Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, August 19th, 2024 / Yellow pill-bodied people, a dog caught a bus, we’re lucky be alive after getting lost in the hospital, Chantel is addicted to teething cookies, high heeled sneakers are ugly and unnecessary, more love for vintage gear, arts & crafts are good for your happiness, and we played a game that I was pretty good at!

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. Monday, August 19th. And on today's show, we talk about yellow pill bodied people, a dog caught a bus. We're lucky to be alive after getting lost in the hospital. Chantel is addicted to teething cookies.

High heeled sneakers are ugly and unnecessary. More love for vintage gear. Arts and crafts are good for your happiness, and we played a game that I was pretty good at. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10.

It's Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Hey. It's Josh and Chantel. Good Monday morning.

Okay. Alright. Why? That's a lot. No.

It felt I mean, it was a little bit. I I'm feeling like, like, the weekend shouldn't be done. I'm feeling like it's way too dark outside. Yes. I'm feeling And a little chilly.

It was I didn't mind a little chill. It was okay. But I'm I'm feel I'm not I'm feeling Monday Yeah. Is what what's happening. So when you went good morning, I I was it's a for me, personally, I felt like that's a lot.

I'm just trying to convince myself, I guess. I see. I I shouldn't drag you down Yeah. Jeez. Into into where I am.

Well, hi. Good morning. Hey. We're here. See, that's the that's the energy.

That's it. Okay. Hey. Good morning. Hey.

It's Josh and Chantel. We're here. Alright. Today is, getting started. We we'll we'll get going is what'll happen.

It is national excuse me. It's World Photography Day. So take a picture. Tell a story. Express emotions.

Dabble in a little photography. I do. I do. I need to dabble more. I really enjoy it, and I don't, I don't take advantage of it nearly enough.

International Orangutan Day. Orangutan or orangutan. You know them. Orangutan. There's no g at the end.

I know, but that's what we say. It's national moving day in the UK. They are up and moving. Let's talk like Jar Jar Binks Day. Please don't.

That's awful. That is awful. National Aviation Day. You can visit a flight museum or, you know, take a flight or, make a paper airplane. National Potato Day.

Yes. Yeah. Hash browns, French fries, potato chips, tater tots, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. What else? Did we say them all?

Potato Flakes. Did you say mashed potatoes? I did. Boiled potatoes, fried potatoes, different all the different kinds of French fries, curly fries, sweet potato fries. Oh.

That's a potato. That is a potato. Red potatoes on the side of your delicious kebabs. I don't know. It's World Humanitarian Day.

It is International Bow Day, and it is soft ice cream day. Delicious. Potatoes and ice cream day? Yes. What a day.

I know. What a day, dude. I know. What a day. Good morning.

It's Josh and Chantel. There were some owners of a of a Labrador retriever in Georgia. Yes. Yes. And they decided they didn't want him anymore.

Oh, that's So they abandoned him, which is not the proper thing to do. Way better ways. So the dog, one day, this Labrador retriever, saw a bus driving down the road Yes. And he tried to catch it. Turns out it was a doggy day care bus.

That's amazing. He must have saw the dogs inside. He was like, hey. Hey. That looks like something I need to be a part of.

Yeah. So the bus stopped, picked him up, and then nobody came to get him. And so then he said this must be a stray dog. Turns out another couple was like, we'll take him in. Yeah.

We want this dog. So he was adopted by this other couple. They're calling him Waylon. Alright. And Waylon now gets to ride the bus to doggy day care with a bunch of his new friends This is fantastic.

And go home at night with his new adopted family. This is great. No. Waylon was like, I don't know his prior name, but he was like Doesn't matter. I'm I'm not a stray dog.

I don't deserve to be Yeah. A stray. I see this dog or this bus with dogs on it. Yeah. I'm I'm going there.

That's the party bus. I wanna be a part of that. And I'm going to party with these dudes. I wanna go to doggy daycare. Yeah.

Well, good for Waylon. And now Waylon has a family. Isn't that something? Yeah. So that was a sweet little story.

I'm glad the bus stopped to pick up Waylon. Why wouldn't they? A a bus full of dogs? Yeah. They see a dog outside, they're like, pick him up.

Pick him up. You got it. I get it. There's been some talk recently about how high heels are out. Yeah.

I don't I don't like them. Nobody wears high heels anymore. Me neither. I haven't worn high heels for a very long time. It's been a few years since I have because I wore them for walk a mile in her shoes, a couple of years in a row.

And that is, it's a great, awareness campaign. I think that's fantastic. Good fundraiser. But, Yeah. It's been it's been a minute.

