Fashion Designers Get Paid: Build Your Fashion Career On Your Own Terms

Should freelance fashion designers attend a sourcing trade show?

Let's go straight to the source with the vice president of the largest sourcing trade show in North America to get the answer and insider tips to make the most of your trade show experience.  Andreu David is the vice president of Sourcing at Magic is here to help find the perfect vendors and suppliers for your freelance clients or your own fashion brand, And so much more.

As the Vice President of SOURCING at MAGIC for Informa Markets Fashion, Andreu spearheads a team renowned for hosting the largest sourcing trade show in North America. In addition, with over 20 years of experience in the fashion industry, Andreu is the CEO and Creative Director of his own brand, provides consultation services to fellow entrepreneurs with his company, Brand Design Architects, and teaches fashion design and business at Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles. After matriculating with a BS in Marketing from the University of Southern California and a BFA in Fashion Design from Parsons School of Design, he began his career with a design apprenticeship at Hermès in Paris, France, subsequently held long-term senior management design roles at Double RL Ralph Lauren and Banana Republic and led as Creative Director of a startup brand in New York.

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What is Fashion Designers Get Paid: Build Your Fashion Career On Your Own Terms?

This is a show for burnt-out fashion designers (and TDs, PDs, patternmakers and beyond) who want more flexibility while still doing work they love. As a freelance fashion designer, you can build your fashion career on your own terms. Freelancing in fashion is the only way to get freedom in your day (instead of being tied to a desk). Whether you want to earn extra money on the side, fund your fashion brand, or replace your salary, the FDGP podcast will help you get there. Listen in for actionable tips and strategies to kickstart or grow your career as a freelance fashion designer, build your confidence, and create the life you want. Hosted by $100k+ fashion freelancer Sew Heidi, the show features interviews and strategy sessions with successful freelance fashion designers from around the world who've ditched toxic fashion jobs and taken control of their own destinies. This is the only place to get REAL insights from REAL freelancers who have built REAL careers on their own terms. (Formerly the Successful Fashion Freelancer podcast.)

Heidi [00:00:00]:
Should freelance fashion designers attend a sourcing trade show? And if so, how do you make the most of an event like that? How do you research vendors in advance? What questions should you be asking, and how do you know if you can really trust them? My guest today is Andrew David, vice president of Sourcing at Magic, the largest sourcing trade show in North America. He shares all the insider tips on how you can make the most of sourcing at Magic so you can find the perfect vendors and suppliers for your freelance clients or your own fashion brand, And so much more. Oh, and if you're wondering if you need some special industry qualifications to get into sourcing at Magic, Spoiler alert, you do not, and it is totally free to attend. Their next upcoming event is February 13th through 15th in Las Vegas. So check it out and get registered if you're interested. Let's get into this episode of fashion designers get paid. You're going to love it. Alright.

Heidi [00:00:50]:
Welcome, Andrew, to the podcast. Quickly, can you let us know who you are and what you do in the fashion industry?

Andreu David [00:00:57]:
Thanks. Thanks for having me join. My name is Andrew David. I am the vice president of sourcing at Magic. It's a biannual trade show that we'd have in Las Vegas, on just sourcing, meeting manufacturers, networking, and all your suppliers for companies, enterprises of all sizes, and most of who come are actually brands who are just starting, looking for, a network of people to help them build their, enterprise. I and just a little bit about myself, I am, a designer at heart. I, was in industry for about 20 plus years. Started out as a designer, graduated Parsons School of Design.

Andreu David [00:01:42]:
So worked with brands like Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, and then headed up a men's start up brand as well, and Then have done some consulting on-site. So I know this business quite pretty deeply, throughout. And so that's where it really leads me to Be, leading sourcing at Magic because I'm allowed to be able to that I've had throughout my career onto those who attend.

Heidi [00:02:12]:
Okay. Awesome. Yeah. You do have quite the breadth of Experience spanning all different facets of the industry, which is amazing. So, I as I mentioned to you a little bit before, A lot of people in our audience are working in a freelance capacity, and they are getting the opportunity with some of their clients to do sourcing? And because of their maybe no previous experience in the industry professionally or perhaps Working in a big brand where they were not responsible for sourcing, they're a little bit like a deer in headlights like, oh, how do I actually do this? And so I wanted to have you talk a little bit about, like, How a freelancer can make the most of a sourcing trade show? So so first of all, to set the stage, like, can you paint, like, a visual picture of what sourcing of magic looks like? Like, how does this feel? Like, if I were to go in real life, like, what what is it what is the experience like?

