Orgasmic Enlightenment with Kim Anami

Orgasmic Enlightenment with Kim Anami Trailer Bonus Episode 5 Season 6

Single and Multi-Orgasmic

Single and Multi-OrgasmicSingle and Multi-Orgasmic

You can still be single and well-f**ked. 

You can still be single and have a voracious libido, be deeply, sexually fulfilled and have G-Spot, squirting and cervical orgasms on the regular. 
And it’s essential that you are. The key is to keep your sexual engines revving. 

A lot of people will come to us and think they can’t do the practices I teach because they need a partner. Sure, some of them you do. 

But most of them, you can—and ought to—practice on your own. Here's why and how. 

Today’s Well-F**ked All Star is Sarah.

She came into my work single, and used this time to explore herself and discover all the deeper vaginal orgasms, using her cervical orgasms to heal a breakup, and as a “roadmap to wealth that skyrocketed her business.”

In this episode: 
  • Sarah's story as a multi-orgasmic single with G-Spot and cervical orgasms galore 
  • Essential sexual practices for singles 
  • Why keeping your sexual energy high is key to attracting a new partner 
  • Using your single time to transform repeating relationship patterns through sexual shadow work 
  • My quintessential advice: Go f**k yourself! 

Vaginal Kung Fu is open for registration NOW and it closes February 2nd at midnight PST. 

In the salon, you’ll become a maestro of all things vaginal and sexual. You’ll learn: 
  • My step-by-step guided vaginal weight lifting routine 
  • Yoni massage to de-numb and activate your vagina 
  • Quantum techniques to clear your blocks and illuminate your sexual shadow
  • Breast massage techniques to tone, lift and enlarge the breasts 
  • Natural birth control and detoxing off The Pill 
  • How to make menstruation and menopause the energizing and rejuvenating portals they were meant to be  
  • How to give a vaginal handjob 
  • How to use your sexual energy to heal yourself, including my sex position mood guide. 
Come to Vaginal Kung Fu

What is Orgasmic Enlightenment with Kim Anami?

Where the sexual and spiritual come together. Sex and relationship coach and vaginal weight lifter Kim Anami gives you the sex education and orgasms you never had.