The Psychosemantic Podcast

Welcome to The Psychosemanticast: Join host Daeron and a revolving door of guests in discussing movies, politics, and political movies. In this installment: Back from Congressional recess wow it’s been 7 years since the first episode, looking ahead…

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Welcome to The Psychosemanticast: Join host Daeron and a revolving door of guests in discussing movies, politics, and political movies. In this installment: Back from Congressional recess wow it’s been 7 years since the first episode, looking ahead…
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The Psychosemantic Podcast: Join host Daeron and a revolving door of guests in discussing politics, movies, and political movies.

Speaker 1: It's 7 o'clock.

Speaker 1: Do you know where your freedom is?

Speaker 1: And we're back, as if we haven't been on

Speaker 1: break?

Speaker 1: Hey, everybody, as you can tell or probably

Speaker 1: know, this is a me and you episode, which

Speaker 1: are always shorter, but the break is over.

Speaker 1: Here we are Seven years going,

Speaker 1: congressional length breaks aside, seven

Speaker 1: years of psychosemantic yeah, I guess I

Speaker 1: just wanted to say you're still here since

Speaker 1: then.

Speaker 1: Thank you, and if you've shown up along the

Speaker 1: way, also thank you, and I hope you've had

Speaker 1: good fortune since we last spoke.

Speaker 1: If I don't edit them all out, you will hear

Speaker 1: the remnants of a cough.

Speaker 1: That was not COVID, that seemed to take

Speaker 1: forever to go away.

Speaker 1: But for the most part I have spent my time

Speaker 1: away just focusing on other parts of my

Speaker 1: life.

Speaker 1: I think I had already mentioned that I've

Speaker 1: been working at the Art Museum.

Speaker 1: I've been doing more of that, still keeping

Speaker 1: up with the world and hyperfixating on all

Speaker 1: the things that are going on.

Speaker 1: Now it is time to kick off the cobwebs and

Speaker 1: shake out the dust and scrape off the rust.

Speaker 1: Maybe it's just because I've had I've been

Speaker 1: doing some working on myself, but I feel

Speaker 1: like not.

Speaker 1: The things aren't dark, but I kind of feel

Speaker 1: like one of the reasons why there was the

Speaker 1: little gap was because I feeling in a dark

Speaker 1: place.

Speaker 1: I was.

Speaker 1: I don't know if that's over, I don't know

Speaker 1: if that's frustrating, but I had always

Speaker 1: planned on taking periodic breaks to

Speaker 1: recharge and stuff from the unhealthy

Speaker 1: amount of attention I pay to local and

Speaker 1: global politics, but I never really did for

Speaker 1: more than a few weeks at a time.

Speaker 1: As far as fact checkers, you know what to

Speaker 1: do, but in the time that my life had me

Speaker 1: busy in other places and other ways, I

Speaker 1: tried to shed some of that and so hopefully,

Speaker 1: if you were feeling that too, hopefully

Speaker 1: there's a noticed difference.

Speaker 1: I wanted to say that here we are in the

Speaker 1: January of the 2024 American election cycle.

Speaker 1: I was trying to look back.

Speaker 1: Seven years ago, the global gag rule was

Speaker 1: reinstated by the Trump administration that

Speaker 1: foreign organizations that receive USAID

Speaker 1: cannot have anything to do with abortion,

Speaker 1: including mentioning the word or providing

Speaker 1: women with information, even when the

Speaker 1: organization used their own non-US money to

Speaker 1: do so.

Speaker 1: So I don't know if we want to go down that

Speaker 1: way, but seven years ago they were still

Speaker 1: trying to decide whether or not fucking

Speaker 1: moron Betsy DeVos could be the education

Speaker 1: secretary.

Speaker 1: We saw how that went.

Speaker 1: So, yeah, maybe just to say seven years ago,

Speaker 1: shit was really fucked up and I feel like

Speaker 1: not necessarily people who are here and

Speaker 1: definitely I don't think anybody that is

Speaker 1: actually listening to this specific talk

Speaker 1: but a lot of other people were just

Speaker 1: starting to notice how drastically it seems

Speaker 1: funny to say, but like how drastically

Speaker 1: major world events could affect their lives.

