The Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast

In this episode of the Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast, we dive deep into the heart of resilience, determination, and the power of a positive mindset with the incredible Amanda Leve. We discuss the importance of mental preparation, the role of support systems, and the power of perseverance through injuries and setbacks. This episode is a testament to the strength found in vulnerability, the importance of a supportive community, and the transformative power of a positive mindset. Join us as we uncover the essence of true grit and the beauty of pursuing excellence with purpose and passion.

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Show Notes

In this episode of the Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast, we dive deep into the heart of resilience, determination, and the power of a positive mindset with the incredible Amanda Leve. We discuss the importance of mental preparation, the role of support systems, and the power of perseverance through injuries and setbacks. This episode is a testament to the strength found in vulnerability, the importance of a supportive community, and the transformative power of a positive mindset. Join us as we uncover the essence of true grit and the beauty of pursuing excellence with purpose and passion.

Get A Free Copy Of My Book:
5 Things You MUST Do to Build a Successful Cash-Based PT Practice This quick, easy-to-read guide is your no-BS steps to what really works in building a Cash-Based Physical Therapy business.

For more on our in person Physical Therapy continuing education classes, check out our Primal University 🎓

What is The Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast?

Welcome to The Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast! Here I'll be talking all things physical therapy, raw and unplugged, giving you the unfiltered insights you've been searching for in your cash-based physical therapy business. If you're caught in the grind of the traditional model, swamped with paperwork, or feeling like you're not reaching your full potential as a physical therapist, this podcast was created just for you.

Amanda Leve:

What I just started doing. Like, okay, I'll never say I'm nervous. I say I'm excited. I don't have to compete. I get to compete.

Amanda Leve:

Like, just those little things make such a difference that people don't even realize. And obviously, like, it's like buying into it too for, like, anything. Like, you have to believe in it. Right. Welcome to the Doctor.

Amanda Leve:

JJ Thomas podcast.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the doctor JJ Thomas podcast. Thanks for joining us today. I have one of my favorite people and athletes here, Amanda Levy. Thanks for joining us, Amanda.

Amanda Leve:

Oh, thank you for having me. I'm excited.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So I wanna give, like, a very brief intro I mean, once I start talking to Amanda, you'll see how just the depth of her awesomeness comes out. But just a very brief introduction of Amanda, and and who she is as an athlete. For those of you that may not be familiar with her, Amanda is one of the best jujitsu competitors, really, in the world, especially in this in this in this lifetime, in this era. She's, competed in ADCC World. I think it was 2019.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Won first in multiple I, IBJJF, competitions, just recently won 80cc East and is about to go compete to 80cc West and hopefully, maybe even get an invitation out to Worlds again this year. So, but beyond that, the reason Amanda is such a successful athlete, really, in my opinion, is just the depths of who she is as a person, how she holds herself both, both both in her training and just in her everyday life. And that's really why I wanted you to come on.

Amanda Leve:

Oh, thank you so much. I was

Dr. JJ Thomas:

so glad. So, so I thought if we could so as you know, this podcast is is mostly directed towards clinicians, but we do have a lot of other nonclinicians who watch it. And so I just think it's your whole story is, I think, really awesome and interesting. For the for the physical therapy side of things, I wanna I wanna talk to those guys a little bit about kinda your journey of how you got into Brazilian jiu jitsu. And if you could take me back even to, like, when you first started in in in jiu jitsu and Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

Absolutely. Yeah. So, basically, I was just, like, a super active kid when I was younger. I was, like, such a weirdo. I would do, like, push ups and, like, sit ups, like, during commercial breaks when we're watching TV, for no reason.

Amanda Leve:

I don't know why, but, and then I was always, like, a and, like, a competitive kid. Never liked to, lose and, so my dad originally signed my brother up for classes for jiu jitsu, and, he saw him doing push ups and stuff. He's like, oh my gosh, man. It would be so great for this. And he would always watch the UFC in in hindsight too.

Amanda Leve:

So Yeah. And, I did my first class, and I I don't even remember I don't even wanna say, like, I loved it, but I just, like, enjoyed it. And, I would just, like, I just continue to win. My dad is also, like, a very it was one of those dads everyone talked about, like, oh my god. He pushes his kids too hard.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. So he How

Dr. JJ Thomas:

old were you?

Amanda Leve:

I was 11.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So he threw me in my 1st tournament and, like, I was only 4 months in. And most people don't compete until they're, like, a year in at least. So I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, and he, like, put me in my 1st tournament. I went out there. I lost in 15 seconds.

