Hot Mic

Adam encounters a sex-book, Byron checks a sack and Dan joins us on today's episode as we take a trip down memory lane of some local infamy of a high school con artist.

What is Hot Mic?

Hot Mic is a bi-weekly podcast where hosts Byron, Shaun and Adam talk about life, liberty and the pursuit of ridiculous situations and altercations. Any topic is on the table along with our beverages.

Don't put none of that stuff that's going to get a strike.

Still funny.

That got banned in Russia.

A song in the beginning, I thought it was, but it's just banned.

And then copyrights where I just said you use a copyright sample.

Just going to get a little keyboard.

And now it's time for Ryan.

Like, that is wrong.

Incorrect, sir.

And now it's time for Ryan.

That's it on loop.


Because of that, we got Brandon, Belgium.

I don't know.

That's just weird that it was the never free cell phone.

I think it's still on.


Here it is.


Next night, you ban in Russia.

In Russia, you do not freestyle the freestyle.

Never the freestyle.

I'm going to have to chop that up.

I'm on camera, too.

Yeah, you are.


I just switched it over to you, too.


Welcome to Hot Mike.

We're starting, right? Yeah, we are.

Okay, good.

Welcome to Hot Mike.


Not Yeet.

No, I know.

You said it.

A black book is still a thing.

Like the ones where you keep all of your women's numbers.

Yeah, it's a generational.

It's not a thing anymore.

They look like this now.

Yeah, just go grab a burner phone.

Burner phone? Yeah, to keep all your bitches numbers in that one.


Actually know somebody who does that so he can talk to his other bitches without being impeded by his main bitch.

Got you.

I want to look at through your phone.

Go ahead.

Fucking Porter at my work, he has three fucking three phones.

Three fucking phones.

So, like, I was joking.

Well, like legit, like three fucking big ass fucking phones in his pocket.

He has to, like, fucking pull out.

Oh, not this one.

Not this one.

Not the two phones.

One for the bitches and one for the hose.

That's what I said to him.

I was like, all right, so you got one for the drugs, one for the bitches, and one for the host.

Wait, one for the bitches and one for the hose.

And then one for the drug dealing.

Come on.

Bitches and hose.

Two different phones.

You got to keep things separated.

Church and state, man.

Right? So reason I ask is I started one a while back because I had to start one.

I was trying to make a list because I couldn't remember names.

I was like, whatever.

So I just started making a list of notes, and I was doing it in chronological order.

It's like, who did I date? Rebecca Goodhead.

No, who did I date before this person? Just because my memory so you created a timeline? Yeah, it's kind of like a timeline, but it's just a list.

It was just a list of names.

And it was years ago, and one of the kids was asking me a question, and it sort of referenced, like, when did you date so and so, and I was like, I don't remember.

And I had my phone out, and she wasn't looking.

And I pulled that note up, and I was like, oh, that's who.

And she looked at my phone like, what is that? And I was like, oh, nothing.

So I just but the person that she was asking about, it was 15, 1516 years ago, and we only dated for, like, a month.

And so anyways, you have to tell me if you've ever heard of anyone doing this, because this is, like, the only person I've ever known that had done this.

So it was like the third time.

The third or fourth time we slept together.

And I was, like, at her house.

It's a nice way of putting it.

We fought over let us book Adam Morales books.

you good.

Don't die solid.

If you die, it's good for ratings.


Bella recently.

Be, like, fucking real.


So it was, like, the third time.

But it was the first time I was at her place because before that, we were wherever else.

Anyway, so afterwards, the back of the van yeah.

She had rolled over and grabbed something out of her nightstand, and I could hear this.

What the fuck? And then I kind of, like, glanced over, and I was like, oh, it's a notebook.

And I was thinking she was, like, writing in a journal or something.

No, your name.

And so then she likes the bathroom.

No, she flipped the page or something.

And then I could actually because it was on the left side, and then she flipped the page, and then I could see the other page, and so on.

There was names and dates and some other stuff, and I was like, what is that? She's like, oh, it's my sex book.

And I'm like your sex book.

She's like, yeah.

I'm like, what the fuck is a sex book? She's like, oh, it's like Evany's.

Every time I've had sex, I write down who it was with and the date and if we wore a condom or not.

It's like it was just this was, like, in the middle of the book, like, of a 70 page college rule.

Contact trade notebook.

Holy crap.

Yeah, so any time she goes to doctor, she just brings that just in case.

Here you go.

Here's my contact draw this timeline seven weeks ago.

All right.

Like when they tell you to bring your medications list.

Bringing the fuss place.

So yeah.

Anyone? No.

I mean, I've seen it in the movie, but what movie? Reality Bites.

I know that one.

Really? Yes, really.

Winona Ryder.

Ethan Hawk Embry.

Isn't that like mid 90s? Yeah.

Directed by Ben Filler I must have missed over that one.


I mean, I still haven't seen The Godfather.

So what? We've been over this.

You've seen Star Wars, right? What? Yeah, just checking.

