The Independent Creator

Welcome to the Independent Creator Podcast. In this episode, Josh dives into a topic that's been on everyone's lips: Artificial Intelligence (AI). He demystifies AI, explaining how it can be an asset rather than a threat to our jobs, especially for content creators.

Key Points Discussed:
  • Understanding AI: Josh breaks down what AI is and its relevance in today's digital landscape.
  • AI in Video Editing: Tools like Descript are highlighted for their ability to streamline video editing, making it as easy as editing a text document.
  • AI in Live Streaming: Services like CapCut and use AI to create engaging clips from live streams.
  • The Cost of Convenience: While AI services save time, they come at a financial cost. Josh discusses the pricing of various AI tools and weighs them against the value of time saved.
  • AI in Podcasting: The use of AI for generating transcripts, summaries, and even blog posts from podcast episodes is explored.
  • A browser-based service that integrates AI for recording and live streaming, offering transcription and editing features.
  • Writing with AI: Josh talks about using AI for writing assistance, including title generation and content ideas.
  • The Human Touch: Despite the efficiency of AI, Josh emphasizes the importance of human oversight to ensure quality control.
Memorable Quote:
"AI is not to be feared. Just use it to help yourself make better content than you normally would do and to not overburden, burn out, and to make better content." - Josh
Resources Mentioned:
  • Descript
  • CapCut
  • Podium
  • Magi AI
00:00 - Introduction
05:07 - Talks about how Descript uses AI to copy voice mannerisms.
06:13 - Discuss DaVinci Resolve's one-time payment for video editing.
07:07 - Mentions CapCut and others that use AI to make highlight clips from live streams.
08:45 - Reflects on AthenaScope's shutdown, an AI service for streamers.
10:03 - Stresses that AI is a tool, not a threat or a replacement for human creativity.
11:15 - Suggests smartly using AI, like CapCut for short videos.
12:25 - Explains AI's help in podcasting, like making transcripts and chapter markers.
14:03 - Describes Podium's podcast features, such as summaries and keyword lists.
16:33 - Compares AI service costs to the time they save in making content.
18:44 - Highlights how AI processes podcast episodes fast.
19:45 - Advises that creators still need to edit and ensure quality, even with AI.
21:24 - Recommends for those with limited computer power for podcasting.
25:31 - Talks about's affordable plans and features.
28:40 - Introduces Magi AI for writing help and content ideas.
33:00 - Encourages using AI to better workflows and content creation.
36:07 - Warns against letting fear of AI control how we create and interact.
39:16 - Shares how AI helps him with tasks like summarizing and finding keywords.
41:03 - Asks listeners to subscribe to the Weekly Waffle newsletter and review on Apple Podcasts.

Call to Action:
Listeners are encouraged to embrace AI as a tool to improve their content creation process. They're also invited to subscribe to the Weekly Waffle newsletter for insights on content creation, alternative platforms, and indie gaming.

Remember to leave a review on Apple Podcasts and share your thoughts on the episode using #IndependentCreatorPodcast.

Thank you for tuning in, and catch us next time on the Independent Creator Podcast. Later, taters!
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What is The Independent Creator?

Exploring the world of alternative platforms and services for the independent creator. We take on the mission to find those nuggets of information many of us look for as we journey on our path to being truly independent creators.


Welcome to another edition of the Independent Creator Podcast. And tonight, we're actually gonna be discussing some some topics that some might deem dark and mysterious. That's right. We're talking about AI. I know I know AI has pretty much been the de facto topic of many different places and websites and podcasts and discussions pretty much everywhere, you can't avoid hearing about AI.


That's bringing AI to you guys as well. So tonight, let's actually dig into a little bit why AI might be important for your workflow, procedures and not to be really, afraid of it because, you know, AI is not gonna take your gerbs. It's, you know, it's something that if if used correctly, it can help you make, your podcast as editing or your video editing process cut it in half. Pretty much go from like it usually would take you an hour to something like 30 minutes or 20 minutes because it can do a lot of this repetitive stuff that you would have to do, AI can take care of it for you. So that's what we're gonna talk about tonight.