Amanda Leve:

I cried. I wanted to go home, and he said, please just stay for one more. And, you know, he had me stay for 1 more. I won my next one, and I just, like that is one thing I will remember is just, like, feeling, like, so accomplished. Right?

Amanda Leve:

You get your hand raised. Like, it just feels so good.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

And I'm like, oh my god. This is, like, awesome. So I was just, like, addicted to that feeling ever since.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's awesome.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. And it's just, like, so crazy. Right? Because it's just, like, this one second of you getting your hand raised, and it's just, like, such a feeling. Right?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I bet. And as you tell that story, though, like, I feel like there this the the win is sweeter after the loss. Yep. Right? Like, I feel like it's almost so perfect that you had that loss first and because you persisted.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And that's, like, that's actually exactly what I think one of the things that I think probably makes you one of the most elite athletes I've ever worked with is is that you don't you know, struggles are just a stepping stone for athletes like you, in my opinion. So I love that.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. Yeah. You're right. A 100%. I actually never even looked at that way.

Amanda Leve:

So I actually like what you said that. But, Thanks. Like, basically, just again, like, it was just like a one second. Like, yes. This is exactly what I wanna keep doing.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So then I just kept competing after that, and, I would there wasn't really many girls at that time, but there the 2 girls that were there, they were older than me, and they would just kill me. Like, every match I had against them, I was just, like, destroyed. And then there was, like as we got older, there was just one day where, like, the tide changed. Yeah. And then that was, like, another feeling of, like, just, like, such accomplishment.

Amanda Leve:

Like, finally, I'm beating you guys. Yes. Like, how great this is. Right? It's, like, the full circle moment.

Amanda Leve:

You guys used to

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Beat up on it.

Amanda Leve:

Beat me up every match, and now I'm a full circle moment. But, yeah, and then I went against a bunch of boys too, which also made me so much more tough. Yeah. Because, like, you know, I know it's kinda sucks being a boy, like, going against a girl because, like, oh, if you win, you beat a girl, but if you lose, you lose to a girl.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So I give all those those boys a lot of credit for for dealing with going with me. But, you know, some of them would go, like, rough too and, like,

Dr. JJ Thomas:

you know You're in the you're in the ring. Like yes. Exactly.

Amanda Leve:

So it definitely made me more tough and aggressive and in the end.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So again, then going towards, like, MMA, I eventually wanted to do MMA. Like, that was, like, always the the goal for me eventually. Like, I was 13. I watched Cyborg, versus Gina Carano, and I, like, remember it was, like, the first big women's MMA fight. My dad was, like, super excited for it.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

We were,

Amanda Leve:

like, on the couch watching it. And, after watching it, I'm like, okay. Now I wanna do this.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Here we go. Right? Yeah. Like, it's level up. Level up.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Level up. Yep. What age was that? 13. Okay.

Amanda Leve:

So then I always did striking on and off, and then always competed in jiu jitsu. So, yeah, so that's basically how I just Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Started. And your MMA, like, your MMA experience, I know we were just talking before we started airing, like, how first of all, her MMA record was was great also. Well, on On defeat.

Amanda Leve:

On defeat. Undefeated. But I know. But it was only, like, 2 fights It sucks.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

But But but we were just talking about how your MMA background really helps, even in jujitsu. Right? Like, just even if it's just the fear factor.

Amanda Leve:

Yep. I know. And it's, like, funny because I can't fight, MMA anymore because of, like, they found, like, an aneurysm on an artery in my brain, so it basically stopped me from fighting MMA, but I refuse to change my Instagram name from, like, MMA because I feel like it's such an advantage being an MMA person

Dr. JJ Thomas:

in jiu

Amanda Leve:

jitsu because you're so much more scrappy. Like, I just always think, like, okay. Like, MMA people like, not that jiu jitsu people aren't tough, but, like, MMA people, it's just it's just a different toughness. Totally. So I'm like, I refuse to change my name until, like, I'm done fighting altogether because I'm like, I wanna be in that MMA mindset.

Amanda Leve:

Like, I'm tough.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I love it.

