Hope in Real Life with Jason Gore

What lies are you believing about yourself? In this episode, we chat with Joshua Broome, author of 7 Lies That Can Ruin Your Life, to unpack the powerful deceptions our culture feeds us and how they shape our identity, relationships, and purpose. Josh opens up about his personal journey, the lies he believed, and how discovering Biblical Truth transformed his life.  If you’re ready to challenge the lies holding you back, this conversation is for YOU.

#TruthOverLies #BiblicalTruth

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📚 Resources
Get Josh's Book: For more in-depth insights and tools, grab your copy of "7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life" by Joshua Broome.
Covenant Eyes use code: Broome for 1-month FREE
Listen to "Unmentionable" on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
Follow Josh on social: @iamjoshuabroome
Josh's Website
1:40 What IS true?
3:40 Life purpose
7:00 Resentment
7:30 Why do we forgive others?
8:45 Battle against pornography
12:15 The importance of mentors
18:30 Do you feel stuck?

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What is Hope in Real Life with Jason Gore?

Tomorrow can be different from today.

Our lives often leave us feeling hopeless—like nothing will ever change. But perspective is everything. When you know where to look, hope can be found in the spaces and places you least expect.

Join Jason Gore (Lead Pastor of Hope Community Church) for a fresh perspective, practical steps, and weekly encouragement that hope really is possible… even in real life.

Being a good southern boy,

and you know, I, I knew that my mom would, you know, crack,

crack me in the head if I would.

That's right. Done something like that.

But at the end of the day,

I didn't have a good reason to say no.

And when you don't have a good reason to say no,

you're more inclined to say yes.

Welcome to the Hope and Real Life Podcast with Jason Gore.

Our team is passionate

and committed to bringing you more hope in the everyday

real areas of your life.

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You never know how valuable it could be

to share a little bit of hope as someone else.

Let's get the conversation started.

Hope and Real life family. Welcome to this episode.

Just as a heads up, this is a continuation

of the previous episode.

So if you think you're coming in at the beginning,

let me encourage you, go back, listen to the episode.

Coming into this one, we are talking all about

what it's like when we face situations in life

where we feel like we've gone too far, we've done too much,

and there's just no way to find hope.

Let's jump into the conversation with Josh Woodrum.

I heard you say you felt like you're called to build a boat,

and I don't know if you felt like you built a boat yet

or not, but, uh,

but I mean, just to hear you talk through those three things

of like, man, I'll never be, uh, a dad,

I'll never be a husband, I'll never be able to contribute.

But like here you are now actually being able to speak into,

um, what I would say is one of the key components

that whether people wanna admit it

or not, plays such a significant role in the, uh,

the tearing apart of the fabric of, of families,

of our communities overall, of,

of us experiencing life the way we were created to.

And so, you've recently written a book, uh,

seven Lies That Will Ruin Your Life.

Uh, and the title of that book, you talk about

how truths set you free.

Yeah. And, and you talked about this a little bit,

but I'd love for you just to unpack that book for us just a,

a little bit and like, what is that truth, uh, that, um,

that that will actually set us free?

Yeah. I mean the, the, the, the answer to that, you know,

I I would just say two Bible verses.

It would be Romans 12, two, you're either being conformed

by the world, you're being

transformed by the renewal of your mind.

And why is that important? So you can discern

what is God's good pleasing and perfect will.

So you, you need to know what God says is,

is most important, which is what is true.

Um, so that you can discern, uh, you know what, what's not.

So if you know what's true, you can identify a counterfeit.

Um, and then lastly, you know, what, what is truth?

Well, you know, uh, John 14, six, like, you know,

Jesus speaking, I'm the,

the, the way, the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me. Yeah.

Um, so that's, that's really what the book is about.

Where, you know, I, I believed that, um,

or I listened to the world

because I would say, uh, the, the book is really a,

a conversation about here is what the world is promising.

And I believe that lie to be true.

And if you believe a lie to be true, it becomes true to you.

And you create a worldview out of it,

and you live through the lens of that lie.

And what that led me to was destruction,

disappointment, death.

Um, every roommate I've ever had outside of one person, um,

dead, um, I saw, you know, I'm,

I'm 42 today,

and I've been outta that industry for 11 years.

35 people have committed suicide

or died of overdose that were in the industry with me.

Um, and these are, that's not all the people.

These are just people that I knew personally. Wow.

Um, so that's, that's the

reality, you know, we're living in.

