Flip the Script with Vic

Fresh from teaching my largest class ever at Dirty South Yoga Fest, in this week's episode, I'm reflecting on the journey and preparation that led me here.

We're diving deep into the value of preparation, intuition, and patience in the pursuit of our dreams. From unplanned changes that led to grand opportunities, to the dedication behind the scenes, we'll explore how small, consistent steps and intuitive nudges can lead to big, magical moments.

Early bird pricing for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico ends September 1st! Apply now!

Click here to learn more about Victoria's 6-week group program, Akashic Awakening.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

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IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, my loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. It's your host, Victoria Nielsen. I am basking in gratitude today. I taught my biggest class ever yesterday at Dirty South Yoga Fest, and I'm just really reflecting on the journey that got me here because I think most people would see that end result, right? They see this big class of 60 or 70 people and they think that it feels so natural and so effortless and it is now, right? But I started working towards that goal more than a year ago. And it is a bit of hard work, it is a bit of magic, and it is a bit of having support from the universe and trusting that what is aligning or unaligning is in your greatest favor. What do I mean by that? I wasn't originally supposed to teach on Sunday of the festival. I was supposed to teach on a Saturday afternoon, which would have been fine, but I'm sure I would have been in a smaller ballroom.

Speaker A [00:01:03]:
And I was asked to participate in an event that was going to be that same day. And so I switched my time to Sunday morning. That event actually is not happening. It got moved. But if I had not listened to my intuition to be a part of that event, I never would have asked to change my time. And I never would have been in that bigger ballroom teaching 60 or 70 people, compared to maybe 20 or 30 in a smaller room. But I was ready for the opportunity. And I really encourage you that even if your dreams feel like they're so far away, I want you to be ready for the opportunity.

Speaker A [00:01:48]:
I want you to be ready for when the stars align and things work out in your favor and you can just step into whatever that thing is with ease. But it takes some thought and it takes some preparation. It looks like a shit ton of luck when you're looking from the outside. There is a little bit of luck in there, yes, but it takes preparation and dedication and devotion to yourself into your dream. So I knew I wanted to teach at Dirty South Yoga Fest last May, maybe of 2023. And so I started taking little actions to move towards that. I asked about when their applications would be out for the following year. I looked to see what types of classes that they were holding, and then I listened to my intuition and decided in early 2024 that I wanted to start teaching in person again.

Speaker A [00:02:43]:
That I wanted to go teach at a studio and have a weekly class. And so that's what I did. I teach twice a week now in person. And I think no one's confirmed this, but I'm pretty sure part of the reason that I was accepted to teach at Dirty South Yoga was because I was an experienced teacher who was already teaching at a studio. If I had not been teaching at a studio, I don't know that they would have looked at my application the same, or they would have been willing to put me in a bigger ballroom like they did. And so it wasn't that I intentionally did that, but I sort of did because something was guiding me, right? My intuition was guiding me, letting me know that this was the next thing that I needed to do for my healing path and my journey as a spiritual entrepreneur, as a teacher, as a healer. And so I followed that nudge without having an expected outcome. Right.

Speaker A [00:03:38]:
But because I did that, it set me up to be accepted to teach. It also set me up to be comfortable teaching in front of that many people. So, granted, my weekly classes are not 60 people. They're not even ten half the time, to be honest. But showing up consistently every week, twice a week, to teach classes, whether they're from my teacher manual or me teaching intuitively or whatever the case may be, made me so comfortable that when it came time to be on a big stage yesterday, I didn't even flinch. I also left my notes at home, by the way, and that also didn't, like cause any kind of bump in the road for me. And, you know, I have had a dream of being on a stage for a long time. I didn't know what it meant.

Speaker A [00:04:28]:
I thought maybe it was around my books or around things like that. But I can see now that it stages like this teaching in front of hundreds of people in the future, hopefully. Right? And so because I knew being on a stage was a dream, back in April, I was actually a speaker at a wellness event in Knoxville. It was the wellness innovation summit, and I did a whole speech on activating your voice, and I led them through Kundalini. And so it may seem like all these things are disparate, but as I sit here in gratitude for what was able to happen yesterday, it's because I rose to the opportunity and I was able to seize it because of all the preparation I had done beforehand. There was no hesitation. I was prepared, I was able. I felt at ease, and I felt really comfortable.

Speaker A [00:05:25]:
And so, I know this is like the not sexy part of going after your dreams, but I think people sometimes write this big dream and this big goal, and then they don't take any of the little steps to get there, whether it's intentional or not, I think if you're following an intuitive path and you're following your intuition. You may be taking these steps and not realizing it, like I was, but they need to happen so that you are prepared. You don't see an NFL quarterback play zero games and then make it to the NFL, right? Like, they've. They've got a dedication and a drive and they practice over and over again. And so you have to use your everyday life as practice for this bigger dream, whatever it is. If you want to open your own business one day, maybe you. Yes, of course, like, start to take business classes, but also maybe you set up a smaller side hustle and, like, learn entrepreneurship from the ground up. Maybe you shadow someone, maybe you, I don't even know, like, follow the intuitive nudge and ask a friend and they get you a job somewhere, you know, whatever it is, like, you have to start somewhere, and then you can work your way towards the big dream.

