Wifey and Baby Mama

If your partner cheated and a pregnancy occurs, would you want to know?

What is Wifey and Baby Mama?

After involvement with the same man, Wifey, Shun and Baby Mama, Shannon have formed a unique bond to keep their children and family united in spite of society norms that tend to pit one against the other.

Shun (00:36.946)
I'm Shawn.

Shannon (00:38.424)
Hi, I'm Shannon.

Shun (00:40.114)
And we're the host of wifey and baby mama happy thursday family and happy thursday to you, baby mama Every thursday i'm going to tell you all how this is the highlight of my week So if you're tired of hearing it skip this part jump on at 7 35. Okay, because it's happening I will never Not show you love. I mean all of you We thank you for showing up for shannon and I every thursday for four seasons now, you know, it means the world so

Shannon (00:46.282)
Happy Thursday!

Shannon (00:55.999)
That's right.

Shun (01:09.432)
Every Thursday you're gonna get that little introduction. So happy Thursday to you all now we can move on Let's get into tonight's episode title Would you want to know and if you guys have been with us from the beginning or the last two seasons even? You'll know I love music and this is in reference to that life jenny songs fantasia and life song about years ago But sadly it's still happening, you know, so in blended form fashion. We're here to break it down

Shannon (01:13.549)


Shannon (01:34.531)

Shun (01:37.776)
because it definitely produces a blend when partners step out. You know Shannon to make a baby with someone besides their partner or whoever they're in relationship with, you know.

Shannon (01:44.974)

Yeah, and we've both seen it, you know, real life. We've seen it celebrity lives.

Shannon (01:56.312)
This is a topic that, you know, of course I don't have direct insight into other than certain family members, but I've always found it fascinating as to the different ways that people handle the stepping out and fathering or mothering a child outside of their marriage.

Shun (02:26.672)
Well, of course, unfortunately, you know, I can't touch it because I'm the baby mama queen. Okay. I had the drama. I did it all y'all. you know, unfortunately, you know, I can touch it. And although it's not as cut and dry as most scenarios where a couple fight, you know, and they break up periodically, you know, or one maybe goes out of town and come back with the oops moment, you know, whatever the case may be. And, you know, as we like to reference, when we say those oops moments on our topics,

Shannon (02:30.328)

Shun (02:55.314)
It's not the baby itself that's an oops. It's the timing and the situations that we're referring to So in these instances, we want you guys to be real clear on that, right? So I want you to ponder if your partner and pregnant someone else or our fellows if your ladies got pregnant, know by someone else and you guys were You know Reconcile would you want to just raise the child together? Or would you want to create a blend? know with the other parent involved?

Shannon (02:57.812)
Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Shun (03:22.32)
I mean, obviously if it's the man you have no choice like generally women, know It's not gonna just give up their child like you and your wife go be happily ever after You're your girlfriend take my baby. So I don't bother you, you know, Shannon that would be wow. That's not happening Not now. No, I have seen it happen, but that's more than likely not the case, you know

Shannon (03:30.028)
Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (03:36.088)

Shannon (03:42.636)
Right, right.

Shun (03:44.242)
no, I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Shannon (03:46.542)
Yeah, so what I've seen, you know, like within my family, I've seen where, you know, mother or female in the relationship or marriage gets pregnant by someone, but she keeps it a secret or tells certain people. Of course, it wouldn't be a secret if I know, because I do know, but she keeps it from the husband.

and therefore he thinks it's his child. I've also seen where or had situations in my direct family where she tells her husband and her husband sticks in there. He's like, you know, hey, I mean, it takes him a minute. You know, it ain't like instant, you know, they, you know, have a little bumps in the road for, you know, a year or so. But then he's like, nah, you know, I can do this. can.

Shun (04:18.566)

Shun (04:34.331)
Right, right.

