EPISODE TRANSCRIPT - Single and Multi-Orgasmic
You can still be single and well-f**ked.
You can still be single and have a voracious libido, be deeply, sexually fulfilled and have G-Spot, squirting and cervical orgasms on the regular.
And it’s essential that you do!
When people talk about “drying up” sexually, the only way that you can do that is if you aren’t have sex.
With anyone. Especially yourself.
The practices you do on your own will keep you sexually vibrant and humming with sensual vitality, which will help you to magnetize in a higher-level partner when you’re ready to.
The key is to keep your sexual engines revving.
A lot of people will come to us and and think they can’t do the practices I teach because they need a partner.
Sure, for some of things you do.
Although I’ve seen some very keen women use dildos and bananas for their deep throating practice!
But for most of what I teach, you can—and ought to—practice on your own.
And here’s why.
We’ll talk about the how in a minute.
1. Your sexual energy is your secret weapon in your life.
It’s not just about your “libido” and how many “orgasms” you’re having.
This energy if your creative life force and your key to manifesting what you want in your world.
Including a new partner.
In all of our Well-F**ked All Star interviews, you’ll hear that people talk about two different things:
What’s happened in their beds
What’s happened in their lives, as a result of what’s happened in their beds.
Meaning, that once they rev up all of their super potent, pro-creative sexual energy and they have massive changes in their sex lives, that translates into huge transformations in their outer lives.
They lose weight, they leave 9-5 jobs and embark on meaningful careers, they move cities—and all of these things happen effortlessly.
All because they got well-fucked.
You’ve got no time to waste, waiting for a partner to come along.
You can conjure one up. From your genitals.
2. Sexual energy generates magnetism.
Your sexual energy is your life-force energy.
When you learn how to own, inhabit and “wear” it, you radiate charisma and the well-fucked vitality we always talk about around these parts.
Call it pheromones, or the glow of good lovin’ but it’s a palpable energy that people can feel.
“You look different!”
“Are you doing something different???”
The stories I love most are when women tell us of how they spent an evening fucking themselves/self-pleasuring, and the next day they go shopping or to put gas in their car, all decked out in their sweats and messy hair—and by that I mean, not decked out AT ALL—and they get men galloping across streets and parking lots to ask them out.
It’s the glow of the WFW and it eliminates the need for dating sites.
I mean, whatever, use them if you want to, but your well-fucked glow is your ultimate dating profile.
It penetrates through time and space to find your perfect match.
3. A well-fucked woman radiates confidence and the “don’t give a fuck” factor.
One of the hallmarks of a woman’s—or a mans’s—sexual evolution, is when they hit the “I don’t give a fuck what other people think of me phase.”
Although, it’s not a phase; it’s now a way of life.
You are so at home in your own, body, self, sexuality and power, that the opinions of other people fade into oblivion.
You live your life for you, and you alone.
You don’t need the approval of other people and their sheep opinions.
Fuck it. Fuck them.
They likely also need to get fucked.
In every way.
This self-possessed and autonomous quality is so rare in people, and it’s massively attractive.
Sometimes it’s confronting, because it will mirror to a person all the places where they need to have more courage in their own life.
4. Manifest a higher-level partner.
By upping your self-love and well-fucked factor, you’ll be lifting yourself into a new reality.
If you feel like you always seem to attract the same sorts of people, and repeat the same patterns, this is why it’s crucial to fuck yourself out of your current state.
Especially with the alchemy of the deeper vaginal orgasms, you literally change and rebirth WHO YOU ARE and how you show up in your world.
And if you uplevel your own vibration, guess what?
Like attracts like, so you’re going to attract a higher caliber match for you.
You start elevating yourself out of your cyclical patterns.
Being single is the BEST time to work on yourself and catapult yourself into another dating dimension.
5. You become a self-love factory who is hot for yourself.
When you go into your dark, unexposed places and love them up, you come into intimate relationships less guarded, knowing yourself more, and ready to go deep.
Our Well-F**ked All Star Katie in the Healing Sexual Trauma with the Jade Yoni Egg episode, describes this beautifully when she talks about going from a place of literally almost passing out when trying to touch herself, to now being so turned on by herself that it’s like coming home to your pussy and ripping your OWN clothes off.
It’s a fuck of a way to live.
And again, this frequency of hot, sexy pleasure that permeates your life goes out there into the ethers to magnetize a partner who feels the same way about you that you do.
6. Being well-fucked changes your body.
We have countless stories of women and men getting well-fucked and their excess weight just dropping off them.
Breasts lift, tummies tighten, forehead and naso-labial lines decrease.