I mean, probably for me, like, last time it was really highlighted.

It's probably like the American Pip movies or like an aspect of that.

It would have been like number one, but journaled it.

I don't remember that in an aspect of it.

Like, there's that one big brother handed down the book or whatever to the younger brother when he hasn't fucked with Terry Reed yet or whatever.

Oh, yeah, the hurricane or the tornado or whatever it was.


Must have glassed over that.

I haven't seen that movie in, like you know this song about movies, right? Not this one.

I'll be much more knowledgeable because he's like, going down under and he got the book underneath the bed.

He's like, I'm coming.

I suppose you want her to have a big book, because otherwise if it's like page two, she might not know what she's doing.

Just cracking the cellphone wrapper.

I just wanted to try this new thing out here called sex.

It's this thing I guess people do rapper dick and cellophane.

Oh, there was the girl in Mall Rats who made the book, the sex book.


All my life is referenced in movies.

I'm sorry.

That would be too weird for me.

I would have just got up and left.

Maybe she could have thought about life choices.

Yeah, I could wait until I go to the bathroom so I didn't fucking see it.

I mean, she's clearly not ashamed of it, and maybe she shouldn't be.

I'm just saying, no sluck shaming here, man.

We've been married for 15 years.

Why are there more than one name? Like, this name is from two weeks ago.



I don't know.

I didn't respond to it.

I was like I didn't really know what to think about it.

I've never encountered this.

I've never heard anyone but maybe this is, like one of those out of the loop moments.

Maybe this is a normal thing and I don't know about it.

You've entered the matrix? Yeah.

And if it's normal, I don't know about it.

Her data matrix spreadsheet.

What's this abbreviation? DP BD double penetration.

Back door.

Honey, don't you remember? What? What's this? BBC.


It reminds me of this YouTube video I saw yesterday.

It was really weird.

It was like this black dude that was that kind of just walks around and, like, asks random people questions and shit like that.

Like on the street? Yeah, okay.

And he was walking, and he runs into this drunk lady.

The drunk white lady and her they got the fucking grill wrong over there.

Fucking, like, three street, like the fucking flame.

I don't know what they're doing, but he was walking by this drunk lady and her husband, and then he was he was getting ready to ask a question.

He's like, hey, my name is blah, blah, blah.

She's like, oh, yeah.

She's all so you know what? Like, three of you listen.

Just BBC Three guys.

Me, you, and the husband's like, oh, fuck.

He starts walking.

He just goes and leans against the wall.

She's like, no, listen.

I mean, I would love for that to happen with the role play with him.

And he's just like, all right.

And then just, like, walks away.

You know what? I'm getting ready to ask you a question.

You decide that you just go off on this rant.

No, lady, we're not doing this today.

Literally not doing that today.

So who walked off? The guy that started to ask the question, the one that was filming.

He was just like, no, the husband was just standing next to the wall with, like, an awkward smile on his face.

Like, my wife, she's a crazy one.

I don't know if that's her name, but whatever it is now, yeah, that's fucking weird.

Do you see that one? I don't know if you're like, the glasses are throwing me off.

I need to be able to see your eyeballs.

I'm just kidding.

Put your glasses back on.

You see that one video where it was a similar thing, where a guy was approaching a couple or whatever and asking I don't remember what the context was.

Like, hey, are you willing to go through something on your phone or show whomever your phone? And I guess she had a video of her getting fucked by some other dude on her phone.

And she was trying to delete that.

And she was holding the phone like this.

And I got a phone right here.

I don't know why I'm grabbing a remote, but he's right here.

She's like, oh, doing something like this.

And he was, like, swinging his arms because that's how we talked.

And he bumped her phone and she did this.

And he could see that she was getting fucked by some other dude on it.

She wanted to get caught.

There's no way to do that.

The whole thing was fake, right? Yeah.

What, they do fake things on the Internet? No.

All right.

Thanks for sending me.

Right? I don't have that one.

That drop I did it for you.

Thank you.

Just clip that.

so speaking of sex no, thank you.

After the show.


So middle school.

It's fucking weird, man.

And the other day they'd do a bag search on a kid because they like a random bag search, or they got reports dumb asses were smoking a vape in class and walked in there and was like, we weren't doing anything.

It's like, fuckers, I can smell it.

Like, the entire room smells like fucking Skittles and fucking smoke.

Like, what the fuck, you dumb asses.

So anyways, I have to go and do this fucking bag search.

Now, it was weird because earlier in the day, I had walked into my office after dealing with a whole bunch of other shit and sitting right in front of my keyboard and my laptop is a fucking condom.

I'm just like used no, just checking.

Just sitting there.

I'll walk up to those girls.

She's like, yeah, I found that just laying on the floor.

Thought you would get a kick out of it.

And it's like, yeah, I'm just going to throw this right there in the garbage.

Thank you.

Do like dumb shit and go put different things that we find on each other's desks.

So anyways, got to go back, search this kid and open up his bag.

And all of a sudden it's just a whole fucking big ass box of condoms just sitting there.

