The Adventures of Bud & Herb

This week on Unscryptid, Evan and Fitz talk to our dear Alison Kendrick, voice of Mystra's Glen's very own spiritual medium, Gerty McMcGillicuddy, and of course the beloved, yet highly suspicious MyComm Lady.

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Creators & Guests

Anna Fitzgerald
Evan Bivins
Alison Kendrick

What is The Adventures of Bud & Herb?

The Adventures of Bud & Herb is a new podcast from The Pocket Dimension. One part immersive audio drama and one part Dungeons & Dragons game where the dice tell the story and anything can happen. Follow along as best friends Bud and Herb hunt a cryptid that terrorizes their sleepy little town of Mystra’s Glen.

Unscryptid with AK


Evan: We just stumbled into our tagline, uh, Welcome to Unscrypted, where we put the cryptid back in scripted.

AK: There it is.

Fitz: Because the script never existed.

Evan: So, AK, you know, I think, for our community anyway, pretty much everyone knows you. But, for those... well, you know, for, for the Pocket Dimensioners and the ADHd20ers and all of those, those folks, uh, know and love you, but for those people out there who don't know you, why don't we just kick this off by saying, who the heck are you?

AK: Who the heck am I? Oh, I was not prepared for this. Um, yes. So my name is Alison. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina with my cat, Coney Bear.

I have ADHD. If we haven't made that apparent already. Um and ever since 2020, I have made a combination of ADHD and playing TTRPGs my entire personality. If it doesn't fit into one or both of those buckets, I pretty much want nothing to do with it. So.

Evan: Bye bye.

AK: See [00:01:00] you later.

Evan: Okay. Yeah. And, and Fitz, why are we here with AK today?

Fitz: So Alison plays a player character and a villain in The Adventures of Bud and Herb.

AK: Accidental villain.

Fitz: Accidental villain.

AK: Unintentional villain.

Fitz: Yes. In The Adventures of Bud and Herb. Turns out the MyComm lady is gonna save everybody in the end and will be the ultimate hero, but...

Evan: The thing is, AK, you do not personally, as a human being, have, have big um, Big Bad Energy.

Not that you can't channel it. I'm saying, like, I know you could bring it.

AK: Just like Gerty,

Evan: You're not an evil person.

AK: just like Gerty can channel anything, so can AK.

Fitz: That is true.

Evan: Right off the jump, I'm gonna go ahead and say, at the beginning of this podcast: Gerty? MVP in,

Fitz: Oh

Evan: in these next episodes. MVP. Vote it. Upvote on Gerty. 1000%

AK: Aw.

Evan: And

Fitz: out of ten. Five stars. A+.

Evan: [00:02:00] Would try.

AK: Aw. It was so fun. It was so fun and so unexpected. I know that like we're not giving anything away here in these episodes.

My kind of journey with TTRPGs is I, I used to like try and plan out everything all the time. I love building characters.

And it was actually Evan who was like, I mean, maybe don't plan so much, like maybe let things happen around, the VTT

happen around the game table. Not in a bad way. Especially in games that Fitz and I played together, like we would spend hours like building our characters and coming up with these very intricate decisions and backstories and things like that. And I didn't do that with Gerty. I was like, we're just going to show up and see what happens. And it turns out Gerty is accidentally pretty powerful.

Evan: Maybe let's go back a little bit, right? To Gerty 1.0? Should we start there?

Fitz: Yeah.

Evan: Fitz and I talked a little bit about the origins of Bud and Herb and the, the journey to The Adventures of Bud & Herb that we took. That had many, many side [00:03:00] quests.

And, uh, one of those was that we thought that we could just jump in and improvise every single episode and it was just going to work out great.

Fitz: Lesson learned.

Evan: And, you know, I think we had a lot of faith in ourselves and faith in all of our friends because we all play D&D together and that's what D&D is. It's just all improvisation.

And it turns out...

AK: And as y'all pointed out, you had the MVP of improv, one Matthew Bivins

Evan: He spoiled us.

AK: victim. And so not everybody is as cool and talented as Matt, unfortunately.