Andreu David [00:03:06]:
So, I like to think of, our event as sort of a free. The last few years of what we've been through, and I don't wanna say, though, that though that word. No one wants to speak of it ever again.

Heidi [00:03:19]:
March 2020?

Andreu David [00:03:20]:
Yeah. Yep. Pre 2020 And then, post. And and really has transformed and and really what why I bring that up is, Since I've taken over the event, and leading it, it I've transformed it in a way where it becomes it's much more user friendly, I would say. It's it's easier to Find the things that you need because, me having been a buyer myself, and so I see it through that lens. And the way we have, merchandised the floor is of of the event is we've now created neighborhoods and communities. And so one of them, which I'm most proud of and I'm passionate about is the sustainability community. And so it everything and anything that you need to know, from education as well as, some activations and experiences that you would get and even nonprofits.

Andreu David [00:04:10]:
We have, Created this community neighborhood on the show floor where it is a destination. So if you anything and everything sustainable, even the exhibitors who have been verified by us, so you can go and under and have that comfort in knowing that, you know, when you approach an exhibitor and they say they are sustainable, they truly are because we've actually gone through the verification process with them to

Heidi [00:04:31]:
make sure validate that.

Andreu David [00:04:33]:
That's great. Their satisfaction of that. But the so what to expect when you come to a sourcing, the sourcing of that? Well, it's quite large. It is overwhelming, I'll say. Yeah. This last event that we had in August was I don't know if we in square footage, it was 200 1,000 square feet, which is about 16, yeah, 1600 exhibitors from across the globe. And so it's a bit daunting when you walk into the event. Yeah.

Andreu David [00:04:58]:
And and but, luckily, as I mentioned, we do merchandise it in a way so it becomes more user friendly. And so, 1st order of business, I would say, is is a newbie. I call them my newbies. Yeah. Those who are new to sourcing, is The first thing to think about is what is your price point. Right? What is the price point? And number 2 is what is the, Order quantity. Sorry. The minimum that

Heidi [00:05:22]:
MOQs. Yeah.

Andreu David [00:05:23]:
Order the MOQs. So those are the 2 most important, and then that will define Where you go on the show floor and who you will go and speak to. Because of that certain because we merchandise the floor in terms of countries In regions. So countries and regions. And each country and region has their own specialty as well as their minimums that you need to hit And, also price points.

Heidi [00:05:46]:
Okay. So it sounds like I'm gonna wanna pro like, I'm gonna pretend I'm the freelancer here, right, going to do my Sourcing show for the 1st time. Sounds like I'm likely gonna wanna do some research in advance to plan out, okay, like, where am I gonna go? Are there some specific vendors that I wanna talk to? How do I do that that sort of pregame process to be prepared?

Andreu David [00:06:09]:
I would say so. Yes. And, luckily, we give and provide that with Sourcing Imagine. We do provide those tools. Okay. Lots of education and education on-site as well For those who really you know, you come in and you're just, I don't know where to go. And I honestly, I don't even know what price point or what my MOQ would be. We provide that kind of education on the floor, and in terms of our, educational lineup offering.

Andreu David [00:06:32]:
Okay. So we have a schedule of All these sessions that we do, and we really educate and train, those who have no you know, are looking for information, we provide that. As well as any preshow, we provide our lists of our exhibitors, on on our website, and then we have our buyer relations team Who you can contact at any time. You can reach them by phone or by email, and we have that support for you as well.

Heidi [00:07:00]:

Andreu David [00:07:01]:
They really You have to have guidance. You'll get some guidance from them as well. You know? That's the kind of service that we provide with our event.

Heidi [00:07:09]:
Okay. So I could literally call up or email your buyer relations team and say, Alright. I'm coming for the 1st time. I've got 3 clients. This is kind of what I'm looking for. Like, can you kinda point me in the right direction?

Andreu David [00:07:23]:
A 100%. Absolutely. Yeah.

Heidi [00:07:25]:
It's like concierge service over there.

