Pay Attention!

In this episode, Anis interviews Saad Khan, the Director of Sales and Business Development at Aligned.

Before Aligned, Saad was instrumental in growing Business Development teams at Enable, Dooly, and Vendr. He shares insights on;
  • The importance of initial manual efforts when developing sales skills 
  • signal-led sales 
  • the future of the BDR role
  • And more...

Creators & Guests

Anis Bennaceur
Co-Founder and CEO @ Attention
Rory McDermott
Growth @ Attention
Saad Khan
Director of Sales And Business Development @ Aligned

What is Pay Attention!?

Welcome to Pay Attention, where Attention's CEO and Founder, Anis Bennaceur, interviews some of the smartest minds in sales, growth, and product leadership.

Anis Bennaceur (00:01.499)
Saad, how's it going today?

Saad Khan (00:03.918)
Pretty good, it's nice and sunny in front of us, so today I can't complain.

Anis Bennaceur (00:08.723)
Amazing, amazing. It's unfortunately raining in New York, but hey, there's nothing we can do about it. Well, very excited to have you here. Everyone introducing Saad here, director of sales and BD over at Align. Saad has a decade of experience in both sales and marketing. He's one of the best informed and best experienced people in the space today that I know.

Saad Khan (00:12.334)
We are dying.

Anis Bennaceur (00:35.731)
He's doing some incredible things. He knows a lot of non -obvious aspects about both sales and marketing. And especially when I'm talking to a lot of other leaders, I know that Saad is in the top 1 % of this field. Very excited to have you today, Saad. Do you want to maybe introduce yourself? I would love actually to know about the three pivotal moments in your life that got you to where you are today.

Saad Khan (00:59.214)
Yeah. Yeah. That's a great question. That's actually a great question. Okay, first pivotal moment. So guys, along with the obvious, the Google -able stuff I'll share with you, I'm actually not, I'm new to Canada. I moved here 12 years ago. And the first pivotal moment that was, I was forced to come here by my parents. I wanted to go to the UK and become a chef. And my dad was like, no son of mine is going to become a cook. I was like, first of all, it's chef. And I come from a family of salespeople.

It's a seller's background family, so it was kind of there and I was running from it. Second most pivotal moment happened while I was in university. I didn't realize that I was joining all marketing associations and I was always doing sales through a marketing lens and things like that. Did a bunch of competition at university about Canada's neck top ad exec and things like that. So...

Never realizing what my plan was, I kind of had a general idea. Then I left Canada for a year. I had family stuff going on, things like that. I didn't know I was going to come back. Came back, my confidence was completely shot. Started working in marketing and mortgage. And then I was just exhausted and done, burnt out. And I quit. And then I joined my friend who had a marketing activation agency and I worked the Raptors final. And

During that week, I was invited to one of my best friend's birthday. And that's where I got really drunk birthday and started pitching myself to one of my friend's friend who was a sales manager at Clio. I just didn't want to go into sales because I wanted to be an ad exec at Nike or Adidas sports marketing department. So I'll sell soccer boots. Anyways, long story short.

I pitched him throughout the night at one point he was like, pitch me one more time and I'm never going to do this. And yeah, he connected me to the teams at Cleo and I was just really taken back by how much he helped me throughout that time. He gave me all the scripts, all the guidance. And I'm like, that's not what I've heard about sales. That's not what people do. And then around that same time I was interviewing a pager duty and they're now director of sales, Caroline Hood. She did the exact same thing, gave me scripts and just I'm like, this is not what I heard about sales. Who does this?

Saad Khan (03:22.766)
So that left a really impact on me and I feel like I hope that's what I try to do now when I'm coaching people with my team. And we're gonna get into it today is your secrets become more powerful when you give them away. Because not everybody can understand where they come from but you can come up with more. I just made that analogy on the spot. I don't know if that's real or not but yeah. So those are three. And yeah, just to kind of tie it together, the last few years my...

My bread and butter has been at series A to B, C to A startups, selling sales tech, focusing on outbound, but with a lot of marketing alignment and new tools and processes that we're gonna get into. Yeah, bit of a mouthful, but that's me.

Anis Bennaceur (04:04.275)
I love that. I bet your parents are very proud of you now for getting back into the field where I'll be.