Amanda Leve:

Yes. I'm thriving. You should. Yes.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

This is what I'm saying. Yeah. You guys see what I'm talking about? Like, the the athletes like Amanda are this is exactly right. Like, every every ounce of your everything has a purpose.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's that's what I see from the sidelines of watching you. It's like like, your training has a purpose. Your recovery has a purpose. Your your your name on Instagram has a purpose. Like, all and all of it is built around your ability to succeed.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And and really, it's goal driven. And and the other piece of that is, like, your goals you're constantly seeking new goals. Yep. It's so cool. I mean, it's so cool.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And that's I was also talking to Amanda before the before we started here about, like, what this podcast is about. And and really, like, yes, I get to talk to really cool athletes at a at another level and sit down and just, you know, like, we're having coffee. But also for clinicians out there, I'm what I really wanna show is, like, this level of excellence, not to I know Amanda's very humble, so I don't wanna, like, I'm I'm gonna try not to gush too much. But but the truth is this type of excellence doesn't happen on accident, and it happens with a purpose. And, you're just the epitome of that in my opinion.

Amanda Leve:

So Thank you. Thank you

Dr. JJ Thomas:

for that. So what about so we've talked so with that note, like, knowing that everything you do is purposeful, what about tell me a little bit about maybe some like, that must have been a struggle, the the news to not being able to continue to compete. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

So, like, with that, it was such an eye opener because I felt like I lost my identity, which sounds like so crazy. Right? Like Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

just felt like a piece of me is just going I still don't feel like the same. Right?

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

And, like a year has just passed since I found out, and I'm like, damn. It still hurts the same just like and everyone's like, oh, you'll get better. Blah blah. You can get back to jiu jitsu. And I'm like, you don't understand how happy I was when I could tell a jiu jitsu promotion, like, oh, I can't compete with you guys because I have an MMA fight coming out.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, I

Amanda Leve:

was waiting for that moment so long, and I finally had it. And then it was just, like, gone just like that. So, it definitely, like, hit hard right when I

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Found out.

Amanda Leve:

Found out because it was almost like a death in the family. Like, you know, my mom's crying. Crying. My dad's crying. My siblings are crying.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. Like, because everyone sees the dedication, like and, again, like, Instagram, you could post all you want, but, like, at the end of the day, like no. I don't even actually really put I'm so bad with with social media. I'm so bad. And I'm like, I need 2024, I was supposed to get better at social media was my new year's resolution.

Amanda Leve:

But, like, you know, my family sees all the hard work I put in. Right? Yeah. You know? And, so, like, every it was almost like everyone collectively just felt the sorrow.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. And, you know, I'm, like, lucky that I was just I always had such a great support system to begin with. Like, even my boyfriend, like, when I was getting ready for, like, fights, and even now, he's still, like, home meal prep everything for me, and I just take it in the morning and go. You know what I mean? So, like, I am so lucky that this sport system I have That is awesome.

Amanda Leve:

So yeah. So just dealing with that was like it was definitely like a reevaluation of, like, okay. Like, what am I gonna do now? Yeah. So that's why I ended up doing East Coast trials this last October because I'm like, okay.

Amanda Leve:

Like, I haven't felt the the fire to compete in so long because it was take the MMA was taken away from me. So, I'm like, alright. Let me just hop in this jiu jitsu tournament. I'm feeling good. You know?

Amanda Leve:

Maybe it'll, like, spark a fire back. And it it a little fire came back, but, like, it's still not as intense as I wanted it to be, like, I had for MMA. But, yeah, it's just it was just like a shock and, like, an eye opener to, you know Have

Dr. JJ Thomas:

to change. Like, you were on this you were on this path, and you were and you were conquering.

Amanda Leve:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, you were like, you could see you could see the you could see the fruit everything come to fruition. And then all of a sudden, I know. I like your analogy of it being like a death in the family because I feel like that's what I see. That's what I can imagine for you and that's what I still see is, like, it's not I think with any any death in our lives, it's not sometimes it never gets easier. Like, it just hurts a little less later on.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Right? Like, but we can hopefully find it sounds like you're working on finding ways to still fulfill that.

Amanda Leve:

A 100%. And then, it was, like, cool. It's cool that I'll be able to work on different things now. So, like, I started swimming. I started cycling.

Amanda Leve:

So I'm like, I always wanted to do those things, but I never never had time to do those things because I was so focused on MMA, and it takes up so much of your time.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So it's cool that I'm able to, like, expand my horizons.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So I'm I am enjoying that. I will

Dr. JJ Thomas:

say that. That's awesome. What about so back to the support thing, because I do think I think that's it's awesome that you brought that up because I think that is one of the things that, that sets a lot of athletes a lot of really high level athletes apart is that they do have great support. And so you mentioned your boyfriend. What other, like, mentors or support, you know, people have been kind of pivotal in your growth?

Amanda Leve:

So definitely my parents because they were total opposites. Right? So my mom was like the, oh, my poor baby. Like, if I lost, like, oh, it's okay. And then my dad was just, like, you know, a hard ass.

