Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 / Our genetic lottery, how come Josh has yet to eat the dessert he bought over the weekend, who keeps leaving the fridge open, Chantel needs to be more excited about Josh's truck, pebbling, old meat and cheese left on a greased pole, feeling old again, revenge on a crocodile, and delicious pretzels!

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It's Josh and Chantel, and this is Wake Up Classy 90 7, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It is Wednesday, June 19th. Today on the show, we talk about our genetic lottery. How come I have yet to eat the dessert I bought over the weekend? Who keeps leaving the fridge open?

Not me. Not me. Not me. Chantel needs to be more excited about my truck, pebbling old meat and cheese that's been left up on the top of a greased pole. Feeling old again, revenge on a crocodile, and, oh, so delicious pretzels.

Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Classy 90 7.

It's Josh and Chantel. What's up? Oh, hi. Good morning. Oh, hey, girl.

Hey. How are you on Wednesday? I am here. Whoops. What was that?

It's just I'm I'm here. Carry on. Came in like a wrecking ball. I sure I swear I what just happened. So I get everywhere.

Alright. Well, hey. Today is Juneteenth. Today is, is a big day for American history. Is the day when union general Gordon Ranger, he arrived in Galveston, Texas and read order number 3, which affirmed the end of slavery in the states of the former Confederacy.

This is kind of a huge deal. It is a huge deal. It was in it was on this day that it was announced that all slaves are free. And that is what Juneteenth is all about. So, today is Juneteenth.

It is a new national holiday as of the past couple of years, which is kind of a kind of a big deal as well. Today is apple and apricot month. It is the kickoff. Both of that? Middle of the middle of the month, they're like, oh, yeah.

We've forgot about apples and apricots. Better kick that off. Also, this 1 has never made sense to me why it happens at this time of year, but it is national thank a teacher day. Uh-huh. It's a it's a summer.

Yeah. Teachers are like, I'm being thanked enough. Thank you. Here, it's summer. There's, like, places where they go school year round.

Okay. That's fair. But National Thank Teacher Day today. And another 1 that doesn't make a lot of sense is National Garfield the cat day. Oh.

And maybe it does make sense No. It doesn't. To have it on a Wednesday. But Garfield hated Mondays. I feel like it should be celebrated on a Monday.

No. It shouldn't because he hated Mondays. Why would we celebrate? Help him not hate every Monday. Every We all hate Mondays.

It's watch day. I have to charge mine. Watch. Yes? Let's celebrate the watch.

We're Keep in touch. To time. Real food day, world sickle cell day, world sauntering day 00I like a good saunter. And international box day. You ever see, like, a really nice box and you go, I I could hold some stuff.

Yeah. And then I go, keep that around for Christmas. Yeah. And then it ends up in a pile for a while. Yep.

That's how that works. Anyway, good morning. I just added to the pile of things that Josh can break down later. Yeah. Why don't you, why don't you break down a box once?

No. Can't be bothered. I know. Good morning. Josh, if I asked you how you won the genetic lottery, what would you say to me?

I don't think I did. What genetic did I win? Anything that is like Well, like a chiseled jaw or Yes. Like, I only tan in the sun. I never sunburn.

I see. So you but you're saying how have I won the genetic? I haven't. I don't There's not 1 thing that you're like, yeah. This is pretty cool.

I'm bald. I'm rotund. I, just a normal kinda guy. Okay. So I don't feel like I'm can grow a wicked awesome beard.

I grow a beard pretty quick. A lot of people are envious of that fact. I've never had anyone say, man, I wish I could grow a beard like you. Yes, sir. Nope.

Nope. There are people that say, Kyle, you grow a beard really fast. That's not necessarily a good thing that they're saying. It is. No.

Just take it that way. Like, man, you that way. You look like you probably need a barber. No. Yeah.

I don't think that's what they're saying. The Internet asked, and here's what people said. Here's how people said they won the genetic lottery. Height. I don't have that going for me.

Quit quit cutting yourself down, bro. Oh, I'm cut down plenty. So I'm just trying to find I have big feet, especially for my height. They're normal feet. They're large for my height.

Stop cutting yourself down. Say now say 2 things nice about yourself. Read your list. Someone said they're not allergic to mosquitoes, so they can get bit. Mhmm.

But they're basically unaffected, and so they don't get itchy. I don't have that. Said some someone said no 1 in their family has gone bald. I don't have that. Josh, it's okay to be bald.

Someone said their teeth are nearly perfect naturally. You have very naturally perfect teeth. I had a bottom retainer when I was young. Oh my keep going. I'm trying to help you.

You keep cutting yourself down. No. I'm just I'm just trying to find my win. Someone said they have better than 2020 vision. Well, I've got pretty good vision, but that's because of lazy.

