Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 / Pumpkin all the things!, we are ready for adventure, our daughter feels bad about not finishing a meal, the unnecessary app for high schoolers, Chantel learned how to set reminders in her phone, Josh got new steps for his truck, cruisin’ is our business, Chantel is low on salt, and hey - look at this funny video you just sent me.

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - August 22, 2024

Episode summary introduction: Pumpkin all the things!, we are ready for adventure, our daughter feels bad about not finishing a meal, the unnecessary app for high schoolers, Chantel learned how to set reminders in her phone, Josh got new steps for his truck, cruisin’ is our business, Chantel is low on salt, and hey - look at this funny video you just sent me.

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Thursday, August 22nd on today's show, Pumpkin All the Things. We're ready for an adventure. Our daughter feels bad about not finishing a meal, the unnecessary app for high schoolers. I learned how to set reminders in my phone.

Josh got new steps for his truck. Cruisin' is our business. I'm low on salt, and, hey, look at this funny video you just sent me. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10.

It's wake up classy 97, and this is the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Wake up, Classy 97. I will not. It's are you Classy 97?

I'm classy. Yes, indeed. Wake up, classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. Let's see.

Thursday morning, it is August 22nd, and today just so happens to be burger day. Burger day. Yep. I like burgers. I like making burgers.

I like eating burgers. Burgers are pretty good. You haven't made nearly enough burgers. I've only made maybe 2 I know. And that's pretty sad.

2 times I've cooked burgers. Busy this summer. We didn't even have nearly enough barbecues. That's that's crazy. That's crazy.

It's cray. That's crazy. So, anyway, have a burger today, I guess. It is, never been better day. Never been better?

I've I've been better. You you've never been better. I've been better. It's a heartwarming celebration that honors the unique bond between humans and therapy dogs, specifically spotlighting a special dog named Bean. This day encourages people to recognize the comforting and healing power that these animals bring into the lives of those who need it most.

We saw a therapy dog the other day Yep. And then there was a non therapy dog that went kind of crazy seeing the therapy dog. And you could tell the difference between the trained animal Yeah. And the non trained animal. Yeah.

The, the therapy dog, the, the trained animal did not even care. He's like, dude I'm I'm working. I'm a profesh. Yeah. I'm very busy working right.

Filthy animal. Yeah. That's what the dog said to the other dog. Get a job. Yeah.

Alright. Daffodil day. You like daffodils? I do like daffodils. They are one of my favorites.

Aren't they a spring flower? They are. So why is today daffodil? Good point. Excellent point.

Alright. I didn't make the day. Somebody goofed. It is eat a peach day, and also take your cat to the vet day. I don't have any cats.

But if you do, take your cat to the vet day today. Okay. That's what's going on. Okay. Good morning.

Not even any dessert. There's another pecan pie thing, but we already talked about it. I've I'm I'm over the pecan pie. How dare you? Yeah.

Doesn't even it's not worth my time. Yeah. It's worth my time. It's just pecans. Dude.

Cooked in a pan. It's not that great. Delicious. No. What generation would you say you're in?

I am in the Xenial generation, which is the subgeneration between Gen X and Millennial, and it is Xenial with, an x. And just to make sure that everybody knows that's, that's a real thing. Uh-huh. You're not making it up. Yeah.

It is a microgeneration of people that are on the cusp of gen x and millennial demographic, timing in those generations. I'm trying to find the years. Okay. It's okay. We can move on.

77 to 83. Okay. That's the Xennial? That's Xennial's. Okay.

Yeah. Gen x. So you're a part of Gen x a little bit? Yeah. Okay.

So the 4 big bands of Gen x, dad rock. Wanna guess what they are? Probably not what I think, but dad rock Gen x bands. Yes. Take a guess.

You have 4 chances to win. Dad rock. So dad rock has been defined as, like, Limp Bizkit? No. No.

Like that kind of stuff? Yeah. Is that what you're talking about? Yes. But that's not Well, like they're not on list.

Nickelback? No. Well, I don't I'm naming all the dad rock bands of These aren't those are good. 3. These are the these are the dad rock bands.

Yeah. But the big four dad rock bands. I've named 3 of the biggest dad rock bands No. All the way, man. Yeah way, man.

You're missing so many. Aerosmith, ACDC, Van Halen, which we all know Van Hagar is better, and Guns N' Roses. Okay. Those are all older than dad rock. No.

Because then they had boomer dad rock. That's boomer dad rock. No. They are saying this is Gen those are Gen x. And then the boomer dad rocks, the Beatles, the Eagles, Led Zeppelin, and the Stones.

Yeah. And those are older. So what I'm hearing is that So maybe the Gen x dads listen to that. And then, not not I'm saying dads of Gen x people. Do you see what I'm saying?

I see what you're saying. So what generation is that, though? I mean, that is Gen x. Those are older, man. Like, that's the stuff and this is stuff my dad listened to, and my dad is like What generation is he?

He's barely on the end of boomer into Gen x. Okay. So tail end boomers. That's dead rock for them. So whatever whatever the little micro generation is between boomer and gen x, that's where that stuff fits.

Do you see? Yeah. And then your Creed and Nickelback. And all of the other ones I named are the Xenial. Those are terrible.

Bam. I know. I don't enjoy the dad rock. Listen to them. I don't.

I listen to, my own dad rock. There's much better music out there than Nickelback and Creed and I mean, look. Everybody's got their own taste. Everyone's got their taste, to be sure. I'm not trying to harsh anyone's vibe.

Because they they have their own fan bases. They do. And a lot of them are large. I know. I know.

