's the best revenge or speak and be just as happy. Hey, I know you stabbed me in the back and I saw the knife. pulled it out. Yeah, I hear what you're saying. But what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bless you, right? And I'm gonna keep on moving. Because you were a part of my story. I needed that. Right in order to be pushed forward.

Unknown Speaker 14:05
And whatever. So powerful. Because when I just call it Satan's folks, when those folks see that you're trying something or reaching for higher level, and then they started oak whisper campaign, all that, oh, you know what I'd like to say thank you, thank you, for every negative that you speak about me. God is going to triple that and bless me with something wonderful. And your whole life gets to be something that's just unbelievable to you. And for those of you hearing our voice, we live this success doesn't start from the bottom and go straight to the moon. It's a bunch of ups and downs up her butt. And Leah, like I said, it's not about what they said about you. The real test is how we choose to react. And the key is when they're mean don't Speak to you speak to everybody around you. And it knows everybody. But you know what's so wonderful. I like to stand and say thank you, Father, thank You, Lord, I know your blessing me, you bring me so many good things into my life. And it's a way that it's almost like God is making them so jealous. I can't stand themselves. Well, but the

Unknown Speaker 15:22
other thing about that is I, I giggle, because that happens a lot, right? And I had someone some years ago, upset with me about something. And we were somewhere and she said, I want to talk to you. And I said, fine. She said, You know, because I could ignore you. I said, I don't care what you do. That could go either way. Because what you do has no impact on me. And to this day, when I see her, she, you know, she's sometimes speak sometimes what you eat, don't make me go to the bathroom. And so, and when I have this, and random will tell you that, you know, and she knows me in that. It doesn't matter. At the end of the day. I know what I'm here for. And if you are around me, I will love when you care about you. I will call you on your stuff, though. And I expect you to call me your mind because I need to grow. But we all need to understand that you need to be around supportive people.

Unknown Speaker 16:14
And that's why I love your radio show. It's just so touching, and you're really reaching critical issues. You asked me earlier, how did I get into media after being a judge for 22? years? Okay, I'll

Unknown Speaker 16:27
talk about that. But I want to go but I want to go from where for Okay. You mentioned you went to University of Michigan, you did your undergraduate there, then you were a teacher for some years and you decided to go to law school? Yes. And you went to telephone you went to law school,

Unknown Speaker 16:38
I went to University of Detroit law school in Detroit, okay, a hometown girl, never wanting to go anywhere else. You couldn't tell me. Detroit was not the Paris, the best place on the planet, right? The people were so wonderful. If you had a flat tire, if you lost your money, if you couldn't anything. If there was a person walking anywhere near you, you knew you had help. People just came together. It was such a beautiful community that came out of people moving from the South to the North, for the auto industry. And that was a big community. But yeah, I was just blessed. I've been so blessed. I'm so thankful. And that's why I tell people when I say something, because I'm only human out of order at the wrong time, the wrong way. The wrong atone, please forgive me, because it's not coming from my heart. I have been a judge for 22 years. I bottom line 90% of my conversations, which is too tough for some people, a lot for a lot of I blame myself, I have to transition and speak softer. People say what about this blue blue bubble? I'm giving it to you don't ask me because I'm gonna tell you. But I have to soften that. And a lot of people say, Well, you know, you just say things straight out. I don't mean her. But before you run out of time, I have to tell you, whenever you ready, how I started and why I started media.

Unknown Speaker 18:14
Okay, I want to know that. I want to know that question first. So you finished law school and you were a judge for 22 years? Yes. And you love being a judge?

Unknown Speaker 18:24
I would tell them you don't you don't have to pay me just I swear, because other the other judges had children. And they had to go to school for just children events. So I was a call. I said call me anytime. I'll hear your docket no problem. Because I loved it, then and I met a chance to help people who didn't know how to access help. They had never talked to a lawyer. They had never been in a court. They had never got a ticket. They had never been charged with the crime. All of a sudden they're in court facing a felony. A felony. Ladies and gentlemen, tainted means everywhere you go, every form you ever fill out for the rest of your life. You have to put down that you're a felon. Now, if you decide, well, that was six years ago, I don't have to put it down 50 Oh, yes, you do. Because if they go back and check and see you didn't put it down. Now you're terminated and you lied on your application. Oh my god. So it is a major thing in the lives of African Americans, Mexican people, Latino people, all the beautiful brown people. It is real in our lives. So Did that answer your question? Yes. So

Unknown Speaker 19:39
now tell me how you transition from being a fantastic lawyer into the media spotlight.

Unknown Speaker 19:45
Okay, I was a lawyer. And the reason I ran for a judge someone that I highly respected at Wingate, told me that I like to talk I need to run to be a lawyer help people out and it was done that started that process. But I had already He been an educator. Okay. I was with the North Central accreditation, because I talked my way into it because I was a fighter. I saw a couple of things happening to kids. And I told you guys I didn't approve off. Right. And I had a couple mishaps, right? So, the Union President saw what I was doing and standing up for the kids, she invited me to be on her team. From there, I got to be an evaluator for North Central accreditation. That's when it when gate told me to become a lawyer, okay, after being a lawyer going to this court being treated like and no animals are treated good. I mean, like something crawling on the floor. We were just respected as African American lawyers. We were our clients were disrespected. If our client was asked a question, they attempted to answer. Other judges at that time would tell them to shut up. Excuse me, that's inappropriate to say anybody at their day in court. I mean, it was just madness. So that's what made me run for Judge. First Time out 100. Attorneys ran for two new seats. Wow. Everybody said you can't do it. Some of these men have been notorious for 30 years and you know, you're too young. They're not gonna let you win. They have deep pockets. So that's okay. My co pilot, Jesus Christ, okay. My leader, he will find a way for me. And lo and behold, in the primary, I came in number two, they lost their mind. Wow, okay, who is this woman? Where does she come from? We don't know any dirt on her. Yeah, the FBI came to my neighborhood, went to my neighbors, and asked them did I have a lot of men coming to my unit was a condo judge lived on my, my street. Two other attorneys lived on my street, a major construction owner lived on my street, not knowing that we all knew each other. They went to their house and asked them to please talk about my activities at my home. People don't think, you know, you think you have to be a bad person to be investigated. You don't? You don't you don't, you know, if they see they can't suppress you, or bribe you. And you know, people have seen these videos where they give an official $100 Some stalking some nonsense, and when they can, so no, I don't do this for money. This is about money. I want to help people. God has put it in my heart to help me. I got the name Second Chance judge, the attorneys would say we know we'll wait a week to wait to get before you because we know you're going to be fair. And if there is a way that you can help people, you will do that