Shannon (04:43.33)
help raise the child along with the father, the actual biological father. And then I've also seen where, you know, the marriage is over. You know, it's just a done deal. The one spouse just can't take it, whether it's the man that fathered a child outside of his marriage or the wife that, you know, got pregnant.

Shun (04:46.416)

Shannon (05:10.862)
had an affair and was pregnant by someone. And when I think of celebrities, I know you're probably not a big rock fan like me too, because I love hip hop and I love rock. And grunge, 90s grunge. Our listeners, remember Nirvana, Kurt Cobain. So recently in the news, the former drummer of Nirvana, who is now with the Foo Fighters, David Grohl or Dave Grohl.

Shun (05:29.458)

Shannon (05:40.3)
He, after being married for 20 some odd years, came out and admitted that he has fathered a daughter outside of his marriage, but him and his wife are staying together. They're making it work. And a lot of people were so disappointed and said, we thought he was this and we thought he was that. And the fact that he's even putting it out there, he doesn't have to.

Shun (06:07.194)
Right, right.

Shannon (06:07.714)
And the fact that his wife is sticking with him, that says a lot about him as well. So he said, we've decided we're going to stay together. And I'm going to be a father to this child that I fathered outside of marriage. And he regrets and he apologized. And he said he has to earn back the trust of his wife. I mean, just being open and honest and letting the public know all of this.

I think that says a lot about him.

Shun (06:38.874)
Absolutely, and I want to say that I think in those situations is totally a personal choice I mean, I don't think you should let pressure people pressure in this how I would leave him I wouldn't take her back. It's totally a personal choice That's number one and number two what I feel in those situations is if you got so much to lose And I mean a baby is a big deal. don't get me wrong I'm gonna give y'all my I'm gonna give you all my spiel on my oops in a minute, but

Shannon (06:46.134)

Shannon (06:50.902)

Shun (07:06.138)
A baby is a big deal to keep it where you are right now and not just jump. So it's a lot. It's a lot emotionally. Of course it's extra financially. And it's just a lot of stress on the partner who isn't the victim because it's like, man, I don't deserve this. But when you have so much at stake, when you have other children, when you have property, you know, it's just a lot and it's not cut and dry all the time, you know? So I respect their decision to stay together because you know, sometimes is what it is.

Shannon (07:06.36)

Shannon (07:21.612)

Shun (07:35.044)
Now Shannon, I've also seen a woman purposely get pregnant for another man, you know, she really wants his man He decides either he's he's not with his wife at the time or he and his wife are having problems So he stepped out and then she goes well, I'm gonna get pregnant and that's gonna be my way to seal the deal Well, guess what? They fix their relationship the husband and the original partner now the wife is like, well, I mean the outside lady is like I don't want this baby

Shannon (07:51.166)

Shannon (08:00.75)

Shun (08:00.9)
And I literally know it's two occasions where I've seen that she gave the baby if you're gonna stay with her Yeah, stick with this baby. I'm like, wow You know, it's a lot of things that I've gotten wrong, but being a mother is not one of them So again not judging to each his own, but I just think that the kid, know deserved better You know what I'm saying? Cuz it's almost like if I can't have you, you know, the you it's almost like the man meant more than the baby That's how it makes me feel You know

Shannon (08:21.206)
That's true.

Shannon (08:26.895)
Exactly. Yep. Yep. And I have seen that too. Yeah.

Shun (08:31.738)
And it's easier on the the woman I'm sorry. It's easy on the man to walk away and it's easy on the woman to conceal the identity because Really, right? Who's gonna know only you as a woman and that person know you're in the bedroom But they don't know who else you so the one I can actually get away with that much, you know Much more than the men can because a woman usually can pinpoint and say no you're the father and she's gonna take it to you, you know

Shannon (08:43.118)
Mm-hmm. Right.

Shannon (08:59.116)

Shun (08:59.622)
But a woman can lie or mislead easily because how can you prove that without a blood test? if guys if you don't know that you're the only one I don't know for that matter you have the only one that been with it then how would you ever know, you

Shannon (09:03.542)
Mm-hmm. Exactly.