And then you go, There's better there's better music. Hey. Maybe you should hit shuffle and see what else is out there in the world. You might find something else you like, or just keep listening to those same bands. That's fine.

That's your it's your deal. It's your music. Enjoy. Okay. So the the Boomer, Dead Rocks, the Beatles, the Eagles, Zeppelin, and the Stones, they're none of them are even I mean, most of them are now passed away.

A lot of them have that band. And then the gen x ones, Aerosmith, ACDC, Dan Halen, and Guns N' Roses, they are a lot of them are still alive, but they're not together anymore. Or Guns and Roses, like not touring. Think just got together. Aerosmith just announced just.

Aerosmith announced they're no longer touring because Steven Tyler can't do it. Axl Rose shouldn't be touring from Guns N' Roses. Are they touring? ACDC. I don't know if ACDC is touring.

But Oh. But they're still around. They put out new music not that long ago, like, within the past couple of years. ACDC did? Yeah.

No way. Yeah. And then who is the other one? Van Halen. Yeah.

They're not doing anything. No. They haven't done anything in a long time. You know why? Because David Lee Roth is Old?

Strange? No. He's he's Diamond Dave? Come on. He's a cool guy.

There's nothing wrong with Diamond Dave. He has he's tall. He shows up. Have you, seen the video of him? There was, like, some college dudes that were playing some Van Halen in their hotel room, and he went to the door and knocked on the door, and he was like, what's up, guy?

Oh, no. It didn't And they they thought he was some weird delivery guy or something. And he's, like, trying to be like, do you know who I am? And they have no clue. Oh, no.

They have no idea. And they'd been listening to Van Halen at a very high volume when he was in the hotel that they were staying in, and they thought this would be a real treat. And they just had no idea who he was. And I I think he Sammy Hagar is the better No. Lead singer of Van Halen.

No. No. No. Yeah. True.

True. True. True. It's a wonder we even are married with these kinds of disputes between Van Halen lead singers and so forth. I like to say just to get a rise out of people because they're that is one of those things.

It's a controversy. You could say people but I do I do like Sammy Hagar more than David Lee Roth. The red rocker? Yeah. Yeah.

Diamond Dave or the red rocker? The red rocker. Diamond Dave. No way, man. Yeah.

Way, man. Think you're gonna like good news. I was wondering if you were gonna say anything. I was just gonna let the music play and just sit here. Just sit here.

Just sit here. To this. Marcus Moriata. I know him. I know.

I mean, not personally, but you know of him. Who does he even play for now? Well, he is a quarterback for the Washington Commanders now. He grew up in Hawaii, went to college at the University of Oregon. All of that history led him to making a special donation to a small football team, a small school football team.

Listen to this. I am. He made connection with a fellow Hawaiian named, Ed Nishioka, who attended Southern Oregon University. Ed explained to Marcus that unlike the University of Oregon, which is huge and has like, the Ducks, like, they are a massive school, tons of funding, NCAA craziness. Like, there's a lot going on at that school.

K. Southern Oregon University is much smaller and doesn't always have all the equipment needed to keep the football program rolling. So Marcus wanted to help his friend and support the Southern Oregon, University football team, so he made a donation. $16,500 worth of cleats. Nice.

Now you've got shoes. It's a huge start. Yeah. That's a huge start. But I know that's not all.

I'm hoping to hear more. Okay. Because of the donation, 140 players are now ready to start the season, Ah. Which is cool. 40 players.

Yeah. So it's a university team, so they carry a lot of different players on their roster. And you have an offense and a defense. They have a lot of players. A 100 and 40, though?

That's extreme. Yeah. Burke Brown is the head coach at SOU. He knows the cleats will make an impact on his team. He said our core value in our football program is we.

So it kinda coincides with all of us being 1. I think, you know, when you take the field and you look the same, you look good, you feel good, you play good. Absolutely. I believe in that. Correct.

Uniform helps a lot. Having everybody on the same level, not worrying about duct taped up cleats and all that stuff. Everybody's coming out strong. Yeah. Oh.

Yep. That's nice. Ain't that cool? Yes. And, and they're nice cleats, by the way.

I mean, he didn't he didn't, like, go, well, just grab something. He grabbed some nice stuff. Good. What's the really good. Football mascot?

I don't know what their mascot is. Let's see. I'm looking. I'm trying to see. It looks like some kind of bird, if I had to guess.

Like a magpie? No. I don't think it's that. Like a raven, a crow, a blue jay, a robin. Rocky.

His name is Rocky. The raider, he is a red tailed hawk. Hey. We found the bird. Rocky the Raider.

Now you know. Awesome. Good for them. Yep. Good news.

Raiders. To get you Rocky Raiders. What? What's their team? I just told you they're the Red Hawks.

Oh, the Red Hawks. The Rocky the Raider, the Red Hawks. Okay. Go Red Hawks. Alright.

There you go. It's good news to get you going. Guess what today is? What? You didn't even know.

I didn't even know. That today is PSL day. Is it is it really? It is. Yep.

Starbucks is pumpkin spicing all the things. Okay. Who made it PSL day? Star Starbucks. The the the PSL arrives at Starbucks today.

You know that I was gonna talk about this? I'm a genius. Okay. But listen. Because here's what I think.

We are August 22nd Yep. Today. Yep. And there is pumpkin I know. Everywhere.

We went to the grocery store last night. There's a whole case that you you stopped and looked at it for, I don't know, 30, 40 seconds just in amazement that there was pumpkin all the things. All of the things, and it feels so early. Mhmm. So early.

