We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in au NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not necessarily represent the views of K u and v Las Vegas, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez. On your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Good morning Las Vegas. My name is Don Marquez and welcome to another edition of your insurance. Connection. I get so excited when I talk about insurance. So Happy Sunday morning. And you know, we're gonna do our thing right here at KU envy 91.5 Jazz and more. Sunday morning, next Sunday is Father's Day, as we will know. I don't even know why they have a Father's Day no one no one gets excited for Father's Day. You can call any restaurant and make reservations they're gonna say we're not taking reservations, we have plenty of room. Come sit down and take any boobs seat view you want to have because we have plenty of room for Father's Day. Most fathers like myself like to sit in the backyard relax, you know about a pool or, or you know, put something on a grill. You know, we got the we have the tournaments going on the hockey tournaments and the basketball tournaments. Well, we'll do that. And we say we just want a day of relaxation and peace. You know, don't ask any dad, you know, Father's Day should be a day. You shouldn't ask any actually not. Dad should get a pass on asking him for any money. Now Dad, we want to do something with you. You know, your dad's gonna want to do not just want to sit down and sit back and relax. And you may have those fathers want to do something. You know, I'm open. If my children want to do something with me, I'm fine with that too. But I'm gonna watch the game. And watch some games on Sunday after the game. We could do our thing, but I'm definitely gonna sit back and watch. Watch the games. You know, Mother's Day is every day. Of course, you know, Mother's Day, you have to call the restaurants a month to you know in advance to get reservations at a restaurant because the restaurants are packed. But for Father's Day, you know, take your choice, any restaurant anywhere you want to go, I don't care. You know how busy they are during the week. Father's Day, they're empty. That's all good. My name is Darren Marquez. Happy Father's Day, we're gonna get to father's day a week in advance, Happy Father's Day. And it's Mother's day every day. So I'm gonna give the dads a week in advance. Happy Father's Day. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. I broadcast radio ke u and v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday mornings, from 8am to 830. I'm a licensed insurance broker. This is what I love to do. This is my career for the last I started this business in 1996. And I'm a native of Las Vegas, Nevada, started with Allstate Insurance company back in 97. And I've been in the insurance business ever since. But you know, what I've found out in my years of experience in the business when you have a claim, especially when it comes to auto insurance. Now, you know I am in the business, but I do I have to say this the way it said when you have a claim. And you you know you go through the procedure of trying to get your doctors paid. You go to procedure, you know, you have to you know you have to hire an attorney to get this done. But also the insurance companies hire attorneys too as well. They hire they hire attorneys to not to give you what you're paying for. It doesn't make sense to me at times. And I'm I'm fighting for you guys to make this right because I have found in my experience that you know when it comes to auto insurance claims, like insurance companies, they try to deny you the coverages that you pay for the CB that's a change. I'm gonna fight for what I talk about on the radio, because I don't think it's fair if you if you're paying for coverages on your auto insurance policy, and you should be compensated for for those damages, especially when it comes to bodily injury. Now they shouldn't insurance companies should not however, have an attorney to do that. To deny you what you rightfully pay for for many years at times. They should say Okay, your doctor bills of this much negotiate with your doctor bills, maybe to reduce the cost of those doctor bills and pay you for your pain and suffering without hiring these attorneys, the insurance companies SSA to not to give you what you Certainly you certainly deserve and you pay for. Now on the other hand, you go out and you hire an attorney, to fight for your benefit. Because now you're you have injuries, pain and suffering. And this is every bit of your right to hire an attorney. Wow. When it's not your fault, let's say is not your fault. The person that hit you do have car insurance, you know, you go through their insurance do not go through your own insurance unless they do not have car insurance. Now the attorneys really don't care about your car being repaired. Now you should take pictures when you do have a car accident. Take pictures, because they want to see the pictures. A lot of times the police officers will not show up unless they're, you know, is argument. Definitely if on private property, they won't show up it but if there's an altercation, they may show up even on private property. But take as much information as you can. You know, the damage to the cars don't move the cars unless you take pictures first. The damage to their car, your car, their ID card. And another thing about the ID cards, get rid of the the old ID cards, the vehicle identification cards in your vehicle, they are no good. Once they expire, they're absolutely no good. They're like a lottery ticket.