And I was just like, okay, first of all, dude, I know I'm supposed to be checking your bag and I'm not allowed to let you touch the shit, but I'm not touching that.

I was like, get the fuck out of your bag.

And second of all, we all know you're not a fucking Magnum.

My bad.

My bad.

And I was like, okay, let me finish searching his bag.

And I was just like it was funny because the principal was in there too.

And I kind of lost myself for a minute.

And I was like, all right, go ahead and stick those back in your bag.

You're nasty.

The principal of the dean, they kind of looked at me and I was like, I'm sorry.

I'm not touching that.


I was like, you want to put it back in there? I put it back in there.


Did you see the principal and the dean? Yeah.


That was a big situation.

Okay? I'm tired of finding just weird shit in people's bags and the one day I fucking have to bag search somebody and I and outflops a dogo or whatever.

I'm probably going to lose my shit.

I mean, earlier this week I get a call parent.

Hey, I need you to go grab my kid.

Why are they leaving you're on the phone, man? Well, the hamster door is open.

The hamster is not here.

Pretty sure it's probably in his ass in the glad I wasn't oh, sorry.

It's a gerbil.

My bad.

So I'm pretty sure it's in in kid's hoodie or something.

Like what the fuck? So I go down to the classroom.

I pull the kid out of class.

Hey, so what did I do? I don't know yet.

We're about to figure that out.

Do you have a hamster with you? The shit you have to say yes covered.

Where's the hamster? In my ass in my backpack.

Go get your backpack and come with me.

Can't have hamsters at school.

Why do you have a hamster? Well, I was taking it to my dad's.


I walk down to the office and all the office ladies are looking at me.

And they're like, hamster.

Was it one of these? And I was like, backpacks? No, just a regular Jam Sport backpack.

I was like, Jam Sport? Random hamster in there.

I had to confiscate a fucking hamster from a kid.

We went and grabbed an aquarium from a science class and had to put the hamster in there and wait for the parent to come pick up the fucking hamster.

See, now what you need to do is start a book.

Not a sex book, but a book of shit you're confiscating.

And now you got hamster, dildo, condoms, which would mostly be a sex book.

That sounds like a sex object.

Yeah, I got some good weed pins in my office.

Why ain't going to bring those recording? Because they're all recorded.

Somebody will come and pick them up at the end of the school year and go and hand them a big box of paraphernalia.

And then school district does whatever they do with it.

They probably just go have like a smoke party.

You don't know what they do with no stuff that's confiscated.



They just come pick up a box of it at the end of the school year and just like all right.

See it if you ever get any really good drugs.

Hey, Byron.

I have to take that off your hands.

Hey, Byron, I was looking for a pen and I found this book in your desk.

You're into some weird shit, man.




No, then after the whole condom thing, different kid, right? Yeah.

Kid leaves and principal looks at me and she's like, well, I bet you wish that hamster.

Yeah, sure do.

You tied it up into one subject.

What happened? You did the don't check off the middle school.

That might as well just be a permanent permanent? It's just going to permanent thing that never gets checked off because there's going to be something new every single time.

I mean, for catalog reason, it'll be like school year 2223-2324.

What is this? Oh, that was that fucking drunken night at the fucking bar.

Okay, we talked about that.

Yeah, we are tied by that.

I did not see that.

This seems like he has a casino story every time he comes here.

Yeah, well, he goes to the casino quite a bit.

Cookiecon shitter.

Talk about this.

Do you remember? Not you.

This is different.

Ryan? Wait, there's more than one Ryan? No.

Do you know Ryan McCollum or the Mccollums? Because all the Ryan know each other.


Secret society.

Well, no, because he went to school with us.

Yeah, that name sounds familiar.

Yeah, he graduated too, or whatever.

But anyway, we started hanging out after high school, and he lived down at the end of the road.

He lived on an intersection or whatever.

And his cousins lived at the end of the other end of the intersection.

Anytime the two of us were hanging out, it's usually his brother and then his cousin.

And we just like flop back and forth between houses.

Well, anyways, one time we were at his cousin's house.

And I guess next door to where he lived or a couple of houses down was this guy that was always antagonist.

Like him and his buddies or whatever were always antagonizing the younger kids, the younger cousins.

We were at his cousin's house and cousin's sister comes in or one of the cousins comes in and it's like session.

I can't remember his name, session.

So was like asked me to, you know, lift up my skirt or take out my pants or something like that and yelling sexual shit.

And so Ryan got pissed and I guess went back and like called his brother.

His older brother is like he was like five years older than us at the time.

So he shows up.

His other brother shows up.

It's Ryan, myself, and then his other cousin David.

So we're like, what are we going to do? It's like, we're going to go fuck those guys up.

Like what? The oldest brother, Jason, he came up with like a baseball bat and he just started marching towards the Duke's house.

And then I don't remember why.

Somebody had a sword.

Way to bury the lead.

Yeah, I think it was Ryan's other brother, David.

His name was also David.


David McCallum.