A lot of school hasn't even started yet. I know. Wait for pumpkins till school starts. I at least wait until the middle of September. I just I can't evening.

Yeah. I know. I don't I don't like how quickly things move sometimes. And I know I don't have any control to stop it, but I can't I can't even with the pumpkin right now. Like, it's too soon.

It's too soon. People complain about Christmas coming too early. The pumpkins are here. Pumpkin, it's here. So let's talk about some of the, new pumpkin spice things you can get this year.

I don't want to. Petco this fall, a 4 foot tall as well as a 9 inch tall pumpkin spice plush toy for your dog. You can pumpkin spice your your dog's toy box. McCormick has pumpkin pie spice, so you can just get some of that. They they now make it in a little, travel container with a little push top lid.

So What's it called? Pumpkin pie spice. They've already had that before. No. I know.

But now it's in a travel container. So if you wanna pumpkin spice your own things, you can carry a small little bottle of it with you everywhere you go. It's not even here. What happened? Pumpkin is not okay.

Why are we pumpkining all the things? Because it's even not. So good. No. It's not even that.

Apparently. And I like pumpkin, but it's not even that great. It's not that great. I like a pumpkin spice latte. I like a pumpkin pie.

Okay. But we don't need to pumpkin all the things. The fine folks at Chobani, they have pumpkin spice Greek yogurt. They also did their pumpkin spice barista oat milk. Don't we don't?

So you can get pumpkin milk. We don't. We don't. Yeah. Yes.

There's there's, an organic food company called Daily Harvest. They have made, an an actual, like, travel pumpkin spice latte mix. $10 for a 6 pack you can just carry around with you. You've done too much pumpkin. Pumpkin pancakes.

Which you've done too much. The restaurants are serving up pumpkin pancakes. Pumpkin? Yes. Pumpkin.

Pumpkin? Maybe you wanna have No. No. No. No.

Because pumpkin is like this vegetable that's just been kinda hanging out. And then in the last 10 years, it's like, guys. No. Look at how great we are. Do not even say that Linus sitting out in the field waiting for the great pumpkin is new.

This is this pumpkin fascination goes way back. I'm as far as food goes, the the pumpkin food, like, in all of the things, it's too Pumpkin cheesecake. No. Pumpkin spice mochi. I've made a pumpkin cheesecake before.

You know what happened? Nobody ate it. August 26th, just a couple of days away. The blizzard at Dairy Queen gets a pumpkin version. Guys, we've gone too far.

Duncan Hines, the baking mix. Yeah. Dolly Parton's pumpkin spice cookie mix. I don't know what Dolly Parton has to do with it, but they've got it. Little bites, the little muffins, pumpkin muffins.

And, honestly, I don't mind about all this pumpkin stuff. If I don't like it, I'm just not gonna buy it, but it's too early. Nah. You were just the other day saying you were kinda ready for the fall transition. Yeah.

I know, but that doesn't mean I want to move to pumpkin all of the things already. It's time. No. You know those Pepperidge Farm cookies you like so much? Oh, yes.

Yeah. The pumpkin spice swirl bread and the Milano pumpkin spice cookies, they're arriving very soon. Okay. I will go for some pumpkin bread. That's the only thing I'm gonna go for.

With the chocolate chips and the whole bit? Yeah. You ready for that? Yep. I'll have that.

See That's good any You have you have one slice. That's good anytime. Yeah. You feel like you could eat that anytime? Absolutely.

Well, you're in luck. Pillsbury has pumpkin spice bread in a little tube. You can just bake it yourself. No. They've pumpkined all the things.

They have pumpkined all the things. You know those protein shakes you like, That premier protein? Yes. They got a pumpkin version. We saw pumpkin, pop tart.

Yeah. Pumpkin pie pop tarts. You pumpkin anything. You can pumpkin anything. I'm looking at all of this food, and it's all pumpkin.

So welcome to it. I don't want to. It's too bad. It's out it's out of your control. It's out of your control.

I know it is. You wanna know how old we are? Oh, I know how old I am. Do you? Do you know how old you are?

I know how old I am. I know that I'm older than you. Did you know that right now, we are in our adventure prime? Are we? Yep.

A new survey found out that 42 is the perfect age to have an adventure. I'm I'm not 42. Yeah. I know you missed it. Oh, no.

There's still time. No. What they found out is this this age right here, this early forties to mid forties age is when people become their kind of most adventurous, adventurous. And they do say that adventure knows no age limit. No matter how old you are, you can always be adventurous, but people crave adventure and become the most adventurous in their lives in their early to mid forties.

We're in prime adventure time, you and I. I would disagree with that. You would disagree? Yeah. You're not up for an adventure?

No. Because I'll tell you why. You're worried about you're worried about hurting something? Yes. Yes.

I am. I feel like my adventure time was probably mid thirties. I was most adventurous then. Yeah. Things break a lot more easily this time around.

And guess what? I know I'm gonna have to be the one that has to pay for it. Well, so now I wanna know what do you define adventure as? Oh, me? I Because when I say, let's go on an adventure, what's the first thing that comes to mind that you go, oh, that's an adventurous thing I don't wanna do?

Probably super adventure. I can't think of an example. Okay. What Are you thinking, like, let's go to, Utah and get on that, edge of the cliff hooked to a a cord and then jump off No. And do that crazy swing?

No. I'll never do that. That's that's what I wanna know. When you when I say, let's go on an adventure, is that what you think of? Something extreme like that?

Yeah. Where you go like, I'm not up for that. No. I'm I'm not up for Skydive. Been up for that.

Right. Never? Never. I've always been a very cautious person. I would say I am way more cautious with a lot of things.