Fitz: was not a fair guinea

AK: He really, really wasn't. If Matt is the bar, I'm going to disappoint you every time. I'm

Evan: No.

AK: to improv.

Evan: it. Well, number one, it wasn't you. Matt was just a ringer and he came in and crushed it. But honestly, and Fitz, I don't, I mean, I think you probably feel the same way. AK that... your first round at [00:04:00] Gerty, that very first improvised version of that, which is in the vault somewhere. Maybe it'll see the light of day somewhere, sometime.

That was a huge turning point for this show. The fact that it didn't work.

And not that what you did didn't work. That's not what we're saying.

But the fact that we had not yet gotten the alchemy correct for how these episodes needed to work.

It was a pivotal moment. It really shaped the trajectory of things.

So. What, remind me, what was Gerty like in that first version?

AK: Fitz and I were, uh, on a little vacation together more than a year ago. And I just started one night doing this weird, like, Long Island Medium sound. Yeah, and so Fitz's face kind of like lit up and was like, so whatever you're doing right now is the character that Evan and I have like thumbtacked for you to play in The Adventures of [00:05:00] Bud & Herb. This was like right at the beginning, like after we had tried the kind of first concept of this, you know, call in radio show and you guys were in, in fact, you had had a meeting with Tey during same trip, Fitz, where like the, the big idea kind of started to form.

So y'all's gears were like busy turning and you guys were starting to kind of figure out the characters.

And so Gerty, you already had her name and you already had the concept of like her being this kind of spiritual medium, but the original concept of Gerty was a little bit more hacky than she came out to be.

She and Bud were like mad beefing.

And, and we kept some of that because it's funny, right? But as we've now learned, as we've tried to grow kind of our own improv practices and become better, you know, gamers, players, actors, all of those things. We've learned that like anger and, you know, sadness are the kind of low hanging fruit of improv and like. Don't default to anger. And I think that's where [00:06:00] we kind of went off the rails is that we had created this very chaotic relationship between Bud.

Fitz: A long complicated backstory that centered around a very specific event.

Evan: And it didn't push the plot forward at all. I think at that time I was thinking like, let's try to make this world, uh, have more history. Have more facets to it. But, um, man, it sure as hell did not. It just ended up feeling and being a whole bunch of "no, buts." And, and when you, and you just feel, it feels so icky when you're in that and you don't know how, you, you can't get out. I, I've, since that time, I've taken an improv comedy class, and the teacher talked about that. Once you start to find yourself in a "no, but" scenario, it's so hard to get yourself out of it.

AK: Yep.

Evan: And it feels so bad when you're in it.

And I remember sitting there recording and going, man, all of the choices that I have made in this are not working. [00:07:00] So, thank you. This is yet another time when Fitz and I went back and like tore stuff down to redo it. So thank you for being patient with us and being willing to do it again.

Fitz: And have the confidence to, to dive in and, and rejigger things

and, yeah.

AK: The other thing that I remember just did not work is I was trying to do this kind of Long Island Medium voice and I couldn't stay in it. And that was the thing that I was like battling the whole time. And I know that, that, that question came up for the two of you. You two are masters in like creating and staying in voices. Like you, you, you pick your pony and, and, and you go for

Evan: Sometimes.

AK: I am not. That is not... voices are not my, my strongest suit.

Evan: Well, I'll challenge that because it's, I think it depends on the voice, right? It depends on how much practice you have doing it. Uh, Fitz and I were just talking about this. And we were talking about this with Seth as well. Fitz and Herb. It's just for, she can just go right into it. Same with Bud. [00:08:00] Sometimes I'll need like a little bit of like, warm up just to kind of find it. But, and you 100 percent do that with Gerty 2.0. Whereas any kind of like, uh, uh, UK accent, like Thorne for me. I mean, I, that's terrible. I'm just counting on all, you know, our good friend, Digital Twisted, and all of the other good people of the UK to be forgiving. Um, because you're, I'm just dropping in and out of that all the time. I'm not trying to take away from what you were saying. Which was, it wasn't feeling comfortable. And I totally get that. Cause I, I feel that way too, sometimes.