Andreu David [00:07:27]:
We do think of it that as that. And in depending on the level of your your company, and, you know, in terms of your, status in buying power

Heidi [00:07:38]:

Andreu David [00:07:38]:
We even offer, Total white glove where it's VIP service. Sure. You get on a list, and then we it's very concentrated. You get on a specific, A member, like, list where we we really treat you, with high concierge service.

Heidi [00:07:56]:
Okay. But if not, if I don't have that buying power, I can still get pointed in the right direction and

Andreu David [00:08:00]:
still get

Heidi [00:08:01]:
some, like, hands on support.

Andreu David [00:08:02]:
Yeah. We we treat everyone the same. You know, anyone who comes to our doors, Any, attendees are just as important whether they have 1,000,000 of dollars to spend Sure. Or just a few 1,000. Yeah. Us, it it's really not you know? To us, what the value is is getting information and education to our, to members of our industry. Mhmm. And, and just for me, this is my lifeblood.

Andreu David [00:08:27]:
This has been Yeah. This is my life, and To give service back to it to those who are entering. We you know, for me, it's just a joy to continue this business. I love this industry. I love the fashion industry. And so, you Yeah. Just to have and be able to provide that service to anyone who is entering. We gotta keep this industry, vibrant.

Andreu David [00:08:46]:

Heidi [00:08:46]:
Yeah. For sure. For sure. Okay. So I can call and get some support, and then I'll get some type of an idea of maybe, like, these are the 10, 20, 30 vendors that I wanna go and connect with once I'm physically there. Once I'm there, do how does this do I just, like, walk up to the booth? Do I set an appointment? And then, like, from there, I have all sorts of questions on, like, what am I Actually asking them I'm I'm really sort of coming in green here.

Andreu David [00:09:16]:
Yeah. It works both ways, and it also depends on the size of the company that you're going to meet with. Sure. Some who who have and did do buy appointments, but a lot, I would say, pretty much the majority are walk in. Okay. You know? Every is a walk in. You know, sourcing at Magic is a very much a discovery show. You walk and you discover.

Heidi [00:09:37]:

Andreu David [00:09:37]:
And there is so much to see, so many people to meet, And especially being someone who's new to this sourcing world, it's great to walk the entire show and really get to know it and understand it

Heidi [00:09:49]:

Andreu David [00:09:50]:
So that, you know, you educate yourself and then be able, to be prepared for the next time. Yeah. Because I'm sure it's not going to the 1st and only time you'll Attend sourcing at Magic. You'll come in quite often, and our events are twice a year, so in February August.

Heidi [00:10:04]:

Andreu David [00:10:04]:
And we have just now added our New York So so that happens in September.

Heidi [00:10:09]:
Okay. So twice here in Vegas, once in New York.

Andreu David [00:10:12]:
In September.

Heidi [00:10:13]:
They or yeah. Okay. In New York. Are they 3 or 4 days? How long are they?

Andreu David [00:10:18]:
They are 3 days. 3 days? 3 days each. Yes.

Heidi [00:10:21]:
Okay. Okay. So once I've identified the vendors that I wanna talk to and and you said I'm gonna find vendors for trims, textiles, Production,

Andreu David [00:10:33]:
everything. Above. Everything. So sourcing is you think about it. Anything and everything that's going to help support your business.

Heidi [00:10:40]:

Andreu David [00:10:41]:
So we we even have fashion technology, so any apps or, platforms that can help support and streamline your Inventory or your product management. So that's we have that available to you. Okay. We have what we call Manufactured owned brands. So these are companies who have ready made goods ready to ship, and all you have to do is put your label on it.

Heidi [00:11:03]:
Put your label

Andreu David [00:11:05]:
And so that's there for you. We also consider private label, white label, and and all types of manufacturers from all over the world. We have about 30 plus countries that, come to our event and join in participate.

Heidi [00:11:18]:

Andreu David [00:11:19]:
The biggest one, of course, being China. Sure. However, we, we have India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Colombia. Yeah. Sometime we have Brazil and, In parts of Europe, so there's so much, and really getting to know the nuances with each country. And every country has a specialty of what What type of product they do best. Yeah. And and, really, as a sourcing person, it really behooves you to know The the intricacies and the nuances within each of those countries and who specializes in it.

