Armbar Audio

BOOKERMAN - Give Thanks For Violence Fantasy Tournament - With Chip Woods

Show Notes

BOOKERMAN - Give Thanks For Violence Fantasy Tournament - With Chip Woods
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Tim Farley: Hello and welcome to
another episode of Armbar Audio.

I'm your host, Tim Farley.

The next to me is my trusted

John Kerns: companion.

John Kerns.

What's up everybody today.

We're coming at you with
another fantasy chart, another

installment of poker main series.

We're coming at you with a fantasy
tournament, which we have titled it.

Give thanks for filing or going on the,
uh, we're on that Thanksgiving trend.

We wanted this out before
Thanksgiving, but you know how

Tim Farley: things go?

Yeah, man, we're three adults.

We got jobs and

John Kerns: shit.

And especially around the holidays.

Makes me not want to do

Tim Farley: anything else.

We don't get paid off this shit, man.

Bookerman: Give me money, sign up and say,

John Kerns: we've been doing this

Bookerman: for three years.

Tim Farley: Anyway, we are
here again with the Booker man

Bookerman: himself ship.

That's going on, people.

How you doing today?

Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy holidays there buddy.

Got another poker man championship
fantasy tournament here.

So it'd be pretty good.

Tim Farley: Oh yeah.

So we decided we wanted
to do a tournament.

Uh, and we were gonna all, we were
going to do it like a traditional

16 man, since there's three of us,
we were each going to pick four and

then we would do a unanimous one.

The unanimous wrestler, as you could
see on the screen, the wrestlers here, a

unanimous, unanimous choice was Jonathan.

Um, we'll pick five.

And then

John Kerns: I did math in my head, like,

Tim Farley: wait a minute.

Who, who picked, who?


John Kerns: I have it in a note, but

Tim Farley: I picked Shingo Alexander.

John Kerns: Tim, you picked Shingo black

Tim Farley: agent gray, the
motherfucking truth and the walking

John Kerns: weapon.

George Alexander ship chose Adam
Kobe moose, uh, Johnny rustling,

Johnny Gargano and kill across.

I chose the ticking time bomb, uh,
big breakfast, young dumb, and broke.

Jordan Oliver.


Yeah, the tweener Kenya
mega fit Bauer and dashing.

Wonderful unanimous entrance, none other
than the, uh, member of the foundation,

if they are even a thing anymore.

I don't know.

Tim Farley: I hope they are
the octopus, the octopus.

John Kerns: What?

One of the luckiest man alive.

So yeah, the field Shango

cross omega

Tim Farley: in Beller and John put them
into a randomizer and this is the field.


John Kerns: is what the range
of minds are spread out.

Uh, first of all, first match
on the card is in LIJ battle.

Uh, her rheumatologist.


Tim Farley: we have the current
new Japan champion, heavyweight

IWG world heavyweight champion
against the junior AEs.

Uh, Hiromi Takahashi.

And as much as I love talking
to she, uh, it is not his time.

The rampage dragon would put him
to bed, uh, after probably I would

say after probably 20, 20 minutes
of fighting also, uh, this is like

JCW and ECW rules where, uh, uh,
outside objects are not encouraged,

but they're not discouraged either.

Um, I would say Hiromi would pull out
all the stops doing the divers to the

outside and such, but she didn't go
was just too much of a powerhouse man.

I'm out of his boots, his furry boots,

John Kerns: and they are very,

Tim Farley: what do you

Bookerman: say?


John Kerns: so I actually, I think
Shingo would go over as well.

Um, as much as I love him, he was my pick,

Tim Farley: but

John Kerns: yeah, I mean, Shingo

Tim Farley: is

John Kerns: the rampage dragon, and
he's on the top of his game right now.

He's he's peak shingle right now.

Bookerman: Uh,

John Kerns: so yeah, it would be an
awesome back and forth contest and there

would be a lot of sportsmanship involved.

Here's their stable mates, absolute

Bookerman: Shipton.

Based off some of the messages that I
have just watched students, just his base.

He think he's a beast.

It looks like he looks like he could
take just about anything you handle.

And then, so, uh, I'm going
to go ahead and make this.

Tim Farley: She didn't go
and was on the second round.

Now, going over to the other side
of the bracket, the first match

over there is the leader of
Louis and go over and all his day

opponent against the walking weapon.

Josh Alexander, uh, Josh Alexander
has had an outstanding year.

Uh, he's been featured
prominently on the independence.

He has been featured prominently in
impact, um, as the X division champion and

caching in the X division championship and
beating Christian cage for the title only

to be taken, to be taken away so quickly.

But he has had a great match against
Suzuki and there's more in store for him.

He goes by the iron man.

Uh, he wrestles, uh, like a pure
wrestler, a technical wrestler,

a Knight is more cerebral.

He, uh, he likes to play mind games,
but he also his move, his finishing

move is the Destino, which targets
the neck and almost every move in his

arsenal, uh, leads up to that move.

We've seen Tetsu at the lowest
of lows and the highest pies.

Uh, his highest of high was in January.

Uh, is it this January or no?

Cause the booshie came out on top.


Well we saw the first ever
double champion in new Japan.

Um, We've we've seen a lot from him.

Uh, he's just now coming back from
an injury and he's still at the top

of his game there Timmins, not our
leading the world tag league right now.

Um, in my opinion, this can go either way.

So I want to kick it over
to one of you two first.

I'll chime in on this one.

Bookerman: I'm not extremely from my
super familiar with jobs Alexander.

The most I know about him is in
the north with, uh, all Ethan Page.

So I know him more as a texting wrestler.

This guy's got math skills.

He definitely technical
and all aspects tough.

He's got the size, I think.

Nice takes this.

Uh, Josh, Josh Alexander could not,
I don't wanna say one-trick pony, but

he kinda sticks to one set in my view.

Which is straight technical, whereas
NATO, Kayla, it can get a little

cerebral dance around getting your
head, smile, dance laid out through as

though, you know, and get into the head.

And I think that night I could take
him off his game and then hit him.

Uh, that move you just described, uh, you
said, you know what, it's like a break or

Tim Farley: something and like, does
this high-impact neck breaker type deal?

I, I don't know.

I haven't seen it in a while.

I'll be like floats over
them into like, come on.

John Kerns: You're
talking about the Destino.

He grabs like a headboard
and then flips over them.

