Wifey and Baby Mama

We discuss various forms of abuse and how some people don't recognize mental and emotional harm.

What is Wifey and Baby Mama?

After involvement with the same man, Wifey, Shun and Baby Mama, Shannon have formed a unique bond to keep their children and family united in spite of society norms that tend to pit one against the other.

Shun (00:37.139)
Hey, I'm Sean.

Shannon (00:38.838)
and I'm Shannon.

Shun (00:40.397)
And we're the host of wifey and baby mama. Happy Thursday family. Welcome to week three of season four. Yes, ma 'am. Tonight, will get into a welcome all. We will get into one of our more serious titles for this episode we've had on this podcast. I felt we felt it's absolutely necessary to discuss for two reasons. One, our first two weeks were on the importance of actions and language.

Shannon (00:45.24)

Shannon (00:49.815)

Shun (01:08.865)
allowed love and speak my language without with the first two titles and these topics we where we touched on the words that you and your partner should speak to each other that displays love between you For your children to see actually for the world to see right this week We want to follow up with an episode that lands on the other side of those titles because y 'all know we like to hit it from every angle so We appropriately I think titled tonight's episode when love makes you

unexpected victim We're gonna touch on that how words and action can be harmful You know to the point that it's either ruining lives or bringing down spirits So Shannon you remember in episode one or two you almost said something to that effect and I was like wait wait wait That's coming up and we don't want to backtrack. So tonight you can unload girlfriend and you can let us know how impact on our words can have you know a devastating impact on our relationship so

Shannon (01:53.699)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shun (02:06.607)
Floor is yours if you want to continue if you remember your point. I know we have a lot going on During the week

Shannon (02:11.457)
Yeah, no.

I don't remember what I almost let slip.

Shun (02:18.405)
It's alright maybe it'll come to you as the episode unfolds but anyways Now as with any or most of our episodes guys we can relate or we know someone that can relate to this or else we wouldn't be able to give you this advice if we haven't either been through it or seen it up close and personal so from our Experiences we have you know to back up what we say and unfortunately for tonight for me at least you know that's no exception

Shannon (02:22.072)
Yeah, yeah.

Shun (02:45.633)
Love has unfortunately made me an unexpected victim more times than I care to count, you know, from allowing men to cheat because we think, you know, as long as he keeps coming back, you know, he loves me, you know, I know I'm the number one, you know, or denying ourselves finer things in life because that's going to make him or her feel like, they're unworthy or that's this type of clothing will make him feel like someone's going to look at me, you know, that complements our figures. we keep ourselves.

almost in a bottle because the insecure partner can be triggered. I mean, there's so many things that falls in this category, Shannon, you know? And those are just a few that made me feel that unexpected victim. I mean, I say victim because narcissists and gaslighters, they use these kinds of things to keep us under control. Have you ever been in similar situations, Shannon, or one maybe I didn't mention?

Shannon (03:21.134)
Right, yeah.

Shannon (03:35.238)
yeah, yeah, when it comes to like verbal abuse and physical abuse, I've been through those, you know. And even stuff that I didn't even recognize as, you know, emotional abuse where someone just manipulates you. When I was young, you you can definitely be gaslit and people can tell you.

Shun (03:55.406)

Shannon (04:00.942)
tell young people a lot of things. Well, I don't know about the young people nowadays. Some of them are way ahead of where I was because I didn't grow up grown, so to speak. I meet so many young people now that I'm amazed. They blow my mind. I'm like, are you really 20 years old? Because when I was 20, I probably had the mentality of a 14 -year -old because I grew up sheltered. I grew up...

Shun (04:07.077)

Shun (04:18.148)

Shun (04:22.5)

Shannon (04:27.624)
on the prairie, you know, my life in South Dakota was, I was in a, I wasn't an inner city kid. I didn't know anything about nothing. So when I did get to a quote unquote city, and started dating and dealing with people, I, I was very, very, easily manipulated and, people could tell me things that, I allowed to, sway me different ways. And I remember my first

Shun (04:29.988)

Shannon (04:57.62)
relationship where there was some physical abuse, you know, and when I tell people this story today, they're like, no, not you because they know a different Shannon today. It's like girl, I know you would have you you would have done this or that or whatever if you were this person today. But back then I would fight now. I wasn't one of those to go, crawl in the corner. I don't know where that came from. I don't know where that pushback came from because I was never one you weren't going to slap me and me go run off.

