Off the Record

The Loaf talks with Wish Queen about her latest single Magic and upcoming album Saturnalia

Magic on Spotify

Magic Music Video 

Creators & Guests

Tyler Farnes

What is Off the Record?

Off the Record features interviews with local and national musicians as aired on WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1/HD-2.

Speaker 1 0:33
Oh let's see things you said before about the things you love the Badme add you to the broken list a man who wants a goodly now something in your eyes is changed the way you say you feel about me can accept this new arrangement

Unknown Speaker 1:24
to say

Speaker 1 1:37
me share together remember when may save your code never thought you had

Unknown Speaker 2:11

Unknown Speaker 3:01
give me like magic Guinea

Unknown Speaker 3:24

Tyler Farnes 4:02
This is WKNC 88.1 FM, Raleigh, I am your host elope and this is off the record and interview podcast series here at WKNC. We're artists of many shapes, sizes, genres and backgrounds. All right have you in the in this edition I have the honor of speaking with Grace Sullivan aka wish Queen a dream pop art pops or indie type vibe a local non local or sorry Cleveland artists ahead of her newest single magic from her upcoming album Saturnalia. Grace, how are you doing? I'm great. How are you? I am I am Well, welcome to WKNC and, you know, everything in general.

Grace Sullivan 4:41
Great to be here. Thanks for having me.

Tyler Farnes 4:43
Awesome. So, how's like the past sort of month and you've been treating you How have you been really hard I work with your music and everything in general. We have just been sort of like spacing out like Like, like, what's up with that? What was the general vibe?

Grace Sullivan 4:58
It's been really busy. Yeah. Yeah, it's been really busy. I'm I'm really looking forward to having everything out in the world so I can let go of it. Because I think if you sit with something too long or like, listen to it over and over again, it can drive you a little crazy. So once I think the legwork is done, and it's kind of taking on a world of its own, I can breathe a sigh of relief. This has been a really busy year so far. So.

Tyler Farnes 5:22
Yeah, awesome. Well, well, it's always good to keep busy, especially with like, something where it's coming, balled up like that, like, you just need a release for it. Yeah. And I'm glad that you know, it's just sort of just like, you know, music and sort of art exists, because that's, that's the sort of release. Exactly. That's why we need it. Yeah. So where are you originally from?

Grace Sullivan 5:44
So I grew up just outside of Cleveland, Ohio. And that's where I'm living right now. But I do have some North Carolina Connections. Cool. Cool. went to UNC Wilmington, for college. And I lived in Wilmington, and Asheville for a little bit. Yeah, I just love it here. So I always try to come back a few times a year.

Tyler Farnes 6:04
Awesome. So I guess so. So I'm always interested in sort of local scenes in general, I'm really much into the Raleigh local scene. How is the Cleveland local scene like going I was like, thriving, is there a lot of like radio stations that are playing local music? Like Like, like, what's, what's it like up there?

Grace Sullivan 6:21
Yeah, there's a lot of talent. I've got a lot of friends who play all different types of music. There's a big kind of like, run scene. And like, you know, alternative rock scene. There's a lot of kind of underground venues that play all sorts of local artists. And then recently, there's a few artists, myself included, who are kind of creating this dream pop scene in Cleveland. And that's been really fun. There's, there's a lot of lot going on in Cleveland,

Tyler Farnes 6:51
would you say that your your sort of dream pop sound is more sort of up and coming in a sort of minority in comparison to sort of alternative type sounds in Cleveland?

Grace Sullivan 7:01
Yeah, definitely. I think there's a tendency to play a little bit harder. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Tyler Farnes 7:09
Cool. So, um, I guess was cream. How'd you originally come up with that name? It's, it seems like, you know, which cream like, like, what's up with it?

Grace Sullivan 7:20
So, um, I'm kind of always making wishes and like, coming up with little stories. And yeah, I'm very, like, you know, I'm a little like, even knowing that, like, I know what the word

Tyler Farnes 7:38
is. Yeah. You're, you know, like, spiritual. Okay.