Saad Khan (04:07.746)
Now, now is the key. Now is the key word. Yeah. No, it's a man. There's a chip on the shoulder. I have younger brothers here. My dad wants me to be able to support the family with university and things like that. So after a little bit of the ups and downs, it feels good. And my dad and I bond really hard now because in sales and things like that, he's also very intrigued that he knows what I do, but he doesn't get.

why I do how we do is like, what are you doing? So that's an anise, you're very much like this as well. We've spoken about this so many times. I'm enjoying the current state of sales we're in because it's really an art and science combined together. There's such huge first word manage right now that I don't think people have really picked up on.

Anis Bennaceur (04:57.203)
Tell me more about that. I'd love to know what is the art part of sales, what is the science part of sales, and how doing both very well gets you to be best in class.

Saad Khan (05:07.47)
Yeah, I'll add another analogy there. If anybody listening is a sports person, in football now, football these days is very technical, soccer. It's all about, OK, the natural instinct or the natural art instinct there is recognizing players. And then the science there is building a system that understands what

is going to get the best out of players. I think we're shifted from, I really think we hire potential. Your first job is to create an environment where that potential gets realized before you ask them to build new things and do new things. So I think it's that, is being able to recognize talent and then knowing enough about what's happening in the industry, new technologies, new processes, to be at the forefront of that.

I think the biggest thing that we're seeing as early stage organizations do, they're problem solving, they're building new systems. And it's not a system of how many dials to make and things like that. It's technology, it's doing, I hate using this word, but it's actually finding a way to do more work with less reps, get people paid more. A very small little thing I'll share there is I've stopped hiring BDRs where everybody can do every single thing. One of my reps is this

season cold caller. One of my reps is the brilliant LinkedIn and emailer. So I've built a team and system that the combined strengths helped me get to my number. There's obviously a lot more sitting on top of that, but I think that's a very simple answer. I've stopped asking this one rep who doesn't like to cold call to make cold calls. Like you can make way more money. It is doing what you're good at. And if I can provide you more of those leads or directions, the signals to go into.

Anis Bennaceur (07:00.787)
I love that basically hiring for deep, deep, deep expertise, having people who are incredibly good at one thing and optimizing for a 10 out of 10 at one thing instead of having someone who would just be a seven out of 10 in many things and making them do things where they might not be great, right? So optimizing for that town density and those specific.

Saad Khan (07:10.638)
that. Yeah.

Saad Khan (07:18.582)

I always used to say people process trust. People come first, you build a process around them and then you tie it together with trust.

Anis Bennaceur (07:30.131)
That makes a ton of sense. But so let me ask you something, right? Do you still, would you still make a BDR hit the lines in their first month or two, even though they're not great at it, just to make sure that they nailed the value prop of aligned or whichever company you were working at or before they, they kind of migrate or upgrade to where they're actually best at, or do you immediately put them on something different?

Saad Khan (07:58.414)
Great question. Yeah, one of the things that I have baked in is if you think about it a little bit more from a science manner as well, in the first seven days when the reps are here, I want them to call. I want them to get the first call out and not email, call. I want them to be able to physically talk to somebody and verbally say out what we do.

I ran a test with one of the very simple analogy I'll use is you're not going to build muscle by just watching somebody lift weights. Because as soon as you lift it, you're like, wait, that's how it feels. And it doesn't happen the right way. In that exact same sense, I've done multiple trainings with reps about, okay, can you help me out value props? If you want to call right now, give me an upfront contract. And when I do that, great. But then they fumble when they say it out loud. So it's kind of like when you say it out loud becomes real. Second thing that I do is I give them close loss accounts.

AKA, I've taught you a little bit about what we do. You now understand the logic. Go connect the dots and treat the closed loss exam like an open book exam. Because think about what happens when you have a final exam coming up. If you don't give a closed loss account, it feels like a final exam. It's like, oh, if I don't complete my initiation, I'm going to fail. We've all been through final exams. It was anxiety written. I've never operated. I've done all the learning. But in final exam settings, my brain is just not fully there. So thinking about that psychology, I give them closed lost accounts.

open book exam, let's see what's there, connect the dots. Yes, you know, so the small little thing, but yeah, the first is just get it out. And that also gives me a better idea of the baseline, because I think people focus way too much on channel. If you have your messaging right, then just the person, whatever channel they prefer, whatever channel your buyer prefers, if the messaging is perfected the right way, the channel will just work.

Anis Bennaceur (09:45.619)
I love your analogy game here, by the way. This is great. So when you're looking at all the best BDRs that you have in your team today, what is the most common denominator across your best performers?