Unknown Speaker 6:21
When you don't hit, you know, when you don't hit that lottery ticket, what you do, you try to take it away, right? You don't keep it? Well, those ID cards and your vehicle once they expire. And you know if you get pulled over and he tried to show you a police officer, all these old ID cards, he could care less or she could care less about those old ID cards. They want to see an ID card current and up to date. And I had Christine Barnard on the show a week ago and she said do not give me your phone with your ID card on your phone, print out an ID card, get your white envelope, put it in an envelope, along with your registration, your current registration and have it handy in your glove box. Having right in the center counsel of your glove box on your or the glove box on your door. If you have one of those vehicles, they have a glove box on the door or a slot in the door where your ID card and your registration is in a white envelope. And doesn't look like nothing else but a white envelope. And you know what I'm talking about. But anyway, my name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. These are news you could use, you know I get a little frustrated or early in the conversation I was talking about, you know, insurance companies hire attorneys to not to pay you for the money that you're you know, so if you buy bodily injury, property damage, uninsured motorist, you know these coverages are or you get the minimum state requirement, which is only $25,000 per person 50,000 Each accident $20,000 property, property damage, you have the minimums. So you don't have a lot of wiggle room, if there's a major accident and you get injured and it's all the coverages that the person had that hit you. Or if you had someone, this is all the coverages that you have to offer them. But when insurance companies as an insurance agent, we have different levels of bodily injury, uninsured motorist, and this is for medical, this is for MediCal. So if you have the different the higher limits of liability, let's call it that, and you care and a higher limits of liability, let's say for an example 100,000 per person 300,000 Each accident, and you have a legitimate claim of what you have these doctors that sent you there to the one doctor because you needed this treatment and you sent to another doctor, because you needed treatment. And then those bills add up quick and you care in one on a 300 on your on your bodily injury, uninsured motorist, the insurance company should recognize the fact that these doctors are recommending that you have treatment and the doctor bills are getting expensive. They should not have attorneys, they should not have attorneys, to deny you, you know, your medical payments and and and your pain and suffering. You know, this is my opinion, you know, my opinion is my I'm an insurance professional. But I'm gonna try to make it I'm a my voice will be heard. And I'm gonna talk to people in the insurance industry. Okay, if we're offering these higher limits of liability to our clients, and why are you having attorneys to deny the the coverages that we offer our customers? I'm an insurance agent that cares about my customers. You know, I mean, I've been in this business since 1996. And, you know, I think we could do better by way of our voices that you know, and if you like what I'm saying, give me a call at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 We need to make some changes. And together we can make changes, you know, if we just go along with the status quo of these insurance companies denying coverages to you the coverage that you pay for, and we're talking about more than minimum because of it them, it doesn't give you a really strong voice. Now, the insurance companies would love it if everybody carried the minimum. Because when it comes to paying out claims, you only get what you pay for in this business, you only get what you pay for it, you know, so if you have the minimums, they're not going to pay way over and above your minimum liability that you're paying for. This is why they have the 100 300, you know, half of 250,000 per person 500,000 Each accident, you know, and the more liability you you pay for, it costs you more money, it costs you more money. So when you do have an accident, you know, these insurance companies, they should not have attorneys on their staff, to deny you what you're paying for as long as you have a legitimate claim. And if these doctors feel this necessary, to to have you treated from different specialists, they should recognize the fact that these doctors are not, you know, recommending you see other doctors, for no reason at all. If you agree with me, contact me at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez, I'm a licensed insurance broker, I'm probably going to create a create a little bit of waves here, but it's okay. Sometimes we got to create waves to to, to make it right for the for the consumer. You know, if you if you're paying for a product, you should get what you're paying for. I don't know any other industry that will you know that, that if you're paying for a certain product, and they find ways to wiggle themselves out of paying to claim it to me, it's not right. It's certainly something done about it. And we we get together with our voices, we can do something about it. I do offer Auto Home Life auto insurance. But you know, but the auto insurance has been a little bit of a challenge when it comes to the claims. Not only you know, the companies that I represent, and I represent multiple companies, but over the years, I've seen this happen. And it's also happened to me once but you know, and I just I just have to say what I what I think is needed to be said, because we all pay for