Amanda Leve:

Like, you know, I could lose to, like, the most muscular kid as a teenager, and my dad would be, like, arms folded, behind the refs table, just shaking his head in disappointment. And I'm like, I don't know what to say.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Oh, that's so funny.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. Like and and I always love telling this story, so, like, I'll give you an example of how crazy my dad was. I played softball too growing up, and honestly, I probably would have pursued softball if I never found jiu jitsu because I loved it so much.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

And I was really good at it. And we lost a championship game. This is in grade school too, so I'm, like, in 8th grade. So we lost the championship, and it was something like that. Like, I had a good game, but, you know, obviously, it's a softball is, like, a team thing.

Amanda Leve:

And that's another reason why I like jujitsu because or, like, MMA, you're relying on yourself. Yeah. It's a individual sport. It teaches you full accountability. You can't blame anybody else

Dr. JJ Thomas:

A 100%. Yourself.

Amanda Leve:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

And And you also can control yourself. Like, you control what you did leading up to that. Right?

Amanda Leve:

Exactly. So that's why I always tell people, I'm like, put your kid in. Get you wrestling because it's full accountability. Like, you're out there. You either put in the work or you didn't, and then it's also, like, maybe it was your day, maybe it wasn't your day.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

It teaches you just full accountability, a 100%. So, anyway, so we ended up losing. They give us the 2nd place trophies, then everyone's like, oh, let's go get pizza after. Right? My dad, we're walking, and he goes, points to the trash.

Amanda Leve:

He goes, put your throw that, you know, 2nd place away. So what did I do? I went over and I was, like, all for it too. Like, I there was no I didn't know what you said.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

To me. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

Yes. Throw it in the trash, and everyone went to go get pizza, and we went home.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Oh my god. That is hilarious. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

So then I'd like so I had a balance between the both of them. Right? So definitely them, my boyfriend, and then just I was lucky growing up, I was the only girl usually and only kid in like these adult men classes. Right? So I've been to, like, 5 different schools probably over, you know, a course of 16 years of, you know, grappling.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. And I always had guys that were so supportive. Like, I never had a bad never had really bad experiences with men. Yeah. You know, the way they treated me, I they always treated me like I was, like, their little sister.

Amanda Leve:

And, you know, in in the long run, it helped me so much. It made me wanna stay in the sport. Yeah. And it taught me so much in general because, like, they were, you know, so willing to give me information. I had so much information just at my fingertips with, the schools that I went to.

Amanda Leve:

So That's awesome. The amount of men that are in the sport that, you know, treated me well and and kept me going was is so amazing. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's cool. That's fun to see. What about the, like, the like, I remember when you before the before we started recording, we were talking about your, your leg fracture. And what about that? Tell me about that process of, like, dealing and recovering through that.

Amanda Leve:

So that was, like, my first, like, really big injury.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So that was also, like, just shocking because it took me out of, MMA.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I was trying to remember when that was. That was

Amanda Leve:

20 2022. Okay. So, the PFL was was a promotion that I fought for. So they're only seasonal. Like, the UFC's all year round.

Amanda Leve:


Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So the PFL, they do like a season and in this season, you fight like maybe 4 times and you have the chance to win a $1,000,000. And that was gonna be the first season I was in there. Okay. And I broke my leg literally, like, a month before.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So I was just, like, couldn't believe, like, oh my god. This is insane. Right? Like and it was just, like, a fluke thing too. Like, nothing Right.

Amanda Leve:

That I was put in a position that I was in a thousand times. It's not like this girl was, like, wrenching on my leg or anything. She just, like, put some pressure in, like, with her her abdomen, and it just, like, snapped. And it felt, like, so easily it snapped. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

So that's what freaking me out too. And then I'm in England. They're telling me a 6 week recovery, and I was having trouble dealing with that. And then I come back here, they're like, oh, no. No.

Amanda Leve:

No. It's gonna be 6 to 8 months I remember it. Recovery. And I was

Dr. JJ Thomas:

like, what? I know. Isn't life funny, though, the way I do remember. I remember being back in that room talking with you about this, and I remember thinking, like like, life is funny, though, how it almost, I feel like it almost deal most of the time, it gives you information in the in in the steps that you can take it. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because you were out there. You were with your boyfriend.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

He went with you. Right? You wanted to have a good time. Yeah. I'm sure it was it was, like, enough to, like, make you just get off your horse a little bit, but not enough to completely knock you.