All from having life-changing orgasms?
I even have a YouTube video on this, which is making fun of all the LOSE BELLY FAT OVERNIGHT videos out there, but in our case, it’s actually true!
And the more “nights” of good loving you have, the more belly fat you lose.
And now for the HOW.
HOW do you become multi-orgasmic when you are single?
1. A jade yoni egg practice is a non-negotiable for every woman.
It’s multi-purpose.
Yes, you exercise and strengthen your vagina—which every vagina NEEDS—so that you prevent and reverse urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, you increase your libido, lubrication, sensation, orgasmic potential and give vaginal handjobs.
And…the egg is also a tool to reconnect to your sexual energy and self in a gentle, loving way.
It brings your vagina alive, so that it begins to function as your deepest intuition and “vagina” brain.
You integrate your vagina, your sexual organs and sexual self into the full expression of who you are.
The egg helps you to heal and bridge these formerly disconnected parts of yourself.
Your vagina becomes strong, sensitive, articulate and a pleasure magnet for what you want in your life.
2. Breast massage.
A woman’s breasts are the ultimate symbol of disowned sexuality.
Breasts get so much projected upon htem, that women routinely succumb to violent surgeries to beef up their chests.
Breast massage is an amazing way to reclaim this connection with yourself and do it from within.
Women in my salons consistently report growing and firming the breasts with my simple, 5-minute daily breast massage routine.
Not only do you dislodge toxins and get lymph moving, but the
breasts are also an extension of the heart.
Lovingly connecting with your breasts daily, instead of binding them up in heart-shunting suffocation devices, helps you to release physical and emotional stuckness, and open your heart.
3. Go fuck yourself.
The best advice I can give you.
And I mean that with the most deep and sincere goodwill.
Feeling down?
Go fuck yourself.
Need to lose weight?
Go fuck yourself.
Struggling to pay rent?
Go fuck yourself.
Got heavy periods?
Go fuck yourself.
NOTHING will metabolize your stagnant energy, reset your nervous system, recalibrate your at the deepest soul level and kick your creative genius into gear than going and fucking the shit out of yourself.
Because that’s exactly what you’re doing: fucking the SHIT, the toxins, and the demons right the fuck out of you.
Your sexual energy and your vagina are your engine.
This is where you plug into source to recharge.
It’s fuck food!!
And you need to eat it every day.
Your vagina needs to eat it every day.
If not, she’ll consume YOU.
So feed her.
She’s a hungry fucker—much hungrier than anyone ever lets on. In fact, the idea of women being the “fairer” less fuck-fascinated sex, is total bullshit.
Women are and their vaginas are naturally insatiable.
They don’t have an off switch. They don’t have a refractory period.
That is, once you get them going.
They are Newton’s Law of Momentum, embodied.
Once they’re on, it’s game on.
The Taoists talk about how sexually speaking, men are like fire.
Quick to ignite and quick to extinguish.
And women are like water: slow to boil, and they keep on boiling.
When your default for life experience becomes bliss, because you tuck into your vagina every day for sustenance, this is the frequency that you live your life from:
High-level, multi-orgasmic, life-changing ecstasy, and like attracts like.
All of your life experiences take on this energy.
And yes, you can have ALL of the orgasms I speak about, on your own:
Clitoral. But, I mean, who cares?
Yep. Every single one.
If you don’t have a cock in your life, you’re in luck.
I made you a set of my ultimate dream cocks.
the Holy Trinity couture dildo set is my ode to my most favorite, most brilliantly designed cocks ever.
You can find these love-wand-works-of-art in my Anami Alchemia online shop.
4. Sexual shadow work.
Fuck any other shadow work you’ve ever done or ever could do.
And explore your sexual dark side instead.
The fastest, most quantum growth I’ve ever had in my sex life—and in my overall life—happened when I went hard and heavy into all things sexual shadow.
My partner and I uncovered every taboo, every dark corner, every secret fantasy I dared tell no one about and brought them ALL out into the light.Nothing has changed me so fast, so powerfully and permanently as this.
All of the taboo in sexuality makes it the ULTIMATE place to explore, uncover and illuminate.
Everything else is amateur hour.
Today’s all star is Sarah.
She came into my work single, and used this time to explore herself and discover all the deeper vaginal orgasms, using cervical orgasms to heal through a breakup, and as a “roadmap to wealth that skyrocketed her business.”
SARAH: I’m so excited to share this because once it happened to me, I felt I needed to scream it from the rooftops, so here we go.
I enrolled in Vaginal Kung Fu. I learned about jade eggs and lifting things with my vagina and all this crazy stuff and I healed so much. So, so, so, so much.
