The Lucas Skrobot Show

If you don't hate bloodshed, blood shall pursue you.

Show Notes

Time Stamps
Do Not Align with Spirit of War 0:00
What can we personally do? 03:27
If you do no hate bloodshed bloodshed will pursue you. 04:00
US Social Media pundits merely taking the opposite side of Liberal Agenda 06:40
Refugee Crisis 08:46
Is Trump Pro Putin? No. 10:44
Why do some people find themselves sympathetic to Putin? 11:56
Who will stand up to Putin? Really? 13:00
WIll mere sanctions work? 13:42
Careful how you align in the spirit realm. 14:51
Should we be anti Russia pro Zelinsky in the spirit of war? 16:59
Mass destruction in Ukraine of neighborhoods 19:22
Teenage Russia Soldiers throught they were on training. 20:53
VP Kamala Harris explains Ukraine. 21:45
Don't talk down to your audience. 24:27
Why (according to Russia) is Russia invading Ukraine? 25:55
Putin sees an opportunity to reshape map--no one willing to stop him. 29:02
SWIFT blocked, will it lead to new world currency? 30:36
What is Russia's Ultimate Goal? 33:57
Yeah That Makes Sense 39:13
NWO/OWG and Russell Brand 39:31
New One World Religion coming 44:38
Value for Value 47:58
Weaver and Loom 49:21
Share and ask questions at +1-202-922-0220 on whatapp. 51:17

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Don't align with the spirit of war.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot and you're
listening to the Lucas Skrobot

show where we uncover purpose, pursue
truth and own the future episode 272.

It is March 3rd, 2022, and we are
hopefully not entering into the beginnings

of war war three in Shaw, a law this.

Between Russia and Ukraine
will fizzle fizzle out.

But, uh, I don't know if
that's going to be the case.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Uh, man, before we get, we are
going to give a very shallow dive.

Really the, the, the conflict in
Eastern Europe with the Slavic nation.

The more that I agreed, the
more that I look, the more

confusing it really seems to be.

We are going to touch on it a
little bit, but before we get into

the geopolitical hubbub, blah, of
what is happening, what's going on?

Uh, yes.

It's important.


It's concerning.


We need to be aware.


We shouldn't be naive and stupid
to what is happening in the

world and why it has happened.

But before we get to that,
there's something more important,

which is do not come into
agreement with the spirit of war.

Do not come into agreement with the
shedding of innocent blood with bloodshed.

Do not align yourself with that.

When we align ourselves with the spirit
of war, when we align ourselves with

the shedding of innocent blood, when
we align ourselves, With an ideology

or even it's really it's this it's a
spiritual force, a spiritual force that

says it is, it is okay in good to, to
wage war and to shed innocent blood of,

of not only civilians, but military.

And what we're seeing right
now in Ukraine is devastating.

And it really could only
be the beginning of.

You probably know Russia has put their
nuclear missiles on full ready alert.

It's not a good sign.

Definitely not a good sign is, is Putin.

Has he gone completely mad and crazy?

Will he restrain himself?

Will this fizzle out?

Or as he continues to lose this
battle as he he's winning on some

fronts and we'll get into that.

But as he continues to.

Lose ground in many ways, whether it's
economic or, uh, PR or perspective

of, of the global leaders or if
it's actually the operations in

Ukraine is not going as he likes.

Is he going to continue to escalate?

Because if it does, if NATO gets
involved, we will be back into a

world war because that means China
will be pulled in to fight alongside.

Of Russia.

And that is going to be a
massive, massive global conflict,

which everyone wants to avoid.

But for what we can do as our
personal associates, you know, I,

I'm not sitting in Putin's ear.

He has not emailed me yet.

I I've been looking at my phone every
day, waiting for the text message from

Putin, where, uh, I let him know that.

This is what you should do,
Putin, but he's not calling me.

He's not going to this channel and asking
for our advice or your advice I'd imagine.

So what can you do first and
foremost, do not align with

the spirit of war I've seen.

We saw it with Israel versus Hamas.

There were so many people
that I personally know who

were hardcore aligning with.

Wasn't just like, yeah, I don't,
I don't like what's happening.

I wish we could find peace and it
wished there could not be bloodshed,

but it was full on alignment with Hamas,
indiscriminately dropping bombs on people,

indiscriminately sending hundreds and
thousands of missiles into the green

zone in Palestine, Israel indiscretion.