Andreu David [00:11:51]:
And that is how you develop beautiful product is knowing where to do it.

Heidi [00:11:55]:
Yeah. So do you guys have some resources on that? Like, okay. If you're looking for cotton versus poly versus, you know, whatever, some resources on, like, okay. You might wanna think about these countries.

Andreu David [00:12:08]:
Absolutely. Absolutely. We have educational sessions that we provide that kind of information. Okay. Also, they're right when you walk into our hall, there's a what we call the resource center.

Heidi [00:12:18]:

Andreu David [00:12:18]:
And you can ask your questions there with my staff There. There's a staff there that who so you can just ask anything. And, actually, they'll direct you on where to go

Heidi [00:12:27]:
Okay. Great.

Andreu David [00:12:27]:
Go see, make suggestions, all of that. Yes.

Heidi [00:12:30]:
So It's okay if I show up feeling totally clueless. Like, I kinda know what I want, but I have no idea what the heck I'm doing. It's okay.

Andreu David [00:12:36]:
I'll tell you a 100 to a 100% of the people who attend our show are that, actually.

Heidi [00:12:42]:
Good. That feels like a big relief. Yeah.

Andreu David [00:12:44]:
No. You you would not be alone. You're Yeah. That way.

Heidi [00:12:47]:
Okay. Wonderful. How much representation from the US?

Andreu David [00:12:52]:
The the US is about I would say content. It varies. It runs from, About 10 to 20 booths. It depends on the season. Okay.

Heidi [00:13:01]:
But a handful of of, opportunities. Okay.

Andreu David [00:13:04]:
And we do make sure that this is made in USA. Right? K. Mhmm. USA. Because there are companies who have representation of the US Mhmm. And not manufacture in the US. Right. So that that that's a difference as well.

Andreu David [00:13:17]:

Heidi [00:13:18]:

Andreu David [00:13:18]:
We make sure we when we say USA, that they truly are. Yeah. Everything is manufactured here in the in the US.

Heidi [00:13:24]:
Okay. So I know you said you vetted the sustainable suppliers as well. It sounds like you're vetting your US suppliers. Yeah. Is it a pretty High bar to get into Sourcing It Magic to be a vendor?

Andreu David [00:13:40]:
I wouldn't say a high bar. It's just we do review Everybody, we wanna make sure that, you know, we are providing the best of the best on our on our floor. Yeah. You know, of course, with 1600 exhibitors, we can't That every single one

Heidi [00:13:55]:
of them. Sure.

Andreu David [00:13:56]:
But the ones that are, I would say, the important categories like sustainability Mhmm. USA, near shoring Americas, which is another, that's a catchphrase that has been been thrown around and and becoming very relevant in terms of sustainability. Yeah. Those, we do look at, and we do know who those exhibitors are.

Heidi [00:14:16]:
Okay. So sort of like at the grocery store, if something's labeled organic, like, there are certain standards for certain labels.

Andreu David [00:14:22]:
Exactly. Exactly. Right? Okay. You can't verify every single thing in the gross every single product in a grocery store. But the ones that are making claims, we do make sure that

Heidi [00:14:32]:
that is. Yes. Okay. Wonderful. Because one of my questions was, You know, I'm going in there, and and I'm ultimately going to be connecting one of my clients with the supplier on whatever level. Right? Whether it's for the raw materials or whether it's for the production? And that as a as a freelancer, that could feel a little bit Scary. Right? Like, I don't know this factory. I've never worked with them before.

Heidi [00:15:01]:
Like, what do you suggest Are some good ways that the freelancer could that the supplier that they're talking to to make Sure they feel good about making that introduction and going through the process.

Andreu David [00:15:16]:
My advice would be is Meet the exhibitor or the supplier first before you introduce them to the client. Mhmm. I would not do it right off the bat. It'd be happy the 1st meeting. Sure. Now if you're traveling with your client, you don't have much of a choice. Sure. But at the same time, your client will need to make that sort of comfort feeling with that, supplier as well on their own.

Andreu David [00:15:37]:
Yeah. I get this question asked quite a lot, Heidi, is how do I how do I trust, who I'm getting you know, building up a relationship with, with a new manufacturer, a new supplier. How do I know? How do I vet them. And I say, you know, you can never be a 100%, but when you meet someone in person, they are less likely to be dishonest with you.

