Luther's Catechism

In this episode of Luther’s Catechism Podcast, we will cover the layout, unique features, and the intended uses of the edition of the Small Catechism that Luther’s Catechism Podcast will follow: the 2017 Anniversary Edition commemorating the 500th anniversary of the posting of the Ninety-five Theses and the beginning of the Lutheran Reformation, published by Northwestern Publishing House.
You can purchase your copy of this edition of the Catechism at 

What is Luther's Catechism?

This podcast takes listeners through Luther’s Small Catechism in order to educate, encourage, equip, and strengthen you in your Christian faith and for all your callings in life. No matter who you are, Luther’s Catechism Podcast is a place for you to grow!

Hello, and welcome to Luther’s Catechism Podcast – brought to you by The Way Church.

I’m Pastor Matt Rothe.

Luther’s Catechism Podcast takes, you, the listener through Luther’s Small Catechism in order to educate, encourage, and equip, you in your Christian faith and for all your callings in life.

In this introductory episode we will explore the layout and the intended uses of the edition of the Small Catechism that this podcast will follow: the two-thousand and seventeen Anniversary Edition commemorating the 500th anniversary of the posting of the Ninety-five Theses and the beginning of the Lutheran Reformation, published by Northwestern Publishing House.

You can purchase your copy of this edition of the Catechism at the following web address:

In the Preface of this edition, the editors write the following:

Luther's Small Catechism is a treasure that has graced the church ever since it was first published in 1529. Throughout the centuries since, the catechism, along with its exposition, has been the textbook used by hundreds of thousands of students to learn the truths of Scripture.
But Luther understood that the value of this treasure was not limited to young people. He used the catechism throughout his life, and he urged others to follow his example.
Those two factors have influenced the design and development of this Reformation Anniversary Edition of the Small Catechism.
Because of the catechism's potential to serve as an ongoing source of encouragement and guidance, its contents have been designed to flow for a more natural read. The text and its indices (in·duh·seez )will always permit Christians to search out a particular topic and the Bible verses that apply.
[end quote]

Ok, two things to know:
First, the catechism has been the textbook that students young and old use to engage in an in-depth study of the truths of Scripture. And, in many churches, the Small Catechism is used in exactly that way. This is good!

However, secondly, we must note this, and this cannot be emphasized enough:
The Catechism is NOT merely a text book that you use in a purely academic sense.
Nor is it a text book that you use only during your formal coursework and then never pick up again. No!
The value of the Catechism is that it serves a Christian as a devotional tool throughout their entire life!
This is the purpose for which Martin Luther original designed and wrote his small catechism!!

Moving on from the preface to this edition, on page one (1) you will find the text of Luther’s Small Catechism.

There are six chief parts:
First, the Ten Commandments
Second, the Creed (that is, the Apostle’s Creed)
Third, The Lord’s Prayer
Fourth, The Sacrament of Baptism
Fifth, The Office of the Keys and Confession
And, finally, The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Now, following the six chief parts, there are also sections on the Nicene Creed, Daily Prayers, and the Table of Duties – that is, a section that offers direction and encouragement to people in their various callings or vocations.
We will explore these sections further in bonus episodes, along with other topics, as well.

But this podcast’s main episodes will cover over 50 (!) units that breakdown and explain the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism. These units begin on page 26 with introductory units.

If you open your Catechism, I’d like to go through what you will find. The purpose of doing this is not just to familiar you with the content of the Catechism, but I’d also like to give you a preview of the general flow that each of our podcast episodes will follow.

Opening up your Catechism, what you will find is this:
• The topical heading is given with some introduction and explanation.
• Next, there is a series of questions. The preface gives a good explanation of these questions sections:

Because of the catechism's enduring role as an instructional tool, this book contains a clear and orderly presentation of Bible doctrine. The questions AND the Bible verses that follow the questions let Scripture speak for itself and encourage students to search the Scriptures to discover God's answers. Often, additional explanations are included to summarize Bible truths. [end quote]

Ok, to give listener’s an example of this let me open up my catechism, and you are welcome to do the same.
Let’s open to page 46, to the unit that unpacks the 1st commandment, which is “You shall have no other Gods.”
What we see, after the introduction, is the question “Why is it important for us to know true God?” and underneath we have 7(!) passages helping us see, from THE BIBLLE, the incredible significance of knowing the one true God. Throughout this particular unit there are 6 questions, each individually numbered, that help us more deeply study the 1st commandment, “You shall have no other Gods.”

I want to point out two features of this Catechism that you will enjoy:
• Interspersed throughout the questions sections there are asides titled “A Closer Look.” These excursions help readers and listeners apply the truth being taught in a relevant way, at times they offer definitions of terms, or “A Closer Look” will invite further contemplation or study on a topic.
• The second feature I want to point out are the diagrams. As you read through the Catechism these diagrams are meant to enhance leaning for those of us who learn visually. Now, you can’t see these on this podcast unless you are watching the video version, but I still wanted to point these out as I may at times reference or explain the diagrams.

Finally, there is one more feature of this edition of the small catechism that I need to point out.

To highlight even more the catechism's potential as an ongoing spiritual tool, each of the 50 units and, therefore, each of our podcast episodes will end with a Connections section.

The Connections sections are meant to be devotional for listeners and families as they study their catechism together.

In these Connections sections, listeners of this podcast and readers of the Catechism readers will be guided through a Bible history narrative and then given thought questions prompted by the Bible reading, which apply the truths learned in that unit. Those are followed by a related quote from Luther or the Lutheran Confessions and a closing hymn.

So, there you have it, I hope this introductory episode was helpful and maybe interesting to you.
As we explored the layout and the intended uses of the edition of the Small Catechism that this podcast will follow. Yoi are now not only familiar you with the content of the Catechism, but also now you know what to expect as far as the general flow that each of our podcast episodes will follow.

Again, this particular edition is the two-thousand and seventeen Anniversary Edition commemorating the 500th anniversary of the posting of the Ninety-five Theses and the beginning of the Lutheran Reformation, published by Northwestern Publishing House.

You can purchase your copy of this edition of the Catechism at the following web address:

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Luther’s Catechism Podcast – brought to you by The Way Church. I’m Pastor Matt Rothe.