Sixth Door to the Left

Listen to The Morbid Forest

A criminal is pondering his life and how he ended up in prison while writing a letter to his estranged father…

Content Warnings:
  • Cancer mention
  • Crime
  • Car crash mentioned
  • Bullying
  • Imprisonment
  • manipulation



Pelle Frid as The Shade

Devyn Boer as The Artist

Heizema as The Announcer


Written by: Pelle Frid

Directed by: Pelle Frid

Sound Design: Pelle Frid

Artwork by: Yendysear 

Divine Rodentia Studios logo: Zacharias Frid

Sound Consultation: Edward the Sound Guy

Sound effects taken from various sources, including FilmCow,Pond5, pixabay and

Find out more about the cast&crew  

For all things Divine Rodentia Studios you can visit our website

This has been a production by Divine Rodentia Studios, copyright 2024

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What is Sixth Door to the Left?

Sixth Door to the Left is a infrequently updated fiction anthology feed for short stories that needs to be told. Tone may vary greatly, as we ask the question: What’s behind door number 6?

Sixth Door to the Left is a Divine Rodentia Studios production. Find out more about Divine Rodentia Studios

Before today’s episode, I’ve got
another trailer to share

morbid forest is a horror anthology
currently airing their 5th season.

It is a lovely, chilling show that is
guaranteed to make you shiver

and disgust you,

and season 5 is going to be
their biggest season yet.

In their 10th episode this season, you’ll be
able to hear me do my best performance

but enough talking. Here is: The Morbid Forest

[Forest ambiance]

[Spider Crawling]


Why, greetings, my dear traveler.

I see my sweet pet Larry has guided you
right to where you need to be.

Oh? Where are you, you ask?

*Evil Laugh*

This is the morbid forest.
Come. Sit by the fire for a while

and let Ranger Harper regale
you with a tale to truly terrify.

The Morbid Forest is a horror
fiction anthology podcast.

New episodes release every Tuesday
on your favorite podcast streaming app.

So, stay close to the Ranger or you'll find
yourself trapped within the Morbid Forest.

[Forest ambiance fades]

That was The Morbid forest. You can
listen anywhere you find your podcasts.

Now, today’s episode:
A Criminal Confession

This episode contain elements that
 could be sensitive to some individuals,

including crime and mentions of cancer. 
See the shownotes for additional details.

[Jail ambiance]

I don't really know how to begin this letter.

*Writing on paper*

I've recently been... gifted
a tremendous amount of time to think,

and I do not need to worry about
paying rent. Dream come true, right?

Well, my current, um, residence
leaves a lot to be desired. I do not

recommend it, even from this position
of relative shelter from the capitalistic

hellscape of the outside

Whatever is going on is, for now 
at least, not really my problem.

I'm rambling, but if I don't
write this BS down I might go insane.

I'm thankful the guards don't see me
as a security risk, otherwise they

would have assumed this pencil was to
be used as a improvisational shank or

something, I don't know. I've seen
too many prison movies, but that's

neither here nor there and yet again,
not really relevant. *writing stops*

Okay, I better
get started. The Iliad wasn't

written by beating around the bush and
feeling sorry for oneself, or maybe

it was. Hah. It's not like I can just
look it up, but... okay, scratch all this

*paper being balled up and thrown in the trash*

Okay, let's

try this shit again. *writing 
resumes* *inmate screaming*

When I was 6 or 7 my mother got sick,

and while she

survived the cancer I didn't know
that would be the case at the time. I

ended up in the wrong crowd, picked
fights with everyone.

By the time I was a teenager I had
lost count over how many teeth I

had... let's say "liberated" from mouth prisons.
I ran away from home at 16, blaming

my mother for my shortcomings in a
way I really regret now, but she's

been in the grave for years at this
point, and I'd like to say my

tendencies for violence is what did
her in. I would never raise a fist

towards her, lest anyone thinks
otherwise. I think it's more of a

psychological thing, breaking her
heart every time I broke someone's face,

or something like that. Things 
could have been a whole lot worse,

but that's when she, the artist, found me.