I hate them. They're painful. They're awful. They are. They're miserable.

I don't know why you choose to wear those. There are posts about it about how they are they scream try hard old person. Wow. I know. It's pretty pretty blunt.

So the founder of Spanx you know Spanx? Sure. The, the suck it in wear. Yeah. You got it.

Okay? She has founded a new shoe called Sneaks Okay. Which is a high heeled sneaker. Did we need this? She has been working on the concept for 9 years, and they're finally gonna debut.

They range in price from about 400 to $600 per pair. Alright. They are a high heeled sneaker made of leather, mesh, and suede. Alright. I'm gonna look up what she made.

I just googled high heeled sneakers just to see. Dotcom. No. I'll look at that in a minute. Oh, okay.

There are those are insane. $600 for those. They're hideous. The sneaks? Yes.

Converse Converse makes a high heel, Converse Chuck Okay. For $60. So that's way less expensive. There are, like, a platform heel. So you actually have a sneaker sole on the bottom, but a big lift in it, from Michael Kors.

He's got a shoe already. Already a high heel sneaker. Let's see. Who else has done it? Skechers has 1.

$85. So this is a it's not a new idea. Nope. This is not new, and it's still hideous. But is it made out of $100.

Are they made out of leather, suede, and mesh? Okay. I will say, listen, style wise, her shoe, if it were not a high heel, if it were an actual sneaker, would be a very cool looking in green. I don't like the white or the silver, but the green is cool. If you scroll down that page a little bit, there's, like, a a blue one with some red on it.

I like that one without the high heel. Let me go back. I would absolutely wear that sneaker, Not a high heel. Oh, the, like, maroon and blue there? Yeah.

Very cute. They call that the Blake. $545 for that shoe. I'm not gonna pay that, obviously. No.

I do like that that color you got, the taupe burgundy one. Yeah. That one's cool. I don't like the blue burgundy one as much. It's a little too much.

But I see what you're saying. But, again, why is it gotta be that high heel? That's a cool looking sneaker on its own. And it's got a Velcro. You don't even have to tie it.

No. Velcro straps. Keeping it easy. I'm not I like, cool looking sneaker. Unnecessary high heel and way too expensive.

I don't know why. You asked I completely bulldozed your question. You said, why did we need this? We don't. We don't.

And I don't know. She was asked why she made sneaks, and she said, have you ever worn high heels? That was her response. Okay. Yes.

I have. They're uncomfortable. Yeah. Give me a pair of sneakers any day. What if it what if it has the comfort of a sneaker?

What if it's got a little cushion in there so you don't feel like you're wearing a high heel? Possibly. What you're gonna need to do is figure out where they are gonna retail these and just go try on a pair. I probably not. I'm probably not gonna do that.

Just to say, hey. I wore $700 shoes. No. It's okay. I'd rather if I do that, then I'm gonna wear cute $700 shoes.

You can say I tried on the $700 high heel sneakers, and they weren't that great. But they look cute as a sneaker. Chop off that heel. Yeah. You're in business.

That's a good looking sneaker. Just make that shoe I know. And sell it for $50. Yeah. Make the sneaker, sell it for $50.

You'll make $1,000,000. Also, quit making Spanx. Does she also make Spanx in case you forgot? Quit making Spanx. That's uncomfortable too.

You're a terrible founder of business. She's like, you know what I make is clothes that make you feel really constricted. Yeah. I like it when people feel like they can barely breathe. And, also, now your feet hurt.

Yeah. So when I got a hat that has hairpins in it so it stays stuck to your head with needles. You'll love it. She needs to get out of business. Right.

I got the backpack, but it's these little thin rope straps that just cut into your shoulders. You'll love it. I like your dog story from earlier. I felt like that was a good news story. That was a good news story.

So I feel like my good news story isn't as good as your I mean, good news is good news. Don't get me wrong, but you had a good news story. Let me tell you this. This took place back in 1963. Glenn Gregory lost his wedding ring near a tree that he and his wife Barbara planted after their honeymoon.

They said this is our tree, and it will grow from this little stick to, to a big tree for, you know, our whole lives. Okay. And then it'll be here forever. Right? Okay.

Well, the tree kept growing and growing and growing, and their marriage did the same. But, despite searching high and low, Gregory Glenn, Gregory never found his, wedding ring Oh, no. Until now. Listen to this. I am.

Glenn passed away last December. Barbara hired a man named Jonathan Searcy to place Glenn's grave marker. And while working near that same tree, Jonathan spotted something shiny in the grass. And sure enough, it was the lost ring. Look at it.