Grace Sullivan 7:42
Yeah, like, little new agey, and then I was like, I don't know, I'm always like, when we make it to the bridge, you get to make a wish. If you get a bug out of your house, you get to make like, kind of all these like fake mythologies. Yeah. And my friend Zach one day was like, okay, wish green, like kind of making fun of me. And it was at the same time that we'd been trying to come up with a name for the Musqueam project. Okay. Everyone in the room kind of looked at each other like, oh, that's kind of nice. Yeah. So, yeah, it kind of happened naturally.

Tyler Farnes 8:11
Okay. Yeah. So so. So I guess like, that sort of brings me back to like, my own personal experiences with wish wishing and when school type of feelings were, I know that during high school, I'm not sure if if if if you're like this, but when you're when you're on a bus when you're in school bus, I don't know if it's just north kind of thing. And it going over a rail, you like touch a screw and lift up your, your, your feet off the ground, and you make a wish. Yeah, so like, I mean, like, it's, it's very cool to see sort of, like, sort of, you know, that sort of one's closer astrological type feelings in like artists and sort of art in general, which I think that you've captured perfectly in your, in your upcoming Albula, Saturnalia and magic, you're single,

Grace Sullivan 9:00
we all we all have our own, like types of little mythologies and stories or things like rituals that we do, you know, like friend groups all have their own individual things. So it's fun to be able to tap into that, I guess

Tyler Farnes 9:11
more like philosophically, what does witchcraft mean to you? Is it is it more that sort of one's cool? Like I surely go feeling or is there something else to it?

Grace Sullivan 9:20
So, I think in the beginning, I was viewing wish queen and I still do as kind of a higher self like Alter Ego, manifestation of you know, making things happen like making wishes come true kind of thing. But the more that I wrote music and kind of found my voice as an artist, I realized that it was taking on the other meaning of wishing like hoping and yearning because most of my songs are really sad. So it's kind of two sides of the same coin I think so like wishing in the hope of like, like, wishing things were different or hoping for something and like in a sad kind of nostalgic way. And then also tapping into like that artists that kind of channel that I also view wish queen as though it's like both meanings of the word wish.

Tyler Farnes 10:18
Is there a specific goal or like feeling that they wanted to capture with witch queen that are like a sort of like a, like sort of, you know, at least for me, it's very sort of like, longing sort of whimsical, sort of just like wishing something was there that isn't really that's how I get it. Is there anything that you want? You thought that you want to specifically capture with your music and want other people to experience?

Grace Sullivan 10:43
Yeah, so the album, The debut album, Saturnalia really tells a story. And in the beginning, it's kind of that wishing things were different, hoping longing kind of feeling, the angst the feeling like something's wrong, or you're missing something like sorrow, all of those things mixed up in one. And as the album goes on, it kind of transforms into a story of self actualization and coming into oneself and kind of shedding all those fears and insecurities and regrets. Thank you. Yeah, so that's, that's kind of the journey of the album. And that's why it's called Saturnalia, because it's about the astrological Saturn Return, which is when Saturn comes back to the place it was when you were born. And it's known as the full maturation of your chart and really like coming into yourself at that moment. So I wrote it during my Saturn Return. And so there's a lot of layered meanings in in the story of the album.

Tyler Farnes 11:44
So, as an artist, do you have any like major musical influences any artists that you like really look up to aspire to or anything I really like one album, or like her so you'd always have on repeat like constantly through a playlist or, or what?

Grace Sullivan 11:59
I definitely go through phases. I am a Joni Mitchell lover all the way I always have been. And I feel like her album has euro and cord and spark. Those two are kind of always on repeat for me. I love Joanna Newsom have one on me and divers have been huge influences directly. And more recently, I'm I'm really into Ethel Kane, and I love her new album preacher's daughter, but her older EP Golden Age was a big influence for this album actually. Alright, yeah.