But this world is, you know, the, the,

the book is about the world promising here,

here is what purpose is.

Here's what your purpose in life to make the most money

to gather, the most influence, to have the house, the truck,

you know, the, the 2.5 kids, the the white picket fence,

and, you know, all all that stuff.

And if I think in a way like, God, you know, he,

he will allow you to experience things to understand

that there's nothing in this world that'll satisfy you.

I I think it's a, it's a pretty unique take on,

like Romans two, four, his, it's his love, his kindness,

his patience that leads us into repentance.

In his kindness, he allowed me to experience everything

that I thought would satisfy my soul so

that I could understand that it didn't work.

Yeah. Um,

but yeah, so that's, you know, the,

the book, it starts with purpose.

Here's what the world says about purpose.

And he, I, I, I chased that dream.

I obtained it, it didn't work.

And, you know, second Timothy three 16, like God's,

you know, God's word is good for, you know,

teaching rebuke reproof.

Um, so that's what I needed. I needed correction.

I needed to, to have truth meet lies.

And it dismantled and destroy the, the ways that I believed.

And it gave me a solidified, a,

a a better foundation to stand on.

And then the, the next, the next chapter, they,

they all like coincide.

But the next chapter talks about, you know, you, you saying

that, you know, I think this would be the most dangerous

saying that you know Jesus,

but it not being the Jesus that is in the Bible.

Yeah. And you know,

really like talking about like Exodus 32, like Exodus 32,

Moses on the mountain getting the 10 Commandments, and Aaron

and his misfits are building a golden animal.

And it's, it's interesting that in, uh, in Exodus 32,

they call that golden animal Elohim, which you know,

is referring to a God,

but then eventually they call him Yahweh, um, the, the one

who delivered us out of Egypt.

It is so interesting to see if, if you call Jesus

and you take your presuppositions and your preferences,

and you put it in the box in which you're saying Jesus is,

that's not Jesus at all.

So it is either he is Lord of your life, or you are. Yeah.

And, and, and, you know, there's so many areas of our life

where we try to maintain autonomy,

where we think we're in control.

But if Jesus is not in control, Satan is, um,

and that, that's like really the, the,

that theme of the book.

But, you know, over and over again, so we, we go through

what does, what does the world say about intimacy?

What does the world say about forgiveness, cancel culture.

And, um, you know, it, it gets to the point in this,

in the book where it's like really a healing journey for me,

where it was, it was tough

because, you know, I'm, I'm doing awesome stuff.

I feel as if I'm healed.

But you know, you're sanctification is kinda like an,

an onion being peeled.

It's like, as I, you know, heal

or learn one thing, uh, God uncovers something else

that I need to deal with.

And for me, you know, like seeking to live this,

like redefined, you know, redefining my sexual ethic,

you know, growing impurity, like being a husband,

being a father, doing all this stuff.

And then I'm really wrestling with anger at times.

Like really like finding myself frustrated

and, you know, asking God, like, please show me,

you know, search me Lord.

Uh, help, help me identify this.

And I had this resentment towards my dad,

and it was almost subconscious,

but I would often say to myself, dad,

if you would've been there,

I wouldn't have done these things.

And what's true is we have free will. Yeah.

And while hi, his absence definitely,

you know, was a catalyst for the way that I saw the world.

It was upon my own volition

that I did the things that I did.

So I, you know, I was in this, this weird tension where

so many people find themselves in where if,

if reconciliation is not gonna meet my expectations,

will I still extend forgiveness

if the relationship is not gonna, you know,

be back together as it was?

Or the friendship is not gonna be restored if my dad is not

gonna be my dad, do I still do I still forgive him?

Why would I do that? Well, we forgive because we,

because we've been forgiven.

Right? We don't forgive because we're

trying to control an outcome.

And what I realized and what God convicted me

of is I was trying to play God.

Yeah. That And yeah,

Josh, I got, so we're, I'm not gonna let you, uh,

tell him the whole book 'cause

I want 'em to have to go buy it.

So we're gonna put the, we'll put the link

to the book in the show notes, man.

Powerful stuff. Um, you, you've done a number,

I'm gonna come back if we have time,

and just talk to, uh, for a moment about the damage

that addiction can do in marriages and families.

But just as we're talking about some of your work right now,

you're also involved with a project, um, called Unbound, uh,

that's getting ready to crank up.

Can you talk to us just a little bit about Unbound

and how it fits in really that maybe the boat

that you're a part of building right now?

