No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower

This episode of the No Fucks Given podcast with Holly Lamb focuses on nervous system regulation and its impact on manifesting one's dream life and managing perimenopausal symptoms.

The episode emphasises the importance of being present in the moment and curating an internal environment that supports desired external changes. It provides practical tools for detoxing the mind, such as unfollowing negative social media accounts and limiting exposure to news and reality TV.

The episode also discusses daily practices for regulating the nervous system, including breathwork, meditation, visualisation, affirmations, somatic movement, and sleep hypnosis. It highlights the power of intention, inspired action, and faith in manifesting desired outcomes.

Listen to the Quantum Leap meditation HERE

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What is No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower?

Welcome to "No F**ks Given," where we redefine menopause as a superpower. Hosted by Holly Lamb, a women's health coach, who is navigating early menopause. This podcast offers empowering guidance on women's health and navigating perimenopause with confidence. From nutrition tips to fitness advice and mindfulness practices, we cover it all. But here's the twist: it's all about embracing your most authentic, unapologetic self. We're here to help you reclaim your power, say goodbye to societal norms, and live life on your own terms—no f**ks given. Welcome to the revolution!

Holly Lamb (00:00.62)
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the No Fucks Given podcast with me, your host Holly Lamb. This week's episode is all about nervous system regulation. Now I've decided to talk about this topic because it's been a massive game changer for me in being able to manifest my dream life, but also to be able to manage my

perimenopausal symptoms as well. Now there's gonna be times where yes, the symptoms are gonna get the better of you, but if you have these tools in place already, then you're able to cope and to manage them a lot easier. So if your nervous system is dysregulated, it becomes very difficult to achieve anything in life. So if you're starting a new exercise plan,

a new nutrition plan, you have a goal you want to reach, whatever it is, it doesn't have to be fitness related, it can be just life related. It becomes very, very difficult because our bodies are always constantly in fight or flight mode and we're not able to tap into our intuition, into our inner knowing. And we're really consumed with the outside world where really

In order to change our external reality, we need to first change our internal reality. And this has been a massive thing for me over these past six months is concentrating on curating an environment that works for me on the inside and watching how that changes through my external reality. Because the conscious mind is always either in the past or the future worrying about

what has happened or what could happen and this just doesn't serve you. I was listening to Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life with Bob Proctor and he says, doubt and worry is just from lack of understanding, but doubt and worry, if we internalize it, leads to suppression and that leads to depression and anxiety and overwhelm and all the things that can happen during perimenopause.

Holly Lamb (02:25.718)
So in order for that not to happen, we need to express it. And I'll talk about later some of the tools that I use in order to move stored energy and to keep my nervous system regulated. And to be regulated, you need to be more in the present moment, in the here and now. And I'm going to go into detail how we can do that. Because like I said, the mind is always past.

or future and it's never here and now. There's no point worrying about stuff that's happened because you can't change it. And there's no point worrying about stuff in the future because it may never happen. It doesn't serve anybody, it doesn't serve you, it doesn't serve the people around you. And in perimenopause, when our hormones are going haywire, the last thing we need is any extra stress. So we just need to be more present in the here and now. And you can do this to start with by

detoxing what your mind is consuming. And this will help to empower the new operating model to settle into our subconscious mind. So by detoxing from things that no longer serve you, you're able then to only concentrate on the things that will bring what you desire into your reality. So you need to detox from what you're consuming. So take a serious look.

at what you're consuming, things like TV, people, politics, everyday life, you need to look at these things with a microscope and understand what parts of it are no longer serving you. So for example, social media, know, mute, unfollow, unsubscribe, all those people that either make you feel shit about yourself or just don't have the energy you want to embody. Because if there's someone, especially with

news and the things going on in the world at the moment, it's very easy to get caught up in that and to become anxious and overwhelmed about stuff, but they're things that you can't control. So rather than focusing on the external and basically that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to distract us from everything, from concentrating on our internal world. You just need to cut out all the noise. mute.

Holly Lamb (04:48.014)
social media notifications. You don't need to be notified when someone follows you or you have a like for something. Stop mindless scrolling on social media. know, there's times where you can have like a little look, that's fine, but maybe limit yourself to five minutes. And if you struggle with that, just set yourself a timer and just be like, right, next five, 10 minutes, I'm going to do my scrolling. But then again, you need to make sure that it's curated to things that are going to empower you.

uplift you and embody the energy that you want to embody. If it's 20 something fitness bloody models that don't look anything like you and that make you feel crap about yourself, then you just need to get rid. Just unfollow. And once you start then curating your Instagram or whatever social media platform you use to things that empower you,

more of those things will start to come up on your feed and eventually all the stuff that's negative and doesn't serve you will slowly disappear. And also something that can help is having a carefully selected playlist to listen to, something that uplifts you, something that empowers you, something that just makes you feel good about yourself. Because the studies that have come out now that are about listening to like nostalgic music can really help.

to calm your nervous system. Cause I know when I listen to all the stuff I listened to as a teenager, it makes me feel a certain way. It makes me feel like safe and calm. Cause it's the music that I love and my music taste hasn't changed. So I still love to listen to all the different things. And then I have a playlist I had listened to when I work. And then I have one when I'm feeling I need a bit of like a boost. I'll have a playlist for that. creating your own playlists.

