The Jonathan Kogan Show

Our history is the prologue to The Network State. This is not obvious. Founding a startup society as we’ve described it seems to be about growing a community, writing code, crowdfunding land, and eventually attaining the diplomatic recognition to become a network state. What does history have to do with anything?

Show Notes

Our history is the prologue to The Network State.

This is not obvious. Founding a startup society as we’ve described it seems to be about growing a community, writing code, crowdfunding land, and eventually attaining the diplomatic recognition to become a network state. What does history have to do with anything?

The short version is that if a tech company is about technological innovation first, and company culture second, a startup society is the reverse. It’s about community culture first, and technological innovation second. And while innovating on technology means forecasting the future, innovating on culture means probing the past.

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What is The Jonathan Kogan Show?

The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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[jonathan_kogan]: Going live immediately what's up
everybody welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show i'm your

[jonathan_kogan]: host Jonathan Kogan we got chapter two
today of the audio book The Network State

[jonathan_kogan]: super crucial material fantastic book creating an
audio book because the audiobook doesn't exist

[jonathan_kogan]: Balaji won't get back to me so
I'm taking upon myself to create the audio

[jonathan_kogan]: book chapter by chapter as in between
the podcast episode so if you haven't subscribed

[jonathan_kogan]: subscribe to john the hogan show if
you want to donate Patreon dot com forward

[jonathan_kogan]: slash ownership economy you can donate there
you can check out the YouTube channel and

[jonathan_kogan]: Rumble but this is chapter two and
let's get into it all right and by

[jonathan_kogan]: the way my vocabulary is very limited
so if I mispronounce words or if they're

[jonathan_kogan]: too big I might just and skip
it im gonna do my best I'm gonna

[jonathan_kogan]: do my best i heard chapter one
was okay there we go chapter two history

[jonathan_kogan]: as trajectory our history is the prologue
to the network state this is not obvious

[jonathan_kogan]: founding a start of society as we've
described it seems to be about growing a

[jonathan_kogan]: community without code crowd funding land and
eventually attaining the diplomatic recognition to become a

[jonathan_kogan]: network state what does history have to
do with anything and by the way if

[jonathan_kogan]: you are watching this on rumble or
on youtube i'm going to share my screen

[jonathan_kogan]: so you can follow along and now
i just fixed it here we go let

[jonathan_kogan]: me continue the short version is that
if a tech company is about technological innovation

[jonathan_kogan]: first and a company culture second a
start up society is the reverse it's about

[jonathan_kogan]: community culture first and technological innovation second
and while innovating on technology means forecasting the

[jonathan_kogan]: future innovating on culture means probing the
past but why well for a tech company

[jonathan_kogan]: like space ex you start with time
and variant laws of physics extracted from data

[jonathan_kogan]: laws that tell you how adams collide
to interact with each other the study of

[jonathan_kogan]: these laws allow you to do something
that has never been done before seemingly proving

[jonathan_kogan]: that history doesn't matter but the subtly
is that these laws of physics in code

[jonathan_kogan]: a highly compressed form highly compressed form
the results of intermutable scientific experiments you are

[jonathan_kogan]: learning from human experience rather than trying
to re derive physical law from scratch touch

[jonathan_kogan]: mars we stand on the shoulders of
giants for a star of society we don't

[jonathan_kogan]: yet have eternal mathematical laws for society
history is the closest thing we have to

[jonathan_kogan]: a physics of humanity it furnishes many
accounts of our human actors call lie to

[jonathan_kogan]: interact with each other the right course
of historical study in codes in compressed form

[jonathan_kogan]: the results of intermutable social experiments you
can learn from human experience rather than re

[jonathan_kogan]: deriving societal law from scratch learn some
history so as not to repeat it that's

[jonathan_kogan]: a theoretical argument an observational argument is
that we know that the technological innovation of

[jonathan_kogan]: the renaissance began by rediscovering history and
we know that the founding fathers deeply about

[jonathan_kogan]: history in both cases they step forward
by drawing from the past so if you're

[jonathan_kogan]: a technologist looking to blaze a trail
with a new start of society that establishes