In this Hamas is our only hope we saw.

We saw in the alignment of the spirit
of war with again, many people backing

the Taliban, but the number of people
that I know who are actually really

pro Taliban in this current conflict,
and really quietly celebrating and

congratulating, the Taliban's overthrow
of their government, including hundreds,

if not thousands of lives that have been.

At the hands of the Taliban and millions,
hundreds of thousands, if not millions of

people who have fled and become refugees
now in surrounding nations and getting

flights out and the amount of operations
that have gone into restaurant, yes.

Rescuing people out of Afghanistan is.

But the number of people who actually
really praising the Taliban, why?

Because they're cut from the same cloth
as Hamas, which is we are going to

shed innocent blood, do get our way to
see our, our, our vision of the world.

Come to pass to see our
worldview come to pass.

Now, again, America is also
guilty of this in the Iraq war.

Weapons of mass destruction.

We all remember.

I know, I know people who were
recommending to the U S government seemed,

do not invade Iraq, do not evade Iraq.

Saddam is changing.

If we, if we invade it will leave a
power vacuum, but we did America did.

And that is blood on our hands.

Not hating the shedding of innocent.

And now the same thing is beginning
to happen between Russia and

Ukraine and goodness gracious.

Honestly, I have not posted a
thing on, on the social medias

about this, uh, largely being.

It just, I don't feel like I have anything
that's profound enough to say or repeat.

And the American pundants that the IC
Wayne in on this information, they just

seem to be taking what MSNBC is saying.

Saying, well, MSNBC, B, C, and every
other news or organization has been

lying to us for the past two, three
years, if not more with their propaganda.

Why do we think that they're going
to tell the truth to us now, and

therefore they are actually becoming
pro Putin in this whole conflict.

They they're saying actually.

This is someone said this, I was kind
of bottled, actually pooped in is going

in and emptying the swamp of Ukraine
and the deep state that is affecting

American politics in one world government.

It's like, okay.

I think you're reading your cue and U
S political lens, a little too much.

And what's happening with Putin and
Ukraine and NATO a little bit too much.

Now I'm not, as you know, I'm not the
biggest, I'm not the biggest fan of NATO.

I'm not the biggest fan of the liberal
propaganda, the liberal agenda, the

alphabet agenda that is being pushed
not only by NATO, but those in it by.

The progressivism.

I'm not a big fan.

So I know I've seen and read a lot
of people actually falling on a pro

Putin side pro spirit of war side,
actually say, no, they should go in

because really they're stopping NATO
in the one world government agenda.

And it's murmur.

It's insane as much as
I may not agree with.

With some things that have happened in
Ukraine, as much as I might not agree

with NATO, I am still not going to come
into alignment with the spirit of war.

There has been thousands who
have been killed in Ukraine.

There are hundreds of thousands
of refugees who have fled

into nations like Poland.

Now, ironically, again, people
are complaining that, oh,

well, Poland was resisting.

To Syrian refugees coming, but now they're
accepting Ukrainian refugees, which

is, you know, in some ways, yes, people
are people, but there is a big ethnic

difference between Syrians, fleeing,
Syria and Ukrainians fleeing Ukraine

into their neighboring country of Poland.

I've seen multiple people mentioned that.

And my art, my argument is
before you point the finger, my

mom would always teach me this.

When you, when you point the finger
at someone there's three or four

fingers that are pointing back at you.

And so pull the log out of your
own eye before you begin to

criticize and pull, try to pull a
splinter out of someone else's eye.

Because the places that I have
seen people complain about.

As far as to my knowledge have not taken
any refugees from Syria, I have not

taken any refugees from Afghanistan have
not taken any refugees from Palestine.

So put putting that out there.

If you're going to complain about a
European nation now taking refugees

from their neighbor, but you
won't take refugees from your own

neighbor, man, something's broken.

Something's broken into thinking, uh, I
don't know what else to say about that.

So I think a lot of the pro Putin
stuff that we're seeing is a knee

jerk reaction to the globalist
agenda, which is being continued to

be pushed out by mainstream media.

And so people are just not
understanding the true nature of

this conflict immediately just
jumped to the opposite side of the.

Their opponents are saying, and just
so happens that it is the bite, the

Biden administration in right now.