How is that even possible? One that it was shiny enough to be noticed. Yeah. Like, this has got to be out in the weather since 1963. There's no way.

Jonathan said the odds are a million to 1. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. Barbara decided to hold on to the wedding ring herself and not bury it with Glenn. She said, I didn't send it with him. I thought maybe he might lose it on his way to heaven.

I don't know. And she laughed. Better if I just hold on to it. Yeah. So, very cool.

That is so cool. Yeah. And and I I don't know what what else to say about Glenn. Maybe he should've looked harder. Maybe.

Yeah. Maybe he didn't wanna find it. Yeah. Maybe he was like, ah, I just don't know where that went. Oh, there it is.

I can't find it. Real hard to see. And maybe Barbara knew that too. She's like, no way. I'm keeping it.

Yeah. He's not gonna have that ring again. Pretty funny. But That's cute. Good news to get you going on Classy 97.

Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. I'm very happy that we're here today. Why? Well, we had to make a delivery to the hospital the other day.

Oh, yeah. Not for us. It was a friend of a friend's. Right. We just made the delivery.

We dropped off. And, I'd like to say we dropped off and ran, but we got stuck in that hospital. We got lost. We could not find our way out. Make no sense.

No. And there were arrows leading all which ways. I don't Sometimes an arrow says up. Sometimes an arrow says down. Well, what happens is we couldn't find the main elevator.

We found a staff elevator Can't use that. That I think might have been the main elevator. It said staff elevator. But I where does where did we go wrong? I don't know.

Because I've been in there before, and and we're walking past stuff going, have we seen this picture before? Like, I don't know how long we were in there. Long enough that our daughter sent us a text and said She was waiting in the car. Taking so long? I don't know.

I'm lost. And I don't typically get lost. No. You don't. I'm really good with directions, but somewhere in that labyrinth, I made a wrong turn.

And we ended up finding an elevator, a single elevator. We took it only went to second floor and first floor. I don't even know what this elevator was for. But I found it, and we went down to the first floor, and we were on a completely different side of the hospital. I don't know how it happened.

Know how it got there. It was wild. But that's why when I'm with you, I don't I don't worry about directions because I go, oh, Josh will just Josh will figure it out. I'm just here for the fun. Josh will get us there, and Josh will do that.

I really can't figure it out. So I wasn't paying any kind of attention to left turns, right turns Right. Pictures on the wall. I said, okay. Get get us out of here now.

Well, we went across, like, a sky bridge thing. Yeah. And then coming back, we went across that sky bridge thing. And then I don't think that sky bridge thing was that far away from the elevators, but, boy, did we keep walking. Were we talking?

The because sometimes if I get into a conversation, I lose track of where I'm headed. Yeah. That's true. And maybe I was distracted. I don't know.

I don't either. But we made it out We in one piece, and everything's okay. We were probably only last for maybe 10 minutes, but it sure felt like a lot of I don't even think it was 10 minutes. I think it was probably 3, but it felt like 10. Josh.

Can't do it. You gotta make it sound worse than it was. 4 hours. Couldn't find up from down. But what's with those arrows?

There was also nobody around. Yeah. That's strange too. It's the middle of the day. Just weird.

I said, let's just find somebody to ask for help. No one Yeah. Quiet. But also, was with those arrows. Because whoever did the, directory thing that says an arrow, what's it's it's worse than down?

It's worse than trying to find the yard sale. You see the sign, you go, where's that arrow pointing? I don't know. It's that bad. I don't know I don't know who did it.

I don't know that. Yeah. What there's a down arrow. What does down mean? Behind me?

Because up arrow means keep going forward, I guess. I couldn't tell you. On a wall. So I look up, that's a ceiling. That's not the elevator, is it?

No. That makes no sense. And then you have one arrow that goes up and then hooks left, up and hooks right, down and hooks right. What do these mean? I couldn't tell you.

I'm just happy we made it out of there. Me too. I was starting to get hungry. You were? Yes.

Well It was lost. There was nobody in the deli. Good noon. Got a snack. I have a problem.

What's your problem? I have lots of problems, but we'll just focus on one for today. What's today's problem? Today's problem is that I need new earbuds. The problem is that I they're too big, but they're the smallest ones available.

They don't have smaller earbuds than that. I've met the smallest earbud, but they don't fit. They're too big. Let me tell you that they make over the ear I know. Headphones.

You're wearing them now. I know. Then they make those Bluetooth as well. Yeah. But dumb.