Speaker 1: But that was something that seemed, at

Speaker 1: least in my online sphere and in some of my

Speaker 1: personal sphere, that seemed to be the case,

Speaker 1: and so I think there was a lot of focus

Speaker 1: here on suffering together and rallying to

Speaker 1: fight back the floods, and a lot of

Speaker 1: uncertainty and a lot of comforting and a

Speaker 1: lot of civic education and things like that,

Speaker 1: and that, of course, tapered out to its

Speaker 1: level that it is now, but I feel like it's

Speaker 1: always been the same show.

Speaker 1: Just that's the way I am, or that's the way

Speaker 1: I do things.

Speaker 1: Hyper focus on a handful of things, in no

Speaker 1: particular order, but, as per usual,

Speaker 1: there's most likely going to be a person

Speaker 1: talking with me, the movies being covered

Speaker 1: and other things like that.

Speaker 1: I was.

Speaker 1: I've been given homework assignments by my

Speaker 1: little dude and when I started comparing

Speaker 1: the Avatar like James Cameron or the movie

Speaker 1: and video game Avatar, not Airbender stuff.

Speaker 1: When I started drawing all kinds of

Speaker 1: comparisons between Israel and Palestine, I

Speaker 1: kind of thought that it would be a time to,

Speaker 1: yeah, really make the time to start these

Speaker 1: conversations back up again, and there have

Speaker 1: been some talks already started about what

Speaker 1: the next movie covered on the show should

Speaker 1: be.

Speaker 1: I know that some of there's a lot of

Speaker 1: cross-platforming amongst shows, but for

Speaker 1: those who didn't hear my traditional my

Speaker 1: annual crime documentary series that I do

Speaker 1: over on podcasts under the stairs with

Speaker 1: Duncan and the people that are here also

Speaker 1: who were or are listeners to the VD Clinic

Speaker 1: pod with Vanessa, I had said that we had

Speaker 1: recently touched base and that she's doing

Speaker 1: well and but there's not any talk right now

Speaker 1: about that starting back anytime soon, not

Speaker 1: saying that it's over or anything like that,

Speaker 1: but it hasn't come up.

Speaker 1: We've just been talking as the friends that

Speaker 1: we are.

Speaker 1: So, yeah, just doing therapy and some

Speaker 1: decent political wins.

Speaker 1: Here in Ohio, we, the Years-long fight for

Speaker 1: reproductive and abortion rights.

Speaker 1: We voted in protections into the state

Speaker 1: constitution, which was drastically opposed

Speaker 1: by the people who claimed to want less

Speaker 1: government in people's lives and they

Speaker 1: suggested that it be not a constitutional

Speaker 1: amendment but more like a citizen's ballot

Speaker 1: initiative, like the legalized recreational

Speaker 1: marijuana that we also voted in.

Speaker 1: But the thing is they're still trying to

Speaker 1: fuck with the constitutional amendment,

Speaker 1: seeing if they can take the power away from

Speaker 1: the courts to enforce it, even though the

Speaker 1: amendment specifically says that the courts

Speaker 1: are the final arbiter of it, of the

Speaker 1: protection clauses, but they are trying to

Speaker 1: see what they can do with passing

Speaker 1: legislation that says that the courts don't

Speaker 1: get to decide, that the legislature gets to

Speaker 1: decide.

Speaker 1: And also they pointed towards why don't you

Speaker 1: do it like the marijuana bill?

Speaker 1: They are trying to change that in so many

Speaker 1: ways.

Speaker 1: There's been a lot of backlash against both,

Speaker 1: but so that's been.