Tyler Farnes 12:36
So with the survey, artists, do you do look at their music as more of an aspiration or a goal to have said or do you do look at it more as sort of like, okay, I'm going to take, take this, I'm just going to go my own direction or like, like, like, how independent are you with your thoughts of music? Compared to like, you know, looking at other artists,

Grace Sullivan 13:01
like, I'm always kind of taking a little bit here and there. I don't know if there's like a specific person I can look to and be like, oh, I want to be just like that. I definitely am the kind of person who, if I love something, I'll listen to it over and over and over and over again, until it's like embedded into my brain. And then I'll be like, Okay, I can't listen to this anymore for a while. That's

Tyler Farnes 13:23
fine. And there's this, there's this artists called a homerun swear, and they and they just came out with a new album called The whaler. Like, legitimately, like, I couldn't make a DJ set, like this past week, because I was just listening to their album, like, stop. And like, it's a perfect sound. So yeah,

Grace Sullivan 13:38
I totally understand. So I think just after years and years of doing that with various artists, I don't even really know what has stuck. What has because wish queen. I mean, there's definitely specific influences, but I would like to think that it's a project all on its own. I'm trying to, I can't really like when people ask me to compare it, or describe it in terms of like a genre. I'm, I always have a hard time. I'm not really sure yet. And maybe that'll be easier once I can hear what other people think it sounds like because I feel like I'm a little too close to it. To really, yeah, you know, yeah, yeah. Okay. Um,

Tyler Farnes 14:18
so I guess getting into the music, I guess more generally, how would you going to go into the genre? How would you define your own music? I sort of, at least, at least, what I wrote down, it's very slow, sort of, methodical crawl of sounds and rhythms. And you can also have just like very fast loose sort of dance of sounds, or is it just something more in between? Because Because I get because when I was listening to the album in the in the new single magic, I definitely saw those served as like dynamics into it. So how would you define it?

Grace Sullivan 14:53
Yeah, I think and I, I worked very closely in collaboration with my producer off Send banyak on this album and I think it was a mind meld of like both of our different influences. So, this is the this is the question.

Tyler Farnes 15:14
I always like asking this question cuz, because it really makes like people think, yeah, you know, especially like, how do you do define your own feelings and your expression of them, you know, without without just like pointing to what you did to be like, hey, yes, that so? No, I've

Grace Sullivan 15:29
always written like poetry. And I think that's how all of the stop song started like just as very personal poetry that I kind of held very closely for a long time, and then decided to try to set to music. So I was like singing different melodies, kind of things that just like came to my head. I didn't really think about them too hard. And then working with Austin, we we tried a bunch of different sounds and a bunch of different styles for these melodies. And what really resonated I think, was his shimmering, full sense. And a bunch of different layers. Like all the songs are very layered, and they all kind of had this slow burn, like the steady chug forward into this, like, nice crescendo towards the end of the song, but they're a little bit longer. A little bit more steady, a little bit. meditative, I think. Yeah. So I think those are some words I would describe the songs with. Okay, yeah.

Tyler Farnes 16:29
Um, so I guess like, well, we're getting into it more. So I'm personally, at least in this semester, I'm taking an astronomy class, which is very much lined up with services like center return answer, like, what I think of sort of space and services like astrology in general, where it's like, it's, it's very just, just just out there. It's observable, and you can just, I guess, I'm trying to get it right. How would you describe astrology? You know,

Grace Sullivan 17:06
I would describe it as, like computer code. For our experiences on Earth, like the stars are like, some sort of code for how we are made up and what our experiences are and what our cycles are. I work very closely with an astrologer named Elisa Kelly, and I'm still studying with her. Like, there's so much to learn. As soon as you think you have a grasp on it. It's such more of a layer deeper, really like science than people realize it is. And I know some people roll their eyes when I started talking about astrology, but I'm all in.

Tyler Farnes 17:42
Okay, so it are those sort of ideals transferred over to your music very one to one, or is it just more sort of as like you're, you're modifying it into something that's more like digestible? Yes.

Grace Sullivan 17:58
I think it's just a piece. You know, I don't I wouldn't say that. The album even though it's called Saturnalia, and it's based on the experience of your Saturn Return. It's just a piece of it. Like I don't, I wouldn't say it's all encompassing, or, you know, astrology themed, necessarily, but it definitely plays an influence.

Tyler Farnes 18:19
Let's talk about I guess, Saturnalia in general, the, your, your new, upcoming album. What is it coming out?