Shun (05:01.189)

Shannon (05:26.9)
Or go walk away. it was gonna be on like, you know two dudes but To allow that though to be in that and yes Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah

Shun (05:27.353)
Right, right, right.

Shun (05:35.685)
Just stay after that to continue to stay after that. -huh. I know exactly what you mean That's what you mean But and not that we are shaming people who don't cuz some people because they're sheltered because they don't have the energy because they're smaller They can't fight back and this is men and women this could fall on either side of the corn We both know especially in the career. I mean, I've been in law enforcement. I've been in civil service I've been in social work almost 20 years now

Shannon (05:51.318)
Right. yeah, yeah.

Shun (06:02.061)
So I've seen it on both sides of corn the men are victim of abuse just like women I don't want to mistake people by saying if you stage your account No, sometimes that's all we know to do and like you said, that's why we say unexpected victim Some people choose to stay in it. Okay, some people have no choice and our topic tonight We're not so necessary to talk about domestic violence. That's a whole different beast, you know that I thankfully can't touch on

Shannon (06:02.242)

Shannon (06:06.413)

Shannon (06:12.664)

Shannon (06:24.803)

Shun (06:27.011)
Because I wasn't a victim of domestic violence because I'm too violent. It'll probably be a murder case. So I thank God he never put me in that situation. But still abuse is abuse and we like to just make that clear. And for those domestic violence victims out there, I'm thankful they have so many programs and issues, but that's something that's very close to home. I've had my family members murdered in domestic violence. We touched on this a few times in episodes of getting away from violent mental.

Shannon (06:27.694)

Shannon (06:31.598)

Shannon (06:37.321)
Yes. Yeah.

Shun (06:54.361)
We'll leave that because we purposely don't touch that because it's so triggering. And we just like to say if you can get out, do. And if you can't seek out help, because there's so many resources that people didn't have back in the day. But getting back to what I just really want to make that clear, because that's just a whole different beast. We're saying unexpected victim for people like us who chose to stay in that mess. Let me know we should have been gone just for the sake of love.

Shannon (06:59.704)
Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (07:19.02)
Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shun (07:19.619)
So I want to be clear and get that type. I want to make that clear tonight. I don't want anyone to write in and be like, Hey, you know, you guys were cruel or insensitive. No, we're not speaking on domestic violence. That's a different beast. And when I say beast beast.

Shannon (07:27.47)
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And even, yeah, in any type of, but in any type of abusive relationship, whether it's domestic, emotional, verbal, whatever, however you get out or don't, we're not here to, we're not counselors, we're not, you know, doctors, none of that. So there's no way we could tell you how.

Shun (07:39.107)

Shun (07:45.399)
No, not at all. Nope. Doctors.

Shannon (07:53.976)
to resolve anything that you may or may not be in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're just coming to you from things that we've experienced and what we've been through and, people that we know. Yes, exactly. Yeah,

Shun (07:55.823)
Proceed resolve or proceed in those type of relationships. That's right

Shun (08:05.401)
mature women what we went through as immature girls Yeah, but what I went to as a mature Immature girl a young lady as mature women now how I should have and would have handled that different and Shannon to touch on what you said about you being sheltered now I was far from sheltered as y 'all know from my life from my book. I was around the way girl, baby I was outside from the ghetto on all sides of the street. I was out there. Here's the thing No one taught me any better

Shannon (08:19.018)
Right, right.

Shannon (08:24.504)
Right. Yeah.

Shun (08:33.103)
So when you're not getting the love you need at home, you look for it anywhere. And sometimes that's found in the face of a monster or an abuser or narcissist. So in my case, like I said, never really was domestic. mean, although I've had my fights, baby, I've had my share. After a while, I'm just like, you know what? I'm better than this, I'm gone. And that's what differs what we're talking about in domestic violence and unexpected victims because domestic violence, have no choice. No one choose to be beat down and stuff like that.