AK: Do you want me to let the, uh, viewers and listeners in on my little secret of how I found, finally

Fitz: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

AK: For, for Gerty 2.0, I basically made like a visual Pinterest board in my mind. And I was like, who am I basing her on? And what came to me in a, like a flash. She is the love child of Moira Rose from, uh, Schitt's Creek [00:09:00] and my college drama professor, Jane Hadley. Who is a force to be reckoned with and somebody that I love very, very much. Jane's diction is perfect. And Jane says words like delicious and juicy a lot and like uses her whole mouth and every muscle in her lips to get those out into the world. And I realized that she was kind of Moira Rose in personality. Kind of like a little bit, trying too hard under all of that vibrato and polish, that she was trying to push out into the world and that she had a voice much like Jane Hadley.

And then once I had that visual in my mind, that made the voice in all of the subsequent episodes just a lot easier to stay in because I could just kind of keep going back into like who was inspiring this

character choice that I had made. And that's it.

Fitz: Well, and I have a question because ultimately, when we were envisioning Gerty as just this [00:10:00] NPC, I had assumed that when the time came for you to make Gerty's character sheet that you would choose something like a Bard or a Rogue. And you picked something that I, not only would never have guessed AK would pick, but a class that I wouldn't have picked for Gerty either. So can you talk to us about why that class? Why that subclass? 'Cause it feels so wild.

AK: Yeah, so my answer to that Fitz is, uh, I like to be a contrarian before any and all other things. I love playing with you guys. Everybody who knows me and has seen me talk about anything in the Pocket Dimension knows that you two specifically are two of my favorite players to play with. My tables feel incomplete without Fitz and Evan.

One thing that y'all have taught me, Evan, you're especially good at this, is kind of like playing against type, right? So if you're gonna be a Rogue, like, find some way for it to not just be your, like, basic normie, ooh, I'm sneaking, I'm disarming traps. Maybe you're bawdy and loud. Yeah. [00:11:00] Something like that. So, you know, that now is the place from which I take most of my character creations is how can I do this thing, but do it in a way that's unique, interesting, and kind of pushes the envelope. So when I started looking through all of this, because the original way that we had built Gerty to your point, Fitz, was very Bardic, you know, was kind of this like, uh, smoke and mirrors, flash of hand, things like that.

The difference between, you know, the kind of the initial Gerty and then like when you guys went and actually scripted something and gave me that to work with, yes, again, kind of like that Moira Rose, you know, archetype that there's this, Real human in there with mushy, gushy guts, but like who can kind of put on the wigs, can kind of put on the face.

And I tried to show that in the way that, you know, even that she spoke, there's moments where, uh, if, you know, she thinks nobody's paying attention to her, she's talking almost in kind of a completely different voice than when she knows everybody is listening to her.

Evan: Like Elizabeth Holmes.

AK: Yeah. Like a, like

Fitz: like Elizabeth Holmes.

Which I think in particular makes her [00:12:00] visions extra effective because you can see that veneer sort of fall away. Fall. Yeah.

Evan: Mm hmm.

AK: So you gave me that inspiration to make her a Cleric because it wasn't just sparkling hands and magic. You know, I looked at Sorcerer because Sorcerer is my base class. It's my favorite thing to play. But it just, Sorcerer did not feel right for this because what I realized, what you guys had written into the story between the, what did we ended up naming it? The Augury deck. Like she does channel. There is this very spiritual harnessing of divine power. So then I went into Cleric and was like, what could I do with this that's not just about devotion to a being, right? Cause that didn't Gerty either. And that's where I came up with using the Light Domain, because that really is about like channeling that divinity, that active.

Evan: Light Domain? What does that mean?

AK: Um, I picked it because it basically it comes with some really, really cool spells that felt more like Gerty. The [00:13:00] reason that I don't often play the Cleric. I tend, I tend to want to run headfirst into the chaos. Just as a player. And so when you play, quote unquote, the healer, you're kind of standing back. You're, you know, kind of like, like, Fitz plays an amazing Cleric, and that's one of the other things.

