The Jonathan Kogan Show

"Shades of Shadows: The Biden-China Corruption Nexus Exposed" is a captivating podcast episode that delves deep into the alleged ties between President Biden and corruption involving China. Join us on a riveting investigative journey as we uncover compelling evidence, untangle complex webs of influence, and shed light on the controversial connections that have raised eyebrows and sparked widespread speculation. Brace yourself for thought-provoking discussions and a quest for truth as we navigate the murky terrain of political intrigue, business entanglements, and potential ethical dilemmas. Get ready to challenge your perceptions, question the status quo, and unravel the mysteries behind the alleged Biden-China corruption nexus in "Shades of Shadows."
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The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
one And we are officially live on The Jonathan Kogan Show. What's up everybody? Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show I'm your host Johnny K. How do we get started today? We gotta get started with a proper intro So as we do on most podcasts we start with a proper intro kick it off dj Yeah. Oh my God. All right. We're back. We are so back. All right, everybody. This is The Jonathan Kogan Show. Number one, a political podcast in the world. No biases, just truth. No agenda, just truth. Who would have thought in 2023, there'd be a huge market for just telling the truth, but there is so be it got a few things. We got to go over some very, very important things. But I just want to say, I'm so thankful to be with you today. I appreciate it. If you're new, please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show podcast, wherever you get your podcasts and subscribe to the YouTube and Rumble channels and also Twitter at K O G Z. And now let's kick it off. First thing, cluster bombs, cluster bombs. So cluster bombs. All right. Cluster bombs. They're banned everywhere. They're only evil people do it. It's so wrong. Oh my God. It's so bad. Well, you know what? We should probably send it to Ukraine. It's probably a good idea. But what about World War III? Yeah, whatever. That's good for the military industrial complex. That's good money, baby. World War III is fantastic. We want to ramp it up, baby. Oh my goodness gracious. This is just crazy. All right. And then listen, I respect Jason Kallek on all in podcasts, but he says, oh, so let me get this straight. Some tweet like, let me get this straight. So Russia can use illegal cluster bombs, all this stuff, and then we can't send it to Ukraine. It's like, that is horrible logic. So you're saying like China can suppress their people and put the Uyghurs in concentration camps, death camps, or like, you know, work camps, where they work to death basically. Well, we can't do that here in the United States. Like, what are you talking about? You can't use that logic, my man. Come on, Jason, come on. Listen, cluster bombs is bad. And I wanna go through why it's bad. We're gonna go through some history. All right, we are going to go through some history of cluster munition is the proper term, but we call it in the East or East. What the hell am I talking about? The West cluster bombs. I swear I'm part of the West. OK, I'm not an operative from the East. All right, here we go. A cluster munition is a form of airdropped or ground launch explosive weapon that releases or ejects smaller sub munitions. Ejects explosive bomblets that are designed to kill personnel and destroy vehicles other cluster munitions are designed to destroy Runways or electrical power transmission lines. All right now, let's get to something more recent Cluster munitions are prohibited for those nations that ratified the convention on cluster munitions adopted in Dublin Ireland in May 2008 so while the world economy was melting and you probably didn't know what was going on besides the fact that the world economy was melting. That was the great financial crisis. We saw we were part of those nations that signed this, that adopted this treaty. The convention entered into force and became binding international law upon ratifying states on August 1st, 2010, six months after being ratified by 30 states. As of February 10th, 2022, a total of 123 states have joined the convention as 110 states, parties and 13 signatories. All right. Now, why is it bad? We know in the history of how the Germans use it, this and that. But I'm sure you already assume that. And if you didn't assume that, well, now, you know. So let's get into why it's back. History of use. Let's go back to the Vietnam War. OK, the Vietnam War, by the way, talking about lying and saying the opposite is true, up is down, left is right. This person's winning the war and this person's losing the war. The Vietnam War was a lie. OK. The Pentagon paper's exposed the lie, right? Now we are playing deja vu all over again and we're doing