The Mindbuffs Podcast

If you haven't already, go back and listen to our What is the Difference Between Discomfort and Insecurity episode here!
Also, before we get started, here are some important concepts we go over:

- SOGIE: Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression. We use this acronym as our umbrella term for the conversation
- Safe space versus welcoming and inclusive space
- Dispelling misinformation: Specific to drag queens and the belief that there is kitty litter in schools... Yes, we sure talk about it! 
- Attacks on identity and how some people in the SOGIE community lean into parts of self and others lean away
- The mental health challenges people in the SOGIE communities face 
- How to create normalization in conversations
- Diversity at the table. Who sits at your table?  
- Pronouns! Making mistakes is part of learning
- The difference between worldview and actions 
- What is the difference between being a shield and a sword?
- Allyship and co-conspiratorship. 
- Ally is a verb. What actions can we take?

It's Pride Month! On this weeks podcast, Mindbuffs Unlicensed Mental Health Therapist, Dayna will be sharing personal stories and experiences from the LGBTQ+ community. This cast we will focus on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) within the 2S LGBTQIA+ community, and providing tools and insights for approaching conversations about diversity and inclusion.
We all come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Dayna idetifies as LQBTQ+ and is married to a transgender person. Mat grew up in a Christian family and played hockey, resulting in a unique upbringing. As such, these two have experienced significant differences in language and attitudes towards non-heteronormative individuals. We know that our  different backgrounds influences current perspectives and understanding of these topics.

It can be difficult to reconcile the belief systems we hold from our upbringing. It is for these reasons why it is so important that we have conversations about self-discovery and identity. Open and honest discussion is the best way to foster understanding among such diverse individuals, even if it can be uncomfortable at times.

Speaking of Discomfort, we have a podcast all about it. If you haven't already, go back and listen to our What is the Difference Between Discomfort and Insecurity episode here!

A major problem facing us in the modern world is the role of social media. Social media can lead to polarization of ideals by amplifying minor issues and instilling fear. It presents an exaggerated view of reality, focusing on sensationalism rather than providing a balanced perspective. By distorts conversations, making them aggressive and polarized. A better approach is to express discomfort or suggest changes based on personal experiences. The goal is to foster open conversations regardless of individual backgrounds, validating experiences and adding to them, rather than rejecting them. 

Conversations are essential for learning and growth. Asking questions and seeking answers is crucial. Diversity in conversations and communities enriches perspectives. By avoiding defensiveness and promoting open communication we can begin moving from a culture of objections to a culture of collaboration and addition.

Diversity is essential for human progress and development.
As we always say curiosity, not judgment, should be the approach to understanding diversity.


Introduction to Podcast on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (01:06)
Self Discovery and Identity (02:24)
Promoting Inclusivity in Sports (03:20)
Intro to Conversations (04:17)
Creating Inclusive Environments (05:43)
Importance of Expressing Opinions (06:36)
Creating a Safe Space for Open Communications (07:12)
Promoting Inclusive Conversations (08:06)
"Yes, but" vs "Yes, AND" Culture (09:06)
Social Media's Impact Perception (10:41)
Drag Queens in Schools: A Discussion (12:06)
Addressing Misinformation about Kitty Litter in Schools (16:12)
Addressing Concerns about Parental Involvement in Education (17:21)
Education and Vulnerability (19:18)
Fostering Conversations about Identity and Religion (20:02)
Exploring the Connection Between Worldview and Actions (21:09)
Overvaluing One Aspect of Self (21:55)
Privilege and Visibility (23:44)
Intersectionality and Identity (25:21)
Polarization in Society (26:40)
Embracing Neurodiversity and Unique Experience (27:31)
Normalizing Pronoun Introduction (28:59)
Social Media and Allyship (32:31)
Importance of Conversations and Diversity (39:27)
Diversity and Inclusivity (40:25)

Creators & Guests

Mat de Moissac
Registered psychologist and co-founder of Mindbuffs

What is The Mindbuffs Podcast?

The Mindbuffs Podcast is for people who want to get the most out of their lives, without burning out. Combining the latest research with quality conversation, we debunk unhealthy examples of high-performance living and teach you how to master your mind.

If you’d like to learn more about Mindbuffs and what we do, go check us out at or send us a message at