The Jonathan Kogan Show

In this riveting installment, we dive headfirst into the explosive topic of Trump's indictment, dissecting the legal intricacies and ramifications surrounding the former president. Brace yourself as our expert panel unravels the complexities, offering insights, analysis, and predictions on the unfolding legal storm.

But that's not all! Prepare for a thought-provoking segment where we explore the recent appearance of Patrick Bet-David on Joe Rogan's podcast. Join us as we uncover the candid and enlightening conversation between these two influential figures, delving into their perspectives on crucial issues and thought-provoking ideas.

With insider knowledge and captivating discussions, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of Trump's indictment and a peek into the minds of Joe Rogan and Patrick Bet-David. Tune in now and join the conversation as we navigate through these enthralling topics with our esteemed guests and thought leaders!
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What is The Jonathan Kogan Show?

The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
What's up, everybody? Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host Johnny K Happy Friday y'all. Hope everyone's doing super well Please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show wherever you get your podcast subscribe to the YouTube channel Although this episode might not be on there because we talked too much truth on this particular episode So as and definitely subscribe to the rumble channel start watching rumble is the place to be there is no censorship Censorship is bad for the people and so we do not like it and we speak out against it Okay. Now let's get into it now. I want it where there's a lot Lot we're talking about. Yes, Trump was indicted again. The timing is unbelievable. Yes, of course that's happening. Patrick Bet-David was on Joe Rogan. That's where we're about to share too much truth that probably YouTube would censor. Can't talk about some of the stuff. You're just not brave enough. Then we got some clips from the All In podcast to show you basically what is Trump derangement syndrome versus apolitical unbiased... truth where you don't have a partisan agenda. You just talk about facts and you'll see Jason and David Saxe go through that. You'll see Friedberg say some really good stuff. These are clips that just came out. They're really good. So we got a lot of clips to play but we're starting with a really important one. All right, and it's a really so this is from an old movie or something and it's a man. It's called a man. It's a clip that's called a man for all seasons the devil speech. Okay, and the point. of this clip that I'm going to play, please listen closely. This is related to them going after Trump, okay? And what they're doing, how they're bending the law, how they're trying to cock this crazy legal theory to go after him, okay? And I say this as not a Trump supporter. I am not a Trump supporter. I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I'm not even independent, okay? I'm apolitical. So I say this as a truth teller. And you see that there is clearly a bias going after Trump if you have eyes and a brain and are apolitical. It's obvious. Now this speech you're about to hear from this old movie is why the rule of law is so important. I think this is such a profound thing. You really gotta listen to this or watch it. And you really gotta think about why it's important we held all people to the same standards, okay? This clip is profound, it's amazing, it's a great way to start the show. I- I really hope you listen to it and take it to heart. A man for all seasons, the devil's speech, all right? Here we go, 52 seconds. That is incredible. You give everybody the benefit of the law because if you go too far one way, the wind might blow back five times as hard the other way against you. When you had the upper hand, well, what about when you don't have the upper hand and everyone's coming after you 20 times harder? This is why everybody gets treated under the same law, the same way. You don't get arrested for being orange. You don't get arrested for being a bad person in our eyes. You don't get, you don't, you know, you don't get propagandized into being a criminal. There is a law and there's statutes for how you get into trouble. And yes, everybody, even the devil is owed its place in court, innocent until proven guilty in America. Because we're doing it for our own safety. Because if we go down this road with what we are doing with Trump, where do you think this ends? Cause they don't end with Trump. I promise you that this becomes an out of hand. Banana Republic, and we absolutely could very well lose this country. And that's the goal of some people. And you know that if you listen to this podcast. So we need to do it to protect ourselves to treat everybody equally and properly and justly under the law. Profound clip. Absolutely profound. Speaking about Banana Republic, well, Joe Rogan just had on Patrick B. David, which I've been waiting for this podcast. And then I was like, oh, he's on. It's amazing. Got a couple of clips here. follow my Twitter if you want these clips in real time. I