And let's actually dig into video side of things. Now there are a lot of different things out there that will help you with editing your video. And most of those are like the, what's called word document or text type of editing. That is what I mean by that is, like, descript. Descript is a very good, example of that where you can record or upload your video podcast or your video into Descript, and and what it'll do is go through your your your your file, take out all you can have it take out all the, the silent parts, the umms, uhs, the filler words pretty much, And you can go through and edit as, like, you're a editing a word document.


It's actually pretty cool. And to actually, I have used it in the past, and it does take some I shouldn't say it's it takes some, thought on how to go about it, but it does work in a way that speeds up your workflow. So let's take a look here. I have it pulled up. Now this is Descript, like I was saying.


It's again, you can record directly into it, or you can upload your video into the, d script editor. So let's actually go ahead and take a product tour. And like with anything with anything, you have your video player, you have the timeline there at the bottom. On the left side is a transcript of what is in your video. And you can go through there and take out a whole entire section, and what these scripts do will truncate or pretty much what's called, in the biz, a ripple delete will take that part that was that you had just deleted and take it out and move everything up to that point so your video becomes shorter.


And there are all all different ways that you can go about this. You can actually export it to YouTube, you can export it to, like a video file that you can actually use into DaVinci Resolve or Premiere Pro or anything like that. And further editing, and you can do any all sorts of different things with it. But it basis of this is AI. Well, it'll go through your entire video file or even audio file, really.


And the nice thing well, I should I should preface this with it is nice to say, but the thing is there is also an another element that if you had messed up let's say you had a paragraph that, oh, it didn't quite fit or you wanted to do something different. You can type out what you wanted to say and insert your digital AI voice into it. Now I know. I know. Some people saying, well, that's that's, like, on the edge of creepy town.


Yes. I can say that is on the edge of creepy town. You can have it learn your voice, your voice mannerisms, and how you speak by going through a script and reading the script and have it, record and then send that off to the, Descript's servers to go through your AI process and pretty much make it sound like you are speaking the words whatever you type. Now there are also some examples that are in there as well that you can use for free. There's some famous voice actors.


I don't really know the the name off the top of my head right now, but you can use their voices as well. It's it's kind of like, I'm sure you've heard on or if you've been watching on YouTube, there's those, faceless videos that you know they definitely have that AI AI sound how their speech pattern is is like oh, and there's also gonna be a very good time at in the pilgrims, and you can just you can tell because it's just the the tone, the connotation of everything, and the way that it speaks doesn't really sound, like, human ish. I know I I'm I go that route too, but, you know, at least I'm I'm human last time I checked. But Descript is a very powerful tool that you can use. Now Descript is not the only thing that you can use for taking care of video files and going through the process of editing as, like, a word document.


You can do that in the paid version of DaVinci Resolve. I believe it's, like, $300, but it's a one time payment that you don't really have to worry about anything else. It's not a subscription. Adobe. But there is that fact that you can use DaVinci Resolve video editor to deep to go through and edit in a word document style.


You can also do the same thing in Premiere Pro. Of course, that's like a, what, a $20, $22, monthly subscription for Premiere. But the aspect that you can use AI to go through and that that is like a like a very thin definition of AI. Yeah. It's going through your transcript and pulling stuff out that you can go in and cut out even further.


But there are other aspects. A lot of people, especially in the gaming live space, live streaming space, they they will use a service called, like, CapCut or, there's some other there's another one that says coming out. There's, it's still in a waiting list that it's not really fully fleshed out or available publicly., I think it is, where it uses AI to go through your your livestream video, and I'll pull out all the clips that you would think that it would be or actually it would think that would be interesting like, clutch gameplays or headshots or, you know, the last man standing or anything like that. That kind of service had been around for years in the form of athenoscope.


And if you've been a live streamer for since, oh, probably before COVID times, athenoscope actually was the de facto AI clip generator that was out there. And it was actually did a very good job. What it would do is go through all of your your livestream, like, how many hours that you went through, and basically also tell it, say, I was playing Overwatch. So it knows what to look for, like, victories or defeats or, kills, deaths, and stuff like that. And I'll put little snippets as little clips that you can go ahead and take out and put on, like, TikTok or, Twitter or wherever that you wanted to do that.