And the Biden administration of
course, is standing against Putin.

And for Ukraine, just as you know,
there's accusations that president

former president Donald Trump
was also were not also was, was

praising Putin and being pro Putin.

When really what president
Donald Trump said.

Putin is playing Biden like a drunk.

And then he went on to condemn Putin.

So Trump is not pro Putin, but
people for some reason are liking

to paint the conservative right
in America as being pro Putin.

But rest, I don't know, rest assured
surely there are people who are, but

I would say do not come into agreement
or alignment with that just because

the Biden administration, right.

Is rightly so siding
with NATO and Ukraine.

Now I understand why some
people might find themselves

sympathetic to Putin's agenda.

It can easily be painted that Putin's
agenda is against the new world.

Order is against the one world
government that Putin's agenda

is against a single polar world.

We need that there's only one power source
and is looking to bring power and glory

back to Russia and back to the east.

And this is happening.

We are already seeing a power swing
away from the west to the east.

To Asia, to Russia, where we're
seeing a shift of what's happening.

And we've been talking about it
even since, before what happened in

Afghanistan, but these things, these
things will continue as the power balances

have shifted, shifted geopolitically
since America is pulled out of

Afghanistan, it's it started well before.

But it was really clear with
what happened in Afghanistan.

I think one of the reasons that Putin
right now is being so bold is that who,

who is going to stand up to him right
now, who is standing up to him and

this war who Salinsky, the president of
Ukraine is being painted as a war hero

in standing up saying, I'm not going
to run, send us guns to defend the.

But Ukraine is not part of NATO.

So there's not an obligation
for NATO to step in.

People in Europe and America are putting
an enormous amount of sanctions and

pressure against Putin and against Russia.

But I'm not convinced that
they're working, not convinced

that they're working at all.

For instance, during the cold war.

America put a sanction against Russia.

Seeing that American farmers were
not permitted and not allowed to

sell their crops, their wheat to
Russia, to the USSR for obstruction.

They said you're not allowed to sell well.

What, what did Russia do?

Did they starve?

Did the USS starve?

No, they found Argentina and they
cut a great deal with Argentina.

The American farmers.

And Argentina had a really nice economic
boom and the USSR still got their food.

Well, now there's all these embargoes.

There's all these sanctions
they're being placed on Russia.

And all that it will do is throw
Russia even further into the arms

of China, China, China, China.

Oh, so some have aligned with
Solinsky in this again, this is

still on this first point of do not
come into agreement and alignment

with the shedding of innocent blood.

Do not do it because when we do
it, it opens up doors in our life.

In the spirit realm for attacks
do come against us for schemes

to be placed up against us.

It opens us up to, to, uh,
physical ailments in our.

Maybe this is kind of like
boom out there, but it's true.

When we come into alignment with ideas,
with thoughts with ideologies, when

we come into alignment with those
things, we, we get to the point where

our thoughts become our emotions,
our emotions, and this nice little

sticker here says, watch your thoughts
because your thoughts, your thoughts.

Become your emotions, your emotions
become your actions and your

actions become your thoughts.

When you come into agreement with
a thought in the spirit, in the

ether, it opens you up to eight,
that stream of not only thoughts

and belief, but emotion and action.

So it manifests in the physical
when we come into agreement with

ideas, but also it opens us up to.

The spiritual and spiritual and
demonic attacks that come through

alignment in agreement with darkness
and the shedding of innocent blood

is in alignment with darkness.

It is alignment with . It is alignment
with the demonic realm just as coming to

agreement with abortion is coming to an
alignment with the demonic grounds, such

as coming to agreement with pornography is
coming into alignment with demonic ground.

Cause that's all sex and human trials.

The enslavement of the human soul.

Another one is the spirit of
war and the shedding of innocent

blood that comes with war.

Yes, there is just war.


There are causes and times where nations
need to stand up and defend themselves.

But a lot of people are faulting
Salinsky as well in this.

He is handing out AK 40 sevens
to civilians and constricting

civilians into the army to defend
themselves against Ukraine.

And again, a lot of right right-winged
people are saying, see, look, this

is why we all civilians need to
have guns because the first thing

that happens in war is you give out
argument to your civilian population.

You know what I'm, I'm all for
the, the American second amendment.

I'm all for owning arms.

