The Choosing Ease Podcast

Discover how to deliver top-notch service for your coaching clients… while traveling to your favourite places.

I recently took an extended vacation back to Bali (the place where my business vision started) , and was able to join a week-long advanced yoga teacher training as well as get in some much-needed pool time and catch ups with friends :-)

While I was away, my coaching business was still up and running. My emails were still being sent out. Content was still being created. And, most importantly, my clients were still being fully supported in the ways they have come to expect.

This hasn’t always been my reality. There were times earlier in my business when traveling like that and keeping my business running smoothly felt like they were mutually exclusive options.

If I wanted to keep my business running smoothly, I had to be there ... 100%. Otherwise, things would fall apart.
Thankfully, I’ve learned that doesn’t have to be the case.

There IS a way to be able to travel wherever you want in the world and still make sure your clients feel fully happy and supported.
Because I believe everyone deserves to be able to step away to take care of themselves (whether that means spending time with family and friends, doing a bit of business development, or just having some time to BE) without stressing about whether their business will collapse, I want to share the structures I put in place that enable me to travel to places like Bali, New York City, and Portugal for up to a month at a time — yet still show up for my clients in a way that makes them feel supported.

That’s what this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast is all about — how to set things up so you can truly run your business from anywhere in the world … and feel good about it.

In this episode, I talk about:

  • Creating a personalized CEO schedule that strikes a balance between client work, behind-the scenes tasks, and your personal life.

  • Strategically choosing travel accommodations that have all the amenities you need to work remotely and show up for your clients.

  • My must-have tools for setting up a functional  mobile workspace so you can serve your clients … and get some great B Roll footage.

  • Tips for automating and delegating tasks so you know everything will be taken care of even if you’re completely offline.

  • Why NOW is the time to put automations, systems, and software in place so you can have the freedom and confidence to take extended vacations later.

If you want to be able to travel anywhere you want in the world, but still know with 100% confidence that your coaching business (and clients) will continue to thrive, then set aside 20 minutes because I’m going to tell you how I make it work … and how you can too!

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What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.

Relinde Moors:

I spent 1 month in Bali the beginning of this year, and I got some questions from people who like, how do you do it? How do you run a business and continue with your clients when traveling, and especially how do you do it without losing the quality of the experience for the clients and the teaching and all that. And I thought, let's talk about it. Because, honestly, when I started my business in the first years of it, first, I was living in Bali, and then I was traveling a lot for a couple of years. So really couple months here, couple months there.

Relinde Moors:

And, it wasn't always it wasn't always beneficial for my entrepreneurial endeavors. I think at one point, I did feel like I need to slow down and settle down and actually have one place, so that I can be more consistent and focus more on growth rather than figuring out again where is the nearby grocery store, and where do I go to yoga here. So it was it was a you know, there's there's things to say about this. Both is possible. That is the wonderful, you know, freedom of having a business that is mainly online.

Relinde Moors:

You can work from anywhere you want, but there's definitely something to creating enough, I would say, structure and ease in your living situation so that you can focus on holding space for your clients and doing your marketing and doing all the things that you need to do in your business. Because let's face it, if you are running a multi six figure business, if you have many clients, if you're wanting to work through it, 7 figures, whatever your ambitions are, besides the numbers. Because I know I have clients that are like, Linda, I don't need to make more than 6 figures. I'm happy with that, but I do wanna really impact many people in the world. Like, whatever that is for you, there is a level of leadership that's being asked from you.

Relinde Moors:

And that's what came up for me when I was asking thinking about this question. It was like, it it does really anchoring yourself in your leadership, showing up, doing what you've promised, showing up for your people in a way that, that is really I'm trying to avoid the word consistent because I'm noticing that that feels for people often very constrictive, but in a way that is reliable. And I think that that is that is important to see. So let me get back to the more specifics on how do I do it right now if I travel for a whole month. So first of all, when I travel for a whole month, obviously, I'm gonna look at the dates that I travel and the days of the week.