Speaker A [00:06:39]:
You can't, I shouldn't say you can't have the big dream right away. That's not true. But you're going to be better able to hold the frequency of the big dream if you're prepared. Because that's the other piece of this, too, right? That you have this big dream and maybe you've had moments of it where it seems to be coming to fruition and then something falls through or it seems like it's all systems go and then something happens. And that is because you are not able to hold the vibrational frequency and the energy of that thing. And I have been working on doing that as well this year. You know, my word of the year for 2024 was pleasure. And me learning to hold pleasure and bliss in my body for extended periods of time also has allowed my nervous system to feel regulated and relaxed so that when I am in front of a crowd of 60 plus people, like, it doesn't faze me because I am rooted and grounded in my body, in my senses, in my body, and I know what it feels like to be fully present in the moment.

Speaker A [00:07:47]:
And so I hope this is resonating a little bit for you. No matter what your dream is, you know, it doesn't matter. You maybe don't want to do anything with, like, being a teacher or being on stage, but I hope that you're able to extrapolate maybe some of this to your own life and your own dreams. And I think the really big message that I've been getting lately is that there is enough time. There's enough time, and we on the entrepreneurial path. I say this like the royal we but we want things to happen, like right now. We want that dream, and then we want it to drop on our lap, like yesterday. And I think, again, it's not sexy, but having the patience and the trust that it's going to happen, even if it's a year from now, two years from now, three years from now, that it's going to come to fruition, if it is the right thing for you.

Speaker A [00:08:39]:
The reason things crumble around you or don't work is perhaps that it's not the right thing for you, or that maybe you went after that dream because it was actually someone else's and it was projected upon you and you were told that it was the thing that you should do. You know, if it's a true heart song, if it's the dream of your heart that you're, like, meant here to come and do, come hell or high water, it's going to happen. But you are going to feel better throughout the entire process and in the receiving of the dream, if you prepare yourself along the way, preparing yourself can be, excuse me, something as simple as acting as if you already have it. How would that person who has achieved that dream act differently, perhaps in the way that you do now? Would they dress differently? Would they surround themselves with different people? You have to act as if it's yours now. You have to start to embody that dream before it ever comes to fruition in the physical realm. And that can be really hard for people because, you know, you don't feel like that big, empowered person just yet, but you will little by little, day by day, by making those small choices that allow you to be prepared and empowered. And it all comes back to, I think, loving yourself enough. I'll repeat that.

Speaker A [00:10:02]:
You have to love yourself enough to go after your dreams. You have to love yourself enough to heal. You have to love yourself enough to do so many things in life. And coming from that place of love rather than a place of hate makes a really big difference, because then you're devoted to yourself instead of fighting against yourself all the time. You know, you can't hate yourself into change. You can. It's just gonna fucking suck. Whereas if you love yourself enough, how would you treat yourself? What plans would you make? How would you do your life differently? You know? And it's always stayed with me.

Speaker A [00:10:40]:
At the beginning of my teacher journey, someone said to me, you should show up to class the exact same way, whether you're teaching one person or 100 people. And that really stuck with me. And that's how I try and live my life? Is that what if my business was making millions of dollars? It's not currently, but it will. And what do I need to do in my everyday to get it there? Is that making different choices for my physical health, for my mental health, for my spiritual health? You know what? What is that millionaire mindset that is going to get me there? So what is your dream mindset that's going to get you there? What is going to allow you to embody this person that's able to achieve and receive this dream that you have for yourself? Because like I said, if you are seeking this thing, it is seeking you. It is meant for you and it's going to happen. It's just a matter of when, right? And so can you be prepared so that when it does happen, you can step into the opportunity with ease, you can rise to the occasion with ease. You're able to then step into that next version like that, right? You know, it's like, it makes me think a lot about overnight celebrity that again, people see from the outside that like, oh, this person became a celebrity overnight, but actually they did all of this stuff beforehand and we're just in the right place at the right time to be able to seize the opportunity. And that's really what it is for your dreams as well, is that you've got to live and create your life in a way that is supportive of you going after your dreams and is allowing you to take small, sustainable steps toward that dream every single day.

Speaker A [00:12:14]:
If you want help tapping into your intuition and figuring out what some of those actionable next steps are for you, I invite you to join my six week virtual group program, Akashic Awakening. We're starting on September 23 at 08:00 p.m. and I will teach you how to open your Akashic records to receive the guidance that you need in the moment, plus whatever actionable next steps are required for you to go after the life of your dreams, we'll also be doing kundalini yoga and ritual in the records each week, moving through the chakras to get rid of any blocks that are in your way and to really help you clear and connect with ease. If you want to learn more about this program, go to victoriamargo.com awakening. I love you guys so much. Please continue to let me know if you love these conversations. What other topics you'd like to be talking about on Instagram at Victoria margonealson. I will see you next week.

Speaker A [00:13:08]:
You guys be good to one another. I love.