Then, right after taking Vaginal Kung Fu, I thought, Okay, I want to take The Well-F**ked Woman, because I felt like it was Part 1 and Part 2.
It was honestly, Kim, the sex education I never had, that I always needed, and it just completely changed my life. I can see that, hand on heart.
At the time, I had a boyfriend. We’re no longer together; it’s been a couple years. But I told him about all these different ways that a woman could orgasm, because I thought you could only orgasm through your clit and that was it.
My boyfriend at the time said, “No, actually you can have things called G-spot orgasms.” I said, “What? [Laughs] What are you talking about?” He said, “Yeah, I’ll show you.” And I said, “Oh okay. I didn’t know you could do this.” Then I thought, Oh, I need a man to do it, right? But then your work counteracted that and said, “No, you can have a man, or you can also do it by yourself.”
We started slow and worked up to G-spot orgasms and then my first cervical orgasm, I had with him. Funnily enough, a few weeks later, we ended up breaking up, and I remember thinking, Oh no, can I no longer have these? Because I’m not dating him again.
But then I just kept going back to your salon and I said, “Well, Kim says that she can have them when someone touches her arm, so if she can do that, I know I can. I know I can.” I just kept telling myself—and I know it might sound a little crazy—but I told myself, “I am a multiorgasmic woman! I am a well-fucked woman!” I literally said it to myself over and over and there’s so much power in your mind, because if you train your mind to believe something, your body will follow.
I just kept telling myself that following your salon, just doing everything you said, and I said, “She’s right. She was right.” And then I started having cervical orgasms on my own and it was in that moment, even though I was grieving the heartbreak of this person, that we were no longer together, I knew I was going to be okay. Because I could have a lovely orgasm, but I also felt healed. I felt like I had access to something that I didn’t have before.
I honestly feel, in a way, closer to God. I said, “Wow, he didn’t make this to be bad; he made this to be pleasurable. I wouldn’t have the capability to do that if it wasn’t in me.” It just completely changed my life, so thank you. [Laughs]
For me it was the most powerful tool I had for personal transformation and spiritual evolution because not only did it heal me from the inside, but also the outside. That’s, I think, what your work is based on. You can’t sugarcoat stuff. You can’t just treat a symptom. We’re going to the root of the issues here and cervical orgasms, at least in my experience, amplify your life and all the good things. But then it’s also almost like dusting off these old cobwebs and dirty files that you haven’t really looked at and it causes you to go deeper and deeper and deeper. Like you said, it’s a self-actualizing tool that is just completely transformational.
I’m fascinated by words and languages. The Latin word for courage is “cor” and it means the heart. That’s what I felt cervical orgasms did for me because they opened up my heart. Just opened and opened it and opened it and that’s, I think, part of the formula to having them; you have to have an open heart and they can help you open your heart.
After my boyfriend and I broke up—I was really in love with that guy. I was the best girlfriend I could’ve ever been. My friends, after we broke up, said, “Oh well, just go date another guy.” I decided, No, I’m not going to get under someone to get over somebody else. I need to process this. I need to get through it.
He took that route, and then never dealt with the hurt and the pain of it and is apparently still dealing with that. Whereas I feel completely healed of it, stronger than before.
One of the greatest tools you can have, if you’re going through heartbreak, is to have a cervical orgasm or attend Kim’s salon, everyone, so that you can learn how to have them, and you’ll be just fine. They’re the ultimate heartbreak healer.
KIM: Yes. Can you describe for us how cervical orgasms feel to you? Physically, emotionally, spiritually. You’ve touched a bit on the spiritual element, but how do they also feel in these other realms?
SARAH: Sure, yeah. It’s kind of interesting because I remember when I first learned that they were even possible. I didn’t even know I had a cervix until I was19 or 20 years old, because all I was taught was I had a vagina.
KIM: Right.
SARAH: I didn’t know anything, any anatomy. For me, physically, they’re nothing like a clitoral orgasm, nothing. Clitoral orgasms kind of remind me of when you walk up a little 15-foot ledge and then you jump off a 10-foot waterfall. It’s like, “Whew!” And then it’s done—goodbye.
Whereas a cervical orgasm, to me, feels like you’re just going further and deeper and deeper. You’re vibrating and it’s consuming, it’s powerful, and it spreads throughout the entire body. It’s this orgasmic, spiritual, enlightening, intense, but also safe, in a way, climax. It lasts longer for me. I’ve had them last for hours at times. Not every single time, but they’re definitely something that you feel throughout your entire body. You get this incredible massage and spiritual tune-up, and you just let out all these tears of emotion and you don’t even know what you’re crying about.