Like me, she didn't have the best
circumstances in life, but where I

would punch my way into and out of
problems, her style was that of

ruthless manipulation. We became
instant friends, deciding to join

forces and formed the Shade Duo, the
most notorious criminals this small

town had ever seen. Where I would
leave a broken nose, she would find

ways to manipulate the teachers into
inadvertently enacting her revenges

and solve petty squabbles. I was once
the victim of such a manipulation,

although I didn't know it at the
time. I was accused of having thrown

a rock through a window, and the
teachers just assumed it was me.

After all, that's what I did, I broke
stuff. They said they had a witness

pinning me at the location, even
though I was inside trying to break

into the cafeteria vending machine.
There was no use arguing and I was

forced to pay for the repairs. Having
no money, I started turning the nerds

upside down and shake them until
money came out. Now, even my

thick skull realized that nerds alone
would never make a dent in the debt I

had incurred, I needed a plan.
Thankfully, there she was. *writing stops*

[Prison fades]
[schoolyard ambiance]

THE ARTIST (teenager):
I heard you needed to find some quick money

THE SHADE (teenager):
Where did you hear that?

THE ARTIST (teenager):
Come on dude, everyone knows you

broke the window. Stuff like that is

THE SHADE (teenager):
Leave me alone.

THE ARTIST (teenager):
I've got a proposition for you.

THE SHADE (teenager):
How so?

THE ARTIST (teenager):
The corner store doesn't have cameras

and I know the combination to their
safe. I tell you how to get in, and

we split the profits 50/50.

THE SHADE (teenager):
What's in it for me?

THE ARTIST (teenager):
Do you have any idea what kind of

money they are moving? If we do this,

we'd live like kings. We could afford
anything, do whatever we wanted.

THE SHADE (teenager):
And what's to stop me from doing it

alone? I could empty the safe and not
tell you.

THE ARTIST (teenager):
You won't do that, because I'd know

it was you. We'd make a great team.
Acquiring knowledge is my specialty.

[schoolyard fades]

[prison resumes]
*writing resumes*

THE SHADE (current day):
She was right, of course. She usually

is. And so it happened, one slow
Saturday night. She had all the

details planned out, employee
schedules, the combination,


She had been planning this for a
while, and it went perfectly.

One hundred thousand SEK, roughly 10
thousand dollars, split evenly

between us. I didn't think it would
cause the shop owner to close down,

or I did and flat out didn't care.
That was our first heist together,

and after getting a taste for the
thrill, we were soon planning out

another. The school was suspicious
when I paid of the debt in full,

doubly so when the news broke about
the corner store, but by then we were

long gone, leaving the town for the
capitol. And man was Stockholm

wonderful. Nobody knew us, we could
blend in easily and there was enough

crime that nobody would think twice
about us. She was a couple of years

older and had her own car. We were
unstoppable, but of course it didn't

take long before our money was gone.
Turns out a hundred thousand wasn't

that much money when that's all you
had. *writing stops*

*PA jingle*

All inmates are to follow the

directions from the guards. Failure

to comply will be noted and can
result in lost privileges and extended sentencing.

THE SHADE (speaking over announcement): Yeah yeah yeah, all inmates, 
blah blah blah, whatever.

*writing resumes* Our next 
scheme was a bit more involved.

I cannot begin to fathom how she
pulled it off, but the end to our

stay in Stockholm was quickly
approaching. We needed cash, fast.

She staged an accident, wrecking our
car, the one permanent home we had. I

was furious with her but she told me
not to worry, everything would work

out in the end. She made it look as
though we had both perished in the

crash, and finagled our life
insurance to get to a account we

controlled rather than to our next of kin.

I visited a ungodly amount of
ATMs that week. 3.7 million SEK, just

like that. Her gamble had paid off,
but I was growing suspicious.