Amanda Leve:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

So it was like

Amanda Leve:

a second shot on this, but, oh, yeah. Definitely, like, way worse. And then that recovery was hard because that was, like, depending on everybody. Right? Like, I'm so used to being, like, a go getter.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Right? Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

I don't like to sit still. I'm up early. I'm already working out.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

I'm going to my next workout. Like

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Sit ups and push ups on commercials.

Amanda Leve:

Exactly. So, so that was, like, the first time, like, because you're non weight bearing.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

I couldn't even go to my drawer to get clothes out without someone helping me.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

And, I remember going to my strength and conditioning coach after the surgery, like, a week after, because I was like, I have to get moving. Because, like, I started getting, like, anxiety and depression, which I never had before.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

Which was, like, a full shock to me. Because, like, I used to, like, like, people would always be like, oh, I'm anxious, and I would, like, I could never relate.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

And, I'm like, man, I'll never talk crap about anxiety ever again after that.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's a that's a I think exercise, man. I'm so glad you said that because I think I'm the same way. Like, we both run hot. You know, Joey and Drew, Fuel Hunt guys, they're always like, you JJ vibrates high. You know what I mean?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I feel like you vibrate high. And I think but I'm also so addicted to exercise, and I think that exercise just really maintains my my levels. And yeah.

Amanda Leve:

A 100%. Like, I realized that after my leg break. I was like, oh my gosh. I rely on exercise for so much mentally. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

And I can't believe people just go about their life not exercising. Exactly. That's what

Dr. JJ Thomas:

that's why I was glad you brought it up because I feel like if like, for people that are not already in the habit of exercising, it is such an it's such a great hack to to of exercising, it is such an it's such a great hack to to controlling your mood stability. Yeah. You know? Yeah. So I divert I diverged a little bit from my original points, but I'm glad you brought that up because I think it's important.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. And I remember, like, literally going to strength and conditioning the week after, and, you know, I'm, like, depressed, I'm sad, I'm anxious. And I walked in, and he did not acknowledge my leg leg

Dr. JJ Thomas:

at all. I love it. I remember you saying

Amanda Leve:

that. And it was like He's like, let's go. Yes. And he likes he was like, sit down. I'll be over there in a second.

Amanda Leve:

And it was, like, the thing I needed from from someone. Like, just no one to, like, feel sorry for me. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Because, like,

Amanda Leve:

when I and then that was, like, the other thing too. Like, I hated that everyone was feeling sorry for me Yep. Because then it made me feel, like, pathetic.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Right. But

Amanda Leve:

it was It made you feel weak. Yes. Yeah. And, so it was just, like, the thing I needed. And then after I was starting to work out and feeling good, then he, like, you know, was like, so how are you feeling?

Amanda Leve:

Well Yeah. And, like, we went about Brilliant.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I know. And I'm like How long have you been working with him?

Amanda Leve:

Since 2016. So I actually met him. The UFC has that show, the ultimate fighter. Yeah. And Eddie Alvarez, he's a Philadelphia fighter.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. He, was had had a season that that he was, like, with the coach for that season, and it was a girl season. And I trained, at the same, gym that he was at and they were like, oh, Mandy, you should come out with us, like, for a week, you know, because it's the girl season. You can, like, teach jiu jitsu. I was like, oh, yeah.

Amanda Leve:

Absolutely. So I got to, like, go out to Vegas for a week and he was also Eddie Alvarez's strength and conditioning coach.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Got it.

Amanda Leve:

So I met him out there, and it was, like, funny because, like, it was, like, an apartment style, like, with the the way they had it set up. So it was, like, 2 bedrooms. Me me and him were, like, together.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So funny.

Amanda Leve:

And his wife was, like I remember him telling me that he was with and I was, like, not even 21 at the time. And he's and she's, like, I remember him saying that you're he was with you, and she's, like, I felt so bad because he's so boring, because he and it's not that he's, like, boring. His name

Dr. JJ Thomas:

again? Rich Poehler. Okay.

Amanda Leve:

Okay. So it's not that he's boring. He's just very regimented. Yeah. And you could tell he's just Just disciplined and Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

So disciplined.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

cool. So disciplined. And he's easily one of the best like, I've worked with a couple strength conditioning coach, and the knowledge he has, I love that he, like, stays up to date with knowledges. He'll still go to, like, you know, like, little seminars for things.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. And He has that same it's funny that you say this because this is what what makes athletes like you amazing is the continual, like, thirst for learning more and being more and doing more, and that's what I wanna instill out of clinicians.