I don't personally own any arms
because I don't live in America,

but if I did, I probably would
definitely get some firearms.

I would love to get into hunting.

It just hasn't, it's just, hasn't
been in the cards yet, so to

speak, however, there's a problem.

I think there's a pretty dark sinister.

When the government is just
indiscriminately handing out AK 40

sevens to their civilian population,
because what happens when the trained

Russian army comes in and is met by
a civilian force, who's going to win

a trained military person or me who I
just picked up the, an AK 47 yesterday.

I have no idea what I'm doing.


No I'm going to die.

If I engage the military in that way.

And then it makes great PR makes
great PR for the Ukraine of St.

Look, they're killing all our civilians.

Look at this civilians dead in the street.

So it seems that that was
a point that was made.

Again, that point was probably
not only made by a pro Putin

people, but it really did convince.

When I read that argument, if it's, it is
using a civilian population for propaganda

saying, if we can have a massacre of
civilians, then we can have a great reason

for other nations to come to our aid.

Not saying that they don't need
aid, they need a lot of aid.

And clearly would, there is
video after video, after video.

Of Ukrainian cities and streets
destroyed one of my good friends,

Mike, he was just in the Ukraine.

Who's been in the train for months.

He happened to leave just two or three
days before the war broke out and

he was posting videos and trying to
get him on the show is a little tied

up right now, uh, with all of what's
happening, but he was showing videos.

Of streets that he lived on just totally
shut out his, his apartment building.

Shout out, not just with small
rifle, ammunitions, but 50 caliber

guns bullets, just rip through the
apartment that he was staying in just

weeks, just a week and a half ago.

Hundreds of people in bomb shelters
in subways, our neighbor Ukrainian

neighbor here in the middle east
Ukrainian for family, just sleeping

and hiding in bomb shelters.

This is war.

And when you align with war,
you are aligning with the

shedding of innocent blood.

Likewise, on Putin.

Videos coming out of 18 year old
soldiers who thought that they were

going on training ops training missions.

And next thing they know they're
invading a neighboring country.

They have no idea what
they're doing there.

They have teenage kids for being
killed in the Russian military, who,

who surrender to Ukraine and the.

The civilian populations are,
are feeding them face Tam timing

there, their family back in Russia.

They're just kids.

They have, they have no
idea what they're doing.

Putin is just come unhinged, unhinged.


So if Putin is really unhinged,
then what, why is this.

It's just this insanity is Putin, just
being crazy that had, he had no reason

whatsoever to go into the Ukraine.

Is that the story that's being told?

Do we, do we even really
understand why this happened?

Well, we turned to Madame vice
president, Kamala Harris, and she, uh,

she was invited on the morning hustle,
which is a radio show in America.

And she was asked to break down.

The geopolitical
situation that's happened.

There between the Ukraine and Russia, what
is really happening here is Kamala Harris.

If you're watching any level of news,
even social media, you've seen everything

that's going on right now in the Ukraine.

Break it down to layman's terms for people
who don't understand what's going on and

how can this directly affect the people?

The United States, Ukraine
is a country in Europe.

It is.

Next to another country called Russia.

Russia is a bigger country.

Russia is a powerful country.

Russia decided to invade a
smaller country called Ukraine.

So basically that's wrong.


Basically, that's wrong.

This is, this makes me worry.

I wonder.

Does she know, does she
know what's going on?

Because my, my nine and
seven year old have a better.

On where you, crane is what Ukraine
is, why there's the conflict between

Russia and Ukraine than this.

Th the fact that the vice-president
of the United States is describing

the conflict as there's Ukraine, which
is a country in Europe and next to

another country, Russia, it's bigger.

And the bigger country invaded the
smaller country and that's wrong.

Well, why is that wrong?

Is that wrong?

I don't know.

Why is that wrong?

Oh, is it.

The country was bigger.

So a bigger country can't invade a
smaller country, but a smaller country,

a smaller country can invade a bigger
country, of course, cause that's what

critical race theory and intersection
Nally believes that if you are a minority,

if you are further down on the totem
pole, if you are a more of an oppressed

person or peoples or identity, If you
are, the smaller nation will, then

your vantage point is always correct.

And you can do no harm because you
can't be racist as an oppressed

member of the alphabet because you're
at the bottom of the totem pole.