the same thing. They're lying, okay, saying, oh, Ukraine's about to win and really they're getting crushed. This isn't a biased take. We just tell you the objective truth. It's uncomfortable. It'd be fantastic if Ukraine beat Russia in a day. That's what we want on this podcast. It'd be fantastic. But it's not happening, okay? So we just need to talk about the truth. So they're getting clobbered and out of desperate measures, we're willing to break international law. Now, why is it so bad? Here's an example why it's so bad. In Vietnam, during the Vietnam War, the US used cluster bombs and airstrikes against targets in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Of the two, listen to this, listen to this. And if I pronounce the provinces wrong, I'm sorry. I don't know these provinces, okay? So if you're in Vietnam, help me out. Just let me know, at KOGZ on Twitter. Of the 260 million cluster bomblets that rained down on Laos, did you hear that right? Okay, yes. 260 million cluster bomblets that rained down on Laos between 1964 and 1973, particularly on Zhangquan province, 80 million failed to explode. So there were 260 million, 80 million failed to explode. As of 2009, about 7,000 people have been injured or killed by explosives left from the Vietnam War era in Vietnam's Quang Tri province alone. Alone. So innocent civilians are dying from this ammunition, dying from these cluster munitions, these cluster bombs. From a Vietnam war from 1973, the latest people are still dying. 2009 they're dying today. This is a pro civilization podcast. I'm sorry that offends you. We're old school. We love humans. We're obsessed with humans. We are speciests. Okay. As they say. And we want the best for civilization and humanity. We're anti-war, we're anti-bombs, we're, you know, anti-killing others. We are pro lifting each other up, pro positivity, pro, you know, bringing human civilization to the next level. That sort of stuff. Great awakening, all that stuff. Not crimes against humanity. We're not about that life. Okay. That's Fauci, Bill Gates, all those people. They love that stuff. We don't do that. Okay. We do the opposite. It's the inverse. And that's why things get confusing. because there are still good people on this earth. So that's going on there. Now that's not, it goes so much deeper than this. Ready for this? We've already used these illegally before, okay? And without Congress approval, so like the South Lebanon conflict in 1978, according to US President Jimmy Carter, this use of cluster bombs violated the legal agreement between Israel and the US. because the weapons have been provided for defensive purposes against an attack on Israel. Israel also transferred American weapons to Saad Haddad's Lebanese militia, a violation of American law. Carter's administration prepared to notify Congress that American weapons were being used illegally, which would have resulted in military aid to Israel being cut off. The American Council in Jerusalem informed the Israeli government of their plans, and according to Carter, Prime Minister Begin said, that the operation was over. So, oh, you made me say, just say it's over. Okay, it's over. All right, no problem. I mean, the Western Sahara War, 1975, 1991, Soviet Afghan War. Now don't forget, it became illegal. We really signed the treaty in 2008, became active in 2010. So let's get more recent, shall we? In Iraq, remember the success of Iraq, how great and fantastic we liberated them. We gave them democracy, now there's just like. human slavery and people just selling other people's souls and it's just chaos. It's terrible. But we gave them democracy, baby. We gave them the best democracy ever. You know what that democracy is? Cluster munitions in your ass. That's what it is. I listen, I'm sorry. It's uncomfortable, but that's what we basically do. We put cluster munitions, we put it in your butt and then we go and it blows up. Okay. That's basically what we give to other countries. Okay. Anyways, Iraq, 1991, 2003, 2006. Oh wow. We have a lot of fun with Iraq. So 2003, 2006. United States and allies attacked Iraq with 13,000 cluster munitions, containing two million sub munitions during Operation Iraqi Freedom, you know, to liberate the people. Of course, spread democracy, you got to save democracy. In order to save democracy, you must subvert democracy. To save democracy, you must usher in a dictatorship. And if you really want a democracy, you need martial law, dictatorship and one party state. You know, you know the game now. If you're new, you'll catch on soon. At multiple times coalition forces use cluster munitions in residential areas and the country remains among the most contaminated to this day. Bomber is posing a threat to both US military personnel in the area and local civilians. So we're hurting our own people. Okay, we're hurting our own people. These are so dangerous because what happens is, is this massive bombing of a massive