Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Thursday the 11th July 2024.

The Department for Work and Pensions has unveiled new plans to support people back into work, or help with career progression.
Against the backdrop of increasing economic inactivity, the Back to Work plan will support economic growth around the country through three pillars, which including the merging of Jobcentres and the National Careers Service, further devolved powers to drive work, health and skills, and a youth guarantee for those between 18 and 21.
Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall said that “economic activity is holding Britain back – it’s bad for people, it’s bad for business and it’s bad for growth.”

Liverpool City Region is to benefit from new collaboration between the combined authority and South Korea, as it looks to drive connectivity improvements.
Off the back of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed last year between Mayor Steve Rotheram and the Mayor of Busan, digital twins are to be developed that will help drive innovative solutions to challenges with fares, transport routes, and improving bus services.
Speaking about the collaboration, Liverpool City Region Mayor Steve Rotheram said: “Working alongside our partners in South Korea and the University of Liverpool, this collaborative new project will help us make better, data-driven decisions to help provide the world class, London-style transport system our residents deserve.”

Manchester City Council has confirmed that Eamonn Boylan will take over as interim Chief Executive, with the current Chief set to leave.
As Joanne Roney departing for Birmingham, Boylan brings a wealth of leadership experience across a number of local government organisations, as he works to ensure that the transition to a new permanent Chief Executive is as smooth as possible.
The process of finding a new permanent Chief is underway.

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