Saad Khan (10:03.63)
Yeah, they're doing data analysis. And they're doing more non -revenue generating activity to do revenue generating activity. And this is not what something that was being said last year or the year before. And this is not data about, oh, notes aren't in, or no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is a completely different shift of.

Just with just a little bit of upfront work, all you have to do is just kick the ball in the back of the net. So I'll use another analogy. Pep Guardiola is one of the world's best coaches. He's a technician. If you ask any of his players or reps what it's like to work with Pep, they say it's very robotic, but very liberating.

They say Pep tells us exactly where to be, what zone to be in. If I'm here and the player is there, where to pass for just to pass to just hit automatically. They're like, it's, it's, it's like second nature because he knows everything that's going to happen before. And then liberates us. Cause then all we have to do is just use our skill and kick the ball in the back of the net. So with that analogy, what my reps and I are doing and our daily is just.

gathering all the details and data. So all they have to do is just kick the ball in the back of the net. And prior to before, it's requiring a lot more work from me. It's requiring building a lot more of a scientific manner and how we analyze our data. Multiple, multiple data points, a lot of data points. Yeah.

Anis Bennaceur (11:37.267)
I love that. Switching topics a little bit here, but you've been doing so outbound for a while now, right? I know a lot of people who try to do it, they burn out pretty quickly. So what's your secret for staying so passionate about it?

Saad Khan (11:55.182)
Man, I actually enjoy talking to people on the phone. I use this and I say this to my reps all the time. If you reframe your brain, you're literally getting paid to talk to people. How cool is that? But also cliches aside, I think Anish, the reason why I respect you so much is I'm trying to become a growth hacker and there's levels to this. First you...

learn the basics of calling, then you realize, holy shit, I can learn tactics, then you realize, holy shit, I can make my own tactics, then you realize, holy shit, I can make frameworks and playbooks that every company I go to, I can do the same thing over and over and over again. Like that's literally been my journey. That's why I enjoy it. I didn't just do it. I went into that rabbit hole one night, just not, it actually didn't happen one night. I went into the YouTube rabbit hole, but one day my manager bash, shout out.

calls me in his office and he's like, you're a great sales rep, but we can meet. So you're a great best buyer rep, but we got to turn you to software consultant. I was like, well, all right, cool. And then he gives me a Josh Braun post, but he didn't tell me it was a Josh Braun post. It was about the meaningful deposit theory. He says, are you ever going to go to a job interview without having given your resume and deposits? I said, no.

Then he says, are you ever going to expect a job offer, sorry, are you ever going to withdraw money if you haven't made deposit in your bank account? I said, no. I'm like, bash, where are you going with this? He said that, how the hell are you expected to get meetings from your prospects when you're always asking and you just haven't made deposits. You just haven't given them information until they're ready. And then something clicked. I'm where did you get that? And he shows me LinkedIn. He's like, look, somebody posted it. And I remember saying this to him. I was like, hold on.

Are you telling me you all these things you tell me or you teach us you're learning from somewhere? He's like, yeah. Now I'm like, hold on. Are you telling me I can go figure all this stuff out and just not need you anymore? I said this as a joke, but really that's I think that's what helped me the real love outbound, keep it going, keep learning and applying it and testing it.

Anis Bennaceur (13:57.747)
There's so much knowledge exactly. And there's, there are so many paradigm changes and I absolutely agree with you, right? When even we hired over here, our first two BDRs, I told them guys, I don't want to see any cadences of emails being automated. I want you to send for your first month, every single email manually, deeply researched every single person that you're going to reach out to. And I want to see what are the best emails that are getting you responses, right?

From there, we'll figure out how to automate things. But your entire first 30 days are all about doing things that scale. So talking now about automating outbound, what do you think today is the one single thing that everyone is getting wrong?

Saad Khan (14:48.622)
Oh, great question. There's a few. I'll just double tap to what you said earlier about I want my reps to first manually write the emails. That's the best, best, best, best, best thing that you could have said. Because when the AI email hype came out, respectfully speaking, the people that were not outbound leaders, but weren't outbound, they were like, okay, let's give this to our reps. Let's give them the volume. Let's automate that.

wrong, completely wrong. You're trying to skip a step. You're trying to automate bad habits. AKA, if your reps don't know how to write good emails, don't understand the logic, then you're asking the people that actually don't know what they're doing to automate stuff that they don't know how it works. It's broken. That's broken. The other thing that I think people have been saying wrong, people have been doing wrong, marketing, I'm gonna call you out.

