The Few Will Hunt Show

Are you a breathing corpse? If you aren’t growing each day, you are— you’re simply waiting to die. In this episode, Joey and Drew break down Rule No. 7 of The Few (Die Growing) and explain the pledge of “growth to the grave”. They also offer a tool for this rule— a practical way you can live Rule No. 7 of The Few each day to change your life. 

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and 100% Made in the USA apparel brand. Family-owned and operated and headquartered in Philadelphia. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

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Creators & Guests

Drew Beech
Drew Beech is an entrepreneur and cofounder of Few Will Hunt. He spent several years in the sales and marketing industry, grossing over several million dollars in sales. But his love for the entrepreneurial journey and desire to escape the rate race started with his personal training business in college. Today, Drew leads the Few Will Hunt community alongside his cousin and cofounder, Joey in their mission to restore the dignity of hard work through the highest-quality American-made apparel.
Joey Bowen
Joey Bowen is co-founder of Few Will Hunt.

What is The Few Will Hunt Show?

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and 100% Made in the USA apparel brand. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

Joey Rosen:

I feel like when we talk about growth and personal growth, everybody focuses on the wins. Like, oh, well, in order to grow, I need to win because, you know, that's the fuel for my fire. It keeps me going. Like, look, I made progress. But for me personally, like, most of the time, it's the elves.

Drew Beech:

Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show.

Joey Rosen:

What's going on, Eagles? Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show. I'm Joey. I have Drew here with me, my cousin and cofounder in Fuel Hunt. How are you feeling today?

Drew Beech:

I'm living the motherfucking fuck.

Joey Rosen:

Alright. I mean, the the expletives the expletives keep getting better every episode, the the cursing. So One

Drew Beech:

day, I'm like, yeah what? I'm really struggling today.

Joey Rosen:

You know what? I think maybe you should. If that's

Drew Beech:

Not today.

Joey Rosen:

Not today. If that's how you're showing up, I think you should. I think you should. It'd be a good episode because I think a lot of the few feel that way. Sure.

Joey Rosen:

You know what I mean? On a on a daily basis.

Drew Beech:

Still going. Still growing.

Joey Rosen:

Exactly. Exactly. So speaking about growing, today, we are gonna talk about rule number 7 of the few, which is die Wow. Growing.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. So let's just Interesting. I said that though. I'm not even intent.

Joey Rosen:

You didn't prepare? No. No. Okay. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

It's a good segue. It's a good segue. So if you wanna read rule number 7 of the few, hit the full rules of the few at fuelhunt.comforward/rules. You can read this one and the other how many rules? 11.

Joey Rosen:

11. Yeah. Right? So you can read The

Drew Beech:

other 10.

Joey Rosen:

The other 10 Yeah. There, on our site. This rule, rule number 7, die growing, growth to the grave Mhmm. Is such a foundational rule for the few, probably one of my favorite Mhmm. Rules.

Joey Rosen:

So I'm excited for this today. So we'll do what we typically do here on this, this format of the show. We'll chop up the rule a little bit. We'll discuss it, and then we'll give the few a practical tool for the rule a way that they can live it in their their daily lives. So, man, this rule is special for a lot of reasons.

Joey Rosen:

I think the first thing, if I may, say is that everything we do here at Fuel Hunt is growth oriented. Like, even the apparel that we put out, it's geared for growth. Everything about the Fuel Hunt experience is to serve our community members to help them go through and grow through personal and professional obstacles, challenges. Right?

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

And that's what makes this, this rule special for me because it's a I look at it like a pledge. You know? You're pledging growth to the grave. You're pledging that as your clock expires, right, with each passing minute, hour, day, you pledge to be at least a little bit better than you were the day before. Mhmm.

Joey Rosen:

So even though you're dying, you're growing. Mhmm. Right? Fair enough.

Drew Beech:

I agree.

Joey Rosen:

How, how's this role hit you? What does it mean to you?

Drew Beech:

So like I said in other podcasts, like, a a word that sticks with me a lot is kaizen. Right? Like, you need to be if you if you would like to be one of the few, right, if you are one of the few, if you feel the way we do, you are improving every day. Right? So not just in one aspect of your life.

Drew Beech:

Improvement needs to be made in all aspects of your life. Right?

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

So you may be growing as an entrepreneur or a business person, but are you growing as a leader? Are you growing as a father or a a wife? Are you growing as, or a mother? My a mother, a husband, wife, a friend. Right?