bomb that's dropped and then it spreads off into 5,000 little ones and then they're supposed to hit the ground and explode and then 4,000 of them don't. your pet, buddy, the gold retriever through the forest to take a dump. And you step on this thing like a landmine and not only does buddy loses legs, you lose your legs. You understand how this works? It's not good. This is an anti-peasant strategy. Anti. Okay. Anything that hurts the peasants we speak out on. We talk back, we push back and we try to get the right thing done, which is no cluster munitions. Listen, Russia shouldn't be using this either. I don't think they are, but we don't know. They might be, and if they are, they should be condemned for it. That is war crimes. We should lock up the country of Russia. They're terrible. But just because one country is doing something illegal doesn't mean you should also do something illegal, okay? If your adversary is killing children, you shouldn't say, you know what? We can kill more children. Like, come on, man. I wanna see sound of freedom, by the way. But that's for another day. So listen to how this ended. When these weapons were fired on Baghdad on April 7, 2003, many of the bomblets failed to explode on impact. afterward, some of them exploded when touched by civilians. USA Today reported that, quote, the Pentagon presented a misleading picture during the war of the extent to which cluster weapons were being used and of the civilian casualties that they were causing, close quote. On April 26, General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the US had caused only one civilian casualty. So let me give you the takeaway. from this little piece of information here. They constantly lie to you to think that these same crooks are telling you the truth in 2023 is like saying, you're gonna trust Ted Bundy to watch your kids at night. Okay? Or you want Ted Bundy to drive your wife to the movie theater to meet you. Okay? Ted Bundy was a serial killer who ate women. All right? What is going on here? These are the same crooks. It's the same group of people, man. or woman or whatever you are, it's the same thing. It's crazy. All of a sudden now they're being all truthful and stuff. You could see through the Psyop if you just look, baby. You just look, you could be freed. You could be part of this awakening, spiritually, metaphysically, physically, all of it. We want you to be here, but you gotta look through the Psyops of this corporate media. It's an enemy of the people. It's truly an enemy of the people. Then we got, then we used it after 2010. So we got Libya 2011. Syria 2012, we don't like to talk about Syria, do we? Ukraine 2014. I should read this little excerpt. This is from Wikipedia, by the way. Ukraine 2014, Human Rights Watch reported that, quote, Ukrainian government forces use cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city in early October 2014. Also, quote, circumstances indicate that anti-government forces might also have been responsible for the use of cluster munitions. So this is the same government. I mean, Ukraine, well, the anti-government became the government. So really it's both sides. So both are at a loss here. You're talking about really there's a Russian government that was democratically elected. The West overthrew that government, obviously, because that's what we do. We spread democracy by overthrowing democracy. Then that's that. Then it was used in, by the way, Saudi Arabian led intervention in Yemen, 2015 and 2022. How much do you even know about Yemen? Like if they change this whole narrative from Ukraine and said, we need to liberate Yemen, it's all about Yemen, put on your Yemen flag, all this stuff. People would do it. You could pick any Ukraine, just a random country of the world. Like if you're talking about it in terms of strategic geopolitical interests of the United States of America specifically. Like Ukraine, you could just pick anything. Pick Yemen, pick Ethiopia, pick... It doesn't matter. They could pick anything, put it over and over on the mainstream media and all their little, you know, their little so-called journalists, crooks, propaganda outlets, disinformation specialists, or expert on misinformation. You're, that means you're a deep state journalist, scum, Russian scum. Keith Olbermann. Oh my God. So yeah, and all you do is CIA and FBI talking points. All right, that's what these people do. They're not journalists, they're hacks. They're not even hacks. They're literally, it's amazing these people do it though because they're living in the very situation we are living in and yet they're willing to throw everything away. Throw the United States away, throw our freedoms away. For what, an extra what, like 100 grand, million dollars? Like what about your kids or your kid's kids or like your family, like you're still living in the country. Why do you wanna get rid of the country? Like people are willing to overthrow our