I think you're responsible for the whole mess we created about getting stuff and not being able to capture leads and not having the right conversations. The other thing that we did wrong was we did PLG wrong. Sorry to say this, but PLG was wrong the way it was being done. Some things like Pocus are not saying that it's all about product like sales with the sales touch. The whole idea of let something sit did not work. When I went to Dooley, we had thousands of sign up, 40 % activation failures. 40 % people had no idea what the product did.

Guess what we did? Stopped the automated PLG messaging, manually gave all the leads to the BDRs to call every single person to ask what prompted your interest. Our pipeline, qualified pipeline, went up 461 % one quarter. Wind rates went from 11 % to 28%. So, yeah. And the last one right now that I think everybody's getting wrong is, and we're getting into it, there's a lot of hype about Signal at Sales right now.

and people are wrong about it. The folks that don't get it, that haven't tried to build it, they're saying this glorified lead scoring wrong. Because there's technology, new technology in Signal Let Sales now that hasn't been around before. Second part is that it's a hot topic right now, so everybody's talking about it. A lot of experts that are talking about it are not the experts in it. They're really not. I saw a post about somebody getting guidance and asking for the tech stack for Signal Let Sales, and the response they got was a canned generic, oh, G2.

Saad Khan (17:10.808)
like sixth sense. That's not sorry, but that is not what we're talking about here.

Anis Bennaceur (17:17.299)
What do you think is the new enabling technology that is making signal -led sales a lot more relevant today?

Saad Khan (17:26.286)
Yeah, I think in a very simple way, you're going to the folks that are kind of coming to you. So if we think about why Outbound is messy right now, Outbound is not dying, it's not messy, but you're fighting for a person's attention alongside a hundred others. So it's kind of like dating, chasing. If you have a hundred guys dating one, chasing one person, like that's a weird bag versus if somebody is expressing interest.

then I think that's worth pursuing. That interest could be a very basic compliment that could be looking at your profile a bunch of times, that could be engaging with you on the socials. I just made a dating analogy with signal at sales right now on the spot. It goes in so many different directions. So in a very simple way, you can create a volumetric pool of leads that have exhibited some level of intent to want to talk to you. Social signals, website visitors,

your product signals, there's systems you can build to just get things from your product signals, CRM signals, and a few other things.

Anis Bennaceur (18:32.275)
I love that. I absolutely love that. So you have all these different signals, all these different intent data moments that you're capturing today. And then that allows you then to go out, reach out to people who are highly relevant to you that might be a better ICP fit than some other ones. And so when you take a step back and you look at how your lead funnel is converting, you have your top of

Saad Khan (18:34.446)

Anis Bennaceur (19:02.259)
lead funnel, then you have your middle of the funnel, your bottom of the funnel. Tell me how you kind of break these apart in terms of types of signals, right? What do you put in at your top of funnel for the leads? What do you consider bottom of the funnel? How do you break these down? And then how do you act on those signals in the best way to progress these leads further into becoming prospects?

Saad Khan (19:31.726)
Yeah, so let's also add that for my state of the company, a lot of what we're doing is demand generation and then demand capture. So for a PLG product for my company, my CEO goes up, we need to get 7 ,000 signups. I say, okay, what you're asking me is not to get 7 ,000 signups, what you're asking me is to drive enough traffic to the website that we get 7 ,000 signups. So then.

My job there is to be able to, okay, so let's say the traffic is happening, I need to influence the signups, right? That could be done in many different ways. So first thing is, I'm not following the list of fast 500 companies from Deloitte or like, here's your, I was on our demo earlier today and they said, hey, how many accounts in your CRM? I said, respectfully irrelevant question, that's not what we're doing. So top of funnel for me is,

all the companies that are hitting my website. And I can find that from Clearbit. And we're adding five or so people. We know the page they're visiting. That becomes my trigger. So we're adding five or six people and we're creating messaging around just so you know the pages they're visiting. The other thing is I've added filters to see which of these companies are coming multiple times. So that's my outbound list. Then going forward on the middle of the funnel, we're getting de -anonymized data.

Anis Bennaceur (20:30.417)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Saad Khan (20:56.942)
about who's on the website. But where things get interesting is because activation failures exist for PLG, this de -anonymized data is not just showing me my website visitors, but it's now showing me my most engaged visitors that are signups. So my reps are going out to them. You were going to say something there.