[jonathan_kogan]: plausibility for historical study is important the
logistical argument is perhaps the most compelling think

[jonathan_kogan]: about how much easier it is to
use an eye phone than it was to

[jonathan_kogan]: build apple from scratch to consume you
can click a button but to produce it

[jonathan_kogan]: necessary to know something about how companies
are built similarly it's one thing to operate

[jonathan_kogan]: as a mere citizen of a pre
built country and quite another thing to create

[jonathan_kogan]: one from scratch to build a new
society it would be helpful to have some

[jonathan_kogan]: knowledge of how countries were built in
the first place the logistics of the process

[jonathan_kogan]: and this again brings us into the
domain of history why history is crucial you

[jonathan_kogan]: can't really learn something without using it
one day of emersion with a new language

[jonathan_kogan]: beats weeks of book learning one day
of trying to build something with a programming

[jonathan_kogan]: language beats weeks of theory too in
the same way the history we teach is

[jonathan_kogan]: an applied history a crucial tool for
both the perspective president of a star of

[jonathan_kogan]: society and for their citizens shareholders and
staff it's something you'll use on a daily

[jonathan_kogan]: basis why history is how you win
the argument think about the sixteen nineteen project

[jonathan_kogan]: or the grievance studies departments and universities
or even a news people newspaper profile of

[jonathan_kogan]: some unfortunate you might be mining crypto
currency but the folks behind such things are

[jonathan_kogan]: mining history that is many thousands of
people are engaged full time in offensive archeology

[jonathan_kogan]: the excavation of the recent and distant
past for some useful incident they can write

[jonathan_kogan]: up to further demoralize their political opposition
this is the scholarly version of go ing

[jonathan_kogan]: through someone's old twits it's weaponized history
history as opposition research you simply can't win

[jonathan_kogan]: an argument against such people on pure
logic alone you need facts you you need

[jonathan_kogan]: history history determines legality we denote the
exponential improvement in transistor density over the post

[jonathan_kogan]: war period by moore's law we describe
the expoential decline in farmasutical an efficiency during

[jonathan_kogan]: the same period as rooms as more's
law in reverse that is over the last

[jonathan_kogan]: several decades the f d a somehow
presided over an enormous hike in the cost

[jonathan_kogan]: of drug development even as our computers
and our knowledge the human genu vastly improved

[jonathan_kogan]: similar phenomena can be observed in energy
where energy production has stagnated in aviation where

[jonathan_kogan]: top speeds have topped out and con
structure where we built slower today than we

[jonathan_kogan]: did seventy years ago obviously even articulating
rooms law requires detailed knowledge of history knowledge

[jonathan_kogan]: of how things used to be less
obviously if we want to change rooms law

[jonathan_kogan]: if we want to in the physical
world again we will need history too the

[jonathan_kogan]: reason is that behind every f d
a is a thihlamata big word here thaladomid

[jonathan_kogan]: just is behind every tsa there's a
nine eleven and behind every starbansoxoxly is it

[jonathan_kogan]: an en ron regulation is dull but
the incidents that to regulation for anything but

[jonathan_kogan]: dull i'm gonna add this little tibet
in here this is while f t x

[jonathan_kogan]: just crumpled so some's coming this history
is used to defend ancient regulations if you

[jonathan_kogan]: change them people will die as such
to legalize physical innovation you'll need to become

[jonathan_kogan]: a counter historian only when you understand
legitimating history of regulatory agencies better than their

[jonathan_kogan]: proponents do can you build a superior
alternative a new regulatory parade capable of addressing

[jonathan_kogan]: both the abuses of the american regulatory
state and the abuses they claim to prevent

[jonathan_kogan]: history determines morality religions start with history
lessons you might think of these as made

[jonathan_kogan]: up histories but their history is all
the same tales of the distant past fictionalized

[jonathan_kogan]: or not that describe how humans once
behaved and how they should have behaved there's

[jonathan_kogan]: a moral to these stories political doctrines
are based on history lessons to thee how