And what I would also do smartly was take those clips, putting it into, like, a 2 or 3 minute montage with a DMCA free soundtrack pretty much that you can have. Say, oh, this is like a montage of my best clips for this week that you can post on your social met, media network. So, unfortunately, I'm not really sure why AthenaScope actually disappeared because it was just for some odd reason. They they, it was one week. It's, like, everything was going great, and then they posted out on a tweet that, we're closing up shop.


And the next was it, like, next month? And if you wanna save anything, well, now is your time to go in and, download what you got. And unfortunately, there wasn't really anything out there that was at that level that athenoscope was, you know, taking part in. And only a couple years later, CapCut came in with AI, or actually I should say AI came into CapCut. And then we have River, and we got some other places out there that are part of what you would think at theoscope was, and maybe also improved on the initial format of what athenoscope offered.


So there are a lot of things that AI is capable of doing that it's not this doom and gloom thing that a lot of people that you see on social media or, you know, anywhere else that, oh, AI is taking your jobs. It is it is the worst thing out there. And, well, it can and when used incorrectly, but that's that's the thing is is that you have it's just like with any tool. You can injure somebody with a hammer or a saw or is it or kill them, but the thing is it's it's it's a tool that is designed to do one thing, cutting wood or cutting material. And that's all it knows that's all it's built and designed for.


So with AI, to think of it as, like, something that is inherently not good, that it's if you use AI, then you are not a you're not a true creator. You're you're just you're a pretender. You're a poser. And that's something that I think a lot of us have to get over because I I'll I'll keep harping on this. It is a tool if you use it smartly.


Like I mentioned capcut. Capcut will basically would do what you want it to do. Take your your videos and put it into like, 30 seconds or 60 second segments that you can take, edit to make sure that you you this is you have to go through and make sure what it produces fits your brand, your your lifestyle, and what you are wanting to put out there. Just don't take it. Say, oh, yeah.


It's it's good and I'll just go ahead upload it to tick TikTok. And that's it. I don't have to do anything else. It does all the work for me. You still gotta put in some work.


It's just don't be lazy. So it can do, like, the captions and all sorts of different stuff. You can do, share it with like, if you have an editing team, you can share it with them. So it has grown up from its early days. And I also wanna take a look at so before let's go ahead and move from, like, live streaming video aspect to, okay, you doing a podcast.


Like, what I'm what I'm doing here. So with a podcast, you can use this as well. But with a podcast, it's a little bit different than how you wanna about go about your your workflow. And one of those things is by using a AI generator for transcripts, for writing out, like a blog post or a newsletter or, you know, LinkedIn post or, you know, just getting the chapter markers or getting title ideas. And this is the best way, I think, that instead of yes.


You can do it yourself, but you're gonna save yourselves a lot of hours for each episode having to go through and do this yourself when you can go ahead use, like, a, program like, Podium. Podium will take your file, your audio file, and it'll go through its AI, thingamajig, and say, okay. This is what comes out, and we'll do a transcript. It does a episode summaries. It gives you keyword listings that you can use on, you know, YouTube, and if you post it up on your YouTube channel, or anywhere else.


So, yeah, episode summary, it also does different show notes that that gives you different options for show notes. I think yeah. It it gives you 3 different versions of what it thinks that your episode was geared towards. Let's say, for this episode, it'll give me, like, a a casual type of flair to it. And then another option, it'd be friendly, and then another one be like a professional style.


So you can choose which kind of show notes or, episode summaries that you wanna choose to post up on your episode guide or, on within your episode description. So it does a lot of different things, and you can do, like I said, yeah, chapters. It does have what they called Podium GPT, where you can say, okay, Take this episode and write me a blog post describing this episode. And what'll it'll do that for you. And then you can say, okay.


Take this post or take this blog post and truncate it to less than, what, 500 words. And then it'll go ahead edit and do the the parts that is more relevant and stuff like that. So in saying all that, I would like to also say that this these things are not cheap. You're paying because they're using a lot of system resources to go through and do all this work for you. So it does cost some money.