post some really good stuff. I'm one of the best tweeters or Xers. The username is at K-O-G-Z, Cogues, if you wanna follow. It's up to you. So this is Joe Rogan and Patrick by David yesterday and talking about being a Banana Republic. And I think Joe nails it on this one. This is totally relevant to what I just played and Joe just says it in different words, 55 seconds. Listen to this, the man's right. The man's right. And so we cover it. Here we go. So how many times have we talked about that on this podcast where what's going on right now? This is not a political partisan thing. This is just seeing the truth. So I believe there are two factions of society right now. There are people living in the Psyopt world, where left is right, up is down, and literally everything they believe is wrong. And then there's people who have broken out of the matrix and realized everything was a lie for a very long time, which the biomedical, pharmaceutical complex, military industrial complex, the corruption of all of our leaders. and just the degradation of America and the world and the monetary system, everything, we see it all. Now half society sees all the truth and it's just like blatant. You just see the propaganda in the mainstream media. It's so obvious to you, you laugh at it. Then the other faction is totally still in the sci-op world you used to be in at one point, whether that was last year, whether it was three years ago, whether it was even 10 years ago. I mean, probably it was COVID might've woke you up, but whenever the day before you woke up, they are still in that state. So there are two sections of society that can't agree and are at each other's throats because they're living in two different realities. Literally, two different realities. People who are seeing the truth and people who are PsyOpt. That's what's going on here. Those are the political parties. PsyOpt and truth seekers, not seekers, seers, they see it. Those are the two political parties, okay? All right, that's what's going on right now. That is an unbiased, I have no agenda here, I do not care. I don't believe in any political party. I just care about truth. And that's why people like Vivek, I think is making the rounds and becoming pretty popular. He's speaking a lot of truth. He says a lot of good stuff. There's no question about it. And my God, this is a little altotlant, but he is, because I'm listening to a PBD podcast just to had him on for a ton. All of that man is really articulate. You got to give it to him. He's very, very articulate. There's very few people who are very good with words and how they speak and just very articulate. They're just so good at describing things so quickly and using nice words like Vivek is in that. I think Russell Brand is in that. Like there's just few people who could twist words so perfectly. And like Russell Brand and Vivek have nothing to do with one another, but they're very good with words. Very good with words. All right. So let's go to the next clip here. So this one speaking about running in the GOP with Vivek, with Trump, DeSantis is running and Patrick Bette David is very open to having anybody on his podcast. He's always down to help people. And he's been trying to reach out to Ron DeSantis. And he's saying he can't get ahold of him, but everybody else's, you know, um, political team, like Trump, you'll listen to it here. They get back to him right away. Why is DeSantis avoiding this? The only thing I could think of if you just want my take is something very weird is happening where it's almost like he's staying quiet in the back because he got the memo from the regime. This is how it feels. Okay. That, listen, Trump's going to be taken out when we get closer to the election and you're just going to slide right in and you're going to win the election. Just stay quiet till then, you don't need to do much. You're going to win. We got it ready for you. Trump will be taken out and you will win. And he's like, all right, just coast on by. That's just what it seems like. After you hear this, tell me you don't get that vibe. Joe's not even there now, but he didn't say the thing that I just said, is there maybe a deal behind closed doors where it's just like, hey, DeSantis just be smooth sailing till the end. We're going to take Trump out. Biden's probably going to die. He might not even be alive. Maybe someone's wearing a mask. Who knows? But whatever. And you're just going to get on in. Don't worry about it. Something to think about. So what do we got next here? Oh, so speaking of rivals to DeSantis, and what's weird about this thing, about why I have that theory with DeSantis is now they're doing a debate. Okay. I think they're doing a debate on Hannity between Newsom and DeSantis. First of all, Newsom's not even running for president and DeSantis is second in the polls for the nominee of the Republican party by far. It's like, when did we ever have a random governor in a political party that's not running for president in a presidential election cycle, and then the other party, someone who's just in the middle of the polls debate each other. Like, why are they trying to f***? fix something up. It's like they're trying to shove these candidates