And it ends up being like
a reverse dating tape.

Tim Farley: So chips
go with NATO, John, who

John Kerns: I'm actually going to go.

Josh, why

Tim Farley: don't we
go off the beaten path?

John Kerns: Well, because like Josh
Alexander, I mean, yeah, NATO has all

these tricks up his sleeve, but that's
only sort of to piss off Josh Alexander

Bookerman: and

John Kerns: we just saw George
Alexander shortly holding the impactful

title before somebody else on this
tournament took it away from him.

So I'm going to say Georgia
was Andrew was going to just

broaden his way to the winter.

Tim Farley: Those make
convincing arguments.

I think the experience in the ICU
and the versatility of night tow

takes nights to the second round.

So I'm sorry, John.

But the second round goes,
NATO's going to the second round.


Bookerman: okay.

All right.

John Kerns: Now we're going to talk
about, we have over on the left side

again, we've got dash and Chris bay, the
newest member of the pool, and it was

one on one against former board member.

And I'm told bay

Tim Farley: bay, I said this,

John Kerns: that's why I'm saying the
fact that this was randomized crazy,

Tim Farley: right?

I'm going to say this.

Uh, Chris bay is a promising talent.

Uh, this match would be really.

But Adam cool.

Would super kick him like he did to
ricochet somehow like off of the spring.


Tempt or some flip Adam
Cole would just catch him.


And fucking mid air, uh, and Adam Cole.

And that I'm cool.

So it was about two feet taller
and about a hundred pounds more.

It would've been the universal champion
and the WWE about a year or two years ago.

Uh, the guy is a fantastic,
he's a fantastic professional

wrestler and sports entertainment.


Uh, I'm go with Adam cool bay.

John Kerns: And I'm cold bay bay.

What about you chip?

Bookerman: He said that any better.

So I sort of watched the Brisbane masters,
so I watched a little, so I've watched the

more I watch the one print him and change.

Yeah, which was pretty nice.

I liked Chris bay, but not as much.

So like Adam Cole

seems like, seems like they're getting
ready to start with the undisputed super

quick, but it seems like for now anyway.

Um, and so co Riley,

Tim Farley: he comes over and
then omega comes back eventually

and lets heads with Adam.


Would she kind of like, yeah, there's
going to be versus the undisputed,

whatever they want to call them whenever.

Bookerman: Yeah.

He's got the skill, Adam Cole,

my he's the modern day.

Shawn Michaels to be

Tim Farley: absolutely 100%
Adam Cole, maybe a little

less athletic, but definitely.

With the build and the charisma charisma.



I remember when I first started
getting back into wrestling, I

got up pro wrestling illustrated.

Adam Cole had just come onto the
scene and they said that like then

years ago, like before it was in
ROA that he would be the next show.

I'm like, yeah,

Bookerman: guys just he's got, yeah,

John Kerns: he's got, he's got it, John

Tim Farley: is, if I know it doesn't
matter because we both said I'm cool.

I know.

John Kerns: All right.

I mean, it's that?

Tim Farley: All right.

So that sets up Shingo and Adam.


For the second round, let's
go over to the other side.

John Kerns: Here's.

How about killer cross against the
supernova current champion of Noah?

uh, the other cross, just coming off with
WWE release, where he was carrying cross.

Um, if we're talking like kayfabe or
like Canon in the rest of the universe

crosses coming in, looking approved.


Tim Farley: yeah, we got, we got
killer cross who's, uh, who did well

and NXT got shit on, on, in WWE.

Raw did well in impact did well
in Mexico and on the ground.

Uh, he, he has the, uh, he has
a kind of fighter background.

Uh, he can hit you with a submission.

He can hit you with a strike,
but so can knock a Gemma.

Gemma, I believe is a second degree.

Black belt in karate.

You may have other things behind him.

He's been wrestling since the age of 15.

And he's only 33 years old.

Uh, Nakajima has been in new Japan.

He's wrestled for ROA and
she's wrestled Bryan Danielson.

But right now Nakajima is one of
the best wrestlers on the planet.

And that's not saying killer cross isn't.

Um, in my humble opinion,
this almost goes to a draw.

I believe killer cross
would try to use a weapon.

Yeah, maybe a steel chair and knock
a Gemma would quick the chair through

killer crosses chest and log DMLS
for the Kao with a cross would put

it the sleeper on, uh, Nakajima.

Push him back into the turnbuckle a
couple of times, but cross and keep it on.

Then he would take it off to maybe go
for a stomp or a, you know, an elbow or

something and Nakajima would kick out.

But eventually I think the ending of
this match would see Nakajima winning by

Kao damn near the 60 minute time limit.


Or 30,

John Kerns: 30, 60 per

Tim Farley: the first round.

We can't do that first round.

John Kerns: It's going to
be 17 hours long fantasy.


Crossword immediately try to use
the size advantage against hockey

jam up and it wouldn't work.

Uh, knock the genders too quick.



So what that

Tim Farley: worked?


Hammond Keno.

If he wouldn't have attacked Kenna's
leg in the beginning, that match

would have went a different way.

Of course, I'm talking
about the GHC verse.

GHC no of the best 2021.

Um, but the fact that he was smart enough
to go after that leg, uh you're right.

Something he would, he would
go after a body part that cross

would not be able to recover for

John Kerns: knees legs.


Because dross cross has a size
advantage against just about

anybody who's in the west.


Bookerman: but

John Kerns: size doesn't win, fight

Tim Farley: fighting spirit does

John Kerns: spirit does.

And Nakajima has that in spades.

Tim Farley: My God
fucking, I can't believe.

The matches I've seen of Nakajima
most of them, I can't believe he's

come out alive, let alone win or draw.


John Kerns: Absolutely.

So, yeah, you're not the gym
as well, because I think,

Bookerman: and it's not

John Kerns: nothing in this
means that the other guys bet,

but like CROs wouldn't know how

Tim Farley: to handle him right away.

John Kerns: And right then
and there you've lost a match.

Tim Farley: Yeah.

I th I think it really comes down
to, uh, like I said, I think the end

would be a knockout, but it comes
down to the spirit of the fighter.

And Nakajima like you
said, he has it in spades.

I don't think cross
could put that guy down.

Bookerman: Ah, cross.

Caribbean slash killer cross is raw.

How he comes out.

