Beyond The Outpost

This week in episode 11 of Beyond The Outpost, we are discussing transitional seasons in our lives—times of change and uncertainty that can be challenging yet transformative. We explore how to navigate these periods with faith, focusing on recognizing the open doors that God places before us. Join us as we discuss practical ways to discern opportunities for growth, embrace new beginnings, and trust in the journey that lies ahead. Whether you're facing a career change, a shift in relationships, or a personal crossroads, this episode offers guidance and encouragement to see the potential in every transition. 

What is Beyond The Outpost?

Welcome to "Beyond the Outpost" Podcast!

Join the adventure with us as we explore the depths of personal growth, inspiration, and purpose. Hosted by Jordon Good and CJ Shaw, this podcast is your guide for navigating the path to becoming everything you were created to be.

Each episode of Beyond the Outpost features stories, thought-provoking ideas, and actionable steps to help you unlock your true potential. If you're seeking motivation, guidance, or simply a reminder of your inner strength, this podcast if for you.

Join us as we dive into the stories of individuals who have triumphed over adversity, discovered their passions, and embraced their unique calling. Through candid conversations and insightful reflections, we illuminate the pathway to self-discovery.

Whether you're at a crossroads in your life or simply seeking inspiration to fuel your journey, Beyond the Outpost is here to accompany you every step of the way. Tune in, subscribe, and let's go on an adventure together.

Jordon Good (00:00)

when you're in the hallway, as frustrating as it can be, that's the best time to start journaling and being very clear with the Lord. I really believe that God's like, I will bless whatever you do. You're walking with me now. You know that I closed the doors. You know it's me and you now. You get that. You get your identity. Whatever path you choose, I'll go with you. But are you wise enough to sit and walk the one that I have?

specifically designed for you. No more detours. And that takes a lot of hard work.

Well, welcome back everybody to another episode of Beyond the Outpost. Thank you for all the support. Thank you for all of the feedback. It's been awesome. had some unexpected feedback over the past few weeks and it was wonderful feedback. I just wasn't expecting it. Yeah. So again, reach out to us, follow us on YouTube, follow us on our social media

Let us know what you think and whatever topics you guys are thinking you want us to cover. Yeah. I want to hear more people's input on what they want to hear about. Yeah. I want to jump in on like questions you have or things you see happen. Like I want to have input on that. I want to have, as we've discussed, there are a few topics that I'm not ready to talk about, but if people ask and we'll go all in on it. But today we're going to talk about the hallway.

The hallway is still a place in your journey. And what does that look like? What can that season look like? And what is the hallway? That might be a new phrase for people. What is the hallway? And for me, that phrase came up when doors had closed in my life and almost every area.

I knew there was open doors coming and nothing had happened yet. And I'm like, what is this goofy season I'm in? Because I know that the doors that closed, those seasons were amazing and I learned so much, but now God's taking me to more. So why am I not in the next thing? And I started calling it, I'm in the hallway. I'm like, I'm in the hallway. Well, what the heck does that even mean? And

I think it's a fun topic to cover. We've been talking about it for months. Yeah. Just in passing and here today we're going to dig into it a little bit more. Do feel like you're still in the hallway? No,

And not that I've even walked through some of the doors that I know God has for me. It's just not the right season. My perspective of the hallway has probably changed. You're on the other side of it. I'm on the other side of it. Turning around and looking back. Not even that. There's a whole part we could talk about that too. Well, we'll let this unfold naturally. there's a whole thing on that too. Fill them in because we've done, or you've done what? Three of the fires that we've talked about now.

How's that going? The Friday night fires. Those are turning into, we're going to have to, I was down in my shop working last night. I'm like, we need to just do the men's campfire once a month, once every other month. And, because the Friday nights are just awesome family nights. you do get that one -on -one time with somebody. If they need to talk about something or things, people just, you see people sitting and talking and you're like, all right, cool. Like God's doing

we want him to do here is speaking through people with different backgrounds and different experiences. And, but there is something about men being men and leading in their home and watching them do it on the Friday nights, spending time with our kids, spending time, letting loose, playing a little bit. It's a beautiful thing. This last one was my favorite one.

I love fun. Yeah. There are a lot of fun drilling people with water balloons. Yep. And we're not going to have them for the next, well, I'm not going to say the date because by the time we released this, we'll be having them. but if you want information on those, they're Friday nights here at the farm and it's just a community night. Bring out your family, bring some food with, we do campfires. We're going to do capture the flag at the next one. So that'll be fun. And then hopefully we are getting close to the.

a firefly festival. So that's something that we've done low key. Um, it's pretty crazy when all the, what is a firefly festival? know, my wife has an eye for details. I grew up on this farm and I never noticed it until last year. She's been talking about it for 12 years. We've lived here and last year I was finally like, Oh my gosh, look at all these fireflies. She was like, seriously? I've been talking about this for the last decade. When the fireflies hatch out here,

And just the way it's laid out here, it's like you're walking among the stars. They're just everywhere, just lighting up and you walk that path that we have, it gets kind of dark out back there and you go through the trees. It's, it's really cool. Um, so, but it's, you gotta hit it just right. So hopefully it happens on a Friday night. Okay. We'll see. So everybody's welcome to that. Um, I think we have like 75 people.

signed up for and everything like you don't have to come every week, but you usually get a good group 20 to 40 ish. Um, which is a fun manageable number. Yeah, it's a good time. mean, just get out to fellowship with people, just talk about life. mean, yeah, talk about people's testimonies and what's going on in their lives at the time and just get to know people. And then your kids are running around playing with other kids and eating food, just hanging out. It's a, it's a nice time to just relax and can't drop your kids off and then leave though.

No, it's not a babysitting service. No, you gotta watch your kids. You're gonna keep an eye on them. We're not responsible for your kids. Yeah, right. It's a big field. They could get lost in the weeds. Yeah, right. Barely. Someone said that like, is he okay? I'm like, he isn't getting lost down here. Yeah, he'll be fine. So the hallway. I could talk about that in the hallway. Well, let's see, because that hallway conversation came up on Friday at the last campfire. Somebody was talking about it. You were talking about it with somebody. Sitting. Okay. Sitting at the campfire. names, but I...

while you guys were playing the battleship. How'd that come about? So this particular person really has gone through a lot and just really started seeking the Lord through their challenges in a recent season and is really seeing fruit from it. And I got a call from a friend and they said, Hey, this person, you know, they reached out to me and

They want to go check out some other stuff. And I'm like, awesome. said, I was actually praying like, God, there, can you bring somebody else in to help support this person? I don't want to be the only voice in their life. So I kind of just laid off for about three weeks. Didn't reach out much. And I got this call from this guy. I'm like, all right, Lord, cool. Like you did. And this guy was wise enough to reach out and say, Hey, this person speaks highly of you and shared a lot. Here's what they want to do. The problem is this person doesn't really know.

the story, they're just kind of new to it. And I said, I think it's a good idea for them. said, but be careful. I think they're trying to cross back over the Jordan river. He's come, this person has come way too far to go back to the things of old. And he came out and we ended up set the campfire and to, how you doing? And you know, just, man, things are down and out. I'm like, man.