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

Are you growing as a healthy person?

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

Right? Mind, body, spirit. So not only do you need to grow in the area of your life that you are giving the most attention to, but there is a lot of other aspects that go into

Joey Rosen:

Holistic approach.

Drew Beech:

The holistic approach to kaizen or everyday better. And that's when I say die growing, that's what what I mean and or what I mean what it means to me.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. It's an important point to make because I think sometimes we get fixated. We get fixated on the business or we get fixated on the the body. You know what I mean? The training, you know.

Joey Rosen:

And we don't step back to think holistically. Are the things that I'm doing to grow on a daily basis serving as many people and things in my life as possible. Mhmm. I think that there's one way to guarantee that that'll happen, and that's to make sure that the work you're doing on a daily basis for growth is work done on itself. Right?

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. Because that cup overflows into all the other areas of your life. So on a on a deeper level, when I think of this rule, it means to me that you're you're pledging to do the hardest work that you could probably ever do in life, and that's the hard work on self. And the other crazy thing about that work is it doesn't come with applause. It doesn't come with a trophy.

Joey Rosen:

It doesn't come with a different color belt. Mhmm. You know, it's work that you're doing on a daily basis that, you know, sometimes, most times, people can't see. Only you know it

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

In your in your mind.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

And when you're doing that hard work on self, I think that that's a way to guarantee that it'll have its ripple effects and, affect your family and your friends and your business in a in a positive way to help them grow too. Mhmm. Yeah. Would you agree?

Drew Beech:

I would agree.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Have, when so we have a couple different, if we talk about some of our mantras, some of our designs on our apparel, this rule shows up in a in a couple of different ways. Right? We have our growth to the grave mantra and designs and apparel. We have our grow or die.

Joey Rosen:

It shows up everywhere. That's another reason why it's a favorite role of mine because it's like a common thread throughout, you know, our community and our

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Our our community and our company, you know, like our work product. Mhmm. Yep. What, when you're growing on a daily basis let me ask you a question.

Joey Rosen:

When you're growing on a daily basis, we're talking about this holistic growth. Right? The work done on self and the ripple effects and all that. Are you always stacking w's? Are you always stacking wins when you're growing?

Joey Rosen:

Or are you is it is is it always a win? When you look back, you look at you take the kaizen approach and you look back at at the day, in the evening, or the night if you're like me and you reflect back, and you say, okay. Well, what did I learn? Did I grow? Blah blah blah.

Joey Rosen:

Is it are they always w's?

Drew Beech:

No. And it's funny when you were talking about the designs, I was thinking about the rose that appears in the growth of the grave design. And I started to conceptualize. I was kind of thinking this as you were speaking, but conceptualize us as a living thing. Right?

Drew Beech:

And Mhmm. The rose is a plant, a living thing. And within soil, right, there are different and a a growing plant, it's challenge is always to stay alive with through the storms, through the

Joey Rosen:

Getting trampled on?

Drew Beech:

Getting trampled on, the contaminants that try and

Joey Rosen:

In the soil.

Drew Beech:

Get in the soil and destroy the plant. And what do if if it's a plant of ours, we water it. We feed it the right food. Mhmm. So we need to be treating ourselves as a living being, a plant that we want to see flourish, thrive, and grow

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

And feed the right nutrition, the right foods, and the right mental nutrition.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. Yeah. I would agree. The rose appears in, you know, a few of our designs, most notably, growth to the grave, and we talked about that. Even when we went over, I believe maybe it was rule number 4 when we were talking about, like, it the seed of your power is your pain.

Joey Rosen:

Right? I think think of it like a wild rose. Right? Doing all of those things needs to cut carve to the soil and the nutrients have to be there and the conditions and and all that. So I think that's a powerful metaphor, for this rule as well.

Joey Rosen:

When I look back at my day and I reflect on my day and I say, hey, look, you know, did I grow? You know, did I live this rule? Did I honor the pledge? Because I think that that's really what it is. This rule is a pledge.

Joey Rosen:

It's a pledge to grow every day. It's a pledge to grow until you die. When I'm looking at that back on my day and I say, hey did did I do that? I often find the days that I say like is a resounding yes. Like, shit.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. I definitely grew today. Like, you know what I mean? I got I had more L's than I did W's in a comp. Like, I have more losses, like, more mistakes, like, more failures even if they're just small ones.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

Reps at the gym, you know, reps in jujitsu, whatever. That's what exposes the learning for me. Like, more l, more losses

Drew Beech:

than wins.