You like a freight train all the time.

I feel like that's that?

That's a bad technique.

I mean, I, it works for him.

It really works for him.

Um, but I think he comes at headfirst.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, Jima thinking,
man, like you said, he's going to take

a body part and start working on it.

If that doesn't work, it doesn't work.

So we'll pick another one.

Tim Farley: Um, if that doesn't work,
he's just going to straight up kick,

Bookerman: kick your chest.

I see this one tiny little draw and I
see Nakajima throwing his hand over a,

just beat down cross as Tom's taken away.

Just slapping their hand on top, like
boom for 1, 2, 3 with like three seconds.

Uh, I feel like this one just goes, I
mean, they'd go at each other, boom,

one freight train, you know what I mean?

Brown's on about sex and I think it
comes away with the victory of this.

Tim Farley: All right.

So that sets up, knock a Gemma
against Knightstone the first round.


John Kerns: Which, um, funny
enough is a match that could very

well happen on January 8th, 2022

Tim Farley: versus new Japan.

Uh, so let's go to the bottom half and our
unanimous choice, Jonathan Gresham against

Mel, the leader of the house of black with

John Kerns: the best match
graphic render of all time.


That he just got an AWS.

Tim Farley: I will say this.

Uh, when I looked at this bracket,
this match out of all the ones in

the first round, this match is the.

To choose Malika black is taller
than Jonathan Gresham, but Jonathan

Russians built like a brick shit house.


Gresham's great.

Technically that's like
his forte, but Malakai

Bookerman: black

Tim Farley: is also very good
technically, and he has the

finesse and he has the strikes.

Jonathon has strikes too, but like I said,
this tournament is under JCW ECW rules.

We have a man touting, pure
wrestling and grappling, I guess

the man who by any means necessary.


And with that, I will not make my choice.

I will leave it to you guys to discuss.

John Kerns: So for me, this
comes down to what happens for.

Does matter, I hit that take first or
just brush and get them into a hole.

Tim Farley: Um, I seen, he goes
for the kick right away and Gresham

gets him into a leg lock and then
it starts, it starts, the wrestling

John Kerns: basically eliminates
the black mass of why gout or

whatever it is calling it now.

Tim Farley: Well, you never know
because every time you thought he

was caught in something against Cody
or whoever in a w he flipped that

shit around real quick, real quick.

It's not going to be a
walk in the park, Jonathan,

John Kerns: none at all.

And Malika is always able to wiggle his
way out of any hole I've ever seen him.

Um, he's much like Virginia in
that way, but, uh, something that

Malka has in his arsenal now that
he didn't before that is utilized

many times already in a w is that.

Now that miss

Tim Farley: takes people
up and it's not illegal

John Kerns: and it's not

Tim Farley: illegal wellness.

John Kerns: So I think it
would come down to desperation.

I think, uh, Jonathan Gresham would
have go down now it's looking grim for

the leader of the house, but then all
of a sudden he pops up out of nowhere,

splits the mist, hits the check 1, 2,

Bookerman: 3 chip.


As you can see by my

Tim Farley: silence, it's hard.

Bookerman: This is a very, I thought
the crisp Adam full one, but when

he came, what did we talk to?


It was just, it hit like.

Thank you, sir.

You know what I mean?

I can see matter of fact, most for that
blackout automatically with brushing,

grabbing, taking them down, maybe, you
know, starting to mess off like that.

Uh, Gresham is he's one dimensional,
but it's the best dimension that

you could have when it comes to
wrestling, which is just being

able to know every brand Danielson.

You can't put him in something
he doesn't know how to get out.

Um, I think the aggression of Malakai
black, where's this match for Malakai

black, um, with Gresham being so sure.

And his technique is in his head.

He's not going to think.

He's not going to think about
any means any means necessary.

It's not going to reach for
whatever it takes to win the match.

I sometimes take it black in this one.

That's unfortunate.

Cause I really just thinking this is
going to be Gresham, but at the end

of the day, uh, with the rules and
actually, I didn't know about these rules.

So about, I blacked all day.

Unfortunately I hate to see
him fall out like this, but

Tim Farley: I'm gonna go with,
even though it doesn't matter.


Jonathan Gresham ducks, the mist,
Jonathan Gresham, who's been

going pure rules this whole time

Bookerman: snaps.

Tim Farley: He starts throwing,
he starts throwing, uh, Malakai's

left leg off the, uh, off the post.

And does the bread heart
figure four leg lock.

Oh yeah.


Uh, since there's not many rules
in this and we have to determine.

Bookerman: Um,

Tim Farley: Malakai gets out of
that by, by sitting up and spitting,

miss down into Gretchen's face.

Gresham has to break the lock
he's on the outside home himself.

Malakai gets outside, running Nita
the face over the fucking barricade

takes some suplexes back over,
goes in, throws him in the rain.

He's about to go through for the
black mess, and everybody thinks it's

happening because Jonathan Grasso's
eyes are covered in black mist,

but Gretchen goes underneath grabs
the leg like this, lifts them up.

Boom, leg breaker, boom, figure four.

Now Malakai doesn't know what to do.

Jonathan Gresham is
going on to this figure.

Uh, like Jay lethal and
he is not letting go.

Malakai sits up and he starts punching
him in the face, but Gresham's screaming.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Now they're starting to punch each other.

They're flipping around the going around.

Boom, boom, boom.

Oh, this stuff's happening.

Fast succession.

They finally get to their feet.

Uh, Gresham goes to sweep Malakai's legs.

Malika jumps up, comes back
down, thrust, kick in the face.

Black mask over Malakai
black unanimous winner.

Bookerman: Oh

John Kerns: my man, you
just described an enemy.

Tim Farley: Wrestling is bro

Bookerman: human.

None of us

Tim Farley: it's the roles


John Kerns: But speaking of GCs,
w w we're going to talk about.

Black death, the motherfucking truth.

Oh, let's do it.

Ajay gray against the winner.

The best belt machine

Tim Farley: Kenya.

No, I chose AIJ gray because he
is the west coast pro champion.

He is the, for the culture leader.

He is representing African-American
wrestling, like nobody else on the scene.

And he's fantastic.

But when you have this bracket and
you get probably the best wrestler

in the past decade, you're going

Bookerman: against


Ain't happening.

Tim Farley: But Kenny Omega's beating you.