Speaker 1: I've been watching that, but as it is right

Speaker 1: now, when it becomes fully as of December

Speaker 1: 7th 2023, both went into effect, but

Speaker 1: they're still trying to get cases

Speaker 1: overturned that have to do with the

Speaker 1: abortion and contraception rights and it's,

Speaker 1: from what I can tell, it's sort of like

Speaker 1: when John Travolta is talking about

Speaker 1: Amsterdam at the beginning of Pulp Fiction.

Speaker 1: But it's legal to recreationally have weed

Speaker 1: in Ohio, but the only dispensaries that are

Speaker 1: open are the medicinal dispensaries and you

Speaker 1: can't get anything there without

Speaker 1: prescription, like so many of us are

Speaker 1: fortunate to have, and the clause that said

Speaker 1: that people over 21 are allowed to grow

Speaker 1: their own went into effect, but there's no

Speaker 1: legal way to have the seeds, since the

Speaker 1: medical dispensaries don't have the seeds

Speaker 1: and there are no.

Speaker 1: So it's a bit of a weird limbo.

Speaker 1: They are talking about that all being up

Speaker 1: and running by September of 2024.

Speaker 1: Time stamp that.

Speaker 1: We'll see how that fucking goes.

Speaker 1: To those who are listening.

Speaker 1: I mean, what do you want me to be talking

Speaker 1: about?

Speaker 1: What do you want me to focus on?

Speaker 1: Or what are we doing next, if you have

Speaker 1: suggestions or else you're just gonna have

Speaker 1: to deal with whatever my weird brain comes

Speaker 1: up with.

Speaker 1: I know the Iowa caucus already happened.

Speaker 1: New Hampshire is this week, today, maybe

Speaker 1: even this may be the most.

Speaker 1: This isn't gonna be very long, and that's

Speaker 1: kind of funny to look at it with an actual

Speaker 1: timer, but this might be the longest

Speaker 1: uninterrupted that I've spoken in a while.

Speaker 1: I've already had a bunch of Republicans

Speaker 1: drop out of their race, if they want to

Speaker 1: call it a race.

Speaker 1: I paid varied levels of attention and it

Speaker 1: kind of seemed like they were all arguing

Speaker 1: with each other about who kissed up to

Speaker 1: their other opponent the most, their other

Speaker 1: opponent who never showed up to any of the

Speaker 1: arguments about who was going to support

Speaker 1: him the most, as kind of already, except

Speaker 1: for Chris Christie who was running to be

Speaker 1: that person saying that their opponent

Speaker 1: sucks.

Speaker 1: And then, you know, I don't know what he's

Speaker 1: aiming for next, something on CNN or MSNBC,

Speaker 1: but everybody else kind of seemed like they

Speaker 1: were running for Vice President or Campaign

Speaker 1: Contributions.

Speaker 1: I haven't heard anything about any of the

Speaker 1: other parties besides the Democratic Party

Speaker 1: and I don't think I don't see it happening.

Speaker 1: But it would be cool if there was an actual

Speaker 1: primary challenge to Joe Biden.

Speaker 1: But I mean, there's all sorts of shit we

Speaker 1: can talk about.

Speaker 1: You know a lot of movies, cool shows.

Speaker 1: I don't know if we want to do some video

Speaker 1: game analysis, political video game shit.

Speaker 1: I'm down.

Speaker 1: This is a.

Speaker 1: You know, this is a growing thing, this is

Speaker 1: a living sort of thing, a fluid sort of

Speaker 1: thing.

Speaker 1: It was started out that way on purpose,

Speaker 1: because you want to leave room for change

Speaker 1: and adaptation.

Speaker 1: Guest suggestions topic suggestions.

Speaker 1: You know where to find me on Facebook,

Speaker 1: discord, instagram.

Speaker 1: It still says Twitter on my phone because I

Speaker 1: haven't updated the app, but I guess it

Speaker 1: would be X if I log in on my tablet, but

Speaker 1: anyway, I hope you're well.

Speaker 1: I'm feeling a little bit better and a lot

Speaker 1: of fucked up shit is still happening, so

Speaker 1: we've got a lot to talk about.

Speaker 1: So until then.