to, depending on how you're feeling and to uplift you can be a really, really helpful tool. And then you want to look at TV, news, programs. Number one, stop consuming the news. There's no reason to be consuming it. It's all negative. It's all there to create a divide, to separate us, to fight amongst ourselves. And again, it's focusing on the external and we don't want to do that. To have a regulated nervous system, we need to

Holly Lamb (07:10.594)
concentrate on the internal and news just doesn't serve us for that. And stop watching, you know, mind numbing reality shows all the time. Maybe have one or two that you watch from time to time, but don't have them on like a continuous loop, like all the love islands and stuff, because it's just the same shit rattled out. And again, it's comparison and gossip and external and it just doesn't serve you. And even TV series, be mindful of what you can.

assuming in regards to that. And don't just listen to, don't just watch lots of different types, like maybe have a couple again that you dip in and out of, but watch and listen to things that are gonna help to improve your life and to serve you better. I've got to the point now where TV does not interest me at all. I have no interest and I mainly watch

talks on YouTube or watch podcasts that are empowering, uplifting, is broadening my knowledge on certain topics. And that's really helped me to create the life that I want to. And then another thing to look at would be work and just general life. reducing time spent with toxic people, because that definitely doesn't serve you. People that are talking about other people, gossiping.

saying negative things, just remove yourself from the situation. If it's at work and you sit in these people, you know, maybe you can move or just don't engage, just say, I don't wish to be a part of that conversation. And it doesn't really matter what they think of you, to be honest, because you want to be you and your authentic you and your authentic self and what other people think of you.

is none of your business. And if you truly want to be regulated and to curate the reality that you want, you have to start cutting these things out, which can be really hard at the start, but it's really, really worth it when you start to see the results coming into your external reality. And

Holly Lamb (09:28.94)
Reconsidering things at work, especially that feel urgent, because unless you're a doctor, a surgeon, you know, in A &E, nothing is really urgent. Like that report isn't urgent. That meeting isn't urgent. You know, I need this by this day. And it's like, well, if you're not physically able to get that done, then that's that. So reconsider things that feel urgent because most of the time they aren't.

And then sitting in silence every day. So meditation, visualizing, listening to your thoughts and listening to your body. And yes, you can do guided meditations, but it's also really beneficial to sit in silence from time to time and just be with you, which again can feel scary, especially if you've got parts of you that you're still working on, those shadow parts, but we need to work through those shadow parts because then that's how we expand into

the best version of ourselves.

Holly Lamb (10:43.234)
And once you start to detox your life from the things that no longer serve you, this is where you can start to add in tools that will help to regulate your nervous system, you know, in order to achieve the life that you desire and that you are envisioning. So these are some of the tools that have helped me. I've been in a program, the Journey program with Ellen Agoush and

I was already doing some of these things, but we've kind of honed in on what's really, really working. And over the past few months, doing these daily has really helped me manage my symptoms, keep them under control and to regulate my nervous system. So this is what I do daily. So in the morning I wake up and I do my breath work. First thing, don't go on your phone first thing. Stop consuming anything first thing, you know, get up.

get sunlight and then do your breath work. So I sit down, I do my breath work. You know, you can follow on YouTube. Wim Hof has the app. That's a really good one to get started. Really easy breath work to get into if you've never done it before. And then I will do my meditation visualization, which is around 10 minutes. At the minute it's a quantum leap meditation in order to envision my new reality, to envision the new me.

in this next version of me in my new reality. I'll pop that in the show notes because that's a really good one to do. Then I do affirmations or new instructions as Elle calls them, which I prefer new instructions to affirmations because we're rewiring the subconscious brain with these new instructions. Then I do somatic movement, which is literally just me dancing around my bedroom for five minutes.

So we may think of somatic movement as all this like, like dance and stuff. No, just move your body. As women, we store a lot of energy in our hips. So we just need to move more. You know, five minutes dancing around is just going to help with any pent up stored energy and you're getting all that out of your system. So literally all those, the breath work, the meditation, the affirmations and the somatic movement probably takes me 30 minutes in the morning. And that is setting me up.

Holly Lamb (13:07.438)
for a great day. And that's one of the first things I say to myself when I wake up, today will be a great day. Because again, we're rewiring the subconscious in order to bring in the life that we want in order to regulate our nervous system. So by saying this and saying, yes, this is what's going to happen, then it comes into your reality. And

I've been doing that religiously probably for three or four months and the changes have been incredible. I'm calling in things that I've always wanted and things are slowly changing and people have even started to say, you look like a different person because my energy is different. My energy is lifted and that's what we want. We want to be in this high vibration, this high energy. And yes, you're to have times where it dips. Of course it's normal, but you want this to be your

preferred state and you want this to be something that you can sustain and be at for long term, because that's when manifestations start to come into your reality. So on top of those, extra things you can add in are sleep hypnosis. So you can listen to meditations as you go off to sleep. You can listen to them overnight. So that's rewiring your subconscious. And then you can do

walks to embody the new version of you. So really get into that character, you know, kind of like action, new character and go on a walk as that new character and you can do visualization at the same time. So visualizing with your eyes open is, he's really, really powerful. And then also a really good thing to do the night before would be a to -do list for the next day. Cause then you're getting everything in order and you can see what you need to do for that next day. And again,

In Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life, Bob Proctor asked Earl Nightingale how he mastered time management. And he said, he hadn't, nobody does, but he just manages activities. So the night before he writes down what he needs to do the next day, and then he knows it has to get done and he gets them done. So that's the beauty of a to -do list. The night before and you know what you've got to do the next day.

