The Westmeath Libraries podcast

0:00 - Welcome
0:52 - Interview with photographer John McCauley. John discusses his and Rodney Clery's recent Murmurations exhibition in Mullingar Library. Link to the charity is
8:50 - My Little Library Book Bags are back
9:15 - Castlepollard Roleplaying
9:29 - Jill Parkinson exhibition in Athlone An improbability of puffins and other collectives"
9:42 - Knitting & Crochet groups
9:57 - Summer Stars are back
10:10 - Cruinniú na nÓg
10:25 - Group meetings in the library

What is The Westmeath Libraries podcast?

Join us for a monthly library chat. We'll talk about a variety of library related topics, from books to events, and plans for the future.

00:00:00:21 - 00:00:22:16
Hello, everyone. My name is Jack Carey and welcome to the Westmeath Library Podcast. This podcast will be giving you a rundown of events and services available to you via the libraries of Westmeath County Council. If you have any questions about the content in this podcast or the newsletter, which also covers many of these topics, please feel free to contact us via library @ Westmeath

00:00:22:16 - 00:01:00:13
Coco dot ie. That's
For queries about the events in this podcast that are taking place in specific branches, please reach out to the staff of that specific branch. You can find contact details for all Westmeath libraries by visiting your local branch library or by visiting our website. www Westmeath Culture dot ie. All right. So for those of you who were attending the exhibition over the last month at the Murmurations exhibition is just concluding in Mullingar library, and we actually have one of the photographers here, John McCauley, here to talk a bit more about the exhibition.

00:01:00:14 - 00:01:01:08
How are you doing here?

00:01:01:20 - 00:01:03:22
John McCauley
Thanks very much for having me. Thank you.

00:01:04:01 - 00:01:21:00
All right. So tell me, John emm Murmurations, I was curious the entire month that it was on. And could you tell me, is Murmurations the phrase for flocks of birds like that, for all types of birds or just starlings?

00:01:21:14 - 00:01:38:04
John McCauley
Well, I've only seen murmurations in starlings. never seen in any other birds. They seem to gather on the shores of Lough Ennell. And that's where it is every year.

00:01:38:11 - 00:01:45:04
Okay, fair enough. And tell me you did the photography. Were you the only photographer for this event or.

00:01:45:16 - 00:02:18:15
John McCauley
No. I do a lot of wildlife photography and I'm living beside Lough Ennell and I've been watching it for years and a very good friend of mine, Rodney Cleary would be into photography as well. So we decided we would do a lot of shots over the period of the time the murmuration was going on. So we spent every evening down with all those different shapes and discovering in the middle of it all it was a peregrine falcon and the peregrime falcton was actually looking for his tea.

00:02:19:15 - 00:02:45:06
John McCauley
That's why they make them shapes. It could be a kestral but mainly we would see two peregrine falcons and that's what that makes it deep shape, that the birds are safe when they get congregating, big clusters.Eh, the peregrimes will try to isolate one or two and then take them out. The peregrine is the fast bird in the world, up to 100 kilometers an hour, they can fly.

00:02:46:02 - 00:02:55:22
John McCauley
So they're a predator. And fair enough, he was having these tea, so he's entitled to it.

its defence yeah.

00:02:56:11 - 00:03:06:15
Right. And tell me, the pictures that were taken, I noticed that some of them were on for sale and and it was to do with some for charity. Would you be able to elaborate from what the charity is?

00:03:06:15 - 00:03:42:02
John McCauley
My charity I founded eleven years ago called Tanzanian HeavenlyHomes
I went to Tanzania 12 years ago to do wildlife photography and came across something that hurt me so much that I could not let go of my life. I had to do something about. So I came home and told people about it and arranged a to charity here. So my friend eh Rodney decided that we do the photographs and we would put them on display, with the help of the library staff, and we've already had from the council very grateful.

00:03:42:15 - 00:04:08:05
John McCauley
And we sold a lot of the photographs and mounted and and there was only five of each of the photographs to be sold. So the money raised. We're going straight to Africa on my trip, which I am going out on the second of July. And the money that was raised will come with us to buy neccesary, food and items for the elders

00:04:09:10 - 00:04:14:01
And tell me, is this a voluntary thing people volunteer volunteer for?

00:04:14:04 - 00:04:52:24
John McCauley
Oh, yes. I get my own ticket. Any
Adult who comes with me must get their own personal ticket. They can't fundrasie for it. the only people who would fundraise for it would be a student.
Usually with students, I bring three or four at a time. They can fundraise for Tanzanian Heavenly Homes, when they get their cost, eh, their flights, their accommodation and the vaccines, anything over that goes back into the fund. We are handson, we buy the items for the people, No organisation

00:04:52:24 - 00:05:17:14
John McCauley
gets your money and that's the way we work. So we've no costs. Even the lady, we have a very good friend, Mary Aherne, and she's a good friend , and our treasurer. And Mary looks after all the money. And even Mary, when she sends overseas to someone, she'll pay for the Euro stamp out of her own pocket. That'll show you how tight we are. So we are very grateful to the people of Mullingar and Westmeath

00:05:17:19 - 00:05:24:10
John McCauley
and surroundings areas that support area that we have supporting us on this project for the last number of year.