Okay. When you, had headphones that plugged into your phone, did those earbuds fit? I'm trying to remember. I don't think that they did. Because they they have a bunch of different styles.

Have you tried mine? No. Because I found the new version of mine. I love them. I think they look so cool.

They're they brought back, and I and I've always been a fan of, the translucent plastic that you can see all the circuitry underneath. I see. Time out. I see what you're trying to do now. Yeah.

Listen. I'm saying I found those, and if you wanna try those, I would get a set. And if you don't like them, I mean, I don't have to return them. I thought you were gonna be like, oh, try mine. You can have mine.

No. No. No. No. I'll get a new set.

No. No. Try mine. Take mine. I'll get the new set.

But I wanted to see if if the ones I have fit your ears, because the new ones are the same size, but they they're, they're cool translucent plastic. Get those new ones. You should. You should. They're very cool.

I never get the new ones. I think I've had oh. No. You have your own set. Well, I do.

But anytime we need something new well, not in every time, but there's been times in the past where I'm like, we need a new phone. You give me your own phone. No. Yeah. I've never given you my old phone.

Yes, sir. When? Back in back in the day you know? Back in the day. When smartphones were first coming out, and they were really, really expensive.

Not that they're cheap now, but when they were crazy expensive. I can't think of a time ever when I've downgraded you to a used phone. You did. No way. Yes, Wayne.

Because I'm trying to think back. I go clear back to the the Samsung's. You had your Nokia. It was Nokia days. You're going way too far back.

But even then, we had, like, we had those Kyocera phones. We each got those phones. They were brand new. I've never given you an old phone. Yes.

You did. Way. Yes. You did. An old phone number?

No. You might have chosen the wrong example. No, dude. Yeah, dude. Anyway, point of the story.

Plus, you're the baby. You should be used to hand me downs by now. I am. That's why I accepted it because I said, okay. I never get anything new.

I'm just the baby. Right. Just the baby. Okay. Listen.

I need new headphones. Yeah. I know. I had mine in the other day. I kept having to push them back in.

They keep falling out. Let's go get a pair of those. If you like them, cool. If you don't, I'll I'll use them. Yeah.

I bet you would. I bet you would. I hope they don't fit. Can I tell a story? Sure.

Go ahead. We were at the grocery store. We had to get a few things, and you decided that you might want a a bit of a treat. Because I was I I saw the Nilla Wafers, and I haven't had Nilla Wafers in a while. And I thought, man, you know what would be good is a scoop of ice cream with a couple of Nilla Wafers in there.

That sounds nice. So I I was looking at that, and you went, I wish I could have a treat. And you you decided that you wanted to try and eat eat better, and you've been, I've been doing really great. So you you said, I want a treat, but I wanna have a treat that's, like, sugar free or low sugar isn't gonna be, you know, detrimental to my plan. So you you looked up and down the aisle, couldn't find the sugar free stuff.

And I went, did you look by the cookies? Like, what do you Yeah. And you yeah. I did. And I okay.

So here we go. Pushing the cart, Emery and I. And I look, and I there's a whole shelf or two shelves of low sugar and no sugar stuff. And then I don't know where you disappeared to, but, eventually, you found us again still standing there waiting for you. She'll find us, and then I'll go, you mean these cookies?

So that's what happened. And you picked out some cookies. And They were sugar free shortbread cookies. A sugar free shortbread. How is it?

They taste like teething biscuits. You know those biscuits like your 2? That you give to your kids when they're trying to teethe and they have no flavor, and it turns into, like, a paste. Yeah. And when your kids are chopping down on them, and you're like, that stuff is like glue.

Are they good? Okay. When I first had the first couple, I went, yeah. These are teething biscuits. They have no flavor.

They're bland. They're boring. Then yesterday, that was Saturday when I was like, these are teething biscuits. These are gross. Right.

Then yesterday, as I'm folding laundry, I said, I want a little bit of a snack. Let me go eat those sugar free cookies. Mhmm. Let me have a teething biscuit. And then I had a lot of them because I got I got kind of addicted to them a little bit.

Okay. I had a couple, and I was like, alright. This is gonna quell my snacking. And then I had those 2, and then those were gone. And I went, I could use a couple more.

So I went back to the kitchen. Got a couple more. Thing you chose something that wasn't super sugary because the bag would be gone. Yeah. I had a lot.

I had a lot of those cookies yesterday. When you say a lot, like, so far we're up to 4. How many? More than 4. More than 4.

Less than Less than 12. No way. You had 11 cookies. I think. You think you had 11 cookies.