Shannon (09:12.062)
Exactly. That's why they have the same, know, mama's baby, daddy's maybe. Yeah.

Shun (09:16.432)
Mama's baby daddy's maybe Absolutely, and my mother taught me that it's for that and it's also for For me in my case with my second daughter. It was at mama's baby I made a choice even though he said, you know, I don't want any more kids. I don't well, you know, I didn't have a choice mother real mothers You know, it's not a choice like if God blesses you and honors you to you know to carry a child to me It's never a choice

Shannon (09:39.82)

Shun (09:45.242)
Now again, in circumstances that, you know, we know are out of people's control, rape and, you know, maybe health situations. That's not what I'm saying. But just because the man doesn't want it or just because we're not going to be together anymore. Well, guess what? As a mom, Shannon, it was never a choice for me. It was never a choice, you know? So, and that's what happened, you know? And you can say as a woman, you know, I'm just not going to tell because who's going to know. But let me tell you who deserves to know. Shannon is the child, you know?

Shannon (09:50.017)
Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (10:01.986)
Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (10:10.871)

Yeah, yeah.

Shun (10:14.73)
And shamefully, you know with that I'll share another embarrassing detail of my life, but y'all know I'm not ashamed It's literally in the book as it is in my book for the world to see so but in case you know, you haven't read it My would you want to know moment is my second child, you know I was married and my husband was incarcerated and I started running around with this guy whom everyone told me Was bad news

Shannon (10:22.456)

Shun (10:41.67)
that he wasn't worth my time. He was out of my league, you know, all that stuff that people tell you when they're trying to protect you, but you just running your head, running constantly into a wall, just smack your head into the wall. But I was lonely, you know? So I made him to be something he wasn't in my mind, a good man, you know? And he did everything, you know, crazy they said he would do. And finally, you know, I did stop dealing with him. And on a drunken night, a bad decision, I slept with him after being broken up for months. We'd been, you know, apart and I got pregnant.

Shannon (10:47.83)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shun (11:11.228)
And that was the absolute hardest thing to have to tell my husband, you know, but what are you going to do? It's a whole baby. He's not here, you know, and how do you hide it? So I know you guys sit at home and be like, this lady is off the wall. She ought to meet her. And I was, I was, but I thank God for grace, Shannon. And that's a pain. I wouldn't want anyone to serve me, you know, but I did it and it still haunts me sometimes, not the child, you know, she's one of the reasons I get up every day and go hard.

Shannon (11:15.096)
Yeah, right, right. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (11:29.576)
yes. Yeah.

Shannon (11:37.441)
Right, right.

Shun (11:40.602)
Every single day so it wasn't all bad But that pain that I gave that I served him no matter what he'd done to me. I don't I wouldn't want that inflicted on me

Shannon (11:41.23)
That's all right.

Shannon (11:50.292)
Mm-hmm. Wow. Yeah. So the fact that you are able to speak so frankly about everything, and like you said, it's in the book, but it's one thing to have people reading it and, you know, you know it's there, but to put it...

over the airwaves, so to speak, to be so honest, I commend you for it, because so many people could not and would not, you know, and that's why so many children out here don't know who their real parents are or don't even have any suspicion that they're the person they're calling daddy isn't their daddy, you know, so or anyone. Yeah, yeah.

Shun (12:20.614)

Shun (12:34.29)
That's right, or they don't have anyone to call dad and and you know Yeah, the dad could be sitting right next to him, you know, and even though you know not physically present in the home at the time You know, my husband stood up like a man, you know, and he's okay. He don't want the kid fine Don't talk to him. He would prefer if I didn't even tell him but you know, he accepted my child You know realizing it was a con but he accepted my baby Realizing it was a combination of past hurt. He was a part of inflicted on me, too

Shannon (12:48.002)

Shannon (12:52.27)


Shun (13:02.886)
You know, and a few others that made me unstable and unable to love properly, you know, because we all know love doesn't hurt, right? But if they were not good, it was busting my little heart up piece by piece. So with experience, you know, you bounce back and you try to make decisions and sometimes they're not the right decision. But it wasn't just my bad experiences what I'm getting to with that, Shannon. It was also it wasn't just past relationship with men. It was also my past, my upbringing.