You've done, like, the sky coaster at Lagoon. I won't do that thing. That thing's terrifying. That thing is terrifying. I've only done it once.

But you've done it. You're right. I am pretty adventurous. Look at you. Look at you.

You're right. Adventure is described as anything outside of your daily routine and an experience that makes you appreciate life more. Oh. We are at our peak adventure. Case.

Yes. If that's how you define adventure, then I just need to you bought a picnic thing. That's adventurous. Oh, adventurous. The ideal adventure lasts about 6 days, and folks are willing to travel over 27 100 miles for adventure.

Yeah. I would travel for adventure. Adventure destination. Top 3. Oh, you know what else I've done that's adventurous?

I am pretty adventurous Alright. Actually. Yeah. Here's what happens, though. I also give into peer pressure pretty easily.

So I also have FOMO. So I don't want I don't want other people I don't wanna look at other people having fun and go, I wish I could do that. I wanna be part of the fun. K. So, yeah, I've ridden those scary I ride roller coasters.

I like roller coasters. I don't mind roller coasters. I've ridden those really scary water slides where the bottom drops underneath you. Yeah. I've done that.

That was terrible. Won't do it again, though. No. I really thought that I had died on that roller coaster. Did you only you only did one.

You didn't do both of them. No. Because the one was broken. You've gotta go back and do the other one. I'll never do it again.

Why? Because you only You haven't done both of them. You only need to have that adventure once. But they're different adventures. Oh, it's okay.

Top adventure destinations. Give me the top 3 you think of. I I don't know. Amusement parks. No.

No. Oh. States in America States? With the with the biggest adventure. I I don't know.

I won't be able to guess this because Florida is number 3. For what? What's there? I don't know what's there. Adventure.

What kind Alligators. Danger. California is number 2. For with what? Adventure.

What what kind of adventure? The kind where you do anything outside of your daily routine and an experience that makes you appreciate life more. What? What? What?

What? Specifically? Redwood trees, beaches. That's not necessarily adventure. I wouldn't classify redwood the redwood forest and beaches as the best part.

In the redwood forest for 6 days is an adventure. Well, I think it's adventure, but I don't think it's adventurous. Because you think about something dangerous. You think about craziness. Alright.

Yes. Downtown LA. Oh. Adventure. Yeah.

That is. That it's in California? Yeah. Alright. Hawaii, number 1 on the list for adventure.

You have nothing to say about it? What am I gonna say? What? Helicopter flight. Oh, I've never done that.

Places where they filmed Jurassic Park and lost. How Adventure. Okay. I'll go visit for sure. Have an adventure.

It's a like a rainforesty jungle place. Okay. I'll go visit. I'll go have those kind of adventures. Just don't ask me to do something nice.

Spam. Spam? Yes. I've eaten spam. It's fine.

I am adventurous. Okay. Big thumbs up. I have I am speechless. You've taken away my words.

We were doing some grocery shopping last night. Yep. And here's what happens when we grocery shop. Like, we usually go to grocery shop, and it's an hours long process because there's multiple stores that we have to go to. Yep.

And then by the time you get your groceries, you go, well, now I don't wanna cook any of this because it's late, and I'm tired, and it was exhausting. And now, let's Let's just go get something. Go get something to eat. Yep. So we did that.

And we went to a place, and Emery got some rice and beans, and she decided that she didn't like them. But she was too afraid to show that she didn't like them because she was embarrassed that the waitress would see that she hadn't eaten her rice and beans. So she messed them up a little bit with her fork. Saw that. And then said, there.

Now it looks like I've eaten some. She turned them into little volcanoes, the rice and the beans. She just, like, made it look like there were bites taken out. Don't. It's an interesting an interesting thought process.

This is not the first time she's done this either. If there's, like, a little bit of sandwich left after lunch, she'll, like, put her napkin over the top of it. Like, I don't want them to see that I didn't finish it because I don't want them to think I didn't like it. And it's like, it's no one cares. Nobody cares.

It doesn't matter. They get their money in the same way. Like, they don't care if you eat it or not. It is an interesting thought process that goes through her brain. Fascinating.

And I did ask her if I could talk about this on the radio because I didn't want her to be totally embarrassed by this. And she said, yeah. I don't care. Oh, I know there are other people that definitely think about this. I don't think she's the only one on the planet that's like, ah, yeah.

I'm gonna may not make somebody feel like their food wasn't good. I okay. So I I do that if I go to somebody that I'd knows how to eat and somebody's made me food. Yeah. Maybe I don't necessarily like it.

You sneak it in a napkin and throw it away? What do you do? But I have to make sure that I have a lot to drink, like water, because I'm gonna be taking drinks of water to wash it down. Bites of what you don't like, and so you'll stomach it. Yes.

I see what you're saying. Yes. You don't just go like, no. It's not it. Because I don't wanna offend somebody that I'd know.

If it's at a restaurant, I don't care. If it's gross, I'll be like, yeah. I'm not gonna finish that because it's gross. But yeah. I don't care about offending a restaurant.

But Right. I don't I don't have this issue. If I take something if if I if we go to a a family's house and they're like, hey. You can make a plate. And I go, I'm gonna try that.

And I take a bite, and I go, nah. It's not that. I'll just no. I'll eat that. And then I don't.

And then I throw away my plate when I'm done or whatever. I don't care. Well, you've been called out on it before. Like like, if I have something on my plate that I have not eating and somebody goes, you're gonna eat that part? You don't like that or what?

You don't like that? What's the rest of that? Not really. This is not not I'm not I don't mean to offend you. It's just not my taste.