Grace Sullivan 18:28
It comes out on October 27. And I'm excited because it's the weekend before Halloween, it's gonna have kind of a spooky vibe to it. Nice. Nice. We're having a release party and show that weekend in Cleveland. At the grog shop, it's one of you know, our main local venues. So really, yeah, it's,

Tyler Farnes 18:50
it seems really cool. Is like a vinyl, like Topshop or like, what is it?

Grace Sullivan 18:54
No, it's it's been around for a while, and a bunch of artists have come through. It's more of an intimate venue, but it's got great sound great history, there's a couple different stages. Do you know who Julia Jacqueline is? No, I just I just saw her at the grog shop a couple of weeks ago and it was the best show I've ever seen. It's like, just they do. It's that kind of that vibe where like everyone in the room just loves the music and it's smaller, but everybody's paying attention. It's really great energy. Yeah, I'm really excited to play there.

Tyler Farnes 19:26
Nice. If you could put like an overall theme or just like feeling on Saturnalia, what would you put on it? Exactly?

Grace Sullivan 19:37
I would say the journey of kind of shedding limiting beliefs and fears and regrets and coming into oneself. So yeah, I think people who are experiencing change or loss or just growing up and facing reality the way is now with all of its faults and shortcomings will really resonate with this album.

Tyler Farnes 20:06
So I'm talking about your experiences personally, especially with like sending a return instead of a return will have self is this album sort of more of a journey to that return to a destination? Or is it more of just a continuing journey? Cuz it's definitely seems like its release how I view it is definitely a return to something that you lost, or maybe something that was that that has now gained. So like is that return, and sort of like, the expansion of it, sort of, like, a destination or a journey for you in this album, and just personally,

Grace Sullivan 20:51
definitely a journey, I think. You know, everything happens in cycles, which is a common theme in the album, actually, it's interesting that you asked us because the, the first song starts the way the last song ends with kind of this like, heart drum beat. So the symbolism behind that is that, like, we're always kind of coming back to where we started. We're always coming back to the same realizations and the same, you know, kind of epiphanies, and, and then, like, you know, sometimes bad patterns again and again. So, both, I would say, Yeah,

Tyler Farnes 21:30
is this um, is his journey always the same? Or is it different? For, like, whenever you're listening to the album, or whenever you're like, like, personal experiences in the album, when you look back at it, when you listen to it, the youth decoys? Are you always picking out something new to it? Or is it just it? Or is it always sort of like the same constant journey? Like that's been marked? And sort of?

Grace Sullivan 21:55
Yeah, I think, I think every time I listened to it, I gain a deeper understanding of what it is about, because I think a lot of it was subconscious. And I didn't even really realize the story within it. Until afterwards, I was just kind of writing and Austin and I were recording, and just kind of plugging along and kind of had a general idea. But now that it's all done, and set listening to it, now I can, like, it feels like there's deeper meanings that even I can gather every time which is, which has been really cool. And of course, you know, as an artist, I listened to a song too many times, I started listening for things that I don't like, just stop listening, take a little break.

Tyler Farnes 22:42
So, okay, so I got a lot of it was sort of discovering yourself, looking at your past. Is that something that you wanted to evoke with others? What was yesterday like, because I get, because that's how I sort of felt when I snapped them was like, I was very much sort of, like introspective, and sort of like discovering, I guess, like, little things about me like, like, through your lens of sort of, like cycles and surges, like longing and sort of depression. Is that something that that you wanted to evoke with others? Or is it just, or it's just like a happy side effect of it all.

Grace Sullivan 23:26
So, you know, the first half of the album is really kind of a breakup album. And I think the cycle that I was stuck in for a long time was being in these unhealthy relationships and kind of attaching myself to people that I knew weren't good for me, but kind of letting that drag me down instead of being uncomfortable and sitting with myself and doing the work and thinking about what I actually wanted and who I was. So I think a lot of people can relate to that, hopefully. Yeah, I mean, for better or for worse, it's something that I think everybody goes through. And eventually choosing yourself and realizing that you can shed these kind of unnecessary layers of bad decisions and grief and holding on to things that aren't working. So yeah, I hope that that resonates with a bunch of people, because that's really a common experience, especially in your 20s

Tyler Farnes 24:26
Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Definitely. It's it. It's definitely not gonna figure late, it's 20 years, it's a very transitional period. Eva, you're very much sort of getting out of college or, like, served as like, in the middle of that you're sort of just, you know, discovering new things, new interests, and you sort of like trying to grasp on the different things. It's for, like trying to trying to pull it in. Yeah, but that's, like, you know, just just sometimes you just gotta like, let some stuff go. Yeah, don't type of stuff. Yeah. Cool. So Talking I guess about your latest single your first single off of the LM magic. How do you feel about it being out right now? What is like, what do you hope that people get out of it? Like what what's what's your initial reaction? Like? Like?