Shannon (13:03.074)
Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (13:13.484)

Shannon (13:23.276)

Shun (13:29.222)
You know, I didn't say anything odd or strange about having several baby daddies because I was raised in that You know, I say all the time my blend was blending. Okay, but I love my stepmoms. I love my stepdaddies They was all cool peeps. So at that moment I didn't realize the damage cheating calls the confusion it caused, you know I thought because men always hurt me, you know, it's okay. I do me It's not okay at all, you know, and if it wasn't if it wasn't working people if it isn't working

Shannon (13:34.904)

Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (13:52.366)


Shun (13:58.758)
Move on I did eventually divorce jimmy, you know and I went on my life But not before I left the trail of hurt behind, you know, so I would have rathered we went our separate ways, you know, but We on both our halves, you know that kind of destroyed us, you know And when we came back the second time around we spent so many years repairing that you know And it would have been wiser just to go, you know go my separate ways until we were healed and you know come back together because as you see guys we made our way back, but

Shannon (14:00.024)

Shannon (14:19.839)

Shannon (14:28.905)

Shun (14:29.552)
What's meant to be will be and we don't have to force it and leave a trail of destruction and pain along the way. And that's why Shannon, I tell my story, not because I don't have anything else to do, you know. It's because so many people, I would love to deter people from doing it the way I did it because there's so much that you have to come back from instead of just doing it the right way. Right.

Shannon (14:31.895)

Shannon (14:35.852)

Shannon (14:40.472)

Shannon (14:49.09)
Right. Yeah, yeah. And then, and of course we've all done, you know, things that we wish we could have done better and done differently. And that's why we do this podcast is to, you know, to talk about the different things that we've done and, you know.

Shun (14:59.758)

Shannon (15:09.998)
not regretting our children, but regretting some of the ways we brought them here into this world, you know? Knowing it was God's plan, but he would have wanted it to be, yeah, but I'm sure he would have wanted it to be a little different, you know? And make better choices.

Shun (15:20.658)
That's right keeping that in mind

Shun (15:33.552)
made better choices. And I will say, while we said it's good, while we just stated that, you know, the child should know. I'm going to tell you, if I wasn't as wise about the, I'm trying to see the right way to word this, the situation, if I didn't love my children, if I didn't realize the damage it would cause, if it was up to just me and it wouldn't have harmed my child, I would have never told her who a biological father was.

I strictly did that for her sake because I think she deserved to know. My husband never wanted me to tell him because he didn't want her anyway. So what's the point of even muddying the waters, right? But I felt an obligation to the child, you know, unless it's an unsafe situation or maybe the other parent is deceased and they won't meet them anyways. Maybe something like dress it like that. You don't tell, you know, I think it's only, I think it's only fair to a child or if that parent is living to let them get.

Shannon (16:12.876)

Shun (16:30.39)
to know their roots and then let them decide when it's time. You know, if they want to deal with that parent or not. I've said before, you my girl grew up and was like, that's some intel you could have kept. He ain't hit no nothing. I mean, they have whatever relationship they have, but she knows my husband as her father because he was a father to her. You know I mean? And a father and a daddy is a big difference.

Shannon (16:32.662)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right.

Shannon (16:52.93)

Shun (16:57.201)
You know?

Shannon (16:57.378)
Yeah, yeah. And I know, you know, of course, I'm always bringing up family members or friends, but in my family, like I said, we've seen it all, side of this situation, every side of this coin. And then one particular situation, the mother did not tell her son until he was over 30 years old, you know, who his real father was. Yeah.