Shannon (08:37.836)
Yeah, yeah.

Right, right.

Shannon (08:52.26)

Mm -hmm.

Shannon (08:59.746)
Yeah. Yeah.

Shun (09:01.797)
Our cases we stayed with these men think yeah, we fought but he loved me So every time we fight that means he loved me because he's fighting me bull. It's wrong It's unnecessary and it's unhealthy and that's what we want you guys to know tonight So love like I said has them go ahead and to understand and and for me, know Like I said, those are the things that narcissists and gaslighters. So these are triggers and warners that we tell people early on

Shannon (09:06.894)
Hmm, right, right.

Yep. And to understand.

Mm -hmm.

Shun (09:27.887)
To get out of it. So if you if you see this behavior early on that's not a relationship you need to be in Now I will say this My most hurtful of them all was verbal abuse because like I said physically I could fight so he really didn't have none coming physically I don't like it and I'll tell you like don't put your hands on me But then I turn around punch you in your face. So now we got to fight anyway So I had to learn to keep my hands to myself because that's not a form of love And if you get angry walk away, those are things I have to tell myself

Shannon (09:33.251)

Shannon (09:49.198)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Shun (09:57.359)
but the verbal abuse that I experienced I think was way worse than any of the physical and I talk about my Me being a verbal abuser myself, you know is why I wanted to wait tonight to discuss I touched on that in a couple of other, know the episodes upfront I'm sorry earlier in this season, but the last episode that's that's what I was talking about That's what taught me or made me understand how wrong my verbal abuse was when my ex -husband Said how that pain

Shannon (10:08.43)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (10:12.534)
Yeah. Yeah.

Shun (10:26.993)
Projected on him made him feel and I'm like man, that's really messed up And when I found myself back in this relationship Shannon with you know, Jimmy to be remarried I found myself changed because of the way I treated Chris and I did not want to display that right but now Jimmy's coming with the mouth and the abuse in the home for words and I'm like well maybe I Deserve this because of what I did in our last relationship and how I heard him and I allowed that mess to go on for a couple of years

Shannon (10:41.72)
Right, right.

Shun (10:56.889)
So wait a minute. I was convinced that it was my fault because my past Warranted me allowing this like it's just words like if you if that's what it takes to make him feel better No, I wasn't really hurting you Well, know what? did hurt me and when it got to the point where my children were hearing it like my you tripping like why you be letting him say I'm like, well, he's just in pain, know He's he's he's had a lot of abuse himself with the world where his life was not so much as at home but you know from you know being

Shannon (10:57.036)
Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (11:05.902)
Mm -hmm.

Shun (11:25.869)
Incarcerated or whatever the world being a black man is abusive sometimes like just the world abuses you and then so I gotta absorb that the hell I do not I do not so women, please don't allow yourself or men for that matter Don't allow yourself to absorb any abuse physically or verbally because you think you deserve it because I'm telling you you do not but only maturity

Shannon (11:38.242)
No, you don't.

Shannon (11:42.989)

Shun (11:52.945)
A maturity and age make me say enough, Shannon. I'm come on, like seriously, it's enough. And you know, we had to have that conversation and we had to go to counseling and we had to do a whole lot of stuff. But you know what? In the end, I had to decide I'm worth more than that. I made myself a victim by not realizing I didn't deserve that.

Shannon (11:56.632)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Shannon (12:03.534)

Shannon (12:10.668)

Shannon (12:16.987)
Right and there are times, know when we're in, you know, both of us being married or even before we were married being in in certain relationships where You're in an argument and people, know throw insults when they're when they're angry and Some of them can cut like we kind of touched or did touch on last week. Some of them can cut but when they're

Shun (12:39.887)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (12:43.702)
It's a normal day. It's a regular sunny day and you're rolling down the street, windows down, music blaring, just having a good time and something comes out of nowhere, sucker punch because of something that they're going through. they might, for example, you might say, hey, think I want to go hang with Sean Saturday night. And they're like, no.