Looking at Podium. Podium, you're gonna look at you get at least 3 hours free to try it out, but let's go ahead and go with the monthly. So if you want just 3 hours a month, like, you have to have very, like, small or very short segments or episodes and stuff like that for $14 a month, and you get 3 hours a month that you you you're, you're only allowed. That it'll go through and do this for you. Now you can bump it up.


Let's say you wanna do because I I did have I was using it. I got on the early bird pricing before they upped the pricing, so I was paying, like, $30 a month for 10 hours. That that went that was only good for, oh, like, a couple weeks at the end, at the end of it last year, early this year So now it's $47 per month for 10 hours. And, of course, if you do monthly I mean, do, yearly. Yeah.


That's gonna be $40 a month for 12 months. You you do the math. And that is just for the creator line of things. And there are other options out there. You got Cast Magic that does pretty much the same thing.


This is a different, service that you can use. The pricing on that is a little bit different. 300 minutes, they go by 3 by they go by minutes. So it's 300 minutes for $23 a month. I know that's, annually.


Nope. I'm sorry. That's monthly. For monthly, it's $40 for the 300 minutes. Starter is a $100 a month for 800 minutes.


Now, I know what you're saying is, like, holy crap. That's expensive to to do this stuff. I might as well, you know, do it myself. Well, yeah. You can do it for yourself for free, but you also gotta think about what is it actually costing you in time?


So let's say you do, like, a 1 hour podcast, which the independent creator is typically a 1 hour podcast. It's usually shorter than that. Anywhere from, say, 35 minutes to 60 minutes. So I'll go through I'll do the editing. I'll clean out everything, and I also wanna go through and make sure I do figure out what is a good chapters.


Like, I'll see which particular section is for chapters, and then I'll have to do type out the transcript, do it all myself, listening through, stopping, starting, typing it out. That's gonna take hours. That is what you have to think about And when you look at doing any kind of production stuff, especially for podcast, is the transcription, doing the subtitles, chapters, chapter notes, keywords, all that stuff you have to do is for one episode, it could take you a couple hours. Or you can pay someone to do that, and they do it for a couple hours. Or you can do AI, and it'll do it in, like most of the times when I was doing it through Podium, I'll do a 1 hour podcast, and it'll take, like, when you upload it, it's about a couple minutes, and then for tran for, processing so anywhere from like 10 to 15 minutes at most to do everything, depending on the the length of the episode.


And 10 to 15 minutes let's say 30 minutes at tops. 30 minutes, it does a transcription for you. It writes out all the show notes. It does a keyword listings. It gives you different kinds of show notes that that you can choose from, and also chapters.


So all that for $40 a month or $50 a month, it's kinda like, okay. I can see where my time can be saved, where I can let that do its thing for, like, 30 minutes, and I can go off and do a, start building up for next week's or the next episode or I can start working on doing some, clips or or anything else that you can think of. I can be doing other stuff while it does, you know, the the boring tedious work. So that's why I say with AI is kind of like, you know, use it as a tool because it's kind of it is a tool that you can use. It's just don't rely on it completely because it's not gonna get everything correct.


There's gonna be spelling mistakes. It's it's not gonna, hear exactly because I know in my case, it when I will say gilded, it would type out, gilded, but g I l d e d, not g u I l d e d. Like, the company name is Gilded. And I would have to go through and do, like, a find and replace of the Gilded with the correct spelling or Ohmcast for some reason. It'll spell it correctly halfway through, but also it will start misspelling it the later part or vice versa or mixture throughout the whole thing.


So it's kind of like you have to, you have to be its editor. It's doing all the hard work for you, but it's it it will make mistakes. So you still have to have that mindset that I will have to go through and edit and make sure what it's doing is doing correctly. And then you can also have it learn from you or learn from your editing and try to make itself better. Now you can also do there are different things.


We're still on the podcast side of things. You can do a, trying to get it open here is use a service that is browser based that enter integrates that AI workflow in the back end for you. And one of those is Riverside. Now if you or if you were part of the livestream from the last episode or you watched it later, you might have noticed something that was a little different. I used Riverside in order to do my recording for the independent creator for that particular episode.