Like in my heart, I'm like, you're right where you need to be. I'm like, this is so good. And then also compassion and empathy, like man, and courage and pull. But I was just explaining to him, like, I think you're looking for the comfortable things of the past instead of looking to the things of the future and trusting God with that. And doors have closed in your life and you're trying to go back and shove that door open and it won't open. You're getting it to crack.

But if you go back to that, you now know too much about Jesus. You will never be content. You'll never have any peace. You're actually now worse off than you were before you knew Jesus. now you Now you know. And that sin life is dead and it's just going to be so in your face. Like now I know I'm doing the wrong thing.

I said, now the good news is if you choose to go back there, I'm here, dude. Like, I'm here for the journey. I've done that. All I know is you'll turn back a lot faster this time. then he was talking about, you know, I just have come so far and I just don't know what to do. I'm like, that's because God wants you to trust Him and walk in faith. He's not going to just open the door and be like, here's exactly what it's going to do. He's working on your heart.

What do you want? What do you want your life to look like? Walk with me. And I said, it sounds like you're in the hallway. He's like, huh? I'm like, it sounds like, you know, you can't go back over the Jordan river and the only way forward is through Jericho and it's a battle and it's going to be tough and you're scared because it's totally uncomfortable. But isn't that where we're supposed to be? I feel like God likes to make us uncomfortable sometimes because we wouldn't rely on him anyway.

Where's the relationship? Right. If we got it all under our own control. Man, I screw everything up when I try to do it my own. And I say that like absolutely truthfully, like I can make a mess of things and there are consequences to everything that we do. Yeah. And I think people hear that when they're young, don't do that. You know, you'll get up, you'll go to jail, you'll get arrested, you'll get pulled over by a cop or it's a lot more than

speeding and running are stop signs. Like there are consequences and the more mature you become in Christ, the more those consequences affect other people, your family, your spouse, and how do you handle the hallway?

Hmm. think of like just our last couple of weeks that we've gone through. mean, you were in it much longer than I was. but even those for me, it was four weeks of just like uncertainty. Like, I have to, I have to lean in right now and it's harder than ever because I'm so uncertain.

Like when things are good, when life's good, you got a steady paycheck, you know what your days are looking like. It's like, yeah, I can follow this routine. I can get in this habit and I'm going to make time for God and I'm going to lean in. And then your whole world gets flipped upside down and you're trying to connect dots. And next thing you know, it's like, I'm not in my state of.

Habitual routine anymore and I'm like I'm losing sight of all the time in the world and now I can't You know get my quiet time in in the morning. Yeah, like what the heck? So the whole way for me was just that four weeks of going What's next? Yeah, and then trying to remain faithful and trying to remain like God I trust you with not only me but my family Like I know you have a plan for me. Yeah, I know it's coming. I just don't know when and I want to make the right step

So when I see that or when that plan comes to fruition or when you open that door, God, give me the wisdom and the discernment to see it and to make the right decision. And that's what the hallway for me was all about. There's something interesting that happens in a hallway season. We'll call it, I don't want to call it waiting because you're not really waiting because God's right there. Like you're not really waiting. You're waiting for what you think you want. What He's doing

You need to understand the doorways. First, you got to figure that out. If you don't know what a closed door looks like in your life and what an open door looks like, a hallway is, it didn't exist for me because I didn't know what, I didn't even know what the doors were. But you'll know when a door shuts behind you. You will also know when God shuts a door and when man shuts a door. And any door that God shuts, no man can open. Any door that man shuts, God's like, yeah, okay, I'll be in charge here. So it's interesting.

how when those doors shut, when God shuts a door and the open door that he called you to, which is gonna be your dreams, what he's putting on your heart, your desires, he wants to give you those things that align with his will and his kingdom. Like he's not just gonna give you a Ferrari because that's what you want. He's probably never gonna give you that if that's what you want. What I learned for me was when those doors closed, why was the hallway a year and a half? It was long.

And it was brutal. Like it was brutal. Now looking back, I'm like, man, God, I knew you were there all along. Didn't doubt you for a second. You know, have a doubt. But now looking back, I realize he was working on my heart. You know, I'm with you because I closed these doors and some of the doors he actually opened for me. So I knew he opened them and I knew that he closed them. my heart needed worked on before I went into the next season that he had for me.

He will not let you go into the next thing that he has for you if your heart's not right because you'll screw it up or you'll quickly be like Well, you know, I just made that right phone call and made that right connection and now my life is great. Look what I did and God's like Okay, we're going back to that again. So the hallway is deep heart work and that's the hardest kind of stuff to go through on a personal level because we want to

cover it up and pretend it's good and no vulnerability, you know, a lot of posing. And in reality, it's when God's really going to work and training you and raising you up. And then he lets you enter that season. Yeah. I mean, as much as it's not fun to say, but it's a test. Yeah. Is it like it's God going, all right, where's your faith at? Where's your pride at? You know, are you going to be prideful when that next door opens and go, yeah, I made that happen.

Or are you gonna remain faithful and go, all right, God, I don't know what's going on next, but I'm gonna trust in you. And are you gonna give him the credit? It's so easy as a human to go, especially one who works tough, works hard and trying to make those connections all the time, trying to build something up for yourself to go, yeah, those are all the contacts I made in the past. Those are things that I've done. Of course it came out this way. I've been working for that instead of going, well, how did I make those connections? I look back at how I got to this job now.

and all the connections that were made in the back end that I had nothing to do with. And now I'm working with these people that are in states away, like people I've never met in my life. And it's just like, and then making like connecting the dots in the back end of like, how did we connect? It wasn't me that made it all happen. People that got placed in my life and has allowed to happen that way. it's interesting. mean, like I said, many times on here, one of my favorite things to do is just sit down and reflect over.

where I came from to where I am now and how did it happen? And it's amazing when you sit there and go, well, I didn't do it. It wasn't me. And you think that I'm not saying this is your situation, but I've recently been faced with this as well. When you reflect and you're like, man, my plan was this and it didn't turn out the way that I anticipated, but the general vision is coming to life or has come to life. Yeah.

But I couldn't have planned it that way. Now the danger here is, well, we just don't plan. God will just do it. We don't need to do anything. We just have faith. God will just do it. I didn't even need to do anything. That is so wrong. God honors your faith in your faith walk. Faith without works is dead. So you get in the hallway and then you start getting depressed. is the, it's not the devil's playground. There's not a lot of warfare in the hallway.