I told Seth this, uh, when we were talking about some Daggerheart things. I have no desire to play a Daggerheart Wizard because, like, Seth did too good of a job in our Daggerheart actual play that it's like, I'm like, nope, not gonna, not gonna touch that because I don't want to be the act that follows Dimple.

Fitz: Mm.

AK: Same thing with Cleric, Fitz. You have done such

an effective job with our Twilight Domain Cleric in our Barovia game. And this is like, it sounds, it sounds like a backhanded compliment. I promise you it's anything but, but it is when somebody has carved such a beautiful path in a specific class. It makes you want to be like, I'm just going to leave that to that person. So that's why I don't lean Cleric. Because I don't, I tend to lean more Paladin because Paladin has much of the same, you know, devotion. Right? [00:14:00] Um, and charisma, but then they can go in and they can pack a punch.

Evan: It's the Hannah Montana of healing classes.

Fitz: Paladins are the Hannah Montana of

AK: Exactly.

Fitz: classes.

Evan: It's the best of both worlds.

Fitz: Oh my God.

AK: Much like the name Light Domain suggests, they're all about banishing the darkness, right? Even when when y'all introduce Gerty, I think. Is it to Da'ryl at one point in time? And you, you know, you call me like a psychic or something like that and I correct you and I'm like spiritual medium, dear. Um, that's really is how she sees herself. She sees herself as this kind of like bringer of light. So can she heal? Does she know the right potions, you know, to, to take? Yes, absolutely. But what she really is there to do and, and tries to do with the, all of the Theo stuff is kind of like, be that light in the darkness. Be that radiant energy and use her bond with the deity that she serves to bring forth light into an otherwise chaotic, bleak, and dark world.

Evan: Here's what I love about [00:15:00] this, AK. In episode three, right before we meet Gerty, Bud is talking to Chick Nugget

AK: Mm hmm.

Evan: in the kitchen and he's trying to get the dirt on

AK: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. the Gerty dirty?

Evan: Yes, dirty Gerty 5:30! And Chick is just dishing up the hot goss, right? And Bud straight to his face asks

oh, so she's, she's like a Cleric or a priest or something, right?

And, and Chick's like, oh no, no, no, no, no, nothing like that. She'd like you to believe she's a spiritual medium.

And so what that says to me, it was so interesting, was that Chick doesn't know Gerty at all, right? It's just hot goss. And all of a sudden Gerty has more facets in like a whole different backstory that we now, I want to know more about, because Chick has gotten it so wrong. And also how Gerty just kind of becomes the MVP of these [00:16:00] actual play sessions, both as like, you know, the, just bringing the thunder, but also all of the choices you made as a player were so awesome.

And the things that you said were all so great. It just, it made, it made me want to learn even more about Gerty and why, why does, why do people not, why do people not know that much about her?

AK: Real believers know that not everybody's a real believer. And a lot of times they don't waste their time trying to convince people of what they know.

I'll, I'll give you all the tools, you can follow me, you can ask me questions, but I think that Gerty probably just thinks that Chick is a low vibration being. And if that's what Chick wants to believe, then that's what Chick can believe.

Fitz: Woo!

Evan: Oh my God, you are! You are the Samantha Simmons of Tataria.


Evan: Mystra's Glen.

AK: Yeah.

Fitz: Oh my God.

AK: It's funny that you guys keep saying that I'm the, that Gerty is the MVP, rather, because I think I [00:17:00] blacked out. I don't remember, and I haven't heard any of, like, what's come together with this. I remember being in awe of the rest of you. And I remember Gerty doing things and me thinking, like, oh, that's pretty, that packed a punch, like, that was pretty cool, but, like, I think it was a collaborative MVP effort. Especially, I know we can't give anything away, but like, I am still in awe of, of, you know, kind of the way that it ended and the choice Evan was able to kind of make in the crux of the moment.

My jaw.

Evan: When Bud dies.

AK: Right.

Fitz: When Bud absolutely just disintegrates.

Evan: Yeah, he gets power, Power Word Unalived.

Fitz: Yeah.