insurance, if we're gonna drive, you know, we drive with, you know, protection, and protection is your car insurance. It is a requirement by the state. You know, it is a requirement by the state is as you know, so if you do have a car and you're driving it, the state does require you to carry car insurance. And insurance companies should not have a, you know, an attorney on staff to deny you. What you pay for my name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. I broadcast radio at K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more every Sunday morning, from 8am to 8:30am. Grab a cup of coffee, I'm gonna talk about some life insurance, I'm gonna get off the car insurance, but you know, call me 702-236-2624. Let's talk about life insurance. That's my favorite subject. I always talk about life insurance right here because we need life insurance. We need life insurance, I had the privilege of talking to this gentleman, his name is Andre Crockett. He owns a funeral home mortuary or whatever you want to call it. These days, there's so many different names for it. But the people that provide that type of service, you know, that's a special individual individuals, the whole industry is unique within itself. And I visited these funeral homes. And you know, when I first got into the insurance business, a gentleman and during my class, he said, What company and I'm talking about when I was going to insurance school, what company are you going to work for? I said, Well, I'm looking at Allstate to start my career with Allstate Insurance Company. He said, You don't have to do that once you come with me and work at the funeral home and will sell pre need packages. You know, it was about 330 people in the class. And he was already working for the funeral home. But he just he just pointed me out I guess he saw something in me. You know, the way I care about people, the way I care about this industry and I guess I was showing that passenger passion at a at an early stage in my career. But I told him I said you know, I mean the offer sounds nice. He offered me a career working in a funeral home selling premium packages with a portable pre print what is a premium package? It is when you know you can buy your funeral upfront, pay for everything upfront, but that's a pretty neat package and they give you a certain time to pay for it over time. And you know, people they do very successful of offering a premium package. Because you know, people say well you know, I know that I need to go down here and take care of pre need packets and you know that that is your option. But for me, I prefer having a life insurance policy over pre need pre need. There's no more Any leftover to pay for other expenses, pre needs when you purchase them from the funeral home, they're they're quite expensive for the first five or 10 years. I like an alternative. You know, a life insurance policy is a tax free benefit with a pre need, they may be tax taxes to pay for pre need after the burial, the service is performed. Now your beneficiary may receive a bill for the taxes. If your loved one did not pay for taxes upfront within the pre need package, there will be taxes to pay. Now I've had people contact me that purchase pre nice, I do not offer pre needs. But they've said wouldn't you know I heard you on a radio. And I bought up my mind my mother bought a pre knee when she passed away. We received a bill for for the taxes can you kind of help us guide us through that? I don't know why I didn't call the funeral home. But they called me but it's okay. So I explained to them, when a person purchase a pre need, they don't pay the taxes with the pre need packets upfront, the beneficiary will have to pay those taxes. Once the services are performed. Your loved one is bury that so your taxes are for this, you know, for everything for the casket, the headstone the plot, I mean, everything else is taxable. So everything, even the flowers, you know, maybe even the gas on a limo who knows, but you know, these funeral homes, they charge for everything. But I had the pleasure of talking to Andre Crockett, he owns a funeral home here I'll read off Craig row. And Alan, it's called

Unknown Speaker 16:33
what is called serenity. Andre Crockett for serenity funeral. I believe it is mortuaries however, and talking to him and talking about the cost of today's services. And this is why I'm bringing this up the cost to bury a loved one, if you haven't buried a person and while the prices will, will blow you away. The prices today are very expensive. You're talking about an average cost of 15 to $20,000. To bury a loved one, and they will show the show you these different packages at the funeral home. Now these packages they show the cremation package, they'll show the fire the burial package, they'll show these two different packages to you with all the you know all the features that come with it. The limo, how many limousines you need. I mean, it's everything, you know, gets to a point where you get a package. And if you want add more to the package, it's like they're adding more expenses as you go down the line. The thing about the funeral homes, they want all the money up front. So if you haven't purchased a pre money, or if you don't have any life insurance, and you don't have a lot of money in the bank, how are your loved ones are supposed to pay for your funeral, your final expense, you know, everybody wants to go to heaven. But no, nobody wants to die. But unfortunately, in this life, we when we pass away, we have to do something with the remains. We just can't do I mean not do nothing. And I asked Andre the people that don't pay what do you do? He said Well, after after a certain period of time, then the state takes the bar remains and