00:05:25:00 - 00:05:27:20
Tell me would you be able to give an example of some of the ways your charity has helped these elders

00:05:28:04 - 00:05:28:23
John McCauley

00:05:29:05 - 00:05:32:16
In these communities you've gone out to.

00:05:32:16 - 00:06:07:20
John McCauley
We work at the moment going back and forward every year. And I paid for my own costs, and them that came with me. And we got them from nothing to self-sufficiency. So after the five years I obviously said to God I'd had enough, know, I'd my bit done for life. And I looked across and saw the elders, the elder people, in Africa. If you ever go to Africa get off the tourists trade, go to the back streets and the back of beyond, you see what life is about. The real people.

00:06:08:10 - 00:06:35:20
John McCauley
These people are living mostly in mud huts. The biggest thought every day when they waken and we don't have it, thanks God. Most 99% of us don't have it. Where would I get a cup of, or a bowl of maize or rice, to live today. These are the words that are said to me and they hold my hand. And when you hear that from a human being, in this day and age, in the world where there's plenty, it's very, very sad.

00:06:36:13 - 00:07:02:17
John McCauley
So we we sit and we talk to these people. The government officials with us. So {unknown} we bought land, and we built six units. A unit consists of a bedroom, two bed in it, a window, and a curtain. And a painted floor painted walls. A toilet that they never had. Imagine never having a toilet. And a shower that they never had.

00:07:03:21 - 00:07:27:07
John McCauley
So we bring them with the government people to show them this and if they wish they can live there for the rest of their life, till God calls them free. They get 3 meals a day, they get new clothes. Well looked after, doc... brought to the hospital, you should they be sick. So it's a nursing home style and caring people minding them

00:07:27:23 - 00:08:02:15
John McCauley
But number one, ye people paid for it. Ye people of Mullingar. People and friends I meet on the streets ye paid for. And I'm the guy that brought it on your behalf. And I can't thank ye enough because it doesn't work without you. And really, when I'm there, I'm so proud to be a Mullingar person, a Westmeath person. To think that you were able to get his lady or gentleman accommodation and that's basically what its about. To show those people they have their dignity before God call them.

00:08:03:18 - 00:08:06:03
John McCauley
So that's really my trip and that's why I'm there.

00:08:06:19 - 00:08:19:17
Well that really puts a lot of things into perspective doesn't it. So tell me if any of the people who are listening want to contact you further about maybe to volunteer or if they have any questions. What would be the best way to contact.

00:08:19:17 - 00:08:51:02
John McCauley
Well we have a new website set-up, one of our people, our committee members they made it up. It's called w w w dot Tanzanian heavenly homes dot com and up to date stuff is all in that and my phone numbers on it and ring me I can meet anybody at any time for a chat. I'd be too delighted. Thanks for everything for the council and library systems.

00:08:51:02 - 00:08:52:07
John McCauley
It really very, very good.

00:08:52:23 - 00:09:15:01
Thank you very much, John. Thank you very much. For those who remember them, my little library bags were a popular program last year. Now they're back again. If your child is starting primary school this year, Westmeath libraries have some free bags with books to help them start their journey of learning to read. Just pop in and ask about my little library bags

00:09:15:01 - 00:09:39:24
Meanwhile, in Castlepollard there is a new role playing games club has started for 12 to 15 year olds. RPGs are a fun way of storytelling and imagination, so contact Castlepollard staff to find out more.
The artist Jill Parkinson is hosting an exhibition at Athlone Library featuring "An improbability of puffins and other collectives". This exhibition will launch on Thursday, the 23rd and last until the 29th.

00:09:40:08 - 00:10:04:08
All are welcome. Finally, Knitting and crochet groups are available in many Westmeath libraries. Speak with staff to find out and to find a crafty spring. As you may have noticed from the several sunny days we've had over the past few days, summer is upon us once more, and with that, summer stars is here too. For those unfamiliar Summer Stars is an initiative to encourage children to read more over the summer months.

00:10:04:20 - 00:10:25:11
Come in to your library to get your own summer stars booklet and start tracking your books for the summer. Contact your local library for more info on when Summer Stars Begins.
Cruinniú na nÓg is Ireland's national day of free activities for children of all ages. And Westmeath libraries will have a host of events to celebrate between the eighth and 10th of June.

00:10:25:11 - 00:10:52:02
There will be events like Symmetry Circus, creative music, artistic workshops, and much more. Please make sure to contact us concerning a booking.
On the social side of things, Westmeath Libraries has a variety of storytimes going on for kids and their parents. Meanwhile, Knitting and crochet groups are also available for those with an eye for crafting. And additionally, there are a number of book clubs available and looking for members, speak with staff.

00:10:52:02 - 00:11:05:04
If you're interested in attending any of these groups or even organizing your own. There you have it, folks. This has been the Westmeath Library podcast. This is your host, Jack Carey, thank you and have a wonderful day.