down our throats. It's the weirdest thing. When do you ever remember this happening? Like did, I don't know, in 2020 we have Kamala Harris versus Abbott in Texas. What is going on? It's just the most random thing. Does that make sense to anybody? No, because it's weird and things are just not normal right now. So Joe talks about Newsome and this is what I mean by there's two factions of people. There are people living in the Psyopt world and people living in the real, the post truth, or they're living, we're living in the post truth world, whatever, the truth world, okay? Whatever we're in, all right? Where we see everything, all the corruption and the propaganda, which is insane. And if you're in the Psyopt world, you think Newsom's like the best thing ever. He's incredible because up is down, left is right, red is blue, the sky is the ocean, everything's opposite day, okay? Nothing works. Starving is being full, being a slave is being free. You know, censorship is freedom of speech. Basically everything's opposite, right? Forced injections is freedom is my body, my choice, all that stuff. So it's, it's sad world things. This guy's fantastic. The people like us who see everything, we're like, what is going on? How can someone be a favorite person to be elected for president when the current state he's governing, it's the most people leaving of any state. First of all, first net immigration, people going out. and the first time of its state history. There's more homelessness and lawlessness than everywhere. People are doing terribly. San Francisco is like a ghost town where you get stabbed in the middle of the street. Santa Monica, someone just like walked in a really nice neighborhood and just get stabbed walking his dog. Graham Stevens, big YouTuber, talks about how he had to move to Vegas because it was so bad. Things are going so bad there, like opposite the opposite of Florida, the opposite of Miami and stuff. OK, I don't care what you think about the political party. Miami's being well run. San Francisco is the opposite of a run. Okay. They're trying to destroy it for whatever reason. It's weird. Cause like people live there and yet they want these policies, but now they're figuring it out. And you're telling me that guy running California should potentially be president. It's like, how it's like we should have, we should, we, you know what? The president of the class should be whoever is dead last in the class. We want student number 416 out of 416 to be valedictorian. Here you go. Little Joey. Like what? Listen to what Joe Rogan says about Newsome because he nails it. I mean, this is how we see it, but people live in a PsyOpt world. Those are the political parties, the PsyOpt and the realists. Here we go. He's a real human. You look, like if you looked up American Psycho, great movie. He was like a killer, but he was really like clean. Everything was so pristine. He wore a suit and he had slick black hair like Wall Street. Basically it's Gavin Newsom. If there was a serial killer who in public looked like he had it all together, that's Gavin Newsom. He's a psycho behind closed doors that would stab you in your throat and eat your guts out. I'm sorry, it's gruesome. But that's, look, if you look at his face. Like the first thing I think of is slime dog millionaire. It's all I think about. Right. There used to be a good movie, slumdog millionaire. He reminds me of slime dog millionaire. If you can have the slide, like if you go to hug him, you would slip off him. Cause he's so slimy. It's disgusting. All right. So, um, oh, so Joe also said, by the way, that he would never have Trump on. He would never ever have Trump on. He has been committed to that. At the most recent, I believe the most recent UFC event or the second most recent one. There was a video of Trump and Rogan exchanging words and shaking hands, and you could see they were smiling at each other. Now, Trump might go on to Rogan and listen, I don't care what you think about either of these people, if Trump goes on Rogan, that will break the internet. 100%. Absolutely break the internet. Here's what he said. Yeah, who is running the country? All we hear is Biden, Biden. Every time you say Biden, you're ignoring the fact that there's this administrative state of non-elected bureaucratic people that are really running the show. And they want you to talk about Biden because Biden's not running anything. It's a distraction. And we keep talking about it because we're idiots. Now here's the part that will get canceled off of YouTube. This clip is important to hear though, all right? Joe Rogan and Patrick Bette David. This is how I labeled it, but it was in more detail. But they did, he did mention this. They talk about how Obama's chef could have had myocarditis and died from the vaccine. His chef, who was a good swimmer, was like a hundred feet from shore at Obama's mansion in Martha vineyards. Which how you become so rich when you're a public official is beyond me. Like Biden is just totally loaded with money, but don't ask questions, you peasant. Um, and he's like, what have you got, myocarditis from the vaccine? because people aren't recognizing this massive crime against humanity that has happened. And