I don't need to go into
any further detail.

You could go for every Larry.

You can go for every Cappo kick
you want, you could try and bring

out some Def mash shenanigans.

You learned a GC w Kenny
omega will forward it all.

He will trigger your arm.

When you go for that Lariat, you're
going up for the one lane angel

and you ain't coming back up, bro.

Bookerman: Fucking

John Kerns: hit like right here.


Tim Farley: I can't imagine

Bookerman: out of the socket, like
legit out of the socket, your arms day,

John Kerns: if this was a death match
tournament, it would get so differently.

Bookerman: And he didn't
know what I was gonna say.

I've seen him in a couple of
matches that, uh, I was shocked.

I was, I was like, really?

I didn't realize.

Oh, yeah, like legit.

So technical, you've
got so much skill DDT,

John Kerns: different.

I mean, we had the lights out match.

We had the exploding death
match, which until the end

wasn't legitimate death match.


Tim Farley: I mean,

Bookerman: we're talking
about the beat trigger.

Could you imagine getting by
tubes in front of your face

Tim Farley: right

John Kerns: now?

I just want to say,

Tim Farley: man, maybe
we will never know, man.

You never know where
cross crosses gonna end up

John Kerns: being the first
man to actually kill you.

Tim Farley: Maybe.

Bookerman: Oh,

John Kerns: but yeah.

Yeah, it's, it's kinda, it's kinda

Bookerman: right.

Tim Farley: So back over to the
other side, the last match, or the

first round in the age bracket,
uh, Finn Balor against moose,

John Kerns: moose, moose.

This could be the sleeper end

Tim Farley: of the first round.


Uh, moose has continuously, continuously
recruit, not just in the ring, but

on the mic presentation, his body.

And finally he has what he's always
wanted in the impact world championship.

He's finally redeemed as hen and he
is a downright bastard for it, but.

I would, uh, I would ask you
to find a better professional

wrestler than fin Bauer.

And I think you'd be hard pressed to
find one, but I could see Finn Balor

going for that beautiful hero being
caught by moose into a power bomb.

John Kerns: I thought,

Tim Farley: oh no, well, he's coming
down chess right into a powder form

Bookerman: and then

Tim Farley: pick them up, like
CSRO swung them off the fucking

guard rails and everything.

That's also for guys
like he's fought Samoa,

Bookerman: Joe.

He bled

Tim Farley: he's been the worst with guys

Bookerman: like this.


Tim Farley: moose.

Finn Balor goes for the coup de Gras
and thinks he has it in the bag.

It's taken a little bit too much
time and most as we sing, it's

very athletic now, very agile.

One movement jumps to the
top rope into the Spanish fly

Bookerman: sets up for the spear

Tim Farley: goes for the spear.

Doesn't get the three
goes for another spear.

Finn Balor hits a shotgun
Dropkick to the fucking dome.

It goes up for another two to grow.

Moose moves out of the way, jumps to.

Spear from behind to the back spirit
of the front and a Jack hammer on

top for the, when I'm picking loose.

Bookerman: That was, that was good stuff.

Tim Farley: Anybody got thoughts?

I'm going to let the

John Kerns: ship go
while I figured this out.

Bookerman: I got moose.


Tim Farley: I decided to go
against the grain, the grain.

Bookerman: That's what I'm thinking.

I'm not thinking I was
thinking more prince debit.

It could be

bullet club debit was going to have
to be that guy to go up against most.

I see him get caught out of the
air from my, uh, I see at the

beginning of this moves us down,
going up for the coup de Gras.

It gets as you get ready to get
up moose Kips up catches him, puts

that into a Powerball Powerball,
a spear, and 1, 2, 3 that's Rob,

John Kerns: does that mean size

Bookerman: that size

trim fit?

He is

Tim Farley: he's in the fucking career.

Bookerman: Yeah.


He's he's, it's not just football clips.

So when he first came in,
he was football player.

Right now he's you're right.

He could prove over the
last five years, he's

John Kerns: definitely easily
Brussels in the world right now,

Bookerman: because when he first
came in and he was super raw

and, uh, he has star credit.

Cause I didn't think he was
going to last like that.

Um, yeah, he's really putting

Tim Farley: in the word duty.

His wife divorced him.

He left football and all that money to
gamble on pro wrestling sucks to be her.


She has a, it was a new one.


John Kerns: I like your spot with
the sharpen job kick into that.

Tim Farley: Absolutely.


John Kerns: think it would
go a little differently.

I think he would hit the shotgun drop
cage, split it perfectly catch both

shorts while he's going for the spear.

Tim Farley: And.

John Kerns: Because I'm going
to be the one that gives you

a different way on this one.

He hits those shoulders.

Then what does it do to him?

He grabs that headlock and starts pounding
on those Danial Bryce and shoulders starts

pounding those elbows into the shorters

Tim Farley: rendering,
the spear useless, but

John Kerns: in that spot, during
that spot, Bates moves by submission.

Tim Farley: Very nice.

I'm picking ballad, but moose
goes on the last match in the B

bracket, you got one of the best
independent wrestlers of all time.

Johnny Gargano against one of the
best independent wrestlers of 2021.

John Kerns: Jordan don't die.

Young, young, dumb, and broke.

Tim Farley: Yeah, you start

Bookerman: this one off.

John Kerns: This is a match that I
would love to see happen in real life.

Um, well, yeah, all of them, but

Tim Farley: one that

John Kerns: is right now could
be a legitimate possibility.

Tim Farley: The rumors are true.

If the rumors are true.

Bookerman: And for the most part

John Kerns: in recent history they have,

but Joanie or Garneau against
Jordan Oliver would be sort of

the question styles and short
and sort of not, uh, there too.

You wouldn't call them little
guys, but they definitely

have that cruiserweight stop.

Tim Farley: Jordan is taller.


Um, joining housing.

Jordan likes to use the, uh, Cleopatra.

He likes to use the big boot.

He likes to use the, uh,
the cutter off the top.

He likes to, uh, he's been using a
lot of suplexes and stuff lately.

I think he's even added
some submissions to his


Bookerman: Yeah.

Tim Farley: But how old is
Jordan over for real that's

John Kerns: 22 or 23.

Bookerman: He's young.

Tim Farley: Now

Bookerman: somebody I didn't know much
about to be honest, I'll watch them.