Yeah, so I mean, uh, what God has allowed me

to do is have a very unique voice into, um,

this battle against pornography in, you know,

pornography generates more revenue than the NBA, the NFL

and Major League Baseball all combined.

Wow. It is the, the contributor to 50%

of the divorces that happen in America.

So it's, you know, it's, it's, you know, uh,

especially in the age demographic of 18 to 24,

Barna just came out with new data.

94% of people who I would identify as followers of Jesus

who are male, 94% are watching porn once a month.

67% of women 18 to 24 are watching porn once a month.

And we know data is only good as people are honest.

So we, we would assume that it's worse.

So that being the, the, you know, the reality of today in,

in the climate in which we live in, well, how can we,

you know, counteract that?

How can we provide people with resource that we need?

And I, I've done a lot of partnering with Covenant.

I, so I actually have a free code.

So my last name, Broome, B-R-O-O-M-E 30

Covenant Eyes free for, for a month.

Um, you just need an accountability partner.

Um, but we partner with Covenant Eyes

and like, essentially Unbound is the resource in

which you've listened to.

We, we have a, a documentary style podcast called Un Mitch

Mold that you can listen to anywhere you listen to podcasts.

And it's really, uh, chronologically tracking the growth

of the porn industry from the sexual ethic

and Ephesus in cor to what is happening today.

I'm on the advisory board at the White House

for image-based sexual exploitation.

And, um, you know, the, the podcast ends

with me speaking there.

And, um, so Unbound is, hey,

here is a step-by-step process that if first

and foremost you submit

and surrender your life to Jesus, this is what, not just

stopping watching porn,

but understanding the purpose in which you're

robbing yourself from.

Because you know, we, you, you know this,

we are saved from sin and for his glory.

Yep. That's right. So if we're not doing the thing in which

we are created to do, you're gonna feel unsatisfied.

So what can I do in a practical way?

How can I stop watching this? How can I find healing?

And how can I walk

and nu how can I live my life pursuing this renewed version

of myself, having a, a renewed and restored sexual ethic

Hope in real life family?

I want to take a moment and let you know about a resource

that we have for you, for your own personal development,

spiritual enrichment, and really a way for you

to find a bit more hope in real life.

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It offers things like parenting tips, financial resources,

marriage insights, uh, if you're looking for it,

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You can search hope in real life in both stores,

or you can use the download link that is in the show notes.

Remember, tomorrow can be better than today

and hope is possible even in real life.

So you've got Project Unbound.

And just to, to say it again, you said it very quickly,

I wanna make sure they don't mention it,

but the podcast series is called Unmentionable.

Um, yeah, you might've just said it really quickly

because you don't wanna mention it,

but that is what it's called unmentionable.

We're gonna make sure that that's down, uh,

in the show notes as well.

Uh, let, let's do this. You talked about mentors, man.

You got some strong names here.

And by the way, I haven't heard the name

Dr. Jason Davidson in quite some time.

I'm gonna drop him a text when we finish up.

I want to say hello to him.

That's the man, Goodness gracious.

You got Jason Davidson,

you got Andrew Yates, you got Gary Vet.

Some strong folks that, um,

God has used along the way in your life.

Um, any advice to,

And I'll ne I'll never forget, I'll,

I just wanna give a shout out to.

So it's like the day after I gave my life

to Christ, I called Hope.

Before I even went there, I called Hope.

And uh, I ended up talking to Sean Sullivan

and Sean Sullivan drove to Fuqua and had lunch with me.

Um, that, that day, that very day we went to, to Neil's

where there is the best, uh,

chicken salad sandwich you'll ever have in your life.

I'll tell you, I mean, that does not surprise me one bit.

I mean, that's a guy. If there's ever a guy

that's gonna stop what he's doing at the drop of a hat

for somebody else, man, that is, that's Sean's story.

Yes. You got some strong names there that God,

like clearly God's going all in on making sure

that you've got some folks around you

that are gonna invest in you

and they're not for obvious reason.

Like God had a huge plan for your life.

Uh, talk to us for a minute.

Like, what would you say to the, to the young person

or really to anyone who is in a place of, man,

I feel like I'm right on the edge,

or I feel like I'm too far gone.

Uh, the value of actually getting a mentor,

someone in your life to speak truth to you

and to call you into what it is that God has for you.

Yeah. So I mean, exactly what you said.

Like you need someone that's willing to, you know, not just,

uh, encourage you or not just challenge you to do both.