I don't really remember. Look, I'm not judging. It's your it's your decision. I kept just going back and grabbing, like, 2 or 3 and then, like, taking them to where I was folding laundry. I'm like Snack.

Snack. Snack. Then then I'd go to reach for another one. I'd be like, oh, no. My eating biscuits are gone.

Go get more. So I don't know. I don't know how many I ate. They're sugar free. So Oh, so it's okay.

Well, I'm I'm glad you're enjoying your teething biscuits at this point. And look how sharp my teeth are. Yeah. Look at you. They grew in nice.

Hello. Good morning. You wanna do something crafty? Sure. What kind of what kind of arts and crafts do you wanna do?

What what do you wanna do? Well, I haven't watercolored in a minute, and I I really want to. I got some new brushes that I was really excited to try out, and I just haven't done it. I I don't know. There's other things going on, I guess.

But, apparently, arts and crafts lets you tap in your creative side, but, also, did you know it boosts your happiness? Yeah. Yes. I know it does because I like the arts and crafts. I know.

I have an entire room full of arts and crafts. They say painting, knitting, woodworking, specifically those 3, greatly improve levels of happiness and life satisfaction. Whittling wood Can I please whittle wood with you? Is a big deal. The study found that arts and crafts can increase your happiness more than having a good paying job.

Really? It also gives your life a greater sense of purpose than a job. Crafting and other artistic activities show a meaningful effect in predicting people's sense that their life is worthwhile. What are the top 3? Well, it said specifically painting, knitting, and woodworking.

I don't do any of those crafts on the regular. That's why I gotta get back to painting. I gotta get in there and paint. What about sewing? Sure.

Set on there. Sure. I do that sometimes. I guess I do a a smidgen of painting. I mean, you're you do your art journal.

You do all kinds of different things. Yeah. So yeah. It really I don't know that it specifies which crafts and arts are the Tops. Tops, but it really does say if you are engaged in arts and crafts, you have a higher life satisfaction Oh.

And a greater sense that life is worthwhile and increased happiness. I We gotta get crafty. I know. I had some time yesterday, and I went into my craft room because I was like, I haven't done crafts in a long time. I haven't sewed.

I haven't I haven't done anything in a long time. It looked a bit of a mess. Yeah. I walked in, and then I walked back out. Yeah.

Because I went if I do anything, I'm gonna have to clean first, and that's not any fun. So I walked out. And didn't cry. And did do I did no crafty anything. No creative anything for me yesterday.

There's the adult coloring books. I know those things are probably look. If you're just looking for something easy. I have been trying to practice different calligraphy techniques. Right.

You you dig a little bit of that. A little bit of that yesterday. So that's a little bit creative. Mhmm. What is that face?

You rolled your eyes like It wasn't that much of anything. How long did you do it for? 30 minutes? Not even. You did for 3.

3 minutes. You gotta do a little more. Come on now. I got bored. I got bored.

I got bored. Well, let's get some arts and crafts time in there. Okay. It's it's good for happiness and, making life worth living, apparently. That's what it said.

So it's important. Okay. Alright. I'm gonna paint the next time I'm in my craft room and the kids come downstairs or you come downstairs. Like, I'm busy.

I am arts and crafting. I'm trying to make my life worth living. So we talked a little bit ago about vinyl is coming back and cassette tapes are making a comeback. Yeah. Big time.

And it's crazy. It's weird to see all this stuff. Vintage. It feels weird to say. Vintage.

I'm vintage. Yeah. Vintage stuff and then physical media things, like like, younger people want to own DVDs and Blu rays and even VHS tapes. Like, they are becoming harder and harder and harder to find, and there are big time collectors that have massive VHS collections. Because some movies, when they came out on VHS, when they were remastered or they changed them like the Star Wars movies, for example.

If you watch the first, original trilogy on VHS, the movies are different. The visual effects are different. There's a lot of things they changed. Well, this younger generation is also bringing back point and shoot cameras. Yeah.

They are foregoing their phone, their smartphone cameras, because they say everyone's pictures look the same. And there's something really cool about these vintage pictures. It gives it a certain vibe, so we wanna bring it back. There is something, very great about shooting on film. Kodak saw demand for film double Yeah.

In the last couple of years. No kidding. And Pentax 17 was released, which was the first 35 millimeter film camera. Like, it's a new one? The first one to be released in more than 2 decades.

Yeah. It's new. The Pentax 17. Okay. And it is a 35 millimeter film camera.

Is that right? It is. Really? Yeah. Really?

Only $500. Oh. Yeah. But it is, it is an actual film camera, 35 millimeter. That's really cool.