Now Riverside is a great service. If you don't have the computer capability to do, you know, live streaming or and recording or one or the other, and you don't want to, like, purchase and, or upgrade your computer, what you could do is use a browser based service like And what Riverside does, it gives you the option to do the recording and the live streaming as well. And the nice thing that with Riverside is that you are producing a product that you can set out there for, let's say, for live streaming, but it also uses your computer, resources to do a higher quality recording that eventually gets uploaded to your account. One of those things, it does also also utilize AI, but I'll get that in just a moment.


But you can set it up where you can stream by using your computers. Let's say if you have a laptop. You use your laptop's camera, and you have a $30 FiFi microphone. Just plug it in USB into your computer and use that. That's all you really need to do a great podcast.


And that's a lot of people are thinking or they get hung up on. It's like I have to have the lightest and greatest. I have a, $25100 camera set up, with the the correct lens. I need, mounting, and I need a $400, Shure SM7 B, and that needs to be plugged into a Rodecaster Pro 2. I need all this stuff.


I need. No. Just just just just stop, really. You don't need all that stuff. You just need a camera.


You don't even need a camera if you don't want that, but you can use your phone. You can use your laptop or your computer's camera or pick up a c920. They're they're cheap. Just pick one up. They're less than a $100.


Sometimes less than $50 if you buy it from Facebook marketplace. But the thing is is that you don't have to have the latest and greatest. And you don't need to have the latest and greatest computer to run all this. You can have just the normal computer. That's it.


Because all of the processing and all the re most of the recordings, especially in Riverside's case, is done on their servers. So with AI, take it going back to AI, it does the, transcribing for you. It gives you all the transcribe transcription of your episode after you're done recording. It does a subtitle, full file for you. And the nice thing is also it'll take out all the silent parts in your episode.


It's like I had a silent part right there. Now automatically take it out using AI. And then they also have AI for, you know, creating clips that you it'll go through your episode, figure out, okay, well, this is talking about TikTok in this one particular 30 or 60 second segment. We'll take that out and then set it up for that you can go through at a later date or afterwards when you're editing your entire, episode. You can go ahead oh, yeah.


I like I like that. I'll post it up on TikTok or wherever and use that after editing it. Don't be lazy editing that particular thing. So it has a lot of AI capabilities within it and truthfully, this has I would use if if I was if if someone was asking me, I don't have much. I don't have a great computer.


What would I do if I wanna start a podcast? Well, I would direct you to Riverside because in my personal opinion, I'm not paid or sponsored by them at all. Intent. If you want if you wanna send an email my way, that's okay. But, anyways, I would direct somebody to Riverside because the pricing is actually affordable.


Well, I'll show you here. Let's go to monthly. For the pro plan, which I would directly it's $30 a month. We get 15 hours of separate audio and video tracks per month in recording. Now that is if you use the Riverside dot FM's recording feature, like, on on the website themselves.


But if you have, if you record off of their website, you can upload your videos and get all the same glorious AI and transcription, subtitles, and all that good editing through that, then it doesn't affect your your time at all, which is a great thing. Because you can pay $30 a month, get all the stuff, and be perfectly fine. And if you don't, you can use their recording feature, and that's great. If you have, like, an hour of podcast and you do it for every week, you're only using, what, 4 hours of your 15 hour allotment. So you have a lot of, you know, leeway and buffer to do a lot of different things and using their AI system.


So that's why I say I I I'll direct people over to Riverside and to try out their service and see how it is, because it actually is pretty good. It's it's a great feature or it's a great, system that they have set up. And there are other places. There's, like, you can use Restream Studio has similar features. It's it's I think it's about the same, but it doesn't really give you all of the AI goodness that Riverside does.


There is the Streamlabs version, I think it's called Melon, that you can do the same thing. It's more for a good it'll it's more for the live streaming. Not it does recording, but you don't get, let's say, with Riverside, you do get 10 80p, recording. Let's see. To to to compare plan.


So you get yeah. Video quality recording for desktop. You get up to 4 k on the pro. So if you have a 4 k camera, you get up to 4 k re recording. And if it's on mobile and you can also use your phone too to call in or do a show on the road, and that's it gets, 10 80 p, which is perfectly fine for YouTube, video podcasting.