entire quality of life for what? Like, why are you going along with these narratives? I don't get it. It's so confusing. So and then there's a whole section on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Obviously, they got to get there before you get there, if you know what I mean. And that's that. So. Point is simple. The punch line is we don't want to go to World War three. Yes, we're already in World War three. Yes. which is about to be absolutely insane. But no, we don't want that, do we? And if you want World War 3, I'm okay with that. But then go fight. Don't just cheer from your like office cubicle or at home on your laptop and say, Oh, World War 3 is great. And then someone else's kid goes over there and dies. Like participate. Okay. Participate. That's all I'm asking. All right. Just like the people who want to depopulate everybody. Well, participate. Okay. Please, please get on the table and participate. That's the end of the cluster bomb segment. Very important. All right. Big day today. Very, very big day today. The massive free speech case, which friend of the show, Jay Bhattacharya is, uh, one of the, uh, plaintiffs. And then you also got Aaron Cariati and a bunch of physicians, um, of how the government colluded illegally with social media sites to censor the speech of Americans against the law, total Orwellian, just the whole printout. of from this judge, it came on July 4th, the first issuing was so damning. It was unbelievable. And obviously it's not covered on the same channels that were illegally recruited or legally colluding with the government. Of course, they're not going to out themselves. In fact, they twist it and you look at the Washington Post is like, Oh, dangerous ruling is going to prevent stopping the spread of disinformation, which means the truth that goes against the narrative. Uh, but it was so damning and it was like unbelievable that this judge spoke the truth and was great and we all saw it And they go you cannot censor the speech of americans the government They have a the government cannot infringe on the first amendment of its own people Okay, you can't tell social media companies. You can't meet with them every tuesday Okay, and be like, hey censor joe schmo over here because we don't like his takes on vaccines or we don't like his take on the Ukraine war. No, no, we debate ideas. Okay, America's founded upon the idea on ideals. We discuss, we debate, we have open dialogue. That's why the first amendment is freedom of speech. All right, and she said, you can't do that. The judge said, you can't do that. That is unconstitutional and illegal. And it's very scary how far you overreached. And immediately when that ruling came in, what do you think the Biden administration did? Immediately, they appealed it. They appealed it to censor you. They literally put in an appeal right away to censor your ass. OK, they put an appeal saying, hey, we need to be able to censor the people to protect the people because they know the truth coming on. They need to control anyone who does the censoring is not a good person. OK, look at history. Please learn history. I'm begging you to learn history. People who censor speech are doing it because they want, they need to prevent other information from coming out. They're doing something wrong. It's not that hard to understand. Apparently it is for some, but it is what it is. We're getting there. So, um, they immediately put in a request to appeal it to say, well, you need, we need to censor the speech, right? Today it came out that the judge denied the appeal baby power to the people, baby. to the people. It was denied. The government's request for appeal for the injunction was denied, baby. Denied. They cannot meet with the social media companies for breakfast every Tuesday to talk about which Americans they want to deplatform and remove from society in the digital sphere because unconstitutional and illegal. That happened today, baby. Today. So very, very good day. Very, very good day. Very happy for Jay Bhattacharya. Very, very happy for you, man. Now, last little thing we got to get into this, this indictment case, this, this Mr. Luft, okay. So there's this guy who's on the run, who has a lot of info, allegedly on the Biden's, all right, doing some very illegal stuff and he's on the run cause they're probably trying to kill him and stuff, like typical stuff that goes on 2023, apparently, uh, and, uh, he put out a video and, uh, I'm going to play that video of what this guy says. And right after the video happened, which was only a couple of days that I was going to play it, but I had to investigate to see if it was legitimate. I can't just give you source information that is fraudulent. So I didn't play it the same day this came out, but I did watch it. But now I'm going to play it today. And after he posted this video that you're about to listen to, it's about 13 minutes. The DOJ is coming after him, coming