Ecom Business Hacks w/ Rod

In this episode, you can learn the secret to recovering lost sales with abandoned cart follow-up emails using Klaviyo. Discover the ideal timing for sending those follow-up emails, and how to maximize revenue with multiple follow-up emails. Enjoy!

You can also watch the original video version on YouTube.

What is Ecom Business Hacks w/ Rod?

Welcome to the Ecom Business Hacks Podcast (Formerly Facebook Ad Hacks) where I talk about how to get better results from your Facebook advertising and Email Marketing, and the many lessons I’ve learned from 20 years of starting and running ecommerce businesses, and from working with agency clients.

Hi, everyone.

Welcome to the Ecom
business hacks podcast.

I'm your host Rod Bland,
and in this podcast, I talk

about how you can get better
results from your Instagram

and Facebook marketing,
from your email marketing,

and the many lessons that
I've learned from being

in the e-commerce business
for the last 20 years.

Enjoy today's episode.

So what's the ideal time delay
from when someone abandons

their shopping cart to when
you send them that first email

reminder in your Klaviyo flow?

That's what we're gonna cover
today, so let's jump into it.

This article from Rejoiner
is really good because

Rejoiner send a lot of email.

They say that they sent
millions of emails before they

came up with these statistics,
and you can see here they're

examining conversion rates
by time after abandonment.

So they are looking at
what's the optimal window

for people to receive their
first abandoned cart email.

They looked at 20
minutes, 30 minutes,

one hour, and one day.

And based on their research
they're saying that one

hour is the ideal timeframe.

If you've used the Abandoned
checkout template in

Klaviyo, you'll notice
that they use four hours

as the first time delay.

And it's something that I'd
recommend that you still test.

You could obviously go with
one hour, but some businesses,

two hours or four hours
may actually be better.

I've got another video that
covers how you do the timing

split tests, and I'll link to
that one in the description.

And apart from waiting one
hour for the first email, you

should make sure that you do
send a couple of follow ups.

You can see here they gained
$270,000 in revenue from

the first email, and then
they sent another one a day

after the initial cart was
abandoned, they got another

$190,000 of revenue, and
then three days from when the

initial cart was abandoned,
they got another $134,000.

So emails two and three
actually generated

more revenue than
what email one did.

So in the the builtin Klaviyo
template examples, there's

always at least two emails,
and as long as your open rate

is better than 20%, which it
I've never seen at less than

20% for an abandoned checkout
email, then you want to add

in a third email as well.

So one hour's the ideal time
that you should wait from

when somebody abandons their
checkout to when they get

sent their first reminder
email, at least according

to the blog post from
Rejoiner, but it's something

that you should test.

Thank you so much for
watching or listening.

If you found this episode
useful, here's two ways

I can help you grow
your business for free.

Firstly, subscribe to my
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And finally leave me a
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I can reach some amazing
people that I can bring

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I'll catch you in
the next episode.