Basketball IQ Podcast

What is Basketball IQ Podcast?

Welcome to NBA School and the Basketball IQ Podcast! I am your host Charlie Lawrence, and if you want an educated breakdown of all things NBA, this is the place for you!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in KU NV studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5. Jas and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:19
Welcome to MBA school on the basketball IQ podcast. I'm your host, Charlie Lawrence. I'm here to give an educated breakdown on all things NBA.

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This is episode 19 of the basketball IQ podcast.

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Unfortunately, at least for this season, this will be the last episode,

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I will be back in the fall, to talk more about

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the NBA and to talk your ear off for 30 minutes to an hour depending on

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the topic. But I just wanted to thank the support that I got from not just friends and family, but even some people on campus.

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I have had a couple people that recognize my voice when I was ordering something, which is the first time I've ever experienced that in my life. So I want to appreciate and thank all of you.

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Forgiving a kid from Seattle who

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you know, didn't know anything about podcasting, I still have a lot to learn. But for just giving me a chance to give me a Listen, I want to thank all of you for doing that.

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For this last episode of the season, we're going to not do a traditional format, we're going to run down some of my favorite segments I have is about eight in total.

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So expect a longer episode today

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is going to be some rants on there. I think there's two rants,

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some collaboration stuff that I did with other people that I became friends with on campus during the season.

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It was it was a hell of a ride this year, was a really fun year to talk about even

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going back to

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some my old clips, and hearing the takes that I had was really funny in preparation for this. So I hope you guys enjoy this. And I'll see you in the fall of 2024 to talk about more MBA stuff, hope you enjoy what I put together.

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get right into it. The Notebook.

Unknown Speaker 2:56
So the main story that everyone's been talking about lately, is this GM survey that,

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like I said, Has Has the people talking and if you don't aren't familiar with the gym survey, essentially, it's questions like which team will win the 2024 finals,

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which players will win the MVP,

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et cetera, et cetera.

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So I just wanted to go through most of them, not all of them and just see what what's been going up. And

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if you don't, this is done by the gms of the NBA. And these people are supposed to be the smartest people

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in basketball because they build our favorite teams.

Unknown Speaker 3:39
But sometimes people think that they're trolling, and you know, or just just be both through this. And I might kind of agree with them with some of them. So we start off which team will win the 2024 championships, Celtics and nuggets are tied in that

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most people think Nicolino coach will win his third MVP. Most gyms do.

Unknown Speaker 4:06
The real spot where I think maybe some of these GMs aren't taking this fully seriously is the position stuff. Now I'm not somebody that really cares about positions in the NBA. I think that era is basically dead. But you know, you got to make a survey, right, you got to come up with the questions. So the best point guard to the NBA, Steph Curry. I mean, I would tend to agree he's the best point guard. He's been the best point guard in the NBA for about nine years now.

Unknown Speaker 4:41
So he took the reins from Chris Paul, in that department. So I would agree with that.

Unknown Speaker 4:48
But then for shooting guard is where things get interesting. They have DEVIN BOOKER as the best shooting guard. Make sense. He's basically the consensus 63%

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then they have Steph Curry.

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Stephon curry, who I don't think he's played shooting guard. At least best warfront says he hasn't played shooting guard in a long time probably since his rookie year when he was playing with Monta Ellis

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seats like you, I get he's, he's a combo guard and he can do several things out there on the court. But that doesn't mean like he can't be the best point guard and the second best shooting guard.

Unknown Speaker 5:37
Another thing about the shooting guard list is that Donovan Mitchell didn't get any votes. So it went DEVIN BOOKER, Steph Curry, Luca dodge, Anthony Edwards and che

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with Jimmy Butler, and Jason Tatum, who hasn't played shooting guard a day in his life. He's only been a three and a four.

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Donovan Mitchell you know with the 71 point game and essentially carrying the Cavs offensively during the playoffs.

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I'm surprised that he's not on this

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bus small forward as Jason Tatum power forward Giannis bus center Nicole yo kitch I am a Joellen bead fan. Some people may think in my circle that I am a Joellen bead Stan but you know who really gives a damn

Unknown Speaker 6:30
but you know it's just the position stuff is always weird to me because like I said positions over the matter but

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like Jana sometimes is going to play center this year but he's listed as power four and he didn't get any center votes but it's it's whenever I'm the only person that really cares about the stuff anywhere

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other than the positions the one that I find the category that I find super interesting is what team made the best overall moves and just overall offseason stuff because I don't know about you. But when I talked to my friends about the NBA We're not sitting there like who's the best small for shooting our point we don't do that. Like we don't it's we talk about who had the best offseason you know, Oh, this guy go in here might make an impact. So that's what this is really about. So which team had the best overall moves Boston and Milwaukee both tied at 23%. Portland at third is kind of surprising.