Heidi [00:16:02]:

Andreu David [00:16:03]:
And so when you're working with a factory, you know, there are a lot of sites out there, especially online, where you can Sure. And then start development with them. Never see them face to face. You're just sending products and and information across the, You know, Internet and and even, you know, mailing things to them and and all of that stuff. But but I've heard so many horror stories where I sent them this, I gave them this amount of money, and I never got anything back.

Heidi [00:16:32]:

Andreu David [00:16:32]:
And my my thing to that is I see as my products and my brand because it's it's very special to me. Like, especially when I'm a a new entrepreneur, Everything that I'm doing is so I treasure, and I it's so special to me. It's almost like I consider them my baby. So I would not give my baby to a stranger. Yeah. And so I my advice is always get to know who you are, Working with. If you hand travel there and even internationally, Go and visit them, and go and visit them face to face. Get to see their operations, especially nowadays where, ethical practices and transparency is important.

Andreu David [00:17:17]:
Is important. With new brands, you need to know and make sure that and feel comfortable because there is nothing that replaces your gut feeling. Totally. Right? And so definitely make the effort. Set aside some dollars and budgets to go and travel and visit these, these, companies so you can vet them yourself? Because someone can say, you know, I've worked with them, but you won't know that until for your own experience, that, they are good for you? Right? It's very individualistic, I would say.

Heidi [00:17:49]:
Yeah. For sure. For sure. Those are some great tips. And, yeah, At the end of the day, nothing is guaranteed. Things can go south. Right. But, meeting in person and going with your gut is, like, a huge step ahead of, Going with someone who is sending cold p pitches to your LinkedIn account, which is copy paste.

Andreu David [00:18:07]:

Heidi [00:18:07]:
We all know how many of those come out.

Andreu David [00:18:09]:
And another word of advice is another one where because I've had the same experience as well and just throughout my career is, you know, You're developing a certain type of product. Say, for example, I am designing a an outerwear jacket or or swimwear. Let's do swimwear. Okay. Because I've gone actually gone through this experience.

Heidi [00:18:27]:
Okay. So,

Andreu David [00:18:28]:
so I'm developing a swimwear product, and I go to over to a manufacturer and I say, oh, I'm I mean, I do I design swimwear. I'm doing swimwear product. Do you do this type of product? And if they cannot present me a Actual swimwear piece that they've sewn and produced themselves and they show you other types of product and say, yes. We can do that. That's a red flag.

Heidi [00:18:53]:
Not a good match. Yeah.

Andreu David [00:18:54]:
Right. Because there's certain capabilities in terms of sewing machinery, and there's things that are involved within a factory setup on whether or not they can do a certain type of product. So just be weary of those who say and they're showing they have outerwear in their boots, And then they say they can do swimwear. Just be weary of that, I would say. Because most more than likely, they probably don't do that product, and they're just wanting your business. That's all.

Heidi [00:19:18]:
Yeah. Go to a factory that has swimwear in their booth.

Andreu David [00:19:22]:

Heidi [00:19:23]:
Speaking of, what are some questions that I should be asking the various suppliers from, you know, maybe the raw material suppliers to the actual manufacturer? So, you know, I I've I I know where I'm going in the trade show. I've got my boost. I'm just showing up, and then I'm like, hi. Can you help me with this project?

Andreu David [00:19:43]:
Right. I mean, the 1st order of business, always a question is, what's your MOQ? Mhmm. What's your price point? How much does something cost? But Yep. Most likely, they're going to wanna know what are you producing. And then, important is where do you ship from? Like, what is the country of origin? Those are 3 main questions. And once you've gotten that, then you can get into the next step. Right? Next 1 another question you would ask is lead time. How long will it take you to make this product? And then if you get further than that, you start, speaking about the actual process in terms of prototyping and all that, what's what's the actual process that they they do And what they would support.

Andreu David [00:20:27]:
Because some will support you with pattern work and prototypes

Heidi [00:20:31]:

Andreu David [00:20:32]:
And some won't. Some will actually Charge you for every single thing, or you may actually would have to work with someone else to do it.

Heidi [00:20:38]:
Right. And bring your production ready patterns.