Tim Farley: That, that can't
be all way younger than that.


John Kerns: not some Olympic

Bookerman: year.


If you pull up Jordan all over,
you're going to get two wrestlers.


You're gonna get a bearded guy and
then you're going to get Jordan,

John Kerns: uh, born 1999.

So 22.


He's 22.

Tim Farley: Yeah,

it was literally almost wrestled everyone
under the fucking face of the sun.


Uh, you know, he's got, he could jump.

He could, he can fly.

He could do the submissions.

He could do the suplexes.

He could do it all

Bookerman: size.

That's the only thing holding small guys.

Just guy Garganow is something I
can't, I can't even find a word.

That's in Washington.

And like, it's just every

Tim Farley: single and evolve.

And whenever evolve first came
up, drank at USA was also a thing.

They were kind of tied together.

I would go on the website and word
evolve and try and get USAID DVDs.

Uh, the experience and the knowledge
of Garganow would send a Jordan

Oliver backing out of the storm.

Bookerman: Yeah.


I mean,

John Kerns: it started wrestling.

Bookerman: I mean, the guys
I've seen them in cage matches.

Hey guys.

I mean, Champa against our drawing.

Um, it's just his styles.

She style changes from
rest of the wrestler.

Uh, like I said, the only thing that holds
it back sides and in some instances, and

even that doesn't even stop you stop it.


It's just a, I guess, a measurement
you're joining wrestling all day.


Tim Farley: that sets up Johnny
wrestling versus Kenny omega.

And the second round, I believe

John Kerns: we have the unanimous is

Bookerman: right.


Tim Farley: So let's start at the
top and we'll go the other side,

first NATO and Nakajima mento.

And I'll say this market gym was full
of piss and vinegar because new Japan

has had the thumb on Noah for years.

He's coming in representing the
four pillars of all Japan that left.

And Massawa, who's part of that.

Who made Noah?

You got NATO sitting pretty on his
throne, new Japan leading one of the

hottest factions in all of wrestling.

Nakajima doesn't let toe walk
out with all of his teeth.

Bookerman: True

Tim Farley: as hard as hard and as
hard hitting as Nakajima his first

round match against killer cross was,
this will be a little bit different.

This would be a little
more technical, a little

Bookerman: more

Tim Farley: posturing, uh, on the outside.

NATO we'll use everything that he can
to his advantage, including coming down

to the ring laundry shit and, uh, taking
off his clothes as long as possible.

But this will not deter
Costa Rico knock Jima.

Cause he'd go knock a Jim wants to
know once everyone in Japan to know who

the real man is and knock a Jima beat.

Bookerman: Uh, I think people,

John Kerns: in my opinion, uh,
people see the eyeballs, they see

the what's it called the trunk.

And they find yo, this guy
he's just care his heads

Tim Farley: because his head's

John Kerns: always in the gym.

He's always looking for the win and
he's willing to do anything to get it.

And that's why Nodo goes on.

Bookerman: Fuck.

John Kerns: So chip has

Bookerman: to be the decider.

Tim Farley: Nobody's going to stick.

You don't know

John Kerns: me.

I mean, the gym is incredible.

I mean,

Bookerman: what if.

Tim Farley: I'm sorry,
I'm going backwards.

Uh, so the first round was like, what?

20 minutes draw.

20, 20 minutes to a draw.

Yeah, this is 30.

And the final match will be
60 or the next one will be 40

in the last one will be six.

John Kerns: Final match has no time.

Bookerman: Okay.

Tim Farley: This match
does not have a winner.

Bookerman: So what happens?

Tim Farley: They're both on their backs.

So you're just saying you going up with

John Kerns: the lights,
but what are you saying?

So what

Tim Farley: would happen

Bookerman: triple threat?

Tim Farley: No, the winner of omega and
Garganow just straight to the finals.

Bookerman: Okay.

John Kerns: That's interesting.

So you're saying no winter.

I said no.

Bookerman: And I said,

John Kerns: so what happens?

Tim Farley: Fuck it.

I'll pick, I'll go back
to my regular choice.


Bookerman: Trust me.

I'd be grouped for now the
entire time, but I just see not

cross at the end, let the very
last beat, beat some doubt.

And it's just, and I think, and obviously
that had a mentality with Dido and B

probably being a little more technical.

I still think GMO at the end.

Tim Farley: Yeah.

Honestly, the only guys in new Japan
that I think that I would put over

Nakajima or Shingo and Coda, bougie.


Coda, bougie, and Shingo, both
represent the styles that Nakajima

incorporates into his arsenal.


Those would be the key matches
that I would want to see from

this new Japan thing for Nakajima.

But, uh, when it comes to NATO Nakajima
is, is on something else this year,

man, he's, he's a whole different animal
and it's, it's just crazy to watch.

Um, so yeah, it goes to the semi's
on the other side, but you know,

John Kerns: me, I'm not going to go
against, and I know I'm the biggest,

Tim Farley: oh no, I'm sure
there's the Japanese child.

John Kerns: I bet there's
not a Japanese child

Tim Farley: watching,

but I want to go a different route.

Let's go to Malikai black against moose,

and I'm going to give it to one of these.

John Kerns: Uh, man, it's it's rough.

You don't want marijuana guy.

You don't want, gotta go forward doing
the same shit he did in the last match.

Bookerman: Uh,

John Kerns: moose right
now might have a more

Tim Farley: varied arsenal.

He has, the power is a power game over if

Malika, I can find himself out of
situations and if he beats you down

enough, he can power you up to.


Bookerman: that's true.

John Kerns: We've seen, we've seen
guy or our stern it's happened in

many ways, but we've seen Tommy and.

People, you don't think
you shouldn't be able to,

Tim Farley: um,

John Kerns: who was it?

I can't remember who it was, but he, in
one of the matches, he had a double WWII.

He used a fucking on somebody
that was like bigger than him.

And it was like, oh my God, he threw

Tim Farley: someone

John Kerns: as like, he
just has that dark energy,

Bookerman: dark energy.

John Kerns: He has the power of saying,

Bookerman: I see some, I see a lot
of limb manipulation from Alison.

Oh, sorry.

Malakai black counteract loses power.

Uh, just gotta be about the same
height, but most it's probably got 50 on

Tim Farley: at least.

I think

Bookerman: he's definitely
most definitely got the size.