Grace Sullivan 25:18
I so it's technically not out, but it will be out by the time this airs. Yeah, yeah, I'll pretend I'm imagining it's gonna feel really, really good at this time to kind of just send it out into the world on its own magic is about being in love. Or maybe the first time or a time that feels really consuming and feels very sure like you're sure you're meant to be with this person. And then you start to feel their feelings change for you. And it's something that we've all been through and it's horrible, and it's awful. And so kind of looking back and, and wondering what changed, what happened, how can I hold on to this, and it's a very, you know, sad, sorrowful song. And we just filmed a music video for it that's gonna be coming out on the same day. And it's, it has kind of a lot of correlations with that haunted melody. It's we filmed it at this like old theater outside of Cleveland and Canton, at the Canton Palace Theater. It's just gorgeous, like ornate theater. And we got this amazing film crew, Nick Cavalier, was the film director. And he got all these vintage camera lenses and things like that. And so it's a magic shows that in like, you know, 1920s early film style period, it's almost filmed like a silent film from that period. And it's very spooky and alluring. And so I think the video coming out with the single at the same time will evoke a lot of emotion.

Tyler Farnes 27:02
How was it like shooting music videos like this? Because because it's I feel like it's hard to get feelings out like audio Lee just like trying to get something like pat down just like, like, like, like that, that you're satisfied with? Is it? Do you go through like the same? Like, any motions of just like, like, sort of like conflict in yourself how you want to represent your audio, your music in a video format? Or is it kind of just like very, like, straight on like,

Grace Sullivan 27:32
Oh, absolutely. Like, I, I guess this doesn't always happen. But as I was writing the song magic, I had this concept in my head for the video. And I kept seeing just like puff of smoke and like, kind of old fashioned magicians this this very kind of creepy way on on a screen. So I'm working with Nick to kind of bring that image to life. And he storyboarded the whole thing. I mean, it was the most professional, you who I've ever been a part of so far, it was. It was very, very cool. Um, I'm really excited to see how it turns out. But it's it's very much in line with the story and the mood of the song. So I feel really good that they go hand in hand together. Okay. Yeah, it was a different process than songwriting. It definitely more collaborative with film. But yeah, it really feels like one in the same, like they both evoke a very similar message.

Tyler Farnes 28:31
Nice, nice. So I don't think it's, I don't think it's that far of a stretch that this is a very somber tale of sort of love, and just sort of losing it and sort of like, giving it to at least how I feel. It's sort of like losing your love to someone that you loved. And they're just curling more like taking it in regret. Like, like, like, well, not that they don't appreciate the love that you've given? Is this more of a sort of a personal tale for you? Is that something you got from experience? Or is it just, or just something that you've observed? with others?

Grace Sullivan 29:09
Yeah, unfortunately, it is. Yeah. And I think the experience of watching kind of in slow motion, somebody start to fall out of love with you, for whatever reason, is really hurtful. And there's nothing you can do about it, you know, and it's not even really anyone's fault. It's just like, sometimes love changes, and nobody knows why. Yeah, and it's sad, and it's heartbreaking. And

Tyler Farnes 29:36
it's it's fear, it's fearful. Yeah. Especially just like, you know, just, you've loved somebody, and then they just roll us on just like, you can see them not loving you. It's like, man, yeah, and

Grace Sullivan 29:49
just the risk that we take, you know, like going into love or a relationship, you know, that it could change for you or it could change for them kind of at any point and it's terrifying, but You know, you got to do it.