[jonathan_kogan]: the establishment justifies itself the mechanism for
propagating history lessons is the establishment newspaper wherein

[jonathan_kogan]: most articles aren't really about tour false
but good and bad try it yourself just

[jonathan_kogan]: by glancing at a headline from any
establishment outlet you can instantly apprehend its moral

[jonathan_kogan]: lesson axim is bad our system of
government is good tech founders are bad and

[jonathan_kogan]: so on and if you poke one
level deeper if you ask why any of

[jonathan_kogan]: these things is good or bad you'll
again get a history lesson because why is

[jonathan_kogan]: x is bad well let me educate
you on some history the installation of these

[jonathan_kogan]: moral premises is a zero sum game
there's only room for so many moral lessons

[jonathan_kogan]: in one society because of brains capacity
for moral computation is limited so you get

[jonathan_kogan]: a totally different society if ninety nine
percent of people allocate their limited more memory

[jonathan_kogan]: to principles like hard work good meratocracy
good en vy bad charity good then if

[jonathan_kogan]: ninety nine percent of people have internalized
nostrums like socialism good ability bad law enforcement

[jonathan_kogan]: bad looting good you can try to
imagine a scenario where these two sets of

[jonathan_kogan]: moral values aren't in direct conflict but
empirically those with the first set of moral

[jonathan_kogan]: values will favor and entrepreneral society and
those with the second set of values will

[jonathan_kogan]: not t history is how you develop
compelling media you can make up entirely fictional

[jonathan_kogan]: stories of course but even fiction frequently
has some kind of historical precedent the lord

[jonathan_kogan]: of the rings drew on medieval europe
spegetti westerns pulled from the wild west bond

[jonathan_kogan]: movies were inspired by the cold war
and so on and certainly legitimizing stories for

[jonathan_kogan]: any political order will draw on history
history is the true value of crypto currency

[jonathan_kogan]: bit coin is worth hundreds of billions
of dollars because it's cryptographically verifiable history of

[jonathan_kogan]: who holds what bit coin read the
truth machine for book length treatment of this

[jonathan_kogan]: concept history tells you who's in charge
why did our well say that he who

[jonathan_kogan]: controls the past controls the future and
that he who controls the present controls the

[jonathan_kogan]: past because history text books are written
by the winners they are authored subtly or

[jonathan_kogan]: not to tell a story of great
triumph by the ruling establishment over its past

[jonathan_kogan]: enemies the only history most people in
the us know seventeen seventy six eighteen sixty

[jonathan_kogan]: five nineteen forty five and nineteen sixty
five a potted history of revolutions world wars

[jonathan_kogan]: and activist movements that lead in explicit
to the sunny uplands of greater political equality

[jonathan_kogan]: it's very similar to the history the
soviets taught their children where all the past

[jonathan_kogan]: was interpreted through the lens of class
struggle bringing soviet citizens to the present day

[jonathan_kogan]: where they were inevitably progressing from the
intermediate stage of social socialism towards communism chinese

[jonathan_kogan]: school children learn a similarly selective history
where the real wrongs of european colonialism and

[jonathan_kogan]: japanese are centered and those of my
down played and even any successful start up

[jonathan_kogan]: tells a founding story that sands off
the rough edges in short a history textbook

[jonathan_kogan]: gives you a hero's journey that sell
ups the triumph of its establishment authors against

[jonathan_kogan]: all odds even when a historical treatment
covers ostensible victims like a text books covering

[jonathan_kogan]: the victimization of the proletariat if you
look carefully the ruling class that authors that

[jonathan_kogan]: treatment typically justifies itself as the champion
of those victims this is why one of

[jonathan_kogan]: the first acts of any conquering regime
is to rewrite the text books to tell

[jonathan_kogan]: you who is in charge history determines
your hiring policy why are tech companies being

[jonathan_kogan]: lectured by media corporations on diversity is
it because those media corporations that are twenty

[jonathan_kogan]: to thirty points whiter than tech companies
actually deeply care about this or is it

[jonathan_kogan]: because after the two thousand and nine
era collapse of media revenue media corporation struggled