Um, but I think, uh, Malika black at
the end of the day, give submission.


I think what happens is he works on
about three different limbs and guess

where he's in so much pain to other
that he has to have on the third limb.

Tim Farley: I'm going to go.

I agree with you as well.

I am as well.

Uh, I think he goes for the black mass,

Bookerman: um,

Tim Farley: moose turns it into a power
bomb or a power bomb backbreaker like

onto the knee, but, uh, eventually

Tommy puts him to sleep with a.

With a rear naked choke variation.

That might be the

Bookerman: only way to get moose

John Kerns: because, you know, we,
we talked about moose has the size

advantage, but I don't think there's
many advantages that can overcome

an experience advantage right

Tim Farley: now, this next match.

I'm going to do a 1, 2, 3, and
we're all going to shelter.


Kenny omega versus
joining Garganow 1, 2, 3.

Bookerman: All right.

Like I said, I was like,
I feel bad for Johnny.

Johnny got in the back.

That takes away from that.

Tim Farley: Now the last match
of the quarter finals, singled

to Carnegie against that.

I'm cool, baby.

John Kerns: Interesting.

An interesting.

Um, I mean, I think Sanger would
probably do over just, just from

beating the shit out of Aaron, Adam,

Adam Cole has, the agility
has, has an awesome move.

Set has strikes of his own was the thing.

It was got the brains Shingo whole
has brains through his brains too,

but Shane you're just fucking murder.


Tim Farley: To me, it comes down
between Adam calls, cleverness,

craftiness, and shingles,

Bookerman: rage,

Tim Farley: pure power
assault and fucking spirit.


Bookerman: Yes.

Tim Farley: Give me a second.

Bookerman: Gotcha.

Take your time.

I'll be in my head and
it involves other people.


John Kerns: interesting.

But it involves most of the people,
but they both have other people,

Tim Farley: uh, Shingo has her
own mood, bougie and Sonata.

Adam Cole has

John Kerns: bananas or mega

Tim Farley: fish,

John Kerns: Bobby fish and the books,

Bookerman: Brandon color.


Tim Farley: you know,

you know, they come out.

I don't know that I've ever seen them.

Only whenever they absolutely need it.

So I think, I think the elite would,
would think that Shingo was ready to

go then and everything was in the bag
and they're celebrating on the outside

and I'm cools getting ready for a
Panama scent, sunrise and outcome.

The Calvary start beating up
on the outside, cools on a top

and all of a sudden shin goes up,
just grabs them by the fucking head,

toss him across the ring, coping

Bookerman: bomber, harping,
bomber, the dragon.

That's it.

John Kerns: They probably
heard none of that.

Tim Farley: Well, I, cause I was too loud.

Maybe I could put it on the couch.

Bookerman: I might

Tim Farley: send you

John Kerns: a picture and
go, I assume you are as well.

Bookerman: I'll pick a Shingo.


You know why?

Because yeah, the bucks, the bucks
where my other people, and then

when you pitch that they don't
come out and do they do come out.

I'm like, okay, I guess I lose this one.

Tim Farley: Yeah.

They're like a weird tweener group.

And they also, they also like
any match I've ever seen.

I think this happened with, uh,
when they wrestle grand slam

was Shingo against evil house.

Was doing everything they
could to stifle Shingo.

And the whole time I'm saying where
the fuck is LIJ, where the fuck is LIJ.

And then at the last possible moment
they came up and that's how they

do things because they had their
whole, their whole, um, faction.

It's kind of like going to Delmondo
and start it's based on competition.

It's based on, you know, you do do your
work load and push yourself and strive

to be the best version of you where,
whereas, you know, you have the elite or

the bullet club who are opportunistic.


Um, and that's, that's
the, that is the change.

That is the reason why I'm going Shingo.

I mean, I love Shingo.

Everyone knows that, but you, Adam
calls so fucking smart, but when chips.

This involves other people immediately.

My mind was made up,

Bookerman: like I said, flipped it

John Kerns: into the books

Tim Farley: verbally.

John Kerns: You messed it up.

No, Brandon, Brandon

Bookerman: Brandon,

John Kerns: Adam calls.

Panama's sunrise.

And your runs up and yours to hit him.

But Adam told Porsche's him.

Brandon, doesn't see this and goes up with
the spray and he's going, but it's all.

Tim Farley: Okay.

So the semifinals for
the a side is shingles.

The coughy versus Malakai black.

Holy fuck.

And on the B side, we have
Nakajima against Kenneth.

We'll make it

Bookerman: fully fuck.

John Kerns: Now

Tim Farley: I have my

John Kerns: final set, but it really,
the world's greatest crossover events.

Bookerman: All of these men

Tim Farley: starting.

So John or chip, whoever wants
to start, whatever match.

Go ahead.

You got Shingo and Malika.

You got Kenny, let's start

John Kerns: knocking G-Man or me Nakajima.

Now Tim, I'm going to need you to
help me a little bit, cause I'm

not as well versed in no way yet.

Uh, what are some.

The moves that Nakajima can use against

Tim Farley: knock a GMO does
multiple thrusts kicks to the

face, which is a short, super kick.

Uh, he does a lot of kicks
to the chest, especially when

they're in a seated position.

He goes back and forth.

He goes one to the chest, one to
the back, one of the chest, one of

the back, one of the over and over,
uh, he does the vertical spike,

which is a nasty brain Buster.

He also does like a death
valley driver spike.

Um, he does the double foot choke
hold in the, uh, in the turnbuckle

where he goes like that through and
is like, you can see him through

the, yeah, you can see him through
the ropes and he waves to everyone.

Um, but really, it just comes down
to straight up brutal striking

and where he decides to start.

Um, with omega, you have
the tutorial crusher

V triggers can go to anybody in any way.


he pulled out that amazing, uh, uh,
springboard lagger bomb, uh, on Adam

Page, um, w for versatility sake.

Oh man, for ring IQ, omega

Bookerman: for straight,

Tim Farley: uh, for striking ability,
I'd go knock the Jima for power.

I'd say equal.

Bookerman: Uh,



Tim Farley: you guys

Bookerman: well, does it also have
something called separateness?


I don't know.

Tim Farley: Fuck,

John Kerns: Kenny probably
that's a final fantasy

Tim Farley: thing.