Anis Bennaceur (21:15.603)
No, I was going to react, but I'll let you finish. Go for it.

Saad Khan (21:18.126)
Yeah. So, and that's so okay. Activation failures, PLG now on the daily, I'm kind of jumping past that activation failure without doing any of the work. I just see that data. I just know which people are going to be relevant. Going to every single one of them. We spoke internally. We, we had a healthy debate about shutting off the messaging there to for sales completely on PLG and uh,

We're reaching out to AEs or some weird personas. And guess what they're saying? They're saying, hey, great timing. We're in active valuation. I didn't know your product did this. I would not have found out if we hadn't gotten the call. And we're seeing our sales cycles, our deals go to close one 37 % faster versus how it would have been if it was a pure outbound touch or pure inbound touch. Another thing at the top of the funnel is lookalike accounts. So when customers convert,

putting companies in ocean .io and prospecting to those. The other thing that I'm also doing at the top of funnel is signups. So if there's engaged signups from companies, I'm, close one is deeper down the line. If I have engaged signups as well, I'm finding lookalike companies to find more signups. Middle of the funnel for us is our product signups and just active open deals and evaluation, things like that.

we're still using signals to move those along. Because when we're creating social content, we're reporting on mid -cycle, which of these folks are engaging with our social content as well. Because engagement is some level of awareness, and awareness is some level of intent. When I can't find intent by calling them, stuff like that, mid -cycles, there's that system that's also helping us. And then at the very bottom of the funnel is obviously demo requests are close.

close one customers that are in alignment stage and they're lookalike companies, but also we have website visitors with the most high value target leaders and personas and intent pages, things like that. And we're going at them with very, very strict personalized messaging with the system built with AI and things like that. So.

Saad Khan (23:31.246)
It's, I'm looking at the bottom of the funnel a little differently. I think our mid funnel and the real bottom end of the funnel is kind of like tied together. I think the big, and I think that's making things easier for me because I'm not looking at the funnel in three stages now. I'm kind of looking at it in two, two stages. The first stage kind of leans into the second stage and the second stage definitely leads into the third. And what's kind of tied in all together is the PLG.

Anis Bennaceur (23:53.061)
100 %

that makes a ton of sense, right? Also, it's a lot of kind of like flirting and iterating with between intent and creating awareness, right? So you create some awareness because you see some intent, then there's more intent because you've created that awareness, you measure that, you create even more awareness, and you keep pushing things down the funnel until you actually even have.

Saad Khan (24:05.74)

Anis Bennaceur (24:22.611)
some signups and what a lot of people actually get wrong is that they are counting on sales to close deals. But as a matter of fact, if you have a very, very warm lead and you've warmed these leads the right way, not just through outbound, but a lot of other tactics. And at that point, you can have a much, much faster deal cycle here to your point. So switching to a last topic here that I want to discuss with you.

How do you see a lot of people today are talking about, you know, maybe the death of BDRs or the BDR role being completely changed and new tools, new platforms that are trying to maybe fully automate or replace BDRs. How do you think the BDR role is going to evolve in the future? Traditionally, a BDR would end up becoming an account executive who would end up having a traditional career in sales.

What do you think, how do you think the BER role is going to evolve in the next few years?

Saad Khan (25:26.606)
I think there's a new pathway for BDRs now. It's pipeline system managers or pipeline system producers that brings in AI, that brings in social, that brings in a lot of these things as well. Social is becoming a huge conversion channel. It's not just a one -off anymore. It's...

We're living in a very, very interesting time. It's not Instagram level of hype and sales, but we're seeing brands just adopt those ideas and things like that. So my answer there is no, the BDR role is not going anywhere. I think it's becoming more.

Saad Khan (26:08.622)
I think it's required more expertise than ever before. I think the ones that are gonna survive are going to be the ones that are actually trying to stay ahead of the game, like really trying to stay ahead of the game. And this happened internally. My BDR, they've asked me, so next quarter we're evolving our BDR team.

And then he comes to me, he's like, Sathar, are you going to hire more reps? You said you were evolving the team. I said, I've never thought about it this way, but no, I'm not going to hire more reps. I don't think you're at capacity. And my answer to that was, I want to give you more automation, more AI. It's like all these manual things that you're doing. I'm like, what if I can just automate all that? What if we just add more nitrous to the system that we've already built? Like,

What could, so, and I thought about this for two days. I'm like, the interesting world we're living in. Any other time when my boss goes, okay, let's, let's build more. I would have gone hired a new rep. And now I'm thinking from a more technology perspective that I can give my reps to make their production capacity better. So yeah, leaner teams, but way more strategic and creative and technology heavy. Just.

