Behind The Line

Join host and trauma therapist, Lindsay Faas along with childhood friend and pediatric nurse, Meredith Luipasco for this conversation about friendship. We're digging in to how front line work impacts friendships and working to create some normal in the friendships to form and shape.

Show Notes

Show Notes:

It is always one of the fun joys of this podcasting thing that I get to invite on some of the people I love most in the world to talk with all of you. Meredith Luipasco is a pediatric nurse working in southern Alberta. She is also married to a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, and is the daughter of a paramedic and a nurse. She GETS the first responder thing. She has also been one of my best friends since the first grade. As we walk this Being *Normal* series, we wanted to dive into the ways in which front line work changes our ability to be "normal" in friendships and some of the ways both Meredith and I have learned to cultivate some normal within the not-normal of the work. Through this conversation there are some really valuable pieces that emerged, including things like:
  • Valuing how our experiences shape us, and that we're coming from different places that inform us differently
  • Managing our own self-importance and being careful about comparative suffering
  • Protecting our own energy
  • Naming our needs & "taking the cake" as Meredith so eloquently puts it
  • Honouring that our needs change over time
  • Identifying needs and looking for "close approximations" to find some fulfillment even if it's not the most ideal version all the time
  • Communicating clearly, honestly and vulnerably with people in our lives
  • Being flexible and adaptable to evolving life circumstances, needs and abilities
Episode Challenge:

Invest in your wellness and sustainability – for you and for those who care about you. Use coupon code BTBP100Off to get access to my Beating the Breaking Point resilience training program. This reduced rate is available until 11:59pm on Thursday March 10th. Click here to jump right to the registration page.

Reflect on where you’re at and what you might need by using our free Beating the Breaking Point Indicators Checklist & Triage Guide

Additional Resources:

Learn more about the Beating the Breaking Point resilience program, including our no-risk money-back guarantee. If you are ready to take your resilience to the next level, register now using code BTBP100OFF now.

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What is Behind The Line?

Created for First Responders and Front Line Workers to tackle the challenges of working on the front lines. Dig into topics on burnout, workplace dynamics, managing mental health, balancing family life...and so much more. Created and hosted by Lindsay Faas, clinical counsellor and trauma therapist. View the show notes, and access bonus resources at

Hey there and welcome back to Behind the Line.
I’m your host Lindsay Faas. If you are new to Behind the Line, what you should know about me is that I am a clinical counsellor specializing in trauma therapy, and after over a decade working with First Responders and Front Line Workers around issues like burnout, compassion fatigue, PTSD and related OSI’s, I have become a passionate wellness advocate and educator for those who sacrifice so much for our communities out on the front lines. Behind the Line is a place for us to talk about the real life behind the scenes challenges facing you on the front lines. I created this podcast with the hope of bringing easy access to skills for wellness – allowing you to find greater sustainability, both on the job and off.
Today I am joined by two incredible people who I am so grateful for. T.C. Randall was an ER nurse of 14 years and is the author of the book, “The View From the Wrong Side of the Day” – all about his experiences as a nurse and facing an occupation stress injury resulting in years off the job to work at recovering. My other guest, Jennifer Pound is a recently retired RCMP staff seargent who was the face of the integrated homicide investigation team in Vancouver for a number of years, and she is the creator of the blog, Both TC and Jenn have been on Behind the Line before and were a part of some of our most listened to episodes. They each have an inside perspective of life on the front lines, and they both have insight and wisdom to share around what it looks like to connect with therapy while working to recover from occupational stress injuries. They have both had a mixture of experiences and as a result they have both become advocates for systemic change and supporting front line staff in accessing support more effectively and efficiently.
The three of us sat down and enjoyed a conversation about their experiences of when therapy hasn’t been a fit – like that pair of jeans you try on that just doesn’t hug the right places; as well as their experiences of finding their goldilocks moment where it was JUUUST right. I’ve broken the conversation into two parts – today’s episode will focus on the stumbling blocks working to connect in therapy and learnings that came from both TC and Jenn’s experiences. Next week you’ll get to hear the rest of our conversation on when therapy is working and how to help yourself find that fit.
During this episode I reference the Beating the Breaking Point Indicators Checklist and Triage Guide, and if you haven’t checked it out yet I really hope you do. You can find a link to it in the show notes for today’s episode. Also, this is a good time to offer a reminder that registration for the Self-Care Dare 5 Day Challenge for First Responders & Front Line Workers opens TODAY. Again, link is in the show notes – this is the last time we’ll be running the dare this year, so invest the $10 in you and join us.
Alright, we’re going to jump in to this conversation… and I actually mean jump in. As soon as the three of us got on the call, the conversation took off before I could press record, so you’ll stumble in as we’re already rolling! I hope you enjoy.

Thanks to TC Randall and Jennifer Pound for joining me today, it’s always a gift to speak with you both. I will link to TC’s book in the show notes, as well as to the Beating the Breaking Point Indicators Checklist & Triage Guide. Don’t forget to register for the Self-Care Dare 5 Day Challenge for First Responders and Front Line Workers. Registration opened this morning, October 19th and will close November 1st at 11:59PM. The dare kicks off on November 2nd. Registration is only $10 and includes 5 days of video lessons around 5 key domains for self-care; bonus resources and worksheets to develop a bombproof and sustainable self-care plan; access to our private facebook group to connect, problem solve and hone our skills; and fun prizes along the way to keep you pushing forward. If you are needing to up your self-care game, join us and take the dare.
As always, please reach out and connect if you have any questions or feedback. I love hearing from you and shaping this podcast to echo your needs and interests. If you have feedback you would like me to share with either of my guests today, connect with me and I’ll pass it along. You can find me on facebook and Instagram, @lindsayafaas, or you can email me at
Please keep sharing this resource with those you know, and
Until next time, stay safe.