So you know him? Yeah.

So David grabbed the sword.

So David had the sword.

Jason had a bat.

Ryan and I were like, well, let's go chase after these guys.

What the fuck are they doing? Because I think we were more jovial about it than they were.

So they started walking down the street.

And then somebody yeah, somebody had called the police.

And the police caught us like halfway and was like, sit down.

You love when they make you sit on the curb.

Yeah, we're just going to LARP.

vancouver had like you ever seen the Irish guy? The Irish officer? No, I can't remember his name.

But I've been pulled over him by like I'm sure it was mix something.

Mix something.


Anyways or o something.

We're just going to say O'Shea mik O'Shea.

Don't you see what you're doing wrong here? Anyway, he sat there and fucking lectured us for like 20 minutes.

And I don't know why I was losing it over his accent.

But it seemed funny that five of us walking down the street, a bat and a sword, going after some asshole, getting lectured by the lucky terms.

Yeah, he was the goofiest mustache ever.

It was not quite sure enough to be a Hitler stash, but it was almost there.

It was almost there.

Almost there.

And it was white too.

So maybe that's where you thought.

He got a passage.

It's not black, it's white.

Anyways, so a year later I find out that that guy who was Nassau had married his best friend's mother.

Yeah, like somebody that's probably twice his age.

Then videos like this on pornhub.

The best friend's mom.

Shit, I ran across a couple of stories on fucking TikTok.

This lady fucking married this dude that's way younger than him.

And coming to find out is the son that she fucking gave up for adoption.

She married her own son.


And had a kid.


And had a kid.



One and a half arms extra.

Like a fucking octopus had eight extra chromosomes.

This other story, this couple found out that they're third cousins.

That's probably not as bad.

No, but still, I just watched a video.

Probably two months ago, this couple found out they did one of those genetic tests.

Oh, yeah.

He found out that they were related.

And by related, they were brother and sister that got separated.

I think I read them somewhere to birth and went to different parents.

Different parents ended up meeting, hooked up, and then yeah, it wasn't super awkward.

Wasn't there a thing where they were submitting a question somewhere like, do you think but how would you handle this? Or do you think we should? What's your take on the whole thing? I feel like I heard that exact group or that exact couple asking some thing anyways, just like, well, figure out how to navigate this.


That's how you navigate.

That nice.

Knowing this sucks.


We can be friends.


We can be sister.

We can be brother and sister.

No, we can't be that anymore.

We broke.

That Arkansas.

It makes no sense why people say we're like brother and sister.

People kept telling us that we always looked alike.

We were perfect for each other.

Well, now we know why.

The reason I had found out that they had married is I want to say I think this is in the newspaper, like the Colombian or whatever.

And I saw his face, just a big photo of his face.

I didn't really read the headline or anything.

He just said I hadn't read it yet.

But I was like that's a motherfucker.

And then I read the headline.

It's like he's literally a motherfucker.


Newlywed teen shot dead by new wife's ex husband.

I was like, what? It was like just the weirdest headline, so I started reading the article.

So apparently married best friend's mom and her ex husband within two weeks came and killed him and then shot himself.


Yeah, apparently had been so sounds like some Vantucky shit, right? Yeah, that's like reason number 873.

I don't live here anymore.

I hate it here.

Keep forgetting you don't live here.

You're in northeast.

I did all my hoodlum hood rat shit in Vancouver.

Like, you can do hoodrat shit here, but as close as you can come.

Apparently he came real too close.

Didn't you guys go to school with that girl that was actually like 35? Yes.

That was your guys'club? Yeah, that was our high school ownership Throneberry.

Trevor Throneberry.

Yeah, that's her.

Yeah, he he did.

Careful with that.

You don't want to get banned in Russia.

They don't give a shit about that.

They just care if you what music you play, right? No, she dated there was that one cheerleader, ten something, I don't know.

I don't know.

Anyways, Done, that was his name.

You were close? Yeah was done.

And his brother was like, one of the band teachers or something after that.

That's a stupid name.

Trevor Thronebury? No.

Kin Dunn.

Was that her real name or is that the name? No, she used a different name at school.

I don't remember what that name was, but yeah, I remember when all that shit happened.

I thought that was the funniest shit ever.

How is she dressed? Too is like, the most, like, cliche young person.

Always had, like, head braids, like cover, all just some cheesy fucking like every fucking movie where somebody has to go back into high school.

We got Billy Madison.

We got the one with what's, fat Amy.

What the fuck? Fat Amy? Yeah.

Rebel? Yeah.

Rebel Wilson.

The Drew Barrymore kiss.

And they always go back looking stupid as fuck.


And they all look like that with the braids, the coveralls and stupid shit.

Apparently she's been doing that for, like, what, ten or 15 years or so.

It's so funny that nobody caught on.

Well, did you hear how she got caught? No.

I mean, you probably told us.

No, I forgot.

She went and got a dental X ray because she was living with her parents or foster parents, and they took her in to get an exam or whatever, or cleaning, and they did the X rays and they're like, you're missing some teeth.