Tyler Farnes 30:01
Yeah, yeah, you got to take those risks. Yeah, or to find something, I guess permanent or more or anything like that, I guess speaking on permanence, and sort of that feeling of dread, it feels definitely, musically, that you're just on a wave, a wave of surges, like currently leading somewhere, to a more, not necessarily a predetermined end. But it's kind of just like, you don't know the end. But you know, there's an end, right? And that's how I feel with your music. And you're sort of just vibe in general. Do you always have a destination for each of your songs? Like when you're making them? Do you always have a sort of like, like, a, a set put serve a journey roadmap that you want to take? Or is the song involving with you as you're servicing? And I know that I know that you said you had poetry that that you've written? Is it more based on the poetry you're writing? Or is it more of an expansion of that, sort of riding that wave?

Grace Sullivan 31:06
So I think the way that I write music might be a little different. Because I don't play an instrument. So the way that I write music is just kind of singing nonsense to myself until something sticks, and it usually is, like I'll hear and sometimes the songs come like fully formed. And that feels really cool, like, some sort of weird channel. But other times, mostly it'll, it'll come just like a phrase, like or little, little snippet of something, and I'll just sing it with myself for the next few days, and then sit down on my computer and write it out. Try to see if I can flesh out, you know, more lyrics, the chorus, a bridge, that kind of stuff. And I feel like after that first initial little snippet that pops into my head, I don't really know where it's gonna go. And it's, it's fun. It's like putting a puzzle together. And there's been a couple of songs that like, I had no idea they were going to turn out the way they did, like, magic, I kind of always knew what I wanted it to be like, from the very beginning. Yeah, that was more of a fully formed song. But the second single, that's coming out on October 13. Called grievances. It's kind of this like angsty like all pop song. It's definitely the most upbeat.

Tyler Farnes 32:23
Yeah, that's where I got the surge, just like the horse or a driving force that that I referenced, like earlier. It's like a sled magic. Snuggery was like, wow, this is that this is definitely sort of like two ends of a spectrum. Yeah.

Grace Sullivan 32:36
And grievance is actually started out as a very slow kind of melancholic song. And it was called long drive. And it was like, so different. And then the more I sang it, the more I like, it wanted to be up tempo, it wanted to be, like, more powerful. And, yeah, I ended up like, there's a bridge at the end. And it's kind of this bridge outro that wasn't there until, you know, a couple of weeks before we recorded it. And that song evolved so much, I had no idea where it was going just kind of had to be at its plan.

Tyler Farnes 33:09
Is that is that sort of evolutionary type type of writing and sort of a producing more present in the album? Or is it or the predetermined sort of more present? Or it's a little bit of both? Like, I guess there's some songs where, you know, it kind of evolved with the writing and or, you know, was it some where it was already kind of kind of predetermined like magic? I

Grace Sullivan 33:35
think there's, it's, it's a mix, there's definitely a couple songs that seem more predetermined, like the intro song on the album was definitely set. It was the first song I wrote, I had a very specific goal of how I wanted it to sound magic felt the same way. And then, you know, I think, and coast to coast, also, which is a reprise of a song that I wrote with rad Erol, which is this other Cleveland dream pop band. And those songs were pretty set, and everything else kind of was allowed to evolve the way it needed to go. And I think having those pieces together really helped create the story arc like it was like, there were some like, landing points and then we're just like, filling in the gaps. Yeah, what was missing? Okay. Yeah,

Tyler Farnes 34:27
I. So, I guess, with albums and music in general, I definitely enjoy a sort of like, an album list where you can go from where it goes one to 10 and it's very seamless and certified. It's sort of like a journey, right? Do you see Saturnalia as that where it's just more sort of like it's definitely off when we go when attended and you feel completely satisfied. And if you go from like one to seven, it's kind of like, or like, or

Grace Sullivan 34:58
I put a lot of thought into it. The arrangement of the songs and the flow of everything and kind of the story arc. So yeah, I would really encourage people to listen to it the way that it was laid out. And sometimes I like to put albums on shuffle and like, it's fun to do that. But I think this one was definitely designed to be listened to, in order, you know,

Tyler Farnes 35:19
awesome, awesome. With Magic, your first single, is there any sort of like, influences like, artistically that that they pour to to make this song? Or is it just something else that you've made sort of yourself? Like? Yeah.