It just feels incredible. I’ve never had anything like it, so it’s kind of hard to compare it to something else, because it’s not like anything else. Every time I have one, I feel healed. I feel like everything is going to be okay and everything is safe. But it’s not like a clitoral orgasm where it’s centrally located to the vagina. It’s literally inside out, every fiber of your being—your hair, your eyelashes, everything.
I remember when I first found your work and I said, “Okay, I believe in investing in my growth, whether it’s spiritually, mentally, or emotionally.” Then this was the first time I said, “Okay, I’m investing in my sexual growth,” which was kind of a new thing for me.
But I said, “Okay, I really believe in this woman and in her work, and I believe that if I invest in this, it will come back to me tenfold. And I’m not sure why I felt like that, because at the time I wasn’t doing well financially and I was very lost and confused in my life. This was years ago. But I just believed that I would make that investment.
I think the biggest exterior result I’ve seen is wealth. In my business, in money. Before, I was really struggling financially. I now own a few different companies. I own my own coaching business and that has just skyrocketed in growth. I own a consulting marketing business with my sister; we’re just launching another CBD skincare line. That’s been doing great.
It’s just crazy because that wasn’t something I was expecting—oh, I’ll have cervical orgasms; I’m going to make more cash. It’s not like that was going on in my head. But it released this feeling of surrender and knowing that I was going to be taken care of. And that’s one of the seeds of manifestation. If you want to create and generate more wealth, part of that is having trust and faith. What better way to practice trust and faith than with orgasming on a daily basis?
It was almost this roadmap to wealth, which was not what I was expecting, and I was able to get out of debt. I would say that’s the biggest change that I’ve seen from a physical standpoint.
Then also, I feel more confident in myself, which has helped me to put myself out there more. I do a lot of speaking and teaching at retreats and stuff, whereas before, I would’ve been too shy to do that. But I feel like I have this reservoir of confidence in me and I’m not sure where it comes from at times. Then I realize, Oh yeah, it’s the orgasms. They give that sexual energy.
When there is that retraction, the whole point of cervical orgasms, in my view, is to bring you closer to yourself and that heart. Eliminating things that no longer serve you from a physical standpoint and a mental/emotional standpoint, and then practicing surrendering, deep breathing, and faith and trust and just letting yourself know, “Hey, it’s okay to go here, and even if you’re with a partner or you’re by yourself, no matter what, I got you. I’m with you. I have your back, no matter what.” Because you are your longest commitment.
That’s been kind of my area of processing it. And then also vaginal weight lifting has been a key integral role in all of this. Because if you have a numb vagina, then it’s not going to feel good and there’s going to be that disconnect. The egg has been really a beautiful instrument in allowing me to bridge that gap from where I was to where I want to be, but I would say learn it from someone, a professional such as you, and learn why it’s there and use it as a tool to heal and learn and grow from. That’s what’s allowed me to get to that point.
And it also made me feel more connected to myself, that I was doing this to pleasure me, or to heal me, not that it had to be with another person for another guy. I could do it for me, all for me, only me, and it didn’t have to include anything else.
It allowed me to heal the numbness in there and then within a couple weeks, I think I had my first G-spot orgasm.
I’d just like to say thank you so much for everything you’ve done. Anyone who is listening, if you haven’t taken Kim’s salons, just take them. I promise, you’ll make back your investment and it’s just the greatest tool I’ve found for personal transformation and spiritual evolution and it’s just healed so, so, so much. I don’t know who I would be if I hadn’t found your surfboard-lifting vagina. It might be years ago, but I literally don’t know who I would be. I’m getting emotional talking about it because to this day, it just continues to give me gifts and the salons, you have access to them forever and I’ve taken them over and over. Every time I take them, it’s almost like taking them for the first time because I learn so many new things that I didn’t know before.
That would be the one thing I would like to share. Everyone, give yourself that gift, because you deserve it.
All hail the the vaginal truth!
Vaginal Kung Fu is open for registration NOW.
And it closes February 2nd at midnight PST.
In the salon, you’ll become a master of all things vaginal and sexual.
You’ll learn:
My step-by-step guided vaginal weight lifting routine
Yoni massage to de-numb and activate your vagina
Quantum techniques to clear your blocks and illuminate your sexual shadow
Breast massage techniques to tone, lift and enlarge the breasts
Natural birth control and detoxing off The Pill
How to make menstruation and menopause the energizing and rejuvenating portals they were meant to be
How to give a vaginal handjob
How to use your sexual energy to heal yourself, including my sex position mood guide.
All this and more in Vaginal Kung Fu.