cremated remains. But that's what leaving your loved one because your family can't pay for the funeral. You know, where's the dignity? Where's the dignity of that? And don't don't say you don't care because you no longer you should care. Because your family most families don't let the state or the city take care of their loved ones remains and to do whatever they want with them. You know, I couldn't even imagine putting my parents away. Even my loved ones that I lost. You know, and let the State of the City treat them any type of way when you need any kind of dignity at all. It gets yourself a life insurance policy because it these funeral homes every day. They have people coming in to lost a loved one and no means to pay for their final expenses. No means of paying for the future funeral. No way to pay it. And car washes GoFundMe, those type of plans if that's your plan. That's not a good plan. You know what a GoFundMe is a lot a lot of scams on GoFundMe. carwashes. If you're looking to pay for a $15,000 funeral, at $20 per car, that is 750 cars you need to wash. Most car washes in a month probably only wash about a little less than half of that, you know maybe I don't know but they don't wash 750 cars in a day or a week. They just don't most of them don't. They don't know how do you think that that's your plan to watch cars or here's another one people say oh you know I'll do a bake sale cook cook some food sales. You Have the body food, you have to pre prep the food, and then you got to find people to buy it. And the churches, most churches will not take care of your final expenses, they will offer you maybe a room, or they may offer you the service, because it was a church member, but they will not pay for your funeral. Just think about it. If a church had to pay for, let's say, three funerals a month, because the family members couldn't pay for it, and the average cost is about 12, to $15,000, a funeral, let's say $15,000 per funeral, that's $45,000. These churches do not have $45,000 disposable income and their budget, most of them don't, to pay for your responsibility. It is your responsibility to take care of your family. You know, and I don't know if people say, Well, I don't know anything about life insurance, I retired from my job, I don't have any life insurance, because now they they put you out of the group, they put you out of the group for a reason, because you're getting older and you cause more money to be in the group. Now, once you retire, you no longer associated with the group because they want to keep the group as young as possible. This is why when you retire, you know the group rates go up every single year that's happening to you. Let's have a free no obligation review. My name is Dawn Marquez, my contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. My Location is on the corner of Sahara and Rancho and the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor, I'm here to help you. I'm a licensed insurance agent, I care about my customers, and I will fight for you. You know, I deal with underwriting all the time. Sometimes there are questions people ask about their medical history. And you know, they kind of dig a little bit when it comes to life insurance. But let's simplify the process as much as possible. Now, you know, I do have policies, there is no physical required, there is no health examination to apply just a few health questions and there yes or no answers. Now this whole process can take us less than 30 minutes, it was not gonna take a lot of your time. But this is something we all need to do. And I want to thank the customer that heard this show, he came in and purchase home auto life insurance, I want to thank those listeners that you know, you know, I'm gonna make an appointment and showed up for their appointment on time, because I will contact you and you know, confirm the appointment, the Make sure you can make because I know things come up, things come up all the time. And if you can't make it, we can always reschedule. Now, if you do have current life insurance, I don't mind reviewing your current life insurance policies. You know, sometimes you know, you try to do the right thing. And you purchase these policies, it may not be the right policy for you in the long term. Now, term is term let's talk about term a little bit. Term insurance is for, you know, you can get a 10 year 20 year or 30 year term. Now, 30 years is the maximum years to offer on a term insurance product. However, if you 58 years long and younger, you can get up to 30 years old term insurance 59, you can't get 30 years now, if you're a smoker at 58, they're probably going to only give you 20 years of Term insurance. But let's say a 20 year term policy, you 5820 year term, that's good to age 78. Now, within this term period of that 20 years on a term policy, you do have the opportunity to roll that term policy over to Universal Life, or a whole life policy. As long as you don't do not go over the face amount, you can call an insurance company up and say I want to convert my term insurance over to universal life or to whole life. Now if your face amount, let's say it's $100,000. But you can't afford the rate at $100,000. Because the rate now is based on your current age. And you've unless they've you've had the policy for about 10 years, you've had the policy for 10 years. But you're 10 years older, the rates are based on your age, on a conversion, there is no physical, no medical examination. So they can look at your age as are okay, at your age at $100,000. This is the rate and you say to yourself, well, I can't afford that rate. But what you can do is as long as you don't go over the policy face amount, you can reduce the face amount of the policy and then find a