I don't want you hanging anywhere and then the name -calling just comes out of nowhere because whatever you know those situations to me, know are very damaging to a lot of young girls because they they look at You don't want me to be away from you because you love me or you want me by your side 24 -7 They look at that as love versus control and abuse but that is abuse

Shun (13:28.461)

Absolutely. It is.

Shannon (13:36.846)
And being in that type of relationship, which in my 20s, I was in one where they're like, yeah, no, you're not going here. You're not going there. And then the negative name calling comes out of nowhere. Not saying I'm excusing the name calling and all that when you're in an argument. But when you're in an argument and you're doing all of this, you can go sit down with a therapist and say, hey, let's kind of work this through.

But when it comes out of nowhere from my experience there there might be people who can go to therapy and get over that that type of stuff But it's so much deeper and how unless you're I don't know got a ring on your finger How much work do you want to put into you know helping someone that's doing that out of the blue sucker punch? Yes, Rick. Yeah, yeah

Shun (14:22.853)
When you see that at the beginning Shannon, I'm gonna tell you in the beginning I don't think it's worth the work in the beginning honey in the beginning if that means you brought that with you and I'm gonna need you to go on You know, we both talked about assignments and I think we both talked about assignments and baby I definitely was on assignment in this mayor. Do you understand me? But I understood my assignment was getting my husband to be a calmer person. My assignment was getting him to

Shannon (14:33.718)
Yeah, exactly.

Shannon (14:39.041)

Yeah. Yeah.

Shun (14:49.925)
My assignment was getting him to realize that things that God have done my assignment was showing him me like hey if I can change buddy you can change because I think I was and that was tough I was one of the worst when it came to this mouth in the fight, baby So I think that was my assignment It wasn't like you said chant out of the blue just punching me and you know again, and I'm not making excuses But I'm gonna tell you I'm nine times a ten. I'm sad Nick. I'm setting it off I start the fights so it's not like

Shannon (14:56.056)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shannon (15:07.51)
Right, yeah, yeah.

Shannon (15:14.114)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shun (15:16.421)
I was like, abuse. was a helpless little no, I David his mouth was vicious and these hands is vicious So after I stopped though, and then I calmed down and I'm like, okay, you need to change it He's not changing. I'm like, buddy. Hey, we got a problem because if I can do it you can do it So again, those are things after 20 some 15 10 years of knowing each other We realized like we got work on this thing and let me tell you something Shannon. I love didn't start that way Okay, I love started beautiful. I love started up

Shannon (15:21.058)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (15:29.358)
Right, right, right. Yeah. Yeah.

Shannon (15:43.618)


Shun (15:46.501)
You know like days roses and that's how it should start It's after children is after life death is at the death of parents and siblings It's at the children that all of these things start and you become different people and now we got to readjust We got to go back and start over again, but love shouldn't start that way when you together 20 30 years We I think we said this before to Shannon

Shannon (15:49.359)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (16:01.208)
Right, Exactly.

Shun (16:08.197)
No one has been mayor over five years ten years thirty is fifty Nobody celebrating those kind of anniversary without some heartaches baby and some punch punches blown or some harsh words Please don't miss us there and guess what it may be a select few I've heard older people say man We've never said a bad word to each other because it is that kind of love out there So don't get me wrong and I don't know Shannon and I I'm not I don't want to misspeak or I'm not feeling nobody I know everything but I want to say

Shannon (16:15.116)
That's right, that's right. Yeah, yeah.

Shun (16:37.217)
I just want to say out of that from experience, but just from my mind and just from my My view of love. I think if we start out with the right person Shannon, you can have that kind of relationship I think it's when you've been through so much and when you you fight when you got a fight for love That's when all these other Tormo and stuff come in I just honestly believe that but I think if you get what that one person like you're supposed to have and

Shannon (16:49.864)
That's true, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shannon (17:01.112)

Shun (17:03.429)
You know, and this is just my person and some people meet at eight years old 18 and they just love each other and those are the people that will more than likely tell you we've never had a bit because they've been on the right path from gold Sometimes when we're fighting from the back of the bus to the front That's when you fall a lot and that's when the tour mode and not that it can't work. I just think it's more work Shannon to me. That's my opinion then just

Shannon (17:13.806)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Right. Yeah.