Uh, 'cause sometimes you need that Proverbs 27, 6, like,

you need the wounds of a friend.

You need someone that's willing to say something

that stings a little bit because it needs to be said.

Um, because I, I, I know like that, that's always,

to this day, uh, Andrew

and I, we have a phone call every Friday

and he, uh, he never butters me up, you know,

he always says what's true?

And, uh, I, I just appreciate that about him so much.

But like, you, you need someone, it's like, if,

if there's somewhere that you want to go find someone

that is doing something that you want to do

or that's, you know, uh, ahead of you,

and I would just say, man, uh, to, to the people like it,

get planted into a local church, get plugged in,

start serving, because to the person, like with idle hands,

like feeling like, man, what

am I supposed to do with my life?

What you're supposed to serve, God. Yeah.

And you'll, you might not be in the space in which, um,

you'll find your calling,

but that's the place in which you'll find your calling.

'cause you can't, you know, discover anything if you don't

have the opportunity to weed some stuff out.

So, so start serving in the local church, get plugged in,

and what you'll find is, man, find the older guy

at the coffee shop that's just hanging out.

'cause he wants to be there. And every single time

that person is praying for you to find them, he's praying

for someone to pour his life into.

And it's not gonna be an inconvenience.

It's gonna be the joy of his life to pour into you.

Because I mean, that's the reality.

Like, that's what the church is for.

The, the church is so we can fill the gaps. Yeah.

So we can, you know, we can lift

each other up where we're weak.

Someone else is strong.

So if you, if you want to become someone, find someone

to lead you somewhere you want to go,

and that, you know, you might have a different mentor

for different areas of your life, like as you develop.

Because you know, for me, there's, there's someone

that I talk to about marriage.

There's someone that I talk about like

leadership in business.

There's someone, um, you know, I have a great friend, uh, JP

that, you know, I, I send my my sermons to.

And he, he rips 'em apart in the,

in the most loving way, you know?

Uh, but if, if you want to grow, you've gotta be in a place

where you're humble, where you're desiring con like

constructive criticism because you know, you, we,

we know this as a coach.

If, if I want to get better, I need to be critiqued.

And if, if we are, which we all are, um, fallen

and broken, we have the proclivity

to do the things we ought not do.

We need people to have our back.

We need people to call us out and call us up.

And you need someone in your life

that will hold you accountable to that.

Yeah. And I would say lastly that,

and that creates in you an understanding of discipline.

Yeah. Like the greatest form of self-love is discipline

because you're actually keeping promises to yourself.

You're doing, you're following through with things

that you say are important to you.

So if, if your integrity and your work ethic

and your, you know, your willingness to show up every day,

like maybe that's not where you want it to be.

And find someone in your life that loves you enough

to tell you the truth often.

Yeah. Um, and watch your life change.

That's a good word. Hope in real life family.

I wanna pause for a moment

and let you know about an opportunity

that I believe can help you find a bit more

hope in everyday life.

Listen, I know a lot of our viewers probably aren't a part

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ago and, and believe me, uh, possibly for good reason.

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but I don't want you to miss out on the hope

that you can actually experience by journeying alongside

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Hope you'll check it out. Okay.

So we got some listeners out here, um,

that might feel trapped in, in cycles of sin and

and cycles of shame.

Uh, what words would you pass along to them?

Yeah, I mean, I would say in we're we're living

in a world that is broken.

Um, so even the person that you look up to most,

they have a, a laundry list of things That's right.

That they've done in their life that

where they've fallen short.

Romans 3 23 says, we've all sinned

and fall short of the glory of God.

So with that being true, uh, you know,

specifically speaking into like, maybe it's, you know, uh,

pornography or maybe it's, it's something else.

Tell someone, find someone who loves Jesus and loves you

and say the thing

because, you know, that's why we,

that's why we titled the podcast Unmissable,

because when you say the thing you have not said out loud,

it, it just takes this weight off of you. Yeah.

And losing its power once you name it.

Yeah. I mean, it, it, what's just true is we are only

as free as we're willing to be honest,

and we can only be as healed as we're willing to be honest.

So it's like, man, um, you, you, you need to say the thing.

So find someone you that loves Jesus that you trust and,

and, and say the thing out loud.

You know, you, you need to see the say the thing out loud

because there's something about processing out loud

with people you trust.

And, you know, maybe you're in that place where you've,

you've experienced that, you know,

forgiveness from First John,

but you haven't experienced James five 16.