Amanda Leve:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

And that's what your strength and conditioning

Amanda Leve:

admire you, and that's why I love coming here because I know I can trust you guys because you guys are constantly looking for, like, the the more inform

Dr. JJ Thomas:

more information. Same. I mean, we're literally like, our passion is the same. Our passion is, like, growth and excellence and right? And Yep.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It sounds like Rich is the same way. That's so cool.

Amanda Leve:

And I'm, like, lucky because jujitsu has been such an avenue of finding these people who are so good at their craft or what they do. Yeah. And then it just makes me also just, like, gravitate towards them. Right? So, like, I will always, like, recommend people towards you because I know what you guys are doing here, and

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I That's sweet.

Amanda Leve:

Guess. I, like, I love what you guys are doing here. Thanks.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

then, like, same thing with Rich. Like, I love what he does. I love how disciplined he is. I love his programs. I will always send people to Rich because I just the knowledge is just insane.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And he's living it.

Amanda Leve:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. It's so cool.

Amanda Leve:

And it's not just, like, strength and conditioning stuff. I it's, like, he'll do that functional movement stuff. Yes. And I love that too. And I'm like so I don't feel like I'm ever just, like, lifting heavy and, like, it has no purpose.

Amanda Leve:

Yes. You know?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yes. You, I so I was actually gonna ask you about, like, your things that you do for because other than other than the bad news about the aneurysm and the leg fracture, you've been, knock on wood, pretty healthy.

Amanda Leve:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, haven't had a lot of injuries, and I was thinking about things I wanted to talk to you about on today's show. And I was thinking, well, recovery for sure. Like, how, you know, how do you what what advice do you give yourself or what advice do you give others on recovery?

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. So, I mean, if I'm feeling like crap, I won't do anything. Like, I'm, like, very, like

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Listen to your body. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

I have no issue with taking a day off. Like, people are like, oh, like, if I feel like crap, I'm not going. Smart. Yeah. And, you know, if I get feel like if something's tweaked, again, I'm literally proactively seeking

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

Something out. So those two things are, like, key for me. I do the cold plunge and sauna, but that has been a more recent thing.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

I think for the most part, it was just, like, knowing when to listen to your body and good sleep. Like, I'm big on getting sleep.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's awesome.

Amanda Leve:

And, like, I have no problem leaving parties early.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

I'm more of a morning person anyway, so I don't really like staying up late, and sleep has always been such a key for me. I never had issues with sleep. Thank god. Yeah. So, you know, once I hit the pillow, I'm out.

Amanda Leve:

Like, so I think good sleep and, like, knowing when to

Dr. JJ Thomas:

take off, like, nothing it's nothing crazy. No. But it's consistency. Yeah. It's like everything else that like, every everything else in life that turns into something excellent is is like the the the good the basics done well.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Right? Like, sleep is a basic thing. Eating is a basic thing. That's awesome. I love hearing that.

Amanda Leve:

Which like, even my jiu jitsu game is, like I always say it's, like, so basic. And everyone's like, no. Stop. I'm like, no. But it is.

Amanda Leve:

And then, Rob Shire from Precision, he'll always be like, it's basic, but, like, you're, like, still complex at the same time. But I'm like, yeah. I'm like, my game's so basic.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's awesome.

Amanda Leve:

I love the basics of everything. I'm just a simple

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's smart. Everything's simple.

Amanda Leve:

Yes. Exactly.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I even, like yeah. I was I was telling Tim Anna that I watched the Gabby, the Gabby Arcia fight again this morning just in preparation. Just wanted to I'd watched it originally before and, sort of that epic fight. And I was thinking, like, you even in that, like, you did the you you did the you stuck to the basics, and you did them really well. And it paid off.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And, I hope we get to see more of that. Yes. I do.

Amanda Leve:

So yeah. So, again, like, just basics, like, won that fight.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Right? Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

Like and, my dad like roaches all the time because obviously he's my dad too. So I'm like, Yeah. What you fuck the other day again? Blah blah. He's like, no.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I just

Amanda Leve:

can't believe, like, how, like, you just use, like, simple jiu jitsu. He's like, it's literally the perfect demonstration of grappling.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

And I'm like, yeah. I'm like, it really it really is.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And also, we talked a little bit about this before, but I wanna I wanna say it for the benefit of the audience is, like, the other piece besides the technical jujitsu, the the basic technical jujitsu in in that match, the I think the the mindset in there is so incredible that you that you instilled. Like, I'm watching I was watching this fight again this morning, and I was like, man, like, the size difference that I noticed just from watching the screen, I was like, I I'm a pretty confident, not easily scared person. And I'm like, oh my god. I'm watching. I'm like, I don't know how Amanda is mean being so composed.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And, I think this is where you're saying, like, maybe the MMA background.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. Absolutely. So also, though, I started working with a mindset coach a month before that. Oh, that's awesome. So my first professional MMA fight was a month before.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