Joey Rosen:

Right? More losses than wins. I feel like when we talk about growth and personal growth, everybody focuses on the wins. Like, oh, well, in order to grow, I need to win because, you know, that's the fuel for my fire. It keeps me going.

Joey Rosen:

Like, look, I made progress. But for me personally, like, most of the time, it's the elves, you know, that that are the most impactful because what they are to me is their those losses, their their learnings. Mhmm. So I'm like, okay. Well, now I've committed to this pledge to grow to the grave.

Joey Rosen:

I'm not gonna make this same mistake twice. Yep. And then I can apply that knowledge to actually grow.

Drew Beech:

It's oh, I wanted fuck your brain up real quick for a sec. Let's do it. A lot of the times when you lose or things are seeming hard, they're really so think back now. Right? To something that you thought was extremely hard

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

When we started this journey, for instance, our business. Right?

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

The things we thought were hard then and really causes frustration are fucking things we do on a daily basis now

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

Oh, yeah. That that are easy. And there's there it's like breathing.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. Yep. I I agree.

Drew Beech:

So to you could really take a second look back at your life or your career and apply that framework, right, that that that thought or perspective.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

And you could be like, wow. Like, that actually makes a lot of fucking sense.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

Because it's the truth.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. I agree. I like where you're taking this with your thoughts and your perspective because I think that there's one thing that all growth begins with. All of it. Whether it's mind body spirit, and this kinda gets into the tool for the rule a little bit.

Joey Rosen:

So I'll I'll give you mine first. But I truly believe that all growth begins with awareness of self self awareness. 1000%. You need to know who you are, what you are, why you are, right? In the present moment to make sure that you can become the who you are, what you are, why you are of the future.

Drew Beech:

And that's one thing I I literally just tell my wife, man, before I left. Like, self awareness is my most powerful tool. And I feel like the people that achieve things in life are self aware of what their limitations are, what they're struggling with, what their strengths are, and what's holding them back.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. Yep. I agree. I think it's the it's the beginning of all growth. Any type of growth.

Joey Rosen:

Mind, body, spirit is that self awareness. It's also a very difficult thing to cultivate, especially in today's society because we're distracted. We're being fed fear. Mhmm. We're being fed beliefs.

Joey Rosen:

We're being fed positions. Like, we're being fed everything, and we're so distracted. It's very difficult to be aware of self. You know? So my tool for the rule is actually around around self awareness, and it's a really simple tool.

Joey Rosen:

And, you know, I will say that I'm much more self aware than I ever have been, but I think self awareness is a journey. And I don't think you ever reach a point where you're like all knowing and omnipotent and you're like, I'm the most self aware person in the world and, you know, but this is a tool that I've used over the years, a very simple one to develop it. You have a question? Yeah.

Drew Beech:

It's just funny that in a earlier podcast, you said, like, when you made it when you made an entrepreneurship or something, like, you in this lifestyle, in the few home lifestyle, you never really make it.

Joey Rosen:

No. You never no. You never honestly, you never make it or you never really make anything. You earn everything. Mhmm.

Joey Rosen:

And you the you earn the it. But the it, it's a sliding scale like we've we've said before. Like, you know, you set a goal and you reach that pinnacle. Right? The mountaintop, you climb to the top, and then the next thing you do is you go like this, and you look for the next mountain.

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. You know, that's the beautiful thing about it because it's continual growth to the grave. Mhmm. Right? There's no peaking.

Joey Rosen:

Core value of fuel hunt the company never peaked.

Drew Beech:

Yep. You

Joey Rosen:

know, it's another show we should do. We'll go over our core values and how they line up with the rules of the few. But a simple I'll get back to my tool for the role. A very simple tool to not only build, but raise your self awareness. And this will be no surprise to you.

Joey Rosen:

It's rooted in curiosity, you know, a very curious person. Like, I question absolutely everything to the point of probably annoying you and Brianna and Caroline, maybe even mama Rose sometimes. So it's a question. No surprise. And it's a simple question.

Joey Rosen:

And it is, is what I'm about to do going to help me or hurt me? Very simple. Not easy to do. Mhmm. Before you sit down to have a meal, stuff something down your, you know, your gullet.