Because if you're in a, if you recognize you're in a hallway, that means you know God and you know He shut the door. So you're already walking with Him close enough to where you're paying attention. If you don't even know what the hallway is or the next open door, you're not even in a relationship. You're not even talking to God. And there's not a lot of warfare in the hallway. There's a lot of pruning, which we talked about in, is it warfare? it, don't confuse pruning with warfare.

As I started walking through, in the beginning, I would just pray against everything that was happening. Now I look back and I'm like, I literally was praying against the thing that I was asking God to do. God's sitting there like, I'm not answering that prayer. Like, stop rebuking and stopping the thing I'm allowing to happen to grow you into the person. You're the one that said, Lord, give me the character to handle the anointing. What did you think? And he sat there and go, thank God, no is an answer. Right. Yeah. Thank God sometimes He answers your prayers, no. Yeah.

He likes being told no. Americans. Yeah. Truth. Not Americans. Not Americans. So there was one scripture. You got a scripture fired up there? I got one. Not yet. Not for what we're talking about right now. I was just thinking of this a little bit earlier. I always kind of like to jot down what Bible stories or scriptures are coming up during seasons.

And you don't really know it at the time what it's about. But when you go back and read your journal or you go and reflect, you're like, it was right there in front of my face the whole time, you know? But we're always like, we got a word for somebody else. Usually it's a word for you. Normally God's speaking right to you. He'll speak to them. But in James,

I was torn between James and 1 Peter. We're doing a life group at church this, in the fall we're leading, my wife and I, and I was torn between doing 1 Peter or James. Have you chosen yet? I chose 1 Peter. And? Oh, we're going to, I'm starting to study it up, getting ready for it. What is the, what's the Bible study on? We're just going through the book of, book of Peter together. We're going read verse by verse and talk about everything.

little sidebar here. Here's something interesting about Peter because Peter walked pretty close with Jesus pretty close and you read through Luke and you know, Jesus is talking to his disciples and you know, who do you say I am? And Peter says, well, surely you're the son of God. And Jesus responds. Now I'm paraphrasing, go check this out, but surely you

wise and only the Spirit of God could have revealed this to you. So, in one sentence, he's saying, you actually have the Holy Spirit wisdom. Nobody else is getting that. They didn't pick up on that. You're so wise. And then you fast forward a little bit and then they're talking about Jesus is explaining what's about to come. You're going to die and Peter's like, surely we will not allow this to happen. And he turns around and he's like, get behind me, Satan. So, it's like,

With us, when we talk to people, who are we talking to? Are we discerning? Is it the Spirit of life? Is it the Holy Spirit speaking through this person or is it Satan? Is it the flesh? And you've got to discern those two things because then you know how to handle people really well. Do I lean in? Do I back off? Do I give a little more or do I back off this conversation? And if it happened to Peter, why do we think that our pastor, our Bible study leader, our wife, ourselves,

the things we say to ourself are any different. Pete for sure. we, the one thing that like really stood out to me because we had a Bible study this past weekend at my mom's house and the guy that put it on, he's, where we're going from, you know, after Revelation was written to working towards now, just like the martyrs. Kind of beyond the outpost. Right. I mean, similar. But just like trying to cover like, who are the so -called saints, the people that were like

creating the foundation of the church, what did they face, what happened in that time, the persecution that took place. So we started from like, I believe it was 40 AD up until 300 AD is what we covered.

of just like these really prominent figures and the persecution they faced. And it really put into light when you're seeing like, this is what they went through. This is the torture they went through, people killing them and putting wax felt on them, lighting them on fire while they were crucified, just horrible things. And then you read Peter's letter.

Paul's letter to those people and said like, know this persecution, you know, though it's wrong It glorifies God because you're doing it humbly It's happening humbly and to hear that from their point their perspective seeing all their friends being lit on fire Like you know, it's crazy Wow It just puts in perspective like the words that they're being told right now and that they're dying for it And it was just so as I'm reading through it and having that in my mind as I read through like Paul and James and Timothy

And just these persecution letters that are going on, just like, that's wild. That's wild. Just a thought that kind of popped up while we were talking there, and I have just literally, this is the first time ever this came into my mind, but, and not to compare one level of persecution to another. don't want to see my wife burned at the stake for talking about Jesus, but.

Right now in the world this stuff happens on a daily basis like this hasn't ever stopped It just is different now now they have different weapons and different but the torture is still the same But it doesn't happen in America a lot Do you think that the torture that Americans face is more? deception Because I mean we're clearly deceived in America like look at any bathroom in some states It's like choose just go in whatever bathroom you want to go in like

it's clearly a messed up situation or would you rather be in a country where it's very clear, but the persecution is, you know, we'll drag you out of your home. Well, that was the third topic I texted you. was it? didn't even look at it. thanks. Sorry. It was the idea. Like I think I quoted it. I said, has the devil turned from, or has he turned back to deception?

I did see that the enemy attacks with misdirection misdirection right where now it's going from like when you look in the Exodus story and the Israelites were growing and Pharaoh and then we're trying to just ridicule and and Keep them as small as possible to persecute them They continued to grow he couldn't control it. So he started killing Yeah, kill him the babies killing everything he could to keep the population down. Meanwhile, they're growing rapidly So that happened

And then when Jesus came, right, had the word, Herod, trying to kill everything. Got to make this thing so we're killing, we're killing, we're killing over and over and over again. Christians start to grow. Now the Jews and the Christians in the time of Rome are being burned at the stake, being crucified, doing the, um, the Roman games, all those things to kill the Christians, to kill them, to kill them, to kill them until like 300 AD. Satan realized like killing them is not working. Now I'm going to misdirect

Back to the Genesis story, the garden. Did God really say that you couldn't eat that apple? Did God really say marriage is between one man and one woman? That's where we're at again. And the problem is that we're sitting here going, I'm just going to listen to my pastor on a Sunday morning. Well, he tells me, it's good, but that's all I'm going to do. Sunday morning. There's no relationship. I will misdirect you so easily if all you do is read for 20 minutes on a Sunday morning.

And that's not to say your pastor is wrong, which you're not saying that at all. if you're not spending time in the secret place with the Lord, let me back it up and say it this way. If you don't know you have a relationship with the Lord, you just don't. If there's any doubt in your mind or question like, is there more for me? Yes. The answer is yes. And maybe you need to take a season and just seek that one out. And Sunday,

I don't know if this is mine. That's a different notebook. I got in the habit a few years ago when we were down at our other church of just during worship or if I would go into church, you know, an hour early, whatever, pray, just like, what's my question for today? Like, God, like here's my question for today. And I'm telling you, he answers it every time. Awesome. Maybe not right away at that service most times,

Maybe it's throughout the week. So I just, that's my question for this week. And we just went through a pretty, transition season of transition and hallway season and stuff. So I kind of got away from my question on Sunday and I was just asking you questions and just to where I'm. this Sunday for the first time in, I don't know, say five, six months, I'm just worshiping and I'm like, what does it mean? I understand who you are as my father. Now I've worked that out. That only took.