Unknown Speaker 7:30
What which one player will make the best or player acquisition will make the decks wow I can't talk will make the biggest impact. Damian Lillard going to Milwaukee with Drew Holliday second. It's funny that Fred VanVleet to Houston got some percent of the vote. I think he will have a major impact on that locker room on Jalen green on maybe even Shimbun, maybe they can do some picking, bro action there. And I think that could be

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that could make a very large impact on that young group. And then we have Victor Wanyama.

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Now he hasn't played I mean, he's played a preseason game. I have a segment about Vic and his, you know his craze later here in the pod. But

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I just I'm not a hater. I actually liked Vic. I really liked Vic, it's just

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sometimes I feel like his craze just gets a little too much. It's like guys, this dude's a rookie. Like, let's calm down here.

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most underrated player acquisition we have Marcus smart Grant Williams. I like how Maxtor says here

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because I feel like he players they really like like they're always in those free agency talks. And then when they get their contracts it's like wow, this guy wasn't the same or isn't the same. Like I remember when Dion Waiters

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left and he was me he just wasn't the same guy remember when Tyler Johnson got 80 million from Miami? So I think I remember they matched an offer from I forgot who

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and it just didn't go well for the rest of his career. I remember him on the nets like a year ago so that's where he is now

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but hey maybe max juice is the is different maybe he can lead Cleveland or not lead Cleveland but you know he can be a quality role player for them and help them win.

Unknown Speaker 9:36
Um, we have the what was the most surprising move of the offseason, the holiday Lillard trade. When I first read this, I was like, what do they mean by surprising because maybe where Dame went not going to heat is what they mean. But if they mean Damian Lillard getting traded as being surprising this just funded me.

Unknown Speaker 9:56
And another one Bradley Beal to Phoenix

Unknown Speaker 10:00
So why why did that not get votes? Or as many votes? I got 7%

Unknown Speaker 10:06
Like when Bradley I knew I think we all knew that Bradley Beal was gonna get traded eventually.

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But I don't think any of us expected Phoenix specifically or maybe someone did I don't know. But I remember when seeing the trade

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that just being shocked like what what what just happened? Like they fell away but the dame smart Porzingis and Chris bought a golden state to but with Bradley Beal specifically that one was was very surprising to me. It's surprising to me at least

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the rookie stuff is pretty I mean Victor Wanyama sweeps this I mean who's most likely to win Rookie of the Year Vic? Which rookie will be this player in five years Vic

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but which rookie was the biggest steal? I where he was selected camera at more 20 I would I would agree with that. I was lucky enough to be able to go to the through the wire live show in Las Vegas.

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And I saw came with more in the flesh is a super cool dude. So wish him nothing but the best for him.

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And how he does in Houston he's gotta get like I said he's got a good vet in Fred VanVleet that can help them out. So wish nothing but the best for him.

Unknown Speaker 11:22
Best International player being Nicolino coach makes sense. Best International player not in the NBA Nicola mir Tich.

Unknown Speaker 11:31
That's, that's name. It's definitely a name that I haven't heard in a long time.

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Defense is basically dominated by three people. It's Yan Estrada, Jaren Jackson.

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So I'm not going to bore you with that stuff. best defensive team name Bay Boston Celtics.

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And then we have the coaches the coaching section

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where Erik Spoelstra ethers. Every single coach in the NBA,

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who's the best head coach named Erik Spoelstra, which coaches are the best manager slash motivator of people, Erik Spoelstra, which head coach makes the best in game decisions. Erik Spoelstra he did not get who runs the best offense, however,

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that went to Mike Brown. So and I'm happy that Mike Brown got this because he's more he was, I remember when he was younger,

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leading those LeBron teams.

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And he was known as a defensive guy from San Antonio. So I'm glad that he got this arbitrary thing from GMs that he probably doesn't give a damn about.

Unknown Speaker 12:41
Again, which had coast is the best defensive scheme Erik Spoelstra

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guy just run for the coaches.

Unknown Speaker 12:52
The miscellaneous category also dominated by the Denver Nuggets team most fun to watch nuggets. Which team has best home court advantage Denver Nuggets which team is the best, Lee's most efficient offense Denver Nuggets? It's funny that they have the nuggets for most efficient offense. But then Mike Brown has the coach the kings and he ran the best offense. I don't know. Maybe I'm just being a casual here.

Unknown Speaker 13:17
And then also like the who's the best leader, LeBron makes sense? Best pure shooter, Steph Curry,

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obviously, which seems level of six level of success. The season's toughest to predict is interesting. Because when I first read this before coming on here during the pod, I made sure I wanted to not look at the teams just look at the question. And I immediately thought Dallas Mavericks because of the

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fit between Kyrie and Luca, and how their defense last year when they traded for Kyrie and they traded away during Finney Smith, how it just went into the tank. And

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I felt like that team just beat seeing how they would do under an immense amount of pressure. It was going to be super interesting.