And then so I did ADCC worlds, which is like a big grappling tournament for, the audience. But, I so I won the trials for that. I went to that.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And that was 2019. Right? Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

And I competed like crap. And I was, like, to the point. I'm like, did I even show up? Like, it was just, like, such a bet.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It was a fun day. Feel good

Amanda Leve:

warming up. Like, I went out there and just, like, competed like crap. And I'm like, that's weird. And then I just couldn't get on a groove. Right?

Amanda Leve:

I was, like, stuck in this, like, weird just couldn't get myself going in these competitions. And, my boyfriend was like, can you please just talk to this mindset coach?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Can you please

Amanda Leve:

just talk to this mindset coach? So I end up talking to this mindset coach, and this is like 10 days before my actually, no. It was actually sooner. So my it was, like, the week of before my fight.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

And they switched my opponent last minute. So everyone was, like, also semi panicking that I was, like,

Dr. JJ Thomas:

gonna panic. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. You got it?

Amanda Leve:

Because they were like, oh, your fight's called off. And again, I'm, like, upset because I've again, I've been waiting for this for so long. Right. And now you're gonna tell me that I just had a full training camp. Right?

Amanda Leve:

And training camps aren't easy. Right. You're training, like, 3 times a day. You're eating super clean.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Right. You're ready. Yes.

Amanda Leve:

Everything you're doing is just for this, you know,

Dr. JJ Thomas:

culminating a match.

Amanda Leve:

Minute match. Right? So, they told me I don't have an opponent, so I'm, like, all upset. And then they're, like, oh, we found an opponent. So then everyone's, like, nervous about

Dr. JJ Thomas:

my whole, like, headspace. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

So I, like, end up talking to this mindset coach, and he gives me, like, these couple principles. And I kid you not, I literally, like, wish someone would've told me how to prep my mind before competitions when I was, like, a child.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's so cool.

Amanda Leve:

And yeah. So now, like, that I I coach, I coach, like, every other Monday at this one school, and a a lot of the kids compete it. And I'm, like, teaching them

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's so cool.

Amanda Leve:

Like, little tricks that just help me when I'm about to compete. Yeah. I'm like, I want them to understand. You know? It's so much more mental than most people believe it is.

Amanda Leve:

And I think now it's like that that new wave of athletes is kicking in where, you know, they are the ones seeking knowledge, and now they're starting to understand how much the mindset plays into

Dr. JJ Thomas:

100%. Grappling, competing, and anything. And anything. Yes. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

Yes. So, like, again, just these little principles, like, you know, like, these mantras you say to yourself, and then basically just controlling your thoughts. Like, I would like, he, the mindset guy, his name is, Mike Mike Moore. He was basically saying, like, you know, when you compete, you have to keep your thoughts. Right?

Amanda Leve:

Like, it's almost like driving, Like, keeping them in between the lines. Yeah. If you start to rear off,

Dr. JJ Thomas:

like Smart. You're gonna hit a tree.

Amanda Leve:

Yes. Exactly. So yes. Exactly. So, you know, steer your thoughts back into, like, the middle of the lane.

Amanda Leve:

Like, you know, you gotta control where your thought processes are going. Yeah. And, so, like, that's what I just started doing. Like, okay. I'm I'll never say I'm nervous.

Amanda Leve:

I say I'm excited. I don't have to compete. I get to compete. Like, just those little things make such a difference people don't even realize. And, obviously, like, it's like buying into it too for, like, anything.

Amanda Leve:

Like, you have to believe in it.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

So and that's what I did. I just, like, fully absorbed into this. Like, whatever he was telling me, I was like, I am getting buying into this a 1000%. Yeah. And he was just saying, you know, how he'll get, like, a lot of, like, top athletes who won't buy into the program, and

Dr. JJ Thomas:

how, like, it just, like Doesn't work.