And therefore your version of truth is
a better version of truth and you can

discriminate all you want is that's.

What is that?

What's happening?

No, this is a.

That that is the description.

And yeah, I was recently engaging
with, uh, a different show and

we're talking about, you know, some
content direction and the host of

the show was saying, you know, this
is you just got to dumb it down.

These are rich, real simple people
that we're talking to real simple,

you know, just got to keep it
really vanilla, plain simple.

They don't understand a lot.

And I was like, man, that's a terrible.

Even if it might be true.

I mean, I'm a simpleton.

I mean, I'm going to, I'll make
a confession to you right now.

I had to look up to make sure that
America's part of NATO, right?

Yeah, totally is okay.

There's who, who else is of
the 30 countries in NATO?

I I'm a simple person.

I don't remember all these
facts off the top of my head.

I have a list of facts that I need
to remember when it presented.

But when we talk down to our audiences
and if I were to talk down to you, that

would be insulting being condescending.

And I know that you have the capacity and
the ability, and I'm probably much smarter

than me on many of these topics that
we talk about, which is why you listen.

Oh, okay.

So what are some of the.

Russia's reasons right or
wrong Putin's reasons right

or wrong for invading Russia?

Well, Connell McGregor, who was
a former Trump general was on

TV in America a few weeks ago.

Now weeks ago, a few days ago.

Gosh, it feels like this
conflict has happened for a week.

And there was a list of
points that he made of why.

Russia was invading Ukraine.

One, Russia is just carrying on the red
line that they made 15 years ago that

they will not tolerate nuclear missiles
on the border of the country of Russia.

And just as Putin right now that Putin
is quote unquote adverting to Cuba Cuban

missile crisis by taking action just
as America would not tolerate Russia.

Nuclear missiles in Cuba saying
that that is a direct that poses,

a direct threat to our nation.

So Putin is saying what is happening
in Ukraine with Ukraine seeking to

join the EU with Ukraine, seeking to
join NATO with Ukraine they're being

accused of genocide and dumb boss.


And other European sources and Ukraine
saying there is no genocide going on, but

Russia is insisting that there has been
a genocide going on with thousands of

people being murdered since 2014 in Dumbo.

And so Russia is coming in and saying,
there's a genocide that we're stopping.

There is a large swath of Eastern
Ukraine that identifies as Russian.

They are Slavic people.

They're slob people.

There are no different than Russia.

Russia should be United.

The rush people should be United as one.

And therefore we're going into save our
people from this liberal NATO agenda.

This alphabet.

Third point.

They're saying that Russia has
legitimate security concerns that

were ignored, which is the joining of
NATO among many of the other factors.

I I'm just not smart enough to know
because I have not studied Russian

geopolitical, uh, happenings in
the Slavic nations for decades.

That's as I said, that Russia would
not allow under any circumstances

whatsoever for Ukraine to join NATO.

And Ukraine is on the
verge of joining NATO.

And even in this, they have
been pushing hard to get there.

Their process of joining NATO
pushed through so that they

can pull on the allies of NATO,
which would send the world.

World war three, it truly would.

Turkey would have to decide
whether they're going to Turkey.

A member of NATO would have to
decide whether they were going to

side with Russia or if they would
side with NATO in this conflict.

China would of course come
to Russia side in eight.

So, but there's no.

Th the other reason I think that Putin
is doing this is because he knows,

he knows that he can, you did it with
premier in 2014, he, he was able to

continue to push an annex more land.

And right now they're saying
we're, we're going in.

We're going to keep the
infrastructure in place.

They're not just trying
to bomb everything.

They're trying to keep the
infrastructure in place.

Isolate the Ukrainian.

Boil them out so that they surrender so
that they can overthrow the Ukrainian

government change the state structure
of Ukraine so that it cannot rejoin

or, and go towards NATO and put in a
puppet regime, a puppet government that

is essentially an extension of Russia
to bring back the glory of the USSR

and begin to reunite the Slav people.

This is.

Their goal.

And I think Putin has seen a
window that there is, there is no

leader in the quote unquote free
world who is willing to stand up.

There is no one right now who's willing to
pull the world back into world war three.

He knows that no, one's
going to engage with them.

So what is the west doing
while they're doing sanctions?

As I mentioned that the
first sanction was that the.