Like, you, you need the prayer of a righteous man

or a righteous woman in your life,

and you need to say the thing

so they can pray over your life

so you can experience healing Yeah.

That you have not experienced.

So I would say that first

and foremost, like, man, if there's something

that's weighing on you that you've never said out loud,

if you know there was something that you've done

or something that happened to you, find someone you trust

and say it out loud and watch the guilt

and shame melt off of you.

Yeah. And watch freedom.

Just, you know, freedom

that you thought was never possible enter into your life.

Josh. It is. I listen to you talk too.

Uh, so I think that is, you gotta name it

and you gotta tell somebody I know from,

from my own journey here,

and this isn't necessarily about me,

but, um, I've just realized,

and you kind of hit on this a little bit at the beginning,

but what trauma can actually do to you.

And it can, it can elevate longings in your heart Yeah.

That you didn't really know whether there, you operate out

of them subconsciously,

but you don't really know what they're coming from.

And you have these feelings.

And then oftentimes as guys we're told, like, Hey,

you're not allowed to feel feelings.

Yeah. And so we just end up doing things without really

doing the stop and figure out, Hey,

where's this coming from?

And so there might be somebody out there that just needs to,

to hear you might need to go and talk to a professional.

Yeah. Um, there, there are people that are trained,

and I know, you know, for me, I'm very fortunate to have,

uh, a guy by the name of Jeff Vanderstelt

where I can just sit down and share, Hey,

this is what I'm going on.

Uh, it's actually, he's had to kind of coach it in me.

Like, no, it's not only is it okay, it's mandatory for you

to talk about how you feel, like

what is it that you're feeling.

And then from there, let's, let's do some investigating.

And again, he's got some training on what do we think it is

that could be causing these feelings.

But our feelings, man, there, like they lead us to do things

that if we don't evaluate them, uh,

and we just act out of our feelings,

then we can find ourselves in a tough spot.

And so I would just say, and don't be afraid to go

and talk to, to a a, a professional.

There's, there's things going inside of you that,

that have outpourings and outflowing that

unless we can come to terms with what that is, it's,

it's hard to know the healing that we actually need.

And the only other thing I would highlight in that man is

as you hit the nail on the head, we were created, um,

to know that we're fully loved.

And so we, we spend our time chasing

after these other things that will give us this identity

that we actually don't have to earn.

We were already born with.

Um, we just all have a very similar story to

what you talked about at the beginning.

I knew I was raised this way,

but then I made decisions to live my life this way.

But man, the penalty that we have to pay for

that's already been paid from Jesus,

that's not our burden to carry.

Yeah. I, I, I love, you know, just studying, you know,

Roman culture and it, it just takes like, uh,

I I think it's Galatians like four, four through seven.

Um, but it, it just, it talks about, well,

adoption and in Roman culture,

you know, adoption was different.

Where, you know, when you're adopted, you, you,

you can't change your mind, you know?

Yeah. And, but you were chosen and it was intentional.

And, you know, the, the fact that your inheritance,

it, it's not, when death happens, it's instantaneous.

It's then and there and you become an heir to all

that your father has and your identity changes.

You're, you're given a new heart, a new mind. Yeah.

And for me,

and for, for anyone listening, when your identity

is first and foremost a son of the king

or a daughter of the king, that changes everything.

Yeah. When you understand who your father ha

who when you understand who your father is Yeah.

It impacts how you live. Yeah.

Because it impacts how you see

yourself and how you see others.

And that's, that's the thing that changed my life where,

you know, I, I spent my life hoping

and wishing that I had a father

or my father lived differently when I understood

that I had a heavenly father

that sent his son into this world to pay the price

for my every mistake, that

in him I could be a new creation, it,

it changed everything. Yeah.

Josh, before we wrap up, I, I do want

to throw one question at you that I, I try

to ask every guest, you know, the name

of the podcast, hope in real life.

And so just to give us, uh,

and our listeners one more chance just to hear your heart

and kinda what you're about.

I'd love to hear, looking out over the next five years in

your life, what is it that you are most hopeful for?

Yeah, for, for me, um,

I'm hopeful for the church.

Um, I'm hopeful that, you know, it, it's easy to highlight,

um, bad things when they happen.

But, um, you know, uh, as, as it's been said many times

before, and no one talks about when a

plane lands safely, lands

Safely. That's right. I heard

that this morning.

