Mettler Marketing

Introduction to Mettler Marketing. This episode is a discussion between Linda Mettler and producer Ed Bejarana about how The Mettler Marketing Podcast will help dentists grow their business. Linda shares her extensive marketing background in the dental industry and outlines how the podcast production is created to help dentists.

Show Notes

Introduction to Mettler Marketing.  This episode is a discussion between Linda Mettler and producer Ed Bejarana about how The Mettler Marketing Podcast will help dentists grow their business.  Linda shares her extensive marketing background in the dental industry and outlines how the podcast production is created to help dentists.
(303) 246-9954

What is Mettler Marketing?

Linda provides dental professionals actionable marketing knowledge they can use to grow their dental practice.

Linda Mettler: Like we can talk about how to create your Google My Business postings and profile in one episode, and then move on to Google ads in the next. My strategy is kind of like the kiss
concept. Keep it simple and build from there. Welcome to the matalin Marketing Podcast where we will talk about marketing strategies and tactics to grow your practice. I am your host, Lynda Mettler
and I have worked with dental practices for several years now. And I want to share my knowledge and experience with you so that you can gain valuable and actionable steps on how to grow your practice.
We will talk about the latest and greatest and marketing features some guest speakers so that you can hear firsthand what is and is not working and help you unravel the complexities of the digital
marketing world. I work really closely with my clients. So we will also delve into some other issues that affect your practice from time to time, such as staffing problems, COVID protocols and similar

Ed Bejarana: Hello, and thank you for tuning in to the Mettler marketing program. My name is Ed Bejarana, and I'm the producer of the program. Today we're going to talk a little bit about the program,
why we've created it, and how you can use it to grow your dental practice. Also a bit about our backgrounds. Linda, thank you for agreeing to sit down and talk with me today. I feel it's very
important for the audience to get to know you a little and understand why you're creating this podcast. So first off, how did you get into dental marketing?

Linda Mettler: Well, thank you ad, my my entire career has been in the healthcare sales and marketing field. I left the corporate arena over 11 years ago to go out on my own. And as they say, I've
never looked back. And I'm so glad that I did because I am truly passionate about the health care and dental industry. And I love the relationships I'm able to build with clients. When I began network
marketing, we started working with medical and chiropractic practices. And then a few years later branched into dental marketing. And that is predominantly who we work with now.

Ed Bejarana: So So how long have you been helping dentists grow their business?

Linda Mettler: A little over seven years in the dental industry and about 11 years in the medical industry.

Ed Bejarana: Now the relationship between producer and host, it's it's actually kind of interesting to say the least. But it might be interesting for the listeners to know that I'm a 35 year veteran
of the technology industry I I started way back in the 1980s as a database programmer, and worked as a developer on a few of the search engines still in use today. Linda and I have been working
together for a little bit more than two years now and I help with some of the website development for her businesses. Linda, you and I talked a few months back about podcasting and how as a as a
teaching tool podcasts could really help your clients build a better understanding of the business side of their practice. Let's talk a little bit about what you see is the main benefit of this
podcast production for your current clients and well even dentists who have never heard of Mettler marketing?

Linda Mettler: Well, I definitely love to answer that question. And first and I do want to say thank you because your years of expertise are invaluable to me. I mean, you make it so easy to do these
podcasts. And I don't know that I would be able to get through all this technical wizard wizardry without you. So thank you so much for all your help. What I want this podcast to be is a resource of
information for dentists who are concerned with marketing, and other practice management issues as well. We will talk about all topics that involve marketing, everything from print ads to the world of
digital marketing, websites, social media, all of those things. We're going to going to have guest speakers and talk about practice management issues that face dentists today, such as staffing issues,
COVID protocols and what COVID has done to the industry and similar types of issues. I spend a lot of time with my clients and they share with me what's happening in their world. So I want to share
that with others and try to help solve problems and help dental practices thrive and grow. I also serve on the Colorado Dental Association Foundation Board and through my work with them. I've been
able to learn and keep up with a lot of the current issues facing the dental industry.

Ed Bejarana: You know, there's nothing better really than having somebody with your experience to interface With in such a manner. You know when you approached me about this podcast, honestly I was
sold right from the get go while I was already an advocate for podcasting as a business development tool I was I was especially intrigued by the the the niche focus of a marketing program geared
specifically for dentists. However, as we've been going through the program development process, I've noted much of the information is also applicable to other types of businesses. So with that in
mind, what other types of businesses have you helped in the past?