The sanction back in during
the cold war, it didn't work.

Many people think that these sanctions
are weak and are not going to work.

Another thing that they did the
west has done is cut off a number

of Russian sources or banks
targeting key banks from swift.

What is swift?

Swift is a.

Um, messaging system that banks
use to confirm wire transfer.

So if all of a sudden all the large
portion of the banks, I don't know

if it's all the banks or just a large
portion of the banks in Europe or Russia.

Excuse me.

Was cutoff it's unclear.

I'm unclear.

Swift is the platform that most
of the banks use worldwide.

It inhibits them from making
any sort of economic trends.

In Russia for the entire population
that the economy has crashed.

Ruble is now worth 1 cent, a hundredth of
a us dollar, which is now causing Russia

to turn towards, back towards the gold
standard and saying, Hey, we were removing

VAT from attacks, from buying gold.

So now instead of you feeling like
you have to store your wealth and

your money in us dollars, Which the
Russian people would frequently do.

Now you can store it and goals
to come to the bank, buy gold

bullion, and you can store your
money in gold, which is essentially

going back to the gold standard.

If Russia leaves the U S dollar and
turns to China between Russia and

China, they could leave the U S dollar
in create their own digital currency,

which is already being created in China.

The Chinese digital.

And we could begin to see a, a downfall
of the strength of the U S dollar as the

primary currency of the world, leading
to an economic crash in Europe and

America and the what the establishment
of a new world order the establishment

of a new one world digital currency,
the establishment of a new one world.

Brusha also supplies, an enormous
amount of natural gas to Europe.

They can easily turn that off and switch
it so that all the gas is going to China.

We really could see the
birth of a multipolar world.

We're already seen it where Europe
and Russia and China, the east and the

west become more and more divided and
working less and less with each other.

Now that the.

The GDP of Russia really is not that big.

That the economy as a whole
is about $1.4 trillion a year.

That might sound like a lot, but the state
of Florida, the state of Florida, not the

whole country of America, just the state
of Florida is just shy of $1 trillion.

So Russia and Florida have a
similar size of economy, but it's

still very big on the worlds.

As far as a political power,
they have a ton of weapontry.

They have a ton of military.

They have a ton of strength and
they should not be underestimated.

Well, Russia, Russia, news sources,
Russia, government controlled news source.

The R I a published an article a
few days ago about the war, but they

actually publish it a little too soon.

They wrote this with.

For the event of Russia winning this
war in Ukraine and to be published

at the end of it, they published it
too soon and then they took it down.

But as I was reading this, I thought this
really explains what Russia is seeking to

do in Ukraine and what their goals are.

I want to read a few different
excerpts from this article says

a new world is being born before.

Russia's military operation has ushered
in a new era in three dimensions.

And of course in the fourth dimension,
Russian here begins a new period,

both in ideological and the very
model of our social economic system.

But this should be discussed separately.

A little later.

Russia restores the unity of the tragedy
of 1991, this terrible catastrophe in

our history and unnatural dislocation.

Has been overcome what's this unity of
1991 was when the USSR finally fell.

The flag of a sickle and hammer was pulled
down for the last time over the USSR.

And the, the Soviet block was split up
into a number of different states in

different countries, including Ukraine,
checklists of archaea, though, the

reus, these, these blocks, um, Azure.

These blocks all formed
into independent countries.

Their goal right now, Putin school
is to re unite the USSR, maybe

not under one political fag, but
working as in unity and harmony with

each other, go on and a little bit
towards the bottom of the article.

I said, it's, now this
problem does not exist.

The problem of, of.

Ukraine being consolidated by
the west and brushes and the

Slavics people being broken up.

Ukraine has returned to Russia.

They write this does not mean its
statehood would be liquidated,

meaning they might keep Russia or
Ukraine, excuse me, as a nation state

still, but it will be restructured,
reestablished and returned to its

natural state part of the Russian war.

Within what borders in what form
the union with Russia will be fixed

through, uh, the Eurasian union or
the union state, Russia and Belarus,

essentially creating a new Alliance, a
new polar Alliance, a new nation that

is made up of states almost like the.

This will be decided after the history
of Ukraine as an anti Russia member

has ended in any case, the period
of the split of the Russian people

is coming to an end and here begins
the second dimension of the new era.