price you can afford. You can find a button now some companies will only reduce it down to $50,000. Now that's half of what you had, but you still have life insurance, something that's going to carry you the rest of your life. Now you take in a 20 year term policy that would expire in 20 years. Now it'll it'll exceed that 20 that balance of 20 years and to age 100. Now you're insured to age 100 Or maybe even up to age 121. Yeah, every contract is a little bit A friend, you have to read the contract if you don't understand, you know, because it is a lot of moving parts when it comes to life insurance. This is why I'm here to help. My name is Don Marquez, my contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. You know, I love them. I love what I do in this business. I do. I've met a lot of my listeners that have come in and purchase home auto and life insurance. I also offer boats and motorcycle insurance. I know it's getting warmer, a lot of people out there on the lake. But you know, I'm so happy that they would get more water in the lake now, they had a heavy snow cap at the Denver in the Rockies and we're gonna benefit from some of that water. And I understand the lake may go up as high as 30 feet 30 feet is good. Good for us. I remember one of the lakes spilled over and going and I go out to the lake quite frequently I have a boat on the lake and I go out there enjoying myself. But you know, looking at that they call it the bathtub ring the waterline where it used to be. And that's a lot of water missing. It's almost like, you know, 75 feet maybe even more, where you see the ring where the water used to be. But we need water to continue our development and growth in my beautiful city, Las Vegas, Nevada where I was born and raised. And once they get the water and they will get the water

Unknown Speaker 26:23
and they will get it I cannot I cannot foresee these casinos running out of the precious resource that we need to keep us all going the water that we need in our city that keep us all hydrated that water you know to take baths in the morning I showers in the morning. We need the water and of course the hotels need the water to function as well. I don't think there's I don't think the city will ever dried up. Lake me whatever dry up. It's a natural resource not only for Vegas, but to my understanding. You know, cottura of Arizona, maybe even caught or out of the river Colorado River and California benefit from the water from Lake Mead. I don't know. Anyway, my name is Don Marquez, I like to you know talk about my city every now and then it is grown up to a major city. I grew up he was only seven high schools look at it now. I cannot tell you how many high schools we have. But we're gonna continue to grow. We get another major league baseball team and he's coming in. The Aces are starting their season. You know, Go Knights look like we hopefully we win the Stanley Cup. This is a pre recorded show. So let's say I wrote on Golden Knights and on our Raiders, we don't pray for our Raiders. We don't we don't you know our Raiders are gonna be okay, we got a new quarterback and we see what happens. You know, I love my city and we went on the basketball team. I think we'll we'll get a basketball team within the next five years. Hopefully we will. And we have all the major sports. We said that a major sports years ago but you know with the gambling and sports book they did, they didn't want to have that but now things have changed. And you know change is always good for the city. You know, if you look around, you look around the development of the city it's gonna it's a lot of room for development but all the land that we have from from innocent all the way to the state line. I mean we have a lot of vacant land and that land one day will be developed. Did you know because the population is continuing to grow along with the growth they need insurance. Yeah, all for auto insurance, homeowners. Renters insurance if you are a renter, you need insurance. And if you are a homeowner and you own your home, you need homeowners insurance you have to pay your taxes and your homeowners insurance and continue your homeowners insurance now. If you do own your home you don't have to have insurance but what sense of it that you have a major investment with no homeowners insurance, if your house catches on fire, you know got Fourth of July every year and it's not like the Fourth of July when I was growing up with the with the fire the firecracker was a you know that was the big deal having a firecracker on Sparkletts know today they got some real Arsenal weapons, you know, weapons. And my neighbor. I don't go anywhere for the Fourth of July stay at home. Because these children in my neighborhood. They have real fireworks they got they have rockets real big when they come out and with the rockets and they launch these things and they blow up in the air and light up sky. I mean you have to stay home and I'm at home doing these holidays and I encourage you to stay home to make sure yours doesn't burn out because the fire department is full, full alert during the fourth of July and it's right around the corner we're starting to heat up a little bit in Vegas. Stay hydrated get outside get up in the morning, get up early in the morning and take a walk I do and you know make you feel better. And start your day. Eat better walk, eat a little healthier walk in the morning or walk in the evening and and make you feel much better. My name is Dan Marquez, thank you for listening. I will do this again next week from eight o'clock AM to 830 my name is Don Marquez my contact phone number is 702-236-2624 Thank you for listening until next time just keep it crispy

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