That people your age or no, you have some teeth, or missing some teeth people your age don't usually have.

And they're like, oh, okay, that's weird.

And so that's how they found out.

Or that's how it started.

Fucking Dennis fucking narks.

It's like, how long can you pull this off? Until your hair starts turning gray.

Then I colored it.


And the 23 prom queens had to have looked good for her age, as I recall.

She didn't look good.

No, not like there you go.

In the overalls of the braids.

I mean, like young, though.

There he is.

Ken Dunn had to have looked see if she looks young, kind of well, I mean, like that picture.

She kind of looks like her mom, but that's so weird.

That was her in court.

She looks like she could have pulled off younger person.

gets announced there's.

Prom queen coming up.

Dated her.

Prom queen coming up in a walker.

20 year high school reunion.


Like, how long was she doing that at that particular school that nobody noticed? This is the same fucking person that's been here for fucking ten years.

You can't do that for more than four.

I think she just kept switching school.

This was like the third time she'd done it or something.

Yeah, take a year off, come back in.

That's some next level shit.

No, that's not me.

That's my that was my older sister.

I mean, me five years ago, still could not be at a high school thinking like, oh, yeah, I'm just going to fit in with these teenagers.

She's 53.

The fucking names.

Also known as Brianna Kenzie.

Brianna Stewart.

Cara leanna Davis.

Cara Lewis.

Cara Williams.

Emily Cara Williams.

Kelly Throneberry.

Smith Stephanie Lewis.

Oh, no, that was Kelly T.

That's too fucking long of a name.


Washington, Pennsylvan.





North Carolina.


Holy shit.

This goes on.

Brianna Stewart.

Stephanie daniel Lewis.

Emma Cara Williams.

Kelly T.

Thornberry Smith.

Cara Leanna Davis.

Kelly Smith.

Stephanie Williams.


Emily Cara Williams.


Cara Williams.

Carol Lewis.

Oh, there you go.

Brianna Stewart was what? She went to school under, right? I think so, yeah.

She was Brianna Stewart in Oregon and Washington State.

Oh, I missed the Washington part.


And ladies and gentlemen, for guest book are world records of holding high school diplomas.

Hold on.

Go back to criminal charge.

First degree theft, defrauding the state Department of Social Health Services.


We only pay three grand for foster care.

$4,000 was her criminal charge? Well, perjury well, I mean, yeah, that too.

She was obviously dating people, but they didn't even like, think to think about that.

Like, I think because you were a consent and you were 17 and you're like, bro, I'm banging a 30 year old.

You're going to press charges? No.

Back then, no.

So the teacher over Mountain View here that got caught.

Only reason she got caught was because the kid went to a party, drunk a shit and was like, hey, dudes, look at these text messages.

And then somebody ratted them out.

Like a year or two after I fucking graduated, the manager that ran the student store, she got fucking popped sleeping with kids.

Here it is.

Beginning in 98, between the ages of 27 and 31 Thronberry posed as an initially 16 year old Evergreen student named Brianna Stewart living in various strangers homes in around Vancouver.

She had a 2.83 GPA.

She's an idiot.


They should immediately change that grade when they figured out that's an A.

You have been doing great for all 15 years.

Fucking fantastic.

That's so great.

Swanbury had a boyfriend for a year and a half and told him about her alleged abuse.

Sympathetic benefactors gave her money and shelter, but she eventually betrayed their trust by making false claims of abuse.

In hindsight, many of the foster home providers said they began to suspect that she was not a teenager.

One dentist noticed that Stewart no longer had wisdom teeth and the scars from their extraction were healed.

Unusual in a teenager.


She inspired us.

Two Law and Order episodes inspired us.

Now I want to go back.

And watch this episode.

Yeah, I want to find that song.

Souvenir by the Wisconsin based rapper Milo, which was released in 2015, includes the line, indeed.

He's ageless like Trevor Thornton.

What else is in pop culture? That's amazing.

Was that it? That was it.

Oh, man.

Stay classy.

Can we bring back Celebrity Squares, Bin, or what is it? Hollywood Square? Yeah, that's it.

Wasn't that hosted by Alec Baldwin? They had a couple of hosts, I think.

Don't you have to say Alec Baldwin? Yes.

It's with the Y.

He hosted it from 98 to 2004.

That says he was center square.

Yeah, I remember.

He was usually Center Square.

It was that Dancing with the Stars guys that hosted it.

Whatever his name was.

He says he hosted it, but it's I don't know, whatever.

Who cares? He was on it a lot.

Yeah, for quite a while.

Just like trevor thornberry at evergreen high school mountain view.

I saw corvallis.

Yeah, you saw Corvallis organ, too.

She was trying to be a beave.

93, living in Corvallis, passing herself as Kelly, saying, with a family church.

Oh, my God.

Why did you signature say Samantha? Oh, I read that wrong.


Holy shit.

What? Just reading the rest of that organ, man.


She claimed she was raped by her father, who she at that point falsely claimed was a police officer.