It concerns Russia's relationship
with the west, not even Russia,

but the Russian world that is three
states, Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine

acting geopolitically as a single.

These relations have entered a new
stage west sees Russia's return to

its historical borders in Europe
and the west loudly presents this.

Although deep down it must admit to
itself that could not have been, otherwise

it ends with this.

The world has changed and this is well
understood, not by only Europeans, but

also the Anglo-Saxons who ruled over.

No Western pressure on your
show will lead to anything.

The losses from the escalation of
the confrontation will be on both

sides, but Russia is ready for
them morally and geopolitically.

But for the west itself, an increasing
degree of confrontation carries huge loss.

This is what they're.

This is what their goal is.

The reunification of the USSR, the
reunification of the Slav rush.

Acting as one under a new Federation that
we'll be able to be a counterbalance,

await an opposition, another polar
of power against NATO and the west.

This is their explicit goals
from their state run media.

So if you wonder, why do you
wonder why they are doing this?

It is not just to get some
weapons out of Ukrainian.

It is not just to stop a genocide.

They are after their own new world order.

They are after a unified
Soviet or a Slav land rush.

Yeah, that makes sense.

In a post-truth society where we've
exchanged truth for lies and reason

for postmodern irrationality.

The absurd finally makes sense.

Well, speaking of the new world
order and one world governments and

the, the possible event that all
these sanctions will throw Russia

into the arms of China to leave.

The dollar standard to find other
places of Alliance and trade, which

could really trigger a domino effect
when it comes to global currency.

And we really could see the end
of the U S dollar and the rise

of a new one world government.

Apparently some people think that this is
a good idea, including Russell brand, who

thanks to my, uh, sister, she sent this.

Russell brand.

There's a lot of things I like about him.

I like his stance against pornography.

That makes me happy.

But here he is promoting, promoting
what a new world order promoting what

a one world government here's Russell
brand I live without the threat of war.

It seems to me that you have to look
at what the causes of war really are.

What are the causes of.

He's going to go into it, but the
causes of war is the fault line, the

line of wickedness and evil that goes
through each and every one of our

hearts period, man, woman to each heart
is evil, selfish, greed, and VI the

desires for, to be great and powerful
to have what doesn't belong to us envy.

So think of it.

It's in every heart.

How can a one world government
essentially fix this?

He goes, I'm going to kind of play
and pause through this clip solidation

of power, the ability to embark on
imperialist missions, the ability to

cut loose from the will of the old
and every people that you govern.

So those are what he thinks is the causes
of, and insure those may be causes of war.

Those may be causes of four, but it
goes all the way to the root of the

human heart, the Ukrainian people,
Russian people, American people, Saudi

people, Icelandic people, Senegalese
people all have more in common

with one another than they have in
common with the people that govern.

I don't know how we can prove that
he says all the people who are being

governed by leaders have more in common.

With each other than they do with
the people who are leading them.

I think that's a very vast and broad
statement that I don't know how you can.

One support, especially in many
of these places, the people who

are in power have been elected
into power in democratic nations.

They're elected into power
as representatives from the.

I'm not quite sure how you can say
that all of these different ethnic

and cultural groups have more empower
with one another as different ethnic

groups with different cultural values
and expression of government, then

the people who lead them and how.

And this may be for a later point.

So I'll save it.

He's required.

Is I new system of global governance?

What is required is the new system of
global global governance, but somehow

comprises the local and the global
in a way that gives us the ability to

stand up to serious external threats
and simultaneously govern our small

local communities in a meaningful way.

So he's talking about a new one world
order, a new one world system that

somehow that this global governance is
going to be able to be morally right,

not corrupt, and be able to re represent
people from Senegal and Iceland and

China and Saudi Arabia and America.

This is these, these are things that
fairytales things that fairytales,

CRS, external threats, and similar
to all local communities in a

meaningful way, please understand the
complex situation, but it is a big.

I don't know what happened there.

Let's try that again in a meaningful way.

These are the charges that we are tasked
with understanding complex situations,

where there is no simple, easy fix, no
easy off the peg opinion that demands of

us personal reflection that the moms have
asked that we personally have good values

that demands of us, that we're willing to
listen to other people that we disagree.


So he's suggesting a system that
is not only global governance

and local governance in once.

That can protect against external threats.

I don't know what those
external threats might be.