It was a incredibly dangerous stunt
she pulled off,and now we no longer

had a way of legally driving, or do
anything, for that matter. She failed

to consider the consequences of being
legally dead, but we kept at it. We

did so many heists it was kind of
unbelievable, until our Magnum Opus.

The year was 2009, and we were
bringing out all the stops for that one

We had acquired a helicopter,

took great pains to have the police
grounded before moving on to the G4S

cash service depot in Västberga,
Stockholm. The robbery went off

without a hitch, we rappelled down a
skylight and was on our way again

within minutes. Me and her wasn't on
site, but had planned the whole thing

and would make sure the booty was
kept safe after the fact. Everybody

involved, except the two of us got
arrested after the fact, but that was

only the beginning of the end for me.
Soon after the heist, she disappeared

on me with all the money. I feared
the worst, in light of the fate of

our colleagues. Was she arrested?
Fled the country? Laying low? After a

few weeks of this I was very annoyed
and happened to find her at a bar. I

approached her, consumed by a rage I
had not felt since I was a child. I

held my tongue however, keeping the
worst of it inside, and approached.

*writing stops*
[prison ambiance stops] [Bar ambiance]

I-is that you? The artist?

That's not a name

I really go by

Well, where have you

been? I feared
they had gotten to you.

I had some stuff to take care of,

none of your business.

We have been working together for a

decade, you have not once left like

Don't take that tone with me. My life

is my own, and yours is yours. I do
not come here making demands on you,

do I? If you have issues with how I
operate I suggest you keep them to

yourself and try not to test my

I thought I  deserved at least...

You assumed wrong.

Okay, but what about the money?

It's always

money with you. I have it
secured and I was gonna come find you

and show you, but now I don't feel
like it anymore. Goodbye forever.

[Bar ambiance stops]

*writing continues*
[prison ambiance resumes*

And that was that. I didn't hear from

her again, and when I tried to press
her on the money thing, her two

bodyguards made it clear to me the
conversation was over.

I could have taken them, and I'm sure
she was counting on that, but I left

instead. I surly would have been
arrested and I knew when to call it

quits. I didn't have much of an idea

where to go from there, I had no
marketable skills and without The

Artist there was simply no way I
could construct a heist like we had

grown accustomed to. Money was
running out quick, I had to do

something. That's when I felt a hand
on my shoulder. A police officer.

They told me that I was under arrest
for involvement in, well, everything.

I later found out that our shared
bank accounts had been emptied and

that she had pinned it all on me. The
insurance fraud, the banks we had

emptied, even the corner store job. A
anonymous tip was all it took and I

was a dead man walking. I was never
even supposed to make it out of the

helicopter job, she was cutting ties
and I was left with nothing.

So, now you know my story. It wasn't
supposed to turn out like this, I

know it hurt you to learn of my
supposed car crash, and hearing it

took Mom's life... I hope you find it
in your heart to forgive me. I will

spend the rest of my days behind
bars, all I ask is that you come

visit. I hope I can still have a
relationship with my father, after all these years.

*writing stops*
*paper crumbles*

Fuck, I can't send that. I put myself
in this position by trusting her, I

do not need to bring anyone else down
with my crap. What's done is done,

picking at the scabs any more than
this will just make things worse.

Better for the world if I just keep
to myself...

*PA Jingle*

A Criminal Confession was narrated, written,

directed and edited by Pelle Frid, with 
consultation from Edward the sound guy.

The Artist was played by Devyn Boer.

The PA system was Heizhima, with
sound effects taken from various sources,

the Sixth door to the Left 
Cover was created by Yendysear.

The Divine Rodentia Studios Logo 
was created by Zacharias Frid.

To find out more about our cast and crew
or Divine Rodentia Studios,

please visit our website

Creating art is expensive, if you have
the means to do so a one-time donation

to our ko-fi page would
be greatly appreciated.

This has been a production
by Divine Rodentia Studios