20 years. know? really took five years for me to get that one figured out. I get that. About two years ago, I'm like, Lord, what's your mothering heart? Show me the mother side. And when I started praying that, I started appreciating my mom for who she really was. That was something that I needed to do in my heart to appreciate my mom and her heart. And then I'm like, okay.

This Sunday I was just like, Lord, what does it mean to be your friend? Cause you're a friend of the sinners. You call it as your friend. What does that look like? What's a friendship with you look like? No more, no more dad, Abba father, disciplining and directing and all that stuff. I didn't even put that together until just now. No more mom cuddling you. And I needed a mom in the last year, lots of tears, lots of growth. And I needed

hugging side of God and I got it. So now I'm like, how do we just walk and be buddies? I still want the Father, He's still going to be all those things. How do we just be friends? Like you and I are friends, like we just check in on each other. And you know what the message was on? Effective prayer. Jimmy Niman preached one of the best sermons I've ever heard on the Lord's Prayer and just, he's so good. And through that, I mean, it just starts.

And he said one thing towards the end. He said, if you're struggling with your father, understanding that God is your father, Abba means dad, your dad. Every day for a month, just call him dad. Hey, dad. Now, quite frankly, to me, it's still a little bit, two years ago, weird. Now I'm like, yeah, father, dad, whatever. Like, that's the relationship that was built.

If you want to be his friend, call him friend for a month. Instead of being like, our father, hey, my friend, let's chat. Just try it for a month. Approach him differently. He's God, he's everything. I don't know why I got on that tangent, but take God your questions. If you're going to go to church on Sunday, what's your question? What do you want him to tell you? Try talking to the person you're worshipping. For real, dude.

That's what I mean. No, I have no idea how we got to this point, but I know it ties into being in the hallway because as we're talking about relationship, as we're talking about just building that relationship with God to the point of when he actually feels like my father, when he actually feels like my friend. created man and woman in his image, so therefore he has a motherly nurturing, not saying he's a mother, right? It's not God the mother, it's God the father. But he's got the mother's heart. He created it. Right, exactly. And it takes two of us.

to even come close to the same kind of nurturing aspect that God has. takes a man and a woman. That's why takes a man and a woman to make a baby. So it takes a man and a woman to have those same roles because we come from the image of God and that's all He covers. He covers it all. He can do it all. And sometimes we just put it in a perspective of, yeah, He's God. He's up there. He's the big man upstairs.

I bring some questions to him once in a while. I respect him on Sunday, but that's my wants to him. Yeah. Yeah. Or it's just, Hey God, you know, it's like, I'm going to go to Sunday. Don't burn me. Don't, don't crucify me here. Like, I'm just trying to do my best. Like, like get a relationship with him. He wants more with you. And then through that, then now you're going to know when you're in a hallway. Now you're going to know when he's closing doors, opening doors, because you're talking to him. And when that time comes and you

I need to go talk to my friend. Yeah, I need to go talk to my dad, my father. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Not at all. It's what he wants. Right. It's what this is about beyond where we're made for Eden. We're made for union with God. He wants to walk among the garden with us and just rebuild the outpost, right? Rebuild the hashtag, rebuild the outpost. Rebuild the outpost. I love that. Share it. Share it around. We're rebuilding. One thing in the hallway season that I really learned

You need to process things. prior to this season, I was never in a position to do that because it was just considered slander or gossip or that's judging this or judging that situation. And you just end up holding it in and you become a mess and you become so deceived because you're not, you're just hiding it. You're walking around with fig leaves. And I really was like, Lord,

There's gotta be a healthy way to process my emotions and my feelings. I don't want to walk around in my feelings. I want to walk around in intimacy with you, but I got to process this stuff. And so Lindsay and I processed a lot, a lot. It's hard to process a painful season with your spouse when you're both going through a painful season, because it can then turn to speaking word curses and things like that. So spend a lot of time repenting. Well, what's the other thing? mean, you get in a season like that when you have two people.

down in the Doms. You get depressed, then like, how do you go from like, all right, I'm looking at this in the term of there's a future and not like, what was me? Right. How do you stay? Victim mentality. Yeah. How do you stay out of being a Everyone's against me. Yeah. Nobody's against you. Nobody's that important. Like literally nobody's that important. Nobody's against you. Yeah.

As time went on, I'm like, all right, Lord, what am I doing wrong here? I know what you put in my heart. I know the dreams that I've had. I know the visions. know the communication we've had my whole life. And it just looks like nothing's going to happen. this, you know, James, James is one of my favorite books. They talked about it on Sunday little bit. I was so glad that he pointed this out. Like James was Jesus's half brother and didn't like him until after he died.

And when he was sharing out there, like, man, a lot of people, this is the first time they're probably hearing this. Like, they're probably going to go read James because it's, in my opinion, it's one of the most packed books in the Bible. I didn't know until just a couple months ago that Jude was Jesus's half brother too. Okay, I didn't know that. James and Jude were Jesus's half brother. Jude is the hardest book to read. It's not though. One chapter. Well, it is, but if you read the book of Genesis. All right. And then read Jude.

It all makes sense. Okay, I'm gonna do that. You read Genesis and then read Jude and it all makes sense. I'm not gonna share anything about this story, but Jude came up this season for me. I was praying about a situation and I'm like, Lord, I can't shake this. I don't wanna do anything with it. So if I'm supposed to do something with it, you gotta show me what to do, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm supposed to do something and I don't know what to do. Couple days go by.

Jude, I never think about the book of Jude in my life ever. Who does? It's so deep. You breeze right through it until you're ready to read it. And then you're like, my gosh. And Jude came up. One day I think I was mowing and it was like, go read Jude. like, that surely was the Lord because that is not anything I would ever think of in my life. Like, who says that? Like, did you go read Jude? And there was a scripture and I'm not going to share what it was, but it was so pivotal.

And I went and did it and it was so hard to do. I actually called in for backup. I called a brother in Christ and I'm like, hey, I think the Lord's asking us to go after somebody and they respect you. You want in. I need some backup because I want to make sure that I'm gentle with this one. we did it it was great. And the seed, it was just planting a seed. There was no fruit to bear that day. anyways, don't ever count out Jude.

So, back to James. I'm in the hallway and I'm like, why aren't these doors opening? Why can't I get through these doors? So, you try and do it in your own cleverness and your own, I'm not even going to call it wisdom because there's no wisdom in trying to do it on your own. your own pride is really what it is, your own ego, your own money, your own everything. Selfishness, 100%. And you take out all room for God to get the glory.

I don't mean God getting the glory and like you do something and then you're just like, man, God moved in such a mighty way. We all have those stories. I'm talking about you and only you know that God did it. And you can tell that to me, but there's something different about you knowing. You experiencing. And that's where the humility comes in. Now, you really, I know it looks good, but you really don't know the battle. And God put on my heart like,

You're getting what you're speaking. Okay. You're getting what you're speaking in your head. Cause I had come to a place where I'm like, I don't need to say it out of my mouth. I had, I had come far enough to know like I'm speaking death over things. Don't speak it. But then God started working on, but what about what you're thinking? You're still saying it. You're just not letting it come out of your mouth. And I'm like, Hmm.