Shun (17:20.678)

Shannon (17:23.724)
Yeah, so he grew up thinking one thing. And when he found out, the interesting part of it is he still loved who he loved, which was the man he had called Dad his whole life. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he's gotten to know his actual biological father, but his love is definitely for the man that raised him.

Shun (17:38.428)
Well, well, well, naturally,

Shun (17:53.5)
Well, see that's Well, I'm Go ahead. No, no finish No, was saying that's why I was saying no, no, was saying that's why I think it's important to maybe to do it sooner or let the child decide because Man, it's so much coming back. It's so much Even for 30 years old that's so much to deal with, you know Like the person I've known on my life as dad is not my dad. I don't know

Shannon (17:53.602)
And I don't know if you... No, no, no, go ahead. If you were gonna ask something.

Shannon (18:05.646)
yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, and I'm sure.

Yeah, yeah, and I'm sure his mother regrets not telling him sooner, you know, and.

Shun (18:24.72)
And maybe she even had her reasons. I mean, I'm not judging that's not what we do here I'm just saying I'm in my situation as much as I'd like despise that dude as much as I knew he was not a good father even to the children already had I just felt that wasn't my choice to make for her, you know So I felt like I did it the right way but again to each his own

Shannon (18:28.566)
Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (18:49.518)
Yeah, agreed. And I don't know if you remember that story. And this is not in the same vein, but I don't know if you remember that story about that woman who stole the baby out the hospital and ended up raising. Yeah. Stay with the nurse. Yeah. yeah. Right.

Shun (19:03.812)
Yes that nursing she raised her for a long time and the girl wanted to stay with the nurse. She didn't want go back to her parent I know That was wild But it's but it but it's real, you know, and that's why I wouldn't take so long me personally. That's why I made it my Business to call the father when I had it. Well, I called his mom and so hey, you can tell your son You know the baby's here. She ended up calling to the hospital, you know, he made his choice and I was done with it, you know

Shannon (19:31.233)
Yeah, yeah.

Shun (19:31.292)
But his mom was like, no, you're gonna, this child is gonna know our side of the family. She was adamant about it and she ended up having a wonderful aunt, Ray, that would come get her and make sure like you're gonna be a part of the family. And it was what it was. And I eventually tried to make nice and, but again, it was just too toxic. So eventually we were not able to co-parent effectively, but they were able to have an effective relationship. So I guess, no matter how you look at it.

Shannon (19:44.398)

Shannon (19:49.803)

Shun (19:58.898)
It worked out. The bad decision was actually, like we said, it was a moment that was destined to be because God makes no mistake. I was supposed to be that kid's mother. I was supposed to be her ride. I was supposed to be her ride to earth because I don't think anyone else would love her or understand her the way I do.

Shannon (20:05.654)
That's Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Shannon (20:16.404)
Yeah, beautiful.

Shun (20:20.476)
So that's my embarrassing moment for tonight, baby mom. You got anything else you want to add before we go to our next segment? All right. Well, you know to read the wrap-up will be a little different tonight. We're gonna wrap up by saying They're giving homework, you know, we want you guys to let us know what what's your take on this? We're gonna take a poll at the listening to the tonight's discussion just now Would you want to know?

Shannon (20:22.911)
No, I don't.

Shun (20:49.158)
That's the question for our listeners tonight. Would you want to know if you were in that situation? Would you want to know and if not why? Anybody I'm asking anybody No, no, no, I'm asking. I'm sorry. Yeah, we're asking them. No, we're not asking the children I don't think too many children listen to wife and baby mama. Well, they could be adult children, but Yeah, no, no, no, no, we're talking about we're talking about people in the relationships if you stepped out Thank you for clearing that up though. That's right. That's a good question

Shannon (20:55.86)
Now, who are you asking? Yeah, who are you asking though? The child, the, okay, the spouse. Okay.

Shannon (21:09.836)
Yeah, I'm talking about the adult children.

Shannon (21:15.534)
Yeah, yeah.