Um, suffer off as

John Kerns: several as the woman, but
so going off of that, going off of

the moves that you've listed off, I
can see some spots forming in my mind.


Bookerman: I see

John Kerns: Kenny picking them, picking
up not Virginia for the north, the Jimmo

wiggling out of it and hitting that verbal

Bookerman: spot.


John Kerns: I can see Ken and Megan
kicking out of that vertical spike

Tim Farley: and Jim had gone for
another one flips over it's the snap

John Kerns: snap.

Dragon flips him over and
flips him over, hits the snap.

Cause he always those two or three
in quick succession, and nobody

does it better than Kenya, the
Snapdragon soup books specifically.

But does it come down to strikes?

Bookerman: No, no,

Tim Farley: Kenny Omega's
chest will be ready.

John Kerns: We fell over

Tim Farley: Kenny omega.

I will say this before I give my decision.

Kenny Omega's chest will be red with
blood and there will be marks on him,

John Kerns: Brian Daniels.


Tim Farley: But from listening to you talk
and going over move sets, this and that

Kenny omega wins and goes to the

Bookerman: finals.

I'm in agreement with that
kicks chops and be triggers.

I mean, power, I mean
it's pain, pain, pain,

Tim Farley: pain.

Uh, and you also got

Bookerman: 15

Tim Farley: minutes of it.

He can incorporate anything he wants.

He's got that.


Bookerman: the most versatile
wrestler I think I've ever watched.

And it takes a lot for me
to put anybody over flick.

Tim Farley: I'm not kidding.

Rick flair was good at what he did.

I don't think he's had the versatility.

Bookerman: No, no, he did.

He did.

He did.

There wasn't much going
around back then, but I mean,

John Kerns: He just, he has this
knowledge of every restaurant ever done.

He can pull it out and he can perform
them all to the highest ability.

Bookerman: Like,

John Kerns: I mean, it's hard
to put anybody over him because

it feels like you're having the
hook could be Goku conversation.

Tim Farley: That's exactly
what it feels like.

John Kerns: Make it more general
nerdish who could beat Superman

because every situation Superman has
a way that he's, that he's better.

Tim Farley: The only guy who can beat
Superman or neutralized him as Batman.

And I believe there is, I believe
on the other side of this.

Or both are both

John Kerns: or both the Batman
to county Superman, I'd say.


So we're picking up,
we're putting omega in the

Tim Farley: final over,

John Kerns: and that brings us to America
versus Shingo, which could be a match

where nobody has teeth left after.

Bookerman: Do they have teeth going into

John Kerns: well, Shinya
where's the mouth guard.

That's the only thing, keeping them safe.

Tim Farley: Okay.

So let's look at their brackets.


Shingo coughy has done the junior A's
of new Japan and he has beaten and

thwarted the elite by beating Adam cool
Malakai black in the first round, had

a rough match against Jonathan Gresham.

Second match, rough match against.

John Kerns: Cause this is
all happening in one night.

So the, the previous matches go into.

Bookerman: Yeah.

Tim Farley: And I think taking
that into consideration.

John Kerns: Well, that's
why you talk about omega.

Omega has solidified himself
as the marathon, man.

Tim Farley: Yeah.

I think both of these
guys are marathon guys to

John Kerns: Shango,

Bookerman: especially

Tim Farley: I think Shingo could
take whatever Malakai throws that.

And I think shingle when,

Bookerman: but I don't know.

Tim Farley: I don't fucking know

John Kerns: what's what ship decide this.

Bookerman: Hi.

I, I don't know enough.

Tim Farley: Well, let's, let's say,
let's say this Shingo would not be

intimidated by Malakai Black's presence

John Kerns: or the trickery at all.

Tim Farley: Um, Shingo is just
a freight train that will come

through you, but he's also smart.

Uh, he does a lot of moves off
of the fireman carrier position.

John Kerns: Yeah.

He's like mousse with more of
the versatility of the chipper

Tim Farley: starving.

Uh, he, he does a lot of areas.

He does.

Uh, last of the dragon is like
a pump handle of over yeah.

Kinda like a pump handle farming.

Kerry mentioned the driver.

Then he does another thing where like, if
you're back to back, he lifts you up with.

Releases the arms, it falls back.

Cause your face, uh, special, but
it's like a slam on your, on your

John Kerns: face.

Tim Farley: I forget the

John Kerns: actual name.

He also has Japan, which is
similar to the last and the

Tim Farley: dragon, but I made
in Japan is just like, Japan is

John Kerns: almost like if I

Tim Farley: were an arrow, I don't know.


Uh, then you got Malakai who,
you know, the strategy of the

John Kerns: blackout.

He's got the submission game.

He's got the myths,

Bookerman: the strikes that the case.


Tim Farley: no, cause more can, can
hit the ropes, like with his feet.

Then Shingo, but Shingo
has done some flippy shit.


Like when he has like only one,
he has to pull it out of his park.

Bookerman: He might have to

Tim Farley: write.

Um, but there would be no,
both of them have such a high

intimidation game, but neither of
them would intimidate the other.



Bookerman: well

I'm taking

John Kerns: Shingo.



Bookerman: I'm taking Shingo,

John Kerns: which is

Tim Farley: my finals.

That's why I didn't want to
start any of this conversation.

Push my narrative.

That was my final

John Kerns: is the dream match right
now with this forbid endorsed shit.

It's one of them.

It's one.

That's talked about a lot.

Bookerman: Yes.



John Kerns: I mean like Shingo countering
at one wing angel with a manager pan or

Tim Farley: yeah.

Um, substrate spots, then let's look
through this Shingo beat her Romo.

Um, cool.

Malakai black.


Kenny beat.

AIJ gray.

Johnny Gargano Nakajima.

Bookerman: Yeah.

Tim Farley: Uh, I think
they're similar in age.

Bookerman: Yes.


Tim Farley: experience, uh, they
both have similar experiences.

Shingo wrestling a lot of outside
talent of dragon gate, especially when

there was a dragon gate USA expansion,
uh, his, his match against Bryan

Danielson in 2010 was actually actually
turned me on to Japanese wrestling.

But Kenny omega has wrestled in
more promotions because before

coming to new Japan, Shingo was, I
was just a straight drain gate guy.

Um, and then when he couldn't do
anymore, his buddy NATO called him.

But, um, and ever since he's
coming to new Japan, he's

Bookerman: he is

Tim Farley: his support.