I think that's where things are about to get really interesting.

Anis Bennaceur (27:19.699)
So I think we're absolutely aligned here in terms of mindset. So would you say that the biggest piece of advice that you'd give to a new B or higher today is to get more technical, learn the new stack, get better or have some actual growth marketing skills?

Saad Khan (27:40.686)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. See what growth marketers doing, see what growth hackers are doing. I have a fire alarm going off, I don't know if you can hear it. Can you hear it?

Anis Bennaceur (27:49.299)
Please don't burn. Yeah, please don't burn.

Saad Khan (27:51.662)
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

Saad Khan (27:56.366)
Oh, it's a test. Yeah, no, I think the key here is there's enough knowledge out there for you to connect those dots. So I think the onus now is if yesteryear people were like, oh, let's go find the best cold call script. This year, go find the next growth hack that you can at least learn and take to your leaders. Also BDRs, if your leaders are not having these sorts of conversations, if they're not looking at this sort of stuff.

Anis Bennaceur (27:57.583)

Saad Khan (28:25.486)
Go ask more of them. Be like, hey, we need to be doing this. You need to be learning this. I know that's easier said than done, but I think it's more on the leader now versus the reps.

Anis Bennaceur (28:39.059)
That is absolutely true. Awesome. Last question. Who are, in your opinion, the top three people that are doing incredible things who deserve to be on this podcast?

Saad Khan (28:49.026)

Saad Khan (28:54.862)
Yeah. Uh, Anis, of course, uh, you know, uh, jokes aside, um, I would say somebody I deeply, deeply, deeply respect, Eric Nomukowski. Um, he is, uh, I feel like you already know Eric. Uh, I don't know if he's out, if he's already been on the show or not, but, uh, Eric was one of the first people that I found out about and spoke with. And I learned that there's a.

this what we're talking about, that you can growth hack outbound. And then boom, I used to call him the Tony Stark of sales. So I would say Eric, the second person that I would, I just deeply respect him a lot. He's not necessarily doing signal led sales right now, but he's trying to build things like these is Floridatulia, just a respected outbound leader, things like that, just doing some really interesting work. Those would be...

Those would be my two picks right now. The third, if we find more is, I would actually, let's find more leaders that are building signal led systems that are not selling a product that does that internally. That's where I'm, cause like this entire thing for me started when I saw Warmly and Retention, their CEO was talking about a signal led system. I was like, man, I want to build that. Again, they have that in -house. They were always going to build it.

I'm trying to learn and make this better. So if you find somebody like that, just bring them to the table.

Anis Bennaceur (30:29.341)
Absolutely. We have a lot of plans to interview, actually, some of the people that you just mentioned and who are doing what you just said we're doing. And I very much remember Eric doing that very first video, loom recording of Clay, that went viral, right? Everyone just went insane. I think that was about maybe a year ago or so, and people's minds just were blown, right? Also, I'm sad.

Saad Khan (30:50.958)
Yes. Yes.


Anis Bennaceur (30:57.587)
Listen, it's been a pleasure having you. This has been an incredible conversation. And I just one last thing, if you want to do a shameless plug for a line, go for it.

Saad Khan (31:02.166)
Thank you.

Saad Khan (31:10.542)
Yeah, yeah, guys, look, selling is hard. Managing your champions is harder. What if you can just have your champions sell for you exactly like you would in a room in a buying committee when you're not there? And what if you can just see what your buyers care about mid -sale cycle and use that data to move your deals along, right? We've all gotten stumped so many times.

Align helps you do that. It's a deal room where you can share all the collateral, manage all the communication, multi -task the entire buying committee, and it gives you a backend to see what's going on. And as good sellers, we're only as good as the level of control we have in our deals and control is only as good as the level of data you have. Now you have that backend data about what's happening in the buying room. So hit me up if you want to learn more.

Anis Bennaceur (32:01.309)
That was an incredible elevator pitch. And I totally understand why you're so good at what you're doing. Thank you so much, Sad. Chat soon. Bye.

Saad Khan (32:09.646)
pleasure. A pleasure. Bye.