Relinde Moors:

And I have created a rhythm in my months and in my weeks, which something that gives me a lot of freedom. I love creating rhythm. So what I've done is that I always work with my clients. I have 3 programs, which 2 of them I'm running at the moment actively. The other one, I do only once or twice a year, and it's a shorter program.

Relinde Moors:

But I have 2 programs that are ongoing that evergreen people can always step into those. And I do those, I have calls every week on the same day and but I don't have them on the last week of the month. So every month, I have a week where I do at least Zoom calls as possible because I noticed that for me to create to create something like this, like a podcast, my marketing materials, my online course content to keep studying and evolving myself, to have time for my physical, my spiritual practices, my yoga, my meditation, my qigong, all those things, I need time of Zoom, and I need time for me. And sometimes I need a whole day where I say, today, I'm just recording podcasts, Or today, I'm just recording new course content. Or today, I'm working on on my the involvement of my messaging.

Relinde Moors:

Like, whatever it is, those creative, like, really creating new things, I need space for that. And I often cannot really switch tasks in that too much. So I really created a rhythm in my year and in my months and in my weeks that works for me. So I have only 2 days with Zoom calls with clients a week. And then the last week of the month, I have none.

Relinde Moors:

I just have calls with my team, or I might have a podcast interview or maybe a sales call or something like that. But I do not, but I take a break from from any type of other calls. So that is, for me, super important, and that allows me to travel. So those days are good days to travel. Right?

Relinde Moors:

Because I do not have commitments that I made. And if I would have, we would communicate it very early on so people know it in our schedule. So that is one thing for me. So creating a schedule. I like to say create your CEO schedule, have a rhythm in your months and in your weeks that if you have clients that are, cons you know, coaching clients for longer term, you maybe have, like, I what is my favorite model is a high value, group coaching, program.

Relinde Moors:

That is what I teach my clients as well as one of the main possibilities for them to create a freedom based business that makes, a lot of impact that really helps and serves their clients in the highest and best way, but also gives them lots of freedom, for example, for traveling, and in that creating rhythm. So that was my first thing. So, created rhythm. I'm going to Bali. Now in that rhythm, slight hiccup with that.

Relinde Moors:

My coaching goals are usually a bit in the afternoon. I have some clients from the US, so I wanna make sure that I have goals, that suit our time zone, and that was in a time zone in Bali, and had me work a couple of times past midnight because I didn't wanna mess with the schedule. I wanted to keep it consistent. And I thought, oh, well, I can do that. I will be next day laying at the pool, and that was okay, and rest.

Relinde Moors:

So that's what I did. So then when I look for a location, you know, I'm like, okay. I go to Bali. Where am I gonna stay? I've lived in Bali, so I kinda know it.

Relinde Moors:

I know what kind of, accommodations I can expect, what I should look out for. And this time I had a little bit more of a budget than I would have had 10 years ago. So I chose a beautiful hotel. I made sure it was somewhere where I could have a quiet room, where I knew that I had good Internet and where I knew I had enough space. So I had a little desk, a working area, and where I know I would just not be a problem if I am working until midnight, because it is very not, how do you say?

Relinde Moors:

Like, the walls are thin or something, and I keep the neighbors away. I just knew I'm going to place that as solid, and I decided that I wanted to because I had a couple of weeks that I really wanted to get some work done, which was my decision. I really wanted to do that. I took off for 1 week, but then the other weeks, I did, do some work. And I decided I wanted a nice hotel with a pool, where I could, you know, have working days that still felt like a holiday.

Relinde Moors:

And that was really beautiful. And I happen to know in body that it's very easy to order in some really great food and all that. So I what I do is I take out all the the things that might take time. So if I say, like, I want to go and cook and, like, go shopping and I have to do all these things, so I have to spend time and all kinds of other things that would have taken time away for me for, like, having a holiday and working. So now what I did is to work a couple of hours a day, but then really have everything taken out of my hands so that I can have, you know, pool time and time with friends, and go for dinner and like, and go to yoga class and all these beautiful things.

