Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell

Forty ways to feel Fabulous & birthday frivolities!!!
This week Kate marks her 40th lap around the sun and it's the perfect time to celebrate.
In this weeks episode Kate shares some insights found in the 20 year old journals she came across whilst packing to move into her forever family home, the pride and glee that comes with managing her soul nourishing & heart led business AND 40 of her favourite ways to feel FABULOUS!!!

Find Kate on instagram
And all her golden offers can be found here

You can help Kate reach her 7km Starlight Super Swim Challenge goal here

What is Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell ?

Join Kate Darnell this summer and beyond for interviews, high vibe energetic processes and practical ways to live spiritually from soul, with complete and utter love for YOU! Let's take a collective breath, a pause, a moment for you! We hope you enjoy this energetic, uplifting and inspiring series.

Golden Light!
I could hardly share last week's email about celebration and not mention my birthday this week! Especially as tomorrow will mark my 40th lap around the SUN!
I am so excited!
Last November, while packing for our momentous move into our forever family home, I found myself revising journals from 20 years ago. These faded yet vibrant books shared candid pages on how I had conflicting feelings of peace in my choice to be studying teaching while still holding a tension in my soul - one that simply said - that I was here to do something else.
The journals went on to share that I wanted to help people, to spread positivity, to ensure that as many people as possibly knew just how incredible they/we all are!
My mouth gaped when I read them. I had completely forgotten that even at age 20 I was already determined to live out a legacy beyond a mainstream classroom - and here we are!
It gives me such deep and joyous pleasure to be writing and celebrating my 40th birth year with you all and I’m immensely proud to truly feel into the glee that I’m managing a soul nourishing and inspiring heart led business that brings joy, lightness and infinite possibilities into people's lives every single day!
Is this real life?!?
I know that feeling fabulous doesn't always come easy to us humans, especially when we feel like we’re doing the work, connecting to soul and healing through all kinds of real-life BS, so as my little gift to each of us, I'm sharing 40 of my favourite ways to feel fabulous! This list will hopefully remind us all to take a moment to feel a little more joy, to add some lightness and smile!
40 Ways to Feel Fabulous
1. Bake a cake (ice it, share it, enjoy it!)
2. Binge watch a favourite TV show (if you haven’t already, add Schitts Creek to your “must view” list - hilarious and loving comfort TV at its best!)
3. Bird watch
4. Call a friend
5. Clean/Clear a space
6. Cloud gaze
7. Count the leaves on a tree
8. Create a vision board
9. Create daily affirmations or mantras that make you feel good
10. Dance
11. Do a random act of kindness
12. Craft
13. Garden
14. Go to a gig
15. Go to the beach or visualise being at a beach or in nature
16. Have a facial
17. Have a picnic
18. Have a relaxing bath or refreshing shower
19. Journal (write yourself a love letter)
20. Make a mock-tail
21. Make fairy bread
22. Manicure and Pedicure Magic is calling you
23. Meditate
24. Paint
25. Plan a party
26. Pull some oracle cards
27. Set a physical challenge
28. Share a secret
29. Sing out loud
30. Snuggle with a pet
31. Sponsor a child or support your favourite animal refuge
32. Swim
33. Take a hike
34. Take yourself on a date (fancy clothes a must)
35. Tell someone you love them
36. Visit a library
37. Visit the elderly
38. Volunteer
39. Watch adorable animal vids on YouTube
40. Write and share a poem
Each item from the list has the ability to support us in connecting to the power of the moment and connect to the wholeness of my Sacred Soul System (yep, even a good date with your coach and a fav TV show can help!). Which ones do you already do?
Hopefully there'll be something on the list to help you feel fabulous today!
Wishing you the most joyous, celebratory, and connected day.
In Golden Light,
Love Kate xoxo