You weren't born with it. That is true. Someone said they have a magic sleep button, so they'd lie down and fall asleep immediately. Alright. I can do I can sleep pretty much anywhere.

That's you. This they also said that they don't struggle waking up. This is not you. You can fall asleep immediately. But And I will stay there.

Yep. You will. Yes. You will. Someone said they can read really fast.

I I I'm a pretty fast reader. I am not. I am. A man said his beard was magnificent. You have a magnificent beard.

Do I? Yes. It's getting a lot of white in it. I think we're gonna stick with the fact that you have nice teeth. You were born with nice teeth and the ability to sleep.

Alright. I'll take it. Couple of wins. Take it. What do you what do you got?

Let's not talk about me because I don't I'm with you. Quit cutting yourself down. Say 2 nice things. Well, I'm gonna introduce you to somebody named Diesel. Diesel.

Diesel was originally a feral donkey that was adopted by, this family called the. There's a program that's run by the Bureau of Land Management that allows the public to take custody of a wild horse, donkey, and mule to find, that they find on America's landscape so they can take custody of these animals. And so this family did this. They found this feral donkey. They named him Diesel.

They brought him home. They were out on an adventure Oh, no. 2019. And What did Diesel do? Well, Diesel got a little scared Oh, Diesel.

And ran away from the family Oh, buddy. And they looked all over. They were out hiking, you know, doing a thing, and, the family looked all over the nearby territory on foot, in the car. They even brought out drones. They couldn't find The donkey.

Where'd the donkey go? A hunter in Northern California stumbled upon a herd of elk that has apparently adopted a donkey. Oh, no. So for the past 5 years, Diesel's been hanging out with this pack of elk. He is now an elk.

Way. Yep. No way. They lost the they lost the donkey 5 years ago? Yeah.

In 29 years. Hanging out with the elk. And the family was sad. They were like, we're we don't know whatever happened to them. This hunter spots this donkey hanging out with his herd of elk.

He lives with this herd of elk. He wanders around That is doing elk stuff. Imposter syndrome if I've ever seen 1. He blends in pretty well. He blends in.

He looks like he's an elk. You know? They've got that little white patch on the on the neck. He's got it on his nose. I mean, from a distance, you would think that's just another elk.

Let me see that picture again. No. It's not just another elk. No. It's clearly a donkey.

Diesel. He posted about it. He said I bumped into a herd of elk that had adopted a donkey, and I can't get overseeing it. I'm amazed that the donkey looks happy and healthy. Yeah.

The discovery made its way through the news and everything, and and the family was like, that's diesel. It's our donkey. He's living his best life. He's happy. He's healthy, and it was just a relief, the family said.

So he's truly a wild burrow now. To catch him would be next to impossible. I was just looking to see what do donkeys eat. Hay, straw, bananas, carrots, turnips. K.

He's just gonna wander around. What do elk eat? Same. Grass. Grass, shrubs, trees, flowers.

Okay. So they're just They're just pals. They're just hanging around. And Diesel's doing good. It's good news to get you going at classy 97.

Over the weekend, we went and did some shopping. I found a delicious dessert treat, and I've been craving it. And I can't be bothered to go to the fridge to make it. What's the deal? Well, I don't know what you're talking about.

Yep. You were there. There were many samples you're very excited about. And Oh. You ran from booth to booth to booth collecting all the samples.

At 1 point, you were carrying 3 to 4 samples in the hand. Samples. I know you do. You were you were challenging the sample king. You were running booth to booth.

Not running. You were very excited about samples. I like samples a great deal. And 1 of the samples that we tried, I went, I have to get the supplies to make this. I know.

And it's so simple. It's not like you have to make anything. I know. I haven't done it. It's been days.

3 days. Days. It is simply vanilla ice cream Yes. With a little coconut roll cookie Yep. In Stuck inserted in the middle.

All it is. That's all it is. And I and I haven't. I can't be bothered to put that together. What's going on?

No. No. No. Did you forget you had it? No.

I think about it every day. We actually also bought and this is something that I had seen online probably a year or 2 ago. And I forgot about it until I saw it. And I was like, oh, we have to get these. They're little root beer float Oh, yeah.

Icis. Forgot about that. And we found those. And so Here's what happens. To eat those too.

Both of those things, the ice cream and the, root beer float little popsicle things, both of those things are in the deep freezer Yeah. Which we don't like, it's there, but we don't often. It's not part of, like, the daily Yeah. Go to the fridge and stare at it and go, there's nothing in this fridge. I forget it's out in the garage holding stuff.

Guess what? I guess we're gonna have some snacks tonight. I just if someone will remember and feel so inclined to go get it. Go get it and then dish it up? Yeah.