Just because it doesn't come out of your mouth doesn't mean it's not in your heart. is. mean, that's what Jesus talked about. He raised the, He elevated the severity of the commandments. He said, if you've, if you've thought about a woman or thought about lust, you have, you know, you've committed that sin. It's not that you went and cheated or that you went and had an affair or anything. It's if you thought about it, you've done that. That's good. So, and I think of two of like in Genesis when

servant Eliezer went to go get Abraham's son a wife. He got to the well and before he got to the well, before he got on office camel and everything, he's praying in his head and he goes, God, let a woman come out here, let her go down, get water, come back up. Let me ask her to feed or to water my camels. And if she does it or no, let me ask her to get me water. And if she comes up and says, yes, sir, I'll get you water and I'll water your camels also. Let her be the one.

that I'm going to go and bring back to my master. He never spoke out loud. It was all in his head. And there she comes, comes down, gets water, gives it to him. She says, I'll water your camels also. was one of the first things that I seen was just the fact that, we can just pray in our head and God hears us. Isn't that a whole nother level of maturity and intimacy when you're like, I don't even, maybe that's not even the word now that I say it out loud.

It's really not more mature and more wise. It's just more humble. I don't even need to say it. I just need to walk and think it like, that why, is that why Jesus tells you not to pray like the Pharisees out in the court just blabbering on saying big words? Yeah. Just having that ongoing nonstop prayer with the Lord as you're going about your day, just talking in your head. Yeah. God, what do want me to do right now? How do you want me to work in this situation? Quite frankly, there's room for growth for that with me. not in a,

Bad way, just in a like, you can always get better. yeah, so I'm thinking right now, this is good stuff. Yeah, so I just became aware of my thoughts. Okay, I'm getting better at not saying it, but what am I thinking? I'm still working on my heart. And.

I I'll share a little bit of the testimony. after we had left the church and God called us into, honestly, He was answering my prayers. I'm like, Lord, I think this is my heart's for ministry and I want to learn more. teach me. And I didn't know if that meant, hey, you're going to go to school somewhere or you're going to get involved in some type of a training church or something. I didn't know what it meant. I just was like, Lord, I really think this is for me. And

He ended up calling us to a place where we could get trained more. around that time, I just felt prison ministry big time. And I had talked about it with you. Now we're going back a ways. I didn't know what it was, but I also knew at that time, just got, the Lord just confirmed this for me like two weeks ago. And I don't even know if I told you this story yet,

During a very gut wrenching time of like having to leave things behind and move into the things that I've been asking God to do. He was gonna, when you're in the hallway, He's gonna call you in the open door. Normally an open door from God is not one that's just like, this is an easy one, let's just walk through. Usually it's gonna be one that's like, that's uncomfortable, that's stretching me, that's challenging. That could be a little bit complicated. Like, He's usually gonna call you into something that's gonna require more faith and more trust.

So prison ministry kept coming up. I'm like, of course, my grandfather did prison ministry, my mom, Matt Uber is doing stuff in prison ministry. So I'm like, I was meeting with him and nothing would take off. Many, many, many, many months go by. And I'm like, all right, Lord, I'll just rest in it. If it's you, it's you. The other thing that happened around that time, I just had this knowing...

There's Bible stories as well that were showing up in scripture that there were conversations happening about My next season in rooms right now. It kept coming up. I had dreams Vivid dreams about stuff like this. I'd write them down and like Lindsay like I don't have many dreams But what the heck do you think this means and she's like God's preparing something for you This is in September last year beginning of September that particular part

I'm trying to get a job. I'm applying everywhere. And surely this $400 ,000 a year job in the tech space is perfect for me. Like, you know, applying to all the stuff that I thought I needed. And one day I just finally got frustrated. I'm like, you know what? This is stupid. I have never in my life had to go out and fight for something like this. God just brought it to me when my heart was right. So I'm like, I'm done applying everywhere. Lord.

You're either going to bring it to me or you're not. And that's not how you want to do it, but that's where my heart was at the time. I'm just done. You're going to do it or you're not going to do it. Of course. And he starts working on your heart immediately. And this is where the thoughts and stuff cart, what are you thinking about? And one night Lindsay goes, what do even want? And Jesus is talking to the blind man. What can I do for you? So for the next couple of days, I just really spent some time journaling. Here's what I want.

I want everything that I've done in my life, which is just as hodgepodge of stuff. But I'm a hard worker and I like to try and work in excellence as best I can with integrity. like I had like a good resume. Like if you could take all of this God and put me in an environment where I can use all these skills. here's what I said. So I don't feel like I wasted 25 years of my life.

and put me in a place where I can grow and evolve for the next season after that. And if it can be used for your kingdom, that's what I want. I forgot to ask him for like a base salary, you know, but he wouldn't have given me that anyway. It'll come. It'll come. Yeah, I'm not even, yeah, he's never going to do that. I'm more, he's not going to let you worry about it. So.

Like three weeks go by, Lindsey's in here talking with somebody and they get up and they're like, Hey, this place is hiring. They're starting a whole new division, yada, yada, yada. And Lindsey's like, this might be for you. go and apply and it is literally everything that I asked for. I mean, everything to a T and it's a prison ministry. Pretty wild. So when you're in the hallway, as frustrating as it can

that's the best time to start journaling and being very clear with the Lord. Because I really believe that God's like, I will bless whatever you do. You're walking with me now. You know that I closed the doors. You know it's me and you now. You get that. You get your identity. Whatever path you choose, I'll go with you. But are you wise enough to sit and walk the one that I have specifically designed for you? No more detours. And that takes a lot of hard work.

I think like it's just for us, I think in the examples that we've been giving, it pertains to jobs. A lot of it right now of what we talked about. not going to talk about marriage or relationships on this podcast, but there is a lot there as well too, but continue. But I'm just saying the experience that we've had recently, it sort of pertains to us and our work right now. So a lot of what you're hearing may pertain to if you're going through job transitions. Yeah. A lot of it can apply to other areas.

But I'm just pointing that out where as you hear us talk, you're hearing a lot of like, they didn't have a job for a little bit. Mine is very similar for what I'm talking about there. But, I think there's ways that that can apply to other things. And like when we talk about life in general, which is the verses that I sent you earlier, is this idea of like our whole life is kind of in a hallway. We are passing through this world, right? This is not our home. We're headed home kind of but we're coming back.