He's put his stamp on
that fucking company.

Now, Kenny omega, if it wasn't for Kenny
omega, I don't know how many of us over

here we'll be talking about new Japan.


Um, and when he left and left a big
void and the pandemic didn't help.

But Shingo, there has been a
shining light, an outside force

shining light in new Japan.

Bookerman: Uh,

I don't know.

John Kerns: I mean is putting
on goat level matches with

every fucking time buddy

Tim Farley: he's in there.

He's having Kenny omega new Japan
matches while Kenny omega is

deciding when he decides to have
a new Japan, Kenny omega loan.


John Kerns: But those decisions are
coming more and more frequently.

Tim Farley: I saw it again, sat on page.

I saw it against rich one.

I saw it against a couple others.

Bookerman: Well, to me at this point
in the tournament, this match is

going to have to go and get technical
because Kenny's just his fricking eyes.

These chip chopped ham

Tim Farley: got that Lariat and, and,
and Mo he had to go, Kenny had to go

through the lariats of eight grade.

He's had to go through
the kicks of the chest.

The Nakajima

Bookerman: Shingo up until Malakai black

Tim Farley: has that an easier
route to the finals, less painful.


Bookerman: right

Tim Farley: now she was
coming in more fresh shingles.

The face Kenny is the hill,

but Kenny decides to tell
everybody to stay in.

John Kerns: Yeah.

And I think Shingo.

Is thinking he's having an easy route
to the finals until he gets to Malaga.

Tim Farley: And at the beginning of
the match, they both shake hands and

have a gentleman's agreement that
there's no outside interference.

And there is no weaponry.

I mean, if someone gets caught up on,
uh, on the guard rail or something

that's different or being thrown
into steps, but there's no actual

mean picking up a weapon, et cetera.

I think Kenny goes for one too many
Viets triggers and his Shingo is on his

knees and he goes for another V trigger.

Shingo catches his leg, lifts
him up, puts him up on his

shoulders, hits made in Japan.

One, two, no, Kenny omega.

Shingo sets up for a pumping bomber.

He hits the pumping bomber, but because
Kenny's just so hurt, he goes out

Bookerman: of the rain


Tim Farley: This starts letting the
count go, but then gets frustrated and

goes outside, but gets caught with the
beach or gets hit with a Snapdragon,

gets hit with another Snapdragon.

Omega's going through shingles.

Head is near the steps.

Omega's like, this is it.

This is where I can do this.

He runs goes for the V trigger.

Shingle moves out of the way, knee
right into the fucking chairs, right

steps, single throws them into the ring
shingles, setting up for a pumping bomber.

He goes for the pumping
bomber, the trigger.

But that means her they're both Shingo
is holding his arm on the ground.

Kind of like sitting Omega's
on his back, holding his leg.

Shingo decides to put on a leg lock

somebody else take over.

I don't know.

Bookerman: Hmm.


John Kerns: the last one you said was

Tim Farley: shingles put on a leg walk,

like one of those where you grapevine
one of their legs with your legs.


Bookerman: I'm going to kill these lock,

Tim Farley: something like

John Kerns: that.


I don't know.

So omega had just hit
the steps with the knee

Tim Farley: and was.

John Kerns: But now he's in a low, yeah,

Bookerman: that's it.

That's it?

John Kerns: I think that's almost it.

Bookerman: Maybe.

I think Kenny

John Kerns: is thinking about Tevin.

Tim Farley: He wants to tap,

John Kerns: but no, he doesn't submit.

Kenny does not submit that doesn't happen.

All right.

All right.


Tim Farley: me, let me go.

An idea.

Kenny gets up on his shoulders
and he's screaming and Shingo

Shingo gets in his face.

The gentleman's agreement is off
because Kenny spits in his eyes.


This causes Shingo to break the lock.

Bookerman: Now,

Tim Farley: take it away, John.

John Kerns: Oh, well you just made it
easier because now Kenny's going to run

and hit one last V trigger, but it's the.

We're seniors on the ropes,
whether the ISO yeah.

Kenny hits their be trigger and she
was down now he's his own on his feet

Bookerman: one way and angel

John Kerns: and don't know what

Bookerman: to kick out of that.

Tim Farley: She goes on the roofs.

Kenny goes for the V trigger.

Bookerman: She didn't go side steps.

Tim Farley: Kenny hits the roofs,

Bookerman: shingle German
Shingo pumping bar.

Tim Farley: Kenny omega can't even get up.

The ref looks at him, checks his arm.

It's over

John Kerns: Shingo wins by knockout

Bookerman: red.

Tim Farley: You have Kenny.

Bookerman: So all.


So we got, we got the trigger
and the stairs, we got the leg,

we got the spit in the face.

He's uh, she goes to the corner,
turnbuckles wipe his face, kitty

feature size, the Shingo sidesteps.

Kenny's already injured
knee off the stairs.

It's that second rope or
that third turnbuckle.


And it's funny, you said German
and I wasn't thinking of German.

I was thinking of some sort of
release, but the German works

Tim Farley: right.

Automate and

John Kerns: then

Bookerman: bam, like Stein a lot.

Boom, boom, boom.

And then the rep's like,
we're going to handle it.

Like yo was like, That's it.

Tim Farley: You just can't go no more.

Bookerman: Yeah.



Tim Farley: winner of the gift.

Thanks for a violence tournament.

John Kerns: The rampage dragon.

Tim Farley: Yes.

God, I can't wait to do this.

Well, the first card was chip.

This tournament was my idea,
but all three of us threw it in.


So John, I know what you want to do.

So let's go with, what
about sometime next month?

I know what you want to
do you want to do that?


W a w super show.

John Kerns: Yeah.

I mean, that's something that I've
been talking about for a long time.

It's something.

What have happened by now, but it
hasn't well, yeah, we'll do AWS versus

Tim Farley: w oh no.

This is up to you that
this is only up to you.

All right.

The next book or man championship,

John Kerns: but ended up being
a death match tournament.

Tim Farley: We'll see.

It's up to you.

The next Booker man championship
card will be brought to you by

none other than John Kearns.

It will be JCW versus a WWE SuperCard.

And with that, wherever you are in
the world, whether it's morning,

noon, night, you have a great one.

Peace and love to all of
you chip bringing it in,

Bookerman: bringing the two sweet,