Relinde Moors:

So that is something that I looked at. Then what do I take? So in my bag, you will always find, of course, my laptop. I have now a I have a microphone. I was wondering, I'm sure I was, like, about to record this, and I was, like, I'm sure there's something smaller and easier to take, but I still travel with my BlueJET microphone.

Relinde Moors:

I have that one for a long time. I like to take it. It fits in my hand luggage. And I take it, and, I just value having good sound. So I take that with me or I set if I wanna record online course content or podcast, I do have a group microphone with me.

Relinde Moors:

I have a camera. I have a camera that is, you know, a webcam, but it's the Lumina webcam. And it helps me because it can handle, I would say, lots of different light, you know, levels of light. If it's dark, it's you can, like, set it quite easily, for it to still pick up a lot of light. If there's backlight, it can deal with it.

Relinde Moors:

So all that. So I just have my small little, webcam. I have my Blue Jetty microphone, my MacBook. I did actually take my mouse and external keyboard so that I still sit healthily, that my MacBook, you know, I just stacked it up on top of some books. And and that is how I do create, like, really a working space, like a desk for myself in my hotel room.

Relinde Moors:

Let me see. Is there anything else that I look at? Well, of course, I've already said that. Great Internet. The moment I arrived at the airport, I got myself an esim this time, so you can get a SIM card or an esim so that you have Internet in the country, like, wherever I go, and it doesn't it is in Europe or the US where I can use my Dutch Internet.

Relinde Moors:

I get myself a SIM card. Because that means if I'm in a hotel or in a space, can always happen that Internet isn't flawless. I have a hotspot from my phone, and I can actually just consistently continue on the Internet because that is one of the things, you know, that is just the highest and important way. And besides that so this is how I can still be available and still work when I'm somewhere else, but then there's other things that I set and forget. So emails that go out, we have 3 emails a week that go out to my clients.

Relinde Moors:

They are scheduled in, and my assistant actually does that, but I make sure that all that is done when I'm gone. So those things go out even when my time zone changes and or I'm doing something else or I forget what day of week it is because I was traveling. Those things just continue on, and I make sure that my assistant gets any other of the things that need to happen. We have some guests, I would say assistant coaches in my courses that teach on specific topics. And they were teaching, in the, parts partially in the weeks that I was away.

Relinde Moors:

So I took 1 week completely off to join a yoga teacher training, and I didn't have any time to work. And then is when, you know, other people teach in the community. So my clients still get their, valuable time within the trainings, but I am not I'm not doing it. So those are all kind of things that permit me to go away without having too big of a gap. Then on the other side, on the marketing side, we make sure that there's content prepared, that content goes out even when I am not posting.

Relinde Moors:

I think I only did my stories, in the time that I was there because I didn't want to spend too much time, writing and creating content. And I said, okay. I'll make I'll use all the beautiful material and the reels and all that when I am back in this case. But I could have also, of course, gotten a team member in to do that while I am laying on the beach. So here's some ideas on how to travel and still get things running, still keep things running and still keep things going.

Relinde Moors:

Now another addition that I have now since, a short time is that we have ads running, and the ads always run. So when even when I'm not actively lead generating, I'm not act actively getting a new clients, The ads still run, and people still get into my world even when I'm doing something else. And that feels like just the most lush and amazing, addition. And when it will come to the podcast so the podcast is quite new. But when I would if I would travel right now and the podcast would have to go out, I would batch it beforehand and make sure that it is all ready and done and produced before I'm out and it's scheduled in.

Relinde Moors:

And I can have most of it done by my assistant so that things still go out even when I am traveling. And other things take up my time, and I wanna work a little bit less hours in the week or in a day. I hope this has given you inspiration. I think it's the best feeling to be able to travel, to do what you love, to get soak up like sun or go, like, whatever. Maybe you go to the snow or visit family or friends or whatever it is and still have your business running, not having it in a collapse.

Relinde Moors:

So this is really something for you to start over time, building more and more that things continue even though when you turn your, when you turn your attention somewhere else, for example, traveling. And I think that your business I always say your business you are not your business. Your business is a separate entity. It has a body of its own. It has a heart.