I just haven't been able to be bothered, but I really want it. Like, every night, I'm like all of those things. Every night, I go, I really want that. You remember it every night? Yeah.

But then I'm like, but, it's too lazy. It's just going to get it out of the garage and scooping it out, bud. It's I know. Okay. It's not difficult.

And yet it is, isn't it? I haven't had dessert, and it's driving me a little crazy. Well, we've got options for sure. Hey. And maybe it's just because we've been busy.

We've had something Okay. Fair. Every night. Tonight, we don't have anything. Dessert night.

Dessert night. Yes. Relax. Maybe it's nice enough we can have dessert on the deck. Okay.

Sounds nice. Right? Yes. Watch the sunset? Yes.

A little dessert? Sounds like a plan. Okay. I'm into it. K.

I'll meet you there. Alright. Thanks. Are you dishing up? I'll be the cookie inserter.

But no. That's not even the hard part. Hey. Good morning. You were doing some yard work yesterday, mowing the lawn I did.

Watering. Thank you very much. It looks nice. You said that you were turning off the sprinkler or moving the sprinkler because we're old fashioned. We don't have sprinkler.

Drag the hose around. Yeah. You said the sprinkler broke in your hands. Yeah. I don't explain.

So, in the back, I've got that, what's that? Oscillating? Is that what that is? Mhmm. The 1 that, goes back and forth Yeah.

Like that? Yes. And it screws onto the hose. Yes. I picked it up to move it, and it snapped.

The part that screws onto the hose is still screwed onto the hose, and the sprinkler is in my other hand. Oh, no. So that's what I mean. It broke off. Oh, no.

So I put it next to the other broken sprinkler, and now I need to go to the store and buy some new sprinklers. Do you wanna just throw the broken sprinklers away? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

But right now, they're sitting, on the little plastic table in the back. I thought maybe, you were gonna keep all the broken sprinklers because just maybe 1 day you would repair them. No. I have I have 0 intentions on repairing the sprinklers. Why would I do that?

I don't know. I knew somebody who used to do that. Oh, no. I had 0 interest in holding on to those. I know that's never gonna happen.

Great. I've just, I was working on other stuff, so they're still just sitting on the plastic table in the back. Okay. But they they're not sticking around. They're going away.

I don't want them. Quit brink breaking our sprinklers, bud. I don't know what happened to the, the 1 that sort of pivots. Sprinklers, bud. I don't know what happened to the, the 1 that sort of pivots, that pivoting head 1.

The Yeah. It doesn't that 1? Really do that. But, yes, it works the same way, but it's a more modern. So it doesn't it doesn't, have the little, like, part.

It just moves. What happened to that? Well, it's got a big crack in Oh. In where the water goes in, so I don't know what happened to that. What's going on with our I don't know.

That's why I said I got 2 broke like, the ones I use in the backyard, both broken. So I gotta go find here's the deal. What's the deal? I would like to go into a place to buy a sprinkler and have a a real good display of how much water pressure is gonna take for the sprinkler to work because I've bought sprinklers in the past like that little green ring 1. Yes.

You remember the 1? Yes. Because you like that 1 for some reason, but it doesn't have good water output. Yeah. It's like a it looks like a doughnut.

Yeah. And then there's Poles across all the top. And then across the top, there's holes. And so It it's never put out enough water pressure or whatever. So it just is like the saddest little sprinkler.

So I'd like to be able to go and say, alright. I wanna go hook this up and see how this works. I'd like to demo the sprinkler. There's never a sprinkler demo. No.

You're right. Maybe you could be the sprinkler demo guy. I don't wanna be the guy. I just wanna go in and try it before I buy it. I wanna know if this is a good quality sprinkler.

It's gonna give me good coverage in my yard. That's what I wanna know. Well, I don't I don't I'm not trying to solve your problem. I don't I don't know how to help you. I don't know.

I know a lot of people like that tractor. Yes. That's a cool sprinkler. Am I going for cool factor, or am I going for functionality? Function.

We just need function. The the tractor thing's cool because you lay your hose out In the pattern. Pattern. It just follows the hose, which is convenient. It is.

Because then you don't have to move it. And then you put the little, thing at the end, and when the tractor hits it, it turns off. Oh, I didn't know it turned itself off. Maybe we do need a tractor. I don't want a tractor.

Is there something cooler we could get? I don't know. Like it like it. Would you like the tractor more if I put, like like, if I went to a thrift store and found some sort of, like, 12 inch doll that could ride it? Yes.

Then you'd be cool with it. Yes. We have to make it our own. But then he'd be in the way of the spinny part of the sprinkler, so he couldn't be in there. Maybe we could No.