So think about it that how you use AI within your own workflow, that's that's a great feature, especially for podcasting. Now when you look at the different things, say, okay. That's great and all, but what else can I do with AI? Well, I do have to say that AI does provide you different options for, let's say, for writing. And one of the great things all the products that I've been showing you right now is stuff I have used in the past or had used just recently.


Maggi a ai, I don't know how you would say it, Magi AI, does a lot of great things for, you know, writing, setting up for trying to find great title ideas. It's the essential it takes it's based on chat gbt, but it kind of adds their own flare to it. So what it what it does is great because I use it a lot of times for trying to figure out, okay, video ideas. Give me some give me 10 video ideas on Gilded, and you, also put in, like, So it'll go ahead look at the website or whoever you're looking for and then I'll give you okay.


Well, this is what we have here. The nice thing about Magi a I'm gonna stumble over these this name. Magi is that it also incorporates personas. What personas are is, like, how you would talk to or, put in for a chat g p t, like, pretend you are a YouTube editor and go through that or pretend you are a copywriter. Pretend you are whatever.


Magi has that built in where you can select, it's a YouTube, was it? I forget exactly what it was, a YouTube editor or a YouTube professional, a copywriter, or a scriptwriter, even had, like, all different kind of different, profiles or personas that you could use that puts a different spin on what it's gonna present to you when you, you know, give its its prompt. You can also do custom personas, and then you can do, upload files where, you know, and like I said, instantly feed the AI important context by uploading any type of document right into the chat. You can do that with a paid, chat GPT that you can create, like, I know, Leo Laporte over on Twitter, he was working on or and wanted to learn, a pro was it a programming language called Lisp? And what he did is create a persona that only would look at all the books that he would upload or have it digital upload to it, and it only look inside those particular books and that particular, context.


It wouldn't gather stuff outside. It was he had directed it to say, only look inside these resources and answer what I want when whatever I ask of you, which kind of, you know, is a great thing because it says, oh, look at this stuff and it's not tainted by, oh, whatever is on the web. It only knows what you information that you gave it. So this is also very similar. Pricing, I know they just recently updated their pricing or up upped their pricing.


Professional is so you get, like, 80,000 words, 20 workspaces. That's typically what you wanna do, but you got also personal plus. It's 50,000 words, and it's like $20 a month. Oh, and it does also a little bit of image generation as well, so it has kinda like that mid journey DALL E aspect as well. And, of course, you have different prices for, like, agency, enterprise, professional plus.


So you just have to go through and figure out exactly what you want it to, actually do for you. And you can do different folders where it's, like, all stuff that is inside. So in the end, I would suggest just to play around with it. Don't don't be swayed that AI is gonna replace content creators, because I know in the description on YouTube, I I posted up that, recently with Sora, that Tyler Perry, he was gonna say he was gonna do a studio improvements, like, $800,000,000 on his studio in Georgia. He is after looking at stories, like, oh, no.


I'm not gonna do that anymore. That that's I don't wanna say it's kinda like fear mongering, but it it kinda is. It's like, yeah, it can do a lot of things, but it's not gonna have that human touch that we as a humans can see, you know, the picture the portrait of this person has 6 fingers when I know they don't have a 6 finger. Not the 6 fingered man and prepared to die. But we know that going into 2024 and in the future future here that AI is just gonna get better and better.


Look at the past, not even 10 years. It's been what? Let's say 5 years with AI and how much it has, left itself every year going forward. And it's just like, well, yeah, it's just going go and get better and better. If we use these as tools to make our workflows faster and well, it we can have AI work on, you know the boring tedious stuff that we would normally spend hours and dreading on going through it.


We'll let AI do it 20, 30 minutes while we'll go through and set up, like, another episode or we'll be working on a script or doing something else that normally we would be bogged down and have to set out. It's like because you gotta think about it. AI can do all the stuff that we can do, but it's not better. It's just that it can do it. And that, yeah, we'll still have to go through and make sure that what it's producing is, you know, good good enough quality that we'll say we'll give it a pass and say, okay.