Relinde Moors:

It has lungs. It has a blood flow and an energy flow, and it needs to eat. And all of that, it comes in, you know, as a metaphor for in order for your business hard to continue beating, you do wanna create some systems. You wanna create processes. You wanna maybe have a team member and assistance.

Relinde Moors:

Things that go on while you do something else. Because I meet a lot of people that think that they are their business, and then may have moments where things are really flowing and clients are flowing in and things are working out great. And then when they turn their attention somewhere else or they're traveling or there's something else going on in their lives, then everything falls you know, collapses, basically. And then after that, they have to build the momentum again. And what I can highly recommend is to over time, create more and more pillars, create more and more, rhythm and, systems and structures in your business that give you freedom.

Relinde Moors:

So where some people think, yeah, but it it doesn't give me freedom if I have to build structures or create, I don't know, automations or things like that. I know it's not the most sexy thing. But when you have that, you actually create freedom for yourself. And this prompts me to say something because I sometimes see leaders in the space or people that have quite a big audience, and they speak a lot about just doing things from the heart and what flows and what you want. And then people like, oh, yeah.

Relinde Moors:

That's what I want, and I just wanna do only what is inspired. And then these same people, I recently it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna say any names, and I'm not shaming or blaming anybody here. But just seeing somebody with that messaging, and they have such a big audience, and making multiple 7 figures, and so many people buying their smaller and their bigger courses. And then they act like, oh, I'm just doing anything I want and being on a holiday and being on travels and just working a couple of, you know, maybe even an hour a day and and just doing these things.

Relinde Moors:

And I'm really like, oh my gosh. It's so amazing. And then I look at how everything is, you know, how everything is organized, and I'm getting multiple emails a week from them or even sometimes more a day. And I see their, social media goes out and their podcasts and their courses and their billing and everything is happening. I'm like, there's a ton of structure here.

Relinde Moors:

There's a ton of automations here. There's a ton of tech behind theirs. There's a ton of team behind this. You know? And, I don't want you to think that you can have just freedom and whatever floats your boat all the time without saying you need to also have the structure and the foundations in place.

Relinde Moors:

And that will just not be fair. You know? And it can take time to build that because, honestly, in order to build team and structure and and procedures and all these things, you need some cash flow. Yeah. You need money coming in because you need to create these things.

Relinde Moors:

You need to hire people. You need to pay those people. And that's why I don't want this to look like, you know, just do whatever you want, and then it will all flow and happen automatically. No. Those are things that you build over time.

Relinde Moors:

And then over time, it gets easier and easier because now you have a team member who knows how to send emails, and they do that for you. Or maybe you have a copywriter who exactly knows your voice and can create emails for you and your team member schedules them in, And it all happens while you only had to maybe make a couple of tweaks to the emails. So things can go easier over time. And in the beginning, you're doing sometimes everything yourself, you know, and oftentimes, let's say. And that is not the moment where you actually already have all that freedom because everything is leaning and depending on you.

Relinde Moors:

If you don't do it, it doesn't happen. If you don't do it, sales are not coming in. And that is what you wanna work towards in your business. You wanna work towards a place where things happen even if you're not doing it. So that and that is something that stacks and builds over time.

Relinde Moors:

And with that, I mean, automations, systems, having software and things in place, doesn't matter exactly which. I mean, I can tell you what I use, but it's really about, like, what you build and choose and stick with. And having team members creating rhythm in your days, in your weeks, in your marketing, in your delivery of your programs, having solid, you know, vision on what you offer, what your pricing is, how your programs are structured, and all that together, knowing how you want it and doing it that way, all that together creates freedom. That together creates, a wish you lots of freedom if that is for your travels and, moments away from your business where things still flow. And, thank you so much for listening to this podcast.

Relinde Moors:

And I will see you in hear you in the next episode. Thank you for joining us today on the choosing ease podcast. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect. And I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review. Join me next time, as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius.

Relinde Moors:

You are destined for greatness. And through the Choosing Ease podcast, I'm here to help you own your unique wisdom and share it with the world. Until next time. Keep choosing Ease.