[jonathan_kogan]: for a business model found that certain
words drove track pick and then doubled down

[jonathan_kogan]: on that boosting their stock price and
bashing their competitors in the process after all

[jonathan_kogan]: if you know a bit more history
you'll know that the new york times company

[jonathan_kogan]: which origin which origin so many of
these journalists is an organization where the controlling

[jonathan_kogan]: oxsoulsburger family literally profited from slavery blocked
women from being publishers excluded gaze the news

[jonathan_kogan]: room for decades ran a succession process
featuring only three sit straight white male cousins

[jonathan_kogan]: and ended up with a publisher who
just happened to be the son of the

[jonathan_kogan]: previous guy suppose you're a founder once
you know this history and once all your

[jonathan_kogan]: friends and employes and investors know it
and once you know that no purposely brave

[jonathan_kogan]: establish media corporation would have ever informed
you of it in quite those words you

[jonathan_kogan]: are outside the matrix you've mentally freed
your organization so long as you aren't running

[jonathan_kogan]: a corporation based on hereditary nepotism where
the current guy running the show inherits the

[jonathan_kogan]: companies from his father's father's father father
you're more diversive and democratic than the owners

[jonathan_kogan]: of the new york times company you
don't need to take lectures from them from

[jonathan_kogan]: anyone in their employ or really from
anyone in their social star which includes all

[jonathan_kogan]: establishments are journalists you now have the
moral authority to hire who you need to

[jonathan_kogan]: hire within the confines of the law
as space ex shopify cracking and others are

[jonathan_kogan]: o doing and that's how a little
knowledge of history restores control over your hiring

[jonathan_kogan]: policy history is how you de bug
our broken society many billions of dollars are

[jonathan_kogan]: spent on history in the engineering world
we don't think about it that way though

[jonathan_kogan]: we call it doing a post mortem
looking over log files maybe running so called

[jonathan_kogan]: time time travel de bugger to get
a reproducable bug once we find it we

[jonathan_kogan]: might want to execute and undo do
it get reverted restored from ack up or

[jonathan_kogan]: return to a previously known good configuration
think about what we're saying on a micro

[jonathan_kogan]: scale knowing the detailed past of the
system allows us to figure out what had

[jonathan_kogan]: gone wrong and being able to partially
rewind the past to progress along a different

[jonathan_kogan]: branch get reverted empowers to fix that
wrongness this doesn't mean throwing away everything and

[jonathan_kogan]: returning to the cave man era of
a blank get repository as per either the

[jonathan_kogan]: cartiated traditional list who wants to turn
back the clock or the anarchoprimitivist who wants

[jonathan_kogan]: to end industrialized civilization but it does
mean reining a bit to then move for

[jonathan_kogan]: along a different path because progress has
both magnitude and direction all these concepts applied

[jonathan_kogan]: to de bugging situations at larger scale
a larger scale than companies like societies or

[jonathan_kogan]: con is you now see why history
is useful founder of a mere start up

[jonathan_kogan]: company can arguably scrape by without it
tactically outsourcing the study of history to those

[jonathan_kogan]: who shape society's laws and morality but
a president of a star society cannot because

[jonathan_kogan]: a new society involves moral social and
legal innovation relative to the old one and

[jonathan_kogan]: that requires a knowledge of history why
history is crucial for start up societies we've

[jonathan_kogan]: wedded the appetite with some specific examples
of why history is useful in general now

[jonathan_kogan]: we will describe why it's specifically useful
for start up sosie tis we begin by

[jonathan_kogan]: introducing an operantially useful set of tools
for thinking about the past from a bottom

[jonathan_kogan]: up and top down perspective history as
written to the ledger as opposed to history

[jonathan_kogan]: as written by the winners we use
these tools to discuss the emergence of a

[jonathan_kogan]: new lethean the network it can tender
for the most powerful force in the world

[jonathan_kogan]: a true peer and compliment to both
god and the state as a mechanism for

[jonathan_kogan]: social organization and then we'll bring it
all together in the lead up to the

[jonathan_kogan]: key concept of this chapter the idea
of the one commandment historically founded socio political