There was a Paris Olympian who was seen with a disposable camera, snapped in pictures in the stands, and then there was another young model who was recently showing off her point and shoot camera on Instagram. So So they're gonna have to they're gonna bring back these, photo, stop shop photo. The the one hour photo booths? Yeah. Let's bring back the one hour photo booths.

So I told you I can't remember what it's called. But, Katie, just down the hall, she has a trip coming up, and she didn't want to take, a nice big digital camera. And she also didn't want to have to worry about her phone and all that stuff. So they actually make, it looks like, the old disposable cameras Mhmm. With a little click click click click click click to advance your film.

It looks like that, but it's digital, and it has a rechargeable battery, but it's that big. It's that size. It's just for point and shoot camera stuff, but it looks like the disposable Does it have, like you know how some of those disposable cameras, you just took a picture and then you hoped for the best? Yeah. But the digital camera It doesn't have a display.

Oh, I need a display. No. Yeah. Why? Because what if I've chopped off somebody's head, which I've done before?

I don't know what to tell you. You can still buy those, disposable ones. And hope for the best. You can still get those. But this thing, I think it's called the Flashback, I think is what it's called.

I'm looking at it right here trying to see if this is the if this is the thing. But, yeah, it's what it is. It's it has the film aesthetic. Like, the can the the pictures you take look like film because it's just a simple little lens. No big deal.

You can charge the flash on it, and it charges by USB, c's Weird. Whatever. You can't you can't zoom in. It doesn't have any of that. It's just click.

That's so why do they want this? Because it's the Well and I love it. These people are like, okay. We realize that the technology in our smartphones is amazing. Sure.

But we like the rudimentary stuff on this old cameras. Well, that's why I'm film. Sure. They're like, those mistakes, that's part of the allure. They say it's romantic.

Even the red eye and the grainy texture of it. What they did is they found, mom and grandma's shoebox of pictures, and they were like, look at this life. Like, look how cool this is. We don't have any of this. And then they feel like we should have this.

How can we get it? And so they're like, well, we'll just remake it. We'll go shoot on film. We'll go do it. Go stand next to your truck.

I'll take a picture of it because that's a hold up that fish. Oh, look. Another picture of a cat. It was bizarre. The amount of pictures, the amount of physical pictures, but now they're going to bring back photo albums and then you know what comes after that?

Scrapbooking. Guess what you have? A ton of scrapbook supplies. So, you know, you're just ready. It's just not there yet.

It's all coming. It's gonna be little stickers and 12 by 12 pages and albums and albums and albums. I'm ready, guys. It's, yeah. You've got it all.

You want aesthetic. Boy, oh, boy, have you been holding on to some stuff. You got a treasure trove. You don't even know. Oh, I know.

I've always known. Do some research for me. Okay. How many minions movies are there currently? 6.

That's my guess. Okay. How many minions movies are there? Minions or are you including Okay. Them and Despicable Me?

Alright. So minions alone let me see. So Despicable Me came out in 2010. Despicable Me 2 in 2013, 3 in 2017, 4 in 2024. That's 4 despicable me Despicable Me movies.

Whereas minions are featured. K. Yes. K. Then Minions itself was 2015.

K. Minions the rise of Gru. Minions 3 Oh. Is planned for 2027. Then there were short films.

There was a web series. There's a Minions holiday special. Oh, yo y. There's Despicable Me the video game. Oh.

There's also all the soundtracks to the movies, and there is a Despicable Me Minion Mayhem theme park attraction. Okay. So 7 7 7 Yeah. 4 Despicable Me's Feature kills. 2 2 Minions movies and a 3rd Minions, Minions 3, whatever it will be called, is on the plan is planned for 27.

Okay. The director, he directed the first two and the 4th film. Yes. Of Despicable Me. He they said, hey.

Do you think that this could be, like, a really cool, like, a live action movie? And he said, please, no. No. He said, I really hope not, and that's my answer. Okay.

Here's here's the thing I would I think would happen. I don't think they would do live action Minions. They would do, like, what they've done with Garfield and what they've done with Alvin and the Chipmunks. Like an AI? They would do well, it's CGI, computer generated animated cartoon characters in a live action world.

Okay. Still not a fan. No. No. And they don't make very good money to my understanding.

The Minions movies? No. No. No. No.

These Oh, when they do that thing? Yeah. Yeah. Sonic the Hedgehog, another example. And they've done a couple of different Sonic movies.

But I look. That's the when I think live action with those guys, that's what I think. But are you gonna have Steve Carell walking around as Gru in real life? Like, that just doesn't feel right. No.