We might have to get creative. Yeah. Or maybe we take 1 of those old remote control cars, take the top off of it. You know how the top is always just like a little bit plastic? You know what I'm saying?

The body of it. Yes. And then just put that over the top of the tractor. So it looks like a race car. Monster truck or something.

Oh, I see. And we're like, hey. Check out her. Or we could put a bunch of light we could paint it, or we could, like, put some stickers on it, make it look like a fast tractor. I don't know.

Getting getting wacky with it. I don't know. I don't know if that's even the good the No. Best sprinkler option for the backyard. I know I I've got essentially 4 zones I have to water in the backyard because it's a weird shape and there's, like I don't wanna just soak the shed and I don't wanna water the barbecue grill.

So I have to, like the hoses have to be you know what? Let's just get a sprinkler system. Yeah. I know. They're just so expensive.

I know. But that would be so much better. It would be. For sure. So much better if we just had the sprinkler system.

We would have nice grass. I know. Because it would get watered way more regularly. It could water the flower beds, so we wouldn't have to do that by hand every day so the flowers would look better. I understand the benefits.

Plus I could have it turn on when that neighbor cat shows up. Keep that cat out of the yard. You don't know when that cat arrives? How are you gonna know when to do 1 of the sprinklers? I bet there's some motion technology that would make it so if an animal walks by in the night, it kicks on.

I need that part too. It's really important. This is pricey. This is expensive. I'll go see how much a tractor is.

Let's talk about the metric system Yeah. Versus the imperial system that America uses. What I wanna know is because the metric system is is far and away the better option. Wow. Bold statement.

People say that all the time. That's not that's not new. Here's here's the deal. I don't know, other than the United States, I don't know where a lot of people use the imperial system. That's what I'm I'm curious to know why the United States decided to use that system.

Because, no. Down with Europe. I know. That's what I'm saying. So angry.

They were like, we gotta change everything. Our own thing, and it makes no sense. A lot of countries around the world use the metric system because you can measure everything in a in a 10 based system. So everything is just multiples of 10. It's very easy.

And a lot of people in America, no. It's not. I like my 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard and 5, 280 in a mile. I like it that way. Makes no sense.

It does. I really think the first like, the colonists were just like, nope. We're so mad. No. It's pounds and ounces for me.

I don't know. It's it really is interesting. You discovered, it's called the ounce house. Yes. A friend showed me the ounce house because, again, this makes no sense.

And so how many, teaspoons are in a tablespoon? I have to look it up all the time. How many tablespoons are in an ounce? I don't know. I have to look it up all the time.

How many are in 2 ounces? Couldn't tell you. So, the ounce house was this cute little drawing of a house That a teacher did. Right? Yeah.

The so there's this house that there's 1 ounce. And inside, there are 2 tables inside the ounce house. 2 tablespoons in an ounce. On each table, there are 3 teacups. So there are 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon, and there are 2 tablespoons in an ounce.

This is what are we doing? I have to have a cute little rhyme just to figure out conversions. Why? I don't I don't know why, but it somewhere along the way, somebody said, no. We're gonna do it this way.

Do you think that we'll ever convert to the metric system, or do you think that would be much too complicated? Everything would be complicated. But at some point, somebody's gotta rip the Band Aid. Right? Like, you have have somebody who goes, enough's enough.

We'll hang on to this stuff. Like, even miles per hour versus kilometers per hour. Yeah. Like, it just Celsius versus Fahrenheit. Celsius makes sense.

Water freezes at 0. It boils at a 100. Like, where does water freeze? 32. Where does it boil?

220. Why? I don't understand. Anyway, maybe 1 day. Hot take.

Hot take for the Metro system today. Look at us. Yeah. Hitting the hard news. I don't know why you had to bring it up.

I'm upset about it. I know you are. Here we are last night going to bed. It's late. We're well past our bedtime.

11 o'clock. We normally go to bed at 10. It's 11 o'clock, I think. We're laying in bed, and I hear the familiar sounds. Tingting.

Oh. Tingting. What was going then? Listen. That was about the 3rd time.

Because as I was running around getting things put getting the dog taken care of, put away for the night, saying good night to everybody, I walked past the kitchen and I heard ting ting, ting ting. And I look over. The fridge is closed. At least it looked like it was, but the door was ajar enough that it was doing the you left your fridge door open noise. Yeah.

And I went, really? And I shut it, and then I went about the rest of my thing. Then, yes, we get in bed, and then ping ting. Ping ting. Ping ting.

And that went Who left the fridge open? I don't know. Go shut the fridge. Who left fridge open, Chantel? Never me, Josh.

It's never this guy. That's who it never is. This is a common argument in our house. I'm not a fan of the bing ding, bing ding. Yeah.