[jonathan_kogan]: innovation that draws citizens to a start
up society just as a tech logically based

[jonathan_kogan]: commercial innovation attracts customers to a start
up company if a start up begins by

[jonathan_kogan]: identifying an economic problem in today's market
and presenting a technologically informed solution that problem

[jonathan_kogan]: in the form of a new company
a star society begins by identifying a moral

[jonathan_kogan]: issue in today's culture and presenting a
historically informed solution to that issue in the

[jonathan_kogan]: form of new society why star societies
aren't solely about technology weight why does a

[jonathan_kogan]: star society have to begin with a
moral issue and why does that solution to

[jonathan_kogan]: that moral issue need to be historically
informed can't it be a tech focus community

[jonathan_kogan]: where people solve problems with equations were
is it in mars and life extension not

[jonathan_kogan]: dusty stories about defunct cities the quick
answer comes from paul johnson at the eleven

[jonathan_kogan]: mark of this talk which is linked
at the network state dot com where he

[jonathan_kogan]: notes that early america's religious colony succeeded
at a higher rate it's four profit colonies

[jonathan_kogan]: because the former had a purpose slightly
longer answer is that in a start of

[jonathan_kogan]: society you're not asking people to buy
a product which is an economic individualistic pitch

[jonathan_kogan]: but to join a community which is
a cultural collective pitch you are arguing that

[jonathan_kogan]: a cut that the culture of your
star of society is better than the surrounding

[jonathan_kogan]: culture implicitly that means there's some moral
deficit in the world that you are fixing

[jonathan_kogan]: history comes into play because you'll need
to write a study of that moral deficit

[jonathan_kogan]: and b draw from the past to
find alternative social arrangements where that moral deficit

[jonathan_kogan]: did not occur tech may be part
of the solution and calculations may well be

[jonathan_kogan]: involved but the moment you write about
any secidal problem in death in depth you'll

[jonathan_kogan]: find yourself writing a history of that
problem for specifics you could skip ahead examples

[jonathan_kogan]: of parallel societies or you could suspend
your disbelief for a little bit keep listening

[jonathan_kogan]: and trust us that this historical moral
ethical angle just might be missing ingredient to

[jonathan_kogan]: build star societies which after all haven't
yet fully taken off in the modern world

[jonathan_kogan]: applied history for for start up societies
here's the outline of this chapter one we

[jonathan_kogan]: start with bottom up history the section
on micro history and macro history bridges the

[jonathan_kogan]: gap between the trajectory of an isolated
reproducible system and the trajectories of millions of

[jonathan_kogan]: interacting human beings because both these small
and large scale trajectories can now be digitally

[jonathan_kogan]: recorded and quantified this is history as
written to the ledger culminating in the crypto

[jonathan_kogan]: history of bit coin two we next
discussed top down history this is history as

[jonathan_kogan]: written by the winners history as conceptualized
by what tyler coan calls the base raiders

[jonathan_kogan]: history that justifies the an order and
proclaims it stable and inevitable it is a

[jonathan_kogan]: theory of political power verse technological truth
three we then talk about the history of

[jonathan_kogan]: power giving names to the forces we
just described by identifying the three candidates for

[jonathan_kogan]: the most powerful force in the world
god state and network m framing things in

[jonathan_kogan]: terms of three prime movers rather than
one allows us to generalize beyond purely god

[jonathan_kogan]: center religions to understand the lethean center
doctrines that implicitly under pain modern society four

[jonathan_kogan]: we apply this to the history of
power struggles with the god state network lens

[jonathan_kogan]: we can understand the blue red and
tech verse media conflict in a different way

[jonathan_kogan]: as a malt side to struggle between
people of god people of the state and

[jonathan_kogan]: people of the network five we go
through how the people of the state have

[jonathan_kogan]: used their power to distort recent and
distant history and how the network is newly

[jonathan_kogan]: rectifying this distortion in quote if the
news is fake magine history six having shown

[jonathan_kogan]: the degree to which history has been
distorted and thereby displaced the implicit historical narrative