so you got to keep talking about it. We need a post-mortem on this. We need accountability. We can't just let this, they want this just to disappear what they did to us for the last three years. They just want to disappear like nothing ever happened. It was one of the worst crimes against humanity in the history of the world with what they did. Force injections, lockdowns for children, closing the schools, absolute crimes that we've never seen. and they're trying to just let it go by the wayside. And a lot of people are so brainwashed with the current thing, Trump indictment, I'm like, ah, that you're forgetting that they just locked us down. They forced kids to wear masks and everything was a lie and they knew it was a lie and all of it's coming out. Take a listen to this clip. I love the people who say that, the same people who say, we know 100% it wasn't a vaccine, the same people who said, we know it's 100% effective. We know if you don't take it, you're gonna kill your grandmother. We know that it stopped transmission. We know that we should lock down. We know that children should get vaccinated. Those are the same people, it's the same people. The same people who know 100% sure no vaccine's ever hurt anybody. No, it can't be the, it's impossible. Are the same ones that lied about the very vaccine that you're talking about. Think about that. That is the incredible length these people are willing to go. That's an important clip. Got to keep talking about it. All right. Um, by the way, good news, good news today. This is from the new CDC director. She said today. Oh, today the CDC, uh, recommends that you hear just hear it from her mouth. Here we go. Yeah, fuck you. And I replied to that, by the way, wait until I show you these studies she looked at. I wrote, they will keep injecting your kids until they turn into a vaccine. The system doesn't work. They will never remove immunizations. They will only add them. If this continues, children will take hundreds and hundreds of shots in the future. My suggestion, be an alt-right extremist and do your own research. So she said she looked at the clinical studies and this is what they decided? Well, how about this? Despite 12 deaths during clinical trials, CDC signs off on RSV shots for newborns. Do you believe this? 12 deaths and they're telling you to give that to your baby just like they're going to give your child hep B vaccine on day one, baby. Yep. That was like watching five babies for like a three day span and now they give to every single baby the happy shot. That was literally the amount that they studied it. Literally nothing. They don't care. They want you sick because it's good for the pharma companies that are paying off these government institutions like her to be their marketing arm. and get you to take more and more and more and more stuff till you start figuring it out and stop complying. Save the kids. I'll get back to that. Now we're gonna move into the All In Pod, all right? So this is a good clip here, this is an important clip. So the All In Podcast calls out the, David Sachs has a really good thing that he says on this one actually, but the All In Pod calls out the establishment on COVID and the Hunter Biden laptop coverup. Take a listen to this. They need to get out of power. The boomers need to relinquish power. We need to turn it over to millennials. We need to not elect 70 and 80 year olds and have people have strokes on TV. Like Mitch McConnell, it's over. It's done. Come on, man. It's ridiculous. How far do we need to go with this? The millennials need to get the reins of power and fix the ship. That's all I'm saying. Now this one, this is interesting, but before I'm going to actually go back to this one because on the topic of Trump derangement syndrome versus apolitical unbiased facts, I said watch David Sacks teach Jason how to be objective. This podcast is grounded in apolitical unbiased facts. We are objective. That's why this podcast is growing. People see the truth. They say we have no agenda and we just tell you how it is and you figure out what you want to do with that information. You just get to hear the truth. very easily, one podcast at a time, and we move on happily ever after. Okay. If that even makes sense. Well, listen to this clip. Jason has Trump derangerism and in this scenario, David Sacks is apolitical, unbiased and truthful. Listen to this interaction. I think you could learn a lot from it. It's basically why we started this podcast because there's a lot of people like Jason out there that talk like this. I can't see the world objectively because Trump screwed up something in their brain. This obsession with Trump just blows my mind. He's just a guy, whatever. But it really screwed up people's minds apparently. I'm sorry to cut it off, but do you see that? How Jason just wants him to get in trouble no matter what because he doesn't like the guy and David saying, listen, we need to just assess this as a case. Forget about the people involved. It's just on the merits of the case. Is he guilty? And Jason's unable to see that because he has this hatred for this guy, Donald Trump, where he takes it as Trump then case as opposed to case and then it doesn't matter