AK: That final speech that you gave, I mean, Gerty was crying, Alison was crying. We were all

Evan: Aw,

Fitz: When you ascended, when like

Bud just got Power Word Unalived and immediately ascended into being the Cinderwood Walker.

AK: And how you guys. Like, how you were able to pipe in the smell of the Cinderwood Walker so that, like, Matt and Seth and I could experience that, like, I am still scratching my head [00:18:00] and questioning how you were able to do that. It was so magical and special and also vile and foul because Cinderwood Walker. But thank you for adding to the drama in that moment, for sure.

Fitz: We try. We try, you know. Um.

Evan: Spare no expense here.

Fitz: Spare no expense. The USPS, uh, did in fact send me a cease and desist with sending foul smelling farts

Evan: through the mail.

AK: Fartsy.

Fitz: But, you know, can't stop, won't stop.


AK: Yeah, you created the playground. And we've talked about this often as a group. We've talked about it on Pocket Dimension Live. We've talked about it with our Patrons, like y'all really, and the work that you did building out, Calandria, Mystra's Glen, then has kind of like empowered Matt and I, to create other worlds that, you know, we've been put out on the channel in other ways. Because y'all made it feel so real. I think you said Fitz in the, the Unscrypted that we just put out with the two of you that like, you basically like take this world seriously. Like you believe in it. And I do too. Every single time we've [00:19:00] come to, to play, I felt immersed in this world that the two of you guys came up with.

Fitz: For most games, if you're starting, even a one-shot, campaign, mini-adventure, doesn't matter. Normally when you go into playing a game, you have a fair amount of freedom in character creation, right? Your name, what they look like, what kind of class are you interested in this time, and for you and Matt and Seth, and to some degree even Tey, there were guardrails in place and an understanding that you didn't necessarily have a hundred percent creative control.

We tried to give you as much as, as humanly possible, but ultimately these characters and their origination, came from us needing a specific story beat done. So what, what was the process like of finding and voicing Gerty as a character first and then classing her into D&D versus [00:20:00] coming up with a character that's fully your druthers?

AK: I loved it. Matt and I, and I don't think we've been quiet about this in some of our world building for the one-shots we do with our Patrons and some of the stuff that we've done on our, uh, YouTube channel, we use prompts.

So, for instance, the Daggerheart, uh, you know, uh, three part series that we did was not just burped out of my head, right?

The guardrails were that we used prompts and then that gave me bigger ideas, and in the end the final product doesn't really resemble the prompt, but the prompt was the starting point. That's what y'all did. You gave me the prompt. And so I'd never felt like guardrails is never a word that I would use.

You guys laid the the kind of base coat of paint out and like said, here's your canvas. And I think it was interesting that we recorded a couple of episodes together before I ever even conceived what Gerty's actual in D&D speak class was. And I think because we did it that way, that was what influenced the choice for Cleric. Whereas I [00:21:00] think I would have felt guardrails if you had said, you're playing Gerty, she's a Bard, or whatever it was. So the fact that y'all gave me the freedom to say, not only choose your class, choose your subclass, choose your level. You kind of painted a word picture for me with some of the script in terms of like some of her personality quirks, right? So like I knew that she was playing Ta'athesia Hold'em the night before, you know. And I knew, you two were, were very open and upfront from the beginning that y'all were more or less retired adventurers. So I knew that none of us were really playing spring chickens to an extent. Right? So then that gave me a little like, okay, I'm going to try playing, like an effectively middle-aged Halfling. She's got some years on her and she's not an active adventurer, but she's an expert in her own right.

Evan: Was she an adventurer at one point?

AK: No, I don't think she was.

Fitz: She's just good at her field.

AK: She's just good at her field and in the end I did end up kind of creating a deity that we could or could not use if we want to in our homebrewed world.

Evan: Who is it?

AK: Um, I don't remember their name. [00:22:00] I had studied up on it before. I can go find it. And like I usually do when I name anything is that there is word association where like I start with what the regular pantheon is. Okay, so she worships the Athena-like, and then we're going to get from Athena to XYZ.