after him for massive, massive allegations to shut him up because he has the goods. He has a lot of goods. on the ruling family right now that basically sold out the country, but that's not here or there. The purpose is, is that you go after the rule. Why are people protect? It's amazing. People are protecting. Like, let's just say that this family that's running the country sold out the country for that 30 million plus dollars and it's treason. You want to go down in history as protecting those very people? Like let's just let the truth come out, whatever it is. Let's just have a, you know, like a trial. Let's just see what happens. Let's look at the evidence. Let's not prevent the evidence from coming out. That's bizarre. It's almost like everything they accused the prior president of they're doing. It's like mind blowing. It's crazy. It's really crazy. So let's play the segment first. Oh, let me read the, uh, let's read the tweet for, from, from a can of coke with a great, and then I'll play the video. So this is what happened today. And then I'll play the video that he came out a couple of days ago. Can I go with a great on Twitter? Fantastic. Follow mandatory follow in a stunning twist. The Biden DOJ indicts Dr. Gal Luft, a Biden corruption whistleblower, for not registering as an agent of CEFC China Energy, while Hunter James and Sarah Biden simultaneously collected millions from CEFC China Energy without registering, also violating FARA. That's the foreign agent registration type deal. In a widely known text message from July, 2017, Hunter explicitly demanded payment from a CEFC executive stating, quote, I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father, close quote. Just 10 days after Hunter's threat, invoking his father's involvement, CEFC wired 5.1 million to bank accounts linked to the Biden family. This is the current president of the United States, the Bidens, this is crazy. Moreover, Yeh Jong-min, the chairman of CEFC, gifted Hunter a 3.16, carat diamond valued at approximately $80,000. In an email dated August 2017, Hunter mentioned that Yee Young Ming had agreed to pay him quote, 10 million per year for a three year guarantee totaling 30 million close quote, solely for providing introductions. What? What is going on here? What is going on? What is being paid for here? Is anyone else curious? I'm very curious. The current president is involved. with our biggest adversary and they're paying them 30 million just for what? Nothing for friendship. Come on, man. This is wild. So that's something Biden was like, come on, man. I'm not joking, folks. I'm not joking. Subsequently, in a November 2017 email, Hunter and CEFC collaborated on plans to sell US natural gas to China, as outlined in a Mandarin translated PowerPoint presentation titled, quote, overview of the US Nash. Oh, my God. Overview of the US natural gas. industry chain, closed quote, featuring detailed topographical maps of U.S. natural gas reserves with annotations in Mandarin. Oh, my God. Did they like give away secrets of all of our locations where everything is? This is like what is going on here? Maybe it's not. Maybe I'm looking too far into it. But why would someone give 30 million to a ruling family, a powerful political family for nothing? I imagine they're on the hook for something. Hunter wrote, quote. I hope that you have received the information I sent regarding the LNG liquid natural liquefied natural gas opportunities in the state of Louisiana. The proposal I've shared with you has the added benefit of being good for both the United States and China simultaneously." Reports suggest that Joe Biden was set to receive 10% of the CEFC China energy deal, referred to as the quote 10% held by H Hunter for the big guy. Perala Joe Biden close quote, a claim later confirmed by Hunter's business partner, Tony Bobulinski, which I've seen videos of while the Biden justin justice department accuses Dr. Gal Luft of far of violations on behalf of CFC China energy. It conveniently overlooks the far more egregious far of violations committed by the Biden family in connection with the CFC China energy. And he's got pictures with all these documents. Unbelievable. So he's got pictures of Of uh the allegations against gal that they that doj just Uh filed here's the powerpoint a picture of every location of where we have our natural resources with mandarin outlines Here's the care they show the uh, 3.16. Carat color f clarity v cut is excellent That's 80 000 diamond he got for friendship and then here's the actual text hunter biden text to henry zhal I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. And Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this, other than you, Zeng or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. Hunter Biden says, I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. Oh my goodness gracious. This is probably not good. These people are running the country, but