Mission Forward with Carrie Fox

Have you ever questioned the impact you can make as one person? What If you have a far greater influence and impact than you realize? And what if your micro-level decisions can result in powerful and positive macro-level changes?

This week’s episode comes from the Finding The Words column, a series published every Wednesday that delivers a dose of communication insights directly to your inbox. If you like what you read, we hope you’ll subscribe to ensure you receive this each week.
  • (00:00) - Welcome to Mission Forward

What is Mission Forward with Carrie Fox?

Mission Forward: An award-winning podcast for communicators on a mission.

Hosted by social impact expert and B Corp leader Carrie Fox, each episode of Mission Forward explores the power of communications. With just the right mix of practical and thought-provoking content, we take on the issues that matter to you, and that support your work as a communicator for change.

Together, we talk through topics that you’re likely experiencing right now: from how to tackle tough conversations; to how to best challenge stereotypes; to how we can build bridges across the issues that divide us. If you’re working to become a more inclusive and thoughtful communicator, there’s nothing holding you back—except you.

About Season 9

Communication is essential to moving missions forward. Whether you’re trying to advance a strategic goal, drive change in an organization or raise funds to increase your impact, how you communicate matters. And with the noise of today’s world, it matters even more that your message be delivered, heard, remembered, AND acted upon. Getting there requires more than words.

We’ve entered a consequential year. Every decision will matter. Care, courage, and civility will matter too.

On season 9 of the Mission Forward podcast, host and social impact communications expert Carrie Fox will be with you through it all. With episodes dropping every Thursday, this season will feature a host of thought leaders who will share their take on this critical year and how they navigate the issues ahead. We’ll dig into key issues you’re facing, we’ll inspire you with fresh ideas and practical insights, and we’ll show you how to apply the key practices of courageous leadership to your work. Come along as we practice a more-than-words approach to communications and leadership.

* About the Host (https://www.missionforward.us/about-carrie)
* Listen to Past Episodes (https://www.missionforward.us/episodes)


The court is set to redefine. Hi there, and welcome to the Mission Forward podcast, where each week we bring you a thought provoking and perspective shifting conversation on the power of communication.

Carrie Fox:

I'm Carrie Fox, your host and CEO of Mission Partners, a social impact communications firm and certified b corporation. Today, I am bringing you a short form episode drawn from my weekly Wednesday column. If you like what you hear, I hope you'll head over to missionforward.us and sign up to get these insights delivered right to your inbox each and every Wednesday morning.

Carrie Fox:

You can also help me out by forwarding this show to a friend and giving this show a 5 star rating, which helps make sure this content gets out to more people who can benefit from it. But enough of that. On to today's show, What If? Have you ever questioned the impact you can make as one person? Maybe you stopped yourself from speaking up because you didn't think it would matter.

Carrie Fox:

Maybe you fell through on a commitment because you didn't think anyone would notice. Maybe you went along with the status quo because it just felt like the easier option. Maybe. But what if? What if you had a far greater influence and impact than you realize?

Carrie Fox:

And what if your micro level decisions can result in powerful and positive macro level change? In my book, More Than Words, I share the story of an advertising executive whose work has moved millions of people to action, supporting dozens of brands and causes. She often spends her time thinking about the big picture impact of her advertising campaigns. The impact she says is sometimes hard for her to feel personally. When we talked, she had been thinking about the design decisions that often go unnoticed.

Carrie Fox:

She had been thinking about the power she has through every one of her choices to either break stereotypes or reinforce them, to build inclusive practices or maintain exclusive ones. And as we talked, it became clear that her seemingly little decisions could carry as much weight as the big ones, especially regarding advancing equity and inclusion? What if she swapped stock photos for actual photos and gave people credit for their involvement? What if she prioritized meetings and calls with employees who hold less power rather than always prioritizing meetings with her more powerful colleagues? What if she invited and celebrated different perspectives and points of view in the weekly meeting?

Carrie Fox:

What if she advocated for a lesser known, but equally qualified vendor who could bring an entirely new point of view to their work? And what if you did the same? Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion principles can feel complex, unwieldy, and in some political climates downright impossible. It never is though. We can advance the principles of DEI in every decision we make, in the significant commitments and policies we advance as organizations, and in the small actions and gestures we make day after day after day as leaders?

Carrie Fox:

What if you approached every micro level decision as an opportunity to advance the principles of DEI in your work? What if you leaned into hard conversations, invited new perspectives, to advance social justice. I've seen what's possible when we dare to ask what if and then lean into that answer. So whether you manage a big brand or a small startup, a team of 1,000 or a team of 2, there is power in every single one of your decisions. Your individual power to make an impact.

Carrie Fox:

Consider the effect of your big decisions and your small ones too. Then ask again and again, what if? Bottom line, my friends, dare to ask what if this week, and I guarantee the answer will inspire you. And that brings us to the end of another episode of mission forward. If you like what you heard today, I hope you'll stop right now and give this show a 5 star rating wherever you are listening to this podcast.

Carrie Fox:

Maybe even forward it to a friend who you think would enjoy today's conversation. And, of course, check out the show notes for all of the links referenced in today's show. Mission Forward is produced with the support and wisdom of Pete Wright and the True Story production team, as well as the wonderful Sadie Lockhart of Mission Partners. You can learn more about our work over at missionforward.us, and, of course, reach out to me anytime at carrie@mission.partners. Thanks for tuning in today, friend, and I'll see you next time.