Shun (21:19.41)
If you were in a relationship and you guys were away for a little while and someone you know decided to go You know do their thing and you know just wasn't careful If your husband or a boyfriend came back significant other whatever you so choose And they had a baby in there like would you want to know ladies or would you just rather he keep it to himself and do what he's doing? fellas Vice versa she's with you now that guy was a one-night stand. She may never see this guy again. Would you want to know? And if so

Let us know if not, we want to know that too. We want you to leave a comment under one our social media sites wifey and baby mama We're on facebook. We're on instagram or you know, you can always hit us up at wifey and baby mama at gmail.com So we'll be looking forward i'll be looking forward to reading those. So again, would you want to know and if not why?

Shannon (22:04.288)

Shannon (22:12.589)
Yeah, I can't wait to get the poll answers on that.

Shun (22:15.682)
get my hands on some of those. Absolutely, because I told you my into if it was up to me personally, I would not have told her. But I made the decision for my for my child. I thought she deserved better than that.

Shannon (22:23.436)

Shun (22:29.244)
So hit us up on either the social media sites at wifeybabymama.gmail.com. Now let's get into some sweet little lies, baby mama.

Shannon (22:29.73)

Shannon (22:39.394)

Shun (22:40.314)
All right, our sweet little lie tonight comes from a young lady who will remain nameless because that's how this segment set up and for good reason. Girlfriend says I have a sweet little lie I need to tell someone. I always say I'm working late or fake busy whenever my boyfriend has his kids over. I don't care if it's in an hour or the whole weekend. I'm not a mom. I don't want to be.

and I will never place that mom to anyone else's children period. Baby, you need a new man boo. That ain't gonna fly every time. You know, it's not gonna work. Either he gonna figure it out or you gonna get tied to the line. But you know, I'm gonna mind my business. You know, that ain't this. We just here to read it. Get it off your chest. Move it right along baby mom what you got?

Shannon (23:16.183)

Shannon (23:24.194)

Shannon (23:33.55)
I'm just saying, yeah. It's like, so what are you in this relationship for? It doesn't sound like she wants a future with the guy because if you did, you know the goal would be to become the step-parent, know, the step-mom, you know? But if that's just someone you're kicking it with, okay, I get that. Yeah, and I would definitely recommend not being in the children's lives at that point then if you're not.

Shun (23:48.626)
Absolutely, absolutely.

Shun (23:59.772)
That's right.

Shannon (24:00.746)
seriously in it, don't do that to the children. But honestly, I would say you should look at moving along, moving on to someone else. know? Yeah, without kids. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So hopefully that doesn't sound, yeah, and hopefully that will sound too judgy, you know, but.

Shun (24:09.006)
Absolutely, absolutely without any kids and she don't plan on being a mother at all Absolutely, so that's our sweet little life no, go ahead It's not judgy but I mean I'm just I mean just serious business that's not gonna work like I don't care what planet you live on Yeah, cuz what about if he has his kids the whole week? So you just don't see your man on the weekends like that wouldn't work for me I want to see baby weekends are for fun. Okay

Shannon (24:28.3)
Right, right. Yeah.

Shannon (24:38.318)
All right.

Shun (24:38.972)
So no, I'm not trying to be judgy either. I'm just telling you that baby. We talk all the time about time management, honey. Don't waste your time. If it's something you know is not gonna work and you can't get, I wouldn't waste my time. But again, to each his own and maybe that's her time to play. I don't know. But if you have a sweet little lie or some mess, cause that's a mess. So if you got a mess you won't get off of your chest. Hit us up.

Shannon (24:50.218)
Exactly. Yeah.

Shannon (24:55.118)

Shannon (25:00.644)

Shannon (25:04.205)

Shun (25:04.848)
You are officially invited to hit us up at wifeyandbabymama.gmail.com. That's wifeyandbabymama.gmail.com. It's on you, mama.