who it is. You just talk about the case. You see that difference? It's subtle, but you could tell. I mean, that what if you want, if anyone needs to know the details of the case and just an objective analysis of it, just share that five minute clip with them. That's it. You can get it from my Twitter. You could share it from this podcast, tell them to listen to this. That is just an objective way to look at it. The rule of law and you not liking someone are very different things. Very different things. Once it's, oh, I don't like this person. then you turn into the first clip that we started at where it's, oh, we don't like you, I don't like you. And then all of a sudden someone doesn't like you, even though you were the person not liking someone in the beginning. Now it's, you're the one that's not being liked. Now you're gone, you're gone, you're gone. And then there's like one dictator left. That's why it's important, which brings me to my next one. Friedberg says what every sane American is thinking. This is a short clip. He never speaks up on this stuff. It's a 54 second clip. He talks about what everyone's saying. He's a hundred percent right here. Election interference. We talked about, oh, is there election interference? You could say suppression of Hunter Biden laptop is election, of course I was like, we've talked about this before. Listen to this and tell me this is not exactly what every sane American is thinking. It's bullshit. Let the American people decide who's going to be president, who's not. Leave it up to us. Okay. It's the peasants that decide. America was founded on Americans governing ourselves. Okay. Not the government dictating to us. Let us choose. Okay. I don't care. It gets in. All I care about is the person who does get in was elected by the people, not by an agency who's interfering. Get out of our election CIA, FBI, all these corrupt institutions. Get out. Go home. You're done. You cannot interfere with our elections. And there's people cheering this on. They have no idea where this goes. They're so stupid. They're really stupid. I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. Now, last clip here from all in podcasts, a little bit of a different topic. It's about the monetary system that we talk a lot about here. He has a very interesting analysis. And if you're into the finance, you know, the monetary system and all that stuff, I would love to hear other takes on this. I think. This is really brilliant that this could happen. I'm curious what you think. Leave it, let me know in the comments or tweet at me at KOGZ. Listen to this analysis and tell me if you think if this is realistic and probably gonna happen. That's incredible. Do you, is that what's gonna happen? Don't forget, Klaus Schwab, and part of this great reset is, big government is back. It's time for the big government to be back. Is it possible the public sector, the government is crowding out and choking the private sector, and they're gonna get everything and the feds gonna run everything and they're gonna implement the CBDC? Is that perhaps the plan? Is that it? They know if the yields go high enough, all the market's gonna come for the bonds, okay? And then there'll be nothing for the peasants, nothing for the startups, nothing for any of that. What do you think? I would love to know what people like Gregory Manarino think of this. Very, very interesting. I thought that was a very interesting take and that could happen. If it definitely goes up to 7%, you're going to give it to bonds, which are like the safest thing or historically the safest thing rather than try to invest in somewhere and see if you can get like an 8% return, you're going to suck it out of the stock market and you're putting the bonds, right? I mean, what are you going to do if you have a risk-free rate of 8%, 9%, even 7%? So that's what I got today. Um, cover more stuff. Um, but I think we're gonna end it there. That was a pretty good show. A lot of good clips. I hope you enjoyed it. Please share this with one peasant who needs to be awakened. That's all I ask. You gotta share the show. That's all I ask. I don't ask for anything else, except share the show. Please help get the truth out there. I promise you, we're on this journey together. You're coming with me. We're taking this thing to the moon together. But I need your help. Just share the fucking show. Excuse my language, I'm sorry. Share it. All right. That's all I got. That's all I ask of you. I love you. Wherever you are in the world. Thank you for listening. Seriously. Thank you for being a part of this movement. We are bringing truth, apolitical, pro-peasant, pro-human, pro-love, anti-nuclear war, anti-killing, depopulation, you know, just pro-civilization podcast. We are a very pro-civilization podcast. We love civilization and we're taking it to the moon. Really, we're actually going to go to the moon this time. No, no bullshit. We're going to go to the moon. All right. I hope you have an amazing day, amazing afternoon, amazing night, wherever you are subscribed to the John the Coke and show YouTube channel, rumble channel at KOGZ on Twitter, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for listening. I love you. Bye.