Amanda Leve:

Doesn't work for them. And he was saying how, like, when people, like, absorb themselves into it, it works. And then I'm, like, here I am. I wouldn't mind.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I'm ready. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

Just a couple principles. I, won my MMA fight, and then I won the match against Gabby.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. That I can it's funny because now that you say that, like, I remember watching the fight then and now thinking, like, wow. Like, you clearly like, you redirect every I could almost see you staying now that you put it in that perspective about staying in the lanes, I I can see that. Like, you there were many times where you guys, like, veered off, and then you just went back went right back to, like, no. This is my plan.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

This is my road, and you finished it. It's so cool.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. And then, like, even my first professional fight, one of the my favorite practices he had me do was he had me write down all my fears, and then, like, before we, like you know, just say, like, the morning of my fight, he had me burn the paper.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yes. And when

Amanda Leve:

I burn the paper, I have to let all that go, let all the outcomes go and just get ready. And I was, like, honestly, it was such a practice. Like, it was it actually felt, like, so great.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's like ritualistic. Exactly. I mean, this is what tribes like, this is what tribes would do before Yeah. Big wars. Right?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Mhmm. Wow. That's so cool.

Amanda Leve:

Yeah. So it was, like, one of my favorite, like, things that he's he he recommended.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And how so what's the cadence of working with someone like that? Like, for you, how does that

Amanda Leve:

so basically, he would talk to me once a week. Yeah. Leading up to, like, whatever. I don't work with him now, just because, like, I was injured and then Yeah. I just got, got like, he's we still are in touch and stuff.

Amanda Leve:

We talk. But, for the most part, like, I feel like I have, like, pretty much all the principles down to begin with. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's kinda like

Amanda Leve:

feel confident. Yes.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, we give like, there are times where you have to come once a week, whatever, and we're giving you and we're like, okay. You're doing that exercise. You look good with that exercise. Let's give you this one. And then at some point, you're Good.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

You're doing these on your own. Right? Exactly. That's awesome.

Amanda Leve:

So I would work with him once a week, and, you know, he would just, like, talk me through it. We would talk about, like, you know, what I'm nervous for, what am I prepping for. And then again, like, one another practice he had me do was just, like, comparing the my worst fight to my best fight. Right? And, you know, how I was feeling during my best fight, how I was feeling during my my worst fight, what I was thinking beforehand, how where I was in my life, and just, like Wow.

Amanda Leve:

The the the stark differences are pretty insane

Dr. JJ Thomas:

when you,

Amanda Leve:

like, actually write it down on paper. Like, I couldn't even believe how different they were. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Much it just put a scope on it. Right?

Amanda Leve:

Yes. So that was such a cool practice, But yeah. So I would just work with someone's week leading up to a match, and, it would just definitely, you know, help

Dr. JJ Thomas:

with the rest. Yeah. That's cool. Well, guys, this has been awesome. Thank you so much, Amanda.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I think for the clinicians listening, I think you can take so many of the principles that Amanda uses to excel in her sport and craft and in life and apply it to your business or apply it to working with your patients. I do one last question for you if, for the clinicians. Is there any other like, are there any advice you could give clinicians who wanna, excel themselves in working with high level athletes like you? Like, anything that comes to mind in terms of, just their own success as a clinician?

Amanda Leve:

I think the way you guys go about being super supportive and, like, immersing yourself into these different, like, sports. Like, I feel like you guys are, like, in the like, the way you guys injected yourself into, like, the jiu jitsu community. Right? Like, I know so many jiu jitsu people that come to you guys now. Yeah.

Amanda Leve:

I love that you guys are just, like, so supportive. You guys, you know, support the athletes on Instagram, and I just love the way that you guys go about that for sure. Thanks. And I would probably say, honestly, the way you guys keep your knowledge is Thanks. Is admirable, especially to a an athlete who is very good at their craft.

Amanda Leve:

Watching you guys do your craft, it's just like, like, real recognizes real.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Amanda Leve:

Right? Aw.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's awesome. So, that's

Amanda Leve:

another another key for me.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Well, thank you. I, I like I said, it's mutual. And I think the what that highlights to me, if you're if you wanna get into working with jiu jitsu athletes, I mean, I think what it comes down to is, like, we are immersed in that community because we do love that community. Like, we have a passion for that. And I would say, echoing what Amanda just said is, like, whatever your passion is, be true to that as clinicians, and I think that that's gonna come out in your work.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And so, you know, don't chase after what seems shiny because you think it's gonna, you know, bring in numbers. Chase after what you truly love and it'll show in your work. And and and I think you'll be successful at it. So that's that's my advice, echoing what Amanda said. And thank you so much.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I look forward to watching you more. Thank you. And good luck at at West Coast Trials. Thank you. And I hope to see you at worlds.

Amanda Leve:

Yes. Thank you.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Thanks again, guys. Tune in for more episodes and more great athletes like Amanda, and don't miss our clinical rounds as well. Don't forget to hit subscribe so that you don't miss out on any of our clinical advice either. Take care.