Shannon (17:20.248)
Right, yeah.

Exactly, exactly. And like you said, know, a minute ago about, you know, seeing stuff up front, you don't have a chance to build any type of foundation when it's already, you're on rocks from the start and you're ignoring stuff. And we've all heard the saying a million times when people show you who they are, you better believe them, blah, blah. And yeah, yeah. And of course, sometimes it's like, you know, talking to a wall when you...

Shun (17:37.935)
That's right.

Shun (17:44.591)
believing the first time.

Shannon (17:52.62)
when you hear that or you tell that to people because they want what they want people want what they want and they're like, yeah, I know i'm seeing all of this stuff, but I can change them Everyone believes that to their core And maybe in some cases you can you know, depending on what the problem is some problems are too deep rooted

Shun (17:57.999)
That's right. That's right.

Shun (18:07.823)
That's right.

Shannon (18:17.824)
And you may not know that going in. You're brand new to the situation. So you don't know how deep that root is. And so if you think, you can go in and change this person. And then when you can't, and it ends up turning into something that you're so damaged. And you know when they say hurt people, hurt people. Now you're walking away determined to inflict whatever

Shun (18:39.393)
Mm -hmm. It's a pet.

Shannon (18:46.936)
harm has come on you unto other people. Yeah, yeah. And it's so easy to do.

Shun (18:47.333)
was put on you unto somebody else it's a fact it's a fact and It is and I'm gonna say something here to that point when I first met Jimmy we did we had a beautiful relationship and I knew I Seriously knew from the day that I met him and that we spent time together that I would love him the rest of my life I didn't know we'd be married or you know, whatever But I knew he was somebody like that was be around in my life for a while I didn't know he'd be my kids father. Like I said, I didn't know

but after I saw signs of cheating constantly and and you know, Abuse he was never abused like I said, I was usually the one starting to fight So he was never the one to just punch me or do anything to me like that But just verbal abuse he was he was a verb like if he couldn't have his way or if I wouldn't fall for his lies He would get mad and he would get angry and that was all a form of freaking abuse but at the same time I'm telling young people you should have walked away. I think honestly

Shannon (19:24.974)
Mm -hmm.

Right, right.

Shannon (19:37.981)
yeah, yeah.

Shannon (19:44.254)

Shun (19:45.589)
If I would know what I want know now I wouldn't have stayed with him. I don't think I would have had a kid for him It wouldn't have lasted that long But when I look at this side of it, I realized that I was still was supposed to be his wife But what I should have did I should have walked i'm i'm gonna say this What what I could have saved him and me a lot of heartache and drama If I would have walked away early on and let him get himself together Versus trying to stay with him and force him to be the man

Shannon (19:49.026)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (20:00.002)

Shun (20:14.893)
He should have been because let me tell you why Jimmy did not become the man. He should have been until Jimmy was ready to It didn't matter how many fights we had. It doesn't matter how many kids we had it didn't matter what kind of sex we had or kind of Gifts we bought each other until he was ready to become a man. He didn't So ladies, I'm not telling you that you miss the mark or gentlemen I'm not telling you that your wife or husband shouldn't be or if you feel that it may be true Maybe wrong time

Shannon (20:20.898)
Right, right. Yeah.

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Yeah. Yeah.

Shun (20:42.755)
So that's what I want to make clear because I'm gonna tell you, I know Jimmy would say the same thing. I don't think we would have put up with each other's mess this long if we would have known just in later on, it gets greater. When you mature and when you get older, we could have came back, but we actually stayed through all those years of hell because we were determined not to give up on each other. But had we just went away our separate ways and healed, I think it would have been so much better.