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. Is what I'm about to eat going to help me or hurt me? The person that I want to become. Right? I know what I am now, but the person that I wanna be is what I'm about to do right here going to help me or hurt me.

Joey Rosen:

That's the only way, that I was able to develop self awareness over the years in process, in the moment, which is difficult to stop and ask myself that question before I speak, before I eat, before I plan my day. Is this thing that I'm about to do going to help me or hurt me?

Drew Beech:

So no cheat meals for you? Or

Joey Rosen:

I I don't do no. I don't believe in them, man. I don't do them.

Drew Beech:

What does that mean? A steak? A cheese steak?

Joey Rosen:

Cheese steak? It's, like, somewhat recent, but I don't really consider that like a here's the here's the thing. Let's take a little time. Alright. Is my is my tool for the rule clear?

Joey Rosen:

Right? In the moment, before you do anything, ask yourself, is it going to hurt me or is it going to help me raise your awareness to the action you're about to take? Because your actions are gonna shape who you are. Alright. Now let's take this cheesesteak turn.

Joey Rosen:

This is the thing about cheat meals that gets me, and it's why I don't believe in them and I don't do them. If I'm trying to dial in my nutrition, which I've done. You've seen my transformation over the years. You post that reel the other day Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Of us back in 2017 as a different fucking human.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

Physically and mentally. Yeah. But, physically, let's talk about physically. If I wanna dial in my nutrition and eat whole foods that make me feel great, that give me energy and vigor, Right? To build the fuel on community with you and have this massive impact on the world.

Joey Rosen:

Why would I reward myself one day a week with the thing that destroys all of that? The thing that I don't want. Mhmm. That's that's why cheat meals don't make sense to me. No.

Joey Rosen:

No. It's like I'm trying to build this habit of eating well, eating whole foods that make me feel great and give me energy to have impact on the world. Why one day a week would I reward myself with something that trashes all that?

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

It doesn't make any sense to me.

Drew Beech:

No. It's a sugar coated lies. Like, they just they feel good going down, but they,

Joey Rosen:

I'm at the point now where it doesn't even like, I don't I don't I'm so addicted to the growth that I've had Yeah. Since we started this journey. They're like, I'm not really interested in it.

Drew Beech:

Like That's the same with

Joey Rosen:

Do I love cheese fries? Like, I fucking love cheese fries. Yeah. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

Do I still eat cheese fries sometimes? Yeah. I mean, like, I'm I'm a I'm a mixed guy.

Drew Beech:

Like, I

Joey Rosen:

don't have, like, a cheese fry here. Yeah. I'm weird. I can have, like, if there's 50 in the in the thing, I can have, like, 10 of them walk away.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. That's not me. I mean, I'm a,

Joey Rosen:

all I'm not I'm not saying that

Drew Beech:

they're worth doing is worth overdoing.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

So I

Joey Rosen:

like that. I like that.

Drew Beech:

If I'm going in on cheese fries, I'll be in a a couple servings. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love that.

Drew Beech:

With me. Like, with the I mean, we're talking cheap meals, but regardless, I'm I'm so like, with gut health, I'm so committed to feeling good and the growth of of a healthier gut. And I'm like, why would I eat pizza and and set myself back?

Joey Rosen:

And set yourself back.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Yeah. In the beginning of of the journey, if it's, you know, if it's a nutrition journey or whatever, like, I can understand it because well, to be honest, I don't I I can't. I still can't. Because why again, why would you reward yourself with the thing that you're trying to trying to get rid of naturally from your life?

Drew Beech:

Well, now we're getting the whole, like, macronutrient thing, which is, like, where I feel like everyone's fitness journey starts. Like, where people think that, like, 5 grams of pizza is equal to 5 grams of chicken breast, which isn't really the case.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's a it's an interesting thing.

Joey Rosen:

I think that that that that example though shows up. You know, if you're trying to be, you know, straight and clear headed and, the best person you can be that shows up every day, you don't wanna drink during a week. Right? But then on the weekend, you're gonna binge drink. Like, it it doesn't make any sense.

Joey Rosen:

Dude, that was me. Like, dude, I was like, I barely drank at all. But then the weekend came, and I drank a whole fucking 5th of Jack.

Drew Beech:

See? See?

Joey Rosen:

You know what I mean? Like

Drew Beech:

And it goes back to the people that are It

Joey Rosen:

made no sense.

