If I Was Starting Today

Jim talks with Dominic Rubino who has bootstrapped multiple businesses to successful exits including a 9 figure exit. Dominic talks about the scalability of trades businesses and gets tactical on his sales and hiring.

  • Bootstrapping stories
  • Team building, hiring strategies
  • Niching down
  • Growth, Sale, or Cashflow
  • Mastering Sales
  • Training your team
Additional episodes you might enjoy:
Startup Ideas by Paul Graham (#45)
Nathan Barry: How to Bootstrap a Company to $30M in a Crowded Market (#41)
How I Met My Biz Partner and Less Learned Hitting $2M ARR (#44)
Ryan Hamilton on his Netflix special, touring with Jerry Seinfeld, & how to write a joke (#10)
How We're Validating Startup Ideas (#51)


What is If I Was Starting Today?

What would you do if you were starting today? To help, here are half-baked startup ideas, growth marketing tactics, and stories from founders and creators - including my own journey as a bootstrapped business owner. All of the content is centered around helping founders, creators, and investors starting today.