Yeah, so a lot of people especially evangelical circle will get to that whole rapture culture of like God get me out of here. This place is falling apart God I'm praying for your return. Give me out of this place so I can come home to be with you in heaven Heaven's not our home. We're not staying there for right. We're coming back to the new creation back to this at one point so I just point that out because when I look at Genesis 4 and the verse I sent you about

What was the verse? Genesis 4 .14. We should read some scripture on our podcast. Yeah, right. This is after Cain killed Abel. Yep. Right? God is kicking him out, sending him off, and he's starting to freak out. And he says, surely you have driven me out of this day from the face of the ground. I shall be hidden from your face. I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, and it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me. A fugitive and a vagabond.

is you're running from home and you have no home. That's fugitive is you're running from home. Vagabond means you have no home. So before Jesus, before God, that was us. We're running from home and we have no home. Later, Peter corrects it in 1 Peter 2, 11. He says, beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims. Sojourners and pilgrims means I'm not home, but I'm headed home. That's a big difference in our life to go, all right, man, I'm just running from home and I have no home too.

I'm not home, but I'm headed home. And that's just a big way to carry yourself in your Christian walk and go, all right, God, what is my purpose here? I know this isn't where I'm gonna stay forever, but while I'm here, I'm gonna build your kingdom, but then not lose sight of it. I'm gonna come back here. And we're gonna come down, Jesus is gonna do His thing in His coming, really burn the world with fire and clean it up. And then we're gonna rebuild. He's gonna rebuild. And we're gonna have this.

beautiful place. you think that when God, you know, Jesus restores all things new, the earth included, and we come back and it's new. Do you think that where He, you know, I prepare a place for you. So like, I love the Caribbean. I also love the mountains. I also love this farm. Do you think he kind of can put all that together? And it's like, you get St. John.

the Rockies in central Pennsylvania, all in one thing. Like, think we're going to be in such a state of just, yeah, praising God and just, you you think of like the garden where they're walking in the cool of the day with the Lord. That sounds so simple, but to just to think about, know, like I walked out this morning on my porch to go let the dog out or yesterday morning or whatever.

And it was 65 degrees out. Yeah. Just cool. I'm just like, this is the kind of morning I live for. Yeah. I can just see that being like, not coming out of my house, front porch, whatever, but just being in this garden, being on this world that's perfect. Yeah. That Jesus, God, like they're right there. We're worshiping, we're doing our thing, we're building the kingdom. And it'll just be perfect. Yeah. I don't care if it's St. John's Bay or if it's the Rocky Mountains. Just want to be in it. It's perfect. Yeah. It's going to be great. Yeah.

So can't wait for that. Some day I can, but you can write a little bit longer. So I don't know. I think that's where the eschatology comes to is important. What's eschatology in times. Gotcha. So there's, there's many different views of like what's going to happen pre -trib post -trib, right? Pre millennial, post -millennial. there's a couple of different views there where I think it's important to correct. If your view is get me out of here, God, cause this place is burning, going crazy. Get me out. I don't want to be a part of

You have the wrong perspective. Yeah. So I think he is coming. I think that's going to happen. Don't hold back. Tell them, man. We can say whatever we want. It's our podcast. No, I don't know exactly where I fit. I, a hundred percent like I don't want to just sit here and go like, I'm a pre -millennial pre -trib. Like that's, I don't necessarily agree with any of them. I may guarantee you Jesus is coming back. Yeah. Guarantee you he's coming back and you will either go with him or you won't. That's it.

Nothing else matters. He ain't gonna be grilling you being like, what was your theology on me coming back? He's gonna be like, depart from me, I never knew you, or come on home. I have a place prepared for you. Well done, good and faithful servant. That's it. Yeah, exactly. And I think if you... What's the saying? think it's live like he's coming back tomorrow. I think about that periodically. This could all be done. It could.

and then when you leave here. it could be done in 10 ,000 years. Personally, I will say this. Now, this is my belief. I don't think Jesus is coming

Anytime soon I have some people that are friends like they got the date and they're like this doesn't like no you don't because the Bible is very clear that nobody knows you are the day he's not even giving you a hint of the decade Yeah, you have no clue. Yeah, I don't care what you think or what you read or what you think you were hearing from the Lord He didn't tell you that what I do believe me is the church is Clearly being broken down right now major major

that are leading these ministries are crumbling at the end. And anybody who's called the ministry, I would really spend some time, and this is I spend a lot of my time right now, just with a guy who's a real sage in ministry, been doing it for 50 plus years, and I'm like, that's what I want. I don't want to be one of those guys that gets to the end, like, my family's a mess, I had a scandal. How did you get this far?

How did my grandpa make it 50, 60 years with to the end? And I was telling him, I'm like, you

Before I started wetting my feet and being a pastor, you never hear things like this. said, afterwards, I really started hearing this a lot. I used to be a pastor. I hear that a whole lot more. And there's so much pride attached to that. You used to be. So what went wrong? Why aren't you anymore? They never tell you why. They just position it like I used to be. And it just kept sticking out to me. And I'm like, I don't ever want to be that clown.

Right. Well, I used to be on fire for the Lord. Well, I used to be. I used to be a pastor. I used to be doing my calling. Hmm, interesting. Verses, I used to pastor here or there, and God called me here, and here's what I'm doing now. Nobody ever talks about what's He doing with you right now. Yeah. We're always like, and this is where the hallway season was for me in the beginning.

I'm not doing anything. I'm just focused on my problems and my heart and this and that versus God's like, no, I'm still using you. Nothing stopped. I'm literally doing exactly what you asked me to do. And I think that was kind of the test for me. What do mean? Was one of them was like, all right, CJ, it's only four weeks. Not a long time. Right? Long when you got a wife and little kids in your home. Yeah. And I say that respectfully. Right. Like it can, it can feel like a lot and it can turn into a lot, but at the same time

Hey, you have all this free time now. What are you gonna do with it? What did you do with it? A lot of things. No, but it turned into like, all right, well one, I'm gonna go make money. Yep. Because I have bills to pay and per the Bible, I need to pay my bills. need to take care of my family. And then also like, am I gonna maintain my relationship with the Lord? Yeah. Am I gonna continue doing my men's group or am I gonna chicken out?

You go, need some time to figure things out, guys. Was that still my priority? Am I still serving at church? Am I still doing those things? The great deception. I'm just, I'm going to, are you going to flee? Are you going to go, all right, God, the pressure is too much. I need time. I just need to figure things out. Or are you going to dig in and continue to lean into the Lord? Yeah. And I feel like that's what I did. mean, a hundred percent you did that. watched it. Rachel had to slow me down a little bit, thankfully, to go, hey CJ, you don't need to work that much.

you know, go make a living, but yeah, enjoy your time. You know, not too often do you have a four week vacation? You know, it doesn't come along, come around too often, spend time with the family. So I'm thankful for her to be bold and say stuff like that to me. But it was good. think you said something there in the, in the middle there that was, I just want to re reiterate it for people as we kind of bring this thing to a close is

One, agree with you. I like the way you put that. Our whole life's a hallway, which is literally this podcast from Eden, going back to Eden. We're in the middle. But in those, in our life here on earth, there are clearly where there are God is guiding you and directing your path. And you know, when he's open, you know, when he's opened a door and you also know when he closes a door, if you have a relationship with him, if you have a relationship with him. Yeah. If you don't, you'll feel like a vagabond.