Shannon (25:14.094)
All right. Okay, on to our final segment of the night, which is the fictional family that I feel, I fire, or I forget. So tonight our family is one of my favorite families, the Tejadas, from Power Book to Ghost. For those who remember Zeke, Monet kept Zeke.

a secret. Monet, who's the mother? I'm sorry, for those who've never watched it, I guess I got to set it up. So you have a mother and these are all people in the, they're in a drug world, you know, they're drug dealers. The mother is Monet. She has grown children in their twenties and her husband's in prison and

and an ex-boyfriend who just happens to be the father of Zeke, who she has called her nephew his entire life. And Zeke happened to be her son, which her children did not know. They grew up thinking this was their cousin, and Zeke called her auntie, you know, and they were pretty tight or whatever.

And then the truth finally came out as to who he was. And it caused a lot of hurt and harm in the grown children's dynamic. They couldn't believe that their mother lied. Even her husband who was in prison couldn't believe the lie because he had no clue. And I can't remember, if...

This was several, several seasons ago, but I can't remember if the father, Mecca, if he actually knew that Zeke was his, or he knew all along or did he find out later? Okay, he found out later. So yeah, so Monet, that's what I was thinking. So Monet lied to everybody. Yeah, so as much as I love the Tahatas, I'm gonna have to...

Shun (27:06.545)

He didn't know all along, he found out later.

Shun (27:16.944)
Yeah, she did.

Shannon (27:24.622)
Just for this particular episode, because I love Mary J. Blige who plays Monet. I've been down from day one since the 411. But I'm going to have to fire her or fire the TARDIS on this one because of the hurt she took too long to not only let Zeke know that she was his mother, had her calling him Auntie all those years. I just feel that that's wrong.

What's your tape? Sean.

Shun (27:56.688)
You know, I'm gonna feel them because you know, I'm a gang I'm a gangster and you know, I you know I respect her choice She had to get away from his father because he was he was her kryptonite, you know And well what kryptonite is a good thing is a kryptonite good or bad? Whatever it was when they were together. wasn't good and I feel I feel her for that, you know and besides that was her firstborn she didn't want to introduce him to that life and with her father

Shannon (28:04.206)

Shannon (28:21.634)

Shun (28:26.438)
Lorenzo was the father of her biological children her husband he basically raised their kids in the drug game and I think she just she just didn't want that for Zeke and I think she chose that for his own protection to get away from that good that you know, they were it was all bad So I'm gonna fill her because again, I'm a gangster and I've been there done that so I respect it

Shannon (28:27.884)
your husband, yeah.

Shannon (28:36.43)
for seek.

Shannon (28:42.722)
Yeah. Okay.

All right, love it, love it, love it. So, and if you all have an opinion on that too, go ahead and let us know. That's right, that's right. All right, so that is all we have for tonight. We thank you again for joining us and listening in and hopefully you can take something from what we've said.

Shun (28:56.53)
Hey, you're gonna be in there. You might as well drop it like it's hot. Let us have it

Shannon (29:15.074)
may not apply to you, might say this all sounds too crazy. I've never, you know, Sean, you know there are people whose lives, they're like, what? Children outside the marriage, what are you talking about? know? Yeah, they're in South Dakota.

Shun (29:26.301)
They in the bread box.

Shun (29:32.89)
Or you follow. They just straight up and down people don't know nothing about that. And you know, like kudos to you because Lord knows it saves a whole lot of headache and heartache. But seriously, believe it or not, it's more people in this situation than not. And some just don't admit it. So if you are, don't be ashamed. you're not, thank God. God bless you for making good choices. Unlike myself. But it works out.

Shannon (29:38.856)
Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

yeah, yeah, it does.

Shannon (29:51.426)
That's right.

Shannon (29:56.334)
Yes, yes. It does, it does. So until next week, we will talk to you all then and we look forward to next Thursday, 730. You all have a good one.

Shun (30:16.282)
Love you all. Bye.