Shannon (20:43.298)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (20:57.314)

Shannon (21:01.102)
Mm -hmm.

Shun (21:09.059)
So we're not telling you that what you choose or who you choose is not it. Maybe not right now. And I'm gonna tell you it never is at a right time for abuse, verbal or otherwise.

Shannon (21:09.612)

Shannon (21:18.146)
That's right. That's right. Verbal, emotional, physical, physical, know, that's like a no -brainer. But more people stay in the emotional and verbal situations to where exactly, and not understanding what that's doing. Right, it's not that bad, it's okay. Yeah, their mental state and, you know,

Shun (21:33.625)
more than it was in the physical.

Shun (21:38.137)
Because they don't think it's not so bad. Yeah to their to their ego to their spirits Yeah

Shannon (21:47.596)
You know, look how many people commit suicide and not saying all of them are due to, you know, relationships or anything like that. But it's so much easier to go down that path if someone has broken you down mentally. Mentally, you've allowed someone to cause you mental harm. Why would why would you? Mm Exactly.

Shun (22:04.569)

Shun (22:11.747)
And ends in you doing physical harm to yourself. So I think if it's okay, yeah, Shannon, go ahead. Finish that point. And I'm gonna wrap up because this is where we at. That's a good place to wrap. yep, I didn't wanna jump off because I want to end up tonight by saying like no amount of love is worth abuse, be it physical or verbal. No one deserves that, right? And if you can't express loud love or in the right language,

Shannon (22:16.93)
Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (22:21.803)
no, that's, yep, nope, that's where we're at.

Shannon (22:35.544)
Right, right.

Shun (22:40.865)
If you can't come to a place where we can talk to each other nicely and that's enough then that's that may not be the relationship for you and you know what ask me how I know because even though my husband was very angry and hard to deal with you know, and he was abusive and very abusive verbally at times when I express how that made me feel He loved me enough to correct his actions. So I know it can be done So if someone continues to do that to you, they don't love you bottom line. They don't even love themselves

Shannon (23:05.517)

Right, bottom line.

Shun (23:11.193)
But my husband cared enough to correct his actions. And he was a hard band his whole life. And you know, you have a kid with him. Jimmy was not always the easiest person to deal with. But he corrected his actions because his love for me, it meant enough for him to straighten his stuff up to keep his love for me. And that I will honor for the rest of my life. You know, because some people don't change because their pride and egos is worth more than what you feel. So I'm not comparing my relationship to anyone else's in the world.

Shannon (23:17.523)
Mm -hmm. yeah. yeah No Not at all

Mm -hmm.


Shannon (23:38.712)
Mm -hmm.

Shun (23:39.031)
I simply want to make the correlation that if someone loves you, they'll do the work to make themselves better.

Shannon (23:45.912)
Don't do the work. Yeah. Yeah.

Shun (23:49.199)
So that's our wrap up for tonight. doing the work, doing the work is like a job. We talk about that all the time. Both sides do the work, just like a job.

Shannon (23:50.54)
And that's what relationships are about. Yeah, doing work, you know, period. Both sides do the work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we didn't touch on, I know we just did our wrap up, but you know, we want to make sure too, like we bring this in almost every show. Think about the kids and what they're witnessing.

when you're going through a lot of these situations. Yeah, a little, yeah, little, yeah, yeah. Mm -hmm. Yeah, yeah, mm -hmm. Yeah, don't forget the kids. Mm -hmm, yeah, yeah.

Shun (24:17.241)
Well, yeah, I hit on that. I hit on that a little bit. I hit on that. just talked. I talked so much you probably missed that part. But yeah, that's definitely important. No, but I'm glad you reiterated it. I'm glad you reiterated it because it's definitely that's probably the most important part. If you can't walk away from yourself, definitely walk away from the kids. That's very good point, And I'm happy that you did. You throw that in there right at the end. So if nothing else register on your brain tonight, keep that in mind, especially when children are involved.