Like, you made something you put bacon in something that doesn't normally have bacon in it. I it's not my thing. My sister uses a lot of onions. She overdoes the onions. An extreme amount of onions.

It's wild. She should make separate onions for her to add on. Like, that's what I that's the thing. If you love onions more than the normal person and you want extra onions on something, make it a normal onion situation for everyone else and add more to yours. So, yeah, you have eaten you've eaten stuff of hers that you haven't really liked and been like, there's too many onions in that.

I just start peeling them out, and I'm like, I got a plateful of onions. If if I went somewhere and the only pizza they had was Hawaiian pizza, there'd be a plate of pineapple. Not my problem. Don't order that pizza. It's not good.

That's all I'm trying to say. I the last time we went out to eat and Emery didn't eat her she didn't eat half of her sandwich, and then she was trying to hide it because she was worried that the It was 2 bites of sandwich. It was very little less. Just worried that the next step would be like, you didn't like that sandwich? And it was just bread.

We were trying to embarrass her by saying, hey. Yeah. Hey. Excuse me. She doesn't like that.

She doesn't like that. She was She kept putting her napkin on it. I kept moving her napkin. She's like, Hey. Somebody look at this.

Yeah. Somebody look at this sandwich that she didn't eat. Do you think that the amount of sandwich she has left over indicates that she did not like the food that you prepared? Because it might. She's really worried about it.

We have parental restrictions on Emery's phone because we like to It's a safeguard. It is. And so she, you know, has to get permission to download apps and different things. And she will ask us often about some apps, and then we'll do our research to see if it's you know, what is the app used for? So she asked us about this app the other day that some of her friends have, and this app lets you see the primary thing about this app is it lets you see if your friends are in the same classes with you at school.

And I go, why don't why why do you need an app for that? Why can't you just ask your friends what classes they have, and then you can see what if they're in your class, or just go to that class. And if your friends are in that class, ta da, you'll know if your friends are in the same place. Call me old fashioned. But I do remember when you'd get your schedule, like, calling your your closest friends and going, what classes you did you get?

Right. They go, I don't have my schedule yet. You're like, come on, man. And then you remember that your last name starts with a letter well before theirs, and they did registration by last name. You're like, why does your name start with a z?

Come on. They hated it too, buddy. I know. So, this particular app is called Saturn, and there's a lot of people going, yeah, it's old. Like, it's old app.

Is it an old app? I don't know. It's probably been around. But there's there's a little bit I'm looking at it on this website, on their website, because I'm trying to figure out why. Why it's needed?

Yeah. Well, I told her I go because we asked her, why do you need this app? What's the point of it? Right. To see if my friends are in my classes.

I said, why can't you just ask them what classes they have? And she said, that's not even how it's done. Right. 9 It's not what you do anymore. We're old people.

We are old people. So it is a calendar for high school and college. So, you know, there's that. The second thing is that it does lock you into your school. So, like, you it's available for, like, 17,000 schools across the country.

It does block schedules lunch waves, which I assume is, like, when lunch is busy. I don't know what that means. Interesting. It'll show, all the stuff for your groups. So if you have, like, a club or a team that you're part of, student councils, like, they're using this as well to kinda communicate things that are happening.

They call it StuCo. Okay. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Cool. Sure. It'll also show you, like, when your classes start and when they end because it knows your bell schedule. So there's that, which I think if you're in school, your bells are gonna ring when they ring. So just move on to the next class.

I don't know. I just And now they've got, you know, when you graduate from high school, you can carry on to college, if that's what you pursue, and you can use it to track all of your college classes as well. So it's, it's an interesting thing. I'm trying to I'm trying to learn more about. But I still just don't quite understand the point of it.

I know. I we look. We grew up where they would assign us a paper planner when we registered for school, so we're a different kind of animal. We're built different. Yeah.

Built different. Anyway, it's an interesting thing. I don't know much about it. Just ask your friends what classes they have, and then you'll know Yeah. If they're in your class or not.

That's an idea. Or even better, just walk into your classroom and be surprised if your friend happens to be sitting there and go, oh, man. You're in this class? Look at that. Cool.

Awesome. Nice sweater. Thank you. Where'd you find it? I found it at home.

Yeah. I forgot. I took my this is my work sweater. Yep. And it mostly lives here.

Right. But I inadvertently took it home, and then I didn't have it yesterday. And I was so sad. There it is. I got it now.

It's back. Good job. Work sweater is back. Congratulations. This is a fun game I like to call called.

Are you Wanna know how old I am? This is a fun game you like to call called? No. No. No.

Sorry. This is a fun game I like to play called. Oh, okay. This is how old I am. How old are you?

How old am I? I'm so old that I had to put a reminder in my phone to tell you a story. You had to okay. Because something happened yesterday, and I didn't wanna text it to you. And I said, I gotta tell Josh this.

And I said, I'm gonna forget. I'm gonna forget to tell him this because I do that. I'm like a toddler. If it's out of sight, it's out of mind. I have to write it down or put it somewhere while I remember it, or I'll I'll forget.

Okay. So So I had to put a reminder in my calendar to say, tell Josh the story about this Uh-huh. At 6:30 PM. Did you tell me the story at 6:30 PM? I don't remember when I told you.

But, yes, I did tell you. After the reminder. I think I did it before the reminder. Well, look at that. What?

That's like when you wake up before the alarm goes off, and then you turn off the alarms. You don't have to hear it. I know. What a treat. I know.

So that's Did I have a good reaction? No. Was I was I half listening? Probably. Distracted?