Drew Beech:

The people that are outperforming you and the people that are achieving things you want to achieve are the ones that are treating every day the same like you talk about. Like like a Saturday is the same as a Monday.

Joey Rosen:

Exactly. And, you know, we had mentioned it earlier, like, predictability. Mhmm. Everybody says to me, you're so boring. Like, it's just boring.

Joey Rosen:

Every day is so predictable. You're damn right. Because predictable actions on a daily basis creates progress.

Drew Beech:

And when you're living, like, this is, a fun like, people always say, like, why don't you take vacation? You need vacation. Right? And when you're living the life you've always dreamed of and and you truly principle. You truly enjoy your life, you don't need a vacation.

Drew Beech:

I don't need weekends. I don't look forward to the weekends.

Joey Rosen:

I go on vacations with with my family, with my wife and kids to create memorable moments with them. Yeah. Exactly. They're not they're not it's not it's no longer an escapism. Was it at one time?

Joey Rosen:

Yes. I've grown since then. Same thing without with alcohol. You know, I've grown since then, but you're right. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

You're right. It just, you know, that that that mindset is is definitely something that needs to be broken if you're going to pledge this this growth to the grave. And you it's not automatic. It doesn't happen overnight. But with this pledge and living it every day and making that commitment to yourself and those you love, really Mhmm.

Joey Rosen:

Your mindset starts to change into the one, you know, that we that we have. I have people who are like, ah, it's so predictable. Your schedule. It's so boring. Oh, you don't wanna go out and drink anymore.

Joey Rosen:

You don't wanna you're not gonna crush, like, a pizza with me. No. And, like, I have no FOMO. Like, I'm I'm good now.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

You know? Was it always that way? Then one night, I just flipped a fucking switch. No. It took time, but now I'm good.

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. You know, I'm I'm cool. Yeah. Because the and this is another thing I say often that doesn't you know, I get a lot of smirks and and things, but I really believe there's no greater pleasure in life than progress.

Drew Beech:

No. I agree.

Joey Rosen:

You like, I will debate it till the cows come home. Does that date me? That's like an old saying. No. No.

Drew Beech:

That's a very it's a very

Joey Rosen:

Is that like old British?

Drew Beech:

Is that a saying? No. That's still that's still the same.

Joey Rosen:

Okay. I would debate it till the cows

Drew Beech:

come home. Sometimes you say, like, does it age me? I'm like, dude, you're not like

Joey Rosen:

Well, because I, you know, I'm trying to keep up with, like, you know, all these, like, 20 somethings. Yeah. You know? But, no, I'll debate them till the cows come home. Like, there's no better pleasure than progress, Especially when you're further along on your your journey.

Joey Rosen:

You realize how hard it is to make progress mentally, physically, spiritually. You realize how difficult it is. Nothing in the world compares once you start to see that progress. And then you get addicted. You get addicted to growth and you make this

Drew Beech:

pledge. Agree.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. So, you know, it took a couple turns after my tool from the rule, but it's it's really rooted in curiosity. And like I said, you know, I think curiosity is a gateway trait. If you read my, blog that I did 40 rules 40 lessons, excuse me, 40 lessons learned by 40. One of the lessons in there was, like, curiosity is a gateway trait.

Joey Rosen:

Every trait you want in life, you wanna be motivated, you know, you wanna be disciplined, you wanna be consistent. You wanna be confident. It all starts with curiosity. You have to sit there and start to ask questions of yourself. How long can I do this?

Joey Rosen:

Is what I'm about to do gonna help me or hurt me? Why am I doing this? It's all rooted in questions. So I leave the few with that question. In process, when you sit down to eat, when you sit down at your desk at at the office, when you hit the gym and you pick up the dumbbell, whatever, is what I'm about to do going to help me or hurt me?

Joey Rosen:

Is it going to serve not only who I am in the moment, but but who I'm meant to be as a person in the future.

Drew Beech:

Your future self.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. So that's my tool. So I'm gonna volley it over to you. What's your, tool for the rule for this rule number 7 die growing? Well, I

Drew Beech:

feel we really went off on a tangent with you and with your tools. I feel like mine is gonna be, like, a quick hitter.

Joey Rosen:

That's fine. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Which they usually are for me.