Unknown Speaker 14:08
But this has the Philadelphia 70 Sixers, this what GM said.

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And that wouldn't make sense to with the James Harden drama, and Joelle Embiid. And if you believe in tires, maxi long term, being the two most steady guys on that team.

Unknown Speaker 14:28
But other than that, it's really a bunch of simple stuff. A bunch of really, really simple, you know, best player the best basketball, IQ Nicolino good shape, stuff like that. It's a bunch of obvious stuff.

Unknown Speaker 14:42
Moving now moving on to the IQ moment of the week. Now normally, like I've said before, this is my favorite segment. This is when I get to be

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kind of just go off on a nerd tangents and not be as structured. So this is why it's my favorite. Normal

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Willie, this is a segment from another media person.

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But today is we're going to change it up, we're going to do something different. I'm going to do a personal narrative. Now, I might do this more often during the season, because in my opinion, some of the media stuff gets kind of repetitive.

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And then when I realized when I was prepping for the show this morning, and last night, I was like, yeah, if I keep doing segments, from media people, it's just going to be JJ Reddick and

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Bill Simmons.

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Sometimes, because Bill sometimes goes off the wall.

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And not not advanced sponsorship.

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So it'll, it'll just get repetitive. Like, I like the same people I might even do, I might even do it through the wire one, because I really like their perspective on basketball. So it's like,

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sometimes we'll mix it up and do my own thing.

Unknown Speaker 16:00
So I saw I didn't even click on the video. When I was researching for this initially, the first video I saw

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on YouTube was Steven A saying some like ad was pitiful and horrible, and he's a

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disappointment and I saw Gilbert arena said the same thing.

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When will these mother ever learned

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that the beginning of the season doesn't fucking matter.

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When it reminds me that Sonam When will you learn

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that your actions, actions have consequences? When will you learn?

Unknown Speaker 16:44
I just wanted to give you

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the beautiful listening public. A couple a few nuggets.

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No pun intended to the champions.

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Not a Tyson sponsorship.

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few nuggets

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on how

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the beginning of the season does not matter in basketball. I'm going to give you some teams, the pelicans 35 games into the season, we're the ones who think there were 23 and 12. They ended up being ninth and eliminated by Oklahoma City in the first playing game.

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The Lakers who made the Western Conference Finals,

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mind you got swept by the nuggets, but each game was competitive.

Unknown Speaker 17:31
No sweep or five game series is created equal. The games were competitive.

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They started to intent.

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And I remember going to the preseason game last year

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when they still had Ross.

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Me like this is a lottery team.

Unknown Speaker 17:48
That was a preseason game.

Unknown Speaker 17:51
Well, my dumb self. I guess I wasn't dumb because I wasn't

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anticipating Rob Polanco working his magic and bringing in Jared Vanderbilt in trading away Russell Westbrook.

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And I can't think of everyone off the top my head but Jerry Vanderbilt was easily the most important one.

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And Austin Reeves all the sudden becoming the most the cold classic favorite Laker player.

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He's He's the new Caruso.

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You know, I couldn't have

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He's the new crucell, but he's better than them. Not defensively, but just overall.

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I couldn't have expected that.

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But that's why

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you don't assume

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that anything that you don't you don't assume too quickly. Especially in the beginning of the season, the kings were hovering 500. I looked up they were 10 and nine to start December. They ended up winning 48 games and pushing the Warriors the defending champions to seven games.

Unknown Speaker 19:01
The pacers were the fourth seed in the east in March, and they fell out of the play in

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they didn't even make the plan.

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And they were the fourth seed with a month ago and season.

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Dallas Mavericks when they made the Kyrie Irving trade

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were also the fourth or fifth seed in the West. When they made the carry trade, I think they were like, that was a weird time because like the fourth seed meant you were five games but 500 Last year was weird man.

Unknown Speaker 19:36
Philadelphia, a team with James Harden

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and Joel Embiid were 29 same record as the king started the season.

Unknown Speaker 19:44
And they went on to win. I think 53 games

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and they were the third seed

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in the Eastern Conference.

Unknown Speaker 19:55
This is the funniest one the Blazers were tending for last year.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
And now Damian Lillard is a buck.

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They went, they started off 10. And four, they ended up winning 19 More games

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the rest of the season.

Unknown Speaker 20:15
So I get that it's fun to overreact. It's part of the business, it's whatever. But for real basketball fans,

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it's incredibly annoying.

Unknown Speaker 20:27
Like, the amount of hot takes I've seen from Laker fans talking about AD is trash ad is horrible, off of one game.

Unknown Speaker 20:37
And also, don't you already know, that ad his hay historically inconsistent player.