Linda Mettler: Well, when I started matalin marketing, we worked with Chiropractic and medical practices. We've also worked with personal injury medical practices, and a lot of the marketing we do in
the digital area is transferable to other types of businesses. I have friends who own a chain of restaurants and have even helped them with a lot of their digital marketing.

Ed Bejarana: So how do you see your podcast being a tool for these other types of businesses?

Linda Mettler: We will talk often about digital marketing strategies and give tutorials on social media, Google ads, things like that, that can be used by almost any type of business that has a
digital presence.

Ed Bejarana: So while this first episode might be a little bit lengthy, your goal is actually to keep episodes fairly short. Something I think you said was digestible during the normal commute to
work. Can you share a few thoughts around this idea of keeping each episode short?

Linda Mettler: Sure, I actually decided to keep most of the episodes on the shorter side, around 15 or 20 minutes based on my own ability to digest information and also on feedback from other people.
Actually, I can be pretty chatty. And it would be very easy for me to do a podcast of 60 to 90 minutes long. But I do find that it's easier to learn and apply concepts that are broken down into bite
sized pieces rather than a lengthy discussion. This is especially true when it comes to digital marketing. This way we can talk about specific issues. Like we can talk about how to create your Google
My Business postings and profile in one episode, and then move on to Google ads in the next. My strategy is kind of like the kiss concept. Keep it simple and build from there. I don't want to
overwhelm listeners, and I personally can't digest much past 15 or 20 minutes. Of course, we will have some longer episodes when we feature guest speakers. And I want our listeners to benefit from
hearing from their peers and issues in their dental practices.

Ed Bejarana: So if a dentist wants to be a guest on your program, how do they get involved?

Linda Mettler: Oh, that's great. If a dentist or any other dental professional would like to be a guest on our program, we would welcome them. So please email me at Linda at Mettler Or
just give me a call at 303-246-9954.

Ed Bejarana: And I will include the the information, the contact information in today's show notes. But let me let me drive this down a little bit deeper. Do they need to be a client of yours in order
to be able to come on the program and be a guest?

Linda Mettler: No, absolutely not? No, no. I love talking to people in the dental industry and dentists, of course. And I welcome any guests that have some valuable content and lessons and advice to
share to share with other dental professionals.

Ed Bejarana: You know, and I know sometimes folks there, they get a little nervous about coming on a radio type program. The way this system works, it's all virtual. So we've got a virtual studio. So
they don't have to drive someplace, they they just simply log on using their web browser. They've got a microphone and a headset and and we have a conversation now do the issues they cover? Can they
ask questions? Or do they just need to be like case studies? What do you envision as far as the type of content your guests are providing?

Linda Mettler: You know, I think there's room for both. I think we could do some episodes where you know, it's a live q&a. I would love that I love interacting with people live and answering
questions. And, you know, I'm sure some of the guest speakers would love that as well. But if they want to just come on and provide some valuable content and resource in a specific area, that's great
as well. So I think I think there's room for us to do both.

Ed Bejarana: I know in the dental practice, when the Dental Association gets together that they have a lot of collaborative learning and I would imagine your podcast is kind of designed in that vein
as well.

Linda Mettler: Absolutely. Absolutely.

Ed Bejarana: Well, Linda, I think this is great what you're doing, you know, dentistry seems like one of those like no brainer practices you, you open your door and just everybody who needs their
teeth clean find you. But the reality is, the competition is so great out there that you you've got to make your business known in order to get those new patients. And I think what you're creating
here is really going to give the dentists who listen to your program, a huge leg up in their business.

Linda Mettler: I certainly hope so. Add. That's our that's our goal.

Ed Bejarana: Well, thank you for your time today, Linda, and I hope everybody listening, share this with your friends, this is going to be something special. Thank you. Are you committed to the growth
of your practice that learn marketing can help at medtner marketing. We help dental practices gain new patients, increase referrals and maximize patient retention with customized Marketing Solutions
tailored to fit your needs. Visit www dot medtner to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help grow your practice. Thank you for tuning in to the Mittler Marketing Podcast.
Please share this episode with your friends and colleagues. If you would like to be a guest on our show, visit Mettler and drop us a note. Remember to leave a review on Apple podcasts or
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