Feels weird. And I just sometimes those live action movies, it just takes away the magic from the animated classics anyway. So just don't. And the director's on board with me too. He's like, let's not.

Let's not do this. One time, the one exception, Roger Rabbit. So cool. Yeah. But that it wasn't that was a mix, and that was the original movie anyway.

It's not like they had an animated Roger Rabbit, and then they made a live action version. You are correct. But but as far as cartoons existing in a real life world, that's the way to do it. Like, that was super, super cool. And cartoons were part of the storyline.

Yeah. Exactly. They wrote the movie to be like that. They didn't take an animated movie and say, let's make these real people. Correct.

Could you imagine if they made them real people? Like, real minions? 100 and 100 of thousands of little yellow pill bodied people. Who would they get to play them? I don't know.

Do you know anybody who's yellow and pill bodied? I don't. I don't know a yellow pill bodied person. Okay. I have a game that we're gonna play.

We're gonna play a game? It's a game. Okay. Yes. It's called the one word movie clue game.

The one word movie clue game. Yes. So I'm gonna give you one word, and then you try and tell me what movie I'm saying. If you need another clue, I'll give you another clue. I can give you up to 3 clues.

K. K? Let's see if I can figure this out. Alright. Are you ready?

Sure. Skateboard. I wanna say back to the future. Ding ding ding. Yeah.

But, I mean, he kinda created the skateboard, but really hoverboard. Yeah. Alright. Alright. I love that.

Alright. Alright. Alright. I get it. I get it.

Okay. Mirror. Oh, there's many here, because there's, like, mirror mirror on the wall Mhmm. Who's the fairest of them all, which is is that Sleeping Beauty? No.

Or one of those, Cinderella. It's one of those. Snow White. Is it Snow White? Yeah.

Well, there's mirrors in many of these. There are. But is the movie Snow White? No. Oh, mirror.

There's a mirror in Harry Potter that's very, important. This is a tricky one. Okay. I'll give you another word. Rose.

A mirror and a rose, that is Beauty and the Beast. Ding ding ding ding. Okay. Ding. Josh.

See also another Disney movie with a mirroring. K. How about necklace? That's gonna be Titanic. Nice.

Josh. Yeah. You're killing it. K. How about donkey?

Well, when you say it like that, it's Shrek. K. Golf. Many movies. Happy Gilmore Yes.

Is a golf movie. Good job. This is an easy game. Okay. Alright.

So far? K. Lost. Okay. There are so many movies dealing with people getting lost.

That's why it's a challenge, isn't it? Let's see. Jumanji? No. Has, some I'm I'm gonna need a second word.

Sydney. Oh, Sydney is a character in, scream, but that doesn't have to do with lost. So it's not that. No. Sydney, Australia lost in Australia.

What's happening in I'm I'm I'm gonna need a third word. Anemone. Oh, there you go. Finding Nemo. There it is.

Yes. You got it. Okay. Last one. Yeah.

Bricks. The Lego movie? No. The second word. Twister.

Bricks and Twister. These are games. Twister is a game and bricks. I'm Toy Story. Slippers.

Toy Story? Slippers? Bricks, Twister, Slippers. I feel like this is pretty obvious, and I'm really missing this. I I don't know.

Wizard of Oz. Yes. The yellow brick road. The Ruby red slippers. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Of course. Of course.

Alright. Well, hey. Good job, Josh. Not bad. You did great.

For only missing the last one. Good job. Thanks. Well done. Fun game.

What's it called? It's called fun game. Fun game. One word movie clue game. One word movie clue.

We'll work on the name. So I just saw a sad news article that Phil Donahue has passed away. The talk show host. The talk show host, Phil Donahue. He was 88 years old.

Has his hair been 88 since he was 20? Because so. That's that's a guy who's had white hair his whole life. Same hair. Now here's the thing.

I don't remember much of Phil Donahue other than when I would have a sick day from school. Sure. That would be what was on TV. That and Sally Jesse Raphael. Jesse Raphael.

Price is Right. And my mom would she would allow me to watch Price is Right, and then she'd say, okay. We gotta watch Donahue. Okay. It's gotta happen.

88 years old. Yeah. No kidding. And my mom would watch that, like, folding laundry while I was laying on the couch. Oh, I'm too sick to go to school.

Oh. But can we also watch something else? Yeah. He was, kind of the pioneer. I was just looking.

He was kind of the pioneer of people that, or of involving the people in the audience in the show. Oh, he was? Yeah. A lot of people He was a pioneer. That didn't happen.