I'll find it and tell you guys. I'm not trying to withhold information. I just...

Evan: Oh?

AK: But yeah, so like, I ended up being like, okay, so she is a Cleric. So she does have to have some source of power.

But no, I never felt, I never felt boxed in. I never felt that y'all were ever going to do anything, but "yes, and" me and my choices. I now understand on Critical Role why Sam has Liam give him his character choices. I'm going to start making Fitz do that. I'm just be like, Fitz, you tell me... which, kind of we already do when we create new characters anyways. Because I found it helpful. Because otherwise like the ADHD in me is like ping ponging in a thousand different directions.

Fitz: And actually, you brought up something that I'm not sure that we've discussed yet, which is that this party of characters are not all the same level.

AK: Right. Which was also very interesting. I [00:23:00] chose level four, because the guardrails that I think we were given: choose between three and five, because y'all are six.

Fitz: That sounds right.

AK: I knew she was at low, low level, and I knew I wanted to at least be beyond level three to be able to choose the Cleric domain. Um, and then what I ended up doing is, at fourth level, I chose, I went the Feat route. Feat fetish, um, and chose... Got a Feat Feat! And chose Telepathic to kind of fuel the medium aspect of her, that is something she would have, like, trained.

Evan: Is that something that is only available to Clerics or can other classes have that too?

AK: Anybody can choose.

You choose the, the Feat is called Telepathic and then you choose one ability score it can modify. So I went wisdom.

Because I think that that is what Gerty is. She is maybe not the most like common sense book learning smart girl.

But she is incredibly wise when it comes to like tapping into energies and feelings and riding emotions and things like that.

Fitz: Yeah, she's very empathic.

Evan: Originally, we didn't [00:24:00] necessarily know if, or maybe even want, for this, these four characters to become a party.

That, as we roll into Season 2, that, all of these, uh, players will be back, but they might be different people next time.

Since then, for me, Da'ryl and GeGrt and Grondar have all become very endeared to me and I, I actually want to see what happens to them next. Do you want to come back with Gerty? Assuming that she lives through the next few episodes?

AK: If, if Gerty, if Gerty lives. So that's hard. I, Alison, demand to be part of season two, if that's not

Evan: Oh, well that's, I mean that's just a given.

AK: Here, here's the thing with Gerty, though. I imagine her, is it Spriggy? Uh, that, Spriggy Bloomwhistle is who who she was playing. And,

Evan: It's her ride or die.

AK: to me, they're very much like a Babette and Miss Patty from Gilmore Girls dynamic is, is them.

Evan: I don't know that reference but [00:25:00] believe you. Ha ha ha ha ha

AK: That those who, if you know, you know. And, and so I don't necessarily, there's no retirement for Gerty to come out of. Because again, I don't, I don't think that she was ever an active adventurer. I think she is growing her shop, growing her business. I think one at a time, she is taking down the Chicks of the world who just don't believe her and just saying, you stay in that energy. Those who want to believe can come to me, you know. It's all about attracting and not chasing, right? Exactly. Exactly. You knew what I was going to say, right? I think that if Gerty lives, I think she had a tremendous time and did probably appreciate being wanted. I mean, as much as she is in this kind of like ethos of, don't chase attract, it can hurt your feelings for people to constantly, you know, kind of shit on you. Right?

Evan: Yeah. Yeah.

AK: And so I think that there is this arc of like, yeah, maybe people will believe me, you know, now. But I could, I could see her kind of staying more in the NPC realm. And being called out when she's needed. So maybe that means, you know, that there is like an [00:26:00] underlying storyline of what Babette and Miss Patty or Spriggy and, uh, Gerty are up to in season two. And then maybe I choose a more like active party member. But she certainly didn't have a bad time. So there's no part of me that's going to be disappointed with either direction of we'll trot Gerty out when we need her. Here's another player character for you or nope, Gerty, sorry. You just, you know, you gotta, you gotta stay in it with us.