Unknown Speaker 20:48
You don't just go from inconsistent to consistent when you're 30 years old, that doesn't happen.

Unknown Speaker 20:56
Let me calm down before I get too angry. I just

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it's one game, y'all. It's one game.

Unknown Speaker 21:03
At most, the teams have only played one game this year.

Unknown Speaker 21:06
Just chill out. And also, before I wrap this segment up, I just want to point out that this is the new norm. You're going to see teams I forgot to mention on my notes, Utah was the first seed

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we're entering a league of unpredictability.

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upsets are way more common now than they ever have been. And I don't have the numbers on it. I wish I did. But

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just based off vibes and feel, upsets have never happened more often than they do today.

Unknown Speaker 21:40
And the reason for that is the variance of three point shooting. And every team shoots 40 threes a game. And if you're the team that hits 20 of them, and they hit five, you win almost every single time.

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shooting a lot of times is very inconsistent. Because everybody wants to be like the Warriors when no one is like the Warriors.

Unknown Speaker 22:04
So this is a basketball podcast. So let's get right into it. dive in headfirst into the deep end. And

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you know, I wasn't gonna talk about the Clippers first. Because if you've you're consistent listener of the pod, you know how I feel about James Harden.

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But that'll we'll we'll get to that later. Instead, I want to talk about the unprecedented longevity with some of these NBA stars.

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If any of my listeners are above the age of 30, or experienced basketball, pre 2000.

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Most they would know that most careers

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if you had a 15 year career in the NBA, you were considered

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a outlier.

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Guys like hemolyzed one.

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Guys like Reggie Miller, that played long NBA careers into the 2000s that were drafted in the 80s were considered outliers. Most guys, if you were drafted between just two recent NBA history between 1982 and 88. You probably there was a very high likelihood that you'd never played basketball with a year that started with the two

Unknown Speaker 23:22
it's a very highlight in even for like the late 80s guys because guys like Kenny Smith and Purvis Ellison and not so that's a crazy name for some of you but he

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saw little to no 2000 basketball. A lot of those guys. I don't know why Purvis Ellison was first What about them? I just thought of the warriors for some reason.

Unknown Speaker 23:43
My add is coming out right now.

Unknown Speaker 23:47
So I was thinking I was like,

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how many times in NBA history have three top 10 players been over the age of 35? Because right now we have LeBron, Steph and Katie

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and I have on my notes have said past NBA history you were done at 32.

Unknown Speaker 24:06
Which is objectively true. Like you hear these horror stories of past NBA legends, talking about what their bodies went through when they're 33 years old. And then it always ends up segwaying to why LeBron longevity is insane.

Unknown Speaker 24:21
But specifically talking about KD LeBron, and Steph, I wonder if injuries have weirdly kind of sustain their bodies. So in the past, if you tore your Achilles like Kevin did, or you pulled a groin like LeBron, or you're broke your hand like stuff,

Unknown Speaker 24:40
those would shorten your career. I mean, it's just common sense. If you get injured, the body part will probably never be the same. So

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you might retire earlier.

Unknown Speaker 24:51
But it seems that in the modern NBA injuries seem to almost keep your body in like an ice chamber.

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for long periods of time,

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it seemed like injuries. I don't know if you guys ever seen Spider Man, but it's like when, when do goes into the chamber and becomes green goblin. Like,

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I feel like that's what some of these NBA players, that's what happens to them, like KD towards Achilles in the finals.

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And he's still playing and it's 2024. And he's still

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right now carrying the middling middle of the pack, 500 Phoenix Suns, and LeBron last year average 30. And he's had injury issues. And Steph won a championship recently, after breaking his hand like it's

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there's a history that's being created, of potentially

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having injuries, preserve your body.

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And not necessarily an

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end maybe eliminate the possibility of just wear and tear. Because you're resting for so long.

Unknown Speaker 26:02
Maybe that's just a coincidence that it's those three and they're just that happens to be talent and not luck.

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is this going to be the new norm? Where guys well into the 30s are still going to be playing some of the best basketball their career?

Unknown Speaker 26:21
And when I asked myself that question,

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I thought I'm like, what started this? What What was the moment in NBA history?

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guys could get into the 30s, and still produce at a high level, because this was not a thing in the 90s. Unless your name was Michael Jordan.

Unknown Speaker 26:41
Like I said, a camouflage one. And a few other guys that I not mentioning right now, on this shoe, were the one of those guys. Your career was over?

Unknown Speaker 26:52
Damn near. When she reached your early mid 30s. You were done. Even Charles Barkley who played a ton of you was drafted in 84. By the time I just did a history lesson on the blog, so that's why I'm talking about in 1997, he's completely he's only in year 13. And he looks like

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someone's uncle at a YMCA.