I think I was ton I think I saw that. Yeah,

That's right. Yeah. Yeah.


and it's like, there's, there's so much hunger, um,

from young adults.

Yeah. That, you know, that's,

that's the demographic that I speak at the most.

You know, I'm, and it's like

I'm speaking at Liberty in two weeks

and just like being on campus there

and people just like unprompted 12,000 people on the lawn,

like on their knees, tears on their face,

like worshiping king Jesus.

Um, there's a hunger in the earth that as, as dark

as things seem, we know how the story ends.

Yeah, that's right. Um, so for me, I'm excited to see, um,

the leaders who are stepping up, the people

who have been doing good work for a long time,

continuing to do that.

Um, and for me, you know, I even, uh, I was,

I was at a conference in DC last week,

and there's people as scary as AI might seem,

there's, they were smarter people

because they're filled with a spirit.

Uh, they're, they're, they're smarter people

creating AI for the glory of God.

Yep. Um, so I'm, I'm excited to see the, the technical, the,

the technology that's being created

and developed, um, to do things like, you know, we're,

we're, we're getting close to, um, every spoken language,

uh, you know, Wyclef

and other organizations, uh, translating the Bible,

utilizing AI to, to translate the Bible in every, um,

spoken language.

Um, there's, there's, you know, we can use AI

where I can share my testimony to, you know, in,

in 189 different languages

because of, uh, one app, you know,

organizations like Messenger International,

where they've got Hebrew six

and I think like 300 different languages because of ai.

So I, I am hopeful for this generation, um,

because number one, we know how the story ends.

Yeah. But there are people doing good work in the world.

And I think that, um, even in the middle

of being in a post-Christian culture in the United States

today, I think that God is about to move in a way that as,

as it always does, exceeds our imaginations.

And we're about to see a revival.

And I, I'm excited to see, you know,

my kids be a part of it.

I'm taking my 6-year-old, I'm, I'm, I'm lecturing at, uh,

summit Ministries teaching Sexual Ethic, um, from a,

from an apologetic standpoint, um, to teenagers

and, um, bringing, bringing my son with me

and the fact that, that is the story that,

that God has given me today.

And I never would've thought in a million years would I get

to live the life that I live today.

Yeah. And that's not because of me.

That's because of what Jesus has done, and that's

because of who God is.

And that's, that's what leaves me hopeful.

Um, and, uh, I just can't wait to see what he does next.

Man, that's good. I, I think, um, most every now

and then, I'll have a deep answer.

Uh, that was a deep answer, man. That was great.

Um, we will probably edit this next part out.

Uh, my answer is a lot less deep today.

I think when I hear you talking about, Hey, ai,

my mind goes, like, I'm actually hopeful

that we're like one step closer to

that Terminator two judgment day zone.

'cause I feel like my family is like, built

to actually thrive in that type of society.

And so completely, my mind went

to a completely different place when you went there,

but your, so your answer is way better,

uh, at least for this episode.

Hey, uh, to our listeners again, Josh Broom, uh,

new book, seven Lies That Will Ruin Your Life

Podcast series.

unmentionable got a new project out called Unbound that, uh,

is tied in with covenant eyes.

We'll have all those resources down in the show notes.

Check out the book if you wanna follow Josh,

how do people keep up with you

and the things that you're doing and

the things you're talking about?

Yeah, so my social media across the board is I am Joshua

Broom, and, uh,

my website is Joshua broom.me, is my website.

Okay. Right on. Josh, thank you so much for the time, man.

It's great to catch up. Uh, it's funny that I,

we've caught up more in this last little bit

of a podcast than we probably, uh,

have in the last couple years.

That's a shame. Let's make sure we fix that.

Please send, uh, my love to hope and to the kids

and, uh, can't wait to have you back, uh, on the show soon.

Thank you so much for your time, brother. Absolutely.

Always good to see You, bro. Yep. Talk to you soon.

To our listeners, thank you again for tuning in.

Listen, if you know someone in your life

that feels like they are in a place,

or maybe they've gone too far, they're in a place

of hopelessness and take some time

and share this episode with them, you never know, uh,

the impact that you can have by taking just a few seconds

to share with somebody else the difference

that it can make in their lives.

To bring a little bit of hope in a place

that they desperately need it.

Love you guys. Thank you for being a part of this community.

Until we see you next time, let's keep sharing hope.

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of The Hope in Real Life podcast.

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Until next time, let's keep sharing hope.