Andreu David [00:20:41]:

Heidi [00:20:42]:
Yeah. What about for, like, raw materials? Because I know that, I mean, when I was freelancing, I went to some sourcing shows. And, at some point, the freelancer wants to sort of build up a library of, you know, Textiles and maybe even trims and packaging and that sort of thing that they have available to share with their clients, or just even look through for you know, here's some places we could start, and I've got these swatch cards, right, or these headers. What Can I go in expecting to gather some raw, you know, samples that I can build out a library? Or, like, what does that look

Andreu David [00:21:26]:
like? With with textiles and materials or raw materials, it's always best to have a sample or an idea of an inspiration in mind, right, rather than be a garment or a piece of a fabric Mhmm. Or a tangible piece. Because what always is going to happen is that that mill or, supplier, they're going to ask you, what do you what is it that you're looking for? And so if you can give them a direction of what it is, the better. Because what's what they'll end up doing is taking that, piece, and then what we do is called counter Sample. And so they send you something similar or close to it. Right? Mhmm. There there will come a time where You know? Or there might be a time where then you'll go what we call development, and whereas they don't have something Similar or they don't have anything similar to what it is that you're looking for Mhmm. So then they will develop it for you.

Andreu David [00:22:21]:
Now that's when you start incurring costs When when it's they're basically creating something from scratch.

Heidi [00:22:26]:
Yeah. And higher MOQs. Yeah.

Andreu David [00:22:28]:
Right. M o high MOQs, molds. Yeah. Muljares or zipper pulls and stuff. Yeah. There's lots of those. Yeah. And so the best is to actually just buy something or, you know, Purchase something that is similar and maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but it's very similar and will operate or react in the same way.

Heidi [00:22:46]:
Yeah. Okay. So if I'm going in and I've got some swatches or even a physical garment or some Trim references or something. Bring those in a suitcase or bag and bring that around with me so I have something to show as a reference point.

Andreu David [00:23:02]:
That's a definitely rule of thumb. And same thing with, garment manufacturing. If you're looking for a partner to manufacture your products, definitely bring a garment, a sample Of not only the style, but also the construction, the way you want it sewn Mhmm. And the quality that you're looking for. Because every country does a different different, level of quality. Right? And so some countries, do a better, sewing and much more elevated quality than others.

Heidi [00:23:33]:

Andreu David [00:23:33]:
So it's very important to get that point across when you're meeting with the The suppliers.

Heidi [00:23:38]:
Okay. Okay. And so back to the, like, the the fabric swatches and stuff? Like, if if I kinda wanted to build out a library like that, can I go expecting to, like, collect a bunch of header cards that I can build out a library, or is this something that I might get afterwards? Yeah. Answer. I'm just asking. Yeah.

Andreu David [00:23:57]:
Yeah. No. You could definitely do that. I mean, that isn't really the objective for most of these, suppliers. They Yeah. They're not really about to send you all their collection of cards. Yeah. But you do end up doing that over time because you do ask for headers And samples that you like, and then you end up collecting them.

Andreu David [00:24:14]:
God knows. I have so much in in

Heidi [00:24:16]:
mind. Right. Yes. You're gonna take it to the library.

Andreu David [00:24:20]:
Yeah. I have a and I have have my own library of credit cards, and and, you know, it's like, Andrew, why do you need this? But I'll you know, I love this fabric. And one day, you know, I'm going to end up Wanting to either use it for and develop it or even contact the mill that it came from Mhmm. Be able to use it then. So, Yeah. No. You end up building library on your own, but going into sourcing, think that you're going to be able to build a library. I would I wouldn't say that that would be the objective.

Andreu David [00:24:46]:
The objective is really looking for what it is that you're hoping to build, and create. And then, you know, by sort of, You know, as a secondary, then you build your library.

Heidi [00:24:59]:
Yeah. Okay. So do you think that it makes sense to go to sourcing at Magic or some type of sourcing show if I don't have a specific client and a specific need at that exact moment in time? Like, does it make sense to go just in advance to learn or something?

Andreu David [00:25:18]:
That's just kind of a a that that's a a question that you're asking me. Of course, I'm gonna say yes. Definitely come come come to Source Like Imagine. No. No. On a serious note, definitely, I think, even I say the more you know, the more especially if you're new to this business, Yeah.