Grace Sullivan 35:38
Well, you know, I feel like I'm always pulling from a variety of musical influences that I've been absorbing over the years. I think, the soundscape of this was very beachhouse inspired. And no, it's it's hard to pinpoint like the vocals I think I wanted this to be more of like a classic. Kind of like, you know, those those classic jazz standard songs that have a theme and like, all these literary references, and allusions and things like that. So Sticking with the theme of, of magic, and using a lot of words to evoke certain feelings from that theme felt more just like, like a classic song structure, which I don't always do. So I can't even pinpoint an exact artist. But just like that, that, that classic song structure. Yeah, with first verse, second verse chorus, bridge, because a lot of my songs are a little bit more freeform than that. So it felt kind of good to write. In a classic song structure, yeah.

Tyler Farnes 36:57
Is Magic, a lesson worth learning? Surf? Like, from from you, from? Everybody just in general? Like, is it something that you think that everybody should should know sort of like that longings for regret?

Grace Sullivan 37:13
It's definitely a warning, I think like that love can change, very fickle and volatile and kind of just surrendering to that. But I think Saturnalia as an album is all about change. And just like the inevitability of loss and change, and learning to be okay with it, and learning to accept it. And magic ends on kind of this melancholy sad note. But if you sit with that feeling long enough, I feel like it changes into something else. So it goes into the next song prophecy in a little bit of a seamless way, which is more about regret. And then the next one's about time passing. And then there starts to be a shift in the album, which is acceptance and setting yourself free and kind of accepting this particular changeable nature of everything. Zooming out, looking at the bigger picture. So yeah, I would say there's definitely a lesson in magic, and then a lesson in how magic feeds into the rest of the album, if that makes sense.

Tyler Farnes 38:19
Okay, nice. Nice Saturnalia. What's the plan for the album? Like, when's the release? Like? Aren't you releasing more singles? Like what are the dates for it? Like? What What's up the whole album in general?

Grace Sullivan 38:34
Oh, September 15, is when magic comes out. Grievances comes out on October 13. And the album comes out on October 27. And then we're doing you know, that big concert party to celebrate Halloween weekend. And then, you know, kind of just seeing how the album settles and like, what kind of life it takes on of its own. We're gonna put out a few live sessions of some of the songs on my post album release. And then we are planning a spring tour. And I'm not exactly sure what that looks like yet, but definitely probably coming back through North Carolina.

Tyler Farnes 39:12
I was supposed to head up for either. Yeah. There's a lot of cool venues in the headquarters. So yeah,

Grace Sullivan 39:16
we love it here. Nice. Yeah. So that's, um, and then, you know, spending the winter, you know, kind of getting ready to dive into album two.

Tyler Farnes 39:25

Grace Sullivan 39:26
The process is so much longer than I thought it would be. Yeah. I think when I was like, I'm gonna write an album. I thought I could record it in a couple months get it out very quickly. But you know, this has been like almost a two year process. Yeah, so excited to get get the next. The next ball rolling.

Tyler Farnes 39:44
Awesome. Yeah. Well, um, before we wrap up the interview, is there anything else you'd like to say about the album about magic? You know, where can people find you? When does Yeah, again, when does the album release

Grace Sullivan 39:59
or So album comes out on Friday, October 27. And you can keep up with all the updates and everything mostly by following my Instagram. So if you want you can go to wish Queen underscore. That's where I'm the most active. And then I've got a website going up very soon that will have merch available and pre orders for the vinyls and, you know, upcoming tour dates, all that good stuff. And you can go to wish Queen If if you'd like to stay up to date.

Tyler Farnes 40:34
Nice, nice. Well, thank you. Thank you so much. Grace, AK wish queen or when you know, I think with Queens a cool name. I think I'll call you wish. Now. That's great for coming down to WKNC and talking with me about your music and your upcoming album.

Grace Sullivan 40:53
Or having me it's been great.

Tyler Farnes 40:54
Yeah. And also, thank you so much listener for listening to this edition of off the record. I've been your host Hello, this has been windscreen and this is WKNC 80.1 FM Raleigh, Jury day

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