Unknown Speaker 27:17
Maybe not that bad. But compared to what he used to look like, he looks like someone's uncle.

Unknown Speaker 27:23
And so I was thinking I was like, what? Because originally,

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when you ask someone this question, when you say why do you think guys have such great longevity? Some people may say, well, people are copying LeBrons. Habits.

Unknown Speaker 27:37
That's I don't think that's necessarily true, because copying LeBrons habits is incredibly difficult for most people to be that driven. And that

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disciplined? So it can't be that.

Unknown Speaker 27:53
Could it be the three point shot? That's the easy answer?

Unknown Speaker 27:57
And you definitely have an argument because the three point shot obviously eliminates physicality. That's why a lot of those guys in the 90s probably didn't.

Unknown Speaker 28:07
last as long because of the even though I still think that some of that physicality stuff gets gassed a little bit. But it is true that the game was different.

Unknown Speaker 28:18
But when I was thinking about it, in my opinion,

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it's the rule changes that were made in 2004 by Jheri curl, Angelo, and the

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competition committee.

Unknown Speaker 28:32
Because if you if you're not aware of that, the NBA like I said, before that there was hand checking, it was physical, there was

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no zone defense, there

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was the kind of the aura around the 90s is that it was a more physical era.

Unknown Speaker 28:52
And it was more bigman.

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into 2004, the competition committee changed that.

Unknown Speaker 28:59
They said, We're going to make the game more free flowing,

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we're going to make the game more easily, easily watchable for the fan. So we're gonna eliminate hand checking, and we're gonna bring his own defense back. And we're going to make it harder for defenders to not fall.

Unknown Speaker 29:18
Meaning we're good. I think that I'm pretty sure that was the first year they instituted the flagrant foul rule that we know today. Because back then Flager files weren't really a thing in the 90s. That's why a lot of times you saw people that got hit hard. It was just a common shooting file,

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which gave Biggs more incentive to hit you. Because there was no further penalty for it.

Unknown Speaker 29:40
And when I first thought of this, I was like, This is gonna take a lot for me to try to convince you all of

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them I was like, think about the guys that were drafted. And were in their prime during the era where the rules changed.

Unknown Speaker 29:56
I have a list of players here.

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Not including LeBron.

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not including it because I wanted to make it a point that it's not just LeBron that

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had longevity during this era.

Unknown Speaker 30:10
Steve Nash played from 1996 to 2014. Jason Kidd played for almost 20 years. He was drafted in 94.

Unknown Speaker 30:18
As the Jason Kidd was drafted in 1994, and I vividly remember him playing basketball when I was a kid. That is how long he played 94 to 2013. Kobe Bryant as we know Hall of Fame famous career played for 20 years 96 to 2016. Kevin Garnett played 21 years 95 to 2016. Duncan, same thing. 97 Six, there's a consistent theme here. These guys are playing damn near 20 years.

Unknown Speaker 30:44
And there's more Paul Pierce rail and Vince Carter and Dirk all played at or damn near 20 years. And they were all drafted in the same era.

Unknown Speaker 30:56
They were drafted in the mid 90s and hitting their prime in 2004. When these rule changes were created.

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maybe that'll tell you something.

Unknown Speaker 31:15
So you may think it's Steph. You may think that the NBA like Adam Silver did something to make the games No. This started in 2004.

Unknown Speaker 31:29
And if you look at all of their basketball reference, Steve Nash won his his MVPs when he was 31 and 32 years old. Kobe Bryan won an MVP when he was 30 years old.

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Tim Duncan continued to have success.

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Post 32 years old.

Unknown Speaker 31:52
Ray Allen contributed to a title contender a 30 8am hit one of the most clutch shots in May history.

Unknown Speaker 32:00
Vince Carter he's probably the one that aged the worst.

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Because I'm gonna be honest, let's five years of his career, he was bouncing from team to team and was lucky to get 25 minutes. So that was just the love of the game thing.

Unknown Speaker 32:15
And Dirk

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who won a championship in year 13, when he was over 30 years old playing his best basketball.

Unknown Speaker 32:25
Just saying that there's a consistent theme

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with guys that were drafted in the mid 90s. And their careers

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happened to be a lot longer than most guys. They were drafted in the 80s.

Unknown Speaker 32:41
And now we move on

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a man

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and the segment that I've been waiting to do for

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about a month and a half now, but I haven't found the right time to do it.

Unknown Speaker 32:58
But after a report came out that after the game against Utah on Monday

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and this guy being back on the injury report after returning for one game,

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I decided I had enough.

Unknown Speaker 33:14
Then Simmons was a guy that back in the 2016 draft was my favorite player in that draft by far and it was not close.

Unknown Speaker 33:25
I loved his playstyle obviously with me being a LeBron fan. I love tall guards, guard like players that can handle the ball rebound pass and still score if they need to love that about people.