[jonathan_kogan]: in which the arc of history bends
to the victory of the u s establishment

[jonathan_kogan]: we discuss several alternative theories of past
and future in our section on fragmentation frontier

[jonathan_kogan]: forth turning and future is our past
these thesises don't describe a clean progressive victory

[jonathan_kogan]: on every access but instead a set
of cycles hairpin turns mirror images and a

[jonathan_kogan]: set of historical trajectories far more complex
than the narrative linear inevitability smuggled in through

[jonathan_kogan]: textbooks and mass media seven we next
turn our attention to left and right which

[jonathan_kogan]: are confusing concepts in a realigning time
in left is the new right is the

[jonathan_kogan]: new left sorry we can't avoid politics
any more of societies aren't purely about technology

[jonathan_kogan]: but please note that for most part
this this section isn't the same old pabulum

[jonathan_kogan]: around current events we do contend that
you need a theory of left and right

[jonathan_kogan]: to the start of society but that
doesn't mean just picking aside why while a

[jonathan_kogan]: political consumer has to pick one of
a few party platforms off a menu a

[jonathan_kogan]: political founder can do something different ideology
construction to inform this will show how left

[jonathan_kogan]: and right have swap sides through history
and how any successful mass movement has both

[jonathan_kogan]: a revolutionary left component and a ruling
right component eight finally all this builds up

[jonathan_kogan]: to the payoff the one commandment using
the terminology we just introduce we can rattle

[jonathan_kogan]: it off in a few paragraphs if
the following is opaque anyway listen to the

[jonathan_kogan]: next chapter and then come back and
re listen to this one if history is

[jonathan_kogan]: not pre determined to bend in one
direction if the current establishment may experienc dramatic

[jonathan_kogan]: disruption in the form of the fragmentation
and forth turning if its power actually arose

[jonathan_kogan]: from the expanding frontier rather than the
expanding franchise if history is somehow running and

[jonathan_kogan]: reverse as per our future is our
past thesis if the revolutionary and ruling classes

[jonathan_kogan]: are in fact switching sides and in
the new case that is the network is

[jonathan_kogan]: indeed rising above the state and if
the internal american conflicts can be seen not

[jonathan_kogan]: only as policy disputes but as holy
wars these clashes and then the assumption of

[jonathan_kogan]: the base raiders that all will proceed
as it will as it always has is

[jonathan_kogan]: quite incorrect but rather than admit this
incorrectness they'll attempt to use political power to

[jonathan_kogan]: suppress technological truth the founders counter is
crypto history and the start of society we

[jonathan_kogan]: have now we now have a history
no establishment can easily corrupt the cryptographically verifiable

[jonathan_kogan]: hit story pioneered by bit coin and
extended via crypto oracles we also have a

[jonathan_kogan]: theory of historical feasibility history as a
trajectory rather than in inevitability the idea the

[jonathan_kogan]: desirable future will only occur if you
put in individual effort but what exactly is

[jonathan_kogan]: the nature of that desirable future after
all many groups differ with the old order

[jonathan_kogan]: but also with each other so a
blanket solution won't work and could well be

[jonathan_kogan]: resisted that's where the one commandment comes
in as context the modern person is often

[jonathan_kogan]: morally reticent but politically evangelistic they hesitate
to talk about what is moral or immoral

[jonathan_kogan]: because it's not their place to say
what's right yet when it comes to politics

[jonathan_kogan]: this diffidence is frequently replaced by overbearing
confidence in how others must live coupled with

[jonathan_kogan]: an enthusiasm for enforcing their beliefs at
gun point if not ser in between the

[jonathan_kogan]: zero and infinity in between is chewing
moral discussion entirely and imposing a full blown

[jonathan_kogan]: political doctrine in this final section we
propose a one a one command starting a

[jonathan_kogan]: new society with its own moral code
based on your study of history and recruit

[jonathan_kogan]: people that agree with you to populate
it we're not saying you need to come

[jonathan_kogan]: up with your own new ten commandment
mind you but you do need one commandment

[jonathan_kogan]: to establish the differentiation the difedifferentiation of
a new star society concrete examples of possible