Read the next one.

Three years later.

Yeah, three years later she said that her name was a 16 year old named Stephanie Daniel Lewis and was fleeing her satan's parent with the help of the religious underground.

After 18 days of investigation, police contacted a girl she had known in Texas and found out who she really was.

She was arrested, charged and giving false information and sentenced to 90 days in jail.

So, yeah, when she so she kept getting caught and kept going to a new point of life, starting again.

Fucking D in drama class.

She paid better attention.


She's no thespian that's so fantastic.

Thornberry falsely accused a 47 year old security guard named Charles Blankenship of rape.

He pled guilty to having sex with a she wasn't even a minor.

After her fraud was exposed, the judge expunged Blake and Ship's conviction.



Which means he actually did that with somebody.

It just wasn't her.

Like, dude, I was going to say, like, how long was he in there for? But it says 50 days in jail.

Says sentence.

It didn't say he served.

Was sentenced to 50 days in jail.

But it meant, like, they wouldn't have found out about the fraud until 2003 or 2001.

Oh, yeah, you're right.

Highlighted the fact that she got a degraded trauma.

It didn't even need to be there, but they just put it there.

Like, what's that? Source? Strange class of teenager cases.

Man Gazette.

The day Travis Thornberg disappeared.

Monthly retrieved what is that? desiret.


Desert news.




So great.

Wait, sympathetic benefactors gave her money in shelter, but she eventually betrayed their trust by making false claims of abuse.

In hindsight.

Oh, you broke.

You're not giving me money.

Maybe you guys touched me the wrong way.

They began to suspect that she was not a teenager.

You don't say.

I'm sorry, but I'm so glad we deep dived into this.

Reminds me of Orphan, that movie.

Did you see the sequel yet? I haven't.


Have you seen Orphan? No.

You're judging me for golf? Yeah.

Anytime you want to debate those two, I'm in.

All right, well, Mike, keep calm and Trevor on.

Anyways, Byron, I'll see you next week.

I'm enrolling as a student.

You think I could pass pulling it off? All you have to do is put some Nikes on and wear a face mask because they still do that to hide their pimple.

So, yeah, you got this.

I look 14.

Might have to dye your hair a bit.

Fill in.

No, just put a beanie on and wear a hood the entire time.

These fucking kids are shit, man.

Fucking shit.

There are some kids I think I've seen, like, maybe their eye.

You know why I won't do that? I'm not sure.

I could pass drama glass.

No, I don't think I could pass that.

But I definitely have seen The Godfather.

All three.

There's three of them.

And I've seen Citizen Kane.

I think I've seen Citizen gain.

There's no such thing as I think I've seen Citizen Cain.

I've seen Citizen gain.

Have you seen Citizen Kane? Maybe Rosebud.

What's that? I've seen Citizen Kane.

It's just been like I was a kid when I saw it.

Have I revisited it? No, I think I got a DVD of it kicking around somewhere.

I have to find a DVD play.


Speaking of DVD, we talked about this on Real in Focus, but because Warner Bros.

Was pulling a lot of their digital your digital purchases or whatever, they're pulling them off.

Oh, yeah, those are expanding.

Anything like certain series, if you've like certain original series, you'll never be able to get an actual ownership of, like, any of the Marvel shows, I think.

But, yeah, more of that's coming.



Might be time to go from go back to collecting DVDs.

Yeah, go back to collecting Blurays and DVDs.

But I don't have a fucking DVD player because I bought the bought the PS Five and the Xbox or the discless.


Did you throw away your PS Four? I never had a PS Four or Three or whatever the fuck you had.

If it's kicking around, you still got one.

Yeah, no, I gave it away.

That's what I would do with a PlayStation as well.

I'm just saying.

Sure, you can go get, like, an old get one of those combos DVD radio for the car, and you probably pick one of those up at, like, dutch for like $30.

And then you just jimmy rig it to your TV.

Alexis has a DVD player in it.

Oh, see? Well, then you just go watch movies in the car.

Yeah, I'll be outside speaking to DVDs.

Do you guys ever stock any idiots just to make fun of them later on social media? I do that with Kevin because I like making fun of him.


Yeah, and he just posted the other day he still gets fucking DVDs from Netflix.

I'm going to put that one in my queue to get sent to the house.

You're an idiot.

It's showing up next week.

There's been a few times though, when we couldn't find anything on demand or anything.

He'd come and clutch on that.

Yeah, but we're still not going to stop making fun of him.

Stop talking good about him now.

I mean, I don't even know if you can go onto the Netflix site and sign up for that still.

I think he's just grandfathered in.

And they're just going to let him go with this forever, right? He's honorary member for the rest of his life.

Look this up.

They just get ones for Kevin specifically.

He's joked about it before.

He's the one that's keeping their distribution center employed.

They don't actually buy bulk DVDs anywhere.

They just go to Walmart and get one.

Like Kevin ordered this one.

Go get it.

Oh man.

So yeah, that reminds me.

So DVD,, you can get.