If you can't walk away from you, if you can't do better for you. And a niece of mine would always tell me that when I called her about girl, did, we did. I'm so tired. She's like, you know, I know you're strong enough to keep hanging on, but think about your children. And once I thought about my kids, that was enough for me to say, Hey, we can't keep doing this to these kids, man. You know, I'm tough. I'm tough as nails. I can handle it, but those kids don't have a choice. They didn't ask to be in this kind of environment. And we sat down and we made a loving environment for them.

Shannon (24:47.138)
That's right.

Shannon (24:58.901)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Shannon (25:05.549)

Yeah. Nope. Nope.

Shun (25:15.055)
Thank you God, to God be the glory. They have a loving environment now and they probably look at us like these two aliens that took over our parents because we're just, are we taking it outside now or we just don't do it anymore? And again, it could be done if you wanted to.

Shannon (25:20.75)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, Mm -hmm. It can be done. Yes.

Shun (25:34.839)
Alright sweetie, well if that's all you have, we are going to our next segment.

Shannon (25:36.28)
Alright, that's it. Okay.

Shun (25:44.193)
Alright, so tonight we're into our sweet little lie segment and this is an interesting one tonight y 'all I mean mmm It comes from a daughter of a mom who had a sexual encounter with her boyfriend her mom's boyfriend Now it was it was consensual. They were both adults But it didn't really bother her until he proposed to her mother now at that point she took offense because she figured

Shannon (26:04.205)

Shun (26:11.597)
He shouldn't have continued the relationship although she continued to go around and you know with her family or mom and now stepdad It didn't really bother her. But once he proposed then married him now she cut off her relationship and with her mom and the stepfather and I think not to be judgmental but I think that's really unfair for her to do to mom like that because the mom is on she's an unexpected victim in this situation, right but at the

Shannon (26:36.072)
Exactly, yes she is, yeah.

Shun (26:38.389)
End of her sweet little lies. She wanted to know should she come clean with the mother or just pretend it never happened And keep her distance now, baby mama. I'm not gonna touch that one, right? But I think the only thing I want to say is if you were gonna say something you should have did that and cleared the air a long time ago So at my point this one I take it to the grave that that's just my opinion

Shannon (27:00.844)
Yeah, I wouldn't say anything at all, but I would mend my relationship with my mother. Yeah, I don't need a relationship with him, but I definitely wouldn't keep, you know, my mother at a distance because, you know, like you just said, she's an unexpected victim. She don't know nothing. She don't understand, you know, what the issue is. And yeah, no need to bring it to her attention because there's no need to hurt her at this point. What benefit

Shun (27:18.297)

Shun (27:26.991)
That's right and Would you have to tell them right telling I want to touch this and make it clear it was one time and It was one time. It was a one -time thing I do want to say that that's that was important for me to say because it wasn't a continuing thing but she's uncomfortable around the man So my thing is I would probably just find a way to tell mom, know, I just ain't feeling him I don't think he's a you know the person for you. But again

Shannon (27:29.9)
What good are you doing her by telling her?

Shannon (27:36.396)

Shun (27:54.713)
That's something I think that should have been done a long time ago. So I wouldn't touch it. I'm just sorry. I wouldn't touch it Okay Yeah

Shannon (27:55.818)
It's too late. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't either. Yeah, I'm with you, Sean. I am definitely with you. I wouldn't touch it. I'd leave that alone and let them live in peace and what it bliss or whatever, whatever path they end up on. I would just repair my relationship with my mom, make sure we're good and, you know, there are no issues there. yeah.

Shun (28:12.015)
That's right.

Shun (28:22.905)
Yeah, that was a tough one. said, ooh boy. But yeah, so that's our sweet little lie for tonight, Shannon. That's one that will definitely go to my grave though. I think that one will have to go to my grave, honestly, yeah.

Shannon (28:25.698)
Mm -hmm.

Yes, sweet little lie you carried to the grave. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. For sure. All right. Good one, Sean. And if you all have one, what do they need to do?