Holly Lamb (15:27.342)
And then the final thing you can start to implement is a bullet journal for all of your achievements because the human brain is very quick to go to the negative. Whereas if we actually concentrate on all the positive things that happen, we can start to see how amazing our life already is. So maybe I do it where I put the date and then I write down what happened. And then if I'm having like a low day, then I can go back and I can see.

all the amazing things that have already happened and know that I'm on the right path. Cause we do need little reminders and joining a community can really help with that. So I have my free membership at the moment, women's soul circle. The link is in the show notes. If you want to join, it's free for the time being. I'm not sure how much longer it will be free because at the minute it's basically weekly coaching on a Wednesday night.

different topic. You can ask questions in the group, you can get support and it's free coaching from me.

And there's a lot of value that I'm giving out in this because I want to help as many women as possible. So if you would like some, you know, support, some guidance while it's still free, I would get in there now. And also I'm about to run a giveaway where you can win six months of one -to -one coaching with me for free, but you have to be in the membership. But I'll be dropping more about that shortly. But getting back to the...

actions. In The Journey, it's the power actions, which I think is a great term for them. These power actions are helping to not only rewire your subconscious brain, but also help to keep your nervous system regulated. Once you start to implement these into your daily life, weekly life, you'll start to send those positive instructions into the subconscious. That's saying that I'm in charge here. This is the way it's going to go because

Holly Lamb (17:30.536)
Most of the time the subconscious just takes over and we don't even realize. So we have to bring awareness to what's happening in order to be able to control what we want to happen. And by doing this, by saying this is what's going to happen, we're moving into willingness. And then you can set a clear intention on where you want to go and then you take inspired action. So setting that intention, taking the inspired action.

And then seeing the results come through, this is what builds unfuck with a faith. And when that starts to come in and you start to have that inner knowing, you start to feel calm. And that's what's happened with me. I can see what's going to be the next version of me. What's coming into my reality. I know it's happening. So I feel a sense of calm and a sense of peace. And that's where more starts to come in. And that's when manifestation starts to come in.

And understanding the power of intention is sending a signal to your mind of the desired destination. And like I said, with that, you have unfuck with the bull faith. And the more you do these, the more it builds up and then the more that starts to come into your reality. Cause you're consciously and subconsciously committing to change.

So things you can ask yourself are, you know, what do you want to achieve in six months time? And then set that intention and then maybe go a bit further and say, what do you want to achieve this time next year? And then you've got those written down, you've got those intentions and then you start to put the actions into place, little micro actions. So yes, that's the end goal. And it may seem ridiculously far out of reach and that's even better.

because we don't want logic to come into this. We only want pure faith and trust to come into this. You don't need to know how it's going to happen. You just need to know what you want to achieve and start taking the inspired action towards this. And you know, you're the only person who can actively participate in your life and its transformation. So you need to take the bull by the horns and start implementing these things.

Holly Lamb (20:00.022)
And change is a daily commitment of constantly making small and powerful choices. And you hold the power to create options and choices for yourself at all times, no matter what, because you are the creator of your own reality. And the sooner that that lands in your body, everything will start to change.

So yes, it's on nervous system regulation, but I've also managed to weave in some manifestation and some reality creation into that because it's all interlinked because you have to realize once your nervous system is regulated, everything you've ever desired will start to come into your reality. And once a few things come in, then you've got


Holly Lamb (21:15.736)
And once one thing starts to drop into your reality, then you've got proof that that's happening. And then the rest will start to drop in because you start to have more and more unfuck with the faith. And when you've got faith, everything starts to manifest because faith and fear are both believing things.

Holly Lamb (21:48.75)
because faith and fear are both believing in things that you can't see. So if I was gonna pick one or the other, I'm gonna pick faith. We need to get out of this fear mentality. And this is why you need to stop consuming things like the news to get out of the fear mentality and step into your power. Because as women, we hold a lot of power. We just don't realize we do because of the society we live in.

So that's it for this week's episode before I go off on a tangent. Thank you for joining. As always, I love your feedback. Please drop me a DM, leave a comment. It'd be amazing if you can rate the show and leave me a testimonial. It really, really helps to push the podcast up and for it to reach more people. And if you need help with your perimenopausal journey, you can join Women's Soul Circle for free, or you can reach out and speak to me about one -to -one coaching.

the whole woman program, which we create your external reality from changing your internal state in order to manage your symptoms, get you fit and strong for later life, understand nutrition, and just make you into the powerhouse woman that I know you are. So if you need help, reach out. And thank you so much for joining and I will see you guys next week.