Oh, that's stupid.

And get the one disk for 999, two disk for $15, and three disc for 20 in addition to the streaming fees.

No, I don't think this includes the right.

So this would be by itself? Maybe it is.

I don't know.

Because it says to your mailbox.


So you're paying extra? No, I think this is just strictly the DVD subscription.

Right? So if you want to stream it's a different subscription.

Can DVD save me money? Definitely.

If you're currently paying for you're currently paying for multiple premium movie channels? Yeah, just cancel those and get our DVDs or no, with Netflix DVDs, you can see almost every movie and TV show you want to with unlimited plans starting as low 999.


So do you guys remember game crazy Hollywood video game so you could go to Hollywood? It was more Hollywood video.

But I used to rent games from there.

And I only rented games from there because like, you know, like the PS two discs were probably the easiest disks in the world to fucking scratch.

And PlayStation, like original PlayStation, like the black disk, those things like you sneezed on them and they get a fucking scratch the size of the fucking Grand Canyon.

I used to rent movies from Hollywood video.

And I'd rent video games for Hollywood video and shit like that all the time.

Well, Hollywood video started putting anti tampering stickers, right? Because you used to scratch your own disk.

Go rent one.

Yeah, give them the scratch disc.

So I figured out how to take the sticker off and put it back on the disc.

So the only reason I ever rented video games from there was so I could replace my disc and have a proper working thing.

Because if you went into game crazy, they would resurface your disk, but you'd have to pay them, like, $10.

And did you guys ever get, like, any of those CD resurfacers? Do you know what those things were? Shit, first of all.

And second of all, sitting there trying to put them in there with the fucking crank like this bag.

So yeah.

I don't know.

It just reminded me of that.

I would just sit there and get movies just to replace the scratched ones.

Well, for a while.

Do you remember that DVD place that used to be up by the Walmart on Mill plane? I can't name of it.

That's where he's they were the ones that told us our flyer for a show was too vulgar to post up shit in there.

Oh, that's right.

That was the two thumbs up yours.


They said the the logo was too vulgar for them to post in the window.

Yeah, they they had a semi good deal because when because although I think all their DVDs were used or most of them.

Yeah, used.

But they if any of them wouldn't play at home, you had, like, up to 60 days to exchange it out for another movie.


Not the same title or anything.

Yeah, it's gone now.

I think it's a shop payback? Is it playback payback? Is it Payback or playback payback.







That's all right.

Broke back this devolved quickly.


Anyways, I think I bought, like, a game from there once.

I think I ever bought any games.

That was probably, like, one of the last times I bought a physical game.

I went all digital for the most part.

I can't even remember the last physical disk I bought.

I think I got, like, a copy of Gears of War Four with an Xbox.

I have one physical disk for a game, and that's Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

That's the last one I got.

I didn't even pay for that.

Yeah, mine was one of my friend's kids was pissing him off or stepped out, fucking anyways, he was pissing him off and acting like an ass at school.

I was like, all right, let me borrow that.

And he's like, no, you can just fucking have it.

Fuck them.

They don't need to fucking play it.

And I was like, sweet.

Mine was Cyberpunk, mostly, just to see if it was, like, the same issues as digital copy, all the fucking glitching and shit.

And it was.

I got to go back and finish that.

Bohola was a good game.


Did you finish it? No, I haven't.

They're still bringing shit out for it, too.

I've still to this day not played a single Assassin Creed game forcing a godfather.

Why do you do this show? He's the gamer.

No, you're the gamer too.

Because you sit there and bother me all the fucking time about playing battlefield with you.

I don't game.

And I've played all of the Assassins Creeds.

I give you the big guys.

Ms hasn't creed minus what's? Another big game series that I what I'm trying to say I've played those elder scrolls.

Yeah, I played those too.

Mario all I have 30 of them.

No, I think I stopped at, like, Mario Three.

I think I own.

What was the first one that you had for the switch paper? Mario.

No, it was like the actual Mario.

I should say actual Mario.

Mario there's odyssey.


That's it.

I have that one.

But kids play that.

Kids try to play it.

I haven't played a Mario game since Mario Kart on switch.

Mario Kart is still the best racing game ever made.

I mean, one of them.


What? He's going to debate you.

I'm not.

Because Mario Kart is still one of the best racing games ever.

But crash team racing gave Mario Kart a run for his fucking money.

And I had years of fun with crash team racing.

Also newer crash team racing.

It was shit.

They brought a new one out, like place ago.

What was crash team racing? Or somebody's version of it.


Then they had a Sonic racing one, which I know never even a thing.

You don't even mention that shit.

Why the fuck would Sonic need to ride in the car? I still think the Mario Kart for Wii is probably the best one they made.

Why? Steering wheel, man.

I mean, that was part of it, but it was really just it reached its pinnacle of where they could go with all the different tracks and stuff when they took it to Switch.

Wii U and switch and all that.

Mario kart eight.

Yeah, it's still fun, but it just feels like everything that you've already gotten just now, upgraded graphics overdone over produced.