Shun (28:42.149)
Thank you They can send it to wifey and baby mama at gmail I don't know why I think i'm so distraught about y 'all killing my music About y 'all killing my audience invite. I ain't gonna be the same y 'all. I don't know about this I gotta pray about it So if you have a sweet little lie that you would like to just and again Maybe even if you don't tell anyone maybe just her writing that got it off her chest You know what? I mean, maybe her just saying it. No, we don't know who she is We don't know what state country she lives in

Shannon (28:49.271)

Shannon (29:00.91)

Shannon (29:06.68)
Yeah, yeah. Right.

Shun (29:11.469)
Maybe sometimes just saying stuff to another person or hearing maybe just what Shannon and I said could just help, you know, maybe they they can't tell anyone close to him. Of course, obviously I would never tell a soul that but Shannon and I have no idea who that is. So maybe just hearing that and hear our opinion can offer some relief or just make you feel better. So if you would like a chance to get it off your chest, if it's just a sweet little lie that's gonna make us all laugh, whatever the case may be, you can send your submissions to wifeyandbabymama at gmail .com.

Shannon (29:18.915)

Shannon (29:23.392)
Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Shannon (29:30.222)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (29:35.648)
Mm -hmm.

Shun (29:40.313)
And that's wifeyandbabymama .gmail .com. Thank you, Shannon. I don't know why I can't get it together. I'm gonna try next week to get it together. I'm distraught. I'll try next segment.

Shannon (29:46.222)
You're good, we're good. All right, on to our next and final segment of the night. It is the fictional family we feel, fire or forget. And this week to kind of align with our topic, I'm going way back again. I know last week I went all the way back to the 70s. I'm going back again.

to the bunkers, Archie and Edith Bunker. From all in the family, I know. So, Archie, difficult to, in this day and age, Archie would be canceled because of his views, he was a racist, was all these things, but the way he talked to Edith.

Shun (30:18.55)
Eat it. Eat it with my girl.

Shannon (30:43.758)
My gosh, you know, he always called her ding back. He always talked down to her. He was verbally abusive to her on a daily basis every episode every now and again You'll see some little spark of love, but it's like really is that enough for you all to really be in this? And She never had a harsh word

Shun (30:48.229)

Shannon (31:11.53)
Or if she did, it might be some little passive aggressive something, you know, she kind of throw in there. But even that was fuel and fire and rare or whatever. So watching her each week for young girls, imagine the girls watching that growing up back in the day. You could imagine why so many people who may have thought that was a normal marriage, that was a normal household to see a man talk, call his woman a Dean back and all kind of.

Shun (31:35.249)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (31:41.378)
Call her stupid and you know crazy whatever he called her all the time No one saw any harm in that I didn't you know when I saw every now and again, I didn't watch it that often and Because I didn't watch it that often This is one of the families. I just want to forget I don't even need to fire them because I love Edith so much So I definitely won't don't want to fire the the fictional family But I can forget them because it's not something I love to watch

Shun (31:48.815)

Shannon (32:09.418)
It's not something I want to go back and watch reruns on. So in my opinion, I say let's just forget the bunkers. I don't know how you feel, Sean.

Shun (32:19.717)
But the simple reason is I don't want to watch reruns I don't want to tell no I don't want a kid to think that either a young lady to think that Edith is an Example of what we should be doing to hang on to our love. So because Archie was so terrible Either ain't worth hanging on to because she should let him go too. So in my opinion, I'm going to fire them Sorry, but not sorry That's my pain

Shannon (32:23.31)

Shannon (32:26.69)

Shannon (32:36.262)
no, no, no, no, no,


All right. All right.

You just threw her away too. Alright, eat it.

Shun (32:53.652)

Shannon (32:56.238)
All right, so they are fired and we're forgetting them. that is very, there you have it. That is the fictional family we feel, fire or forget for this week. So that is it for this nice episode and we appreciate you all joining us once again. I'm sorry, I'm stumbling all over my words tonight, but

Shun (33:04.548)
There you have it.

Shannon (33:23.82)
We do appreciate you all for listening and accepting us for being real in who we are, whether we're stuttering, stumbling, sputtering or whatever we do. Thank you so much for tuning in. We love you all. And until next week.

Shun (33:43.759)