Heidi [00:25:37]:
The more

Andreu David [00:25:38]:
you can get yourself, acquainted with what the sourcing business is, the stronger you will be. Mhmm. And I think the stronger you will be for your clients as well, because you'll be able to answer questions right off the bat. You you know, there's in in gaining and as I mentioned, our show is definitely about, education and information. Yeah. So you any event or any edition that you come to, you won't lose out. Yeah. There's so much to see, so much to learn, and and so much to explore, really.

Andreu David [00:26:06]:
Yeah. At every event, we try to make it a little slightly a little bit different than the other in terms of our educational lineup And, the even you know, we are not only sourcing happens at, in Las Vegas that time, We also have magic and project going on. Yeah. And there are many parties and performers, happening throughout the whole, time we're there. So it's a it's great fun. It's a great industry. I call it a industry event. It's Totally.

Andreu David [00:26:35]:
Anyone and everyone in fashion is there at one location At the same time. So Yeah. It's very inspirational on that point as well. You get to be around others like you.

Heidi [00:26:45]:
Yeah. So Talk a little bit about that educational component. Because for someone who's maybe never been to, like, a trade show or some type of bigger conference, I know there's, like, panels and speakers and all sorts of things that you can go to, maybe even, like, breakout sessions. Right? Can you talk a little bit more beyond, you know, visiting with the exhibitors themselves, some of the educational components?

Andreu David [00:27:09]:
Yeah. So with sourcing specifically, Because we as I mentioned, we have magic and project, which are based on, wholesale and the retail business Mhmm. And the buying buying, industry. So but with sourcing, What we have done is actually, segment our education into levels or different Types of what it is and depending on who the audience is.

Heidi [00:27:33]:

Andreu David [00:27:34]:
And so we have education, as I mentioned, for sustainability minded people, those who are, Developing their brands on just a sustainable platform. Like Mhmm. All everything and everything's sustainable. So we have an education, line up just for that. You know? Anything about circularity and about getting what it means to be sustainable even And how to start building a brand on that journey to sustainability. Then we have educational lineup, which is based on just entrepreneurism, So anything that is about, you know, how to merchandise or how to set price points, how to do costing, even IP protection, so intellectual property protection, trade, information, US trade information, we have that. Then we have a, couple of, education sessions that are just on sourcing alone. We call it sourcing 101 and then sourcing 102.

Heidi [00:28:36]:
Yeah. So

Andreu David [00:28:37]:
it's like, you know, this education of how to do it and what to look for And right what the right questions are and what do you really need? We go into tech packing. We go into all these other, That's facets of what product development and sourcing is about. And, what we call is there's an entrepreneur main stage, So that's where a lot of it happens. And then there's a, what we call the social good lounge, which is where the sustainability happens. And then I'm proud to say that we added now a fashion technology area where you can learn about all the different Techno technology platforms that are available to you, and each of these companies are actually pitching and telling you about their platforms in a in a designated area on the So these are the 3 main staples. We call it the pillars of the event Yeah. Educate that we provide education to. It's, Fashion entrepreneurship, sustainability, and fashion technology.

Heidi [00:29:35]:
Wow. What a breadth of knowledge to grab.

Andreu David [00:29:39]:
Yeah. And to your question is, why would I need to come? Well, I I mean, you have 3 days to do it, and sometimes that those 3 days is not enough. And, actually, what our what our, attendees always find is like, god. I I wanna sit all day in these sessions, But then I don't have time to be on the floor.

Heidi [00:29:59]:
Go actually do the sourcing. Yeah.

Andreu David [00:30:01]:
And then vice versa. I have to spend all my time on the floor. Mhmm. How do I sit in on these On education sessions. So Yeah. There's so much to do, and I that's why I'm saying you know, it's it's you you won't disappoint it. Be disappointed when you come. There's so much, Yeah.

Andreu David [00:30:17]:
Involved. Yeah.

Heidi [00:30:18]:
Speaking of attending, do I need to be someone special? Like, can I just be a regular person and register and buy a ticket? Or, like, how does the registration work? I know some trade shows are, like, hard to get into, especially if it comes to, like, the wholesale, right, buying and that sort of thing. Right. So what are the qualifications here?