Bing ding. That's just how I remember to close it. Yeah. What? Okay.

You didn't hear it at first either. I did not. And I You just started laughing. I said, oh, no. I'm gonna get in so much trouble for this.

Oh, how did that happen? I just forgot to close it. Was it wide open? No. It wasn't.

Like, I had gone to shut it, and it didn't latch all the way. So it's fine. Shut now. It's okay. You like living with me, don't you?

I do. That's not that's not the issue. Living with you is fine. It's the little things. Like?

Like, ding ding. Ding ding. Those are the things where I go, I chose this. You did. You didn't know that you chose that.

I chose this. Here's my favorite part is when you always try to shut the fridge before I'm done working out. It makes you upset. You're like, I'm not done. I'm like, no.

The fridge doesn't need to be open while you're over here cutting fruit out. Still pulling stuff out from the fridge. I can only take so much in my hands from the fridge to the counter. Yeah. So then I'll drop off a load, and then I'll start cutting those, and then I can take that back and pull out something else.

Right. Meanwhile, ding ding. Yeah. Ding ding. I go, yeah.

I know it's open. So just grab what you need. No. Because I still need more stuff. There is no reasoning with you about this?

Shutting the fridge before I'm done. I'm gonna put auto shutting hinges on it so you can't prop it open. Oh, I'll be so bad. Oh, issue resolved. Yesterday, you got something done to your truck.

I don't know what it was. What was it? No. I don't know what it was. You're talking about 2 days ago?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I guess it was 2 days ago. What was it?

Well, I got a clear bra bra. What you had put on. That's right. You did it. That's A protective film for the front of the the truck to keep it nice.

You were pretty excited about showing it to me yesterday. Yeah. I said, look. Here's the clear bra right here. And he said, here's where it goes.

You just went mhmm and then got in. 1, it was cold. 2, it's clear, so you can't even see it. 3, who cares? Okay.

Quit showing you things I'm excited about. I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know why you were so excited about it, though.

It's a cool thing. What does it do? It keeps the truck nice for a long time. Just that part of it. Look.

As you're driving, I don't know if you've ever driven on roads in Idaho. Mhmm. But sometimes, rocks and pebbles and things get kicked up at your vehicle. Yeah. I know.

And it chips away at the paint on the front, and it it makes a mess. Okay. So that's the purpose of it? Yeah. Okay.

That's cool then. So do you remember we had a Honda Mhmm. And it had that black leather Yes. Car bra on the front. Yes.

They don't do I mean, they still make that, but that's not the look. So now it's a Now it's a clear coat. It's well, it's a it's film. It's a it's like a it's like a clear sticker Okay. Across the whole front Okay.

To protect the paint and keep so the bugs don't bake into the paint and all that stuff. It all gives Well, congratulations then. Good for you. I'm excited about it now. At first, I was like, why?

Why? I don't whatever. But I tried to show it to you because it's all over the whole front. Yeah. And I went, look.

See? You can see the line where it is right there, and you can see it. And you went, mhmm. Yep. Great.

Okay. Also, when you were showing me, it was cold. So I had to hurry No. I know you said that. Because it was chilly.

I'll wait for a good day to show you stuff about the truck, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. When it's not relevant. And you have to make sure that I'm warm Uh-huh.

That I'm fed Oh, okay. That I'm at the top of those are the 2 instances where I'll be at the top of my game. If you're warm and you've had food Yeah. Then I can talk to you about And then I'll have more enthusiasm. Mhmm.

Is that right? Yep. Well. Well. Well well.

I'll work on my timing. Okay. Alright. So you know how most of the time you send you a general population of people send memes or videos or links to the people in your life. You where you see stuff online and you send it to them because, you know, I think this will make somebody laugh, or this reminds me of this person, or this is so you.

Yeah. Yeah. So that just means you're thinking of them and want them to share your joy. This is called pebbling. Pebbling?

Yes. And it's based on penguins giving pebbles to potential partners. Like, here's a pebble. I think you're cool. So pebble rock.

Is an act of care, and every pebble is a bid for a connection. So it's Interesting. I thought this was funny. It reminds me of you. Here's a pebble.

Okay. I like the name. That makes a lot of sense. I think that's the video? Because then we can enjoy it together.

Right. Sometimes you get a video and you go, I don't know how this relates to anything. Yeah. Not from you. I don't usually get that from you.

From other people, I do. Yeah. I usually send you, videos that I'm like, no. No. I know your sense of humor.

This one's gonna get you. Yeah. The videos you sent me are usually pretty spot on. Yeah. I don't know that I miss that mark too often.

No. But sometimes I get stuff from from other friends or from even the kids will send stuff, and I'm like, I don't get it. I don't get it either. Especially, Emery sent us some videos last night, and she thought they were hilarious. Right.