That's kinda what you do. You just don't even know what it was because I didn't know that you were worried about forgetting to tell me about it because you told you just told me about it. Yeah. I know. Because I had remembered.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, good. I, I'm I'm glad that you figured out how your phone works, but did you know so you do you used a calendar notification Mhmm.

To do that? Yes. Did you know that you could just tell your phone to remind you things and it'll just do it? What? Oh.

What? What? I really need to teach you how to use your phone. Yeah. You do.

I know. I have a super fancy phone. I don't know. And I even know 3 buttons. I know how to get to my social media apps.

I know how to get to my music and my calendar. That's it. And that's all I use it for, and my phone. And a camera. Oh, yeah.

Okay. I know a little bit more. And text. What do you what do you do? You just say You know you know how when you do the broadcast thing Mhmm.

It's the same thing. You just say the the trigger words to get your assistant to listen. I don't want my phone to go crazy. So, you say the the assistant's name. So you say, hey, assistant.

Remind me to do this thing to to tell Josh the story at 6:30 tonight. And your assistant will go, okay. I'll remind you to do that thing. Oh. And then your phone will go.

Remember to tell that thing. Oh. Yeah. That's sick. Sick.

What the throwback was that? That is sick. I'm always keeping it cool. Yeah. Josh, I'm just I'm here to keep things I didn't know earlier when I was talking about going on an adventure with you.

It would be right now today. Here we are. It's just Sick. Keeping things fresh and cool. Yeah.

Yep. That's my role. Definitely. Definitely. Big day yesterday.

It was a big day. How long have you had your new truck? Oh, a while. A couple of months. Months.

Yeah. So a couple of months of me I'm 5 foot 4. Yeah. Me trying to hoist myself into your truck Yeah. Because there's no steps.

Right. It's just ground Truck. Truck. Yeah. And it's up there a little bit.

There. Yeah. Sometimes I have to sit outside and just mentally prep myself to hoist myself up in there. And I go You do? Okay.

Okay. You sit there and you go, okay. Yeah. Sometimes I put, like, one foot in there, and then I'm like, you know, you've seen me do it where I go, hold hold on. Gotta do some stretching for a car.

Seen you do stretches, but I get what you're saying. Yeah. No. I hear you. And then to get out of your truck, I'd have to jump.

And sometimes I would misinterpret how close the ground was, and so then it was like a hard, like, oh, ground was closer than I thought it was gonna be. Well, I I fixed that yesterday. Finally. You finally got welcome. Truck steps.

I did. It took me a minute to find first of all, I wanted to find some that were in the price range, the my budget. Secondly, I wanted to find a look. I didn't want a a like, there's there's some really inexpensive ones that a lot of people put on trucks, and I go, like, yeah. It gets the job done, but the style, like, there's gotta be the right style.

I honestly am happy that you have truck steps, not just because it helps me get in and out of the truck, but because I'm tired of driving around with you. And you go and, like, oh, I don't like those steps. Those ones are pretty nice. Yeah. Oh, I hate those steps.

The ones that I got, I haven't seen on anybody else's truck. Oh. Yeah. La dee da. Uh-huh.

I just you've been looking at everybody's truck steps for the past 2 months, and I'm Yeah. I'm over it. I'm tired of looking at everybody's stuff. Everybody started getting in on it a little bit going, what do you think of those ones? I mean, those are too big.

Not everybody. Those look like old seventies running boards. Like, there's, you know, a certain look I wanted, and I think I achieved it. I found what I like. They look good.

Good. I'm happy with them. Okay. So I got them installed. I put them on yesterday, and, we went to do some grocery shopping, and you had no troubles getting in and out.

That should've been You did forget it was there I did. When you were getting out. Yeah. Or because now it's it's an obstruction to sliding off the seat to jump down to the ground. Now you actually have to step out.

Yeah. Yeah. So my brain just has the muscle memory of opening the door and sliding out Right. Jumping down. But then now there's step.

Some trouble remembering that there was a step. It took you some trouble. Everything takes me some trouble. It takes me some trouble. It takes me some trouble to speak.

Put her on the radio. That's a good idea. It is a good idea. Great idea. Well, good.

I'm glad it's easier for you to get in, and then hopefully, eventually, you'll remember it's there when you're getting out of the truck. It'll pick up the new muscle memory Yeah. For sure. Thanks for getting steps so that I don't break my leg every time I try to jump out. Yeah.

You're welcome. They're for you. I know. They are. We went to I took, What?

What? We went to I took Yeah. Let me start again. Okay. Let me just refresh.

Alright. I went with Beck to his orthodontist appointment yesterday. Okay. He was having some, like, a laser done on his teeth. Yeah.

And so I went with him to just kinda you know, you wanna be there for your kids. Sure. And he needed to set an appointment for 5 or 6 weeks or something. And the orthodontist tells me, oh, we can't schedule it for that week because we're all gonna be on a cruise. The whole place?

The entire company. Okay. And I went. When when does that happen? For us?

Yeah. You mean? That's what I'm asking. That's what I would also like to know. Like to know when This is the company cruises happen.

Why I'm bringing it up. Yeah. There are places in East Idaho where the whole workplace goes on a cruise together. No kidding. And a part of me goes, do I wanna go on a cruise with?

Yeah. Yeah. The people that I work with? Yeah. And then I go, yeah.

I do. Yeah. Because it's a cruise. Yeah. And, also, they had a there was a member of their team, like a employee that works there.

Yeah. And he is their crew cruise director. Their cruise facilitator that is, like, organizing it all and managing it all. Duty as assigned. I don't know.