[jonathan_kogan]: one commandments include twenty four seven internet
bad which leads to a digital sabbath society

[jonathan_kogan]: or carbis bad which leads to a
quito coacher society or traditional christianity good which

[jonathan_kogan]: leads to a benedict option society or
life extension good which leads to a post

[jonathan_kogan]: a society you might think these one
commandment sound either trivial or unrealistically ambitious but

[jonathan_kogan]: in that respect they're similar to tech
the pitch of one hundred and forty characters

[jonathan_kogan]: sounded trivial and the pit a re
usable rockets seemed unrealistic but those resulted in

[jonathan_kogan]: twitter and space x respectively the one
commandment is also similar to tech in another

[jonathan_kogan]: respect it focuses a star of society
on a single moral innovation just like a

[jonathan_kogan]: tech company is about a focus technitechneconomic
innov ship that is as we will see

[jonathan_kogan]: each one commandment based star of society
is premised on de constructing the establishment history

[jonathan_kogan]: in one specific area erecting a replacement
narrative in its place with a new one

[jonathan_kogan]: commandment then proving the socio economic value
of that one commandment by using it to

[jonathan_kogan]: attract subscribers citizens for example if you
can attract one hundred subscribers to your quito

[jonathan_kogan]: coacher society through deeply research historical studies
on the obesity epidemic and then show that

[jonathan_kogan]: they've lost significant weight as a com
sequence you've proven the establishment deeply wrong in

[jonathan_kogan]: a key area that'll ever drive them
to reform or not to reform in which

[jonathan_kogan]: case you attract more citizens a key
point is that we can apply all the

[jonathan_kogan]: techniques of stars companies to start societies
financing attracting subscribers calculating turn doing customers support

[jonathan_kogan]: there's a play book for all of
that it's just society as a service the

[jonathan_kogan]: new sess in parallel other stars societies
are likewise critiquing by building draining citizens away

[jonathan_kogan]: from the establishment with their own historically
in form one commandment and thereby driving change

[jonathan_kogan]: on other dimensions finally different successful changes
can be copied and merged together such that

[jonathan_kogan]: the second generation of starved society starts
differentiating from the establishment by two three or

[jonathan_kogan]: commandments this is a vision for peaceful
paralyzed paparallelized like parallel historically driven reform of

[jonathan_kogan]: a broken society okay i know those
last few paragraphs some heavy sledding but come

[jonathan_kogan]: back and re listen to them after
going through the next chapter the main point

[jonathan_kogan]: of our little preview here was to
make the case that history is an applied

[jonathan_kogan]: subject and that you can't start a
new society without it without a genuine moral

[jonathan_kogan]: critique of the establishment without an ideological
root network supported by history your new society

[jonathan_kogan]: is at best a fancy starbuck's line
a gated community that differs only in its

[jonathan_kogan]: amenities a snack to be eaten by
the establishment at its leisure a solis nullity

[jonathan_kogan]: with no direction save consumerism m but
with such critique but with such a critique

[jonathan_kogan]: with the understanding that the establishment is
morally wanting with a focused articulation of how

[jonathan_kogan]: exactly it falls short with a one
commandment that others can choose to foll oh

[jonathan_kogan]: and with a vision of the historical
past that underpends your new start of society

[jonathan_kogan]: much as a vision of the technological
future underpends a new star company you are

[jonathan_kogan]: well on your way you might even
start to see a historical white paper floating

[jonathan_kogan]: in front of you the scholarly critique
that draws your first one hundred subscribers the

[jonathan_kogan]: founding document you publish to kick off
your star society now let's equip you with

[jonathan_kogan]: the tools to write it all right
that's a lot for the first one so

[jonathan_kogan]: I'm going to get into all the
details after history is a trajectory the next

[jonathan_kogan]: episode of this audiobook but again
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[jonathan_kogan]: economy to donate subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan
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[jonathan_kogan]: channel the rumble channel ownership economy
and just go to j s k dot

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share with your friends is a network state

[jonathan_kogan]: please share an until next time adios