Yeah. He was, he was the guy who did that, by by taking audience questions for people that were on the stage or involving them in a lot of different topics and conversations, which is kind of interesting. His show, the Phil Donahue Show debuted in 1967 Really? In Dayton, Ohio, and then it it would go on to get syndicated. He was syndicated for 29 years.

Wow. That's unbelievable. Good job, Dominic. Yeah. And I'm looking at a picture of him.

I don't know what when this picture was taken. He looks exactly white. It's dark gray. It wasn't always white. Really?

Yeah. He was probably 18. I don't know how old he was. That's wild. 88 years old, though.

Just on those sick days when I had home I was home from school. My mom was watching TV. Sure. I was like, this is what it feels like to be an adult? Because I can't wait.

Sign me up. Well, that's too bad. Definitely thoughts for the family and everything. That's a big deal. Yeah.

88 years old, though. The would you rather this or that question of the day. Would you rather pilot a blimp or steer a submarine? Oh. You're rubbing your head like this is the worst decision you've ever had to make.

What if I goof up? No. It's just Okay. I'm gonna pick blimp. Okay.

Why? What are you picking? And then I'll tell you why I'm picking blimp. No. Why?

Why can't you just tell me? Because then you'll pick blimp also. Let me see. Because my logic will make a lot of sense. So I want you to just make your decision, and then I'll tell you why.

You're gonna pick a submarine because you're really fascinated by the marine life. Yeah. But it's not like there's windows. Yes. There are.

I won't be able to see anything. Depending on what kind of vessel you're in, yeah, absolutely, there are windows. One big one on the end, a big round dome of of glass that you can look through it, see the ocean and the animals. On the end? Not where the piloting software is.

The drive the driving equipment. You said it's at the end. Yeah. If I'm driving the submarine Have you seen the little the little small submarines? No.

The the ones that implode? No. Look up small submarine. Okay. Now tell me your logic.

Because, yes, while looking at the small submarines that are all a window for you to go float around and look at marine life Okay. I'll do that. Talking about a big, like, naval vessel. Okay. That's what I was thinking of.

I'm talking about a little a little cruising small submarine where you can go look at the water. Uh-huh. That's the one I'm picking. Right. I'm picking, the blimp because there are way fewer things to collide with in the sky, and I don't want to crash into something.

So once I get off the ground in my, it's not filled with helium anymore because of the Hindenburg. I don't know what they put in them now. You think there's fewer things to collide with in the sky? Yeah. What's up there?

I disagree with you. What's up there? All kinds of stuff. What? Birds, other planes, helicopters, more birds, eagles.

What? Hot air balloons. What? That's almost gonna do it for us. We got one more thing.

We do have one more thing. Watch out preteens with your lemonade stands because there's a side hustle coming to town, and it's these lemonade stands are being taken over by adults. Wait. Adults are, putting up lemonade stands? They are, but they're, like, they're not necessarily a stand, but a food truck.

They're doing these little food trucks lemonade style lemonade stand style. But it's a side hustle to try and pay off some student loan debt. Oh, it's true. Trying to do. Okay.

So it's it's more legit than just like a watered down cup of lemonade. Okay. But you have to have food handler's permit. You have to have city license to sell something. I think there's doing that.

Then you have to have a lot of stuff if you're just gonna open up a corner hot dog stand. That's what what I'm saying? Yeah. No. No.

No. That's what they're doing. Yeah. So they're investing in the equipment. They're doing all these menus.

They're involving the syrups and all the different fancy Okay. Concoctions, and they're charging $8 a drink. $8? $8. It's it's less expensive, I think, to go through the drive through soda shop I know.

Than it is to go spend $8. Expensive to buy a thing of Turani syrup yourself. Well, there's that. Make your own lemonade and put it together yourself. Isn't that interesting?

Side hustling is what these people are doing. Okay. Watch out, kids. Well, yeah. No kidding.

That's gonna do it for the show. Have a great rest of your Monday. We'll be back tomorrow morning, bright and early, 6 to 10 on the radio on demand whenever you wanna listen. You can get the show. It's available everywhere podcasts are available.

So listen on demand at your convenience. If you wanna listen at lunch, you can. If you wanna listen later on after dinner, whatever. Do it. If you work late and you're like, I need something to get me through the day, well, hey.

Wake up Classy 97. The 4 hour show, we trim it all down to less than an hour so you can listen to the whole thing in one sitting. You get all of it. It's great. Wherever podcasts are available, you can get Wake up Classy 97.

And that will do it for us. Have a great rest of your day. Bye. See you. Thanks for listening to Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.