Joey Rosen:

If you have things to do. Yeah. Because I

Drew Beech:

have to do. Learn something new every day. So that's something I do personally, and it could be the same. Like, I'll say for, like, for instance, for Dane, we're gonna begin jujitsu. Right?

Drew Beech:

Like, learn jiu jitsu every day. Like, learn, read open a book every day. Right? There's on YouTube, and this is one thing I think is, like, crazy. Like, the answer to any question you may have is on Google or YouTube.

Drew Beech:

Like, literally, this you can find the answer to anything. You can learn anything. You can learn knitting. You can learn mountain climbing.

Joey Rosen:

Try to throw away my library card.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Exactly. Like so learn something new. Read a book. Go on YouTube.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

Train jujitsu.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. Do something hard. Fail at something. Yeah. Learn.

Drew Beech:

You know what I mean? But even with that, like, learn how to lift, learn learn how to lift better, learn how to learn a new lift, learn a new sport. Right?

Joey Rosen:

One one thing I'll add to that too is, like, everybody says knowledge is power. I don't agree. I think knowledge applied is power. So now, you know, the irreverent term is this mental masturbation thing that everybody says. Right?

Joey Rosen:

That learning on a daily basis needs to be applied. Right? Because I see a lot of learners and not a lot of doers. Mhmm. Mhmm.

Joey Rosen:

You know? So

Drew Beech:

That's the one downside of the the mastermind, and the coaching.

Joey Rosen:

I mean, some of those some of those have some of those have homework at the back end. Yeah. Pedro says have homework. People go

Drew Beech:

to these events. Logging to go to these events.

Joey Rosen:

Oh, it's it's metal mesh.

Drew Beech:

And then they they they don't do any of the work that that Beyers was talking about. And

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. They get, in

Drew Beech:

the keynote.

Joey Rosen:

They get the hit from just being there and then that's it.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

You know what I mean? So yeah. I mean yeah. Exactly. So the lessons and the learnings need to be applied.

Joey Rosen:

A lot of learning, not as much doing. And like you said, all the information's out there. Information is freer and more plentiful than it's ever been. But do you see the success rate of entrepreneurs climbing?

Drew Beech:

Probably still the same. Yeah. They

Joey Rosen:

don't. Because knowledge isn't power. Knowledge applied is power.

Drew Beech:

There's always so much success to go around. Right? Like, not everyone can be successful. So

Joey Rosen:

Think so.

Drew Beech:

Eventually, I feel like you would run out. Right? Like like, if there's

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Explain.

Drew Beech:

X amount of T shirts to be worn in a day, Only only certain amount of t shirt company or apparel brands can

Joey Rosen:

I mean, I agree with you?

Drew Beech:

That sort of, like, eventually, like,

Joey Rosen:

people saying for, like, saturation.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. You

Joey Rosen:

gotta be speedy with it. No.

Drew Beech:

No. No. I'm just saying, like, there can only everyone can eat. Right? Like, if you're willing to to eat one of the few and work.

Joey Rosen:

That's what I'm dissecting here. Like, scarcity versus abundance. Correct. So I understand.

Drew Beech:

So do you understand now? Or

Joey Rosen:

No. Please do.

Drew Beech:

Okay. So that there's always so much success we had because there's always competition. Yeah. Right? So event like, there will be a winner and there will be a loser as well.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can I can't behind that? Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

I can't I can't get behind it. Not everybody's a winner thing. Yeah. I can get behind that. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Do you

Drew Beech:

want to participate in the trophy?

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. I know. I know. I know. No.

Joey Rosen:

I do not. No. I do not. I do not. I think that that's one of the bellwethers though.

Joey Rosen:

Like, when participation trophies, you know, as I said, when, not if, when they disappear

Drew Beech:

They won't. What It's only getting worse.

Joey Rosen:

When they disappear, I think that's, like, a a a watershed moment for the fuel hunt movement. You know what I mean? Like, if they

Drew Beech:

disappear Why not? Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Let me fully restored the dignity of our work that I can it truly deserves. Yeah. I just thought about, like, my kids playing basketball and soccer now at 6 or 7. Like, they're not even keeping score.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. No. It's wrong. There's, you know, my my kids are in Catholic school. I'm product Catholic school.

Drew Beech:

I see.

Joey Rosen:

You are too. Yeah. But, obviously, it's, you know, there's some rigidity in Catholic school, which I like their structure. Right? Structure is freedom like Craig like, a friend Craig says.