And I just was sitting there watching them going, I don't I don't get it. She was she was very dying. She was laughing so hard. She was this is my favorite. And I go, I don't I don't get it.

Did you watch it again? Maybe it helps if you watch it a second time. Can't even possibly watch it again because it was so annoying to me. I like sending her the ones of, like, cute little animals. That's usually on brand for her.

Yeah. You know what's funny is I'll be scrolling through Instagram Mhmm. And I'll see a cute little animal video, and I'll be like, oh, I gotta send this to Emery. And then I've looked, and she's already liked it. And I go, oh, she's already seen it.

Which is why it's feeding it to you because algorithms talk to algorithms. That's true. They do. You get to see those things. Well, thanks for pebbling, Josh.

You're you're good at sending me things that, you know, I'm gonna like. I like that it's called that. I think that's a I think it's pretty sentimental. I like that. I like it too.

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It's pretty great. Yeah. We listened to it our own selves the other day just to see how it sounded. We were headed to, to Janet Jackson's show in Salt Lake City, and we listened to a full episode. I enjoyed listening.

Like, about 45 minutes Sure. Yeah. You get the whole 4 hours of the show in 45 minutes. That's pretty great. It's pretty great.

And the new episodes go up right after the show each day. So you can grab them very quickly if you wanna listen at work or you wanna listen on your lunch hour, whatever. You'll be able to chime in and, and listen. Maybe you wanna fall asleep to it. I got a buddy who listens to the podcast.

He told me he can't listen to it when he tries to fall asleep because we we keep him awake. We're so entertaining. He was like, I can't fall asleep because I wanna hear what you're gonna say. And I feel like that's a nice compliment. It is a nice compliment.

But if you do like to listen to us live here on the radio, that's cool too. Yep. You can listen in the app. You can listen to us on your smart speaker. You can even listen to the podcast on your smart speaker.

If you have the app on your smart TV, you can pull it up on that. There's so many different ways to get wake up glassy nines. You. We are everywhere. I know.

You're welcome. Please. We are everywhere, guys. In Philadelphia, about a month ago, they have a what is it called? It's a festival.

It's an annual Italian market festival. K. And they have a tradition of dangling Italian meats and cheeses from a greased pole for visitors to attempt to climb and claim the prizes. How tall is the pole? Unsure.

13 to 20 feet, I bet. Unsure. I didn't think you were gonna ask that question, so I didn't do any I'm pretty good at asking the questions you don't know the answers to. So Who greases the pole? What do they use?

I don't I don't I don't know. Do they start at the top and work their way down with the ladder? Do they start at the bottom or work their way up? I'm gonna continue with what I do know. Okay.

What I do know is that this year's event left dangling foods unclaimed. Mhmm. So it's pretty gross. They've got some meats and cheeses still dangling on this greased pole. The organizers brought in a crane on the last day of the festival to remove the leftover food.

However But weather conditions led to Yep. A surge of visitors late in the day that prevented the removal from going forward as planned. So somebody can go get those meats. So cheese. They've been dangling there for a month Uh-huh.

With hot hot and humid temperatures. Oh, it's still good. People are thinking that, oh, these are gonna go bad. These are gonna rot. They haven't smelt anything yet.

I'm surprised that birds haven't ran away with it yet. But they're also in bags, and maybe that's the thing because the meats and cheeses are in bags. So the birds are like, I can't what am I supposed to do with that? It's in a plastic bag. I don't know what to do with it.

I don't know what to do with it. What are we gonna do about this meat? They said It's gotta be starting to spoil. Right. Like it had, it's been up there.

For a month. Yeah. It's gotta be not great. The cheese alone is gonna be not great. Well in the hot, sweaty sun.

I don't know how that works because if it's in a cheese wheel, if it's in wax, you know, I don't know how that works. I can't tell. I mean, I know if you leave a baby bell out on the dash, it's not gonna be a good sight. No gross. So it may not be great.

I was gonna try and find out if I could see how long the poll was, but I don't I don't know how long the pole is. Also, why isn't anybody just climbed up there to get the meat? It's a greased pole. Also, why is this a thing? Okay.

The greased pole thing is a tradition, not just here. That happens all over the place. The military uses it for a lot of different, like, parade festivity type things, when they're doing big challenges, and it's it's a fun thing. Is it? Yeah.

Is it? Yeah. You gotta try and get the hat from up on top of that greased pole. Good luck. It's a lot of fun.

Yeah. It's a teamwork exercise. Ew. And everybody comes away feeling a little more shiny than they did when they started. Gross.

Yeah. We are not 45 yet. We are close. You're closer than I am. I'm 43.