Fitz: That feels right for Gerty. I know you haven't gotten to listen back yet, but, in listening back to her, she tends to be a little bit in the background, because there's a lot of big personalities

in that group, and then at the right moment she says or does something that is just so either powerful or very sweet. She always knew exactly what to do at the right time. And that feels right for a character who's just like, I live in Mystra's Glen and I'm just around. I do my job, you guys needed my help, and Theo is close to me, so of course I'm gonna come and help you.

Evan: She's a level four townie.

AK: Yeah, [00:27:00] and she genuinely, like, she loves the Diggles. Like, so that's why she went and conjured this circle and was trying to put protective enchantments around that family, because she believed Theo, first of all. At a time when maybe not everybody was believing Theo and, but she knew if she went to, you know, uh, Theo's mom, if she went to Rosie and, you know, Rosie would look at her like she was crazy. So it was like, I'm going to do what I can to help. I think that's probably how she feels about everybody.

Evan: Yes, to all of that.

AK: Can I tell y'all one realization that is officially my claim to fame and the reason that I get to be the number one fan of The Adventures of Bud and Herb?

Fitz: Oh, sure.

Evan: Oh yeah.

AK: I am the only person on this planet, the only one, that got to play in both Bud and Herb's first sessions. I was there from

the beginning for both and nobody else can say that.

Fitz: That is true. Herb's original bestie was your character.

AK: Was Lola the Paladin. The grumpy,

Fitz: The Hannah Montana

AK: the grumpy Paladin.

Evan: Aw.

Fitz: Thank [00:28:00] you so much. It's always a joy to hang out with you.

AK: Thank y'all for creating such a fun

Evan: Oh.

AK: place for...

Evan: Thanks for playing in our sandbox.

AK: Thanks for, thanks for giving us the ultimate playground to romp in. I can't wait to find out if Gerty does or does not make it, if we do or do not

save Theo, um, if Da'ryl does or does not kill Bud and all other manner of things.

Fitz: You know, who knew that The Adventures of Bud and Herb was gonna be like The Hunger Games? I guess maybe Herb.


Fitz: 'Cause she with snacks.

AK: I can't wait to find out if the MyComm lady is or is not the big bad.

Fitz: Yeah, she could either be the big bad

Evan: Spoiler alert. She's the big bad.

AK: Yeah.

Evan: Absolutely.

Fitz: Absolutely the big bad.

Evan: Yeah, she's Thanos.

Fitz: She and Milky Bob have teamed up and they're gonna destroy the world.

AK: This is,

Evan: the,

She's the, she's the Emperor.

AK: this is the best part about having a community and big fat shout out to the [00:29:00] delicious Pocket Dimension community, all of our Pocket Pals. Cause the shit they come up with, like never in a million years did any of us ever think like, oh yeah, the MyComm Lady is going to throw off an interesting big bad vibe.

Evan: I know. I know.

AK: They gripped right onto that, man.

Evan: Oh, yeah. Well, wait till they meet the, the Breadbasket representative.

Fitz: Well, I'll tell you what, AK. I'm going to say that Gerty now is an official member of the Mystra's Glen Cryptid Club.

AK: Yes!

Fitz: And, you were talking about our community, so I'm going to use this as an opportunity then to plug our community.

We do have a Discord for the Pocket Dimension as a whole, uh, which includes a Mystra's Glen Cryptid Club channel. Um, and we also have a Patreon where a lot of this content drops early. So.

Evan: Yeah! Get in there.

Fitz: Join the Cryptid Club y'all.

AK: Get in there and, and I, can I, can I offer a little teaser as we close this episode of what's to [00:30:00] come? So one of the things that we do with our community is we play monthly one-shots and a variety of TTRPGs and, there is a, uh, an idea on the table of doing some one-shots with Bud and Herb.

Fitz: That is true.

AK: Which will be fun. And so if you want to come play in Mystra's Glen with some of these crazy characters. You know where we'll be.

Evan: Get in there.

Fitz: Get in there. Join the club, y'all!

Evan: Yeah, yeah.

Fitz: Well, thank you so much, AK.

AK: Thank y'all. This was fun.

Evan: Yeah!

Fitz: Putting the scripted... no, putting the cryptid back in Unscryptid.

AK: I love that.