I mean, like a cool thing is for Mario kart eight.

They bring back some of the old tracks at fucking bangers.


I think one of the funnest things I ever did was on the Wii with Mario tennis.

I never even thought I would like Mario tennis until I played Mario fucking tennis.

And then I just couldn't buy it because it was one of those games that I was like, I really want this game.

But it was a game that never went on sale.

So every time for the Wii, it was like, I really want Mario tennis.

I'm going to get that.

Nope, it's still at 60 fucking dollars forever.

No, that's Nintendo in general.

They don't like, oh, hey, look, they got a used copy for 59 98 or I buy the new one for 60.

What the fuck? That's how the Zelda game is.

Oh, Breath of the wild.

Breath of the Wild? Yes.

It will not ever be that's.

It will when the new one comes out.


It might have a sale, but it would be like blinking.

You miss it? Probably.


It's like, I really want to get Breath of the Wild.

I mean, I have like two switches.

Just they don't get used.

They're sitting on my desk.

I'm probably going to take one when I go to Vegas.

But also I have my iPad and the fucking Xbox controller.

And I can just play Xbox on my fucking iPad.

There's that too.


I got to get caught up on Final Fantasy Seven remake.

You're going to play that? You're going to bring your PlayStation with you to Vegas? No.

Well, then why are you bringing it up? Because you can stream.

I can just take my PlayStation controller and dream the game since I have the thing shifting.

The thing? The thing.

The dingle dongle, man.

You need to lay that down.

What the fuck? You know the thing, the service where you can stream game plus Premium? Yeah.

Plus plus premium.

I completely forgot.

I thought it was going to, like renew.


Here's this thing.

I thought it was going to renew.

So when I got my PlayStation Five and then they brought out the new subscriptions and shit.

I mean, we probably should be talking about this during Real and Focus, but we're on it fucking now.

So I sat there and I was like, okay, I got the PlayStation Five.

And then I did the service because they were changing shit around.

I was like, here you go.

Paid money.

And I was like, all right.

So it's not going to renew until around the time I got my PlayStation.

But then on January 1 no, it wasn't January 1.

It was a day after Christmas.

It was a day after Christmas.

And I was going and doing something.

All of a sudden I get a message from Christina.

And she was like, what fucking game did you buy? I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? And she's like, there is like $130 charge from Sony on the fucking account.

And I was just like, what? Went and fucking looked and I was like, oh, you son of a bitch.

The money that you made me pay was just to make it to fucking like my renewal date.

Which also since we haven't really recorded since before Christmas, that's also going to go on Bsauce is the price of well, we talked about it before.

We talked about it before.


But now it's more of a real thing since I got charged for it.

Buck zoning.

Pretty much.


I need to go back and look at mine because I think my because I bought two years of whatever it was before the new thing.

And I know that that ended February last year.

And then like, I haven't really touched I touched my PlayStation maybe like two, three, four times since then.

And then I turned show me on this PlayStation.

You keep your finger away from my USB port.

He touched me the fan ports.

Oh, Jesus.

All right.

But I turned it on recently because it turned you on Stinger in that fan port.

You know what it's going to do.


I was seeing all the titles that have the plus symbol or whatever on it, the yellow one.

And I was like, oh, I can't get that.

Oh, I can't get that.

And then for some reason but I was looking at the price.

It said add to library or download or whatever it would be if you were subscribed to that service.

And I was like, the fuck is this? It was that one semi game that you play.

Guestima yeah, I downloaded that one and I was like, this is probably going to be one of those things like you can download but you can't play because you're not a subscriber.

And it let me start playing.

I was like, what the fuck? You need to go look at your subscriptions, bro.

Yeah, I'm wondering if like, how much have I been paying that I didn't know he's paying for it three different times, folks.

That's the reason why your college scholarship is a little bit lower.

He's looking it up now.

I'm going to go to my PlayStation to say, when is my renewal date? It's like Xbox.

See, that's the thing I like about Xbox.

Xbox sends me it sends you, like two months ahead.

Hey, just to remind you that in two months you are going to be charged this amount.

Sony is just like, surprise, motherfucker.

Yeah, they didn't give me a warning at fucking all.

And then I just driving was like, what the fuck did you just spend $130 on? I don't know.

I have no idea what the fuck you to owe.


Yeah, so we're talking about it.

I'm adding that to bee sauce, too.

I actually have bee sauce this week.


They have one for a while now.

Yeah, I know.

And then I started talking about like was I talking about it with you? Yeah, I started talking about some things yesterday and then all of a sudden I was just like, no, that's going in there.

I was like, I got some shit I need to talk about.

And now I got another thing.

So making up for lost time.

All right.

That's hot.

Mike right? Might as well go ahead and skip all of that.

Just cut that part out.

Put it at the end.

You just listen to an episode of Pop.

Mike check us out on social media at Real, on Focus, facebook, Twitter, Instagram, link tree twitch.


YouTube doing shit.

There we go.

I know.

There's one more.

All right.