maybe it is. Maybe it's very good. Who knows? So let's play the video from Luft and then let's see why he was indicted. He was indicted right after this video was released and he's currently on the run, but he released this video. Gotta love the internet, right? All right. Here we go. Here we go. So there's a minute left, but I'm going to stop it there. So this is how empires end. You, what happens is at the end of civilizations, there's peak corruption. Every part of civilization society and the government ruling class is corrupted. To like, everybody knows that they're corrupted. They know, we know they're corrupted. You know, the little quote there, they know, we know, they know, they know, they know, everybody knows. Okay. The crowds are so bad and everything sold out and then boom, civilization starts collapsing. That's where we're at, baby. That's where we're at. I mean, whether you like it or not, it's not about liking things about where we're at as a society. This is peak corruption. We potentially even have a sitting president that has committed treason and or sold out the country for money. That is a decent probability and rather much more high than I would like. Okay. Much more either like it is very, it is, there is a probability that is not zero. that the sitting president of the United States has sold out the country. The most powerful family right now has sold out the country and that is the current president. And people are going along with this thing. Say, Oh, it's fantastic. Oh my God. Everything's so great. Oh my God. He's the best president of all time. It's like George Washington plus Thomas Jefferson plus Abraham Lincoln plus everybody. Oh my God. No one's ever been this bold and leadership is unbelievable. What are you out of your mind? Like what? What? What are you talking about? At least just say, okay, things are good or like he's all right. People are out there saying this is the best president vice president we've ever had ever. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. These people had nothing. Franklin, you could do FDR, whatever you want, whatever your cup of tea is. All of them combined is nothing on Joe Biden. Like you are. It's just totally brainwash, okay? If you are just apolitical and objective, you'd be like, okay, everything's upside down. We are at peak corruption. Everybody knows this is like the most ridiculous corruption of all time, and yet the people pointing out the corruption are the ones that are being gone after. People are going after the people pointing out the corruption. So if you point out wrongdoing, you'll probably end up behind bars. That is literally peak corruption. That's where we're at. That's where we are at. Someone's got to call it out. Someone's got to do the right thing. That's what we're here for. Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. So that is how, so now that guy is being persecuted by the DOJ. You see what happens? You do something for your country. And if the ruling, man, there is a decent shot that the binds have committed treason. That is unreal. I mean, first of all, accusing a sitting president of colluding with an adversary like Russia and. for three years just saying Russia, and then impeaching him for that. And it's not true. And it was a dossier that was made by the person he ran against in 2016, Hillary Clinton. And then the FBI knew that and still persecuted it. And it was totally false. That's basically treason. I don't know how that's not treason. A sitting president in the United States, and this isn't in defense of Republicans. I'm not political. I'm just saying that is ludicrous. Any sitting president being accused of being a puppet. of the foreign regime, in that case Putin, and all of that was totally made up from Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party's push to the FBI, and they knew that the whole time. They knew that. And they still went after it for years. And Rachel Maddow devoted her entire career to Russia, and her fans, Russia, and her fans, and it wasn't true. That's treasonous. My God. That is like, that's nuts. No one got in trouble though, and that's why they're doing it again. Now they're doing it from the top position. Now they're the president. And now the thing they accused that person of doing is probably committing treason against the biggest adversary, China. I mean, it's unbelievable. This is unbelievable. It's like talk about peak corruption. It's possible at the end of civilization where we can turn the ship around with our brothers and sisters, point out the corruption, get out of the centralized system, start building your community, start getting out of the centralized financial order, all that stuff, because this stuff's breaking down, baby. It's breaking down in front of your eyes. It's time to be set free. This is John the Coke and show subscribe podcast. I'm done for today. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.