You're a hundred percent correct. That's very key for people to know. Number two, hallways are everything. Relationships, your work, your finances, your children, your spouse. Like, and I, for me, I think there is a linear line here, vertical line. would linear be? What's linear mean? that sideways? That's straight, like just a straight shot. Straight shot. Okay. So this would be a vertical line.

Pete linear foot is just a straight… Gotcha. This is a God, get your relationship with Him first, start working through that. Ask Him, teach me your Father's heart. And what He's going to do is bring up your Father wounds and the things in your heart so He can teach you how He is not that or how He is that, but only better. Teach me your mothering side. I agree with what you said there. He's not God the mother.

But he created mothers, so I want to know what's that heart you put in mothers. Now you get to friend. Now we're walking together in the cool of the day. Work out that relationship with him. If you're not doing that, you have to start there. going to James, why was Abraham called the friend of God? Because of his faith and his righteousness. His faith. And what was his faith?

It wasn't just that he believed. It was that he did. Every time I said he had faith, it was because he went and did. Faith, belief is an action. It's not just a feeling. Do you believe that God will open up the door for you? Don't just sit there. So in the hallway, whatever situation you're going through, a lot of people right now are going through major financial problems. It's just the disaster of this economy and we're not going down that road. But I will mention this. Did you watch the debate?

Did you see any clips? you see my post on Facebook? I didn't. I said, I watched the highlights of it. You all can vote for me now because I will take, I'll bite the bullet. Man. You guys can vote for me for president. Cause this was Let's just write you in. That was brutal. Just write me in. I'll do you all favor. decrepit old men that like, time to throw the towel in. Anyways, I'm on team Jesus. So I just wanted to look because I honestly, just. Christ is king. I wanted to know, but God's in control and he's doing it. Christ is king no matter who's in charge over here. But it was definitely embarrassing.

So back, maybe we'll edit that out. I can stay. Team Jesus 2024. A lot of people going through a lot of financial strain right now. And that is the greatest test for people because that is where they attach their happiness. When I get over time, then I'll be happy. And you never, you never get that true fulfillment or that true peace. Yeah. I think too, there's a part of, there's a fear to it.

There's a fear of like, I'm going to lose everything. I'm going lose everything. We're not going to provide. Like mine is like, I need to provide my family. My fear is if I don't provide what's going to happen and we get this fake ideology of like provision is me having this nice house, me having a nice vehicles, me making sure that we're able to eat well and not just be like, God, you've given me enough that I can hang out with my family. We have a roof over our head. Yeah. Rice and beans are for dinner, but they're freaking delicious.

You know, it's just like, lower, lowering our perspective of what provision looks like. It could be crazy. Provision could be amazing, but are you satisfied with making it by? think the hallway of financial stuff is that people don't understand God is, because it's the number one thing that you think, not you, mean like people, that you think you need to control. And it's what we base everything off of.

start hanging out with people and realizing like, actually it's most people are just faking

God will put you in a hallway with your finances because he wants you to learn that he's your provider. And only when you're at that bottom line where it's like, I don't know how this is going to work. And we've all been there. Some point in your life, you've been in that spot and God provided. Why do we get back to the place where it's like, I need to do 20 hours of overtime this week. I need to get a part -time job, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Hmm. Interesting.

He's trying to build your trust. It all comes back to, he's trying to build intimacy with you and draw you, draw near to him, he'll draw near to you to teach you, to prepare you for the next season. If you start getting your perspective right on how do I walk in a hallway season with gratefulness, with appreciation, going deeper and asking better questions. Like you and I, when we first started hanging out, pretty basic.

pretty much right away. I don't think we really didn't have a dating. We were pretty deep. I don't think we ever got into the small talk. No, we didn't do. not that guy. I can, can, I can BS with the best of them, but eventually we pretty much got into theology right away. didn't. Yeah. It take long. That's pretty normal for me actually. I know where I was going with that, but it doesn't matter. But I guess I say that to everyone here,

I know you're in a hallway. I hope this gave you some perspective on it. The tools are you need to get into the secret place and you need to start taking your questions to the Lord. He's trying to bring things to the surface, to prune them and purify them and get them out of your heart, to prepare you for the next thing. And I'll wrap up my other story with

when God was putting on my heart, I'm preparing, I'm having conversations about your next season already. That was in September. Did I finish that story? Okay.

That was just something that, and I had talked with Lindsay about it and like, Hey, here it is again. Like she knew, but nobody else knew it was just something that I'm like, and nothing happened.

Fast forward to two, two Tuesdays ago, I'm sitting at a table with my new COO and he slides this packet across the table. Did I tell you this? You've told me, Okay. He slides this packet across the table and it says business plan. He said, here's the business plan that we created. Again, we have nothing. You just go build this business. We're here to help you. We want to help guide you. Like we're behind you and we're with you and we're all working together in this, but this is all we got. It was basically like a piece of paper.

The date on that piece of paper was the first week of September, 2023. And I, in that moment, I barely was able to contain the, I just wanted to shout out and be like, I freaking knew it. I knew it. Never doubted you for a second. I had lots of doubts, but it was just God reassuring me like that was me. And you chose to believe in faith.

that I was talking to you about it. And here's your proof that I was doing it. And it was just so reassuring in one building my perspective and my heart because it's coming around again. It's not like I've arrived and now life's easy. It's going to get more challenging. There's going to be more obstacles to cover. The thing is, it's just going to be a shorter, my perspective going into it will be very brief. It won't be a challenging season. It'll be like, huh.

God, you're having conversations about my next season right now. Cool. Here we are. Can I, I'm just going to enjoy the rest of this season then while I'm in it. Yeah. I'm just going to enjoy it while I'm here because I know it's going to change whenever the time is right. so that was what I've learned through this year and three month hallway season. And it was hell. was hell. Lindsay and I were stretched, but we became closer and it's going to lead into our next topic, which

If anybody wants to invest in this podcast, we would love to get two new microphones. if nobody wants to, we're going to get them anyway. But we'd love to put that money towards something else. So if anybody wants to give some donations towards that, we need about 600 bucks to get two microphones. And here's why one, we have some guests lined up and I'm excited to share some of them and you have a few people that are interested as well. So we'll start praying about them.

But before we invite other guests, I want to introduce some people that haven't gotten a chance to hear my wife and your wife. And I want to do a couple of podcasts with them. one of the first ones is it's been on my heart for a while. And I shared it with you at the beginning is we are one flesh. And you said it in this podcast and that was, for me, it was a little bit confirmation like, okay, we need to do this sooner than later was the great deception of the enemy.