Unknown Speaker 33:43
Coming out of LSU he was my guy.

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He and Embiid were as I have in my notes the my golden children.

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I was a pseudo 70 Sixers fan in that era.

Unknown Speaker 33:58
So in that era, I was a Cavs fan because of brawn. But my second team was the 76 was

Unknown Speaker 34:05
and it low key kind of still is because of Embiid by the way, Embiid please pray for speedy recovery because when I saw a torn meniscus, my heart dropped but then I was like, oh wait, it could only be two weeks. Hopefully it's that scenario.

Unknown Speaker 34:21
But have you ever watched a TV show or a movie

Unknown Speaker 34:29
about a father?

Unknown Speaker 34:32
Just watching like his son get into drugs

Unknown Speaker 34:37
and going to jail when he had potential

Unknown Speaker 34:42
to be a great person in society. That's how I feel about Ben Simmons.

Unknown Speaker 34:48
I'm not saying Ben Simmons does drugs. I'm just just a figure of speech. I'm just implying

Unknown Speaker 34:56
that he had potential

Unknown Speaker 35:00
To be Magic Johnson like

Unknown Speaker 35:04
and Joellen bead was going to be his Kareem.

Unknown Speaker 35:09
And that was so, so far from what actually happened.

Unknown Speaker 35:15
And he has.

Unknown Speaker 35:19
He has one of the weirdest basketball reference pages I've probably ever seen.

Unknown Speaker 35:26
If we look at it, this guy went from averaging 1617 1614 to seven.

Unknown Speaker 35:32
He went from averaging, eight assists basically routinely from 2017 to 2021. To turn six.

Unknown Speaker 35:41
He went from

Unknown Speaker 35:44
being one of the best defensive players in the league.

Unknown Speaker 35:48

Unknown Speaker 35:52
being an all defensive guy,

Unknown Speaker 35:55
winning a steel beam Steel's champ

Unknown Speaker 36:00
to barely trying on defense

Unknown Speaker 36:05
he used to be just a rough free throw shooter now he's a putrid one.

Unknown Speaker 36:12
I've never seen a guy from age to have his best season at 22

Unknown Speaker 36:19
and then have the biggest fall off I've ever seen.

Unknown Speaker 36:25
At 26 years old.

Unknown Speaker 36:29
I don't even given about the back problems anymore. I really don't. Because this has been a reoccurring thing with Ben Simmons.

Unknown Speaker 36:39
For years we have talked about those goddamn training videos.

Unknown Speaker 36:45
And doing these hook shots in threes and he's coming down like oh, you see that Ben Simmons made a three

Unknown Speaker 36:53
for Him to come into the season and play eight games

Unknown Speaker 37:00
and then when he gets on these podcasts he tries to tell you that you're the idiot

Unknown Speaker 37:06
that you

Unknown Speaker 37:09
are the one that's not reading between the lines with what he says that you are the soul

Unknown Speaker 37:19
every single podcast he does he's like I'm gonna do better I'm gonna be better XYZ and he doesn't do fucking anything.

Unknown Speaker 37:28
You are a walking paradox

Unknown Speaker 37:32
on the JJ Reddick show you're like I'm definitely gonna shoot threes. Definitely. I'm gonna play a lot this year.

Unknown Speaker 37:38

Unknown Speaker 37:40
You played seven games

Unknown Speaker 37:49
I feel like I've been grieving ever since

Unknown Speaker 37:52
the past against the hawks and 2021

Unknown Speaker 37:57

Unknown Speaker 37:58
I just had a mini anger rant there but I feel like I've been holding in that for about five years

Unknown Speaker 38:09
and I'm

Unknown Speaker 38:11
I'm ready to pull the plug I'm

Unknown Speaker 38:16
I'm done.

Unknown Speaker 38:18
You know, it's just

Unknown Speaker 38:23
how many times can one person take your heart and chuck it against a wall before you just say enough is enough.

Unknown Speaker 38:33
And at the end that's where I'm at with that

Unknown Speaker 38:47
if you guys are familiar with the Champions League, CBS Sports colossal show there's a segment on there called Hi my name is which essentially is they name a footballer and they get three clues two guests correctly. We are doing active star level players only per Ryan's request.

Unknown Speaker 39:07
If it was you know if it was like me battling myself I'd have like 10th Man players but you know, it's fine.

Unknown Speaker 39:15
You want to go first? Sure. Let's go first year.

Unknown Speaker 39:20
So I'll go one this guy I feel like it's gonna be medium level. But your basketball knowledge is pretty high. Alright, so this guy went out Duke University

Unknown Speaker 39:32
he's a Jordan Brand Ambassador. I think I already know who it is. Give it zero no now are now gonna go to the third one.