You are 42. And so we're close. They just did a study, and they found that Americans over 45 feel 12 years older than their actual age. Oh, no. I know.

So you're definitely give me good news, and then you're over here going, like, you're gonna feel 12 years older. So you're gonna feel like you're 57. Yeah. 57. Oh, great.

In your thirties, your your buddy starts to kinda My buddy? Your body My buddy. To do weird things. And then in forties, you like, you go, is that always gonna be like that? My body's gonna always just do this now?

It's always Yeah. I feel like I'm I'm getting there. Creak when I walk. I'm getting into that zone where I'm like, why did I sleep wrong? What is what is happening right now?

Stood up last night. We were with some friends, and we stood up, and both you and I were like, give us a minute. We gotta we gotta stretch before we can watch. And the 30 something was like, come on. She's not thirties.

Oh, yes. She is. She is. I know. Why are we hanging out with such young people?

She's still in her thirties. Ew. But she was very much like, are you serious, guys? I'm like, you just wait. What is a common complaint for you?

You were complaining about your back earlier. Earlier. I get I get I carry all my stress, like, up in my shoulders, and I got this knot in my left shoulder blade. It's still there. I need a back rub.

Last night, we were out a little bit later than normal, and we we stayed out past our bedtime. And that's that's a complaint a common complaint where you just get tired easily and you're used to your routines, and so you go, it's 10:30. Should have been in bed. I know. Half an hour ago.

Crazy people. Out after 10. Woah. You know what happens to me in the cold? And I never I used to think this was such a farce when, like, old people would say this.

When it was cold, then they'd say, oh, I can feel it in my bones. Yeah. And now when it gets cold, my knee, my right knee always hurts, and I go, ah. You got that real. It says it clicks.

You can tell when it's gonna rain. Not yet. I haven't got that on that 1? No. I don't wanna work on that 1.

Yeah. Oh, I can feel it in my hip. I don't want any of this. Coming. I don't want any of this.

I just wanna go back to So do they give you any advice on how to No. But it's just Old old people feeling sick. What's the advice? It's not like you can stop it. You just gotta keep trucking along.

I guess so. And as they say, enjoy your youth while you've got it. Yeah. You youngins. There was a it's a remote Australian community, and they had a massive saltwater crocodile.

He was 3.6 meters, which is 11.8 feet. He was blamed for attacking pets and chasing children. Okay. So he actually had been stalking and lunging out of the water at children and adults and also had reportedly taken multiple I heard about this story. Community dogs.

Yes. So after receiving multiple complaints about this crocodile Yes. The police were called into action, and they quietly I don't know if it's so quiet. Quiet. I think the community had had enough.

They did. So the community said, we need to do something about this crocodile. And they came and they they eliminated the crocodile. They did. Eliminate is a good word.

It sounds less violent. It's I mean, look. The the crow less violent than what they did with it after. I know. So then the townspeople kinda decided to take revenge on this, crocodile Yeah.

And they, had a giant feast. Yeah. Crocodile barbecue. Yeah. They did.

They I don't know how I like, how long was this crocodile parasite? Oh, how long? No. I know it was almost 12 feet, but how, like, how long had this crocodile been running? Know.

Like, a while. Like, it for it to have taken multiple Multiple dogs. Yeah. And stalking and lunging at children and adults. Right.

Terrifying. Yeah. Terrifying. They crocodile tail soup. They ate that.

Fun. He was also on the barbecue with pieces wrapped up in banana leaves and cooked underground. Yeah. There was a very Like like how you do a pig. Yeah.

They had a very large traditional feast. Now what's interesting is both the saltwater and freshwater crocodile species are protected in Australia, and hunting the animals has been banned by federal law since 1971. So they had to get some approval then to take this animal. But it was a menace, and that's unfortunate. And I don't know that there were there was more they could have done.

I it's a little weird that they were like, what are we gonna do with it? And the town was like Let's eat it. Or was it 1 guy who was like, I got 1 idea, and I got a hole, and I got banana leaves, and, I'm just saying. If you need me, you know where to find me. I think it's mostly just a I don't know.

I feel like Australia, especially this it's a pretty remote Australian community. So I think it's just a matter of, like, hey. Look. We don't waste food. If it's food and we can eat it Yeah.

We're gonna take advantage. That that's very true too. So I don't think it was necessarily like a down with the crocodile. They're like, it's food. I think it might have been a little down with the crocodile.

I think it was down with the crocodile. I know what we were talking about. We're talking about last night. Last night. Now I can't say no Yeah.

To a pretzel that I can dip in delicious cheese. Here's the thing. That I can dip in delicious cheese. Here's the thing. I was gonna be able to say no because when you said you you guys were gonna order we were out with some friends.