In the Garden of Eden, Eve, take a bite of it, surely you won't die. Satan tries to come between man and woman, and he's been doing it ever since. And there's two great sins there. Clearly Eve was disobedient to the Lord, but Adam should have been a man and slapped that thing out of her hand. He said, we're not throwing this away. He should have led. And Satan has been messing with it ever since. Well, then that's why the man is the one who…

gave the curse. Yeah. Right. So I was the sin of Adam. Yeah. That plunged us all into sin. Yeah. Not of Eve. And what does it mean to be one flesh with your wife? And I'll give a little teaser and then you can wrap up. You can wrap this up however you want to wrap it up, but I'll give a little bit of a teaser. Lindsay and I had a major blow up maybe a month ago now, roughly.

It was just 30 seconds, but it was in front of the kids and we were both like at the now we went through our like, yeah, we're not talking for the next two hours. Like, you know, texting back and forth and like, like literally like when we were in our early twenties and the next morning we woke up on, she's like, we need to have a conversation about this. And I'm like, yeah, I wasn't like, yeah, I was like, you know, I'll be, being very honest here, but she was right. We needed to have a conversation and

had a conversation and she shared so much with me of what she was seeing in my heart that needed, that was getting purified. It was like two days later. I'm like, Lord, what was that? That's not who we are. Thank God it was just a brief 30 -second thing and it was in front of our kids too, which now our kids are old enough where they're like, that wasn't cool. we've given them permission to speak biblical truth over this family.

and just some time in prayer and just the Lord put on my heart. She pointed out everything that I told you. And you will go and tell, I would go and tell you what the Lord put on my heart before I would tell her. If I had just told her the things that the Lord was putting on my heart, instead of the men in the men's group, we never would have had the blow up because the blow up came because she was seeing stuff that God was doing and all she wanted to know. Do you see it? And had I told her what God was doing in my

she would have had the peace and the security that I've been trying to figure out how to give her. I'm stopping right there dot dot dot dot. I'm telling you it has changed our marriage like that after 25 years. I'm like, wow, Lord, I didn't think there was another thing. And then this whole thing on the deception. We do it with our men's groups, but we will not share with our one flesh. Yeah. That's weird, man.

I'm not saying it's weird to do it. I'm saying it's weird that the fact that like, why is it not our first, I'll speak for myself. Why is it not my first go to be like, hey, guess what God told me? Babe, check this out. Check this out. Like this is what God's laying on my heart. I do not know why it's not my first inclination. I don't know, but we've gotten in arguments over it. You just said it earlier. I mean, I mean, like, I know you know, but like it's the enemy. Trying to drive a wedge.

And then what happens is we get involved in these men's groups and we look to these leaders. And then when you really listen to them, number one thing I look for now in people that I look to is I really watch closely. What's your relationship like with your spouse? I'm not looking for perfection, but if you're telling me things like she's the weaker vessel, so I don't tell her certain things, I don't share that stuff with my wife. That's for men's conversations. I'm not following you. You're totally deceived.

man, it's going to be an awesome podcast because our wives are incredible. And that just happened. And I decided to share it with some men in a couple of men's groups that I'm in. I'm like, all right, I'm going go out. Well, I have a problem being vulnerable, but I'm going to share it with these guys. You know how many of these guys came back over the next three weeks talking about the blowups they've been having in their marriages.

And I mean, and these are squeaky clean people on the outside. I'm not going to mention who their names are. And they're like, yeah, we had something too. So don't ever discredit the thing that happens. Right. Because Lindsay and I are praying like, Lord, can you use this? We're sorry. We repent. Can you use this? And lo and behold, seven to 10 couples that we just shared our story with. Transparency. So don't take your mess.

and think God can't use it. Give it like put me shoving under the rug. don't want anybody to know. Well, actually people need to hear this. man, it's been so good. Hey guys, you know, you're not the only one. Don't think you're so special that you're the only ones in the world that have marriage issues. Right. Like there's no such thing as a perfect marriage. on. Come on. Be real. Be real. Like be real. Get free. Yeah, for real. I don't know. I mean, for my closing remarks, it'd just be that. Get a relationship, man. Yeah.

Like it might be that you need to make a habit first before it starts. Yeah, but get the discipline to sit down and go, you know, I'm going to wake up 15 minutes earlier and I'm going to pray and I'm going to read and I'm going to start somewhere and just start reading. You might not get an answer right there, but you might have conversation that scripture pops up again. Yeah. And suddenly that scripture makes sense and it applies. And now you're going, Oh God, now I see how you're moving in my life.

Just let God move. But starts, he's not like it, a phone calls a two way conversation, right? I got to call you, you got to talk back to me, right? It's not just going to happen on its own. Read and pray. That's all I got to say. Do you think it's more like a Marco Polo with the Lord?

I mean, you hardly ever respond to me, so I hope not. It's been a three weeks of transition for me. I'm getting better at it. I had like 37 missed polos and it took me like two hours. There was one group there, I was 14 behind. I'm like, yeah, if it's that important, you guys will call me. I'm going to be behind here. Yeah. But that's good stuff. Thank you for, yeah, the scripture, the stories.

Well, you just convicted me at the end. I got some conversations. got to have two in there too. I love our duo. I love our dynamic. We're both very similar, but also different approaches. You're very much more theological into in theology and studying it. and that's not something that I'm drawn to. And I love that you are because

If there was two of us like you sitting here, it probably would be boring. If there two of me sitting here, there would be zero listeners every week. You never get to a point. Exactly. I'm all, I need, I need somebody to like, so, so what you're getting at there and you're good. You're like my wife in that you have a way of, you're my podcast wife. man. Yeah. That'll, yeah. No homo. No homo. No FOMO. Okay. Definitely deleting that. All

All right, everyone. I'm not deleting that. Have a great week. And again, reach out to us with any prayer requests or if you just need to talk. Friday nights here at the farm. And if you have topics that you want to hear about, or if you have questions, send questions and send topics, ideas. Sometimes it's the hardest part is what are we going to talk about this week? Maybe that's a good one. Send some questions to us because I'm always answering them. Maybe we'll answer one here because it probably help other people. Yeah.

And if you're listening on Spotify, or if you're listening on Apple Music or Audible, what's the email?

Jay good at beyond the outpost .com. I'll have to delete that little bit of a pause. Yeah. No, got 12 emails. I had to think there for a second or contact at beyond the outpost .com and also Mrs. Shaw. If you made it to this far to the end of the outpost, the end of the podcast. Thank you. Thank you for helping us with our social media and our YouTube channel. Heck yeah. We have a volunteer now. We need to get her, we need to get us some shirts, but we need to get your mama's shirt. Heck yeah.

color a mother shawl mama shawl mama shawl mama shawl yep I like that yep sounds like a Hebrew word mama shawl yeah all right cool all right later bro be blessed buddy