Joey Rosen:

There's homework. Right? My my daughter's in pre k. Pre k is the only grade that doesn't have homework. My wife and I went in to our teacher and we're like, hook it up.

Joey Rosen:

We need some homework. Mhmm. So now, you know, we've we've got her in there. Where I'm going with this is there are 2 other schools in my neighborhood where homework is optional. There's no homework.

Joey Rosen:

So Hold on.

Drew Beech:

But Hold on.

Joey Rosen:

I it Listen.

Drew Beech:

I feel I might feel different about the homework there. I'm like, if if realistically, they're there all day. And why do they have to come home and do more? Are they working when they're there?

Joey Rosen:

Let me ask you a question. To build this this amazing movement that we have here, did you work day and night?

Drew Beech:

Yes. But there's other there's other things I want Parker to do to throw. Like like, I barely have enough time to get, like, piano lessons, chess club.

Joey Rosen:

Like I understand.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. All that is fucking

Joey Rosen:

I think that when you're young, when you're and this is, you know, this is my opinion. When you're younger, especially, you know, like, grades, like, you know you know, maybe 4 through the age of reason or a little bit beyond, like, it's important to understand that structure is required in life. Yeah. You know what I mean? So, like, getting them

Drew Beech:

people's free.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Yeah. Getting them so that's the way I look at homework. I look at it as discipline. And I'm the homework guy in my house.

Joey Rosen:

I don't know if you're not

Drew Beech:

Oh, man. It is. Are you, do you have a work with my girls every

Joey Rosen:

day, though? Oh, yeah. Dance, swim.

Drew Beech:

But by the time I get to her, we're fucking

Joey Rosen:

I know, dude. It's

Drew Beech:

That's the part

Joey Rosen:

that I like to do. You that's why I got the laptop open.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

That's great. Until midnight.

Drew Beech:

Parkour school. They they get they only don't know, like, 3:30. Well, he goes home till, like, 4:15.

Joey Rosen:

Oh, really? Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Is that wild? Like, because he's the last stop

Joey Rosen:

in the car. Late.

Drew Beech:

Oh, that's awesome. They only end on 9. Yeah. I'm like, I've got head there. Start.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Yeah. We are really.

Drew Beech:

That's Catholic school.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. That's Catholic school. So again, like, there's some, like, rigidity there, and some structure that, that I think is important. And, you know, early on, like I said, my personal opinion, but early on as when you're growing up as a young child, you need to understand that there's a value in in discipline and structure. And I think that the best way to do that is, you know, homework or sports, you know, just activities.

Joey Rosen:

But yes. We took a couple of tangents here. But

Drew Beech:

Yeah. That's good.

Joey Rosen:

All about growth. All about growth to the grave.

Drew Beech:

I agree.

Joey Rosen:

Anything else you wanna add for, for this episode?

Drew Beech:

No, sir.

Joey Rosen:

I would like to add that we have, some more growth oriented, designs coming out around this rule that I'm really excited about, half stoic, half growth related that I'm really, really excited about. And I would also like to add that, one of the best ways to accelerate your growth is to grow together. Right? So what's that quote? I always butcher it.

Joey Rosen:

The go together quote, you wanna go far.

Drew Beech:

You wanna go you wanna go you wanna go far, go alone or no? Nah. I think it's the other way around. You wanna go, go alone. You wanna go far, go together.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. So maybe we can change that and say if you wanna go far, we grow together. Right? Because that's what we do here at Fuel Hunt. So, just like you could check out the rules of the few on our site, you could also check out Fuel Hunt Rise on our site, fuelhunt.comforward/rise.

Joey Rosen:

And that's our private community. So we have a public community, but then we also have a private community for fuel hunt. And if you're serious about growth, we wanna see you in there. Alright. I I'm good, man.

Joey Rosen:

I don't have anything else. Let's do this. I want you to do the sign off.

Drew Beech:

So do the

Joey Rosen:

sign off on the last one.

Drew Beech:

I did I did well.

Joey Rosen:

You did. You did well.

Drew Beech:

What comes first? Are the hard work or the effort or

Joey Rosen:

That's like a chicken or the egg.

Drew Beech:

Okay. I'll leave you with this, the few. Always choose effort over entitlement. Always choose hard work over handouts. And remember, no one owes you.

Drew Beech:

No one owns you. You're one of the few that's hot.