Unknown Speaker 22:56
second chance. And I like a chance you will know who she is sound like the shots out to one of my favorite judges here. bth. If you listen, you're listening in North Las Vegas. Belinda hairs, Belinda T. Harris, is the same type of judgment. And that's what she writes. Belinda Harris, same thing she was talking about the same thing in North Las Vegas.

Unknown Speaker 23:18
It's a passion you have I never was able to have children. Okay, so really, the people I saw come before me, they were like my children. And I wasn't bias. Color had nothing to do with it. But you were given your day in court to explain yourself. What you were going through what you were seeing now what some police officer wrote on his report, he wasn't even there. I never saw this young lady that

Unknown Speaker 23:47
stopped. Say that again. Because Because when we talk about the legal system, the police write a report based off of information is third party information. But that report has more weight in the court room than somebody that was actually I mean somebody that that was actually there didn't didn't defend a

Unknown Speaker 24:08
standing there trying to tell his side of some judges gonna tell him to shut up. I don't think so. You will be written up. Okay, here we go.

Unknown Speaker 24:18
But it judge Angel judge ain't a girl darling. Y'all are listening to Let's Talk with Leah and Rhonda. I am Leah Crawford. I

Unknown Speaker 24:23
am Rhonda Nolan. And we have the wonderful judge angel in the house. So it's about her entire story and how she got to where she is today on her fantastic TV show. Judge angels the All Stars TV show that happens every Saturday morning at 7:30am on The CW. And if you too, you heard her say it earlier. If you had a dream, and you didn't, you didn't follow it right away but then you came back and you filed it in your inspiration to others. Please contact her because she wants to talk to you. She can be reached at 702-234-2020 Again, that seven zero Two to three for 2020. Okay, Joe, Joe, let's talk about this show. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 25:05
I want to it's so much but I have to ask you, Matt come back because there's no way Oh, you haven't?

Unknown Speaker 25:09
Oh, you have to do to say when we're gonna move the calendar around, just because I know, you know, I know what your schedule

Unknown Speaker 25:16
is not my schedule, but my heart is so full. And I want people to know, many of your elected officials that you take time to research before you vote, and you make sure you vote each and every opportunity. Go into that booth, you vote. We care about you. We want to serve you. The money they pay us is less than we may, on our own private I took a pay cut to be a judge, okay, from being a criminal attorney. But being a criminal attorney did not give me the opportunity to serve people to teach people to help them better their lives. Okay. So you researchers know who we are. Stay in contact with anybody here in this 702-234-2020 And you don't contact me. Something's wrong.

Unknown Speaker 26:09
702-234-2020 easy to remember 702-234-2020 You have an inspirational story that you might want her to talk about. Yeah, you can email her at 702. Yes, you can@gmail.com Again, 702. Yes, you can@gmail.com We have to end it right here. Because we are out of time.

Unknown Speaker 26:37
Give me a tissue, I'm crying tissue you crying.

Unknown Speaker 26:39
I'm crying because we have some announcements. You got the net, we ready for the announcements, we

Unknown Speaker 26:45
have a couple of announcements. So parents, you still have time to register your children. For the 100 black men Crossroads program, just go to www 100. Black men las vegas.org and sign your child up. Also, the next Junior investment class starts December the first. So if your kids want to learn about stocks and bonds, they have an interest, please again, go to the website 100 black men, las vegas.org, look under the program's tab. And under the program's tab you'll see all the beautiful programs and the 100 has and all the signup applications are there too. So let's let's get your kids going. We're ready to rock and roll.

Unknown Speaker 27:27
Also holiday time is coming and you might have a wedding party, Katie and her baby shower or you just want to have a get together. Life legacy venues is now open and ready to ready to receive you. You can give them a call at 702-444-7624. Again, 702-444-7624. Judge Angel. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 27:57
You ladies have bless me, I poured some of my soul out to you. And I just want to say I hope I will be a part of your circle to fill your vessels to help you recharge your batteries. That's what I love to do. And I just think the more of us that can come together to help. Everybody is going to make a difference. And and listeners know we love you. We absolutely adore you. We are praying for you daily and keep us lifted in prayer. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 28:31
we need it. We absolutely need it.

Unknown Speaker 28:33
So you listen to the last talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I'm Lea Crawford.

Unknown Speaker 28:37
I'm Rhonda Nolan and we had the wonderful judge angel in the house today and we're gonna have her back. We have so many other things to talk about. Yeah. But Las Vegas. Enjoy your Saturday. Until next time.

Unknown Speaker 28:48
Hey Peace and blessings Peace and blessings by a man a man

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