Unknown Speaker 39:42
This one's a two parts I'll give you the first half of the third clue. Okay, so you could guess but don't be like don't know I'll just like finish it off because then you'll get it.

Unknown Speaker 39:51
His idol they looked up to is Kobe Bryant.

Unknown Speaker 39:56
But I want to

Unknown Speaker 39:58
I don't know if he's a Jordan athlete.

Unknown Speaker 40:00
Here's I think the guy I'm thinking of as a sneaker free agent right now.

Unknown Speaker 40:06
Who are you thinking Kyrie No? No? Yeah, right, right. He's like, he's not a GA but he plays for his rival team.

Unknown Speaker 40:14
Oh, Jason Tatum. Yeah. Okay. I have Jason Tatum on here on my list of

Unknown Speaker 40:21
the Georgia hereby clues for Tatum just for you.

Unknown Speaker 40:24
So I had went to a blue blood College. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 40:28
From the same town as Nellie. Yeah, I went to GYN

Unknown Speaker 40:33
and I'm very close with a player on the Phoenix Suns. I would have not gone. But my three clues. The mighty clues also made it a little difficult, right? Yeah. And until that, too, so All right. I'll do mine here then.

Unknown Speaker 40:46
All right.

Unknown Speaker 40:48
December 30 is my birthday. That doesn't get me anywhere. One of my nicknames as the little emperor, one of them it's not what he's known for, but it's one of his nicknames Holy smokes. And I haven't made an all defensive team since 2014. Haven't played man all the offensive team since 2014. Is this guy must have been in the league for a while. He's been around the block, and around the block. I can't tell.

Unknown Speaker 41:14
So he's still in the league. Right? So it means that this guy just played a bunch of offense. James Harden? No. James Harden has never made all the fun. I know. That's why I was thinking like, a heat like this. Okay, so since those calls are really

Unknown Speaker 41:30
he's from Ohio.

Unknown Speaker 41:33
It's no way it's really LeBron. LeBron is crazy. He didn't they get all defensive. He hasn't been one in 10 years. Really? Yeah. Even Oh, yeah, that was Yeah. Wow. Ever since Miami isn't made all defensive. Really. It's the so the year they got the big block in the championship doesn't matter, I guess, huh? No.

Unknown Speaker 41:54
Why don't you stupid by the way.

Unknown Speaker 41:57
I'm a LeBron fan. Oh, are you a LeBron, go? Are you a LeBron? Oh, God. Oh, God. Listen, you're like those evangelicals on campus. I'm telling you,

Unknown Speaker 42:08
bro. Okay, listen. How am I supposed to make an argument for somebody I've never seen before.

Unknown Speaker 42:15
You know?

Unknown Speaker 42:18
Who's the greatest US president of all time? Is it someone that you've been alive? He'll be the president. Now. Sports a little different.

Unknown Speaker 42:27
I mean, I've only been alive for 20 years fair. Fair enough.

Unknown Speaker 42:32
All right. So it's now my turn to think of Person number two. I gotta get I gotta get this one to not come I think I need that's why. Okay. is cool. All right. So this guy had a really bad offseason knee injury. Like last year? No, I said he just had I just have one. Yeah, in his career. He has an offseason.

Unknown Speaker 42:56
He appeared on The Bachelor

Unknown Speaker 43:00
and he's a looker. And he never made a first or second team all Pro.

Unknown Speaker 43:08
The first person I thought of when he said Batchelor was Blake Griffin. No.

Unknown Speaker 43:13
But no.

Unknown Speaker 43:15
is even still in the league is I know he isn't he is no no. I'm

Unknown Speaker 43:22

Unknown Speaker 43:23
on The Bachelor

Unknown Speaker 43:26
had a really bad knee injury.

Unknown Speaker 43:30
He said in the offseason

Unknown Speaker 43:34
it was on TV.

Unknown Speaker 43:38
It was playing basketball

Unknown Speaker 43:46
let me give you another clue. Yeah. Damn, Adam. It was at the Thomas and Mack I was pulled forward.

Unknown Speaker 43:52
Technically it was a knee injury.

Unknown Speaker 43:55
What was it that he broke his leg? Oh, my

Unknown Speaker 43:59
technic my my bad.

Unknown Speaker 44:03
He was on The Bachelor.

Unknown Speaker 44:06
Oh, I didn't know it was on the internet. Yeah, I gotta look to see here he appeared. Although so he wasn't like one of the colleagues one of the actual baskets He has appeared on it. Paul George, bachelor. I gotta find this.

Unknown Speaker 44:23
Yeah, he did. He was a pacer. Okay. All right.

Unknown Speaker 44:29
How's it going? How's it going? Alright. My next one. I went to a Mountain West College. Okay, I got this one. So I'm in the same draft class as Kyrie Irving.