Probably additional duty as assigned. Does other stuff. Yeah. He also does other stuff. Yeah.

He's not But he's the yeah. But he's the guy who's like, hey. Here's your room. Here's your stuff. Here's what you Exactly.

Come on. I'm saying, That's cool. So who do we need to talk to to get our I don't mean no. Crews going? We gotta figure that out.

I mean, if you wanna keep if you wanna keep your employees happy Holy cow. This is the way to do it. Now is this something they do once ever, or is this something that happens regularly? No idea. I've given you the information that I know, and I just sat there going, That's a thing.

Indeed. What a perk. I know. And I I'm sure they I don't know if the business is paying for everybody or if they all they're like, hey. We're gonna go on a cruise.

This is how much it is. Yeah. But yeah. You gotta Okay. You know?

Or maybe the company pitches in, like, so much money as, like, a bonus, and they're like, okay. Your bonus is Or a group buying so we get a discount Correct. If we I don't know. This made people sign up or something. I don't know all the details, but I'm also ready to go on vacation.

I know. It's adventure. So We're primed for adventure. So who's gonna be the cruise facilitator here at The Right Decision? Could handle being the facilitator.

I don't want to. Why? I don't wanna do that. That sounded cool. No.

I don't then you do it. I'd be into it. K. You do it. I'll do it.

I but I need the money to do it. Who do we talk to? I don't know. The sales director. Yeah.

Let's go talk to the the sales manager. Go, hey. Hey, Jake. Uh-huh. Hey, buddy.

Got an idea. How much funds are on the budget? Yeah. For a cruise, for everyone. Right.

A whole team, we're going we're gonna go, cruise. Let's go cruising. And they'll be like, in the reservoir? Where I love it when we're cruising together. Yeah.

I knew that was happening. I had a doctor appointment yesterday. Yes. Just a wellness exam. Yeah.

And, turns out I am pretty well. Well, good. He went over my blood work and my labs and said everything looks great. Cholesterol, good. Yeah.

Everything good. Super. Liver panel, great. Awesome. And then he said, oh, your sodium is a little low.

And I said, oh, k. You got that that low sodium. And he said have you need some salt? He said, have you been drinking a lot of water? And I said, well, yes.

Because that's what everyone has always told me to do is to drink lots of water. Yeah. Doctors across the world drink lots of water. Make sure you're staying hydrated and drink lots of water. And he said, well, that could be diluting your sodium levels.

And so then he tells me, drink less water, eat more sodium, to which I said. What? That is the opposite of everything I've been told my entire 43 years ago. Doing it. Everything in moderation.

Right? And you're just you're unbalanced. Yeah. I get that. But, well, you can't tell me to do this thing, drink lots of water, little sodium.

Did your doctor tell you ever, drink more water and don't have as much salt? Never in those waters. Hearing you're hearing, like, overall, like, general health stuff. You're going, you shouldn't have a whole bunch of salt. Yeah.

That's what you hear your whole life. Like, don't drink a lot of salt, but drink a lots of water. I don't drink a lot of salt ever. Wow. But how you do it is you.

So You knew what I meant. I was just looking at, like, some of the low sodium, side effects, like some of the symptoms you might have if you have low sodium. Let's see here. What is it? I'll tell you if I have that.

Fatigue Yes. Dizziness, muscle cramps, headaches, and nausea. Those are the mild symptoms of having low sodium. Yeah. Severe, then you get lethargic.

Yes. You get confusion Yes. Disorientation, hallucinations. That's severe low sodium. And then very severe is like seizures, respiratory arrest, coma, real bad.

I don't have any of that. So you need some salt. Sure. You need some salt and a nap. Okay.

Yeah. Okay. Give me some potato chips and a nap. I'm fine. I'll be fine.

I don't think that's the right way to get my sodium levels up, but that sounds right to me. Increase sodium levels. Here are some things you can do to increase your sodium. Many foods naturally high in sodium, including processed and canned foods like soup, sauces, and snacks. Cheese has, sodium.

Cheese? Meat and poultry. Meat. I don't wanna eat meat. Shrimp and oysters, the seafood?

No. Beets? You like beets? I do like beets. I'll eat beets.

Beets, carrots, and celery. Okay. And then there are certain condiments, like soy sauce, ketchup, were wor or shire sauce? Yeah. Worcestershire, and tomatoes sauce.

The bestershires. It was the worstershire. There you go. So I gotta just change my Well, and then you're on edit my diet. Yeah.

There's a few other options. You can add salt to your foods. You can take some supplements to increase sodium levels. You could also drink electrolyte beverages. He recommended that I drink some electrolytes.

Yeah. So I gotta and it's starting doing that. Also helps you you'll feel better with all of your hydration if you're taking in electrolytes. You get energy from that. Okay.

Thanks, doctor Josh. Nope. I am not a doctor as we learned earlier this week. Nothing I say is medical advice. I literally read the Internet.

That's it. Is medical advice anymore. They've told me my whole life to drink lots of water. Has told you that. Everyone has told me that.

Nope. And then they said, you're drinking too much water. And I went, I give up. I give up. I can't win.

That's what I said yesterday. Growing up as a kid, do you remember drinking as much water or anyone around you drinking as much water as you drink recently? No. No. No.

Not one person are people that you grew up around and knew that were adults, family members, and so forth still alive and kicking? Yes. Yeah. You and I send videos throughout the day back and forth to one another. We'll be scrolling.

I'll be like, you gotta see this thing. This is great. Just this morning, I sent you a video, and, a few minutes went by. I hear you watching the video I sent, and I'm like, oh, you're gonna like this one. You laugh, and you went, you gotta see this.