You guys were gonna order some pretzels with cheese. There's some pretzels and cheese. I don't sound awesome. To watch what I'm eating, and so I said, oh, no. Thank you.

I'm not gonna have that. That's fine. That's easy for me to say now. Brought out little pretzels and, well, you know, nice, and then they had cheese and they had some hot honey. Hot honey.

Hot honey is delicious. Spicy mustard. Yeah. Which are 2 things that I love. Hot honey and spicy mustard?

Yeah. Alright. So that's went, oh, no. Cheese, fine. I can say no to that all day long.

So, long story short, we got second order of pretzels so you could have 1. I sat there. I have no willpower, obviously, because I sat there going, I can say no to a pretzel. Mhmm. That mustard's looking at me.

Yeah. And it was the And then somebody said big, like, deli mustard. It's still, like, the real mustard mustard. Not like So good. Fancy mustard.

No. And it's a little bit spicy, and it's Yeah. So good. And then my friend says, I'm gonna try the hot honey. And I go, oh, hot honey is so good.

And then I watch him dip his pretzel, and he goes, yeah. That's pretty good. And I went I need a pretzel. And then you very quietly said you want a little piece. And I said because I'll give you a tiny little bite so you can try it.

Yeah. And then 1 bite wasn't enough, so then I had to order a pretzel for my very own. You had 2 pretzels. Mind your business. They were delicious.

Which did you prefer? Because you tried all 3 years ago. The cheese. The cheese is my favorite. No way.

Pretzel and cheese is so good. The honey was okay. I wouldn't I would rather do it, put it on something else. Like, I like honey on cottage cheese. Not hot honey.

Have you done hot honey on cottage cheese? Still pretty good. I I like the hot honey on pepperoni pizza. The pepperoni that curls up. Yes.

That's my fave. The mustard is the jam. Now I want lunch. Mustard is not a jam. It's kind of a mustard jam.

No. It's a mustard jam. It's a yellow jam. No. Made from the mustard berry.

No. Are you ready for the would you rather this or that question of the day? Are you ready? I don't know. Am I?

Would you rather be a great artist or a renowned scientist? Boy. I mean, I like creating art, so I feel like that's at least sort of, like, in my lane. You're pretty good at it too judging by the the portrait you You've seen you've seen my portraiture. Yeah.

I'm very good at portraits of you. Good. You're so I'd like to do more of those. I think I finally tapped into my style. Yeah.

I think you could get I mean, you could make millions. I'm telling you, if you walked into a gallery of those, what if it was just I should get that put on a shirt. You should get that put on a shirt. Yeah. I should.

We have to work on that. Could sell those. People would be buying you imagine walking around just around town? Hey. Where'd you get that?

I want that face on my shirt. Alright. What are you gonna pick? Art. Art over science?

Yeah. I wanna create. I think I like to cool. I like it. I know.

I I feel like I wanna be creative. I'd like to be creative too, but I think you can be creative with science too. For sure. And science is so fascinating. I agree.

It's why it was hard to pick. I think I'm gonna pick science. I wanna be a famous scientist. Yeah. You will.

Renowned scientist. Renowned. Renowned. What are you renowned for? Like For discovering something.

Chickenpox? No. Not that. What is it? I don't know yet.

It's yet to be discovered. Oh, something new. Yeah. I like it. I like it.

That's how you get your renowned ship. Discovering something new. Would you rather this or that? It's Josh and Chantel. Excuse me.

The renowned Chantel. Thank you. You're better today than yesterday at daily challenge as we get ready to leave you for your Wednesday. Indulge in an art form you might be unfamiliar with is your better today than yesterday daily challenge. They recommend, like, an opera or a ballet.

Okay. But I think maybe just go looking at art, going to look at art in a medium that maybe you don't understand, or taking in some photography and learning about a subject that maybe you don't know a lot about probably counts too. Just get in some art. Yeah. Right.

About that? Yeah. Just indulge in art. Just do some art. I like it.

Look at art. Listen to it. Watch it. Make it. Make it.

Yeah. Just art is cool. Yeah. That's your better today than yesterday daily challenge, and that's gonna do it for us for today. We'll be back tomorrow morning on your Thursday.

1 day closer to the weekend. Yeah. Everybody? Yeah. Here we are in the middle of it.

Have a great Wednesday, though, and, make sure you check out today's show on the wake up classy 97 podcast. If you're already listening to the podcast, hi. How are you? Hello. Hi.

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But if you're listening to the podcast In the future. In the future. Hi. Thanks for listening. So give us that little rating and subscribe so you can listen to more of this.

Josh Chantel, wake up classy 97. You get the podcast wherever you get podcasts. Have a good day. We'll see you back here tomorrow morning. Bye.

Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.