Unknown Speaker 44:43
Okay, yeah. And I've won a championship and Finals MVP in the last five clients kawaii Yeah, there we go. Let's go played for the SDSU

Unknown Speaker 44:52
I collect sports cards. So I know he was in the same year as a being Kyrie because they had a

Unknown Speaker 45:00
A special type of rookie card it was called putting the threads where the autographs oh you know talk about like the wooden card like it was like a wooden card and I tried to collect all them I did not get quiet I did not get a D but I had like three of the carriers. So but that was like that was one of my favorite types of cards to collect was a penny threads growing up that's why I know that and Isaiah Thomas was in that job.

Unknown Speaker 45:26
Seattle's very own Isaiah Thomas. Oh, are you from jail? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 45:32
Yeah, holy. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 45:35
All right. So now it's my turn again.

Unknown Speaker 45:41
Those funny this guy loves the demand trades.

Unknown Speaker 45:45
never won a ring but has won an MVP

Unknown Speaker 45:50
played for ASU. James Ward. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 45:54
As soon as he said demand trades with James Harden I wasn't even like I was just I thought James Harden and then I was like, let me get the other two to confirm as James on.

Unknown Speaker 46:06
Via he played at ASU is funny. Have you seen like,

Unknown Speaker 46:10
there's clips or pictures out there of like, what he looked like at ASU versus what he looked like in Houston, and an ASU he looked like, like 30 pounds heavier than he was at the rockets.

Unknown Speaker 46:22
The beard is obvious, but you know.

Unknown Speaker 46:26
So this next one might be a little more difficult. Potentially.

Unknown Speaker 46:32
His father played in the NBA for the Portland Trailblazers.

Unknown Speaker 46:36
He was traded for Paul George in 2017.

Unknown Speaker 46:40
And according to the internet, he owns Anthony Davis.

Unknown Speaker 46:46
I shouldn't know this but i got i

Unknown Speaker 46:49
i always thought that on a wide thought that Dell Curry played for blazers and the Blazers. He played for Charlotte and Toronto. So So you say you got traded for Paul, you got traded for Paul George where he was traded from the thunder to Indiana in 2017.

Unknown Speaker 47:07
So trade from the I remember Paul George gain traded by I forgot who fought it was Victor Oladipo. And this guy.

Unknown Speaker 47:16
Were the main pieces of the deal. Holy smokes.

Unknown Speaker 47:20
I don't know why I'm blanking. I shouldn't know this.

Unknown Speaker 47:24
I'm blanked out. I'm so stupid lady. You're gonna tell me I'm gonna be like, How did I not know this? Demand is a bonus. Oh, really? Yeah. Ah, yeah. His dad or VITAS? Gotcha. Yeah. Yeah, I was like, I was like, Who is the second guy in the trade? I completely forgot.

Unknown Speaker 47:41
Well, that's my poor basketball IQ just like my poor intramural basketball player. Listen, you made three documents. I'll tell you. I'll take the three. Wasn't it like a 30 foot or two?

Unknown Speaker 47:54
Nah, no, it wasn't. It was from picking up more Keith. Sir. Yeah, Mark, he shot it off balance one leg from 30 feet away.

Unknown Speaker 48:02
You liked it? Yeah. I remember that. You liked that.

Unknown Speaker 48:06
By so this player here.

Unknown Speaker 48:10
He got traded for practically a whole team.

Unknown Speaker 48:14
Big trade.

Unknown Speaker 48:16
Okay. got somebody in my mind. Played for a team that changed its name before he arrived. So it should be really obvious before he arrived. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 48:28
Like when he got so you got when

Unknown Speaker 48:31
we said that again?

Unknown Speaker 48:33
Because when he got dropped, he got to a team right.

Unknown Speaker 48:37
Before they jumped at him, like before, like years before they changed their name. Okay. And he has a unibrow or he had Oh,

Unknown Speaker 48:46
do I need to say? I mean, do I need to? He's on my team. What do you mean your team is going through Davis? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 48:55
Because I know he got drafted by the New Orleans Hornets.

Unknown Speaker 48:58
Automatically and then they changed the pelicans like,

Unknown Speaker 49:02
like, two years after he got drafted. Yeah, yeah. Or maybe the next year. He did like, like, immediately. It was like, Yeah, drafted. Yeah. All right. So this, this next one, so go, I tested this with a couple of my officials. Yesterday, I stumped them. Good luck.

Unknown Speaker 49:20
This is like a super superstar. By the way. Back I gotcha.

Unknown Speaker 49:25
To my radio listeners. Thank you for listening to part one of episode 19 of the basketball IQ podcast make sure next week to catch part two of the season finale for the 2023 24 NBA season.

Unknown Speaker 49:43
Thank you all so much for listening to this episode of the basketball, IQ podcasts. And Remember kids, it's all about

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