And you held it up for me to see the video that you thought was funny, and I said, I just sent you that. And you went, oh, yeah. That's where I found it. Like, what happened? We spend a lot of time together.

This is true. Yeah. Yeah. But I you you do send me the best videos because I think you know me the best. And so you send me the videos that you know I'm gonna like.

And then when I like something, I go, oh, I gotta show this to Josh because he's gonna like this too. Yeah. But the difference was I had sent it to you through the app and I said, look at this video. And then you just held your phone up and went, look at this. And it's great, isn't it?

That's why I sent it to you just now and that's where you're watching it from. Well, a lot of times, I'll send you stuff, but then there's times I don't wanna send you stuff because I wanna see your reaction to the thing. I see. And I wanna laugh about it with you I see. Not listen to you laugh after I've already laughed about it.

I get it. I I get that. So I saw that video, and I went, oh, this is hilarious. I wanna see Josh's reaction. Because I was over here laughing, and I went, she'll like this one.

I did like it. I know. That's why I shared it you Yeah. After you shared it with me. Just hold it up.

Look at look at this. Look at this. Would you look at it? Like, that's how it is. Okay.

I've done that a couple of different times this morning. I like it when you tell me about the videos I just sent you. It's very good. It's my new favorite thing. Look at this.

It's pretty good. So I found it and sent it to you. So We're doing great. See it. We are.

This is this is 2024 living. This is how it works late August. We go, hey. We send each other videos, and then we laugh at them together. Shared laughter.

Well, you tried to tell me there was a video that we had sent. I had sent it to you, and I said, oh, hey. Did you see that video? And you go, yeah. I sent that to you.

And I went, oh, no. You didn't. I sent it to you. Don't even be trying to steal credit for me sending that video first because I sent it first. It's pretty hipster.

I saw it first. I sent it first. You didn't send that video first. I did. Let's be clear.

Super important. It is important to me. Shared the video. It is important to me. Hey.

It's time for the would you rather this or that question of the day. Would you rather be able to change colors like a chameleon or be able to run as fast as a cheetah? Would you rather blend in or run away? I I don't think those are the 2 options. Blending in or running away are not the options.

What are the options? Camouflage or super speed. That's that's what I just said. No. You made them sound like like, I don't want anybody to notice me.

I'm a blend in. Or, scary thing. Run away. No. That's what I said.

Camouflage or super speed. It's the same as what I said. Pick your choice. I'm taking, I'm taking the, cheetah speed. Why?

No. You pick. I can't decide. Tell me your reasoning. Because I would much rather be as fast as a cheetah than sit there and move all slow but be able to change colors.

I I don't need to change colors. There's no reason for that. Fast being fast, That'd get me places. I think I wanna change colors. Oh, okay.

Wouldn't that be cool to just, like, melt into the wall? No. I do. It's a cool party trick. You'd be like, hey.

Look what I can do. Can't see me. I'm gonna change like a chameleon. But I'd still know you were there. Plus, also, then I would just sing karma chameleon constantly.

You do anyway. Yeah. I do. Well Well, there you go. Cheat speed because I think it actually has a a benefit.

So does the chameleon. Not really. Man, think of how if I blended into, like, nature, I could sit and watch I'm not a hunter, but I could sit and watch Man, if only they made stuff that looks like leaves that you could wear to hide in the woods. It's not the same, is it? The same.

It's the same. No. It isn't. It's the same. Can you count how many streaming services we have?

Can I? Yeah. We subscribe to Well, let's see. We got this one, this one But just say them out loud. This one, this one, this one.

Just Is that all? Just say what No. I'm just saying. We got Netflix. Yes.

Disney Plus. Yes. Which also includes Hulu and ESPN. It's a bundle. Okay.

So those count as 1 Okay. In my in my mind. Okay. We don't pay for Max. But we yeah.

Let's see. We we got Peacock for the Olympics, and we still have that. We haven't dealt with that. You gotta cancel that, bro. And then and then prime.

Is that it? I think that's it. 12 I mean, that's that's 5, but I'm combining the 13 into 1. Well, there's a new one coming out. No.

We don't need more. I don't say we have to get it. It's being launched by Chick Fil A. What? They are working with Hollywood Studios and production companies to create content.

They are looking to showcase family friendly content, mostly unscripted stuff like game shows and reality TV, but they're also leaving room for a few scripted projects and animation. There is no word on when this might happen, but it's totally family friendly, and, hopefully, their their main goal is to get reality endgame shows. So interesting. It's interesting that a chicken company is branching out into a streaming company. That seems like a a weird way to spend your money.

Your lane, Chick Fil A. Don't spend your chicken money on TV. Spend it on more chicken. Make more waffle fries. You know, or something.

That's a strange that's a strange arena. Mhmm. But okay. Oh, god. What are they gonna call it?

Chick Fil A TV. Can you watch it on Sunday? I don't know. Oh, fair question. I don't I don't know.

Are all of the prizes in their game shows Chick Fil a? These are the questions I have. I don't have that information. Okay. Well, will there only be one person who can subscribe in town then we all have to wait in line?

These are the things I need to know about how it works. That's hilarious. Okay. Well, that's gonna do it for the show. Have a great rest of your Thursday.

Tomorrow is Friday, finally. And then we have, like, 1 week till the Labor Day weekend. What? Yes. Come on.

I know. So, we'll see you tomorrow. Yes. We will. Alright.

6 to 10 will be in the studio. Have a great Thursday. See you. You betcha. Goodbye.

Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.