What you have produced is something that we'll post out that, you know, we're we're proud of, posting out there. And just recently, YouTube has just just today or no. Yesterday. Anything that you post up on YouTube video now, if you use AI for any kind of image generation or or any, any, video aspect, you do have to mark it as, as AI generated. That because so, yeah, there is a large important, proportion of the audience or the people out there that, yeah, I I understand that if they have a fear of what AI is capable of.


And, yes, it is something to fear, but don't let it dictate how you interact with the rest of the world or how you interact or create your own content. Have fun with it. Try different things. But I can see with, like, the deep fakes and how I was just, was I think it was on threads, and someone had posted up how it can change out the words of, this little clip in a movie. It'll change it from, like, an r rated to a PG 13 movie.


It changed the f bombs to like freak freaking or you know put it in, Japanese or Spanish and with especially with, making sure your the lips or looking like that person or the actor was speaking the language correctly, not just something that was dubbed over. That's actually pretty cool technology that you can integrate that. We have that now. Mister beast and a lot of other people on YouTube had in the past made several different channels that were like in, in Spanish or in French and they don't really have to do that anymore because they can let AI go through scrub through their videos and say, yeah, read my lips and basically make it like they're speaking Japanese and they can cater to an audience that normally they would have to, outsource to, you know, like, translators. And and sometimes the translation gets all messed up or it doesn't sound correct, and it's I forget.


I think there's somebody who explained it with, like, translators and having your video translated and and how the translator can get the connotation of what you're saying because the cultural difference, they don't have the understanding of how certain words and phrases are used and in different contexts and how it is on their cultural, cultural side. So there's a lot of different things that can hue with human wise can cause some issues. So if there are anything with AI, is that we have to learn to embrace it because it is not going anywhere. It's it's it's here to stay, and we can let it take over and become, you know, a terminator, you know, to do do do do, kind of thing. Or we can actually embrace it and use it as just another tool to use in our tool belt to make our lives a little bit easier, because we all remember before the well, at the, the birthing of the Internet, it's like or computers.


It's like, these computers, they'll make our lives a lot easier. We'll be able to drink mimosas on the beach while the computer and technology is dealing with the hard stuff of work and labor. Well, unfortunately that did not became true. Is this for some other reason we decided oh yeah we can do more work we can instead of, 20 hours worth of work we can do 60 in the same amount of time It's like, well, we kinda screwed ourselves in that that aspect. So hopefully, smart people smarter people than I would take the reins, use AI as more of a a tool to try to make our lives a little bit easier, try to offload some of the stuff that we usually would do.


Again, I I know I kept saying this is edit, make sure overlook what the AI is producing just to make sure it's correct but I always always wanna say that I use AI in my workflows. I use it constantly for writing out figuring out ideas, titles and, doing descriptions where I can go through and have it read my transcript and say, hey, take this and summarize the transcript. Okay. Fine. I'll do that.


And I'll say, okay. Now put in time codes for the YouTube video. Give me a keyword listing or comma what is this? Write me a comma separated keyword listing for a YouTube video with under 500 characters, and it'll it'll do that for me. Of course, yeah.


I have to go through it because it'll misspell stuff. Oh, I misspell a lot of stuff. I'm I'm not perfect. Neither is AI, but we can use that to make our lives a little bit easier. And if anything of all of this, my rambling tonight, is to say, you know, AI is not to be feared.


Just just use it to help yourself to make better content than you normally would do and to not overburden, burn out, and to make better content. That's all I'm saying. Now if you enjoyed watching this episode or listening to this episode, make sure you go ahead and visit 2 It'd be much appreciated. I have a newsletter every week called the Weekly Waffle that I go through different aspects of, content creation, of alternative platforms, and indie gaming, all within a weekly newsletter that goes straight to your inbox.


And, also, I would love it if you write a review or put a review on Apple Podcasts. That'd be anything that you want, like a single word. Maybe let's say, let's do a word like, whatever apple or, you know, poop. You have a poop emoji or I don't I don't care. Something.


Let's write a review, please. Anyways, thanks for watching or listening to the end up in a creator podcast, and I'll see you next time. Later, taters.