Andreu David [00:30:35]:
Well, you're right. For matching a project, you do have to be a retailer, so that is a criteria. And you have to show proof of being a retailer For those for them. But for sourcing, it's open to everybody.

Heidi [00:30:46]:

Andreu David [00:30:47]:
We have only 1 criteria that you have to show proof that you are actually part of the fashion industry.

Heidi [00:30:52]:
How do you show that?

Andreu David [00:30:54]:
With a business card or some of that sort that you are a part in, but we don't really say no to Anyone.

Heidi [00:31:02]:

Andreu David [00:31:02]:
It's it's an open, it's an open event for most. And, really, if you're not part of the fashion industry, not really to Okay. To the event.

Heidi [00:31:20]:
Okay. And is there a an entrance? Like, you don't have to buy a ticket?

Andreu David [00:31:24]:
There's a registration. So Okay. You'll you can register online. You can register on-site, or, our buyer relations team can get you registered as well. So there's many ways to do it, and it is free to come.

Heidi [00:31:37]:
It's it's free. Yeah. That's that was okay. So just get yourself to Vegas Or New York I'll go I prefer New York. Although Vegas, I'll I'll take Vegas in the winter.

Andreu David [00:31:49]:
You know, it's actually not Not that bad in the summer because all indoors.

Heidi [00:31:53]:
All indoors. That's true. That's true.

Andreu David [00:31:55]:
Have to brave it a little bit when you're outside to try to get anywhere. But When you're all indoors, everything is fine.

Heidi [00:32:01]:
Yeah. And then you said New York's in September, which is lovely out there.

Andreu David [00:32:04]:
Yes. Yeah. Our New York show. We just had our first one, this past September. And

Heidi [00:32:10]:
So Yeah. Like, a month ago, month and a half ago. Like, just now.

Andreu David [00:32:15]:
Oh, we just had we just had it, and it was tremendous. I'm very proud of my team, and everyone who, touched the event. We did we Kicked it off, and it was such a success. So we're we're going to be back again in September. We're looking forward to it. September of 2024.

Heidi [00:32:32]:
Yeah. Till 2024. Yeah. That's a big feat to pull off, this type of an event.

Andreu David [00:32:36]:
Yes. It was. It was. And, of course, it's you know, Being the lead of the show is always like this anxiety and nervousness. Is this gonna happen? Is yeah. How is it gonna go? And and it was wisely accepted, and, I'm very proud of that. And so

Heidi [00:32:50]:
That's amazing.

Andreu David [00:32:50]:
Very thankful and grateful to, our audience. Yeah. I'm grateful to our those who came and attended and the exhibitors, of course, who who came.

Heidi [00:32:59]:
Fabulous. Well, thank you so much, Andrew. This has been so educational and really insightful for, myself and everybody listening. Where is the best place for people to connect with you and or sourcing at Magic, online?

Andreu David [00:33:13]:
My pleasure. My pleasure, Heidi. Thank you so much so much for having me. You can connect to sourcing at Magic at k. Or on our, social feed on Instagram at social at sourcing at Magic. You can also reach us at,

Heidi [00:33:32]:
Okay. Awesome.

Andreu David [00:33:32]:
That's our that's our email Okay. Where Anyone can get back to you.

Heidi [00:33:37]:
Awesome. And I will end the interview with the question I ask everybody. What is one thing people never ask you about working in fashion that you wish they would?

Andreu David [00:33:47]:
I get so many questions about myself, my career, and where I've been. I think the question is, what do I wanna do next?

Heidi [00:33:58]:
Okay. Let's hear it then. Now you're you're you've obliged yourself to answer that?

Andreu David [00:34:03]:
What would I wanna do next? You know, for me, it's always about making change and and Making change in terms of doing better. Mhmm. And that is something why I think the reason why I am here at Sourcing and Magic As I truly believe that us, we have a responsibility, to do better and, you know, with the sustainability initiatives that we are doing with magic, and I think that that is why the passion comes from, why we do it is is that is, You know, coming together as as an industry and doing better. Yeah. So so, yes, that that would be it.

Heidi [00:34:43]:
Amazing. Wonderful answer. Well, thank you again. It's been great to chat with you.

Andreu David [00:34:47]:
Thank you so much, Heidi, for having me.