If there's a new one world governance
against those who don't come into

agreement with this new one world order,
those would be the external threats.

And then notice he's also
saying a new one world religion.

He is making the argument that
we need a sort of governance.

That demands personal values you're here.

It is.

Listen to again, external threats
and simultaneously govern our small

local communities in a meaningful way.

These are the charges that we are tasked
with understanding complex situations,

where there is no simple, easy fix, no
easy off the peg opinion that demands

of us personal reflection that the moms
have asked that we personally have good

values that demands of us, that we're
willing to listen to the demands of us,

that we personally have good values.

That is a real.

That is a one world religion.

And how are we going to, how
are we going to enforce that?

How are you going to control that?

Oh, maybe we can use digital media.

Maybe we can use, uh, social credit.

We can track everything that you're
doing and spending with a new one

world digital currency so that we
know exactly who you are and what

you do and how you live your life.

And re we have the power to enforce
and make sure that you are upholding

the new values of this one world
order and personal morality.

Because if you don't, we'll turn
off your ability to tray, just

like they did with Russia, they
turned off their ability to trade.

My, my thought is my question is who, who,
what morally upright set of individuals

are you going to appoint to do all that?

The nation states nationalism is actually.

It is a good thing that people break
up the land, according to their, their

cultural identity, their ethnic identity.

And they elect a governance and a
government to rule their people in

a way that is best for their people.

This is how it should be.

This is how it should be these ideas of
a one world new world order of utopia to

bring everyone into this piece to defend.

World wars.

It is a recipe for the obliteration
of any sort of personal freedoms or

rights or autonomy, because you will
be dictated in defined by the new one

world religion, one world government,
one world economic system that is.

It is coming.

Not the whole world will be brought into
it, but there is a new Confederation

that will likely rise out of this
situation, whether it's in five

years or 50 years, I don't know.

But we are seeing that the shift
on a global level, the out of this

will come a, a and will rise and new
world order of one world government,

one world mandated religion.

And one world economic
system that will be United.

And then if you don't come into
compliance with what they want and

how they want it, you will be cut
off from your ability to trade.

This is coming.

This is coming.

There will be many nations that resist.

It will be many nations
who will not join it.

There'll be many nations.


But it really could lead us into what
we will see as the third world war.

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As you listen, don't go away.

We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

Oh, welcome back to Weaver, loom a part
of the show where we take ancient wisdom

and we weave it in with our everyday
lives so that we can own our future.

And we've our destinies to
weave our destinies because

yes, there is a God who stopped.

That determines our days, but we have
the ability to agree with the, his

purposes for our lives or to totally
disagree with it and do what we want

and live our lives, the way that we want
to in a selfish self-seeking manner.

I know you don't want that.

I don't want that either.

And I don't want that for your life.

Today's quote comes from,
uh, an ancient prophet.

Uh EasyCube and he said,
because you did not hate blood.

Therefore bloodshed shall pursue you
because you did not hate bloodshed.

Therefore bloodshed
blood shall pursue you.

It brings us back to the very first
point that we made do not come

into agreement with the spirit
of war, even, even when it is.

Your enemies, even when it is those who
have, uh, alphabet agenda that are seeking

to totally upend the fabric of society.

If we respond with bloodshed,
bloodshed will pursue us and we

have lost our entire, our entire
basis of, of any sort of morality.

If we go and kill innocent.

Don't come into agreement with it
because even, even if you haven't

engaged in, if you come into agreement
with it, it brings in bloodshed.

Blood will begin to
pursue you in your life.

So that is my exhortation.

To end this show.

If you want to get more out of the
show, please share this show with your.

Families spouses or enemies, someone
that you regularly sit down and debate

things about you disagree about things,
Senator then WhatsApp them, text them.

I always love getting a show
right there in my messages.

It means that someone is thinking
about me and it means that they

love me, love me enough to send
me something that they think that.

Going to steer me in the right direction.

Well, if you have a question
about this episode or anything

that's happened, you can WhatsApp
me a plus 1 2 0 2 9 2 2 0 2 2 0.

And remember, you are
someone who lives your life.

Walks through the doors to live
in and uncover your purpose.

One of those ways is to pursue truth, to
speak, truth, to determine, to live your

life in a truthful and honest manner.

And that I really do believe
opens us up to own our futures.